path: root/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/')
1 files changed, 1707 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580ca73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_selfservice/FS-SelfService/
@@ -0,0 +1,1707 @@
+package FS::SelfService;
+use strict;
+ $skip_uid_check $dir $socket %autoload $tag );
+use Exporter;
+use Socket;
+use FileHandle;
+#use IO::Handle;
+use IO::Select;
+use Storable 2.09 qw(nstore_fd fd_retrieve);
+$VERSION = '0.03';
+@ISA = qw( Exporter );
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$dir = "/usr/local/freeside";
+$socket = "$dir/selfservice_socket";
+$socket .= '.'.$tag if defined $tag && length($tag);
+#maybe should ask ClientAPI for this list
+%autoload = (
+ 'passwd' => 'passwd/passwd',
+ 'chfn' => 'passwd/passwd',
+ 'chsh' => 'passwd/passwd',
+ 'login_info' => 'MyAccount/login_info',
+ 'login' => 'MyAccount/login',
+ 'logout' => 'MyAccount/logout',
+ 'customer_info' => 'MyAccount/customer_info',
+ 'edit_info' => 'MyAccount/edit_info', #add to ss cgi!
+ 'invoice' => 'MyAccount/invoice',
+ 'invoice_logo' => 'MyAccount/invoice_logo',
+ 'list_invoices' => 'MyAccount/list_invoices', #?
+ 'cancel' => 'MyAccount/cancel', #add to ss cgi!
+ 'payment_info' => 'MyAccount/payment_info',
+ 'process_payment' => 'MyAccount/process_payment',
+ 'process_payment_order_pkg' => 'MyAccount/process_payment_order_pkg',
+ 'process_payment_order_renew' => 'MyAccount/process_payment_order_renew',
+ 'process_prepay' => 'MyAccount/process_prepay',
+ 'list_pkgs' => 'MyAccount/list_pkgs', #add to ss (added?)
+ 'list_svcs' => 'MyAccount/list_svcs', #add to ss (added?)
+ 'list_svc_usage' => 'MyAccount/list_svc_usage',
+ 'list_support_usage' => 'MyAccount/list_support_usage',
+ 'order_pkg' => 'MyAccount/order_pkg', #add to ss cgi!
+ 'change_pkg' => 'MyAccount/change_pkg',
+ 'order_recharge' => 'MyAccount/order_recharge',
+ 'renew_info' => 'MyAccount/renew_info',
+ 'order_renew' => 'MyAccount/order_renew',
+ 'cancel_pkg' => 'MyAccount/cancel_pkg', #add to ss cgi!
+ 'charge' => 'MyAccount/charge', #?
+ 'part_svc_info' => 'MyAccount/part_svc_info',
+ 'provision_acct' => 'MyAccount/provision_acct',
+ 'provision_external' => 'MyAccount/provision_external',
+ 'unprovision_svc' => 'MyAccount/unprovision_svc',
+ 'myaccount_passwd' => 'MyAccount/myaccount_passwd',
+ 'signup_info' => 'Signup/signup_info',
+ 'domain_select_hash' => 'Signup/domain_select_hash', # expose?
+ 'new_customer' => 'Signup/new_customer',
+ 'agent_login' => 'Agent/agent_login',
+ 'agent_logout' => 'Agent/agent_logout',
+ 'agent_info' => 'Agent/agent_info',
+ 'agent_list_customers' => 'Agent/agent_list_customers',
+ 'mason_comp' => 'MasonComponent/mason_comp',
+ 'call_time' => 'PrepaidPhone/call_time',
+ 'call_time_nanpa' => 'PrepaidPhone/call_time_nanpa',
+ 'phonenum_balance' => 'PrepaidPhone/phonenum_balance',
+ keys(%autoload),
+ qw( regionselector regionselector_hashref
+ expselect popselector domainselector didselector )
+$ENV{'PATH'} ='/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin';
+$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh';
+$ENV{'IFS'} = " \t\n";
+$ENV{'CDPATH'} = '';
+$ENV{'ENV'} = '';
+$ENV{'BASH_ENV'} = '';
+#you can add BEGIN { $FS::SelfService::skip_uid_check = 1; }
+#if you grant appropriate permissions to whatever user
+my $freeside_uid = scalar(getpwnam('freeside'));
+die "not running as the freeside user\n"
+ if $> != $freeside_uid && ! $skip_uid_check;
+-e $dir or die "FATAL: $dir doesn't exist!";
+-d $dir or die "FATAL: $dir isn't a directory!";
+-r $dir or die "FATAL: Can't read $dir as freeside user!";
+-x $dir or die "FATAL: $dir not searchable (executable) as freeside user!";
+foreach my $autoload ( keys %autoload ) {
+ my $eval =
+ "sub $autoload { ". '
+ my $param;
+ if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
+ $param = shift;
+ } else {
+ #warn scalar(@_). ": ". join(" / ", @_);
+ $param = { @_ };
+ }
+ $param->{_packet} = \''. $autoload{$autoload}. '\';
+ simple_packet($param);
+ }';
+ eval $eval;
+ die $@ if $@;
+sub simple_packet {
+ my $packet = shift;
+ warn "sending ". $packet->{_packet}. " to server"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ socket(SOCK, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!";
+ connect(SOCK, sockaddr_un($socket)) or die "connect to $socket: $!";
+ nstore_fd($packet, \*SOCK) or die "can't send packet: $!";
+ SOCK->flush;
+ #shoudl trap: Magic number checking on storable file failed at blib/lib/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 337, at /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/FS/ line 71
+ #block until there is a message on socket
+# my $w = new IO::Select;
+# $w->add(\*SOCK);
+# my @wait = $w->can_read;
+ warn "reading message from server"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ my $return = fd_retrieve(\*SOCK) or die "error reading result: $!";
+ die $return->{'_error'} if defined $return->{_error} && $return->{_error};
+ warn "returning message to client"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ $return;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::SelfService - Freeside self-service API
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # password and shell account changes
+ use FS::SelfService qw(passwd chfn chsh);
+ # "my account" functionality
+ use FS::SelfService qw( login customer_info invoice cancel payment_info process_payment );
+ my $rv = login( { 'username' => $username,
+ 'domain' => $domain,
+ 'password' => $password,
+ }
+ );
+ if ( $rv->{'error'} ) {
+ #handle login error...
+ } else {
+ #successful login
+ my $session_id = $rv->{'session_id'};
+ }
+ my $customer_info = customer_info( { 'session_id' => $session_id } );
+ #payment_info and process_payment are available in 1.5+ only
+ my $payment_info = payment_info( { 'session_id' => $session_id } );
+ #!!! process_payment example
+ #!!! list_pkgs example
+ #!!! order_pkg example
+ #!!! cancel_pkg example
+ # signup functionality
+ use FS::SelfService qw( signup_info new_customer );
+ my $signup_info = signup_info;
+ $rv = new_customer( {
+ 'first' => $first,
+ 'last' => $last,
+ 'company' => $company,
+ 'address1' => $address1,
+ 'address2' => $address2,
+ 'city' => $city,
+ 'state' => $state,
+ 'zip' => $zip,
+ 'country' => $country,
+ 'daytime' => $daytime,
+ 'night' => $night,
+ 'fax' => $fax,
+ 'payby' => $payby,
+ 'payinfo' => $payinfo,
+ 'paycvv' => $paycvv,
+ 'paystart_month' => $paystart_month
+ 'paystart_year' => $paystart_year,
+ 'payissue' => $payissue,
+ 'payip' => $payip
+ 'paydate' => $paydate,
+ 'payname' => $payname,
+ 'invoicing_list' => $invoicing_list,
+ 'referral_custnum' => $referral_custnum,
+ 'agentnum' => $agentnum,
+ 'pkgpart' => $pkgpart,
+ 'username' => $username,
+ '_password' => $password,
+ 'popnum' => $popnum,
+ #OR
+ 'countrycode' => 1,
+ 'phonenum' => $phonenum,
+ 'pin' => $pin,
+ }
+ );
+ my $error = $rv->{'error'};
+ if ( $error eq '_decline' ) {
+ print_decline();
+ } elsif ( $error ) {
+ reprint_signup();
+ } else {
+ print_success();
+ }
+Use this API to implement your own client "self-service" module.
+If you just want to customize the look of the existing "self-service" module,
+see XXXX instead.
+=over 4
+=item passwd
+=item chfn
+=item chsh
+=over 4
+=item login HASHREF
+Creates a user session. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the
+following keys:
+=over 4
+=item username
+=item domain
+=item password
+Returns a hash reference with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item error
+Empty on success, or an error message on errors.
+=item session_id
+Session identifier for successful logins
+=item customer_info HASHREF
+Returns general customer information.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B<session_id>
+Returns a hash reference with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item name
+Customer name
+=item balance
+Balance owed
+=item open
+Array reference of hash references of open inoices. Each hash reference has
+the following keys: invnum, date, owed
+=item small_custview
+An HTML fragment containing shipping and billing addresses.
+=item The following fields are also returned
+first last company address1 address2 city county state zip country daytime night fax ship_first ship_last ship_company ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_state ship_zip ship_country ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax payby payinfo payname month year invoicing_list postal_invoicing
+=item edit_info HASHREF
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with any of the following keys:
+first last company address1 address2 city county state zip country daytime night fax ship_first ship_last ship_company ship_address1 ship_address2 ship_city ship_state ship_zip ship_country ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax payby payinfo paycvv payname month year invoicing_list postal_invoicing
+If a field exists, the customer record is updated with the new value of that
+field. If a field does not exist, that field is not changed on the customer
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, empty on success, or an
+error message on errors
+=item invoice HASHREF
+Returns an invoice. Takes a hash reference as parameter with two keys:
+session_id and invnum
+Returns a hash reference with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item error
+Empty on success, or an error message on errors
+=item invnum
+Invoice number
+=item invoice_text
+Invoice text
+=item list_invoices HASHREF
+Returns a list of all customer invoices. Takes a hash references with a single
+key, session_id.
+Returns a hash reference with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item error
+Empty on success, or an error message on errors
+=item invoices
+Reference to array of hash references with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item invnum
+Invoice ID
+=item _date
+Invoice date, in UNIX epoch time
+=item cancel HASHREF
+Cancels this customer.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B<session_id>
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, which is empty on
+success or an error message on errors.
+=item payment_info HASHREF
+Returns information that may be useful in displaying a payment page.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B<session_id>.
+Returns a hash reference with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item error
+Empty on success, or an error message on errors
+=item balance
+Balance owed
+=item payname
+Exact name on credit card (CARD/DCRD)
+=item address1
+Address line one
+=item address2
+Address line two
+=item city
+=item state
+=item zip
+Zip or postal code
+=item payby
+Customer's current default payment type.
+=item card_type
+For CARD/DCRD payment types, the card type (Visa card, MasterCard, Discover card, American Express card, etc.)
+=item payinfo
+For CARD/DCRD payment types, the card number
+=item month
+For CARD/DCRD payment types, expiration month
+=item year
+For CARD/DCRD payment types, expiration year
+=item cust_main_county
+County/state/country data - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a cust_main_county record (see L<FS::cust_main_county>). Note these are not FS::cust_main_county objects, but hash references of columns and values.
+=item states
+Array reference of all states in the current default country.
+=item card_types
+Hash reference of card types; keys are card types, values are the exact strings
+passed to the process_payment function
+#this doesn't actually work yet
+#=item paybatch
+#Unique transaction identifier (prevents multiple charges), passed to the
+#process_payment function
+=item process_payment HASHREF
+Processes a payment and possible change of address or payment type. Takes a
+hash reference as parameter with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item session_id
+Session identifier
+=item amount
+=item save
+If true, address and card information entered will be saved for subsequent
+=item auto
+If true, future credit card payments will be done automatically (sets payby to
+CARD). If false, future credit card payments will be done on-demand (sets
+payby to DCRD). This option only has meaning if B<save> is set true.
+=item payname
+Name on card
+=item address1
+Address line one
+=item address2
+Address line two
+=item city
+=item state
+=item zip
+Zip or postal code
+=item payinfo
+Card number
+=item month
+Card expiration month
+=item year
+Card expiration year
+#this doesn't actually work yet
+#=item paybatch
+#Unique transaction identifier, returned from the payment_info function.
+#Prevents multiple charges.
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, empty on success, or an
+error message on errors.
+=item process_payment_order_pkg
+Combines the B<process_payment> and B<order_pkg> functions in one step. If the
+payment processes sucessfully, the package is ordered. Takes a hash reference
+as parameter with the keys of both methods.
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, empty on success, or an
+error message on errors.
+=item process_payment_order_renew
+Combines the B<process_payment> and B<order_renew> functions in one step. If
+the payment processes sucessfully, the renewal is processed. Takes a hash
+reference as parameter with the keys of both methods.
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, empty on success, or an
+error message on errors.
+=item list_pkgs
+Returns package information for this customer. For more detail on services,
+see L</list_svcs>.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B<session_id>
+Returns a hash reference containing customer package information. The hash reference contains the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item custnum
+Customer number
+=item error
+Empty on success, or an error message on errors.
+=item cust_pkg HASHREF
+Array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a cust_pkg
+record (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) as well as the fields below. Note these are not
+the internal FS:: objects, but hash references of columns and values.
+=over 4
+=item part_pkg fields
+All fields of part_pkg for this specific cust_pkg (be careful with this
+information - it may reveal more about your available packages than you would
+like users to know in aggregate)
+#XXX pare part_pkg fields down to a more secure subset
+=item part_svc
+An array of hash references indicating information on unprovisioned services
+available for provisioning for this specific cust_pkg. Each has the following
+=over 4
+=item part_svc fields
+All fields of part_svc (be careful with this information - it may reveal more
+about your available packages than you would like users to know in aggregate)
+#XXX pare part_svc fields down to a more secure subset
+=item cust_svc
+An array of hash references indicating information on the customer services
+already provisioned for this specific cust_pkg. Each has the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item label
+Array reference with three elements: The first element is the name of this service. The second element is a meaningful user-specific identifier for the service (i.e. username, domain or mail alias). The last element is the table name of this service.
+=item svcnum
+Primary key for this service
+=item svcpart
+Service definition (see L<FS::part_svc>)
+=item pkgnum
+Customer package (see L<FS::cust_pkg>)
+=item overlimit
+Blank if the service is not over limit, or the date the service exceeded its usage limit (as a UNIX timestamp).
+=item list_svcs
+Returns service information for this customer.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with a single key: B<session_id>
+Returns a hash reference containing customer package information. The hash reference contains the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item custnum
+Customer number
+=item svcs
+An array of hash references indicating information on all of this customer's
+services. Each has the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item svcnum
+Primary key for this service
+=item label
+Name of this service
+=item value
+Meaningful user-specific identifier for the service (i.e. username, domain, or
+mail alias).
+Account (svc_acct) services also have the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item username
+=item email
+=item seconds
+Seconds remaining
+=item upbytes
+Upload bytes remaining
+=item downbytes
+Download bytes remaining
+=item totalbytes
+Total bytes remaining
+=item recharge_amount
+Cost of a recharge
+=item recharge_seconds
+Number of seconds gained by recharge
+=item recharge_upbytes
+Number of upload bytes gained by recharge
+=item recharge_downbytes
+Number of download bytes gained by recharge
+=item recharge_totalbytes
+Number of total bytes gained by recharge
+=item order_pkg
+Orders a package for this customer.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item session_id
+Session identifier
+=item pkgpart
+Package to order (see L<FS::part_pkg>).
+=item svcpart
+Service to order (see L<FS::part_svc>).
+Normally optional; required only to provision a non-svc_acct service, or if the
+package definition does not contain one svc_acct service definition with
+quantity 1 (it may contain others with quantity >1). A svcpart of "none" can
+also be specified to indicate that no initial service should be provisioned.
+Fields used when provisioning an svc_acct service:
+=over 4
+=item username
+=item _password
+=item sec_phrase
+Optional security phrase
+=item popnum
+Optional Access number number
+Fields used when provisioning an svc_domain service:
+=over 4
+=item domain
+Fields used when provisioning an svc_phone service:
+=over 4
+=item phonenum
+Phone number
+=item pin
+Voicemail PIN
+=item sip_password
+SIP password
+Fields used when provisioning an svc_external service:
+=over 4
+=item id
+External numeric ID.
+=item title
+External text title.
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, empty on success, or an
+error message on errors. The special error '_decline' is returned for
+declined transactions.
+=item renew_info
+Provides useful info for early renewals.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item session_id
+Session identifier
+Returns a hash reference. On errors, it contains a single key, B<error>, with
+the error message. Otherwise, contains a single key, B<dates>, pointing to
+an array refernce of hash references. Each hash reference contains the
+following keys:
+=over 4
+=item bill_date
+(Future) Bill date. Indicates a future date for which billing could be run.
+Specified as a integer UNIX timestamp. Pass this value to the B<order_renew>
+=item bill_date_pretty
+(Future) Bill date as a human-readable string. (Convenience for display;
+subject to change, so best not to parse for the date.)
+=item amount
+Base amount which will be charged if renewed early as of this date.
+=item renew_date
+Renewal date; i.e. even-futher future date at which the customer will be paid
+through if the early renewal is completed with the given B<bill-date>.
+Specified as a integer UNIX timestamp.
+=item renew_date_pretty
+Renewal date as a human-readable string. (Convenience for display;
+subject to change, so best not to parse for the date.)
+=item order_renew
+Renews this customer early; i.e. runs billing for this customer in advance.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item session_id
+Session identifier
+=item date
+Integer date as returned by the B<renew_info> function, indicating the advance
+date for which to run billing.
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, empty on success, or an
+error message on errors.
+=item cancel_pkg
+Cancels a package for this customer.
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item session_id
+Session identifier
+=item pkgpart
+pkgpart of package to cancel
+Returns a hash reference with a single key, B<error>, empty on success, or an
+error message on errors.
+=over 4
+=item signup_info HASHREF
+Takes a hash reference as parameter with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item session_id - Optional agent/reseller interface session
+Returns a hash reference containing information that may be useful in
+displaying a signup page. The hash reference contains the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item cust_main_county
+County/state/country data - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a cust_main_county record (see L<FS::cust_main_county>). Note these are not FS::cust_main_county objects, but hash references of columns and values.
+=item part_pkg
+Available packages - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of a part_pkg record (see L<FS::part_pkg>). Each hash reference also has an additional 'payby' field containing an array reference of acceptable payment types specific to this package (see below and L<FS::part_pkg/payby>). Note these are not FS::part_pkg objects, but hash references of columns and values. Requires the 'signup_server-default_agentnum' configuration value to be set, or
+an agentnum specified explicitly via reseller interface session_id in the
+=item agent
+Array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of an agent record (see L<FS::agent>). Note these are not FS::agent objects, but hash references of columns and values.
+=item agentnum2part_pkg
+Hash reference; keys are agentnums, values are array references of available packages for that agent, in the same format as the part_pkg arrayref above.
+=item svc_acct_pop
+Access numbers - array reference of hash references, each of which has the fields of an svc_acct_pop record (see L<FS::svc_acct_pop>). Note these are not FS::svc_acct_pop objects, but hash references of columns and values.
+=item security_phrase
+True if the "security_phrase" feature is enabled
+=item payby
+Array reference of acceptable payment types for signup
+=over 4
+=item CARD
+credit card - automatic
+=item DCRD
+credit card - on-demand - version 1.5+ only
+=item CHEK
+electronic check - automatic
+=item DCHK
+electronic check - on-demand - version 1.5+ only
+=item LECB
+Phone bill billing
+=item BILL
+billing, not recommended for signups
+=item COMP
+free, definitely not recommended for signups
+=item PREPAY
+special billing type: applies a credit (see FS::prepay_credit) and sets billing type to BILL
+=item cvv_enabled
+True if CVV features are available (1.5+ or 1.4.2 with CVV schema patch)
+=item msgcat
+Hash reference of message catalog values, to support error message customization. Currently available keys are: passwords_dont_match, invalid_card, unknown_card_type, and not_a (as in "Not a Discover card"). Values are configured in the web interface under "View/Edit message catalog".
+=item statedefault
+Default state
+=item countrydefault
+Default country
+=item new_customer HASHREF
+Creates a new customer. Takes a hash reference as parameter with the
+following keys:
+=over 4
+=item first
+first name (required)
+=item last
+last name (required)
+=item ss
+(not typically collected; mostly used for ACH transactions)
+=item company
+Company name
+=item address1 (required)
+Address line one
+=item address2
+Address line two
+=item city (required)
+=item county
+=item state (required)
+=item zip (required)
+Zip or postal code
+=item daytime
+Daytime phone number
+=item night
+Evening phone number
+=item fax
+Fax number
+=item payby
+CARD, DCRD, CHEK, DCHK, LECB, BILL, COMP or PREPAY (see L</signup_info> (required)
+=item payinfo
+Card number for CARD/DCRD, account_number@aba_number for CHEK/DCHK, prepaid "pin" for PREPAY, purchase order number for BILL
+=item paycvv
+Credit card CVV2 number (1.5+ or 1.4.2 with CVV schema patch)
+=item paydate
+Expiration date for CARD/DCRD
+=item payname
+Exact name on credit card for CARD/DCRD, bank name for CHEK/DCHK
+=item invoicing_list
+comma-separated list of email addresses for email invoices. The special value 'POST' is used to designate postal invoicing (it may be specified alone or in addition to email addresses),
+=item referral_custnum
+referring customer number
+=item agentnum
+Agent number
+=item pkgpart
+pkgpart of initial package
+=item username
+=item _password
+=item sec_phrase
+Security phrase
+=item popnum
+Access number (index, not the literal number)
+=item countrycode
+Country code (to be provisioned as a service)
+=item phonenum
+Phone number (to be provisioned as a service)
+=item pin
+Voicemail PIN
+Returns a hash reference with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item error
+Empty on success, or an error message on errors. The special error '_decline' is returned for declined transactions; other error messages should be suitable for display to the user (and are customizable in under Configuration | View/Edit message catalog)
+=item regionselector HASHREF | LIST
+Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item selected_county
+Currently selected county
+=item selected_state
+Currently selected state
+=item selected_country
+Currently selected country
+=item prefix
+Specify a unique prefix string if you intend to use the HTML output multiple time son one page.
+=item onchange
+Specify a javascript subroutine to call on changes
+=item default_state
+Default state
+=item default_country
+Default country
+=item locales
+An arrayref of hash references specifying regions. Normally you can just pass the value of the I<cust_main_county> field returned by B<signup_info>.
+Returns a list consisting of three HTML fragments for county selection,
+state selection and country selection, respectively.
+#false laziness w/FS::cust_main_county (this is currently the "newest" version)
+sub regionselector {
+ my $param;
+ if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
+ $param = shift;
+ } else {
+ $param = { @_ };
+ }
+ $param->{'selected_country'} ||= $param->{'default_country'};
+ $param->{'selected_state'} ||= $param->{'default_state'};
+ my $prefix = exists($param->{'prefix'}) ? $param->{'prefix'} : '';
+ my $countyflag = 0;
+ my %cust_main_county;
+# unless ( @cust_main_county ) { #cache
+ #@cust_main_county = qsearch('cust_main_county', {} );
+ #foreach my $c ( @cust_main_county ) {
+ foreach my $c ( @{ $param->{'locales'} } ) {
+ #$countyflag=1 if $c->county;
+ $countyflag=1 if $c->{county};
+ #push @{$cust_main_county{$c->country}{$c->state}}, $c->county;
+ #$cust_main_county{$c->country}{$c->state}{$c->county} = 1;
+ $cust_main_county{$c->{country}}{$c->{state}}{$c->{county}} = 1;
+ }
+# }
+ $countyflag=1 if $param->{selected_county};
+ my $script_html = <<END;
+ function opt(what,value,text) {
+ var optionName = new Option(text, value, false, false);
+ var length = what.length;
+ what.options[length] = optionName;
+ }
+ function ${prefix}country_changed(what) {
+ country = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
+ for ( var i = what.form.${prefix}state.length; i >= 0; i-- )
+ what.form.${prefix}state.options[i] = null;
+ #what.form.${prefix}state.options[0] = new Option('', '', false, true);
+ foreach my $country ( sort keys %cust_main_county ) {
+ $script_html .= "\nif ( country == \"$country\" ) {\n";
+ foreach my $state ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}} ) {
+ my $text = $state || '(n/a)';
+ $script_html .= qq!opt(what.form.${prefix}state, "$state", "$text");\n!;
+ }
+ $script_html .= "}\n";
+ }
+ $script_html .= <<END;
+ }
+ function ${prefix}state_changed(what) {
+ if ( $countyflag ) {
+ $script_html .= <<END;
+ state = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
+ country = what.form.${prefix}country.options[what.form.${prefix}country.selectedIndex].text;
+ for ( var i = what.form.${prefix}county.length; i >= 0; i-- )
+ what.form.${prefix}county.options[i] = null;
+ foreach my $country ( sort keys %cust_main_county ) {
+ $script_html .= "\nif ( country == \"$country\" ) {\n";
+ foreach my $state ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}} ) {
+ $script_html .= "\nif ( state == \"$state\" ) {\n";
+ #foreach my $county ( sort @{$cust_main_county{$country}{$state}} ) {
+ foreach my $county ( sort keys %{$cust_main_county{$country}{$state}} ) {
+ my $text = $county || '(n/a)';
+ $script_html .=
+ qq!opt(what.form.${prefix}county, "$county", "$text");\n!;
+ }
+ $script_html .= "}\n";
+ }
+ $script_html .= "}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $script_html .= <<END;
+ }
+ my $county_html = $script_html;
+ if ( $countyflag ) {
+ $county_html .= qq!<SELECT NAME="${prefix}county" onChange="$param->{'onchange'}">!;
+ $county_html .= '</SELECT>';
+ } else {
+ $county_html .=
+ qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="${prefix}county" VALUE="$param->{'selected_county'}">!;
+ }
+ my $state_html = qq!<SELECT NAME="${prefix}state" !.
+ qq!onChange="${prefix}state_changed(this); $param->{'onchange'}">!;
+ foreach my $state ( sort keys %{ $cust_main_county{$param->{'selected_country'}} } ) {
+ my $text = $state || '(n/a)';
+ my $selected = $state eq $param->{'selected_state'} ? 'SELECTED' : '';
+ $state_html .= "\n<OPTION $selected VALUE=$state>$text</OPTION>"
+ }
+ $state_html .= '</SELECT>';
+ my $country_html = '';
+ if ( scalar( keys %cust_main_county ) > 1 ) {
+ $country_html = qq(<SELECT NAME="${prefix}country" ).
+ qq(onChange="${prefix}country_changed(this); ).
+ $param->{'onchange'}.
+ '"'.
+ '>';
+ my $countrydefault = $param->{default_country} || 'US';
+ foreach my $country (
+ sort { ($b eq $countrydefault) <=> ($a eq $countrydefault) or $a cmp $b }
+ keys %cust_main_county
+ ) {
+ my $selected = $country eq $param->{'selected_country'}
+ : '';
+ $country_html .= "\n<OPTION$selected>$country</OPTION>"
+ }
+ $country_html .= '</SELECT>';
+ } else {
+ $country_html = qq(<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="${prefix}country" ).
+ ' VALUE="'. (keys %cust_main_county )[0]. '">';
+ }
+ ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html);
+sub regionselector_hashref {
+ my ($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) = regionselector(@_);
+ {
+ 'county_html' => $county_html,
+ 'state_html' => $state_html,
+ 'country_html' => $country_html,
+ };
+#=item expselect HASHREF | LIST
+#Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys:
+#=over 4
+#=item prefix - Specify a unique prefix string if you intend to use the HTML output multiple time son one page.
+#=item date - current date, in yyyy-mm-dd or m-d-yyyy format
+=item expselect PREFIX [ DATE ]
+Takes as input a unique prefix string and the current expiration date, in
+yyyy-mm-dd or m-d-yyyy format
+Returns an HTML fragments for expiration date selection.
+sub expselect {
+ #my $param;
+ #if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
+ # $param = shift;
+ #} else {
+ # $param = { @_ };
+ #my $prefix = $param->{'prefix'};
+ #my $prefix = exists($param->{'prefix'}) ? $param->{'prefix'} : '';
+ #my $date = exists($param->{'date'}) ? $param->{'date'} : '';
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $date = scalar(@_) ? shift : '';
+ my( $m, $y ) = ( 0, 0 );
+ if ( $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-\d{2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format
+ ( $m, $y ) = ( $2, $1 );
+ } elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) {
+ ( $m, $y ) = ( $1, $3 );
+ }
+ my $return = qq!<SELECT NAME="$prefix!. qq!_month" SIZE="1">!;
+ for ( 1 .. 12 ) {
+ $return .= qq!<OPTION VALUE="$_"!;
+ $return .= " SELECTED" if $_ == $m;
+ $return .= ">$_";
+ }
+ $return .= qq!</SELECT>/<SELECT NAME="$prefix!. qq!_year" SIZE="1">!;
+ my @t = localtime;
+ my $thisYear = $t[5] + 1900;
+ for ( ($thisYear > $y && $y > 0 ? $y : $thisYear) .. ($thisYear+10) ) {
+ $return .= qq!<OPTION VALUE="$_"!;
+ $return .= " SELECTED" if $_ == $y;
+ $return .= ">$_";
+ }
+ $return .= "</SELECT>";
+ $return;
+=item popselector HASHREF | LIST
+Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item popnum
+Access number number
+=item pops
+An arrayref of hash references specifying access numbers. Normally you can just pass the value of the I<svc_acct_pop> field returned by B<signup_info>.
+Returns an HTML fragment for access number selection.
+#horrible false laziness with FS/FS/
+sub popselector {
+ my $param;
+ if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
+ $param = shift;
+ } else {
+ $param = { @_ };
+ }
+ my $popnum = $param->{'popnum'};
+ my $pops = $param->{'pops'};
+ return '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="popnum" VALUE="">' unless @$pops;
+ return $pops->[0]{city}. ', '. $pops->[0]{state}.
+ ' ('. $pops->[0]{ac}. ')/'. $pops->[0]{exch}. '-'. $pops->[0]{loc}.
+ '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="popnum" VALUE="'. $pops->[0]{popnum}. '">'
+ if scalar(@$pops) == 1;
+ my %pop = ();
+ my %popnum2pop = ();
+ foreach (@$pops) {
+ push @{ $pop{ $_->{state} }->{ $_->{ac} } }, $_;
+ $popnum2pop{$_->{popnum}} = $_;
+ }
+ my $text = <<END;
+ function opt(what,href,text) {
+ var optionName = new Option(text, href, false, false)
+ var length = what.length;
+ what.options[length] = optionName;
+ }
+ my $init_popstate = $param->{'init_popstate'};
+ if ( $init_popstate ) {
+ $text .= '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="init_popstate" VALUE="'.
+ $init_popstate. '">';
+ } else {
+ $text .= <<END;
+ function acstate_changed(what) {
+ state = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
+ what.form.popac.options.length = 0
+ what.form.popac.options[0] = new Option("Area code", "-1", false, true);
+ }
+ my @states = $init_popstate ? ( $init_popstate ) : keys %pop;
+ foreach my $state ( sort { $a cmp $b } @states ) {
+ $text .= "\nif ( state == \"$state\" ) {\n" unless $init_popstate;
+ foreach my $ac ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{ $pop{$state} }) {
+ $text .= "opt(what.form.popac, \"$ac\", \"$ac\");\n";
+ if ($ac eq $param->{'popac'}) {
+ $text .= "what.form.popac.options[what.form.popac.length-1].selected = true;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $text .= "}\n" unless $init_popstate;
+ }
+ $text .= "popac_changed(what.form.popac)}\n";
+ $text .= <<END;
+ function popac_changed(what) {
+ ac = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
+ what.form.popnum.options.length = 0;
+ what.form.popnum.options[0] = new Option("City", "-1", false, true);
+ foreach my $state ( @states ) {
+ foreach my $popac ( keys %{ $pop{$state} } ) {
+ $text .= "\nif ( ac == \"$popac\" ) {\n";
+ foreach my $pop ( @{$pop{$state}->{$popac}}) {
+ my $o_popnum = $pop->{popnum};
+ my $poptext = $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
+ ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch}. '-'. $pop->{loc};
+ $text .= "opt(what.form.popnum, \"$o_popnum\", \"$poptext\");\n";
+ if ($popnum == $o_popnum) {
+ $text .= "what.form.popnum.options[what.form.popnum.length-1].selected = true;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $text .= "}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $text .= "}\n</SCRIPT>\n";
+ $text .=
+ qq!<TABLE CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD><SELECT NAME="acstate"! .
+ qq!SIZE=1 onChange="acstate_changed(this)"><OPTION VALUE=-1>State!;
+ $text .= "<OPTION" . ($_ eq $param->{'acstate'} ? " SELECTED" : "") .
+ ">$_" foreach sort { $a cmp $b } @states;
+ $text .= '</SELECT>'; #callback? return 3 html pieces? #'</TD>';
+ $text .=
+ qq!<SELECT NAME="popac" SIZE=1 onChange="popac_changed(this)">!.
+ qq!<OPTION>Area code</SELECT></TR><TR VALIGN="top">!;
+ $text .= qq!<TR><TD><SELECT NAME="popnum" SIZE=1 STYLE="width: 20em"><OPTION>City!;
+ #comment this block to disable initial list polulation
+ my @initial_select = ();
+ if ( scalar( @$pops ) > 100 ) {
+ push @initial_select, $popnum2pop{$popnum} if $popnum2pop{$popnum};
+ } else {
+ @initial_select = @$pops;
+ }
+ foreach my $pop ( sort { $a->{state} cmp $b->{state} } @initial_select ) {
+ $text .= qq!<OPTION VALUE="!. $pop->{popnum}. '"'.
+ ( ( $popnum && $pop->{popnum} == $popnum ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ). ">".
+ $pop->{city}. ', '. $pop->{state}.
+ ' ('. $pop->{ac}. ')/'. $pop->{exch}. '-'. $pop->{loc};
+ }
+ $text .= qq!</SELECT></TD></TR></TABLE>!;
+ $text;
+=item domainselector HASHREF | LIST
+Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item pkgnum
+Package number
+=item domsvc
+Service number of the selected item.
+Returns an HTML fragment for domain selection.
+sub domainselector {
+ my $param;
+ if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
+ $param = shift;
+ } else {
+ $param = { @_ };
+ }
+ my $domsvc= $param->{'domsvc'};
+ my $rv =
+ domain_select_hash(map {$_ => $param->{$_}} qw(pkgnum svcpart pkgpart) );
+ my $domains = $rv->{'domains'};
+ $domsvc = $rv->{'domsvc'} unless $domsvc;
+ return '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="domsvc" VALUE="">'
+ unless scalar(keys %$domains);
+ if (scalar(keys %$domains) == 1) {
+ my $key;
+ foreach(keys %$domains) {
+ $key = $_;
+ }
+ return '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Domain</TD><TD>'. $domains->{$key}.
+ '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="domsvc" VALUE="'. $key. '"></TD></TR>'
+ }
+ my $text .= qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Domain</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="domsvc" SIZE=1 STYLE="width: 20em"><OPTION>(Choose Domain)!;
+ foreach my $domain ( sort { $domains->{$a} cmp $domains->{$b} } keys %$domains ) {
+ $text .= qq!<OPTION VALUE="!. $domain. '"'.
+ ( ( $domsvc && $domain == $domsvc ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ). ">".
+ $domains->{$domain};
+ }
+ $text .= qq!</SELECT></TD></TR>!;
+ $text;
+=item didselector HASHREF | LIST
+Takes as input a hashref or list of key/value pairs with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item field
+Field name for the returned HTML fragment.
+=item svcpart
+Service definition (see L<FS::part_svc>)
+Returns an HTML fragment for DID selection.
+sub didselector {
+ my $param;
+ if ( ref($_[0]) ) {
+ $param = shift;
+ } else {
+ $param = { @_ };
+ }
+ my $rv = mason_comp( 'comp'=>'/elements/select-did.html',
+ 'args'=>[ %$param ],
+ );
+ #hmm.
+ $rv->{'error'} || $rv->{'output'};
+Note: Resellers can also use the B<signup_info> and B<new_customer> functions
+with their active session, and the B<customer_info> and B<order_pkg> functions
+with their active session and an additional I<custnum> parameter.
+For the most part, development of the reseller web interface has been
+superceded by agent-virtualized access to the backend.
+=over 4
+=item agent_login
+Agent login
+=item agent_info
+Agent info
+=item agent_list_customers
+List agent's customers.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<freeside-selfservice-clientd>, L<freeside-selfservice-server>