path: root/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi')
-rw-r--r--fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2.pngbin0 -> 3854 bytes
-rw-r--r--fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2_amex.pngbin0 -> 4573 bytes
-rw-r--r--fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/cross.pngbin0 -> 655 bytes
-rw-r--r--fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/wait-orange.gifbin0 -> 1849 bytes
-rw-r--r--fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/map.gifbin0 -> 8181 bytes
104 files changed, 7637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/ach_payment_results.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/ach_payment_results.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cdb65e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/ach_payment_results.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Payment results') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error processing your payment: $error</FONT>!;
+} else {
+ $OUT .= 'Your payment was processed successfully. Thank you.';
+} %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e8de619a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+#some false laziness w/selfservice.cgi
+use strict;
+use vars qw($DEBUG $me $cgi $session_id $form_max $template_dir);
+use subs qw(do_template);
+use CGI;
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+use Business::CreditCard;
+use Text::Template;
+#use HTML::Entities;
+use FS::SelfService qw( agent_login agent_logout agent_info
+ agent_list_customers
+ signup_info new_customer
+ customer_info list_pkgs order_pkg
+ part_svc_info provision_acct provision_external
+ unprovision_svc
+ );
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$me = 'agent.cgi:';
+$template_dir = '.';
+$form_max = 255;
+warn "$me starting\n" if $DEBUG;
+warn "$me initializing CGI\n" if $DEBUG;
+$cgi = new CGI;
+unless ( defined $cgi->param('session') ) {
+ warn "$me no session defined, sending login page\n" if $DEBUG;
+ do_template('agent_login',{});
+ exit;
+if ( $cgi->param('session') eq 'login' ) {
+ warn "$me processing login\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $cgi->param('username') =~ /^\s*([a-z0-9_\-\.\&]{0,$form_max})\s*$/i
+ or die "illegal username";
+ my $username = $1;
+ $cgi->param('password') =~ /^(.{0,$form_max})$/
+ or die "illegal password";
+ my $password = $1;
+ my $rv = agent_login(
+ 'username' => $username,
+ 'password' => $password,
+ );
+ if ( $rv->{error} ) {
+ do_template('agent_login', {
+ 'error' => $rv->{error},
+ 'username' => $username,
+ } );
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ $cgi->param('session' => $rv->{session_id} );
+ $cgi->param('action' => 'agent_main' );
+ }
+$session_id = $cgi->param('session');
+warn "$me checking action\n" if $DEBUG;
+$cgi->param('action') =~
+ /^(agent_main|signup|process_signup|list_customers|view_customer|agent_provision|provision_svc|process_svc_acct|process_svc_external|delete_svc|agent_order_pkg|process_order_pkg|logout)$/
+ or die "unknown action ". $cgi->param('action');
+my $action = $1;
+warn "$me running $action\n" if $DEBUG;
+my $result = eval "&$action();";
+die $@ if $@;
+if ( $result->{error} eq "Can't resume session" ) { #ick
+ do_template('agent_login',{});
+ exit;
+warn "$me processing template $action\n" if $DEBUG;
+do_template($action, {
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ %{$result}
+warn "$me done processing template $action\n" if $DEBUG;
+sub logout {
+ $action = 'agent_logout';
+ agent_logout( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+sub agent_main { agent_info( 'session_id' => $session_id ); }
+sub signup { signup_info( 'session_id' => $session_id ); }
+sub process_signup {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ if ( $init_data->{'error'} ) {
+ if ( $init_data->{'error'} eq "Can't resume session" ) { #ick
+ do_template('agent_login',{});
+ exit;
+ } else { #?
+ die $init_data->{'error'};
+ }
+ }
+ my $error = '';
+ #false laziness w/signup.cgi, identical except for agentnum vs session_id
+ my $payby = $cgi->param('payby');
+ if ( $payby eq 'CHEK' || $payby eq 'DCHK' ) {
+ #$payinfo = join('@', map { $cgi->param( $payby. "_payinfo$_" ) } (1,2) );
+ $cgi->param('payinfo' => $cgi->param($payby. '_payinfo1'). '@'.
+ $cgi->param($payby. '_payinfo2')
+ );
+ } else {
+ $cgi->param('payinfo' => $cgi->param( $payby. '_payinfo' ) );
+ }
+ $cgi->param('paydate' => $cgi->param( $payby. '_month' ). '-'.
+ $cgi->param( $payby. '_year' )
+ );
+ $cgi->param('payname' => $cgi->param( $payby. '_payname' ) );
+ $cgi->param('paycvv' => defined $cgi->param( $payby. '_paycvv' )
+ ? $cgi->param( $payby. '_paycvv' )
+ : ''
+ );
+ if ( $cgi->param('invoicing_list') ) {
+ $cgi->param('invoicing_list' => $cgi->param('invoicing_list'). ', POST')
+ if $cgi->param('invoicing_list_POST');
+ } else {
+ $cgi->param('invoicing_list' => 'POST' );
+ }
+ if ( $cgi->param('_password') ne $cgi->param('_password2') ) {
+ $error = $init_data->{msgcat}{passwords_dont_match}; #msgcat
+ $cgi->param('_password', '');
+ $cgi->param('_password2', '');
+ }
+ if ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ && $cgi->param('CARD_type') ) {
+ my $payinfo = $cgi->param('payinfo');
+ $payinfo =~ s/\D//g;
+ $payinfo =~ /^(\d{13,16})$/
+ or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo;
+ $payinfo = $1;
+ validate($payinfo)
+ or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo;
+ cardtype($payinfo) eq $cgi->param('CARD_type')
+ or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{not_a}. $cgi->param('CARD_type');
+ }
+ unless ( $error ) {
+ my $rv = new_customer ( {
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) }
+ qw( last first ss company
+ address1 address2 city county state zip country
+ daytime night fax
+ ship_last ship_first ship_company
+ ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_county ship_state
+ ship_zip ship_country
+ ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax
+ payby payinfo paycvv paydate payname invoicing_list
+ referral_custnum promo_code reg_code
+ pkgpart username sec_phrase _password popnum refnum
+ ),
+ grep { /^snarf_/ } $cgi->param
+ } );
+ $error = $rv->{'error'};
+ }
+ #eslaf
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $action = 'signup';
+ my $r = {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{$init_data},
+ 'error' => $error,
+ };
+ #warn join('\n', map "$_ => $r->{$_}", keys %$r )."\n";
+ $r;
+ } else {
+ $action = 'agent_main';
+ my $agent_info = agent_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ $agent_info->{'message'} = 'Signup successful';
+ $agent_info;
+ }
+sub list_customers {
+ my $results =
+ agent_list_customers( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) }
+ grep defined($cgi->param($_)),
+ qw(prospect active susp cancel),
+ 'search',
+ );
+ if ( scalar( @{$results->{'customers'}} ) == 1 ) {
+ $action = 'view_customer';
+ customer_info (
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'custnum' => $results->{'customers'}[0]{'custnum'},
+ );
+ } else {
+ $results;
+ }
+sub view_customer {
+ #my $init_data = signup_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ #if ( $init_data->{'error'} ) {
+ # if ( $init_data->{'error'} eq "Can't resume session" ) { #ick
+ # do_template('agent_login',{});
+ # exit;
+ # } else { #?
+ # die $init_data->{'error'};
+ # }
+ #}
+ #
+ #my $customer_info =
+ customer_info (
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'custnum' => $cgi->param('custnum'),
+ );
+ #
+ #return {
+ # ( map { $_ => $init_data->{$_} }
+ # qw( part_pkg security_phrase svc_acct_pop ),
+ # ),
+ # %$customer_info,
+ #};
+sub agent_order_pkg {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ if ( $init_data->{'error'} ) {
+ if ( $init_data->{'error'} eq "Can't resume session" ) { #ick
+ do_template('agent_login',{});
+ exit;
+ } else { #?
+ die $init_data->{'error'};
+ }
+ }
+ my $customer_info = customer_info (
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'custnum' => $cgi->param('custnum'),
+ );
+ return {
+ ( map { $_ => $init_data->{$_} }
+ qw( part_pkg security_phrase svc_acct_pop ),
+ ),
+ %$customer_info,
+ };
+sub agent_provision {
+ my $result = list_pkgs(
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'custnum' => $cgi->param('custnum'),
+ );
+ die $result->{'error'} if exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'};
+ $result;
+sub provision_svc {
+ my $result = part_svc_info(
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( pkgnum svcpart custnum ),
+ );
+ die $result->{'error'} if exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'};
+ $result->{'svcdb'} =~ /^svc_(.*)$/
+ #or return { 'error' => 'Unknown svcdb '. $result->{'svcdb'} };
+ or die 'Unknown svcdb '. $result->{'svcdb'};
+ $action .= "_$1";
+ $action = "agent_$action";
+ $result;
+sub process_svc_acct {
+ my $result = provision_acct (
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw(
+ custnum pkgnum svcpart username _password _password2 sec_phrase popnum )
+ );
+ if ( exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'} ) {
+ #warn "$result $result->{'error'}";
+ $action = 'provision_svc_acct';
+ $action = "agent_$action";
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{ part_svc_info( 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw(pkgnum svcpart custnum)
+ )
+ },
+ 'error' => $result->{'error'},
+ };
+ } else {
+ #warn "$result $result->{'error'}";
+ $action = 'agent_provision';
+ return {
+ %{agent_provision()},
+ 'message' => $result->{'svc'}. ' setup successfully.',
+ };
+ }
+sub process_svc_external {
+ my $result = provision_external (
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( custnum pkgnum svcpart )
+ );
+ #warn "$result $result->{'error'}";
+ $action = 'agent_provision';
+ return {
+ %{agent_provision()},
+ 'message' => $result->{'error'}
+ ? '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $result->{'error'}. '</FONT>'
+ : $result->{'svc'}. ' setup successfully'.
+ ': serial number '.
+ sprintf('%010d', $result->{'id'}). '-'. $result->{'title'}
+ };
+sub delete_svc {
+ my $result = unprovision_svc(
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'custnum' => $cgi->param('custnum'),
+ 'svcnum' => $cgi->param('svcnum'),
+ );
+ $action = 'agent_provision';
+ return {
+ %{agent_provision()},
+ 'message' => $result->{'error'}
+ ? '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $result->{'error'}. '</FONT>'
+ : $result->{'svc'}. ' removed.'
+ };
+sub process_order_pkg {
+ my $results = '';
+ unless ( length($cgi->param('_password')) ) {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ #die $init_data->{'error'} if $init_data->{'error'};
+ $results = { 'error' => $init_data->{msgcat}{empty_password} };
+ }
+ if ( $cgi->param('_password') ne $cgi->param('_password2') ) {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ $results = { 'error' => $init_data->{msgcat}{passwords_dont_match} };
+ $cgi->param('_password', '');
+ $cgi->param('_password2', '');
+ }
+ $results ||= order_pkg (
+ 'agent_session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) }
+ qw( custnum pkgpart username _password _password2 sec_phrase popnum )
+ );
+ if ( $results->{'error'} ) {
+ $action = 'agent_order_pkg';
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{agent_order_pkg()},
+ #'message' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $results->{'error'}. '</FONT>',
+ 'error' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $results->{'error'}. '</FONT>',
+ };
+ } else {
+ $action = 'view_customer';
+ #$cgi->delete( grep { $_ ne 'custnum' } $cgi->param );
+ return {
+ %{view_customer()},
+ 'message' => 'Package order successful.',
+ };
+ }
+sub do_template {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $fill_in = shift;
+ #warn join(' / ', map { "$_=>".$fill_in->{$_} } keys %$fill_in). "\n";
+ $cgi->delete_all();
+ $fill_in->{'selfurl'} = $cgi->self_url; #OLD
+ $fill_in->{'self_url'} = $cgi->self_url;
+ $fill_in->{'cgi'} = \$cgi;
+ my $template = new Text::Template( TYPE => 'FILE',
+ SOURCE => "$template_dir/$name.html",
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ UNTAINT => 1, )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ local $^W = 0;
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_agentcgi',
+ HASH => $fill_in
+ );
+package FS::SelfService::_agentcgi;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use FS::SelfService qw(regionselector expselect popselector);
+#false laziness w/selfservice.cgi
+sub include {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $template = new Text::Template( TYPE => 'FILE',
+ SOURCE => "$main::template_dir/$name.html",
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ UNTAINT => 1,
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_agentcgi',
+ #HASH => $fill_in
+ );
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_customer_menu.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_customer_menu.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..603fc0bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_customer_menu.html
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;custnum=$custnum;action="; ''; %>
+<TD VALIGN="top" HEIGHT=384 BGCOLOR="#dddddd">
+<A HREF="<%= $url %>agent_provision">Setup services</A><BR><BR>
+<A HREF="<%= $url %>agent_order_pkg">Purchase additional package</A><BR><BR>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_delete_svc.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_delete_svc.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63fa127b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_delete_svc.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>MyAccount</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('myaccount_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= $small_custview %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: $error</FONT>!;
+} else {
+ $OUT .= "<FONT SIZE=4>$svc removed.</FONT>";
+} %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_login.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_login.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b0778ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Reseller Login</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller Login</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="login">
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Username </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>">
+ </TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Password </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password">
+ </TD>
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Login">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_logout.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_logout.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98094679a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_logout.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller</FONT><BR><BR>
+You have been logged out.
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_main.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_main.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3aefd61b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_main.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('agent_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= $message
+ ? "<FONT SIZE=\"+2\"><B>$message</B></FONT>"
+ : "Hello $agent!"
+<TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Customer summary</TH></TR>
+<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd">
+ <B><%= $num_prospect %></B>
+ <%= $num_prospect ? qq!<A HREF="${url}list_customers;prospect=1">! : '' %>prospects</A>
+ <BR><FONT COLOR="#00CC00"><B><%= $num_active %></B></FONT>
+ <%= $num_active ? qq!<A HREF="${url}list_customers;active=1">! : '' %>active</A>
+ <BR><FONT COLOR="#FF9900"><B><%= $num_susp %></B></FONT>
+ <%= $num_susp ? qq!<A HREF="${url}list_customers;susp=1">! : '' %>suspended</A>
+ <BR><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><B><%= $num_cancel %></B></FONT>
+ <%= $num_cancel ? qq!<A HREF="${url}list_customers;cancel=1">! : '' %>cancelled</A>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_menu.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_menu.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84a295304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_menu.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<TD VALIGN="top" HEIGHT=384 BGCOLOR="#dddddd">
+<A HREF="<%= $url %>agent_main">Overview</A><BR><BR>
+<A HREF="<%= $url %>signup">New customer<!--/prospect--></A><BR><BR>
+<FORM ACTION="<%= $selfurl %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="list_customers">
+<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="search" SIZE=20><BR>
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search customers"><BR>
+<A HREF="<%= $url %>logout">Logout</A><BR><BR>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_order_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_order_pkg.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18a37e891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_order_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;custnum=$custnum;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('agent_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= $small_custview %>
+<%= include('agent_customer_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= include('order_pkg') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_provision.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_provision.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7f39b513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_provision.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;custnum=$custnum;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('agent_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= $message
+ ? "<FONT SIZE=\"+2\"><B>$message</B></FONT><BR><BR>"
+ : ''
+<%= $small_custview %>
+<%= include('agent_customer_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= include('provision_list') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_provision_svc_acct.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_provision_svc_acct.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a867edb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/agent_provision_svc_acct.html
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;custnum=$custnum;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('agent_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= $small_custview %>
+<%= include('agent_customer_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= include('svc_acct') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/bill.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/bill.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3884e0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/bill.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ <TD ALIGN="right">P.O.&nbsp;number</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=20 VALUE="<%=$payinfo%>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Attention</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=32 MAXLENGTH=80 NAME="payname" VALUE="<%=$payname%>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Postal mail invoice</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="postal_invoicing" VALUE="POST" <%=
+ $postal_invoicing ? 'CHECKED' : ''
+ %>></TD>
+ <TD>Email address(es)</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(',', $invoicing_list ) %>"></TD>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/card.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/card.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7db2b398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/card.html
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Card&nbsp;number</TH>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" SIZE=20 MAXLENGTH=19 VALUE="<%=$payinfo%>"> </TD>
+ <TH>Exp.</TH>
+ <TD>
+ <SELECT NAME="month">
+ <%= for ( ( map "0$_", 1 .. 9 ), 10 .. 12 ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION'. ($_ == $month ? ' SELECTED' : ''). ">$_\n";
+ } %>
+ </TD>
+ <TD> / </TD>
+ <TD>
+ <SELECT NAME="year">
+ <%= my @a = localtime; for ( $a[5]+1900 .. $a[5]+1915 ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION'. ($_ == $year ? ' SELECTED' : ''). ">$_\n";
+ } %>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ </TD>
+ if ( $withcvv ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD ALIGN="right">CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)</TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paycvv" VALUE="" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4></TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!</TR>!;
+ }
+ '';
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Exact&nbsp;name&nbsp;on&nbsp;card</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=6><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=32 MAXLENGTH=80 NAME="payname" VALUE="<%=$payname%>"></TD>
+<%= location_form( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'no_asterisks' => 1,
+ #'address1_label' => 'Card billing address',
+ 'address1_label' => 'Card&nbsp;billing&nbsp;address',
+ )
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_bill.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_bill.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7941971ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_bill.html
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Edit billing address') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: $error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<FORM NAME="ChangeBillForm" ACTION="<%= $selfurl %>" METHOD=POST onSubmit="document.bottomform.submit.disabled=true;">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_change_bill">
+<%= $r=qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!; include('contact') %>
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="<%= $custnum ? "Apply Changes" : "Add Customer" %>">
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_password.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_password.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68b6fd824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_password.html
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Change password') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<FORM ACTION="<%= $selfurl %>" METHOD="POST">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_change_password">
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Change password for account: </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <SELECT NAME="svcnum">
+ <%= foreach my $svc ( @svcs ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $svc->{'svcnum'}. '"'.
+ ( $svc->{'svcnum'} eq $svcnum ? ' SELECTED' : '' ). '>'.
+ $svc->{'label'}. ': '. $svc->{'value'}. "\n";
+ }
+ %>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">New password: </TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="new_password" SIZE="18"></TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Re-enter new password: </TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="new_password2" SIZE="18"></TD>
+ </TR>
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Change password">
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_pay.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_pay.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9633e8920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_pay.html
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Change payment information') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: $error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+ } ''; %>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%=$selfurl%>" onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.process.disabled=true">
+ use Tie::IxHash;
+ use HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers;
+ my $preauto = '<TR><TD COLSPAN=3><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="auto" VALUE="1"';
+ my $postauto = '>Charge future payments to this card automatically</TD></TR>';
+ my $tail = qq(</TABLE><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="$session_id">).
+ qq(<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_change_pay">).
+ qq(<BR>).
+ qq(<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="process" ).
+ qq(VALUE="Save payment information"> ).
+ qq(<!-- onClick="this.disabled=true"> -->);
+ my %paybychecked = (
+ 'BILL' => include('bill'),
+ 'CARD' => include('card')."$preauto CHECKED $postauto",
+ 'DCRD' => include('card')."$preauto $postauto",
+ 'CHEK' => include('check')."$preauto CHECKED $postauto",
+ 'DCHK' => include('check')."$preauto $postauto",
+ );
+ my %payby_index = ( 'CARD' => qq/Credit Card/,
+ 'DCRD' => qq/Credit Card/,
+ 'CHEK' => qq/Check/,
+ 'DCHK' => qq/Check/,
+ 'LECB' => qq/Phone Bill Billing/,
+ 'BILL' => qq/Billing/,
+ 'COMP' => qq/Complimentary/,
+ 'PREP' => qq/Prepaid Card/,
+ 'PREPAY' => qq/Prepaid Card/,
+ );
+ tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', ();
+ foreach my $payby_option ( grep { exists( $payby_index{$_} ) } @paybys ) {
+ $options{$payby_option} = $payby_index{$payby_option};
+ }
+ $options{$payby} = $payby_index{$payby}
+ unless exists($options{$payby});
+ #don't want to show multiple "Credit card" or "Check" options
+ my %paybyremove = (
+ 'CARD' => 'DCRD',
+ 'DCRD' => 'CARD',
+ 'CHEK' => 'DCHK',
+ 'DCHK' => 'CHEK',
+ );
+ delete( $options{ $paybyremove{$payby} } );
+ delete $options{'DCRD'} unless $payby eq 'DCRD' || ! exists $options{'CARD'};
+ delete $options{'DCHK'} unless $payby eq 'DCHK' || ! exists $options{'CHEK'};
+ HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers->new(
+ options => \%options,
+ selected_layer => $payby,
+# form_name => 'dummy',
+# form_action => 'dummy.cgi',
+ layer_callback => sub { my $layer = shift; return '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">'.$paybychecked{$layer}.qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="$layer">$tail!; },
+ )->html;
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_pkg.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a841308a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+function enable_change_pkg () {
+ if ( document.ChangePkgForm.pkgpart.selectedIndex > 0 ) {
+ document.ChangePkgForm.submit.disabled = false;
+ } else {
+ document.ChangePkgForm.submit.disabled = true;
+ }
+<FONT SIZE=4>Purchase replacement package for "<%= $pkg; %>"</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<FORM NAME="ChangePkgForm" ACTION="<%= $selfurl %>" METHOD=POST>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_change_pkg">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pkgnum" VALUE="<%= $pkgnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pkg" VALUE="<%= $pkg %>">
+ <TD COLSPAN=2><SELECT NAME="pkgpart" onChange="enable_change_pkg()">
+ <%=
+ foreach my $part_pkg ( @part_pkg ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $part_pkg->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $pkgpart && $part_pkg->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $part_pkg->{'pkg'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Purchase" disabled>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_ship.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_ship.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..59f91767a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/change_ship.html
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Edit service address') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: $error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" ACTION="<%= $selfurl %>" METHOD=POST onSubmit="document.bottomform.submit.disabled=true;">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_change_ship">
+ foreach (
+ qw( last first company address1 address2 city county state zip country
+ daytime night fax )
+ ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="$_" VALUE="${$_}">!;
+ };
+ '';
+function bill_changed(what) {
+ if ( what.form.same.checked ) {
+ for (qw( last first company address1 address2 city zip daytime night fax )) {
+ $OUT .= "what.form.ship_$_.value = what.form.$_.value;";
+ }
+ '';
+ what.form.ship_country.selectedIndex =;
+ function fix_ship_county() {
+ what.form.ship_county.selectedIndex = what.form.county.selectedIndex;
+ }
+ function fix_ship_state() {
+ what.form.ship_state.selectedIndex = what.form.state.selectedIndex;
+ ship_state_changed(what.form.ship_state, fix_ship_county );
+ }
+ ship_country_changed(what.form.ship_country, fix_ship_state );
+ }
+function samechanged(what) {
+ if ( what.checked ) {
+ bill_changed(what);
+ for (qw( last first company address1 address2 city county state zip country daytime night fax )) {
+ $OUT .= "what.form.ship_$_.disabled = true;";
+ $OUT .= "what.form.ship_$ = '#dddddd';";
+ }
+ if ( $require_address2 ) {
+ $OUT .= "document.getElementById('ship_address2_required').style.visibility = 'hidden';";
+ $OUT .= "document.getElementById('ship_address2_label').style.visibility = 'hidden';";
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (qw( last first company address1 address2 city county state zip country daytime night fax )) {
+ $OUT .= "what.form.ship_$_.disabled = false;";
+ $OUT .= "what.form.ship_$ = '#ffffff';";
+ }
+ if ( $require_address2 ) {
+ $OUT .= "document.getElementById('ship_address2_required').style.visibility = '';";
+ $OUT .= "document.getElementById('ship_address2_label').style.visibility = '';";
+ }
+ }
+(<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="same" VALUE="Y" onClick="samechanged(this)"
+ <%= (!$ship_last || $cgi->param('same') eq 'Y') ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>
+ >same as billing address)
+<%= $r=qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!;
+ if (!$ship_last || $cgi->param('same') eq 'Y') {
+ $disabled = 'DISABLED STYLE="background-color: #dddddd"';
+ foreach ( qw( last first company address1 address2 city county state
+ zip country daytime night fax )
+ ) {
+ ${"ship_$_"} = ${$_};
+ }
+ }else{
+ $disabled = '';
+ }
+ $pre = 'ship_';
+ include('contact');
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="<%= $custnum ? "Apply Changes" : "Add Customer" %>">
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/check.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/check.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68753fe08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/check.html
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Account&nbsp;type</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <SELECT NAME="paytype">
+ <%= foreach ( @paytypes ) {
+ $selected = $paytype eq $_ ? ' SELECTED' : '';
+ $OUT .= qq(<OPTION$selected VALUE="$_">$_\n);
+ } %>
+ </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Account&nbsp;number</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo1" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=20 VALUE="<%=$payinfo1%>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">ABA/Routing&nbsp;number</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo2" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9 VALUE="<%=$payinfo2%>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Bank&nbsp;name</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=32 MAXLENGTH=80 NAME="payname" VALUE="<%=$payname%>"></TD>
+ <%=
+ $OUT = '';
+ if ($show_paystate) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD ALIGN="right">Bank state</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="paystate">!;
+ for ( @states ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION'. ($_ eq $paystate ? ' SELECTED' : '' ). ">$_\n";
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</SELECT></TD></TR><TR>';
+ }
+ %>
+ <%=
+ $OUT = '';
+ if ($show_ss) {
+ $OUT .= '<TD ALIGN="right">Account&nbsp;holder<BR>Social&nbsp;';
+ $OUT .= 'security&nbsp;or&nbsp;tax&nbsp;ID&nbsp;#</TD><TD>';
+ $OUT .= qq!<INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=32 MAXLENGTH=80 NAME="ss" VALUE="$ss">!;
+ $OUT .= '</TD></TR><TR>';
+ }
+ %>
+ <%=
+ $OUT = '';
+ if ($show_stateid) {
+ $OUT .= '<TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= qq!Account&nbsp;holder<BR>$stateid_label</TD><TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=32 MAXLENGTH=80 NAME="stateid" VALUE="$stateid"></TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD ALIGN="right">$stateid_state_label</TD>!;
+ $OUT .= '<TD><SELECT NAME="stateid_state">';
+ for ( @states ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION'. ($_ eq $stateid_state ? ' SELECTED' : '' ). ">$_\n";
+ }
+ $OUT .='</SELECT></TD></TR><TR>';
+ }
+ %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/contact.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/contact.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20c15df78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/contact.html
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>Contact&nbsp;name<BR>(last,&nbsp;first)</TH>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>last" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'last'} %>" onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>> ,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>first" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'first'} %>" onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>company" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'company'} %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>Address</TH>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>address1" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'address1'} %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">
+ <%=
+ my $style =
+ ( $disabled
+ || !$require_address2
+ || ( !$pre && $ship_last )
+ )
+ ? 'visibility:hidden'
+ : '';
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT ID="${pre}address2_required" color="#ff0000" STYLE="$style">*</FONT>&nbsp;<FONT ID="${pre}address2_label" STYLE="$style"><B>Unit&nbsp;#</B></FONT>!;
+ %>
+ </TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>address2" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'address2'} %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>City</TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="<%=$pre%>city" NAME="<%=$pre%>city" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'city'} %>" onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+ <%=
+ ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ FS::SelfService::regionselector( {
+ prefix => $pre,
+ selected_county => ${$pre.'county'},
+ selected_state => ${$pre.'state'},
+ selected_country => ${$pre.'country'},
+ default_state => $statedefault,
+ default_country => $countrydefault,
+ locales => \@cust_main_county,
+ } );
+ $OUT .= qq!<TH ALIGN="right">${r}State/County</TH>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD>$county_html $state_html</TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TH>${r}Zip</TH>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="${pre}zip" VALUE="${$pre.'zip'}" SIZE=10 onChange="$onchange" $disabled></TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!</TR>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TH ALIGN="right">${r}Country</TH>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD COLSPAN=5>$country_html</TD>!;
+ %>
+ <%=
+ if ( $disabled ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!var what = document.getElementById("${pre}city");!;
+ for (qw( county state country ) ) {
+ $OUT .= "what.form.$pre$_.disabled = true;";
+ $OUT .= "what.form.$pre$ = '#dddddd';";
+ }
+ }else{
+ '';
+ }
+ %>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>daytime" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'daytime'} %>" SIZE=18 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>night" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'night'} %>" SIZE=18 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>fax" VALUE="<%= ${$pre.'fax'} %>" SIZE=12 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+ </TD>
+<%=$r%>required fields<BR>
+#my($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+# FS::cust_main_county::regionselector( $cust_main->get($pre.'county'),
+# $cust_main->get($pre.'state'),
+# $cust_main->get($pre.'country'),
+# $pre,
+# $onchange,
+# $disabled,
+# );
+my %select_hash = (
+ 'county' => ${$pre.'county'},
+ 'state' => ${$pre.'state'},
+ 'country' => ${$pre.'country'},
+ 'prefix' => $pre,
+ 'onchange' => $onchange,
+ 'disabled' => $disabled,
+my @counties = counties( ${$pre.'state'},
+ ${$pre.'country'},
+ );
+my $county_style = scalar(@counties) > 1 ? '' : 'STYLE="visibility:hidden"';
+my $r = qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cust_bill-logo.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cust_bill-logo.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..253f853f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cust_bill-logo.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( invoice_logo );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my %hash = ();
+if ( $cgi->param('invnum') ) {
+ $hash{$_} = scalar($cgi->param($_)) foreach qw( invnum template );
+} else {
+ my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
+ $query =~ /^([^\.\/]*)$/ or '' =~ /^()$/;
+ $hash{'template'} = $1;
+my $hashref = invoice_logo(%hash);
+print $cgi->header( '-type' => $hashref->{'content_type'},
+ '-expires' => 'now',
+ ).
+ $hashref->{'logo'};
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/customer_change_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/customer_change_pkg.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37dccaaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/customer_change_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Change package') %>
+<%= include('change_pkg') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/customer_order_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/customer_order_pkg.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..192c29fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/customer_order_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Purchase additional package') %>
+<%= include('order_pkg') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b178c8513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ CVV2 information
+ </TITLE>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8">
+ The CVV2 number (also called CVC2 or CID) is a three- or four-digit
+ security code used to reduce credit card fraud.<BR><BR>
+ <TR>
+ <TH>Visa / MasterCard / Discover</TH>
+ <TH>American Express</TH>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD>
+ <IMG BORDER=0 ALT="Visa/MasterCard/Discover" SRC="cvv2.png">
+ </TD>
+ <TD>
+ <IMG BORDER=0 ALT="American Express" SRC="cvv2_amex.png">
+ </TD>
+ </TABLE>
+ <CENTER><A HREF="javascript:close()">(close window)</A></CENTER>
+ </BODY>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2.png b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4610dcbe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2_amex.png b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2_amex.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21c36a0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/cvv2_amex.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/decline.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/decline.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c50081e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/decline.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE>Processing error</TITLE>
+ <%= $head %>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="<%= $body_bgcolor || '#eeeeee' %>">
+ <%= $body_header %>
+<FONT SIZE=7>Processing error</FONT><BR><BR>
+There has been an error processing your account. Please contact customer
+<%= $body_footer %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/delete_svc.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/delete_svc.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80a14f85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/delete_svc.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Remove service') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: $error</FONT>!;
+} else {
+ $OUT .= "<FONT SIZE=4>$svc removed.</FONT>";
+} %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/discount_term.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/discount_term.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d9ee4d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/discount_term.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+if ( scalar(keys %discount_terms_hash) ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR>';
+ $OUT .= '<TD ALIGN="right">Prepayment for</TD>';
+ $OUT .= '<TD>';
+ $OUT .= '<SELECT NAME="discount_term">';
+ $OUT .= qq(<OPTION VALUE="">1 month\n);
+ foreach ( keys %discount_terms_hash ) {
+ $selected = $discount_term eq $_ ? ' SELECTED' : '';
+ $OUT .= qq(<OPTION$selected VALUE="$_">$_ months\n);
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</SELECT>';
+ $OUT .= '</TD>';
+ $OUT .= '</TR>';
+$OUT .= '';
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/footer.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/footer.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4889b741a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/footer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<%= $body_footer %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/header.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/header.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..984030dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/header.html
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE><%= $title || 'MyAccount' %></TITLE>
+ <%= $head %>
+ </HEAD>
+ <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
+ body {
+ color: <%= $text_color || '#000000' %>;
+ <%= $font ? "font: $font;" : '' %>
+ }
+ a {
+ color: <%= $link_color || 'blue' %>;
+ <%= $menu_nounderline ? 'text-decoration: none' : '' %>
+ }
+ a:visited {
+ color: <%= $vlink_color || 'purple' %>;
+ <%= $menu_nounderline ? 'text-decoration: none' : '' %>
+ }
+ a:active {
+ color: <%= $alink_color || 'blue' %>;
+ <%= $menu_nounderline ? 'text-decoration: none' : '' %>
+ }
+ a:hover {
+ color: <%= $hlink_color || '' %>;
+ <%= $menu_nounderline ? 'text-decoration: none' : '' %>
+ }
+ .svctable {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ padding: 0;
+ border-spacing: 0;
+ background-color: <%= $box_bgcolor ||= '#c0c0c0' %>
+ }
+ .svctable td, .svctable th {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid black;
+ padding: 4px;
+ }
+ </STYLE>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="<%= $body_bgcolor || '#eeeeee' %>">
+ <script language="JavaScript"><!--
+ var mywindow = -1;
+ function myopen(filename,windowname,properties) {
+ myclose();
+ mywindow =,windowname,properties);
+ }
+ function myclose() {
+ if ( mywindow != -1 )
+ mywindow.close();
+ mywindow = -1
+ }
+ //--></script>
+ <%= $body_header %>
+ <TR STYLE="padding:0px">
+ <TD><IMG SRC="image.cgi?logo"></TD>
+ <TD WIDTH = "29%"
+ STYLE = "background: url(image.cgi?title_left_image) no-repeat left center; padding:0px">
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH = "49%"
+ ALIGN="<%= $title_align || 'left' %>"
+ STYLE = "background: url(image.cgi?title_right_image) no-repeat right center; padding:0px">
+ <FONT SIZE = "<%= $title_size || 5 %>"
+ COLOR = "<%= $title_color %>"
+ ><%= $INCLUDE_ARGS[0] %>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT>
+ </DIV>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <%= include('myaccount_menu') %>
+ <TD VALIGN="top">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/iframecontentmws.js b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/iframecontentmws.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2a91d21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/iframecontentmws.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ iframecontentmws.js - Foteos Macrides (author and copyright holder)
+ Initial: October 10, 2004 - Last Revised: January 26, 2008
+ Scripts for using HTML documents as iframe content in overlibmws popups.
+ See
+ and
+ for more information.
+ Use as lead argument in overlib or overlb2 calls. Include WRAP and
+ TEXTPADDING,0 in the call to ensure that the width arg is respected (unless
+ the CAPTION plus CLOSETEXT widths add up to more than the width arg, in which
+ case you should increase the width arg). The name arg should be a unique
+ string for each popup with iframe content in the document. The frameborder
+ arg should be 1 (browser default if omitted) or 0. The scrolling arg should
+ be 'auto' (default if omitted), 'yes' or 'no'.
+function OLiframeContent(src, width, height, name, frameborder, scrolling) {
+ /* stupid safari iframe location caching... */
+ var d = new Date();
+ var unique = d.getTime() + '' + Math.floor(1000 * Math.random());
+ name = name + '' + unique;
+ return ('<iframe src="'+src+'" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'"'
+ +(name!=null?' name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'"':'')
+ +(frameborder!=null?' frameborder="'+frameborder+'"':'')
+ +' scrolling="'+(scrolling!=null?scrolling:'auto')
+ +'"><div>[iframe not supported]</div></iframe>');
+ Swap the src if we are iframe content. The name arg should be the same
+ string as in the OLiframeContent function for the popup. The src arg is
+ a partial, relative, or complete URL for the document to be swapped in.
+function OLswapIframeSrc(name, src){
+ if(parent==self){
+ alert(src+'\n\n is only for iframe content');
+ return;
+ }
+ var o=parent.OLgetRef(name);
+ if(o)o.src=src;
+ else alert(src+'\n\n is not available');
+ Emulate the Back button if we are iframe content. Use only in documents
+ which are swapped in by using the OLswapIframeSrc function.
+function OLiframeBack(){
+ if(parent==self){
+ alert('This feature is only for iframe content');
+ return;
+ }
+ history.back();
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/image.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/image.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e951dcd1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/image.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( skin_info );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
+$query =~ /^(\w+)$/ or '' =~ /^()$/;
+my $name = $1;
+my $info = skin_info();
+print $cgi->header( '-type' => 'image/png', #for now
+ #'-expires' => 'now',
+ ).
+ $info->{$name};
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/cross.png b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/cross.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1514d51a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/cross.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/wait-orange.gif b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/wait-orange.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92c7f3476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/images/wait-orange.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/invoices.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/invoices.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4eece32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/invoices.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'All Invoices') %>
+ if ( @invoices ) {
+ '<TR><TH BGCOLOR="#ff6666" COLSPAN=4>All Invoices</TH></TR>';
+ my $col1 = "ffffff";
+ my $col2 = "dddddd";
+ my $col = $col1;
+ foreach my $invoice ( @invoices ) {
+ my $td = qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col">!;
+ my $a=qq!<A HREF="${url}view_invoice;invnum=!. $invoice->{'invnum'}. '">';
+ $OUT .=
+ "<TR>$td${a}Invoice #". $invoice->{'invnum'}. "</A></TD>$td</TD>".
+ "$td$a". $invoice->{'date'}. "</A></TD>$td</TD>".
+ '</TR>';
+ $col = $col eq $col1 ? $col2 : $col1;
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</TABLE><BR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= 'You have no invoices.<BR><BR>';
+ }
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/list_customers.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/list_customers.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fe7fa493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/list_customers.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('agent_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+ if ( @customers ) {
+ '<TR><TH BGCOLOR="#cccccc" COLSPAN=3>Customers</TH><TD>';
+ my $col1 = "ffffff";
+ my $col2 = "dddddd";
+ my $col = $col1;
+ foreach my $customer ( @customers ) {
+ my $td = qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col">!;
+ my $a = qq!<A HREF="${url}view_customer;custnum=!.
+ $customer->{'custnum'}. '">';
+ $OUT .=
+ '<TR>'.
+ "$td<FONT COLOR=\"". $customer->{'statuscolor'}. '">'.
+ ucfirst($customer->{'status'}). "</TD>". "$td</TD>".
+ "$td$a". $customer->{'name'}. "</A></TD>".
+ '</TR>';
+ #"$td</TD>".
+ $col = $col eq $col1 ? $col2 : $col1;
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</TABLE>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= 'No customers.<BR><BR>';
+ }
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/login.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/login.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7473b1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE>Login</TITLE>
+ <%= $head %>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="<%= $body_bgcolor || '#eeeeee' %>">
+ <%= $body_header %>
+<FONT SIZE=5>Login</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="login">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="agentnum" VALUE="<%= $agentnum %>">
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="<%= $box_bgcolor || '#c0c0c0' %>" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=0>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Username </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"><%= $single_domain ? '@'.$single_domain : '' %>
+ </TD>
+if ( $single_domain ) {
+ $OUT .= qq(<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="domain" VALUE="$single_domain">);
+} else {
+ $OUT .= qq(
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Domain </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="domain" VALUE="$domain">
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ );
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Password </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password">
+ </TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Login"></TD>
+if ( $phone_login ) {
+ $box_bgcolor ||= '#c0c0c0';
+ $OUT .= qq(
+ <B>OR</B><BR><BR>
+ <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="login">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Phone number </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="$username">
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="domain" VALUE="svc_phone">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">PIN </TH>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password">
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN="center"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Login"></TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ </FORM>
+ );
+<%= $body_footer %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/logout.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/logout.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e22ad80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/logout.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE>MyAccount</TITLE>
+ <%= $head %>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="<%= $body_bgcolor || '#eeeeee' %>">
+ <%= $body_header %>
+ <FONT SIZE=5>MyAccount</FONT><BR><BR>
+You have been logged out.
+<%= $body_footer %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_ach_payment.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_ach_payment.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b81b00a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_ach_payment.html
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Make a payment') %>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%=$selfurl%>" onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.process.disabled=true">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%=$session_id%>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="ach_payment_results">
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Amount&nbsp;Due</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <TABLE><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ $<%=sprintf("%.2f",$balance)%>
+ </TD></TR></TABLE>
+ </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Payment&nbsp;amount</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <TABLE><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ $<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="amount" SIZE=8 VALUE="<%=sprintf("%.2f",$balance)%>">
+ </TD></TR></TABLE>
+ </TD>
+<%= include('discount_term') %>
+<%= include('check') %>
+ <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" <%= $save_unchecked ? '' : 'CHECKED' %> NAME="save" VALUE="1">
+ Remember this information
+ </TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="checkbox"<%= $payby eq 'CHEK' ? ' CHECKED' : '' %> NAME="auto" VALUE="1" onClick="if (this.checked) {; }">
+ Charge future payments to this account automatically
+ </TD>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="paybatch" VALUE="<%=$paybatch%>">
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="process" VALUE="Process payment"> <!-- onClick="this.disabled=true"> -->
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_payment.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_payment.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bce67433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_payment.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Make a payment') %>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%=$selfurl%>" onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.process.disabled=true">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%=$session_id%>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="payment_results">
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Amount&nbsp;Due</TH>
+ <TABLE><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ $<%=sprintf("%.2f",$balance)%>
+ </TD></TR></TABLE>
+ </TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Payment&nbsp;amount</TH>
+ <TABLE><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ $amt = $balance;
+ $amt += $amt * $credit_card_surcharge_percentage/100
+ if $credit_card_surcharge_percentage > 0;
+ '';
+ $<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="amount" SIZE=8 VALUE="<%=sprintf("%.2f",$amt)%>">
+ </TD></TR></TABLE>
+ </TD>
+<%= include('discount_term') %>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Card&nbsp;type</TH>
+ <SELECT NAME="card_type"><OPTION></OPTION>
+ <%= foreach ( keys %card_types ) {
+ $selected = $card_type eq $card_types{$_} ? ' SELECTED' : '';
+ $OUT .= qq(<OPTION$selected VALUE="). $card_types{$_}. qq(">$_\n);
+ } %>
+ </TD>
+<%= include('card') %>
+ <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" <%= $save_unchecked ? '' : 'CHECKED' %> NAME="save" VALUE="1">
+ Remember this card and billing address
+ </TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="checkbox"<%= $payby eq 'CARD' ? ' CHECKED' : '' %> NAME="auto" VALUE="1" onClick="if (this.checked) {; }">
+ Charge future payments to this card automatically
+ </TD>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="paybatch" VALUE="<%=$paybatch%>">
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="process" VALUE="Process payment"> <!-- onClick="this.disabled=true"> -->
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_thirdparty_payment.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_thirdparty_payment.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b5b9eea1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/make_thirdparty_payment.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action=";
+ $cgi = new CGI;
+ ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Make a payment') %>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%=$selfurl%>"
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%=$session_id%>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="post_thirdparty_payment">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby_method" VALUE="<%=
+$cgi->param('payby_method') =~ /(CC|ECHECK)/;
+$1 %>">
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Balance&nbsp;due</TH>
+ <SPAN STYLE="background-color: #ffffff;">$<%=sprintf("%.2f", $balance)%>
+ </TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Payment&nbsp;amount</TH>
+ $<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="amount" SIZE=8 VALUE="<%=sprintf("%.2f", $balance)%>">
+ </TD>
+<TD><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="process" VALUE="Process payment">
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_iframe.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_draggable.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_crossframe.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="iframecontentmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/map.gif b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/map.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef884d8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/map.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/areacodes.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/areacodes.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b33e58c5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/areacodes.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( mason_comp );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp' => '/misc/areacodes.cgi',
+ 'query_string' => $cgi->query_string, #pass CGI params...
+ );
+my $output = $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ).
+ $output;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/counties.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/counties.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..476fe09a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/counties.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( mason_comp );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp' => '/misc/counties.cgi',
+ 'query_string' => $cgi->query_string, #pass CGI params...
+ );
+my $output = $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ).
+ $output;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/exchanges.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/exchanges.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d8df970d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/exchanges.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( mason_comp );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp' => '/misc/exchanges.cgi',
+ 'query_string' => $cgi->query_string, #pass CGI params...
+ );
+my $output = $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ).
+ $output;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/part_svc-columns.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/part_svc-columns.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4ee83ca96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/part_svc-columns.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( mason_comp );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp' => '/misc/part_svc-columns.cgi',
+ 'query_string' => $cgi->query_string, #pass CGI params...
+ );
+my $output = $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ).
+ $output;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/phonenums.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/phonenums.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e7d695d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/phonenums.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( mason_comp );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp' => '/misc/phonenums.cgi',
+ 'query_string' => $cgi->query_string, #pass CGI params...
+ );
+my $output = $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ).
+ $output;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/states.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/states.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f75f2ae1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/states.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( mason_comp );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp' => '/misc/states.cgi',
+ 'query_string' => $cgi->query_string, #pass CGI params...
+ );
+my $output = $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ).
+ $output;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/svc_acct-domains.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/svc_acct-domains.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c5413bac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/misc/svc_acct-domains.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use CGI;
+use FS::SelfService qw( mason_comp );
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp' => '/misc/svc_acct-domains.cgi',
+ 'query_string' => $cgi->query_string, #pass CGI params...
+ );
+my $output = $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ).
+ $output;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/myaccount.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/myaccount.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a57bfb14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/myaccount.html
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'My Account') %>
+Hello <%= $name %>!<BR><BR>
+<%= $small_custview %>
+<%= if ( $access_pkgnum ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!Balance: <B>\$$balance</B><BR><BR>!;
+ }
+ '';
+ $OUT .= qq! <B><A HREF="${url}invoices">View All Invoices</A></B> &nbsp; &nbsp; !;
+<%= if ( $balance > 0 ) {
+ if (scalar(grep $_, @hide_payment_fields)) {
+ $OUT .= qq! <B><A HREF="${url}make_thirdparty_payment&payby_method=CC">Make a payment</A></B><BR><BR>!;
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq! <B><A HREF="${url}make_payment">Make a payment</A></B><BR>!;
+ foreach my $term ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %discount_terms_hash ) {
+ my $saved = $discount_terms_hash{$term}->[1];
+ my $amount = $discount_terms_hash{$term}->[2];
+ my $savings = ( $amount + $saved > 0 )
+ ? sprintf('%d', $saved / ( $amount + $saved ) * 100 ) : '0';
+ $OUT .= qq! <B><A HREF="${url}make_term_payment;discount_term=$term;amount=$amount">Save $savings\% by paying for $term months: $amount</A></B><BR>!;
+ }
+ $OUT .= qq! <BR>!;
+ }
+} %>
+ if ( @open_invoices ) {
+ '<TR><TH BGCOLOR="#ff6666" COLSPAN=5>Open Invoices</TH></TR>';
+ my $link = qq!<A HREF="<%= $url %>myaccount!;
+ my $col1 = "ffffff";
+ my $col2 = "dddddd";
+ my $col = $col1;
+ foreach my $invoice ( @open_invoices ) {
+ my $td = qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col">!;
+ my $a=qq!<A HREF="${url}view_invoice;invnum=!. $invoice->{'invnum'}. '">';
+ $OUT .=
+ "<TR>$td${a}Invoice #". $invoice->{'invnum'}. "</A></TD>$td</TD>".
+ "$td$a". $invoice->{'date'}. "</A></TD>$td</TD>".
+ qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col" ALIGN="right">$a\$!. $invoice->{'owed'}.
+ '</A></TD>'.
+ '</TR>';
+ $col = $col eq $col1 ? $col2 : $col1;
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</TABLE><BR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= 'You have no outstanding invoices.<BR><BR>';
+ }
+ if ( @support_services ) {
+ '<TR><TH BGCOLOR="#ff6666" COLSPAN="3">Support Time Remaining</TH>'.
+ '</TR><TR><TH ALIGN="left">#</TH><TH>Package</TH>'.
+ '<TH>Time Remaining</TH></TR>';
+ my $col1 = "ffffff";
+ my $col2 = "dddddd";
+ my $col = $col1;
+ foreach my $support ( @support_services ) {
+ my $td = qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col">!;
+ my $a = qq!<A HREF="${url}view_support_details;svcnum=!.
+ $support->{'svcnum'}. '">';
+ $OUT .=
+ "<TR>$td$a". $support->{'pkgnum'}. "</A></TD>".
+ $td.$a. $support->{'pkg'}. "</A></TD>".
+ $td.$a. $support->{'time'}. "</A></TD>".
+ '</TR>';
+ $col = $col eq $col1 ? $col2 : $col1;
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</TABLE><BR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '';
+ }
+ if ( @tickets ) {
+ '<TR><TH BGCOLOR="#ff6666" COLSPAN=6>Open Tickets</TH></TR>'.
+ '<TR><TH>#</TH><TH>Subject</TH><TH>Priority</TH><TH>Queue</TH>'.
+ '<TH>Status</TH><TH>Created</TH></TR>';
+ my $col1 = "ffffff";
+ my $col2 = "dddddd";
+ my $col = $col1;
+ foreach my $ticket ( @tickets ) {
+ my $td = qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col">!;
+ my $link = qq!<A HREF="${url}tktview;ticket_id=$ticket->{id}">!;
+ $OUT .=
+ "<TR>$td $link". $ticket->{'id'}. "</A></TD>".
+ $td. $ticket->{'subject'}. "</TD>".
+ $td. ($ticket->{'content'} || $ticket->{'priority'}). "</TD>".
+ $td. $ticket->{'queue'}. "</TD>".
+ $td. $ticket->{'status'}. "</TD>".
+ $td. $ticket->{'created'}. "</TD>".
+ '</TR>';
+ $col = $col eq $col1 ? $col2 : $col1;
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</TABLE>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '';
+ }
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/myaccount_menu.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/myaccount_menu.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4036432aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/myaccount_menu.html
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<TD VALIGN="top" BGCOLOR="<%= $menu_bgcolor || $box_bgcolor || '#c0c0c0' %>">
+if ( $menu_top_image ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD STYLE="padding:0px"><IMG SRC="image.cgi?menu_top_image"></TD></TR>';
+my @menu = (
+ { title=>' ' },
+ { title=>'Overview', url=>'myaccount', size=>'+1', },
+ { title=>' ' },
+ { title=>'Purchase', size=>'+1', },
+unless ( $access_pkgnum ) {
+ push @menu,
+ { title=>'Purchase additional package',
+ url=>'customer_order_pkg', 'indent'=>2 };
+if ( 1 ) { #XXXFIXME "enable selfservice prepay features" flag or something, eventually per-pkg or something really fancy
+ #XXXFIXME still a bit sloppy for multi-gateway of differing namespace
+ my $i = 0;
+ while($i < scalar(@cust_paybys)) { last if $cust_paybys[$i] =~ /^CARD/; $i++ }
+ if ( $cust_paybys[$i] && $cust_paybys[$i] =~ /^CARD/ ) {
+ push @menu, { title => 'Recharge my account with a credit card',
+ url => $hide_payment_fields[$i]
+ ? 'make_thirdparty_payment&payby_method=CC'
+ : 'make_payment',
+ indent => 2,
+ }
+ }
+ $i = 0;
+ while($i < scalar(@cust_paybys)) { last if $cust_paybys[$i] =~ /^CHEK/; $i++ }
+ if ( $cust_paybys[$i] && $cust_paybys[$i] =~ /^CHEK/ ) {
+ push @menu, { title => 'Recharge my account with a check',
+ url => $hide_payment_fields[$i]
+ ? 'make_thirdparty_payment&payby_method=ECHECK'
+ : 'make_ach_payment',
+ indent => 2,
+ }
+ }
+ push @menu, { title => 'Recharge my account with a prepaid card',
+ url => 'recharge_prepay',
+ indent => 2,
+ }
+ if grep(/^PREP/, @cust_paybys);
+push @menu,
+ { title=>' ' },
+ { title=>'View my usage', url=>'view_usage', size=>'+1', },
+ { title=>'Create a ticket', url=>'tktcreate', size=>'+1', },
+unless ( $access_pkgnum ) {
+ push @menu,
+ { title=>'Setup my services', url=>'provision', size=>'+1', },
+ ;
+push @menu,
+ { title=>' ' };
+push @menu,
+ { title=>'Change my information', size=>'+1', };
+unless ( $access_pkgnum ) {
+ push @menu,
+ { title=>'Change billing address', url=>'change_bill', indent=>2 },
+ { title=>'Change service address', url=>'change_ship', indent=>2 },
+ { title=>'Change payment information', url=>'change_pay', indent=>2 },
+ ;
+push @menu,
+ { title=>'Change password(s)', url=>'change_password', indent=>2 },
+ { title=>' ' },
+ { title=>'Logout', url=>'logout', size=>'+1', },
+foreach my $item ( @menu ) {
+ next if $menu_skipblanks && $item->{'title'} =~ /^\s*$/;
+ next if $menu_skipheadings && ! $item->{'url'};
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD';
+ if ( $menu_body_image ) {
+ if ( exists $item->{'url'} && $action eq $item->{'url'} ) {
+ $OUT .= #' BGCOLOR="'. ( $body_bgcolor || '#eeeeee' ). '" '.
+ ' STYLE="background: url(image.cgi?menu_body_image) 0 bottom; '.
+ ' color:#3366CC"; '. #XXX config
+ ' " ';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= ' STYLE="background: url(image.cgi?menu_body_image) 0 bottom" ';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( exists $item->{'url'} && $action eq $item->{'url'} ) {
+ $OUT .= ' BGCOLOR="'. ( $body_bgcolor || '#eeeeee' ). '" '.
+ ' STYLE="border-top: 1px solid black;'.
+ ' border-left: 1px solid black;'.
+ ' border-bottom: 1px solid black"';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= ' STYLE="border-right: 1px solid black"';
+ }
+ }
+ $OUT.='>';
+ if ( $menu_skipheadings ) {
+ $OUT .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '&nbsp;' x $item->{'indent'}
+ if exists $item->{'indent'};
+ }
+ $OUT .= '<A HREF="'. $url. $item->{'url'}. '">'
+ if exists $item->{'url'} && $action ne $item->{'url'};
+ $OUT .= '<FONT SIZE="'. ( $menu_fontsize || $item->{'size'} ). '">'
+ if $menu_fontsize || exists($item->{'size'});
+ $item->{'title'} =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
+ $OUT .= $item->{'title'};
+ $OUT .= '</FONT>'
+ if exists $item->{'size'};
+ $OUT .= '</A>'
+ if exists $item->{'url'} && $action ne $item->{'url'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD></TR>';
+if ( $menu_bottom_image ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD STYLE="padding:0px"><IMG SRC="image.cgi?menu_bottom_image"></TD></TR>';
+} else {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD STYLE="border-right: 1px solid black" HEIGHT="100%"><BR><BR><BR><BR></TD></TR>';
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/order_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/order_pkg.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79335a0c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/order_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+function enable_order_pkg () {
+ if ( document.OrderPkgForm.pkgpart_svcpart.selectedIndex > 0 ) {
+ document.OrderPkgForm.submit.disabled = false;
+ } else {
+ document.OrderPkgForm.submit.disabled = true;
+ }
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<FORM NAME="OrderPkgForm" ACTION="<%= $selfurl %>" METHOD=POST>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_order_pkg">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<%= $custnum %>">
+ <TABLE><TR><TD> <%= $pkg_selector %>
+ </TD>
+ if ( 0 ) {
+ if ( @svc_acct_pop ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector( 'popnum' => $popnum,
+ 'pops' => \@svc_acct_pop,
+ 'init_popstate' => $init_popstate,
+ 'popac' => $popac,
+ 'acstate' => $acstate,
+ ).
+ '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= popselector(popnum=>$popnum, pops=>\@svc_acct_pop);
+ }
+ }
+ '';
+<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Purchase" DISABLED>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws.js b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df2bd1db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws.js
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+ Do not remove or change this notice.
+ overlibmws.js core module - Copyright Foteos Macrides 2002-2008. All rights reserved.
+ Initial: August 18, 2002 - Last Revised: March 22, 2008
+ This module is subject to the same terms of usage as for Erik Bosrup's overLIB,
+ though only a minority of the code and API now correspond with Erik's version.
+ See the overlibmws Change History and Command Reference via:
+ Published under an open source license:
+ Give credit on sites that use overlibmws and submit changes so others can use them as well.
+ You can get Erik's version via:
+// PRE-INIT -- Ignore these lines, configuration is below.
+var OLloaded=0,OLbubblePI=0,OLcrossframePI=0,OLdebugPI=0,OLdraggablePI=0,OLexclusivePI=0,OLfilterPI=0,
+pmCnt=1,pMtr=new Array(),OLcmdLine=new Array(),OLrunTime=new Array(),OLv,OLudf,OLrefXY,
+OLpct=new Array("83%","67%","83%","100%","117%","150%","200%","267%");if(typeof OLgateOK=='undefined')var OLgateOK=1;
+var OLp1or2c='inarray,caparray,caption,closetext,right,left,center,autostatuscap,padx,pady,below,above,vcenter,donothing',
+function OLud(v){return eval('typeof ol_'+v+'=="undefined"')?1:0;}
+// DEFAULT CONFIGURATION -- See overlibConfig.txt for descriptions
+if(OLud('fgcolor'))var ol_fgcolor="#ccccff";
+if(OLud('bgcolor'))var ol_bgcolor="#333399";
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+if(OLud('close'))var ol_close="Close";
+if(OLud('closeclick'))var ol_closeclick=0;
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+if(OLud('wrapmax'))var ol_wrapmax=0;
+if(OLud('height'))var ol_height= -1;
+if(OLud('border'))var ol_border=1;
+if(OLud('base'))var ol_base=0;
+if(OLud('offsetx'))var ol_offsetx=10;
+if(OLud('offsety'))var ol_offsety=10;
+if(OLud('sticky'))var ol_sticky=0;
+if(OLud('nofollow'))var ol_nofollow=0;
+if(OLud('noclose'))var ol_noclose=0;
+if(OLud('mouseoff'))var ol_mouseoff=0;
+if(OLud('offdelay'))var ol_offdelay=300;
+if(OLud('hpos'))var ol_hpos=RIGHT;
+if(OLud('vpos'))var ol_vpos=BELOW;
+if(OLud('status'))var ol_status="";
+if(OLud('autostatus'))var ol_autostatus=0;
+if(OLud('snapx'))var ol_snapx=0;
+if(OLud('snapy'))var ol_snapy=0;
+if(OLud('fixx'))var ol_fixx= -1;
+if(OLud('fixy'))var ol_fixy= -1;
+if(OLud('relx'))var ol_relx=null;
+if(OLud('rely'))var ol_rely=null;
+if(OLud('midx'))var ol_midx=null;
+if(OLud('midy'))var ol_midy=null;
+if(OLud('ref'))var ol_ref="";
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+if(OLud('refx'))var ol_refx=0;
+if(OLud('refy'))var ol_refy=0;
+if(OLud('fgbackground'))var ol_fgbackground="";
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+if(OLud('cgbackground'))var ol_cgbackground="";
+if(OLud('padxl'))var ol_padxl=1;
+if(OLud('padxr'))var ol_padxr=1;
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+if(OLud('padyb'))var ol_padyb=1;
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+if(OLud('capicon'))var ol_capicon="";
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+if(OLud('nojustx'))var ol_nojustx=0;
+if(OLud('nojusty'))var ol_nojusty=0;
+if(OLud('label'))var ol_label="";
+if(OLud('decode'))var ol_decode=0;
+// ARRAY CONFIGURATION - See overlibConfig.txt for descriptions.
+if(OLud('texts'))var ol_texts=new Array("Text 0","Text 1");
+if(OLud('caps'))var ol_caps=new Array("Caption 0","Caption 1");
+// END CONFIGURATION -- Don't change anything below, all configuration is above.
+// INIT -- Runtime variables.
+var o3_text="",o3_cap="",o3_sticky=0,o3_nofollow=0,o3_background="",o3_noclose=0,o3_mouseoff=0,o3_offdelay=300,o3_hpos=RIGHT,
+o3_width=200,o3_wrap=0,o3_wrapmax=0,o3_height= -1,o3_border=1,o3_base=0,o3_status="",o3_autostatus=0,o3_snapx=0,o3_snapy=0,
+o3_fixx= -1,o3_fixy= -1,o3_relx=null,o3_rely=null,o3_midx=null,o3_midy=null,o3_ref="",o3_refc='UL',o3_refp='UL',o3_refx=0,
+var OLieM=((OLie4&&OLmac)&&!(OLkht||OLopr))?1:0,
+if((OLv=OLua.match(/msie (\d\.\d+)\.*/i))&&(OLv=parseFloat(OLv[1]))>=5.0){
+if(OLns4)window.onresize=function(){location.reload();};var OLchkMh=1,OLdw;
+function OLulCl(){if(over)cClick();window.removeEventListener("unload",OLulCl,false);}
+// Loads defaults then args into runtime variables.
+function overlib(){
+if(!(OLloaded&&OLgateOK))return;if((OLexclusivePI)&&OLisExclusive(arguments))return true;if(OLchkMh)OLmh();
+OLsetRunTimeVar();OLparseTokens('o3_',arguments);if(!(over=OLmkLyr()))return false;if(o3_decode)OLdecode();if(OLprintPI)
+o3_status=o3_exclusivestatus;else if(o3_autostatus==2&&o3_cap!="")o3_status=o3_cap;else if(o3_autostatus==1&&o3_text!="")
+o3_status=o3_text;if(!o3_delay){return OLmain();}else{OLdelayid=setTimeout("OLmain()",o3_delay);if(o3_status!=""){
+self.status=o3_status;return true;}else if(!(OLop7&&event&&event.type=='mouseover'))return false;}
+function OLeval(s){eval(s);}
+// Clears popups if appropriate
+function nd(time){
+if(over)OLhideObject(over);}}}}return false;
+// Close function for stickies
+function cClick(){
+OLhideObject(over);OLshowingsticky=0;OLallowmove=0;}if(OLmodalPI)OLclearModal();}return false;
+// Sets page-specific defaults.
+function OLpageDefaults(){
+// Gets object referenced by its id or name
+function OLgetRef(l,d){var r=OLgetRefById(l,d);return (r)?r:OLgetRefByName(l,d);}
+// For unsupported browsers.
+function no_overlib(){return false;}
+function OLmain(){
+if(o3_noclose)OLoptMOUSEOFF(0);else if(o3_mouseoff)OLoptMOUSEOFF(1);}if(o3_sticky){OLshowingsticky=1;if(OLfnRef&&
+if(OLdraggablePI)OLcheckDrag();if(o3_status!="")return true;else if(!(OLop7&&event&&event.type=='mouseover'))return false;
+function OLchkRef(){
+// Loads o3_ variables
+function OLload(c){var i,m=c.split(',');for(i=0;i<m.length;i++)eval('o3_'+m[i]+'=ol_'+m[i]);}
+// Chooses LGF
+function OLdoLGF(){
+return (o3_background!=''||o3_fullhtml)?OLcontentBackground(o3_text,o3_background,o3_fullhtml):(o3_cap=="")?
+// Makes Layer
+function OLmkLyr(id,f,z){
+id=(id||'overDiv');f=(f||o3_frame);z=(z||1000);var fd=f.document,d=OLgetRefById(id,fd);
+if(!d){if(OLns4)d=fd.layers[id]=new Layer(1024,f);else if(OLie4&&!OLop7){
+fd.body.insertAdjacentHTML('AfterBegin','<div id="'+id+'"></div>');d=fd.all[id];}else{d=fd.createElement('div');
+if(d){;fd.body.appendChild(d);}}if(!d)return null;if(OLns4)d.zIndex=z;else{var;o.position='absolute';
+o.visibility='hidden';o.zIndex=z;}}return d;
+// Creates and writes layer content
+function OLdoLyr(){
+if(o3_fgbackground!='')o3_fgbackground=' background="'+o3_fgbackground+'"';
+if(o3_bgbackground!='')o3_bgbackground=' background="'+o3_bgbackground+'"';
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+else o3_height='';}if(!OLns4)OLrepositionTo(over,(OLns6?20:0),0);var lyrHtml=OLdoLGF();
+var w=OLfd().clientWidth;if(o3_width>=w){if(OLop7){if(OLovertwoPI&&over==over2){var;
+// Makes simple table without caption
+function OLcontentSimple(txt){
+var t=OLbgLGF()+OLfgLGF(txt)+OLbaseLGF();OLsetBackground('');return t;
+// Makes table with caption and optional close link
+function OLcontentCaption(txt,title,close){
+var closing=(OLprintPI?OLprintCapLGF():''),closeevent='onmouseover',caption,t,cC='javascript:return '+OLfnRef
++o3_closetitle+'" ':'')+'onclick';if(o3_capicon!=''&&o3_capicon.indexOf('<img')!=0)o3_capicon='<img src="'+o3_capicon
++'" /> ';if(close){closing+='<td align="right"><a href="'+cC+'" '+closeevent+'="'+cC+'"'+(o3_closefontclass?' class="'
+(o3_closefontclass?'':(OLns4?OLlgfUtil(1,1,'','a'):''))+'</a></td>';}caption='<table id="overCap'
++(OLovertwoPI&&over==over2?'2':'')+'"'+OLwd(0)+' border="0" cellpadding="'+o3_captionpadding+'" cellspacing="0"'
++(o3_cgclass?' class="'+o3_cgclass+'"':o3_cgcolor+o3_cgbackground)+'><tr><td'+OLwd(0)+(o3_cgclass?' class="'
++o3_cgclass+'">':'>')+(o3_captionfontclass?'<div'+OLhL(1)+' class="'+o3_captionfontclass+'">':OLlgfUtil(0,1,'','div',
+t=OLbgLGF()+(o3_capbelow?OLfgLGF(txt)+caption:caption+OLfgLGF(txt))+OLbaseLGF();OLsetBackground('');return t;
+// For BACKGROUND and FULLHTML commands
+function OLcontentBackground(txt,image,hasfullhtml){
+var t;if(hasfullhtml){t=txt;}else{t='<table'+OLwd(1)+' border="0" cellpadding="0" '+'cellspacing="0" '+'height="'
++o3_height+'"><tr><td colspan="3" height="'+o3_padyt+'"></td></tr><tr><td width="'+o3_padxl+'"></td><td valign="top"'
++'</td><td width="'+o3_padxr+'"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" height="'+o3_padyb+'"></td></tr></table>';}
+OLsetBackground(image);return t;
+// LGF utilities
+function OLbgLGF(){
+return '<table'+OLwd(1)+o3_height+' border="0" cellpadding="'+o3_border+'" cellspacing="0"'+(o3_bgclass?' class="'
+function OLfgLGF(t){
+return '<table'+OLwd(0)+o3_height+' border="0" cellpadding="'+o3_textpadding+'" cellspacing="0"'+(o3_fgclass?' class="'
++o3_fgclass+'"':o3_fgcolor+o3_fgbackground)+'><tr><td valign="top"'+(o3_fgclass?' class="'+o3_fgclass+'"':'')+'>'
+function OLlgfUtil(end,stg,tfc,ele,col,fac,siz){
+if(end)return('</'+(OLns4?'font'+(stg?'></strong':''):ele)+'>');else return(tfc?'<div'+OLhL(1)+' class="'+tfc+'">':
+((ele=='a'?'':'<')+(OLns4?(stg?'strong><':'')+'font color="'+col+'" face="'+OLquoteMultiNameFonts(fac)+'" size="'
++siz:(ele=='a'?'':ele)+' style="'+((ele=='div')?OLhL(0):'')+'color:'+col+(stg?';font-weight:bold':'')+';font-family:'
+function OLquoteMultiNameFonts(f){
+var i,v,pM=f.split(',');for(i=0;i<pM.length;i++){v=pM[i];v=v.replace(/^\s+/,'').replace(/\s+$/,'');
+if(/\s/.test(v) && !/['"]/.test(v)){v="\'"+v+"\'";pM[i]=v;}}return pM.join();
+function OLbaseLGF(){
+return ((o3_base>0&&!o3_wrap)?('<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"'+(o3_bgclass?' class="'
++o3_bgclass+'"':'')+'><tr><td height="'+o3_base+'"></td></tr></table>'):'')+'</td></tr></table>';
+function OLwd(a){return(o3_wrap?'':' width="'+(!a?'100%':(a==1?o3_width:(o3_width-o3_padxl-o3_padxr)))+'"');}
+function OLhL(s){return(s?' style="width:100%;"':'width:100%;');}
+// Loads image into the div.
+function OLsetBackground(i){
+// Displays layer
+function OLdisp(s){
+else OLshowid=setTimeout("OLshowObject(over)",1);OLallowmove=(o3_sticky||o3_nofollow)?0:1;}OLndt=0;if(s!="")self.status=s;
+// Decides placement of layer.
+function OLplaceLayer(){
+var snp,X,Y,pgLeft,pgTop,pWd=o3_width,pHt,iWd=100,iHt=100,SB=0,LM=0,CX=0,TM=0,BM=0,CY=0,o=OLfd(),
+else if(o3_frame.innerWidth){SB=Math.ceil(1.4*(o3_frame.outerWidth-o3_frame.innerWidth));
+if(o3_ref!=""||o3_fixx> -1||o3_relx!=null||o3_midx!=null){
+else if((OLshadowPI)&&bkdrop&&o3_shadow&&o3_shadowx){
+if(o3_relx>=0)X=pgLeft+o3_relx+LM;else X=pgLeft+o3_relx+iWd-pWd-SB;
+snp=X % o3_snapx;
+else if(o3_frame.innerHeight)iHt=o3_frame.innerHeight;
+if(OLbubblePI&&o3_bubble)pHt=OLbubbleHt;else pHt=OLns4?over.clip.height:over.offsetHeight;
+if(o3_ref!=""||o3_fixy> -1||o3_rely!=null||o3_midy!=null){
+if(o3_refp=='LL'||o3_refp=='LR')Y-=5;}else if((OLshadowPI)&&bkdrop&&o3_shadow&&o3_shadowy){
+if(o3_rely>=0)Y=pgTop+o3_rely+TM;else Y=pgTop+o3_rely+iHt-pHt-BM;}else{
+snp=Y % o3_snapy;
+// Chooses body or documentElement
+function OLfd(f){
+var fd=((f)?f:o3_frame).document,fdc=fd.compatMode,fdd=fd.documentElement;
+return (!OLop7&&fdc&&fdc!='BackCompat'&&fdd&&fdd.clientWidth)?fd.documentElement:fd.body;
+// Gets location of REFerence object
+function OLgetRefXY(r,d){
+var o=OLgetRef(r,d),ob=o,rXY=[o3_refx,o3_refy],of;if(!o)return [null,null];if(OLns4){
+if(typeof o.length!='undefined'&&o.length>1){ob=o[0];rXY[0]+=o[0].x+o[1].pageX;rXY[1]+=o[0].y+o[1].pageY;}else{
+if((o.toString().indexOf('Image')!= -1)||(o.toString().indexOf('Anchor')!= -1)){rXY[0]+=o.x;rXY[1]+=o.y;}
+of=OLgetRefOffsets(ob);rXY[0]+=of[0];rXY[1]+=of[1];return rXY;
+// Seeks REFerence by id
+function OLgetRefById(l,d){
+l=(l||'overDiv');d=(d||o3_frame.document);var j,r;if(d.getElementById)return d.getElementById(l);
+if(OLie4&&d.all)return d.all[l];if(d.layers&&d.layers.length>0){if(d.layers[l])return d.layers[l];
+for(j=0;j<d.layers.length;j++){r=OLgetRefById(l,d.layers[j].document);if(r)return r;}}return null;
+// Seeks REFerence by name
+function OLgetRefByName(l,d){
+d=(d||o3_frame.document);var j,r,v=OLie4?d.all.tags('iframe'):OLns6?d.getElementsByTagName('iframe'):null;
+if(typeof d.images!='undefined'&&d.images[l])return d.images[l];
+if(typeof d.anchors!='undefined'&&d.anchors[l])return d.anchors[l];
+if(v)for(j=0;j<v.length;j++)if(v[j].name==l)return v[j];if(d.layers&&d.layers.length>0)for(j=0;j<d.layers.length;j++){
+r=OLgetRefByName(l,d.layers[j].document);if(r&&r.length>0)return r;else if(r)return [r,d.layers[j]];}return null;
+// Gets layer vs REFerence offsets
+function OLgetRefOffsets(o){
+var c=o3_refc.toUpperCase(),p=o3_refp.toUpperCase(),W=0,H=0,pW=0,pH=0,of=[0,0];pW=(OLbubblePI&&o3_bubble)?
+over.clip.height:over.offsetHeight;if((!OLop7)&&o.toString().indexOf('Image')!= -1){W=o.width;H=o.height;}
+else if((!OLop7)&&o.toString().indexOf('Anchor')!= -1){c=o3_refc='UL';}else{W=(OLns4)?o.clip.width:o.offsetWidth;
+H+=2*parseInt(o.border);}if(c=='UL'){of=(p=='UR')?[-pW,0]:(p=='LL')?[0,-pH]:(p=='LR')?[-pW,-pH]:[0,0];}else if(c=='UR'){
+of=(p=='UR')?[W-pW,0]:(p=='LL')?[W,-pH]:(p=='LR')?[W-pW,-pH]:[W,0];}else if(c=='LL'){of=(p=='UR')?[-pW,H]:(p=='LL')?[0,H-pH]:
+(p=='LR')?[-pW,H-pH]:[0,H];}else if(c=='LR'){of=(p=='UR')?[W-pW,H]:(p=='LL')?[W,H-pH]:(p=='LR')?[W-pW,H-pH]:[W,H];}return of;
+// Gets x or y location of object
+function OLpageLoc(o,t){
+var l=0,s=o;while(o.offsetParent&&o.offsetParent.tagName.toLowerCase()!='html'){l+=o['offset'+t];o=o.offsetParent;}
+l+=o['offset'+t];while(s=s.parentNode){if((s['scroll'+t]>0)&&s.tagName.toLowerCase()=='div')l-=s['scroll'+t];}return l;
+// Moves layer
+function OLmouseMove(e){
+var e=(e||event);OLcC=(OLovertwoPI&&over2&&over==over2?cClick2:cClick);OLx=(e.pageX||e.clientX+OLfd().scrollLeft);
+// Capture mouse and chain other scripts.
+function OLmh(){
+var fN,f,j,k,s,mh=OLmouseMove,w=(OLns4&&window.onmousemove),re=/function[ ]*(\w*)\(/;OLdw=document;if(document.onmousemove||
+mh=new Function('e',s);}OLdw.onmousemove=mh;if(OLns4)OLdw.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);
+function OLparseTokens(pf,ar){
+var i,v,md= -1,par=(pf!='ol_'),p=OLpar,q=OLparQuo,t=OLtoggle;OLudf=(par&&!ar.length?1:0);
+for(i=0;i<ar.length;i++){if(md<0){if(typeof ar[i]=='number'){OLudf=(par?1:0);i--;}
+else{switch(pf){case 'ol_':ol_text=ar[i];break;default:o3_text=ar[i];}}md=0;}else{
+function OLpar(a,v){eval(v+'='+a);}
+function OLparQuo(a,v){eval(v+"='"+OLescSglQt(a)+"'");}
+function OLescSglQt(s){return s.toString().replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/'/g,"\\'");}
+function OLtoggle(a,v){eval(v+'=('+v+'==0&&'+a+'>=0)?1:0');}
+function OLhasDims(s){return /[%\-a-z]+$/.test(s);}
+function OLfontSize(){
+var i;if(OLhasDims(o3_textsize)){if(OLns4)o3_textsize="2";}else
+function OLdecode(){
+var re=/%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2,}/,t=o3_text,c=o3_cap,u=unescape,d=!OLns4&&(!OLgek||OLgek>=20020826)&&typeof decodeURIComponent?
+decodeURIComponent:u;if(typeof(window.TypeError)=='function'){if(re.test(t)){eval(new Array('try{','o3_text=d(t);',
+'}catch(e){','o3_text=u(t);','}').join('\n'))};if(c&&re.test(c)){eval(new Array('try{','o3_cap=d(c);','}catch(e){',
+// Writes to layer
+function OLlayerWrite(t){
+t+="\n";if(OLns4){over.document.write(t);over.document.close();}else if(typeof over.innerHTML!='undefined'){
+if(OLieM)over.innerHTML='';over.innerHTML=t;}else{var range=o3_frame.document.createRange();range.setStartAfter(over);
+var domfrag=range.createContextualFragment(t);while(over.hasChildNodes()){over.removeChild(over.lastChild);}
+over.appendChild(domfrag);}if(OLovertwoPI&&over==over2)OLover2HTML=t;else OLoverHTML=t;
+// Makes object visible
+function OLshowObject(o){
+// Hides object
+function OLhideObject(o){
+if(OLdraggablePI)OLclearDrag();if(OLfilterPI)OLcleanupFilter(o);if(OLshadowPI)OLhideShadow();var os=(OLns4)?;
+// Moves layer
+function OLrepositionTo(o,xL,yL){
+function OLoptMOUSEOFF(c){
+function OLcursorOff(){
+var o=(OLns4?,pHt=OLns4?over.clip.height:over.offsetHeight,left=parseInt(o.left),top=parseInt(,
+if(OLx<left||OLx>right||OLy<top||OLy>bottom)return true;return false;
+function OLsetRunTimeVar(){
+if(OLrunTime.length)for(var k=0;k<OLrunTime.length;k++)OLrunTime[k]();
+function OLparseCmdLine(pf,i,ar){
+if(OLcmdLine.length){for(var k=0;k<OLcmdLine.length;k++){var j=OLcmdLine[k](pf,i,ar);if(j>-1){i=j;break;}}}return i;
+function OLregCmds(c){
+if(typeof c!='string')return;var pM=c.split(',');pMtr=pMtr.concat(pM);
+for(var i=0;i<pM.length;i++)eval(pM[i].toUpperCase()+'='+pmCnt++);
+function OLregRunTimeFunc(f){
+if(typeof f=='object')OLrunTime=OLrunTime.concat(f);else OLrunTime[OLrunTime.length++]=f;
+function OLregCmdLineFunc(f){
+if(typeof f=='object')OLcmdLine=OLcmdLine.concat(f);else OLcmdLine[OLcmdLine.length++]=f;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_crossframe.js b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_crossframe.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd6422313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_crossframe.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ overlibmws_crossframe.js plug-in module - Copyright Foteos Macrides 2003-2008. All rights reserved.
+ For support of FRAME.
+ Initial: August 3, 2003 - Last Revised: January 16, 2008
+ See the Change History and Command Reference for overlibmws via:
+ Published under an open source license:
+function OLparseCrossframe(pf,i,ar){
+var k=i,v;
+if(ar[k]==FRAME){v=ar[++k];if(pf=='ol_')ol_frame=v;else OLoptFRAME(v);return k;}}
+return -1;
+function OLgetFrameRef(thisFrame,ofrm){
+var i,v,retVal='';for(i=0;i<thisFrame.length;i++){if((((thisFrame[i].length>0)))&&(((OLns4))||
+else if(thisFrame[i]!=ofrm)continue;retVal='['+i+']'+retVal;break;}
+return retVal;
+function OLoptFRAME(frm){
+o3_frame=OLmkLyr('overDiv',frm)?frm:self;if(o3_frame!=self){var l,tFrm=OLgetFrameRef(top.frames,o3_frame),
+sFrm=OLgetFrameRef(top.frames,ol_frame);if(sFrm.length==tFrm.length) {l=tFrm.lastIndexOf('[');if(l){
+var i,k,cnt=0,p='',str=tFrm;while((k=str.lastIndexOf('['))!= -1){cnt++;str=str.substring(0,k);}
+function OLchkIfRef(){
+var n=(parent!=self&&o3_frame==parent)?'',o=n?OLgetRef(n):null;
+if(o){var oR=OLgetRef(o3_ref,document);if(oR){OLrefXY=OLgetRefXY(o3_ref,document);
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_draggable.js b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_draggable.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1bf0ecfd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_draggable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ overlibmws_draggable.js plug-in module - Copyright Foteos Macrides 2002-2008. All rights reserved.
+ For support of the DRAGGABLE feature.
+ Initial: August 24, 2002 - Last Revised: January 26, 2008
+ See the Change History and Command Reference for overlibmws via:
+ Published under an open source license:
+var OLdraggableCmds='draggable,dragcap,dragid';
+if(OLud('draggable'))var ol_draggable=0;
+if(OLud('dragcap'))var ol_dragcap=0;
+if(OLud('dragid'))var ol_dragid='';
+var o3_draggable=0,o3_dragcap=0,o3_dragid='',o3_dragging=0,OLdrg=null,OLmMv,
+OLcX,OLcY,OLcbX,OLcbY;function OLloadDraggable(){OLload(OLdraggableCmds);}
+function OLparseDraggable(pf,i,ar){var t=OLtoggle,k=i;if(k<ar.length){
+if(Math.abs(ar[k])==DRAGGABLE){t(ar[k],pf+'draggable');return k;}
+if(Math.abs(ar[k])==DRAGCAP){t(ar[k],pf+'dragcap');return k;}
+if(ar[k]==DRAGID){OLparQuo(ar[++k],pf+'dragid');return k;}}return -1;
+function OLcheckDrag(){
+if(o3_draggable){if(o3_sticky&&(o3_frame==self))OLinitDrag();else o3_draggable=0;}
+function OLinitDrag(){
+document.onmousedown=OLgrabEl;document.onclick=function(e){return routeEvent(e);}}
+else{var dvido=(o3_dragid)?OLgetRef(o3_dragid):null,capid=(OLovertwoPI&&over==over2?
+function OLsetDrgCur(d){if(!OLns4&&OLdrg)'move':'auto');}
+function OLgrabEl(e){
+var e=(e||event);
+var cKy=(OLns4?e.modifiers&Event.ALT_MASK:(e.altKey||(OLop7&&e.ctrlKey)));o3_dragging=1;
+if(OLie4)over.onselectstart=function(){return false;}
+function OLmoveEl(e){
+var e=(e||event);
+return false;
+function OLclearDrag(){
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_iframe.js b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_iframe.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c937d3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/overlibmws_iframe.js
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ overlibmws_iframe.js plug-in module - Copyright Foteos Macrides 2003-2008. All rights reserved.
+ Masks system controls to prevent obscuring of popops for IE v5.5 or higher.
+ Initial: October 19, 2003 - Last Revised: January 26, 2008
+ See the Change History and Command Reference for overlibmws via:
+ Published under an open source license:
+var OLifsP1=null,OLifsSh=null,OLifsP2=null;
+function OLinitIfs(){
+var o=o3_frame.document.all['overIframeOvertwo'];
+function OLsetIfsRef(o,i,z){;o.src='javascript:false;';o.scrolling='no';var;os.position='absolute';'0px';os.left='0px';os.width='1px';os.height='1px';os.visibility='hidden';;os.filter='Alpha(style=0,opacity=0)';
+function OLgetIfsRef(){
+function OLgetIfsShRef(){
+function OLgetIfsP2Ref(){
+function OLsetDispIfs(o,w,h){
+os.width=w+'px';os.height=h+'px';os.clip='rect(0px '+w+'px '+h+'px 0px)';
+function OLdispIfs(){
+var wd=over.offsetWidth,ht=over.offsetHeight;
+function OLshowIfs(){
+function OLhideIfs(o){
+function OLrepositionIfs(X,Y){
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/passwd.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/passwd.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1e6e2e530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/passwd.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use FS::SelfService qw(passwd);
+use CGI;
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+my $freeside_uid = scalar(getpwnam('freeside'));
+$ENV{'PATH'} ='/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin';
+$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh';
+$ENV{'IFS'} = " \t\n";
+$ENV{'CDPATH'} = '';
+$ENV{'ENV'} = '';
+$ENV{'BASH_ENV'} = '';
+die "passwd.cgi isn't running as freeside user\n" if $> != $freeside_uid;
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+$cgi->param('username') =~ /^([^\n]{0,255}$)/ or die "Illegal username";
+my $me = $1;
+$cgi->param('domain') =~ /^([^\n]{0,255}$)/ or die "Illegal domain";
+my $domain = $1;
+$cgi->param('old_password') =~ /^([^\n]{0,255}$)/ or die "Illegal old_password";
+my $old_password = $1;
+$cgi->param('new_password') =~ /^([^\n]{0,255}$)/ or die "Illegal new_password";
+my $new_password = $1;
+die "New passwords don't match"
+ unless $new_password eq $cgi->param('new_password2');
+my $rv = passwd(
+ 'username' => $me,
+ 'domain' => $domain,
+ 'old_password' => $old_password,
+ 'new_password' => $new_password,
+my $error = $rv->{error};
+if ($error) {
+ die $error;
+} else {
+ print $cgi->header(), <<END;
+ <head>
+ <title>Password changed</title>
+ </head>
+ <body bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
+ <h3>Password changed</h3>
+<br>Your password has been changed.
+ </body>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/passwd.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/passwd.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..459c96aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/passwd.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ <head>
+ <title>Change password</title>
+ </head>
+ <body bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
+ <h3>Change password</h3>
+ <form action="passwd.cgi" method="post">
+ <table bgcolor="#cccccc" border=0 cellspacing=2>
+ <tr><th align="right">Username</th>
+ <td><input type="text" name="username" size="18"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><th align="right">Domain</th>
+ <td><input type="text" name="domain" size="18"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><th align="right">Current password</th>
+ <td><input type="password" name="old_password" size="18"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><th align="right">New password</th>
+ <td><input type="password" name="new_password" size="18"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><th align="right">Re-enter new password</th>
+ <td><input type="password" name="new_password2" size="18"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <br><input type="submit" value="Change password">
+ </body>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/payment_results.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/payment_results.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be727cb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/payment_results.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Payment results') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error processing your payment: $error</FONT>!;
+} else {
+ $OUT .= 'Your payment was processed successfully. Thank you.<BR><BR>'
+ . $receipt_html;
+} %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/post_thirdparty_payment.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/post_thirdparty_payment.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17710b2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/post_thirdparty_payment.html
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Pay now') %>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_iframe.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_draggable.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_crossframe.js"></SCRIPT>
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="iframecontentmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+ $OUT .= <<EOF;
+ You are about to contact our payment processor to pay $amount.<BR><BR>
+ Your transaction reference number is $reference <BR><BR>
+ <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="$popup_url">
+#<FORM NAME="collect_popper" method="post" action="javascript:void(0)" onSubmit="popcollect()">
+ my %itemhash = @collectitems;
+# my $query = join(';',
+# map { uri_escape($_) . '=' . uri_escape($itemhash{$_}) }
+# keys(%itemhash)
+# );
+ foreach my $input (keys(%itemhash)) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<INPUT NAME="$input" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="$itemhash{$input}">\n!;
+ }
+ $OUT .= qq!<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Pay now"></FORM>!
+#<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+# function popcollect() {
+# overlib( OLiframeContent('<%= $popup_url %>', 336, 550, 'Secure Payment Area', 0, 'auto' ), CAPTION, 'Pay now', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '#333399', CGCOLOR, '#333399', CLOSETEXT, 'Close' );
+# overlib( OLpostAJAX('<%= $popup_url %>',
+# return false;
+# }
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_bill.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_bill.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf7ad778d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_bill.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Information updated successfully') %>
+<FONT SIZE=4>Information updated successfully.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_password.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_password.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4eca91fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_password.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', "Password changed" ) %>
+<FONT SIZE=4>Password changed for <%= $value %> <%= $label %>.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_pay.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_pay.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e399aea17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_pay.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Information updated successfully' ) %>
+<FONT SIZE=4>Information updated successfully.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_pkg.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf15b6ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Package change successful') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_ship.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_ship.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf7ad778d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_change_ship.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Information updated successfully') %>
+<FONT SIZE=4>Information updated successfully.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_order_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_order_pkg.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..649d92092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_order_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Package order successful') %>
+<FONT SIZE=4>Package order successful.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_order_recharge.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_order_recharge.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a16ec56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_order_recharge.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', "$svc recharged successfully") %>
+<FONT SIZE=4><%= $svc %> recharged successfully.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_suspend_pkg.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_suspend_pkg.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5c62f4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_suspend_pkg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Package suspended') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_acct.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_acct.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6515e7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_acct.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', "$svc setup successfully") %>
+<FONT SIZE=4><%= $svc %> setup successfully.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_external.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_external.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c20aae02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_external.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', "$svc setup successfully") %>
+<FONT SIZE=4><%= $svc %> setup successfully.</FONT>
+<BR><BR>Your serial number is <%= sprintf("%010d-$title", $id) %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_phone.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_phone.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6515e7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/process_svc_phone.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', "$svc setup successfully") %>
+<FONT SIZE=4><%= $svc %> setup successfully.</FONT>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/promocode.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/promocode.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8ee7f6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/promocode.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup - promotional code</FONT><BR><BR>
+function gotoURL(object) {
+ window.location.href = 'signup.cgi?promo_code=' + object.promo_code.value;
+Enter promotional code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="promo_code">
+<INPUT type="submit" VALUE="Signup" onClick="gotoURL(this.form)">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd8028a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision.html
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action=";
+ $heading1 = "Setup my services";
+ $heading1 = "Package list" if $wholesale_view;
+ $provision_list = "provision_list";
+ $provision_list = "ws_list" if $wholesale_view;
+ ''; %>
+function areyousure(href, message) {
+ if (confirm(message) == true)
+ window.location.href = href;
+<%= include('header', $heading1) %>
+<%= include($provision_list) %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_list.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_list.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1a519490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+<FONT SIZE=4>Setup services</FONT><BR><BR>
+foreach my $pkg (
+ grep { scalar(@{$_->{part_svc}})
+ || scalar(@{$_->{cust_svc}})
+ } @cust_pkg
+ ) {
+ my $susp = $pkg->{'susp'} || '';
+ warn $pkg->{'pkg'}. ' '.$susp."\n";
+ my @pkg_actions = ( [ 'customer_change_pkg' => 'change' ] );
+ push @pkg_actions, [ 'process_suspend_pkg' => 'suspend' ]
+ if $self_suspend_reason and !$susp;
+ my $bgcolor = $susp ? '"#ff9900"' : '"#8888ff"';
+ '<TR><TH BGCOLOR='.$bgcolor.' COLSPAN=2>'.
+ $pkg->{'pkg'}. ($susp && ' (suspended)').
+ '</TH><TH ALIGN="left" BGCOLOR='.$bgcolor.'>';
+ foreach my $action (@pkg_actions) {
+ $OUT .= '(<A style="font-size: smaller;color: #000000" HREF="' .
+ $url . $action->[0] . ';pkgnum=' . $pkg->{'pkgnum'} . ';pkg=' .
+ $pkg->{'pkg'} . '">' . $action->[1] . '</A>) ';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</TH></TR>';
+ my $col1 = "ffffff";
+ my $col2 = "dddddd";
+ my $col = $col1;
+ foreach my $cust_svc ( @{ $pkg->{cust_svc} } ) {
+ my $td = qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col"!;
+ $OUT .= '<TR>'.
+ "$td ALIGN=right>". $cust_svc->{label}[0]. ': </TD>'.
+ "$td><B>". $cust_svc->{label}[1]. '</B>';
+ $OUT .= '<BR><I>password: '. encode_entities($cust_svc->{_password}). '</I>'
+ if exists($cust_svc->{_password});
+ $OUT .= '</TD>'.
+ "$td><FONT SIZE=-1>";
+ #if ( $cust_svc->{label}[2] eq 'svc_acct' ) {
+ # $OUT .= qq!(<A HREF="${url}changepw;svcnum=$cust_svc->{'svcnum'}">!.
+ # 'change&nbsp;pw) ';
+ #}
+ unless ( $cust_svc->{'svcnum'} == $svcnum ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!(<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${url}delete_svc;svcnum=$cust_svc->{svcnum}', 'This will permanently delete the $cust_svc->{label}[1] $cust_svc->{label}[0]. Are you sure?')">!.
+ 'delete</A>)';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</FONT></TD></TR>';
+ $col = $col eq $col1 ? $col2 : $col1;
+ }
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="#000000"></TD></TR>'
+ if scalar(@{$pkg->{part_svc}}) && scalar(@{$pkg->{cust_svc}});
+ $col = $col1;
+ foreach my $part_svc ( @{ $pkg->{part_svc} } ) {
+ my $td = qq!<TD BGCOLOR="#$col"!;
+ my $link;
+ if ( $part_svc->{'svcdb'} eq 'svc_external'
+ #&& $conf->exists('svc_external-skip_manual')
+ ) {
+ $link = "${url}process_svc_external;".
+ "pkgnum=$pkg->{'pkgnum'};".
+ "svcpart=$part_svc->{'svcpart'}";
+ } else {
+ $link = "${url}provision_svc;".
+ "pkgnum=$pkg->{'pkgnum'};".
+ "svcpart=$part_svc->{'svcpart'}";
+ }
+ $OUT .= "<TR>$td COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=center>".
+ qq!<A HREF="$link">!. 'Setup '. $part_svc->{'svc'}. '</A> '.
+ '('. $part_svc->{'num_avail'}. ' available)'.
+ '</TD></TR>'
+ #self-service only supports these services so far
+ if grep { $part_svc->{'svcdb'} eq $_ } qw( svc_acct svc_external );
+ $col = $col eq $col1 ? $col2 : $col1;
+ }
+ #$OUT .= '</TABLE><BR>';
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#eeeeee" COLSPAN=3>&nbsp;</TD></TR>';
+} %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_svc_acct.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_svc_acct.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bae57305e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_svc_acct.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Setup account') %>
+<%= include('svc_acct') %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_svc_phone.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_svc_phone.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab9827e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/provision_svc_phone.html
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action=";
+ $heading2 = $lnp ? "Port-In Number" : "Setup phone number";
+ '';
+<%= include('header', $heading2) %>
+sub lnp_textfield {
+ my ($name,$label) = (shift,shift);
+ qq!<tr><td>$label</td><td><input type="text" name="$name"></td></tr>!;
+if($error) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<div style="color:red; font-size: 115%">$error</div>!;
+<FORM name="OneTrueForm" action="<%= $url %>" METHOD="POST">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_svc_phone">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pkgnum" VALUE="<%= $pkgnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcpart" VALUE="<%= $svcpart %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="numavail" VALUE="<%= $numavail %>">
+if($lnp) {
+ $OUT .= "<table>"
+ . qq!<input type="hidden" name="lnp" value="1">!
+ . lnp_textfield(phonenum,"Phone Number")
+ . lnp_textfield("lnp_desired_due_date","Requested Port-In Date")
+ . lnp_textfield("lnp_other_provider","Current Provider")
+ . lnp_textfield("lnp_other_provider_account","Current Provider's Account #")
+ . "</table>";
+} else {
+ didselector('field' => 'phonenum',
+ 'svcpart' => $svcpart,
+ 'bulknum' => $numavail,
+ );
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Setup">
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/recharge_prepay.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/recharge_prepay.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c716e8242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/recharge_prepay.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Recharge with prepaid card') %>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%=$selfurl%>" onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.process.disabled=true">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%=$session_id%>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="recharge_results">
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Amount&nbsp;Due</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <TABLE><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ $<%=sprintf("%.2f",$balance)%>
+ </TD></TR></TABLE>
+ </TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Prepaid&nbsp;card&nbsp;number</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="prepaid_cardnum" SIZE=20 MAXLENGTH=19 VALUE="<%=$prepaid_cardnum%>">
+ </TD>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="paybatch" VALUE="<%=$paybatch%>">
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="process" VALUE="Recharge"> <!-- onClick="this.disabled=true"> -->
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/recharge_results.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/recharge_results.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..147b66bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/recharge_results.html
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Recharge results') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error processing your prepaid card: $error</FONT>!;
+} else {
+ $OUT .= 'Prepaid card recharge successful!<BR><BR>';
+ $OUT .= '$'. sprintf('%.2f', $amount). ' added to your account.<BR><BR>'
+ if $amount;
+ $OUT .= $duration. ' added to your account.<BR><BR>'
+ if $seconds;
+ $OUT .= 'Thank you.';
+} %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/regcode.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/regcode.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e639b9b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/regcode.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup - registration code</FONT><BR><BR>
+function gotoURL(object) {
+ window.location.href = 'signup.cgi?reg_code=' + object.reg_code.value;
+Enter registration code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="reg_code">
+<INPUT type="submit" VALUE="Signup" onClick="gotoURL(this.form)">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/selfservice.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/selfservice.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e8b990da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/selfservice.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use vars qw($DEBUG $cgi $session_id $form_max $template_dir);
+use subs qw(do_template);
+use CGI;
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+use Text::Template;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use Date::Format;
+use Date::Parse 'str2time';
+use Number::Format 1.50;
+use FS::SelfService qw(
+ access_info login_info login customer_info edit_info invoice
+ payment_info process_payment realtime_collect process_prepay
+ list_pkgs order_pkg signup_info order_recharge
+ part_svc_info provision_acct provision_external provision_phone
+ unprovision_svc change_pkg suspend_pkg domainselector
+ list_svcs list_svc_usage list_cdr_usage list_support_usage
+ myaccount_passwd list_invoices create_ticket get_ticket did_report
+ mason_comp port_graph
+$template_dir = '.';
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$form_max = 255;
+$cgi = new CGI;
+unless ( defined $cgi->param('session') ) {
+ my $login_info = login_info( 'agentnum' => scalar($cgi->param('agentnum')) );
+ do_template('login', $login_info );
+ exit;
+if ( $cgi->param('session') eq 'login' ) {
+ $cgi->param('username') =~ /^\s*([a-z0-9_\-\.\&]{0,$form_max})\s*$/i
+ or die "illegal username";
+ my $username = $1;
+ $cgi->param('domain') =~ /^\s*([\w\-\.]{0,$form_max})\s*$/
+ or die "illegal domain";
+ my $domain = $1;
+ $cgi->param('password') =~ /^(.{0,$form_max})$/
+ or die "illegal password";
+ my $password = $1;
+ my $rv = login(
+ 'username' => $username,
+ 'domain' => $domain,
+ 'password' => $password,
+ );
+ if ( $rv->{error} ) {
+ my $login_info = login_info( 'agentnum' => $cgi->param('agentnum') );
+ do_template('login', {
+ 'error' => $rv->{error},
+ 'username' => $username,
+ 'domain' => $domain,
+ %$login_info,
+ } );
+ exit;
+ } else {
+ $cgi->param('session' => $rv->{session_id} );
+ $cgi->param('action' => 'myaccount' );
+ }
+$session_id = $cgi->param('session');
+#order|pw_list XXX ???
+my @actions = ( qw(
+ myaccount
+ tktcreate
+ tktview
+ didreport
+ invoices
+ view_invoice
+ make_payment
+ make_ach_payment
+ make_term_payment
+ make_thirdparty_payment
+ post_thirdparty_payment
+ payment_results
+ ach_payment_results
+ recharge_prepay
+ recharge_results
+ logout
+ change_bill
+ change_ship
+ change_pay
+ process_change_bill
+ process_change_ship
+ process_change_pay
+ customer_order_pkg
+ process_order_pkg
+ customer_change_pkg
+ process_change_pkg
+ process_order_recharge
+ provision
+ provision_svc
+ process_svc_acct
+ process_svc_phone
+ process_svc_external
+ delete_svc
+ view_usage
+ view_usage_details
+ view_cdr_details
+ view_support_details
+ view_port_graph
+ real_port_graph
+ change_password
+ process_change_password
+ customer_suspend_pkg
+ process_suspend_pkg
+$cgi->param('action') =~ ( '^(' . join('|', @actions) . ')$' )
+ or die "unknown action ". $cgi->param('action');
+my $action = $1;
+warn "calling $action sub\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+$FS::SelfService::DEBUG = $DEBUG;
+my $result = eval "&$action();";
+die $@ if $@;
+warn Dumper($result) if $DEBUG;
+if ( $result->{error} && ( $result->{error} eq "Can't resume session"
+ || $result->{error} eq "Expired session") ) { #ick
+ my $login_info = login_info();
+ do_template('login', $login_info);
+ exit;
+#warn $result->{'open_invoices'};
+#warn scalar(@{$result->{'open_invoices'}});
+warn "processing template $action\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+do_template($action, {
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'action' => $action, #so the menu knows what tab we're on...
+ #%{ payment_info( 'session_id' => $session_id ) }, # cust_paybys for the menu
+ %{$result}
+use Data::Dumper;
+sub myaccount {
+ customer_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+sub change_bill { my $payment_info =
+ payment_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ return $payment_info if ( $payment_info->{'error'} );
+ my $customer_info =
+ customer_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ return {
+ %$payment_info,
+ %$customer_info,
+ };
+ }
+sub change_ship { change_bill(@_); }
+sub change_pay { change_bill(@_); }
+sub _process_change_info {
+ my ($erroraction, @fields) = @_;
+ my $results = '';
+ $results ||= edit_info (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { ($_ => $cgi->param($_)) } grep { defined($cgi->param($_)) } @fields,
+ );
+ if ( $results->{'error'} ) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $action = $erroraction;
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{&$action()},
+ 'error' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $results->{'error'}. '</FONT>',
+ };
+ } else {
+ return $results;
+ }
+sub process_change_bill {
+ _process_change_info( 'change_bill',
+ qw( first last company address1 address2 city state
+ county zip country daytime night fax )
+ );
+sub process_change_ship {
+ my @list = map { "ship_$_" }
+ qw( first last company address1 address2 city state
+ county zip country daytime night fax
+ );
+ if ($cgi->param('same') eq 'Y') {
+ foreach (@list) { $cgi->param($_, '') }
+ }
+ _process_change_info( 'change_ship', @list );
+sub process_change_pay {
+ my $postal = $cgi->param( 'postal_invoicing' );
+ my $payby = $cgi->param( 'payby' );
+ my @list =
+ qw( payby payinfo payinfo1 payinfo2 month year payname
+ address1 address2 city county state zip country auto paytype
+ paystate ss stateid stateid_state invoicing_list
+ );
+ push @list, 'postal_invoicing' if $postal;
+ unless ( $payby ne 'BILL'
+ || $postal
+ || $cgi->param( 'invoicing_list' )
+ )
+ {
+ $action = 'change_pay';
+ return {
+ %{&change_pay()},
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ 'error' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Postal or email required.</FONT>',
+ };
+ }
+ _process_change_info( 'change_pay', @list );
+sub view_invoice {
+ $cgi->param('invnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "illegal invnum";
+ my $invnum = $1;
+ invoice( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'invnum' => $invnum,
+ );
+sub invoices {
+ list_invoices( 'session_id' => $session_id, );
+sub tktcreate {
+ my $customer_info = customer_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ return $customer_info if ( $customer_info->{'error'} );
+ my $requestor = "";
+ if ( $customer_info->{'invoicing_list'} ) {
+ my @requestor = split( /\s*\,\s*/, $customer_info->{'invoicing_list'} );
+ $requestor = $requestor[0] if scalar(@requestor);
+ }
+ return { 'requestor' => $requestor }
+ unless ($cgi->param('subject') && $cgi->param('message') &&
+ length($cgi->param('subject')) && length($cgi->param('message')));
+ create_ticket( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'subject' => $cgi->param('subject'),
+ 'message' => $cgi->param('message'),
+ 'requestor' => $requestor,
+ );
+sub tktview {
+ get_ticket( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'ticket_id' => $cgi->param('ticket_id'),
+ 'reply' => $cgi->param('reply'),
+ );
+sub customer_order_pkg {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'customer_session_id' => $session_id );
+ return $init_data if ( $init_data->{'error'} );
+ my $customer_info = customer_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ return $customer_info if ( $customer_info->{'error'} );
+ my $pkgselect = mason_comp(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'comp' => '/edit/cust_main/first_pkg/select-part_pkg.html',
+ 'args' => [ 'password_verify' => 1,
+ 'onchange' => 'enable_order_pkg()',
+ 'relurls' => 1,
+ 'empty_label' => 'Select package',
+ ],
+ );
+ $pkgselect = $pkgselect->{'error'} || $pkgselect->{'output'};
+ return {
+ ( map { $_ => $init_data->{$_} }
+ qw( part_pkg security_phrase svc_acct_pop ),
+ ),
+ %$customer_info,
+ 'pkg_selector' => $pkgselect,
+ };
+sub customer_change_pkg {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'customer_session_id' => $session_id );
+ return $init_data if ( $init_data->{'error'} );
+ my $customer_info = customer_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ return $customer_info if ( $customer_info->{'error'} );
+ return {
+ ( map { $_ => $init_data->{$_} }
+ qw( part_pkg security_phrase svc_acct_pop ),
+ ),
+ ( map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) }
+ qw( pkgnum pkg )
+ ),
+ %$customer_info,
+ };
+sub process_order_pkg {
+ my $results = '';
+ my @params = (qw( custnum pkgpart ));
+ my $svcdb = '';
+ if ( $cgi->param('pkgpart_svcpart') =~ /^(\d+)_(\d+)$/ ) {
+ $cgi->param('pkgpart', $1);
+ $cgi->param('svcpart', $2);
+ push @params, 'svcpart';
+ $svcdb = $cgi->param('svcdb');
+ push @params, 'domsvc' if $svcdb eq 'svc_acct';
+ } else {
+ $svcdb = 'svc_acct';
+ }
+ if ( $svcdb eq 'svc_acct' ) {
+ push @params, qw( username _password _password2 sec_phrase popnum );
+ unless ( length($cgi->param('_password')) ) {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'customer_session_id' => $session_id );
+ $results = { 'error' => $init_data->{msgcat}{empty_password} };
+ $results = { 'error' => $init_data->{error} } if($init_data->{error});
+ }
+ if ( $cgi->param('_password') ne $cgi->param('_password2') ) {
+ my $init_data = signup_info( 'customer_session_id' => $session_id );
+ $results = { 'error' => $init_data->{msgcat}{passwords_dont_match} };
+ $results = { 'error' => $init_data->{error} } if($init_data->{error});
+ $cgi->param('_password', '');
+ $cgi->param('_password2', '');
+ }
+ } elsif ( $svcdb eq 'svc_phone' ) {
+ push @params, qw( phonenum sip_password pin phone_name );
+ } else {
+ die "$svcdb not handled on process_order_pkg yet";
+ }
+ $results ||= order_pkg (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } @params
+ );
+ if ( $results->{'error'} ) {
+ $action = 'customer_order_pkg';
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{customer_order_pkg()},
+ 'error' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $results->{'error'}. '</FONT>',
+ };
+ } else {
+ return $results;
+ }
+sub process_change_pkg {
+ my $results = '';
+ $results ||= change_pkg (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) }
+ qw( pkgpart pkgnum )
+ );
+ if ( $results->{'error'} ) {
+ $action = 'customer_change_pkg';
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{customer_change_pkg()},
+ 'error' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $results->{'error'}. '</FONT>',
+ };
+ } else {
+ return $results;
+ }
+sub process_suspend_pkg {
+ my $results = '';
+ $results = suspend_pkg (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) }
+ qw( pkgnum )
+ );
+ if ( $results->{'error'} ) {
+ $action = 'provision';
+ return {
+ 'error' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $results->{'error'}. '</FONT>',
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return $results;
+ }
+sub process_order_recharge {
+ my $results = '';
+ $results ||= order_recharge (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) }
+ qw( svcnum )
+ );
+ if ( $results->{'error'} ) {
+ $action = 'view_usage';
+ if ($results->{'error'} eq '_decline') {
+ $results->{'error'} = "There has been an error processing your account. Please contact customer support."
+ }
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{view_usage()},
+ 'error' => '<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">'. $results->{'error'}. '</FONT>',
+ };
+ } else {
+ return $results;
+ }
+sub make_payment {
+ payment_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+sub payment_results {
+ use Business::CreditCard 0.30;
+ #we should only do basic checking here for DoS attacks and things
+ #that couldn't be constructed by the web form... let process_payment() do
+ #the rest, it gives better error messages
+ $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^\s*(\d+(\.\d{2})?)\s*$/
+ or die "Illegal amount: ". $cgi->param('amount'); #!!!
+ my $amount = $1;
+ my $payinfo = $cgi->param('payinfo');
+ $payinfo =~ s/[^\dx]//g;
+ $payinfo =~ /^([\dx]{13,16})$/
+ #or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo;
+ or die "illegal card"; #!!!
+ $payinfo = $1;
+ unless ( $payinfo =~ /x/ ) {
+ validate($payinfo)
+ #or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo;
+ or die "invalid card"; #!!!
+ }
+ if ( $cgi->param('card_type') ) {
+ cardtype($payinfo) eq $cgi->param('card_type')
+ #or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{not_a}. $cgi->param('CARD_type');
+ or die "not a ". $cgi->param('card_type');
+ }
+ $cgi->param('paycvv') =~ /^\s*(.{0,4})\s*$/ or die "illegal CVV2";
+ my $paycvv = $1;
+ $cgi->param('month') =~ /^(\d{2})$/ or die "illegal month";
+ my $month = $1;
+ $cgi->param('year') =~ /^(\d{4})$/ or die "illegal year";
+ my $year = $1;
+ $cgi->param('payname') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal payname";
+ my $payname = $1;
+ $cgi->param('address1') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal address1";
+ my $address1 = $1;
+ $cgi->param('address2') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal address2";
+ my $address2 = $1;
+ $cgi->param('city') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal city";
+ my $city = $1;
+ $cgi->param('state') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal state";
+ my $state = $1;
+ $cgi->param('zip') =~ /^(.{0,10})$/ or die "illegal zip";
+ my $zip = $1;
+ $cgi->param('country') =~ /^(.{0,2})$/ or die "illegal country";
+ my $country = $1;
+ my $save = 0;
+ $save = 1 if $cgi->param('save');
+ my $auto = 0;
+ $auto = 1 if $cgi->param('auto');
+ $cgi->param('paybatch') =~ /^([\w\-\.]+)$/ or die "illegal paybatch";
+ my $paybatch = $1;
+ $cgi->param('discount_term') =~ /^(\d*)$/ or die "illegal discount_term";
+ my $discount_term = $1;
+ process_payment(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'payby' => 'CARD',
+ 'amount' => $amount,
+ 'payinfo' => $payinfo,
+ 'paycvv' => $paycvv,
+ 'month' => $month,
+ 'year' => $year,
+ 'payname' => $payname,
+ 'address1' => $address1,
+ 'address2' => $address2,
+ 'city' => $city,
+ 'state' => $state,
+ 'zip' => $zip,
+ 'country' => $country,
+ 'save' => $save,
+ 'auto' => $auto,
+ 'paybatch' => $paybatch,
+ 'discount_term' => $discount_term,
+ );
+sub make_ach_payment {
+ payment_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+sub ach_payment_results {
+ #we should only do basic checking here for DoS attacks and things
+ #that couldn't be constructed by the web form... let process_payment() do
+ #the rest, it gives better error messages
+ $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^\s*(\d+(\.\d{2})?)\s*$/
+ or die "illegal amount"; #!!!
+ my $amount = $1;
+ my $payinfo1 = $cgi->param('payinfo1');
+ $payinfo1 =~ s/[^\dx]//g;
+ $payinfo1 =~ /^([\dx]+)$/
+ or die "illegal account"; #!!!
+ $payinfo1 = $1;
+ my $payinfo2 = $cgi->param('payinfo2');
+ $payinfo2 =~ s/[^\dx]//g;
+ $payinfo2 =~ /^([\dx]+)$/
+ or die "illegal ABA/routing code"; #!!!
+ $payinfo2 = $1;
+ $cgi->param('payname') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal payname";
+ my $payname = $1;
+ $cgi->param('paystate') =~ /^(.{0,2})$/ or die "illegal paystate";
+ my $paystate = $1;
+ $cgi->param('paytype') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal paytype";
+ my $paytype = $1;
+ $cgi->param('ss') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal ss";
+ my $ss = $1;
+ $cgi->param('stateid') =~ /^(.{0,80})$/ or die "illegal stateid";
+ my $stateid = $1;
+ $cgi->param('stateid_state') =~ /^(.{0,2})$/ or die "illegal stateid_state";
+ my $stateid_state = $1;
+ my $save = 0;
+ $save = 1 if $cgi->param('save');
+ my $auto = 0;
+ $auto = 1 if $cgi->param('auto');
+ $cgi->param('paybatch') =~ /^([\w\-\.]+)$/ or die "illegal paybatch";
+ my $paybatch = $1;
+ process_payment(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'payby' => 'CHEK',
+ 'amount' => $amount,
+ 'payinfo1' => $payinfo1,
+ 'payinfo2' => $payinfo2,
+ 'month' => '12',
+ 'year' => '2037',
+ 'payname' => $payname,
+ 'paytype' => $paytype,
+ 'paystate' => $paystate,
+ 'ss' => $ss,
+ 'stateid' => $stateid,
+ 'stateid_state' => $stateid_state,
+ 'save' => $save,
+ 'auto' => $auto,
+ 'paybatch' => $paybatch,
+ );
+sub make_thirdparty_payment {
+ payment_info('session_id' => $session_id);
+sub post_thirdparty_payment {
+ $cgi->param('payby_method') =~ /^(CC|ECHECK)$/
+ or die "illegal payby method";
+ my $method = $1;
+ $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^(\d+(\.\d*)?)$/
+ or die "illegal amount";
+ my $amount = $1;
+ my $result = realtime_collect(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'method' => $method,
+ 'amount' => $amount,
+ );
+ $result;
+sub make_term_payment {
+ $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^(\d+\.\d{2})$/
+ or die "illegal payment amount";
+ my $balance = $1;
+ $cgi->param('discount_term') =~ /^(\d+)$/
+ or die "illegal discount term";
+ my $discount_term = $1;
+ $action = 'make_payment';
+ ({ %{payment_info( 'session_id' => $session_id )},
+ 'balance' => $balance,
+ 'discount_term' => $discount_term,
+ })
+sub recharge_prepay {
+ customer_info( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+sub recharge_results {
+ my $prepaid_cardnum = $cgi->param('prepaid_cardnum');
+ $prepaid_cardnum =~ s/\W//g;
+ $prepaid_cardnum =~ /^(\w*)$/ or die "illegal prepaid card number";
+ $prepaid_cardnum = $1;
+ process_prepay ( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'prepaid_cardnum' => $prepaid_cardnum,
+ );
+sub logout {
+ FS::SelfService::logout( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+sub didreport {
+ my $result = did_report( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'format' => $cgi->param('type'),
+ 'recentonly' => $cgi->param('recentonly'),
+ );
+ die $result->{'error'} if exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'};
+ $result;
+sub provision {
+ my $result = list_pkgs( 'session_id' => $session_id );
+ die $result->{'error'} if exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'};
+ $result->{'pkgpart'} = $cgi->param('pkgpart') if $cgi->param('pkgpart');
+ $result->{'filter'} = $cgi->param('filter') if $cgi->param('filter');
+ $result;
+sub provision_svc {
+ my $result = part_svc_info(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( pkgnum svcpart ),
+ );
+ die $result->{'error'} if exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'};
+ $result->{'svcdb'} =~ /^svc_(.*)$/
+ #or return { 'error' => 'Unknown svcdb '. $result->{'svcdb'} };
+ or die 'Unknown svcdb '. $result->{'svcdb'};
+ $action .= "_$1";
+ $result->{'numavail'} = $cgi->param('numavail');
+ $result->{'lnp'} = $cgi->param('lnp');
+ $result;
+sub process_svc_phone {
+ my @bulkdid = $cgi->param('bulkdid');
+ my $phonenum = $cgi->param('phonenum');
+ my $lnp = $cgi->param('lnp');
+ my $result;
+ if($lnp) {
+ $result = provision_phone (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'countrycode' => '1',
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( pkgnum svcpart phonenum
+ lnp_desired_due_date lnp_other_provider
+ lnp_other_provider_account )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $result = provision_phone (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'bulkdid' => [ @bulkdid ],
+ 'countrycode' => '1',
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( pkgnum svcpart phonenum )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'} ) {
+ $action = 'provision_svc_phone';
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{ part_svc_info( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( pkgnum svcpart )
+ )
+ },
+ 'error' => $result->{'error'},
+ };
+ }
+ $result;
+sub process_svc_acct {
+ my $result = provision_acct (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw(
+ pkgnum svcpart username domsvc _password _password2 sec_phrase popnum )
+ );
+ if ( exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'} ) {
+ #warn "$result $result->{'error'}";
+ $action = 'provision_svc_acct';
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{ part_svc_info( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( pkgnum svcpart )
+ )
+ },
+ 'error' => $result->{'error'},
+ };
+ } else {
+ #warn "$result $result->{'error'}";
+ return $result;
+ }
+sub process_svc_external {
+ provision_external (
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( pkgnum svcpart )
+ );
+sub delete_svc {
+ unprovision_svc(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcnum' => $cgi->param('svcnum'),
+ );
+sub view_usage {
+ list_svcs(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcdb' => [ 'svc_acct', 'svc_phone', 'svc_port', ],
+ 'ncancelled' => 1,
+ );
+sub real_port_graph {
+ my $svcnum = $cgi->param('svcnum');
+ my $res = port_graph(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcnum' => $svcnum,
+ 'beginning' => str2time($cgi->param('start')." 00:00:00"),
+ 'ending' => str2time($cgi->param('end')." 23:59:59"),
+ );
+ my @usage = @{$res->{'usage'}};
+ my $png = $usage[0]->{'png'};
+ { 'content' => $png, 'format' => 'png' };
+sub view_port_graph {
+ my $svcnum = $cgi->param('svcnum');
+ { 'svcnum' => $svcnum,
+ 'start' => $cgi->param($svcnum.'_start'),
+ 'end' => $cgi->param($svcnum.'_end'),
+ }
+sub view_usage_details {
+ list_svc_usage(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcnum' => $cgi->param('svcnum'),
+ 'beginning' => $cgi->param('beginning') || '',
+ 'ending' => $cgi->param('ending') || '',
+ );
+sub view_cdr_details {
+ list_cdr_usage(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcnum' => $cgi->param('svcnum'),
+ 'beginning' => $cgi->param('beginning') || '',
+ 'ending' => $cgi->param('ending') || '',
+ );
+sub view_support_details {
+ list_support_usage(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcnum' => $cgi->param('svcnum'),
+ 'beginning' => $cgi->param('beginning') || '',
+ 'ending' => $cgi->param('ending') || '',
+ );
+sub change_password {
+ list_svcs(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcdb' => 'svc_acct',
+ );
+sub process_change_password {
+ my $result = myaccount_passwd(
+ 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ map { $_ => $cgi->param($_) } qw( svcnum new_password new_password2 )
+ );
+ if ( exists $result->{'error'} && $result->{'error'} ) {
+ $action = 'change_password';
+ return {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{ list_svcs( 'session_id' => $session_id,
+ 'svcdb' => 'svc_acct',
+ )
+ },
+ #'svcnum' => $cgi->param('svcnum'),
+ 'error' => $result->{'error'}
+ };
+ } else {
+ return $result;
+ }
+sub do_template {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $fill_in = shift;
+ $cgi->delete_all();
+ $fill_in->{'selfurl'} = $cgi->self_url;
+ $fill_in->{'cgi'} = \$cgi;
+ my $access_info = $session_id
+ ? access_info( 'session_id' => $session_id )
+ : {};
+ $fill_in->{$_} = $access_info->{$_} foreach keys %$access_info;
+ if($result && ref($result) && $result->{'format'} && $result->{'content'}
+ && $result->{'format'} eq 'csv') {
+ print $cgi->header('-expires' => 'now',
+ '-Content-Type' => 'text/csv',
+ '-Content-Disposition' => "attachment;filename=output.csv",
+ ),
+ $result->{'content'};
+ }
+ elsif($result && ref($result) && $result->{'format'} && $result->{'content'}
+ && $result->{'format'} eq 'xls') {
+ print $cgi->header('-expires' => 'now',
+ '-Content-Type' => 'application/',
+ '-Content-Disposition' => "attachment;filename=output.xls",
+ '-Content-Length' => length($result->{'content'}),
+ ),
+ $result->{'content'};
+ }
+ elsif($result && ref($result) && $result->{'format'} && $result->{'content'}
+ && $result->{'format'} eq 'png') {
+ print $cgi->header('-expires' => 'now',
+ '-Content-Type' => 'image/png',
+ ),
+ $result->{'content'};
+ }
+ else {
+ my $source = "$template_dir/$name.html";
+ my $template = new Text::Template( TYPE => 'FILE',
+ SOURCE => $source,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ UNTAINT => 1,
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ my $data = $template->fill_in(
+ PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_selfservicecgi',
+ HASH => $fill_in,
+ ) || "Error processing template $source"; # at least print _something_
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' );
+ print $data;
+ }
+ }
+#*FS::SelfService::_selfservicecgi::include = \&Text::Template::fill_in_file;
+package FS::SelfService::_selfservicecgi;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use FS::SelfService qw(
+ regionselector popselector domainselector location_form didselector
+#false laziness w/agent.cgi
+use vars qw(@INCLUDE_ARGS);
+sub include {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $template = new Text::Template( TYPE => 'FILE',
+ SOURCE => "$main::template_dir/$name.html",
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ UNTAINT => 1,
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_selfservicecgi',
+ #HASH => $fill_in
+ );
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-agentselect.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-agentselect.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7851c5601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-agentselect.html
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup form</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.signup.disabled=true">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="process">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ref" VALUE="<%= $referral_custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="">
+Agent <SELECT NAME="agentnum">
+ warn $init_data;
+ warn $init_data->{'agent'};
+ foreach my $agent ( @{$init_data->{'agent'}} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $agent->{'agentnum'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $agent->{'agentnum'} eq $agentnum;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $agent->{'agent'};
+ }
+Contact Information
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Contact name<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last" VALUE="<%= $last %>">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="first" VALUE="<%= $first %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $company %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address1 %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address2 %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="<%= $city %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>State/Country</TH>
+ <TD>
+ <%=
+ ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( $county, $state, $country );
+ "$county_html $state_html";
+ %>
+ </TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="<%= $zip %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Country</TH>
+ <TD><%= $country_html %></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="daytime" VALUE="<%= $daytime %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="night" VALUE="<%= $night %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fax" VALUE="<%= $fax %>" SIZE=12></TD>
+</TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields<BR>
+<BR>Billing information<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST"';
+ my @invoicing_list = split(', ', $invoicing_list );
+ $OUT .= ' CHECKED'
+ if ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list;
+ $OUT .= '>';
+ %>
+ Postal mail invoice
+<TR><TD>Email invoice <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } split(', ', $invoicing_list ) ) %>">
+<%= scalar(@payby) > 1 ? '<TR><TD>Billing type</TD></TR>' : '' %>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ my $cardselect = '<SELECT NAME="CARD_type"><OPTION></OPTION>';
+ my %types = (
+ 'VISA' => 'VISA card',
+ 'MasterCard' => 'MasterCard',
+ 'Discover' => 'Discover card',
+ 'American Express' => 'American Express card',
+ );
+ foreach ( keys %types ) {
+ $selected = $cgi->param('CARD_type') eq $types{$_} ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ $cardselect .= qq!<OPTION $selected VALUE="$types{$_}">$_</OPTION>!;
+ }
+ $cardselect .= '</SELECT>';
+ my %payby = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", "12-2037"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="Accounts Payable">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP"),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo);
+ my %paybychecked = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP", $paydate),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ for (@payby) {
+ if ( scalar(@payby) == 1) {
+ $OUT .= '<TD VALIGN=TOP>'.
+ qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_">!.
+ "$paybychecked{$_}</TD>";
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD VALIGN=TOP><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_"!;
+ if ($payby eq $_) {
+ $OUT .= qq! CHECKED> $paybychecked{$_}</TD>!;
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!> $payby{$_}</TD>!;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ %>
+</TR></TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields for each billing type
+<BR><BR>First package
+ <TD COLSPAN=2><SELECT NAME="pkgpart"><OPTION VALUE="">(none)
+ <%=
+ foreach my $package ( @{$packages} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $package->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $pkgpart && $package->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $package->{'pkg'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Username</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password" VALUE="<%= $password %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Re-enter Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password2" VALUE="<%= $password2 %>"></TD>
+ if ( $init_data->{'security_phrase'} ) {
+ $OUT .= <<ENDOUT;
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Security Phrase</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="$sec_phrase">
+ </TD>
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="">';
+ }
+ if ( scalar(@$pops) ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector($popnum). '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= popselector($popnum);
+ }
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="signup" VALUE="Signup" >
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-alternate.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-alternate.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..490cefa5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-alternate.html
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup form</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM NAME="dummy">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="process">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ref" VALUE="<%= $referral_custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="agentnum" VALUE="3">
+Contact Information
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Contact name<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last" VALUE="<%= $last %>">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="first" VALUE="<%= $first %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $company %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address1 %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address2 %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="<%= $city %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>State/Country</TH>
+ <TD><SELECT NAME="state" SIZE="1">
+ <%=
+ foreach ( @{$locales} ) {
+ my $value = $_->{'state'};
+ $value .= ' ('. $_->{'county'}. ')' if $_->{'county'};
+ $value .= ' / '. $_->{'country'};
+ $OUT .= qq(<OPTION VALUE="$value");
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if ( $state eq $_->{'state'}
+ && $county eq $_->{'county'}
+ && $country eq $_->{'country'}
+ );
+ $OUT .= ">$value</OPTION>";
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="<%= $zip %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="daytime" VALUE="<%= $daytime %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="night" VALUE="<%= $night %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fax" VALUE="<%= $fax %>" SIZE=12></TD>
+</TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields<BR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Username</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Password</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password" VALUE="<%= $password %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Re-enter Password</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password2" VALUE="<%= $password2 %>"></TD>
+<%= if ( $init_data->{'security_phrase'} ) {
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Security Phrase</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="$sec_phrase">
+ </TD>
+ } else {
+ '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="">';
+ }
+<%= if ( scalar(@$pops) ) {
+ '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector($popnum). '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ popselector($popnum);
+ }
+</TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields
+<BR><BR>First package
+ <%= use Tie::IxHash;
+ my %pkgpart2payby = map { $_->{pkgpart} => $_->{payby}[0] } @{$packages};
+ tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
+ '' => '(none)',
+ map { $_->{pkgpart} => $_->{pkg} }
+ sort { $a->{recur} <=> $b->{recur} }
+ @{$packages}
+ ;
+ use HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers 0.02;
+ my @form_text = qw( magic ref ss agentnum
+ last first company address1 address2
+ city zip daytime night fax
+ username _password _password2 sec_phrase );
+ my @form_select = qw( state ); #county country
+ if ( scalar(@$pops) == 0 or scalar(@$pops) == 1 ) {
+ push @form_text, 'popnum',
+ } else {
+ push @form_select, 'popnum',
+ }
+ my $widget = new HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers(
+ options => \%options,
+ selected_layer => $pkgpart,
+ form_name => 'dummy',
+ form_action => $self_url,
+ form_text => \@form_text,
+ form_select => \@form_select,
+ layer_callback => sub {
+ my $layer = shift;
+ my $html = qq( <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pkgpart" VALUE="$layer">);
+ if ( $pkgpart2payby{$layer} eq 'BILL' ) {
+ $html .= <<ENDOUT;
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="BILL">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_month" VALUE="12">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_year" VALUE="2037">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="">
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Signup">
+ } elsif ( $pkgpart2payby{$layer} eq 'CARD' ) {
+ my $postal_checked = '';
+ my @invoicing_list = split(', ', $invoicing_list );
+ $postal_checked = 'CHECKED'
+ if ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list;
+ $invoicing_list= join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } @invoicing_list );
+ my $expselect = expselect("CARD", $paydate);
+ my $cardselect = '<SELECT NAME="CARD_type"><OPTION></OPTION>';
+ my %types = (
+ 'VISA' => 'VISA card',
+ 'MasterCard' => 'MasterCard',
+ 'Discover' => 'Discover card',
+ 'American Express' => 'American Express card',
+ );
+ foreach ( keys %types ) {
+ $selected =
+ $cgi->param('CARD_type') eq $types{$_} ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ $cardselect .=
+ qq!<OPTION $selected VALUE="$types{$_}">$_</OPTION>!;
+ }
+ $cardselect .= '</SELECT>';
+ $html .= <<ENDOUT;
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="CARD">
+<BR><BR>Billing information
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="">
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Email statement to </TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="$invoicing_list"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Credit card type</TH>
+ <TD>$cardselect</TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Card number</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>*</font>Exp</TH>
+ <TD>$expselect</TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="$payname"></TD>
+<font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Signup">
+ } else {
+ $html = <<ENDOUT;
+<BR>Please select a package.<BR>
+ }
+ $html;
+ },
+ );
+ $widget->html;
+ %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-billaddress.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-billaddress.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3cf9d2505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-billaddress.html
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8" onUnload="myclose()">
+<script language="JavaScript"><!--
+ var mywindow = -1;
+ function myopen(filename,windowname,properties) {
+ myclose();
+ mywindow =,windowname,properties);
+ }
+ function myclose() {
+ if ( mywindow != -1 )
+ mywindow.close();
+ mywindow = -1
+ }
+<FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup form</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.signup.disabled=true">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="process">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ref" VALUE="<%= $referral_custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="">
+Where did you hear about our service? <SELECT NAME="refnum">
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="">' unless $refnum;
+ foreach my $part_referral ( @{$init_data->{'part_referral'}} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $part_referral->{'refnum'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $part_referral->{'refnum'} eq $refnum;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $part_referral->{'referral'};
+ }
+Billing Address (where credit card statement is sent)
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exact name on card<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last" VALUE="<%= $last %>" onChange="changed(this)">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="first" VALUE="<%= $first %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $company %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address1 %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address2 %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="<%= $city %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>State/Country</TH>
+ <TD>
+ <%=
+ ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( $county, $state, $country, '', 'changed(this)' );
+ "$county_html $state_html";
+ %>
+ </TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="<%= $zip %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Country</TH>
+ <TD><%= $country_html %></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="daytime" VALUE="<%= $daytime %>" SIZE=18 onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="night" VALUE="<%= $night %>" SIZE=18 onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fax" VALUE="<%= $fax %>" SIZE=12 onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+function changed(what) {
+ what.form.same.checked = false;
+function samechanged(what) {
+ if ( what.checked ) {
+ <%= foreach (qw(
+ last first company address1 address2 city zip daytime night fax
+ )) {
+ $OUT .= "what.form.ship_$_.value = what.form.$_.value;\n";
+ }
+ %>
+ what.form.ship_country.selectedIndex =;
+ ship_country_changed(what.form.ship_country);
+ what.form.ship_state.selectedIndex = what.form.state.selectedIndex;
+ ship_state_changed(what.form.ship_state);
+ what.form.ship_county.selectedIndex = what.form.county.selectedIndex;
+ }
+Service Address
+(<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="same" VALUE="Y" onClick="samechanged(this)" <%= $same eq 'Y' ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>>same as billing address)<BR>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Contact name<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_last" VALUE="<%= $ship_last %>" onChange="changed(this)">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_first" VALUE="<%= $ship_first %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_company" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $ship_company %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $ship_address1 %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $ship_address2 %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_city" VALUE="<%= $ship_city %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>State/Country</TH>
+ <TD>
+ <%=
+ ($ship_county_html, $ship_state_html, $ship_country_html) =
+ regionselector( $ship_county,
+ $ship_state,
+ $ship_country,
+ 'ship_',
+ 'changed(this)',
+ );
+ "$ship_county_html $ship_state_html";
+ %>
+ </TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="<%= $ship_zip %>" onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Country</TH>
+ <TD><%= $ship_country_html %></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_daytime" VALUE="<%= $ship_daytime %>" SIZE=18 onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_night" VALUE="<%= $ship_night %>" SIZE=18 onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ship_fax" VALUE="<%= $ship_fax %>" SIZE=12 onChange="changed(this)"></TD>
+<font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields<BR>
+<BR>Billing information<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST"';
+ my @invoicing_list = split(', ', $invoicing_list );
+ $OUT .= ' CHECKED'
+ if ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list;
+ $OUT .= '>';
+ %>
+ Postal mail invoice
+<TR><TD>Email invoice <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } split(', ', $invoicing_list ) ) %>">
+<%= scalar(@payby) > 1 ? '<TR><TD>Billing type</TD></TR>' : '' %>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ my $cardselect = '<SELECT NAME="CARD_type"><OPTION></OPTION>';
+ my %types = (
+ 'VISA' => 'VISA card',
+ 'MasterCard' => 'MasterCard',
+ 'Discover' => 'Discover card',
+ 'American Express' => 'American Express card',
+ );
+ foreach ( keys %types ) {
+ $selected = $cgi->param('CARD_type') eq $types{$_} ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ $cardselect .= qq!<OPTION $selected VALUE="$types{$_}">$_</OPTION>!;
+ }
+ $cardselect .= '</SELECT>';
+ my %payby = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD"), #. qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD"), #. qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", "12-2037"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="Accounts Payable">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP"),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $init_data->{'cvv_enabled'} ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $payby{$payby} .= qq!<BR>CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>!;
+ }
+ }
+ my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo);
+ my %paybychecked = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD", $paydate), #. qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD", $paydate), #. qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP", $paydate),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $init_data->{'cvv_enabled'} ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $paybychecked{$payby} .= qq!<BR>CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="$paycvv" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>!;
+ }
+ }
+ for (@payby) {
+ if ( scalar(@payby) == 1) {
+ $OUT .= '<TD VALIGN=TOP>'.
+ qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_">!.
+ "$paybychecked{$_}</TD>";
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD VALIGN=TOP><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_"!;
+ if ($payby eq $_) {
+ $OUT .= qq! CHECKED> $paybychecked{$_}</TD>!;
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!> $payby{$_}</TD>!;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ %>
+</TR></TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields for each billing type
+<BR><BR>First package
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="promo_code" VALUE="<%= $cgi->param('promo_code') %>">
+ <TD COLSPAN=2><SELECT NAME="pkgpart">
+ <%=
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="">(none)' unless scalar(@$packages) == 1;
+ foreach my $package ( @{$packages} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $package->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
+ if ( $pkgpart && $package->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart )
+ || scalar(@$packages) == 1;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $package->{'pkg'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Username</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password" VALUE="<%= $password %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Re-enter Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password2" VALUE="<%= $password2 %>"></TD>
+ if ( $init_data->{'security_phrase'} ) {
+ $OUT .= <<ENDOUT;
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Security Phrase</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="$sec_phrase">
+ </TD>
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="">';
+ }
+ if ( scalar(@$pops) ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector($popnum). '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= popselector($popnum);
+ }
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="signup" VALUE="Signup">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-freeoption.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-freeoption.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..40ad03c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-freeoption.html
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8" onUnload="myclose()">
+<script language="JavaScript"><!--
+ var mywindow = -1;
+ function myopen(filename,windowname,properties) {
+ myclose();
+ mywindow =,windowname,properties);
+ }
+ function myclose() {
+ if ( mywindow != -1 )
+ mywindow.close();
+ mywindow = -1
+ }
+<FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup form</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.signup.disabled=true">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="process">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ref" VALUE="<%= $referral_custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="">
+Where did you hear about our service? <SELECT NAME="refnum">
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="">' unless $refnum;
+ foreach my $part_referral ( @{$init_data->{'part_referral'}} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $part_referral->{'refnum'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $part_referral->{'refnum'} eq $refnum;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $part_referral->{'referral'};
+ }
+Contact Information
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Contact name<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last" VALUE="<%= $last %>">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="first" VALUE="<%= $first %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $company %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address1 %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address2 %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="<%= $city %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>State/Country</TH>
+ <TD>
+ <%=
+ ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( $county, $state, $country );
+ "$county_html $state_html";
+ %>
+ </TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="<%= $zip %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Country</TH>
+ <TD><%= $country_html %></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="daytime" VALUE="<%= $daytime %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="night" VALUE="<%= $night %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fax" VALUE="<%= $fax %>" SIZE=12></TD>
+</TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields<BR>
+ my $first_payby = $packages->[0]{'payby'}[0];
+ unless ( grep { scalar( @{$_->{'payby'}} ) > 1
+ || $_->{'payby'}->[0] ne $first_payby
+ } @$packages
+ ) {
+ @payby = ( $first_payby );
+ }
+ unless ( scalar(@payby) == 1 && $payby[0] eq 'BILL' ) {
+ $OUT .= ' Billing information
+ <TR><TD>
+ <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST"';
+ my @invoicing_list = split(', ', $invoicing_list );
+ $OUT .= ' CHECKED'
+ if ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list;
+ $OUT .= '> Postal mail invoice
+ </TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD>Email invoice
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="'
+ .join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } split(', ', $invoicing_list ) ).
+ '"></TD></TR>';
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD>Billing type</TD></TR>'
+ if scalar(@payby) > 1;
+ $OUT .= '</TABLE>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="">
+ <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="">';
+ }
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ my $cardselect = '<SELECT NAME="CARD_type"><OPTION></OPTION>';
+ my %types = (
+ 'VISA' => 'VISA card',
+ 'MasterCard' => 'MasterCard',
+ 'Discover' => 'Discover card',
+ 'American Express' => 'American Express card',
+ );
+ foreach ( keys %types ) {
+ $selected = $cgi->param('CARD_type') eq $types{$_} ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ $cardselect .= qq!<OPTION $selected VALUE="$types{$_}">$_</OPTION>!;
+ }
+ $cardselect .= '</SELECT>';
+ my %payby = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => <<'END',
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_month" VALUE="12">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_year" VALUE="2037">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="">
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP"),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $init_data->{'cvv_enabled'} ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $payby{$payby} .= qq!<BR>CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>!;
+ }
+ }
+ my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo);
+ my %paybychecked = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => <<'END',
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_month" VALUE="12">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_year" VALUE="2037">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="">
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP", $paydate),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $init_data->{'cvv_enabled'} ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $paybychecked{$payby} .= qq!<BR>CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="$paycvv" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>!;
+ }
+ }
+ for (@payby) {
+ if ( scalar(@payby) == 1) {
+ $OUT .= '<TD VALIGN=TOP>'.
+ qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_">!.
+ "$paybychecked{$_}</TD>";
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD VALIGN=TOP><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_"!;
+ if ($payby eq $_) {
+ $OUT .= qq! CHECKED> $paybychecked{$_}</TD>!;
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!> $payby{$_}</TD>!;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ %>
+<%= unless ( scalar(@payby) == 1 && $payby[0] eq 'BILL' ) {
+ $OUT .= '<font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields for each billing type';
+ }
+ '';
+<BR><BR>First package
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="promo_code" VALUE="<%= $cgi->param('promo_code') %>"><TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">
+ <TD COLSPAN=2><SELECT NAME="pkgpart">
+ <%=
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="">(none)' unless scalar(@$packages) == 1;
+ foreach my $package ( @{$packages} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $package->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
+ if ( $pkgpart && $package->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart )
+ || scalar(@$packages) == 1;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $package->{'pkg'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Username</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password" VALUE="<%= $password %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Re-enter Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password2" VALUE="<%= $password2 %>"></TD>
+ if ( $init_data->{'security_phrase'} ) {
+ $OUT .= <<ENDOUT;
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Security Phrase</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="$sec_phrase">
+ </TD>
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="">';
+ }
+ if ( scalar(@$pops) ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector($popnum). '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= popselector($popnum);
+ }
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="signup" VALUE="Signup">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-snarf.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-snarf.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d167efbf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup-snarf.html
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8" onUnload="myclose()">
+<script language="JavaScript"><!--
+ var mywindow = -1;
+ function myopen(filename,windowname,properties) {
+ myclose();
+ mywindow =,windowname,properties);
+ }
+ function myclose() {
+ if ( mywindow != -1 )
+ mywindow.close();
+ mywindow = -1
+ }
+<FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup form</FONT><BR><BR>
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="process">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ref" VALUE="<%= $referral_custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="">
+Contact Information
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Contact name<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last" VALUE="<%= $last %>">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="first" VALUE="<%= $first %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $company %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address1 %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="<%= $address2 %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="<%= $city %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>State/Country</TH>
+ <TD>
+ <%=
+ ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( $county, $state, $country );
+ "$county_html $state_html";
+ %>
+ </TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="<%= $zip %>"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Country</TH>
+ <TD><%= $country_html %></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="daytime" VALUE="<%= $daytime %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="night" VALUE="<%= $night %>" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fax" VALUE="<%= $fax %>" SIZE=12></TD>
+</TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields<BR>
+<BR>Billing information<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST"';
+ my @invoicing_list = split(', ', $invoicing_list );
+ $OUT .= ' CHECKED'
+ if ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list;
+ $OUT .= '>';
+ %>
+ Postal mail invoice
+<TR><TD>Email invoice <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } split(', ', $invoicing_list ) ) %>">
+<%= scalar(@payby) > 1 ? '<TR><TD>Billing type</TD></TR>' : '' %>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ my $cardselect = '<SELECT NAME="CARD_type"><OPTION></OPTION>';
+ my %types = (
+ 'VISA' => 'VISA card',
+ 'MasterCard' => 'MasterCard',
+ 'Discover' => 'Discover card',
+ 'American Express' => 'American Express card',
+ );
+ foreach ( keys %types ) {
+ $selected = $cgi->param('CARD_type') eq $types{$_} ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ $cardselect .= qq!<OPTION $selected VALUE="$types{$_}">$_</OPTION>!;
+ }
+ $cardselect .= '</SELECT>';
+ my %payby = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", "12-2037"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="Accounts Payable">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP"),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $init_data->{'cvv_enabled'} ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $payby{$payby} .= qq!<BR>CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>!;
+ }
+ }
+ my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo);
+ my %paybychecked = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("BILL", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Attention<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP", $paydate),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $init_data->{'cvv_enabled'} ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $paybychecked{$payby} .= qq!<BR>CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="$paycvv" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>!;
+ }
+ }
+ for (@payby) {
+ if ( scalar(@payby) == 1) {
+ $OUT .= '<TD VALIGN=TOP>'.
+ qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_">!.
+ "$paybychecked{$_}</TD>";
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD VALIGN=TOP><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="payby" VALUE="$_"!;
+ if ($payby eq $_) {
+ $OUT .= qq! CHECKED> $paybychecked{$_}</TD>!;
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq!> $payby{$_}</TD>!;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ %>
+</TR></TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields for each billing type
+<BR><BR>First package
+ <TD COLSPAN=2><SELECT NAME="pkgpart"><OPTION VALUE="">(none)
+ <%=
+ foreach my $package ( @{$packages} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $package->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $pkgpart && $package->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $package->{'pkg'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Username</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password" VALUE="<%= $password %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Re-enter Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password2" VALUE="<%= $password2 %>"></TD>
+ if ( $init_data->{'security_phrase'} ) {
+ $OUT .= <<ENDOUT;
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Security Phrase</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="$sec_phrase">
+ </TD>
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="">';
+ }
+ if ( scalar(@$pops) ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector($popnum). '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= popselector($popnum);
+ }
+<BR><BR>Enter up to ten external accounts from which to retrieve email
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Mail server</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Username</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Password</TH>
+ for my $num ( 1..10 ) {
+ no strict 'vars';
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="snarf_machine$num" VALUE="${"snarf_machine$num"}"></TD>!.
+ qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="snarf_protocol$num" VALUE="pop3">!.
+ qq!<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="snarf_username$num" VALUE="${"snarf_username$num"}"></TD>!.
+ qq!<TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="snarf_password$num" VALUE="${"snarf_password$num"}"></TD>!.
+ qq!</TR>!;
+ }
+<BR><BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Signup">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..200161404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use vars qw( @payby $cgi $init_data
+ $self_url $error $agentnum
+ $ieak_file $ieak_template
+ $signup_html $signup_template
+ $success_html $success_template
+ $collect_html $collect_template
+ $decline_html $decline_template
+ );
+use subs qw( print_form print_okay print_decline
+ success_default collect_default decline_default
+ );
+use CGI;
+#use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+use Tie::IxHash;
+use Text::Template;
+use Business::CreditCard;
+use HTTP::BrowserDetect;
+use HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers;
+use FS::SelfService qw( signup_info new_customer );
+#acceptable payment methods
+#@payby = qw( CARD BILL COMP );
+#@payby = qw( CARD BILL );
+#@payby = qw( CARD );
+@payby = qw( CARD PREPAY );
+$ieak_file = '/usr/local/freeside/ieak.template';
+$signup_html = -e 'signup.html'
+ ? 'signup.html'
+ : '/usr/local/freeside/signup.html';
+$success_html = -e 'success.html'
+ ? 'success.html'
+ : '/usr/local/freeside/success.html';
+$collect_html = -e 'collect.html'
+ ? 'collect.html'
+ : '/usr/local/freeside/collect.html';
+$decline_html = -e 'decline.html'
+ ? 'decline.html'
+ : '/usr/local/freeside/decline.html';
+if ( -e $ieak_file ) {
+ my $ieak_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($ieak_file)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $ieak_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $ieak_txt = $1;
+ $ieak_txt =~ s/\r//g; # don't double \r on old templates
+ $ieak_txt =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
+ $ieak_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $ieak_txt )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $ieak_template = '';
+$agentnum = '';
+if ( -e $signup_html ) {
+ my $signup_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($signup_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $signup_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $signup_txt = $1;
+ $signup_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $signup_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ]
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ if ( $signup_txt =~
+ /<\s*INPUT TYPE="?hidden"?\s+NAME="?agentnum"?\s+VALUE="?(\d+)"?\s*\/?\s*>/si
+ ) {
+ $agentnum = $1;
+ }
+} else {
+ #too much maintenance hassle to keep in this file
+ die "can't find ./signup.html or /usr/local/freeside/signup.html";
+ #$signup_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ # SOURCE => &signup_default,
+ # DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ]
+ # )
+ # or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+if ( -e $success_html ) {
+ my $success_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($success_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $success_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $success_txt = $1;
+ $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $success_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &success_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+if ( -e $collect_html ) {
+ my $collect_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($collect_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $collect_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $collect_txt = $1;
+ $collect_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $collect_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $collect_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &collect_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+if ( -e $decline_html ) {
+ my $decline_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($decline_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $decline_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $decline_txt = $1;
+ $decline_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $decline_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $decline_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &decline_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+$cgi = new CGI;
+$init_data = signup_info( 'agentnum' => $agentnum || scalar($cgi->param('agentnum')),
+ 'promo_code' => scalar($cgi->param('promo_code')),
+ 'reg_code' => uc(scalar($cgi->param('reg_code'))),
+ );
+my $magic = $cgi->param('magic') || '';
+my $action = $cgi->param('action') || '';
+if ( $magic eq 'process' || $action eq 'process_signup' ) {
+ $error = '';
+ $cgi->param('agentnum', $agentnum) if $agentnum;
+ $cgi->param('reg_code', uc(scalar($cgi->param('reg_code'))) );
+ #false laziness w/agent.cgi, identical except for agentnum
+ my $payby = $cgi->param('payby');
+ if ( $payby eq 'CHEK' || $payby eq 'DCHK' ) {
+ #$payinfo = join('@', map { $cgi->param( $payby. "_payinfo$_" ) } (1,2) );
+ $cgi->param('payinfo' => $cgi->param($payby. '_payinfo1'). '@'.
+ $cgi->param($payby. '_payinfo2')
+ );
+ } else {
+ $cgi->param('payinfo' => $cgi->param( $payby. '_payinfo' ) );
+ }
+ $cgi->param('paydate' => $cgi->param( $payby. '_month' ). '-'.
+ $cgi->param( $payby. '_year' )
+ );
+ $cgi->param('payname' => $cgi->param( $payby. '_payname' ) );
+ $cgi->param('paycvv' => defined $cgi->param( $payby. '_paycvv' )
+ ? $cgi->param( $payby. '_paycvv' )
+ : ''
+ );
+ $cgi->param('paytype' => defined $cgi->param( $payby. '_paytype' )
+ ? $cgi->param( $payby. '_paytype' )
+ : ''
+ );
+ $cgi->param('paystate' => defined $cgi->param( $payby. '_paystate' )
+ ? $cgi->param( $payby. '_paystate' )
+ : ''
+ );
+ if ( $cgi->param('invoicing_list') ) {
+ $cgi->param('invoicing_list' => $cgi->param('invoicing_list'). ', POST')
+ if $cgi->param('invoicing_list_POST');
+ } else {
+ $cgi->param('invoicing_list' => 'POST' );
+ }
+ #if ( $svc_x eq 'svc_acct' ) {
+ if ( $cgi->param('_password') ne $cgi->param('_password2') ) {
+ $error = $init_data->{msgcat}{passwords_dont_match}; #msgcat
+ $cgi->param('_password', '');
+ $cgi->param('_password2', '');
+ }
+ if ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ && $cgi->param('CARD_type') ) {
+ my $payinfo = $cgi->param('payinfo');
+ $payinfo =~ s/\D//g;
+ $payinfo =~ /^(\d{13,16})$/
+ or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo;
+ $payinfo = $1;
+ validate($payinfo)
+ or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{invalid_card}; #. $self->payinfo;
+ cardtype($payinfo) eq $cgi->param('CARD_type')
+ or $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{not_a}. $cgi->param('CARD_type');
+ }
+ if ($init_data->{emailinvoiceonly} && (length $cgi->param('invoicing_list') < 1)) {
+ $error ||= $init_data->{msgcat}{illegal_or_empty_text};
+ }
+ my $rv = '';
+ unless ( $error ) {
+ $rv = new_customer( {
+ ( map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) }
+ qw( last first ss company
+ address1 address2 city county state zip country
+ daytime night fax stateid stateid_state
+ ship_last ship_first ship_company
+ ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_county ship_state
+ ship_zip ship_country
+ ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax
+ payby payinfo paycvv paydate payname paystate paytype
+ invoicing_list referral_custnum promo_code reg_code
+ pkgpart refnum agentnum
+ username sec_phrase _password popnum
+ mac_addr
+ countrycode phonenum sip_password pin prepaid_shortform
+ ),
+ grep { /^snarf_/ } $cgi->param
+ ),
+ 'payip' => $cgi->remote_host(),
+ } );
+ $error = $rv->{'error'};
+ }
+ #eslaf
+ if ( $error eq '_decline' ) {
+ print_decline();
+ } elsif ( $error eq '_collect' ) {
+ map { $cgi->param($_, $rv->{$_}) }
+ qw( popup_url reference amount );
+ print_collect($rv);
+ } elsif ( $error ) {
+ #fudge the snarf info
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ${$_} = $cgi->param($_) foreach grep { /^snarf_/ } $cgi->param;
+ print_form();
+ } else {
+ print_okay(
+ 'pkgpart' => scalar($cgi->param('pkgpart')),
+ %$rv,
+ );
+ }
+} elsif ( $magic eq 'success' || $action eq 'success' ) {
+ $cgi->param('username', 'username'); #hmmm temp kludge
+ $cgi->param('_password', 'password');
+ print_okay( map { /^([\w ]+)$/ ? ( $_ => $1 ) : () } $cgi->param ); #hmmm
+} elsif ( $magic eq 'decline' || $action eq 'decline' ) {
+ print_decline();
+} else {
+ $error = '';
+ print_form;
+sub print_form {
+ $error = "Error: $error" if $error;
+ my $r = {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{$init_data},
+ 'error' => $error,
+ };
+ $r->{pkgpart} ||= $r->{default_pkgpart};
+ $r->{referral_custnum} = $r->{'ref'};
+ #$cgi->delete('ref');
+ #$cgi->delete('init_popstate');
+ $r->{self_url} = $cgi->self_url;
+ $r->{prepaid_shortform} = $cgi->param('prepaid_shortform');
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $signup_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi',
+ HASH => $r
+ );
+sub print_collect {
+ $error = "Error: $error" if $error;
+ my $rv = shift || {};
+ my $r = {
+ $cgi->Vars,
+ %{$init_data},
+ %$rv,
+ 'error' => $error,
+ };
+ $r->{pkgpart} ||= $r->{default_pkgpart};
+ $r->{referral_custnum} = $r->{'ref'};
+ $r->{self_url} = $cgi->self_url;
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $collect_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi',
+ HASH => $r
+ );
+sub print_decline {
+ my $r = {
+ %{$init_data},
+ };
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $decline_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi',
+ HASH => $r
+ );
+sub print_okay {
+ my %param = @_;
+ my $user_agent = new HTTP::BrowserDetect $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT};
+ my( $username, $password ) = ( '', '' );
+ my( $countrycode, $phonenum, $sip_password, $pin ) = ( '', '', '', '' );
+ my $svc_x = $param{signup_service} || 'svc_acct'; #just in case
+ if ( $svc_x eq 'svc_acct' ) {
+ $cgi->param('username') =~ /^(.+)$/
+ or die "fatal: invalid username got past FS::SelfService::new_customer";
+ $username = $1;
+ $cgi->param('_password') =~ /^(.+)$/
+ or die "fatal: invalid password got past FS::SelfService::new_customer";
+ $password = $1;
+ } elsif ( $svc_x eq 'svc_phone' ) {
+ $countrycode = $param{countrycode};
+ $phonenum = $param{phonenum};
+ $sip_password = $param{sip_password};
+ $pin = $param{pin};
+ } else {
+ die "unknown signup service $svc_x";
+ }
+ ( $cgi->param('first'). ' '. $cgi->param('last') ) =~ /^(.*)$/
+ or die "fatal: invalid email_name got past FS::SelfService::new_customer";
+ my $email_name = $1; #global for template
+ #my %pop = ();
+ my %popnum2pop = ();
+ foreach ( @{ $init_data->{'svc_acct_pop'} } ) {
+ #push @{ $pop{ $_->{state} }->{ $_->{ac} } }, $_;
+ $popnum2pop{$_->{popnum}} = $_;
+ }
+ my( $ac, $exch, $loc);
+ my $pop = $popnum2pop{$cgi->param('popnum')};
+ #or die "fatal: invalid popnum got past FS::SelfService::new_customer";
+ if ( $pop ) {
+ ( $ac, $exch, $loc ) = ( $pop->{'ac'}, $pop->{'exch'}, $pop->{'loc'} );
+ } else {
+ ( $ac, $exch, $loc ) = ( '', '', ''); #presumably you're not using them.
+ }
+ #global for template
+ my $part_pkg = ( grep { $_->{'pkgpart'} eq $param{'pkgpart'} }
+ @{ $init_data->{'part_pkg'} }
+ )[0];
+ my $pkg = $part_pkg->{'pkg'};
+ if ( $ieak_template && $user_agent->windows && $user_agent->ie ) {
+ #send an IEAK config
+ print $cgi->header('application/x-Internet-signup'),
+ $ieak_template->fill_in();
+ } else { #send a simple confirmation
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $success_template->fill_in( HASH => {
+ %{$init_data},
+ email_name => $email_name,
+ pkg => $pkg,
+ part_pkg => \$part_pkg,
+ signup_service => $svc_x,
+ #for svc_acct
+ username => $username,
+ password => $password,
+ _password => $password,
+ ac => $ac, #for dialup POP
+ exch => $exch, #
+ loc => $loc, #
+ #for svc_phone
+ countrycode => $countrycode,
+ phonenum => $phonenum,
+ sip_password => $sip_password,
+ pin => $pin,
+ });
+ }
+sub success_default { #html to use if you don't specify a success file
+ <<'END';
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Signup successful</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Signup successful</FONT><BR><BR>
+Thanks for signing up!
+Signup information for <%= $email_name %>:
+Username: <%= $username %><BR>
+Password: <%= $password %><BR>
+Access number: (<%= $ac %>) / <%= $exch %> - <%= $local %><BR>
+Package: <%= $pkg %><BR>
+sub collect_default { #html to use if there is a collect phase
+ <<'END';
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Pay now</FONT><BR><BR>
+#<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+# function popcollect() {
+# overlib( OLiframeContent('<%= $popup_url %>', 336, 550, 'Secure Payment Area', 0, 'auto' ), CAPTION, 'Pay now', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, MIDX, 0, MIDY, 0, DRAGGABLE, CLOSECLICK, BGCOLOR, '#333399', CGCOLOR, '#333399', CLOSETEXT, 'Close' );
+# return false;
+# }
+#<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+#<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_iframe.js"></SCRIPT>
+#<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_draggable.js"></SCRIPT>
+#<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="overlibmws_crossframe.js"></SCRIPT>
+#<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="iframecontentmws.js"></SCRIPT>
+You are about to contact our payment processor to pay <%= $amount %> for
+<%= $pkg %>.<BR><BR>
+Your transaction reference number is <%= $reference %><BR><BR>
+<FORM NAME="collect_popper" method="post" action="<%= $popup_url %>">
+ my %itemhash = @collectitems ;
+ foreach my $input (keys %itemhash) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<INPUT NAME="$input" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="$itemhash{$input}">!;
+ }
+<INPUT NAME="submit" type="submit" value="Pay now">
+sub decline_default { #html to use if there is a decline
+ <<'END';
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Processing error</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Processing error</FONT><BR><BR>
+There has been an error processing your account. Please contact customer
+# subs for the templates...
+package FS::SelfService::_signupcgi;
+use HTML::Entities;
+use FS::SelfService qw(regionselector expselect popselector didselector);
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup.html
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..405444cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/signup.html
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <TITLE><%= $agent || ( $signup_service eq 'svc_phone' ? 'ITSP' : 'ISP' ) %> Signup form</TITLE>
+ <%= $head %>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="<%= $body_bgcolor || '#e8e8e8' %>" onUnload="myclose()">
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ var mywindow = -1;
+ function myopen(filename,windowname,properties) {
+ myclose();
+ mywindow =,windowname,properties);
+ }
+ function myclose() {
+ if ( mywindow != -1 )
+ mywindow.close();
+ mywindow = -1
+ }
+<%= $OUT .= $body_header
+ || '<FONT SIZE=7>'.
+ ( $agent || ( $signup_service eq 'svc_phone' ? 'ITSP' : 'ISP' ) ).
+ ' Signup form</FONT><BR><BR>';
+<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000"><%= $error %></FONT>
+<FORM NAME="OneTrueForm" ACTION="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD=POST onSubmit="document.OneTrueForm.signup.disabled=true">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="prepaid_shortform" VALUE="<%= $prepaid_shortform %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_signup">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="agentnum" VALUE="<%= $agentnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="referral_custnum" VALUE="<%= $referral_custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="">
+<input type="hidden" name="payby">
+ $OUT = join("\n",map { my $method = $_ ; map { qq|<input type="hidden" name="${method}_$_" />| } qw / payinfo payinfo1 payinfo2 payname paystate paytype paycvv month year type / } @payby);
+ $OUT = join("\n", map { qq|<input type="hidden" name="$_" />| } qw / promo_code reg_code pkgpart username _password _password2 sec_phrase popnum mac_addr countrycode phonenum sip_password pin / );
+Where did you hear about our service? <SELECT NAME="refnum">
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="">' unless $refnum;
+ foreach my $part_referral ( @part_referral ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $part_referral->{'refnum'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $part_referral->{'refnum'} == $refnum;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $part_referral->{'referral'};
+ }
+<%= unless ( $prepaid_template_custnum && $prepaid_shortform ) {
+my $bgcolor = $box_bgcolor || '#c0c0c0';
+$OUT .= qq!
+Contact Information
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Contact name<BR>(last, first)</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="last" VALUE="$last">,
+ <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="first" VALUE="$first"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="company" SIZE=70 VALUE="$company"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Address</TH>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address1" SIZE=70 VALUE="$address1"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="address2" SIZE=70 VALUE="$address2"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>City</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="city" VALUE="$city"></TD> !;
+ my ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( {
+ selected_county => $county,
+ selected_state => $state,
+ selected_country => $country,
+ default_state => $statedefault,
+ default_country => $countrydefault,
+ locales => \@cust_main_county,
+ } );
+$county_out = ($county_html =~ /SELECT/) ? 'County/State' : 'State';
+$OUT .= qq!<TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font> $county_out </TH>
+ <TD>
+ $county_html $state_html
+ </TD>
+ <TH><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Zip</TH>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="zip" SIZE=10 VALUE="$zip"></TD>
+ <TH ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Country</TH>
+ <TD>$country_html</TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Day Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="daytime" VALUE="$daytime" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Night Phone</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="night" VALUE="$night" SIZE=18></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
+ <TD COLSPAN=5><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="fax" VALUE="$fax" SIZE=12></TD>
+ if ( $stateid_enabled ) {
+ my ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( {
+ prefix => 'stateid_',
+ default_state => $statedefault,
+ default_country => $countrydefault,
+ locales => \@cust_main_county,
+ } );
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right">!. $label{stateid}.'</TD>';
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="stateid" VALUE="$stateid" SIZE=12></TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD ALIGN="right">!. $label{stateid_state} .'</TD>';
+ $OUT .="<TD COLSPAN=3>$county_html $state_html</TD></TR>";
+ }
+$OUT .= qq!
+</TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields<BR>
+else {
+ @payby = ('PREPAY');
+<BR>Billing information<TABLE BGCOLOR="<%= $box_bgcolor || '#c0c0c0' %>" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ $OUT ='';
+ unless ( $emailinvoiceonly ) {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST"';
+ my @invoicing_list = split(', ', $invoicing_list );
+ $OUT .= ' CHECKED'
+ if ! @invoicing_list || grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list;
+ $OUT .= '> Postal mail invoice'; }
+ %>
+<TR><TD><%= $OUT = ( $emailinvoiceonly ? q|<font color="#ff0000">*</font>| : q|| ) %> Email invoice <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } split(', ', $invoicing_list ) ) %>">
+<%= ( scalar(@payby) > 1 or 1 ) ? '<TR><TD>Billing type ' : '' %>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#c0c0c0" BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%">
+ <%=
+ my $cardselect = '<SELECT NAME="CARD_type"><OPTION></OPTION>';
+ foreach ( keys %card_types ) {
+ $selected = $CARD_type eq $card_types{$_} ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ $cardselect .= qq!<OPTION $selected VALUE="$card_types{$_}">$_</OPTION>!;
+ }
+ $cardselect .= '</SELECT>';
+ my %payby = (
+ 'CARD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("CARD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD"). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9> Type <SELECT NAME="CHEK_paytype">!. join('', map {qq!<OPTION VALUE="$_">$_</OPTION>!} @paytypes). qq!</SELECT><BR>{$r}Bank State <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_paystate" VALUE="" SIZE=5 MAXLENGTH=4><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=10> Type <SELECT NAME="DCHK_paytype">!. join('', map {qq!<OPTION VALUE="$_">$_</OPTION>!} @paytypes). qq!</SELECT><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><BR>{$r}Bank State <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_paystate" VALUE="" SIZE=5 MAXLENGTH=4><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_year" VALUE="2037">Attention<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="Accounts Payable">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE=""><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP"),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $cvv_enabled ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $payby{$payby} .= qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right">CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4></TD></TR>!;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $paystate_enabled ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CHEK DCHK) ) {
+ my ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( {
+ prefix => "${payby}_pay",
+ default_state => $statedefault,
+ default_country => $countrydefault,
+ locales => \@cust_main_county,
+ } );
+ $payby{$payby} .= "<BR>${r}Bank state $county_html $state_html";
+ }
+ }
+ my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo);
+ my %paybychecked = (
+ 'CARD' => '<TABLE BGCOLOR="'. ( $box_bgcolor || '#c0c0c0' ). qq!" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%"><TR><TD ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font> Card type</TD><TD>$cardselect</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font> Card number</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font> Expration</TD><TD>!. expselect("CARD", $paydate). qq!</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="right"><font color="#ff0000">*</font> Name on card</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CARD_payname" VALUE="$payname"></TD></TR>!,
+ 'DCRD' => qq!Credit card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>$cardselect<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=19><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("DCRD", $paydate). qq!<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Name on card<BR><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCRD_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'CHEK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10> Type <SELECT NAME="CHEK_paytype">!. join('', map {qq!<OPTION VALUE="$_"!.($paytype eq $_ ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$_</OPTION>"} @paytypes). qq!</SELECT><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="CHEK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="CHEK_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'DCHK' => qq!Electronic check<BR>${r}Account number <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo1" VALUE="$account" MAXLENGTH=10> Type <SELECT NAME="DCHK_paytype">!. join('', map {qq!<OPTION VALUE="$_"!.($paytype eq $_ ? 'SELECTED' : '').">$_</OPTION>"} @paytypes). qq!</SELECT><BR>${r}ABA/Routing code <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payinfo2" VALUE="$aba" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DCHK_year" VALUE="2037"><BR>${r}Bank name <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="DCHK_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'LECB' => qq!Phone bill billing<BR>${r}Phone number <INPUT TYPE="text" BANE="LECB_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_year" VALUE="2037"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LECB_payname" VALUE="">!,
+ 'BILL' => qq!Billing<BR>P.O. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_month" VALUE="12"><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="BILL_year" VALUE="2037">Attention<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="BILL_payname" VALUE="$payname">!,
+ 'COMP' => qq!Complimentary<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Approved by<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="COMP_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo"><BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font>Exp !. expselect("COMP", $paydate),
+ 'PREPAY' => qq!Prepaid card<BR><font color="#ff0000">*</font><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="PREPAY_payinfo" VALUE="$payinfo" MAXLENGTH=80>!,
+ );
+ if ( $cvv_enabled ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CARD DCRD) ) { #1.4/1.5
+ $paybychecked{$payby} .= qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right">CVV2&nbsp;(<A HREF="javascript:myopen('cvv2.html','cvv2','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=480,height=288')">help</A>)</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME=${payby}_paycvv VALUE="$paycvv" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4></TD></TR>!;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $paystate_enabled ) {
+ foreach my $payby ( grep { exists $payby{$_} } qw(CHEK DCHK) ) {
+ my ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+ regionselector( {
+ prefix => "${payby}_pay",
+ selected_county => $county,
+ selected_state => $state,
+ selected_country => $country,
+ default_state => $statedefault,
+ default_country => $countrydefault,
+ locales => \@cust_main_county,
+ } );
+ $paybychecked{$payby} .= "<BR>${r}Bank state $county_html $state_html";
+ }
+ }
+ my %payby_index = ( 'CARD' => qq/Credit Card/,
+ 'DCRD' => qq/Credit Card/,
+ 'CHEK' => qq/Check/,
+ 'DCHK' => qq/Check/,
+ 'LECB' => qq/Phone Bill Billing/,
+ 'BILL' => qq/Billing/,
+ 'COMP' => qq/Complimentary/,
+ 'PREPAY' => qq/Prepaid Card/,
+ );
+tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash', ();
+foreach my $payby_option ( @payby ) {
+ $options{$payby_option} = $payby_index{$payby_option};
+my $selected_layer = ( grep { $_ eq 'CARD' } @payby ) ? 'CARD' : $payby[0];
+ options => \%options,
+ selected_layer => $selected_layer,
+ form_name => 'dummy',
+ html_between => '</td></tr></table>',
+ form_action => 'dummy.cgi',
+ layer_callback => sub { my $layer = shift; return ( shift @hide_payment_fields ? '' : $paybychecked{$layer} ) . '</TABLE>'; },
+ %>
+</TR></TABLE><font color="#ff0000">*</font> required fields
+<FORM name="signup_form" action="<%= $self_url %>" METHOD="POST" onsubmit="return fixup_form();"><BR><BR>First package
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="promo_code" VALUE="<%= $promo_code %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="reg_code" VALUE="<%= $reg_code %>">
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="<%= $box_bgcolor || '#c0c0c0' %>" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">
+ <TD COLSPAN=2><SELECT NAME="pkgpart">
+ <%=
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="">(none)'
+ unless scalar(@part_pkg) == 1 or $default_pkgpart;
+ foreach my $part_pkg ( @part_pkg ) {
+ $OUT .= '<OPTION VALUE="'. $part_pkg->{'pkgpart'}. '"';
+ $OUT .= ' SELECTED' if $pkgpart && $part_pkg->{'pkgpart'} == $pkgpart;
+ $OUT .= '>'. $part_pkg->{'pkg'};
+ }
+ %>
+ </SELECT></TD>
+ if ( $signup_service eq 'svc_phone' ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Phone number</TD><TD>'.
+ didselector( 'field' => 'phonenum',
+ 'svcpart' => $default_svcpart,
+ ).
+ '</TD></TR>';
+ $OUT .= <<ENDOUT;
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Voicemail PIN</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="pin" NAME="pin" VALUE="$pin"></TD>
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= <<ENDOUT;
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Username</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="$username"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password" VALUE="$_password"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Re-enter Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password2" VALUE="$_password2"></TD>
+ if ( $security_phrase ) {
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Security Phrase</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="$sec_phrase">
+ </TD>
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="">';
+ }
+ if ( $nomadix ) {
+ warn $mac_addr;
+ $mac_addr ||= $MA;
+ warn $mac_addr;
+ $OUT .= <<NOMADIX;
+ <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mac_addr" VALUE="$mac_addr">
+ }
+ }
+ if ( @svc_acct_pop ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector( 'popnum' => $popnum,
+ 'pops' => \@svc_acct_pop,
+ 'init_popstate' => $init_popstate,
+ 'popac' => $popac,
+ 'acstate' => $acstate,
+ ).
+ '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= popselector(popnum=>$popnum, pops=>\@svc_acct_pop);
+ }
+if ( @optional_packages ) {
+ my @html;
+ foreach my $ii ( 0 .. $#optional_packages) {
+ my $friendly_index = $ii + 1;
+ if ($optional_packages[$ii]) {
+ push @html, qq|<BR>Optional Package #$friendly_index <br />|,'<table bgcolor="#c0c0c0"><tr><td>';
+ push @html, qq|<select name="optional_package${ii}">|;
+ push @html, qq|<option value="none"></option>|;
+ push @html, map { qq|<option value="$_->{pkgpart}">$_->{pkg}</option>| } @{$optional_packages[$ii]};
+ push @html, q|</select>|;
+ push @html, '</td></tr></table>';
+ }
+ $OUT = join("\n", @html);
+ }
+} else {
+$OUT = ''
+<BR><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="signup" VALUE="Signup">
+<script language="JavaScript">
+function fixup_form() {
+ // copy payment method data up to OneTrueForm
+ var payment_method_elements = new Array( 'payinfo', 'payinfo1', 'payinfo2', 'payname', 'paycvv' , 'paystate', 'paytype', 'month', 'year','type' );
+ var payment_method_form_name =[].value;
+ document.OneTrueForm.elements['payby'].value = payment_method_form_name;
+ var payment_method_form = document.forms[payment_method_form_name];
+ for ( ii = 0 ; ii < payment_method_elements.length ; ii++ ) {
+ var true_element_name = payment_method_form_name + '_' + payment_method_elements[ii];
+ copyelement ( payment_method_form.elements[true_element_name],
+ document.OneTrueForm.elements[true_element_name] );
+ }
+ // Copy signup details to OneTrueForm
+ var signup_elements = new Array (
+ 'promo_code', 'reg_code', 'pkgpart',
+ 'username', '_password', '_password2', 'sec_phrase', 'popnum',
+ 'mac_addr',
+ 'countrycode', 'phonenum', 'sip_password', 'pin'
+ );
+ for ( ii = 0 ; ii < signup_elements.length ; ii ++ ) {
+ copyelement ( document.signup_form.elements[signup_elements[ii]],
+ document.OneTrueForm.elements[signup_elements[ii]]);
+ }
+ document.OneTrueForm.submit();
+ return false;
+function copyelement(from, to) {
+// alert ( from + ' ' + to );
+ if ( from == undefined ) {
+ to.value = '';
+ } else {
+ if ( from.type == 'select-one' ) {
+ to.value = from.options[from.selectedIndex].value;
+ } else if ( from.type == 'checkbox' ) {
+ if ( from.checked ) {
+ to.value = from.value;
+ } else {
+ to.value = '';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( from.value == undefined ) {
+ to.value = '';
+ } else {
+ to.value = from.value;
+ }
+ }
+// alert( + " (" + from.type + "): " + + " => " + to.value);
+ }
+<%= $OUT .= $body_footer %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/stateselect.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/stateselect.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba55bff74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/stateselect.html
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>ISP Signup - state selection</FONT><BR><BR>
+function gotoURL(object) {
+ window.location.href = object.options[object.selectedIndex].value;
+Select your state from the map or dropdown:
+<MAP NAME=usmap>
+<area shape=poly COORDS="264,157,286,155,292,193,276,195,270,199,264,157" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AL">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="28,197,46,185,72,199,72,241,88,243,102,261,92,263,70,241,42,243,28,257,12,259,34,243,20,233,16,223,34,215,22,207,30,205,28,197" href="../states/Alaska.html">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="70,137,106,137,100,189,84,187,60,173,70,133,70,137,70,137" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AZ">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="250,153,242,179,220,177,218,171,216,145,252,143,250,155,250,153" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AR">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="10,79,38,81,30,109,62,151,56,173,40,169,20,145,4,101,10,75,26,79,10,79,10,79" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=CA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="108,103,158,107,154,141,104,137,110,101,128,103,108,103" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=CO">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="374,107,405,105,405,123,372,125,374,107" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=CT">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="370,143,402,145,405,157,362,157,370,143" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=DE">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="275,193,325,187,327,197,341,219,341,233,335,237,317,215,315,205,307,195,293,203,275,193" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=FL">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="297,153,283,155,297,191,321,189,321,169,297,153" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=GA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="98,233,142,263,156,251,162,239,164,229,136,231,94,221,100,235,98,233" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=HI">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="68,21,76,21,72,35,80,47,80,55,84,65,100,69,94,93,56,83,66,51,70,19,68,21" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=ID">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="242,91,258,89,266,123,256,139,234,109,248,87,242,91" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=IL">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="261,95,265,123,265,131,285,117,277,91,261,95" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=IN">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="198,87,206,111,232,109,240,99,240,91,232,79,198,87" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=IA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="158,111,158,135,214,139,214,127,208,113,158,111" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=KS">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="263,133,275,129,289,115,303,121,307,129,299,135,251,141,269,131,263,133" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=KY">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="222,179,246,179,244,197,258,193,262,213,226,209,224,177,222,179" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=LA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="363,37,373,59,373,47,387,31,377,9,365,15,363,37" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=ME">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="376,159,405,159,405,175,374,177,376,159" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MD">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="378,74,380,88,404,88,404,72,378,74" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="265,73,269,83,265,93,293,91,295,71,281,53,271,53,267,69,265,73,265,73" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MI">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="194,31,222,33,242,35,224,51,222,63,222,73,234,79,196,85,194,31" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MN">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="265,159,271,199,257,201,259,195,241,197,251,155,265,159" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MS">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="206,113,234,111,256,139,248,147,214,145,208,111,206,113" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MO">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="78,23,148,31,146,67,84,63,78,35,80,19,78,23" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MT">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="146,85,148,103,158,105,164,109,206,109,198,85,144,87,146,85" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NE">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="40,83,76,87,64,151,32,109,40,83,40,83" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NV">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="298,11,330,9,330,25,298,25,298,11" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NH">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="372,127,404,125,405,141,368,139,376,125,372,127" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NJ">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="106,137,100,191,122,187,148,187,150,139,106,137,106,137" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NM">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="313,79,331,63,337,45,349,45,359,65,357,79,345,65,315,77,313,79,313,79" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NY">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="309,137,295,151,319,149,337,153,357,131,351,129,309,137,309,137" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NC">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="146,31,148,57,198,57,190,31,146,31,146,31" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=ND">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="281,93,285,113,299,121,311,101,309,85,299,93,281,93,281,93" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=OH">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="148,145,174,145,174,163,218,171,216,143,150,139,150,145,156,143,148,145,148,145" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=OK">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="20,41,8,73,16,77,22,77,28,77,36,79,42,81,48,83,56,83,66,49,20,41,20,41" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=OR">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="309,83,345,71,351,93,313,105,309,83,309,83" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=PA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="376,93,405,93,405,107,376,105,376,93" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=RI">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="301,155,321,149,337,155,325,175,301,157,301,155,301,155" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=SC">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="146,59,198,61,198,83,146,83,148,57,146,59,146,59" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=SD">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="255,145,251,157,297,153,311,133,255,145,255,145" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=TN">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="150,145,172,145,174,167,198,173,218,173,228,207,204,221,198,231,202,247,180,241,154,207,146,219,120,189,154,189,152,145,150,145,150,145" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=TX">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="78,89,96,91,96,103,110,103,106,135,70,133,78,89,78,89" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=UT">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="298,29,332,29,332,47,294,45,298,29" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=VT">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="307,127,297,137,351,127,349,113,341,111,341,105,329,107,315,131,307,127,307,127" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=VA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="32,13,68,19,64,47,20,39,20,13,30,19,32,13,32,13" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WA">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="303,119,313,129,329,103,311,105,299,121,313,127,303,119,303,119" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WV">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="228,51,256,55,254,89,238,89,234,77,224,71,230,49,236,53,228,51,228,51" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WI">
+<area shape=poly COORDS="146,71,144,103,96,99,102,63,148,69,146,71,146,71" href="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WY">
+<IMG SRC="map.gif" usemap=#usmap WIDTH=405 HEIGHT=270 border=0><BR>
+<SELECT NAME="init_popstate" onChange="gotoURL(this.form.init_popstate)">
+<OPTION VALUE="stateselect.html"></OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AL">Alabama</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AK">Alaska</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AS">American Samoa</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AZ">Arizona</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AR">Arkansas</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=CA">California</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=CO">Colorado</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=CT">Connecticut</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=DE">Delaware</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=DC">District of Columbia</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=FM">Federated States of Micronesia</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=FL">Florida</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=GA">Georgia</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=GU">Guam</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=HI">Hawaii</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=ID">Idaho</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=IL">Illinois</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=IN">Indiana</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=IA">Iowa</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=KS">Kansas</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=KY">Kentucky</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=LA">Louisiana</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=ME">Maine</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MH">Marshall Islands</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MD">Maryland</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MA">Massachusetts</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MI">Michigan</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MN">Minnesota</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MS">Mississippi</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MO">Missouri</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MT">Montana</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NE">Nebraska</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NV">Nevada</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NH">New Hampshire</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NJ">New Jersey</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NM">New Mexico</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NY">New York</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=NC">North Carolina</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=ND">North Dakota</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=MP">Northern Mariana Islands</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=OH">Ohio</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=OK">Oklahoma</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=OR">Oregon</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=PW">Palau</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=PA">Pennsylvania</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=PR">Puerto Rico</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=RI">Rhode Island</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=SC">South Carolina</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=SD">South Dakota</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=TN">Tennessee</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=TX">Texas</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=UT">Utah</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=VT">Vermont</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=VI">Virgin Islands</OPTION>-->
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=VA">Virginia</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WA">Washington</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WV">West Virginia</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WI">Wisconsin</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=WY">Wyoming</OPTION>
+<!--<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AE">Armed Forces Africa</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AA">Armed Forces Americas</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AE">Armed Forces Canada</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AE">Armed Forces Europe</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AE">Armed Forces Middle East</OPTION>
+<OPTION VALUE="signup.cgi?init_popstate=AP">Armed Forces Pacific</OPTION>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/success-delayed.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/success-delayed.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5eeed5957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/success-delayed.html
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Signup successful</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Signup successful</FONT><BR><BR>
+Thanks for signing up!
+Signup information for <%= $email_name %>:
+Username: <%= $username %><BR>
+Password: <%= $password %><BR>
+Access number: (<%= $ac %>) / <%= $exch %> - <%= $local %><BR>
+Package: <%= $pkg %><BR>
+Charge: <%= sprintf('$%.2f', $part_pkg->{'options'}->{'setup_fee'}) %><BR>
+In <%= $part_pkg->{'options'}->{'free_days'} %> days you will be charged
+ <%= sprintf('$%.2f', $part_pkg->{'options'}->{'recur_fee'}) %>
+and <%= $part_pkg->{'freq_pretty'} %> thereafter.<BR>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/success.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/success.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccbcc62b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/success.html
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE>Signup successful</TITLE>
+ <%= $head %>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="<%= $body_bgcolor || '#eeeeee' %>">
+ <%= $body_header %>
+<FONT SIZE=7>Signup successful</FONT><BR><BR>
+Thanks for signing up! Save this information for future reference.
+Signup information for <%= $email_name %>:
+ if ($signup_service eq 'svc_acct' || !$signup_service ) { #just in case
+ $OUT .= <<END
+ Username: $username<BR>
+ Password: $password<BR>
+ Access number: ($ac) / $exch - $local <BR>
+ } elsif ( $signup_service eq 'svc_phone' ) {
+ $OUT .= <<END
+ <!-- Countrycode: $countrycode <BR>-->
+ Phone number: $phonenum<BR>
+ SIP Server:<BR>
+ SIP Login: $phonenum<BR>
+ SIP Password: $sip_password<BR>
+ Voicemail PIN: $pin<BR>
+ } else {
+ die "unknown signup service $signup_service";
+ }
+ Package: <%= $pkg %><BR>
+<%= $body_footer %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/svc_acct.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/svc_acct.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00244386b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/svc_acct.html
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+<FONT SIZE=4>Setup <%= $svc %></FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error setting up $svc: $error!.
+ '</FONT><BR><BR>';
+} ''; %>
+<FORM ACTION="<%= $selfurl %>" METHOD=POST>
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="session" VALUE="<%= $session_id %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="action" VALUE="process_svc_acct">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<%= $custnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="pkgnum" VALUE="<%= $pkgnum %>">
+<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="svcpart" VALUE="<%= $svcpart %>">
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Username</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" VALUE="<%= $username %>"></TD>
+ $OUT .= domainselector(pkgnum=>$pkgnum, svcpart=>$svcpart);
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password" VALUE="<%= $_password %>"></TD>
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Re-enter Password</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="_password2" VALUE="<%= $_password2 %>"></TD>
+ if ( $security_phrase ) {
+ $OUT .= <<ENDOUT;
+ <TD ALIGN="right">Security Phrase</TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="$sec_phrase">
+ </TD>
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sec_phrase" VALUE="">';
+ }
+ if ( @svc_acct_pop ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Access number</TD><TD>'.
+ popselector( 'popnum' => $popnum,
+ 'pops' => \@svc_acct_pop,
+ 'init_popstate' => $init_popstate,
+ 'popac' => $popac,
+ 'acstate' => $acstate,
+ ).
+ '</TD></TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= popselector(popnum=>$popnum, pops=>\@svc_acct_pop);
+ }
+<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Setup">
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/tktcreate.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/tktcreate.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de7ff60b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/tktcreate.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Create a ticket') %>
+if ( $ticket_id ) {
+ $OUT .= "<B>Created ticket #$ticket_id</B>";
+} else {
+ $OUT .= qq!
+ <div style='font-weight: bold; color: red; margin-bottom: 6px;'> $error </div>
+ Please fill in both the subject and message
+ <br><br>
+ <input type="hidden" name="session" value="$session_id">
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="tktcreate">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Your e-mail address</td>
+ <td>$requestor</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Subject</td>
+ <td><input type="text" name="subject" size="53"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td valign="top">Message</td>
+ <td><textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="60"></textarea></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td><input type="submit" value="Create"></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </form>
+ !;
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/tktview.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/tktview.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f540bcf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/tktview.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', "View ticket #$ticket_id") %>
+if($error) {
+ $OUT .= qq! <div style="font-weight: bold; color: red; font-size: 110%">Error: $error</div> !;
+elsif(@transactions) {
+ $OUT .= qq! <TABLE border="1">!;
+ foreach my $txn ( @transactions ) {
+ next if $txn->{content} eq 'This transaction appears to have no content';
+ $OUT .= "<TR><TD><B>$txn->{created} &nbsp; $txn->{description}</B>";
+ $OUT .= "<PRE>$txn->{content}</PRE></TD></TR>";
+ }
+ $OUT .= "</TABLE>";
+else {
+ $OUT .= "No transactions on this ticket";
+<FORM ACTION="<%=$selfurl%>" METHOD=POST>
+ <input type="hidden" name="session" value="<%=$session_id%>">
+ <input type="hidden" name="ticket_id" value="<%=$ticket_id%>">
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="tktview">
+ Add reply to ticket:
+ <BR><textarea name="reply" cols="60" rows="10"></textarea>
+ <BR><input type="submit" value="Reply">
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/verify.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/verify.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d9346b897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/verify.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -T
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $cgi $self_url $error
+ $verify_html $verify_template
+ $success_html $success_template
+ $decline_html $decline_template
+ );
+use subs qw( print_verify print_okay print_decline
+ verify_default success_default decline_default
+ );
+use CGI;
+use Text::Template;
+use FS::SelfService qw( capture_payment );
+$verify_html = -e 'verify.html'
+ ? 'verify.html'
+ : '/usr/local/freeside/verify.html';
+$success_html = -e 'verify_success.html'
+ ? 'success.html'
+ : '/usr/local/freeside/success.html';
+$decline_html = -e 'verify_decline.html'
+ ? 'decline.html'
+ : '/usr/local/freeside/decline.html';
+if ( -e $verify_html ) {
+ my $verify_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($verify_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $verify_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $verify_txt = $1;
+ $verify_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $verify_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $verify_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &verify_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+if ( -e $success_html ) {
+ my $success_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($success_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $success_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $success_txt = $1;
+ $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $success_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $success_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &success_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+if ( -e $decline_html ) {
+ my $decline_txt = Text::Template::_load_text($decline_html)
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ $decline_txt =~ /^(.*)$/s; #untaint the template source - it's trusted
+ $decline_txt = $1;
+ $decline_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => $decline_txt,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+} else {
+ $decline_template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'STRING',
+ SOURCE => &decline_default,
+ DELIMITERS => [ '<%=', '%>' ],
+ )
+ or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+$cgi = new CGI;
+my $rv = capture_payment(
+ data => { 'manual' => 1,
+ map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)) } $cgi->param
+ },
+ url => $cgi->self_url,
+$error = $rv->{error};
+if ( $error eq '_decline' ) {
+ print_decline();
+} elsif ( $error ) {
+ print_verify();
+} else {
+ print_okay(%$rv);
+sub print_verify {
+ $error = "Error: $error" if $error;
+ my $r = { $cgi->Vars, 'error' => $error };
+ $r->{self_url} = $cgi->self_url;
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $verify_template->fill_in( PACKAGE => 'FS::SelfService::_signupcgi',
+ HASH => $r
+ );
+sub print_decline {
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $decline_template->fill_in();
+sub print_okay {
+ my %param = @_;
+ my @success_url = split '/', $cgi->url(-path);
+ pop @success_url;
+ my $success_url = join '/', @success_url;
+ if ($param{session_id}) {
+ my $session_id = lc($param{session_id});
+ $success_url .= "/selfservice.cgi?action=myaccount&session=$session_id";
+ } else {
+ $success_url .= '/signup.cgi?action=success';
+ }
+ print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' ),
+ $success_template->fill_in( HASH => { success_url => $success_url } );
+sub success_default { #html to use if you don't specify a success file
+ <<'END';
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Signup successful</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Signup successful</FONT><BR><BR>
+Thanks for signing up!
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+"<%= $success_url %>";
+sub verify_default { #html to use for verification response
+ <<'END';
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Processing error</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Processing error</FONT><BR><BR>
+There has been an error processing your account. Please contact customer
+sub decline_default { #html to use if there is a decline
+ <<'END';
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Processing error</TITLE></HEAD>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"><FONT SIZE=7>Processing error</FONT><BR><BR>
+There has been an error processing your account. Please contact customer
+# subs for the templates...
+package FS::SelfService::_signupcgi;
+use HTML::Entities;
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_cdr_details.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_cdr_details.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d4d8475e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_cdr_details.html
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Call usage for '.
+ Date::Format::time2str('%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $beginning).
+ ' - '.
+ Date::Format::time2str('%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $ending)
+ )
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH="50%">
+<%= if ($previous < $beginning) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="${url}view_cdr_details;svcnum=$svcnum;beginning=!;
+ $OUT .= qq!$previous;ending=$beginning">Previous period</A>!;
+ }else{
+ '';
+ } %>
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="50%" ALIGN="right">
+<%= if ($next > $ending) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="${url}view_cdr_details;svcnum=$svcnum;beginning=!;
+ $OUT .= qq!$ending;ending=$next">Next period</A>!;
+ }else{
+ '';
+ }%>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TR>
+<%= foreach my $header (@header) {
+ $OUT .= qq(<TH ALIGN="right">$header</TH>);
+ }
+ </TR>
+<%= my $total = 0;
+ my $utotal = 0;
+ my $dtotal = 0;
+ foreach my $usage ( @usage ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR>';
+ $OUT .= qq(<TD>$_</TD>) foreach @{$usage};
+ $OUT .= '</TR>';
+ }
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_customer.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_customer.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bfb9b6fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_customer.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>Reseller</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('agent_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= $message
+ ? "<FONT SIZE=\"+2\"><B>$message</B></FONT><BR><BR>"
+ : ''
+<%= $small_custview %>
+<%= include('agent_customer_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_invoice.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_invoice.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..072a4147c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_invoice.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Invoice') %>
+<%= $invoice_html %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_port_graph.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_port_graph.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d42f405b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_port_graph.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', "Service usage details for $start - $end") %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+else {
+ $OUT .= qq! <IMG SRC="${url}real_port_graph;svcnum=$svcnum;start=$start;end=$end"> !;
+$OUT .= '';
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_support_details.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_support_details.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea218749c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_support_details.html
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"><FONT SIZE=5>MyAccount</FONT><BR><BR>
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('myaccount_menu') %>
+<TD VALIGN="top">
+<FONT SIZE=4>Support usage details for
+<%= Date::Format::time2str('%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $beginning) %> -
+<%= Date::Format::time2str('%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $ending) %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH="50%">
+<%= if ($previous < $beginning) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="${url}view_support_details;svcnum=$svcnum;beginning=!;
+ $OUT .= qq!$previous;ending=$beginning">Previous period</A>!;
+ }else{
+ '';
+ } %>
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="50%" ALIGN="right">
+<%= if ($next > $ending) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="${url}view_support_details;svcnum=$svcnum;beginning=!;
+ $OUT .= qq!$ending;ending=$next">Next period</A>!;
+ }else{
+ '';
+ }%>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Ticket</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="center">Subject</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="center">Staff</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="center">Date</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="center">Status</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Time</TH>
+ </TR>
+<%= my $total = 0;
+ foreach my $usage ( @usage ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="left">';
+ $OUT .= $usage->{'ticketid'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $usage->{'subject'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $usage->{'creator'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="left">';
+ $OUT .= Date::Format::time2str('%T%P %a&nbsp;%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $usage->{'_date'});
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $usage->{'status'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ my $duration = $usage->{'support'};
+ $total += $usage->{'support'};
+ my $h = int($duration/3600);
+ my $m = sprintf("%02d", int(($duration % 3600) / 60));
+ my $s = sprintf("%02d", $duration % 60);
+ $OUT .= $usage->{'support'} < 0 ? '-' : '';
+ $OUT .= "$h:$m:$s";
+ $OUT .= '</TD></TR>';
+ }
+ my $h = int($total/3600);
+ my $m = sprintf("%02d", int(($total % 3600) / 60));
+ my $s = sprintf("%02d", $total % 60);
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR><TD COLSPAN="5"></TD><TD ALIGN="right"><HR></TD></TR>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR><TD COLSPAN="5"></TD><TD ALIGN="right">$h:$m:$s</TD></TR>!;
+ %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_usage.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_usage.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..170237a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_usage.html
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action=";
+ @svc_acct = grep { $_->{svcdb} eq 'svc_acct' } @svcs;
+ @svc_phone = grep { $_->{svcdb} eq 'svc_phone' } @svcs;
+ @svc_port = grep { $_->{svcdb} eq 'svc_port' } @svcs;
+ '';
+<%= include('header', 'Account usage') %>
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<%= if ( @svc_acct ) {
+ $OUT.= '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Account</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Time remaining</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Upload remaining</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Download remaining</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Total remaining</TH>
+ </TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '';
+ }
+<%= foreach my $svc ( @svc_acct ) {
+ my $link = "${url}view_usage_details;".
+ "svcnum=$svc->{'svcnum'};beginning=0;ending=0";
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD>';
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="$link">!. $svc->{'label'}. ': '. $svc->{'value'}.'</A>';
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'seconds'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'upbytes'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'downbytes'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'totalbytes'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD></TR>';
+ if ( $svc->{'recharge_amount'} ) {
+ my $link = "${url}process_order_recharge;".
+ "svcnum=$svc->{'svcnum'}";
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="$link">!.'Recharge for $';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'recharge_amount'} . '</A> with';
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'recharge_seconds'} if $svc->{'recharge_seconds'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'recharge_upbytes'} if $svc->{'recharge_upbytes'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'recharge_downbytes'} if $svc->{'recharge_downbytes'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= $svc->{'recharge_totalbytes'} if $svc->{'recharge_totalbytes'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD></TR>';
+ }
+ }
+<%= scalar(@svc_acct) ? '</TABLE><BR><BR>' : '' %>
+<%= if ( @svc_phone ) {
+ $OUT.= '<FONT SIZE="4">Call usage</FONT><BR><BR>
+ <TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Number</TH>'; #"Account" ?
+ #what else?
+ $OUT .= '</TR>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '';
+ }
+<%= foreach my $svc_phone ( @svc_phone ) {
+ my $link = "${url}view_cdr_details;".
+ "svcnum=$svc_phone->{'svcnum'};beginning=0;ending=0";
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD>';
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="$link">!. $svc_phone->{'label'}. ': '. $svc_phone->{'value'}.'</A>';
+ $OUT .= '</TD></TR>';
+ }
+<%= scalar(@svc_phone) ? '</TABLE><BR><BR>' : '' %>
+<%= if ( @svc_port ) {
+ $OUT.= '<FONT SIZE="4">Bandwidth Graphs</FONT><BR><BR>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function preset_range(start,end,prefix){
+ document.getElementById(prefix+\'_start\').value = start;
+ document.getElementById(prefix+\'_end\').value = end;
+ }
+ </script>
+ <TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Service</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">
+ </TH>
+ </TR>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '';
+sub preset_range {
+ my($start,$end,$label,$date_format,$prefix) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift);
+ $start = Date::Format::time2str($date_format,$start);
+ $end = Date::Format::time2str($date_format,$end);
+ return '<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onclick="preset_range(\''
+ .$start.'\',\''.$end.'\',\''.$prefix.'\')">'.$label.'</A>';
+foreach my $svc_port ( @svc_port ) {
+ $svcnum = $svc_port->{'svcnum'};
+ $default_end = time;
+ $default_start = $default_end-86400;
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD>'. $svc_port->{'label'}. ': '. $svc_port->{'value'}.'</TD>';
+ $OUT .= qq! <TD><FORM ACTION="$url" METHOD="GET">
+ <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="svcnum" value="$svcnum">
+ <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="action" value="view_port_graph">
+ <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="session" value="$session_id"> !;
+ $OUT .= preset_range($default_start,$default_end,'Last Day',$date_format,$svcnum)
+ .' | '.preset_range($default_end-86400*7,$default_end,'Last Week',$date_format,$svcnum)
+ .' | '.preset_range($default_end-86400*30,$default_end,'Last Month',$date_format,$svcnum)
+ .' | '.preset_range($default_end-86400*365,$default_end,'Last Year',$date_format,$svcnum);
+ $OUT .= qq! <BR>
+ Start Date <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" id="${svcnum}_start" name="${svcnum}_start" SIZE="10" MAXLENGTH="10">
+ End Date <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" id="${svcnum}_end" name="${svcnum}_end" SIZE="10" MAXLENGTH="10">
+ <BR>
+ <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Display"> !;
+ $OUT .= '</FORM></TD></TR>';
+<%= scalar(@svc_port) ? '</TABLE><BR><BR>' : '' %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_usage_details.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_usage_details.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4cc177e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/view_usage_details.html
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<%= $url = "$selfurl?session=$session_id;action="; ''; %>
+<%= include('header', 'Service usage details for '.
+ Date::Format::time2str('%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $beginning).
+ ' - '.
+ Date::Format::time2str('%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $ending)
+ )
+<%= if ( $error ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">$error</FONT><BR><BR>!;
+} ''; %>
+<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
+ <TR>
+ <TD WIDTH="50%">
+<%= if ($previous < $beginning) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="${url}view_usage_details;svcnum=$svcnum;beginning=!;
+ $OUT .= qq!$previous;ending=$beginning">Previous period</A>!;
+ }else{
+ '';
+ } %>
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="50%" ALIGN="right">
+<%= if ($next > $ending) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="${url}view_usage_details;svcnum=$svcnum;beginning=!;
+ $OUT .= qq!$ending;ending=$next">Next period</A>!;
+ }else{
+ '';
+ }%>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <TR>
+ <TH ALIGN="left">Account</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Start Time</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Duration</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Upload</TH>
+ <TH ALIGN="right">Download</TH>
+ </TR>
+<%= my $total = 0;
+ my $utotal = 0;
+ my $dtotal = 0;
+ foreach my $usage ( @usage ) {
+ $OUT .= '<TR><TD>';
+ $OUT .= $usage->{'username'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= Date::Format::time2str('%T%P %a&nbsp;%b&nbsp;%o&nbsp;%Y', $usage->{'acctstarttime'});
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ my $duration = $usage->{'acctstoptime'} - $usage->{'acctstarttime'};
+ $total += $duration;
+ my $h = int($duration/3600);
+ my $m = sprintf("%02d", int(($duration % 3600) / 60));
+ my $s = sprintf("%02d", $duration % 60);
+ $OUT .= "$h:$m:$s";
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= Number::Format::format_bytes($usage->{'acctinputoctets'}, precision => 2);
+ $utotal += $usage->{'acctinputoctets'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">';
+ $OUT .= Number::Format::format_bytes($usage->{'acctoutputoctets'}, precision => 2);
+ $dtotal += $usage->{'acctoutputoctets'};
+ $OUT .= '</TD></TR>';
+ }
+ my $h = int($total/3600);
+ my $m = sprintf("%02d", int(($total % 3600) / 60));
+ my $s = sprintf("%02d", $total % 60);
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD ALIGN="right"><HR></TD>! x 3;
+ $OUT .= qq!</TR>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD ALIGN="right">$h:$m:$s</TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD ALIGN="right">!;
+ $OUT .= Number::Format::format_bytes($utotal, precision => 2). qq!</TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!<TD ALIGN="right">!;
+ $OUT .= Number::Format::format_bytes($dtotal, precision => 2). qq!</TD>!;
+ $OUT .= qq!</TR>!; %>
+<%= include('footer') %>
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/ws_list.html b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/ws_list.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcc62ec86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/ws_list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+sub ws_pkglink {
+ my($cat,$count,$link) = (shift,shift,shift);
+ return "0 $cat <BR>" unless $count->{$cat};
+ return qq! <A HREF="${link};filter=$cat">$count->{$cat}</A> $cat <BR> !;
+sub ws_pkgstatus {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ $status = "unbilled";
+ $status = "active" if ( $pkg->{setup} && !$pkg->{cancel}
+ && !$pkg->{susp} );
+ $status = "suspended" if ( $pkg->{susp} && !$pkg->{cancel} );
+ $status = "cancelled" if $pkg->{cancel};
+ $status;
+sub pdate {
+ my($field,$date_format) = (shift,shift);
+ return "<TD>".Date::Format::time2str($date_format,$field)."</TD>"
+ if $field && $field > 0;
+ '<TD></TD>';
+if ( $pkgpart ) {
+ $OUT .= qq! <TABLE style="empty-cells: show;" class="svctable"><TR><TH>Package</TH><TH>Status</TH> !;
+ $OUT .= "<TH>Setup</TH><TH>Last Bill</TH><TH>Next Bill</TH><TH>Adjourn</TH>";
+ $OUT .= "<TH>Suspend</TH><TH>Expire</TH><TH>Contract End</TH>";
+ $OUT .= "<TH>Cancel</TH><TH>Services</TH></TR>";
+ foreach my $pkg ( @cust_pkg ) {
+ my $part_pkg = $pkg->{part_pkg}[0];
+ $status = ws_pkgstatus($pkg);
+ if($pkg->{pkgpart} == $pkgpart &&
+ ( ($filter && $filter eq $status) || !$filter) ) {
+ $OUT .= "<TR><TD>$part_pkg->{pkg}</TD><TD>$status</TD>";
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{setup},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{last_bill},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{bill},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{adjourn},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{susp},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{expire},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{contract_end},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= pdate($pkg->{cancel},$date_format);
+ $OUT .= "<TD style='font-size: 85%'>";
+ my @cust_svc = @{$pkg->{cust_svc}};
+ foreach my $cust_svc ( @cust_svc ) {
+ my @label = @{$cust_svc->{'label'}};
+ $OUT .= qq!$label[0]: $label[1] <BR><BR>!;
+ }
+ my @part_svc = @{$pkg->{part_svc}};
+ foreach my $part_svc ( @part_svc ) {
+ my $link = qq!<A HREF="${url}provision_svc;!
+ . qq!pkgnum=$pkg->{'pkgnum'};svcpart=$part_svc->{'svcpart'}!
+ . qq!;numavail=$part_svc->{'num_avail'}">Setup !
+ . qq!$part_svc->{'svc'}</A> ($part_svc->{'num_avail'}!
+ . qq! available)<BR><BR>!;
+ $OUT .= $link if $part_svc->{'can_get_dids'};
+ if($part_svc->{'svcdb'} eq 'svc_phone' && $lnp) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="${url}provision_svc;lnp=1;!
+ . qq!pkgnum=$pkg->{'pkgnum'};svcpart=$part_svc->{'svcpart'}!
+ . qq!">Port-In $part_svc->{'svc'}</A>!;
+ }
+ }
+ $OUT .= "</TD></TR>";
+ }
+ }
+ $OUT .= "</TABLE>";
+else {
+ my %pkgparts;
+ foreach my $pkg ( @cust_pkg ) {
+ my $status = ws_pkgstatus($pkg);
+ $pkgparts{$pkg->{pkgpart}}{$status}++;
+ my $part_pkg = $pkg->{part_pkg}[0];
+ $pkgparts{$pkg->{pkgpart}}{pkg} = $part_pkg->{pkg};
+ }
+ $OUT .= "<TABLE><TR><TD>";
+ $OUT .= qq! <TABLE class="svctable"><TR><TH>Package</TH><TH>Status</TH></TR> !;
+ my($pkgpart,$counts);
+ while(($pkgpart,$count) = each %pkgparts){
+ my $link = "${url}provision;pkgpart=$pkgpart";
+ $OUT .= qq! <TR><TD><A HREF="$link">$count->{pkg}</A></TD><TD> !;
+ $OUT .= ws_pkglink("unbilled",$count,$link);
+ $OUT .= ws_pkglink("active",$count,$link);
+ $OUT .= ws_pkglink("suspended",$count,$link);
+ $OUT .= ws_pkglink("cancelled",$count,$link);
+ $OUT .= "</TD></TR>";
+ }
+ $OUT .= "</TABLE>";
+ $OUT .= qq!</TD><TD VALIGN="TOP" STYLE="padding-left: 11px;">!;
+ if ( @login_svcpart ) {
+ $OUT .= "<B>Self-service accounts</B><BR>";
+ foreach my $pkg ( @cust_pkg ) {
+ @cust_svc = @{$pkg->{cust_svc}};
+ @part_svc = @{$pkg->{part_svc}};
+ foreach my $cust_svc ( @cust_svc ) {
+ $svcpart = $cust_svc->{'svcpart'};
+ next unless grep($_ eq $svcpart, @login_svcpart);
+ @label = @{$cust_svc->{'label'}};
+ $OUT .= $label[1] . " &nbsp; ";
+ unless ( $cust_svc->{'svcnum'} == $svcnum ) {
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('${url}delete_svc;svcnum=$cust_svc->{svcnum}', 'This will permanently delete the $label[1] $label[0]. Are you sure?')">!.
+ 'Delete</A>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= "<BR>";
+ }
+ foreach my $part_svc ( @part_svc ) {
+ $svcpart = $part_svc->{'svcpart'};
+ next unless grep($_ eq $svcpart, @login_svcpart);
+ $link = "${url}provision_svc;pkgnum=$pkg->{'pkgnum'};".
+ "svcpart=$part_svc->{'svcpart'}";
+ $OUT .= qq!<A HREF="$link">!. 'Setup '. $part_svc->{'svc'}.
+ '</A> ('. $part_svc->{'num_avail'}. ' available)'
+ if $part_svc->{'svcdb'} eq 'svc_acct';
+ }
+ } # foreach cust_pkg
+ } # login_svcpart
+ my $hasPhone = 0;
+ foreach my $pkg ( @cust_pkg ) {
+ @cust_svc = @{$pkg->{cust_svc}};
+ foreach my $cust_svc ( @cust_svc ) {
+ @label = @{$cust_svc->{'label'}};
+ $hasPhone = 1 if $label[2] eq 'svc_phone';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $hasPhone ) {
+ $link = "${url}didreport;type=";
+ $OUT .= "<BR><BR><BR>Download currently allocated DIDs:<BR>";
+ $OUT .= qq! &nbsp; <A HREF="${link}csv">CSV</A> |
+ <A HREF="${link}xls">Excel</A>!;
+ $OUT .= "<BR><BR>Download recently allocated DIDs:<BR>";
+ $OUT .= qq! &nbsp; <A HREF="${link}csv;recentonly=1">CSV</A> |
+ <A HREF="${link}xls;recentonly=1">Excel</A>!;
+ }
+ $OUT .= "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/xmlrpc.cgi b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/xmlrpc.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..559ae04d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/cgi/xmlrpc.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+use strict;
+use XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP;
+use XMLRPC::Lite; # for XMLRPC::Serializer
+use FS::SelfService::XMLRPC;
+my %typelookup = (
+ base64 => [10, sub {$_[0] =~ /[^\x09\x0a\x0d\x20-\x7f]/}, 'as_base64'],
+ dateTime => [35, sub {$_[0] =~ /^\d{8}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/}, 'as_dateTime'],
+ string => [40, sub {1}, 'as_string'],
+my $serializer = new XMLRPC::Serializer(typelookup => \%typelookup);
+ ->serializer($serializer)
+ ->handle;