path: root/fs_selfservice/fri/includes/display.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fs_selfservice/fri/includes/display.php')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/fri/includes/display.php b/fs_selfservice/fri/includes/display.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41d8dc5f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/fri/includes/display.php
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * @file
+ * Functions common to display
+ */
+ * Display
+ */
+class Display {
+ /**
+ * display constructor
+ */
+ function Display() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * display text header
+ *
+ * @param $text
+ * Header text to display
+ */
+ function displayHeaderText($text) {
+ $ret = "<h2>" . $text . "</h2>
+ <br>";
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * displays header line
+ */
+ function displayLine() {
+ $ret = "
+ <div id='line'>
+ <div class='spacer'></div>
+ <div class='spacer'></div>
+ </div>
+ <br>";
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ * DisplaySearch
+ */
+class DisplaySearch extends Display {
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ function DisplaySearch() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * displays search controls
+ *
+ * @param $align
+ * where to align the control
+ * @param $q
+ * search query
+ * @param $focus
+ * whether to focus control on this block
+ */
+ function displaySearchBlock($align,$m,$q,$url_opts,$focus) {
+ // align
+ if ($align=='center') {
+ $alignText = "class='bar_center'";
+ }
+ else {
+ $alignText = "class='bar_left'";
+ }
+ // url options
+ foreach ($url_opts as $key => $value) {
+ $option_text .= "<input type=hidden name=" . $key . " value=" . $value . ">";
+ }
+ // build
+ $ret .= "<div " . $alignText . ">
+ <form class='bar' action='" . $_SESSION['ARI_ROOT'] . "' method='GET' name='search'>
+ <input type=hidden name=m value=" . $m . ">
+ <input type=text name=q size=40 value='" . $q . "' maxlength=256>
+ " . $option_text . "
+ <input type=hidden name=start value=0>
+ <input type=submit name=btnS value='" . _("Search") . "'>
+ </form>
+ </div>";
+ if ($focus=="true") { // search block loaded twice usually so only allow javascript to be loaded on the top block
+ $ret .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
+ <!--
+ if ( {
+ }
+ // -->
+ </script>";
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * displays info bar
+ *
+ * @param $controls
+ * controls for the page on the bar
+ * @param $q
+ * search query
+ * @param $start
+ * start number of current page
+ * @param $span
+ * number of items on current page
+ * @param $total
+ * total number of records found by current search
+ */
+ function displayInfoBarBlock($controls,$q,$start,$span,$total) {
+ if ($total<$span) {
+ $span = $total;
+ }
+ $start_count = ($total>0)?$start+1:$start;
+ $span_count = ($start+$span>$total)?$total:$start+$span;
+ if ($controls) {
+ $left_text = $controls;
+ }
+ elseif ($q != NULL) {
+ $left_text = "<small><small>" . _("Searched for") . " <u>" . $q . "</u></small></small>";
+ }
+ if ($span<$total) {
+ $right_text = "<small><small>" . sprintf(_("Results %d - %d of %d"),$start_count,$span_count,$total) . "</small></small>";
+ } else {
+ $right_text = "<small><small>" . sprintf(_("Results %d"),$total) . "</small></small>";
+ }
+ $ret .= "
+ <table id='navbar' width='100%'>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ " . $left_text . "
+ </td>
+ <td align='right'>
+ " . $right_text ."
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>";
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * displays navigation bar
+ *
+ * @param $q
+ * search query
+ * @param $start
+ * start number of current page
+ * @param $span
+ * number of items on current page
+ * @param $total
+ * total number of records found by current search
+ */
+ function displayNavigationBlock($m,$q,$url_opts,$start,$span,$total) {
+ $start = $start=='' ? 0 : $start ;
+ $span = $span=='' ? 15 : $span ;
+ $total_pages = ceil($total/$span);
+ $start_page = floor($start/$span);
+ // if more than ten pages start at this page minus ten otherwise start at zero
+ $begin = ($start_page>10)?($start_page-10):0;
+ // if more than ten pages then stop at this page plus ten otherwise stop at last page
+ $end = ($start_page>8)?($start_page+10):10;
+ // url
+ $unicode_q = urlencode($q); // encode search string
+ foreach ($url_opts as $key => $value) {
+ $option_text .= "&" . $key . "=" . $value;
+ }
+ $url = $_SESSION['ARI_ROOT'] . "?m=" . $m . "&q=" . $unicode_q . $option_text;
+ // build
+ if ($start_page!=0) {
+ $start_page_text = "<a href='" . $url . "&start=0'><small>" . _("First") . "</a>&nbsp;</small>
+ <a href=" . $url . "&start=" . ($start-$span) . "><small><</a>&nbsp;</small>";
+ }
+ for($next_page=$begin;($next_page<$total_pages)&&($next_page<$end);$next_page++) {
+ if ($next_page == $start_page) {
+ $middle_page_text .= "<small>" . ($next_page+1) . "&nbsp;</small>";
+ } else {
+ $middle_page_text .= "<a href='" . $url . "&start=" . ($next_page*$span) . "'><small>" . ($next_page+1) . "</a>&nbsp;</small>";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ($start_page != $total_pages-1) && ($total != 0) ) {
+ $end_page_text = "<a href='" . $url . "&start=" . ($start+$span) . "'><small>></a>&nbsp;</small>
+ <a href='" . $url . "&start=" . ($total_pages-1)*$span . "'><small>" . _("Last") . "</a>&nbsp;</small>";
+ }
+ $ret .= "<div class='bar_center'>
+ " . $start_page_text . "
+ " . $middle_page_text . "
+ " . $end_page_text . "
+ </div>";
+ return $ret;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file