path: root/FS/FS/pay_batch/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/pay_batch/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/pay_batch/ b/FS/FS/pay_batch/
deleted file mode 100644
index e80441e..0000000
--- a/FS/FS/pay_batch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-package FS::pay_batch::td_canada_trust;
-# Formerly known as csv-td_canada_trust-merchant_pc_batch,
-# which I'm sure we can all agree is both a terrible name
-# and an illegal Perl identifier.
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA %import_info %export_info $name);
-use Time::Local 'timelocal';
-use FS::Conf;
-my $conf;
-my ($origid, $datacenter, $typecode, $shortname, $longname, $mybank, $myacct);
-$name = 'csv-td_canada_trust-merchant_pc_batch';
-%import_info = (
- 'filetype' => 'CSV',
- 'fields' => [
- 'paybatchnum',
- 'paid',
- '', # card type
- '_date',
- 'time',
- 'payinfo',
- '', # expiry date
- '', # auth number
- 'type', # transaction type
- 'result', # processing result
- '', # terminal ID
- ],
- 'hook' => sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- my $date = $hash->{'_date'};
- my $time = $hash->{'time'};
- $hash->{'paid'} = sprintf("%.2f", $hash->{'paid'} / 100);
- $hash->{'_date'} = timelocal( substr($time, 4, 2),
- substr($time, 2, 2),
- substr($time, 0, 2),
- substr($date, 6, 2),
- substr($date, 4, 2)-1,
- substr($date, 0, 4)-1900 );
- },
- 'approved' => sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'type'} eq '0' && $hash->{'result'} == 3
- },
- 'declined' => sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'type'} eq '0' && ( $hash->{'result'} == 4
- || $hash->{'result'} == 5 )
- },
- 'end_condition' => sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'type'} eq '0BC';
- },
- 'end_hook' => sub {
- my ($hash, $total) = @_;
- $total = sprintf("%.2f", $total);
- my $batch_total = sprintf("%.2f", $hash->{'paybatchnum'} / 100);
- return "Our total $total does not match bank total $batch_total!"
- if $total != $batch_total;
- },
-%export_info = (
- init => sub {
- $conf = shift;
- },
- # no header
- row => sub {
- my ($cust_pay_batch, $pay_batch) = @_;
- return join(',',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- $cust_pay_batch->payinfo,
- $cust_pay_batch->expmmyy,
- $cust_pay_batch->amount,
- $cust_pay_batch->paybatchnum
- );
- },
-# no footer