path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7f205d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+package FS::part_svc;
+use strict;
+use vars qw( @ISA );
+use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs fields dbh );
+use FS::part_svc_column;
+use FS::part_export;
+use FS::export_svc;
+use FS::cust_svc;
+@ISA = qw(FS::Record);
+=head1 NAME
+FS::part_svc - Object methods for part_svc objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use FS::part_svc;
+ $record = new FS::part_svc \%hash
+ $record = new FS::part_svc { 'column' => 'value' };
+ $error = $record->insert;
+ $error = $record->insert( [ 'pseudofield' ] );
+ $error = $record->insert( [ 'pseudofield' ], \%exportnums );
+ $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);
+ $error = $new_record->replace($old_record, '1.3-COMPAT', [ 'pseudofield' ] );
+ $error = $new_record->replace($old_record, '1.3-COMPAT', [ 'pseudofield' ], \%exportnums );
+ $error = $record->delete;
+ $error = $record->check;
+An FS::part_svc represents a service definition. FS::part_svc inherits from
+FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:
+=over 4
+=item svcpart - primary key (assigned automatically for new service definitions)
+=item svc - text name of this service definition
+=item svcdb - table used for this service. See L<FS::svc_acct>,
+L<FS::svc_domain>, and L<FS::svc_forward>, among others.
+=item disabled - Disabled flag, empty or `Y'
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item new HASHREF
+Creates a new service definition. To add the service definition to the
+database, see L<"insert">.
+sub table { 'part_svc'; }
+Adds this service definition to the database. If there is an error, returns
+the error, otherwise returns false.
+The following pseudo-fields may be defined, and will be maintained in
+the part_svc_column table appropriately (see L<FS::part_svc_column>).
+=over 4
+=item I<svcdb>__I<field> - Default or fixed value for I<field> in I<svcdb>.
+=item I<svcdb>__I<field>_flag - defines I<svcdb>__I<field> action: null, `D' for default, or `F' for fixed. For virtual fields, can also be 'X' for excluded.
+If you want to add part_svc_column records for fields that do not exist as
+(real or virtual) fields in the I<svcdb> table, make sure to list then in
+If EXPORTNUMS_HASHREF is specified (keys are exportnums and values are
+boolean), the appopriate export_svc records will be inserted.
+sub insert {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @fields = ();
+ my @exportnums = ();
+ @fields = @{shift(@_)} if @_;
+ if ( @_ ) {
+ my $exportnums = shift;
+ @exportnums = grep $exportnums->{$_}, keys %$exportnums;
+ }
+ local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $error = $self->SUPER::insert;
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ # add part_svc_column records
+ my $svcdb = $self->svcdb;
+# my @rows = map { /^${svcdb}__(.*)$/; $1 }
+# grep ! /_flag$/,
+# grep /^${svcdb}__/,
+# fields('part_svc');
+ foreach my $field (
+ grep { $_ ne 'svcnum'
+ && defined( $self->getfield($svcdb.'__'.$_.'_flag') )
+ } (fields($svcdb), @fields)
+ ) {
+ my $part_svc_column = $self->part_svc_column($field);
+ my $previous = qsearchs('part_svc_column', {
+ 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart,
+ 'columnname' => $field,
+ } );
+ my $flag = $self->getfield($svcdb.'__'.$field.'_flag');
+ if ( uc($flag) =~ /^([DFX])$/ ) {
+ $part_svc_column->setfield('columnflag', $1);
+ $part_svc_column->setfield('columnvalue',
+ $self->getfield($svcdb.'__'.$field)
+ );
+ if ( $previous ) {
+ $error = $part_svc_column->replace($previous);
+ } else {
+ $error = $part_svc_column->insert;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $error = $previous ? $previous->delete : '';
+ }
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ }
+ # add export_svc records
+ foreach my $exportnum ( @exportnums ) {
+ my $export_svc = new FS::export_svc ( {
+ 'exportnum' => $exportnum,
+ 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart,
+ } );
+ $error = $export_svc->insert;
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ }
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
+ '';
+=item delete
+Currently unimplemented. Set the "disabled" field instead.
+sub delete {
+ return "Can't (yet?) delete service definitions.";
+# check & make sure the svcpart isn't in cust_svc or pkg_svc (in any packages)?
+Replaces OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error,
+returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+TODOC: EXTRA_FIELDS_ARRAYREF (same as insert method)
+sub replace {
+ my ( $new, $old ) = ( shift, shift );
+ return "Can't change svcdb for an existing service definition!"
+ unless $old->svcdb eq $new->svcdb;
+ local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $error = $new->SUPER::replace( $old );
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ if ( @_ && $_[0] eq '1.3-COMPAT' ) {
+ shift;
+ my @fields = ();
+ @fields = @{shift(@_)} if @_;
+ my $exportnums = @_ ? shift : '';
+ # maintain part_svc_column records
+ my $svcdb = $new->svcdb;
+ foreach my $field (
+ grep { $_ ne 'svcnum'
+ && defined( $new->getfield($svcdb.'__'.$_.'_flag') )
+ } (fields($svcdb),@fields)
+ ) {
+ my $part_svc_column = $new->part_svc_column($field);
+ my $previous = qsearchs('part_svc_column', {
+ 'svcpart' => $new->svcpart,
+ 'columnname' => $field,
+ } );
+ my $flag = $new->getfield($svcdb.'__'.$field.'_flag');
+ if ( uc($flag) =~ /^([DFX])$/ ) {
+ $part_svc_column->setfield('columnflag', $1);
+ $part_svc_column->setfield('columnvalue',
+ $new->getfield($svcdb.'__'.$field)
+ );
+ if ( $previous ) {
+ $error = $part_svc_column->replace($previous);
+ } else {
+ $error = $part_svc_column->insert;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $error = $previous ? $previous->delete : '';
+ }
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ }
+ # maintain export_svc records
+ if ( $exportnums ) {
+ #false laziness w/ edit/process/agent_type.cgi
+ foreach my $part_export ( qsearch('part_export', {}) ) {
+ my $exportnum = $part_export->exportnum;
+ my $hashref = {
+ 'exportnum' => $exportnum,
+ 'svcpart' => $new->svcpart,
+ };
+ my $export_svc = qsearchs('export_svc', $hashref);
+ if ( $export_svc && ! $exportnums->{$exportnum} ) {
+ $error = $export_svc->delete;
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ } elsif ( ! $export_svc && $exportnums->{$exportnum} ) {
+ $export_svc = new FS::export_svc ( $hashref );
+ $error = $export_svc->insert;
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return 'non-1.3-COMPAT interface not yet written';
+ #not yet implemented
+ }
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
+ '';
+=item check
+Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid service definition. If there is
+an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert
+and replace methods.
+sub check {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $recref = $self->hashref;
+ my $error;
+ $error=
+ $self->ut_numbern('svcpart')
+ || $self->ut_text('svc')
+ || $self->ut_alpha('svcdb')
+ || $self->ut_enum('disabled', [ '', 'Y' ] )
+ ;
+ return $error if $error;
+ my @fields = eval { fields( $recref->{svcdb} ) }; #might die
+ return "Unknown svcdb!" unless @fields;
+ $self->SUPER::check;
+=item part_svc_column COLUMNNAME
+Returns the part_svc_column object (see L<FS::part_svc_column>) for the given
+COLUMNNAME, or a new part_svc_column object if none exists.
+sub part_svc_column {
+ my( $self, $columnname) = @_;
+ $self->svcpart &&
+ qsearchs('part_svc_column', {
+ 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart,
+ 'columnname' => $columnname,
+ }
+ ) or new FS::part_svc_column {
+ 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart,
+ 'columnname' => $columnname,
+ };
+=item all_part_svc_column
+sub all_part_svc_column {
+ my $self = shift;
+ qsearch('part_svc_column', { 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart } );
+=item part_export [ EXPORTTYPE ]
+Returns all exports (see L<FS::part_export>) for this service, or, if an
+export type is specified, only returns exports of the given type.
+sub part_export {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %search;
+ $search{'exporttype'} = shift if @_;
+ map { qsearchs('part_export', { 'exportnum' => $_->exportnum, %search } ) }
+ qsearch('export_svc', { 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart } );
+=item cust_svc
+Returns a list of associated FS::cust_svc records.
+sub cust_svc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ qsearch('cust_svc', { 'svcpart' => $self->svcpart } );
+=item svc_x
+Returns a list of associated FS::svc_* records.
+sub svc_x {
+ my $self = shift;
+ map { $_->svc_x } $self->cust_svc;
+=head1 BUGS
+Delete is unimplemented.
+The list of svc_* tables is hardcoded. When svc_acct_pop is renamed, this
+should be fixed.
+all_part_svc_column method should be documented
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<FS::Record>, L<FS::part_svc_column>, L<FS::part_pkg>, L<FS::pkg_svc>,
+L<FS::cust_svc>, L<FS::svc_acct>, L<FS::svc_forward>, L<FS::svc_domain>,
+schema.html from the base documentation.