path: root/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/bin/freeside-upgrade')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade b/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4a6fac293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-upgrade
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use vars qw($opt_d $opt_s $opt_q $opt_v $opt_r);
+use vars qw($DEBUG $DRY_RUN);
+use Getopt::Std;
+use DBIx::DBSchema 0.31; #0.39
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup checkeuid datasrc driver_name); #getsecrets);
+use FS::CurrentUser;
+use FS::Schema qw( dbdef dbdef_dist reload_dbdef );
+use FS::Misc::prune qw(prune_applications);
+use FS::Conf;
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch);
+use FS::Upgrade qw(upgrade upgrade_sqlradius);
+my $start = time;
+die "Not running uid freeside!" unless checkeuid();
+$DEBUG = !$opt_q;
+#$DEBUG = $opt_v;
+$DRY_RUN = $opt_d;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+$FS::CurrentUser::upgrade_hack = 1;
+$FS::UID::callback_hack = 1;
+my $dbh = adminsuidsetup($user);
+$FS::UID::callback_hack = 0;
+if ( driver_name =~ /^mysql/i ) { #until 0.39 is required above
+ eval "use DBIx::DBSchema 0.39;";
+ die $@ if $@;
+#needs to match FS::Schema...
+my $dbdef_file = "%%%FREESIDE_CONF%%%/dbdef.". datasrc;
+dbdef_create($dbh, $dbdef_file);
+delete $FS::Schema::dbdef_cache{$dbdef_file}; #force an actual reload
+warn "Upgrade startup completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+$start = time;
+#$DBIx::DBSchema::DEBUG = $DEBUG;
+#$DBIx::DBSchema::Table::DEBUG = $DEBUG;
+#$DBIx::DBSchema::Index::DEBUG = $DEBUG;
+my @bugfix = ();
+if (dbdef->table('cust_main')->column('agent_custid') && ! $opt_s) {
+ push @bugfix,
+ "UPDATE cust_main SET agent_custid = NULL where agent_custid = ''";
+ push @bugfix,
+ "UPDATE h_cust_main SET agent_custid = NULL where agent_custid = ''"
+ if (dbdef->table('h_cust_main'));
+if ( dbdef->table('cgp_rule_condition') &&
+ dbdef->table('cgp_rule_condition')->column('condition')
+ )
+ push @bugfix,
+ "ALTER TABLE ${_}cgp_rule_condition RENAME COLUMN condition TO conditionname"
+ for '', 'h_';
+if ( $DRY_RUN ) {
+ print
+ join(";\n", @bugfix ). ";\n";
+} elsif ( @bugfix ) {
+ foreach my $statement ( @bugfix ) {
+ warn "$statement\n";
+ $dbh->do( $statement )
+ or die "Error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\n executing: $statement";
+ }
+ dbdef_create($dbh, $dbdef_file);
+ delete $FS::Schema::dbdef_cache{$dbdef_file}; #force an actual reload
+ reload_dbdef($dbdef_file);
+#you should have run fs-migrate-part_svc ages ago, when you upgraded
+#from 1.3 to 1.4... if not, it needs to be hooked into -upgrade here or
+#you'll lose all the part_svc settings it migrates to part_svc_column
+my @statements = dbdef->sql_update_schema( dbdef_dist(datasrc),
+ $dbh,
+ { 'nullify_default' => 1, },
+ );
+@statements =
+ grep { $_ !~ /^CREATE +INDEX +h_queue/i } #useless, holds up queue insertion
+ @statements;
+unless ( driver_name =~ /^mysql/i ) {
+ #not necessary under non-mysql, takes forever on big db
+ @statements =
+ grep { $_ !~ /^ *ALTER +TABLE +h_queue +ALTER +COLUMN +job +TYPE +varchar\(512\) *$/i }
+ @statements;
+if ( $DRY_RUN ) {
+ print
+ join(";\n", @statements ). ";\n";
+ exit;
+} else {
+ foreach my $statement ( @statements ) {
+ warn "$statement\n";
+ $dbh->do( $statement )
+ or die "Error: ". $dbh->errstr. "\n executing: $statement";
+ }
+# warn "Pre-schema change upgrades completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+# $start = time;
+# dbdef->update_schema( dbdef_dist(datasrc), $dbh );
+warn "Schema upgrade completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+$start = time;
+my $hashref = {};
+$hashref->{dry_run} = 1 if $DRY_RUN;
+$hashref->{debug} = 1 if $DEBUG && $DRY_RUN;
+prune_applications($hashref) unless $opt_s;
+warn "Application pruning completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+$start = time;
+print "\n" if $DRY_RUN;
+if ( $dbh->{Driver}->{Name} =~ /^mysql/i && ! $opt_s ) {
+ foreach my $table (qw( svc_acct svc_phone )) {
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
+ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM duplicate_lock WHERE lockname = '$table'"
+ ) or die $dbh->errstr;
+ $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+ unless ( $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] ) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(
+ "INSERT INTO duplicate_lock ( lockname ) VALUES ( '$table' )"
+ ) or die $dbh->errstr;
+ $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+ }
+ }
+ warn "Duplication lock creation completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+ $start = time;
+$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+dbdef_create($dbh, $dbdef_file);
+$dbh->disconnect or die $dbh->errstr;
+delete $FS::Schema::dbdef_cache{$dbdef_file}; #force an actual reload
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+$FS::UID::callback_hack = 1;
+$dbh = adminsuidsetup($user);
+$FS::UID::callback_hack = 0;
+unless ( $DRY_RUN || $opt_s ) {
+ my $dir = "%%%FREESIDE_CONF%%%/conf.". datasrc;
+ if (!scalar(qsearch('conf', {}))) {
+ my $error = FS::Conf::init_config($dir);
+ if ($error) {
+ $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr;
+ die $error;
+ }
+ }
+$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+$dbh->disconnect or die $dbh->errstr;
+$FS::UID::AutoCommit = 1;
+$dbh = adminsuidsetup($user);
+warn "Re-initialization with updated schema completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+$start = time;
+ unless $DRY_RUN || $opt_s;
+$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+warn "Table updates completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+$start = time;
+ unless $DRY_RUN || $opt_s || $opt_r;
+warn "SQL RADIUS updates completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+$start = time;
+$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+$dbh->disconnect or die $dbh->errstr;
+warn "Final commit and disconnection completed in ". (time-$start). " seconds; upgrade done!\n"; # if $DEBUG;
+sub dbdef_create { # reverse engineer the schema from the DB and save to file
+ my( $dbh, $file ) = @_;
+ my $dbdef = new_native DBIx::DBSchema $dbh;
+ $dbdef->save($file);
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n freeside-upgrade [ -d ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -q | -v ] user\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-upgrade - Upgrades database schema for new freeside verisons.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-upgrade [ -d ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -q | -v ]
+Reads your existing database schema and updates it to match the current schema,
+adding any columns or tables necessary.
+Also performs other upgrade functions:
+=over 4
+=item Calls FS:: Misc::prune::prune_applications (probably unnecessary every upgrade, but simply won't find any records to change)
+=item If necessary, moves your configuration information from the filesystem in /usr/local/etc/freeside/conf.<datasrc> to the database.
+ [ -d ]: Dry run; output SQL statements (to STDOUT) only, but do not execute
+ them.
+ [ -q ]: Run quietly. This may become the default at some point.
+ [ -r ]: Skip sqlradius updates. Useful for occassions where the sqlradius
+ databases may be inaccessible.
+ [ -v ]: Run verbosely, sending debugging information to STDERR. This is the
+ current default.
+ [ -s ]: Schema changes only. Useful for Pg/slony slaves where the data
+ changes will be replicated from the Pg/slony master.
+=head1 SEE ALSO