path: root/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi/signup.cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi/signup.cgi')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi/signup.cgi b/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi/signup.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b236e6fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_signup/FS-SignupClient/cgi/signup.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+# $Id: signup.cgi,v 1.15 2001-09-27 21:37:57 ivan Exp $
+use strict;
+use vars qw( @payby $cgi $locales $packages $pops $error
+ $last $first $ss $company $address1 $address2 $city $state $county
+ $country $zip $daytime $night $fax $invoicing_list $payby $payinfo
+ $paydate $payname $referral_custnum
+ $pkgpart $username $password $popnum
+ $ieak_file $ieak_template $cck_file $cck_template
+ $signup_html $signup_template $success_html $success_template
+ $ac $exch $loc
+ $self_url
+ );
+use subs qw( print_form print_okay expselect signup_default success_default );
+use CGI;
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+use HTTP::Headers::UserAgent 2.00;
+use FS::SignupClient 0.02 qw( signup_info new_customer );
+use Text::Template;
+#acceptable payment methods
+#@payby = qw( CARD BILL COMP );
+#@payby = qw( CARD BILL );
+#@payby = qw( CARD );
+@payby = qw( CARD PREPAY );
+$ieak_file = '/usr/local/freeside/ieak.template';
+$cck_file = '/usr/local/freeside/cck.template';
+$signup_html = '/usr/local/freeside/signup.html';
+$success_html = '/usr/local/freeside/success.html';
+if ( -e $ieak_file ) {
+ my $ieak_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($ieak_file)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $ieak_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $ieak_txt = $1;
+ $ieak_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $ieak_txt )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $ieak_template = '';
+if ( -e $cck_file ) {
+ my $cck_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($cck_file)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $cck_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $cck_txt = $1;
+ $cck_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $cck_txt )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $cck_template = '';
+if ( -e $signup_html ) {
+ my $signup_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($signup_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $signup_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $signup_txt = $1;
+ $signup_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $signup_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ]
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $signup_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &signup_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ]
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+if ( -e $success_html ) {
+ my $success_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($success_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $success_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $success_txt = $1;
+ $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $success_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &success_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+( $locales, $packages, $pops ) = signup_info();
+$cgi = new CGI;
+if ( defined $cgi->param('magic') ) {
+ if ( $cgi->param('magic') eq 'process' ) {
+ $cgi->param('state') =~ /^(\w*)( \(([\w ]+)\))? ?\/ ?(\w+)$/
+ or die "Oops, illegal \"state\" param: ". $cgi->param('state');
+ $state = $1;
+ $county = $3 || '';
+ $country = $4;
+ $payby = $cgi->param('payby');
+ $payinfo = $cgi->param( $payby. '_payinfo' );
+ $paydate =
+ $cgi->param( $payby. '_month' ). '-'. $cgi->param( $payby. '_year' );
+ $payname = $cgi->param( $payby. '_payname' );
+ if ( $invoicing_list = $cgi->param('invoicing_list') ) {
+ $invoicing_list .= ', POST' if $cgi->param('invoicing_list_POST');
+ } else {
+ $invoicing_list = 'POST';
+ }
+ $error = new_customer ( {
+ 'last' => $last = $cgi->param('last'),
+ 'first' => $first = $cgi->param('first'),
+ 'ss' => $ss = $cgi->param('ss'),
+ 'company' => $company = $cgi->param('company'),
+ 'address1' => $address1 = $cgi->param('address1'),
+ 'address2' => $address2 = $cgi->param('address2'),
+ 'city' => $city = $cgi->param('city'),
+ 'county' => $county,
+ 'state' => $state,
+ 'zip' => $zip = $cgi->param('zip'),
+ 'country' => $country,
+ 'daytime' => $daytime = $cgi->param('daytime'),
+ 'night' => $night = $cgi->param('night'),
+ 'fax' => $fax = $cgi->param('fax'),
+ 'payby' => $payby,
+ 'payinfo' => $payinfo,
+ 'paydate' => $paydate,
+ 'payname' => $payname,
+ 'invoicing_list' => $invoicing_list,
+ 'referral_custnum' => $referral_custnum = $cgi->param('ref'),
+ 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart = $cgi->param('pkgpart'),
+ 'username' => $username = $cgi->param('username'),
+ '_password' => $password = $cgi->param('_password'),
+ 'popnum' => $popnum = $cgi->param('popnum'),
+ } );
+ if ( $error ) {
+ print_form();
+ } else {
+ print_okay();
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "unrecognized magic: ". $cgi->param('magic');
+ }
+} else {
+ $error = '';
+ $last = '';
+ $first = '';
+ $ss = '';
+ $company = '';
+ $address1 = '';
+ $address2 = '';
+ $city = '';
+ $state = '';
+ $county = '';
+ $country = '';
+ $zip = '';
+ $daytime = '';
+ $night = '';
+ $fax = '';
+ $invoicing_list = '';
+ $payby = '';
+ $payinfo = '';
+ $paydate = '';
+ $payname = '';
+ $pkgpart = '';
+ $username = '';
+ $password = '';
+ $popnum = '';
+ $referral_custnum = $cgi->param('ref') || '';
+ print_form;
+sub print_form {
+ $cgi->delete('ref');
+ $self_url = $cgi->self_url;
+ $error = "Error: $error" if $error;
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $signup_template->fill_in();
+sub print_okay {
+ my $user_agent = new HTTP::Headers::UserAgent $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT};
+ $cgi->param('username') =~ /^(.+)$/
+ or die "fatal: invalid username got past FS::SignupClient::new_customer";
+ my $username = $1;
+ $cgi->param('_password') =~ /^(.+)$/
+ or die "fatal: invalid password got past FS::SignupClient::new_customer";
+ my $password = $1;
+ ( $cgi->param('first'). ' '. $cgi->param('last') ) =~ /^(.*)$/
+ or die "fatal: invalid email_name got past FS::SignupCLient::new_customer";
+ my $email_name = $1;
+ my $pop = pop_info($cgi->param('popnum'))
+ or die "fatal: invalid popnum got past FS::SignupClient::new_customer";
+ ( $ac, $exch, $loc ) = ( $pop->{'ac'}, $pop->{'exch'}, $pop->{'loc'} );
+ if ( $ieak_template
+ && $user_agent->platform eq 'ia32'
+ && $user_agent->os =~ /^win/
+ && ($user_agent->browser)[0] eq 'IE'
+ )
+ { #send an IEAK config
+ print $cgi->header('application/x-Internet-signup'),
+ $ieak_template->fill_in();
+ } elsif ( $cck_template
+ && $user_agent->platform eq 'ia32'
+ && $user_agent->os =~ /^win/
+ && ($user_agent->browser)[0] eq 'Netscape'
+ )
+ { #send a Netscape config
+ my $cck_data = $cck_template->fill_in();
+ print $cgi->header('application/x-netscape-autoconfigure-dialer-v2'),
+ map {
+ m/(.*)\s+(.*)$/;
+ pack("N", length($1)). $1. pack("N", length($2)). $2;
+ } split(/\n/, $cck_data);
+ } else { #send a simple confirmation
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $success_template->fill_in();
+ }
+sub pop_info {
+ my $popnum = shift;
+ my $pop;
+ foreach $pop ( @{$pops} ) {
+ if ( $pop->{'popnum'} == $popnum ) { return $pop; }
+ }
+ '';
+#horrible false laziness with FS/FS/
+sub popselector {
+ my( $popnum, $state ) = @_;
+ my %pop = ();
+ push @{ $pop{$_->{state}} }, $_ foreach @$pops;
+ my $text = <<END;
+ function opt(what,href,text) {
+ var optionName = new Option(text, href, false, false)
+ var length = what.length;
+ what.options[length] = optionName;
+ }
+ function popstate_changed(what) {
+ state = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
+ for (var i = what.form.popnum.length;i > 0;i--)
+ what.form.popnum.options[i] = null;
+ what.form.popnum.options[0] = new Option("", "", false, true);
+ foreach my $popstate ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %pop ) {
+ $text .= "\nif ( state == \"$popstate\" ) {\n";
+ foreach my $pop ( @{$pop{$popstate}}) {
+ my $o_popnum = $pop->{popnum};
+ my $poptext = $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
+ ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch};
+ $text .= "opt(what.form.popnum, \"$o_popnum\", \"$poptext\");\n"
+ }
+ $text .= "}\n";
+ }
+ $text .= "}\n</SCRIPT>\n";
+ $text .=
+ qq!<SELECT NAME="popstate" SIZE=1 onChange="popstate_changed(this)">!.
+ qq!<OPTION> !;
+ $text .= "<OPTION>$_" foreach sort { $a cmp $b } keys %pop;
+ $text .= '</SELECT>'; #callback? return 3 html pieces? #'</TD><TD>';
+ $text .= qq!<SELECT NAME="popnum" SIZE=1><OPTION> !;
+ foreach my $pop ( @$pops ) {
+ $text .= qq!<OPTION VALUE="!. $pop->{popnum}. '"'.
+ ( ( $popnum && $pop->{popnum} == $popnum ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ). ">".
+ $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
+ ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch};
+ }
+ $text .= '</SELECT>';
+ $text;
+sub expselect {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $date = shift || '';
+ my( $m, $y ) = ( 0, 0 );
+ if ( $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-\d{2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format
+ ( $m, $y ) = ( $2, $1 );
+ } elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) {
+ ( $m, $y ) = ( $1, $3 );
+ }
+ my $return = qq!<SELECT NAME="$prefix!. qq!_month" SIZE="1">!;
+ for ( 1 .. 12 ) {
+ $return .= "<OPTION";
+ $return .= " SELECTED" if $_ == $m;
+ $return .= ">$_";
+ }
+ $return .= qq!</SELECT>/<SELECT NAME="$prefix!. qq!_year" SIZE="1">!;
+ for ( 2001 .. 2037 ) {
+ $return .= "<OPTION";
+ $return .= " SELECTED" if $_ == $y;
+ $return .= ">$_";
+ }
+ $return .= "</SELECT>";
+ $return;
+sub success_default { #html to use if you don't specify a success file
+ <<'END';
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Signup successful</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Signup successful</FONT><BR><BR>
+Thanks for signing up!
+sub signup_default { #html to use if you don't specify a template file
+ <<'END';
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup form</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="process">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ref" VALUE="<%= $referral_custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="">
+Contact Information
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Contact name<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last" VALUE="<%= $last %>">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="first" VALUE="<%= $first %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $company %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address1 %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address2 %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="<%= $city %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>State/Country</TH>
+ <TD><SELECT NAME="state" SIZE="1">
+ <%=
+ foreach ( @{$locales} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if ( $state eq $_->{'state'}
+ && $county eq $_->{'county'}
+ && $country eq $_->{'country'}
+ );
+ $OUT .= '>'. $_->{'state'};
+ $OUT .= ' ('. $_->{'county'}. ')' if $_->{'county'};
+ $OUT .= ' / '. $_->{'country'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="<%= $zip %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="daytime" VALUE="<%= $daytime %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="night" VALUE="<%= $night %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fax" VALUE="<%= $fax %>" SIZE=12></TD>
+</TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields<BR>
+<BR>Billing information<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST"';
+ my @invoicing_list = split(', ', $invoicing_list );
+ $OUT .= ' CHECKED'
+ if ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list;
+ $OUT .= '>';
+ %>
+ Postal mail invoice
+<TR><TD>Email invoice <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } split(', ', $invoicing_list ) ) %>">
+<TR><TD>Billing type</TD></TR></TABLE>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ my %payby = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", "12-2037"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="Accounts Payable">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP"),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ my %paybychecked = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP", $paydate),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ for (@payby) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD VALIGN=TOP><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_"!;
+ if ($payby eq $_) {
+ $OUT .= qq! CHECKED> $paybychecked{$_}</TD>!;
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!> $payby{$_}</TD>!;
+ }
+ }
+ %>
+</TR></TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields for each billing type
+<BR><BR>First package
+ <TD COLSPAN=2><SELECT NAME="pkgpart"><OPTION VALUE="">(none)
+ <%=
+ foreach my $package ( @{$packages} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $package->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $pkgpart && $package->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $package->{'pkg'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Username</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="_password" VALUE="<%= $password %>">
+ (blank to generate)</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD>
+ <TD><%= popselector($popnum) %></TD>
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Signup">