path: root/FS/FS/part_pkg/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/part_pkg/')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_pkg/ b/FS/FS/part_pkg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb8004476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/part_pkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package FS::part_pkg::sql_generic;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA %info);
+use DBI;
+#use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
+use FS::part_pkg::flat;
+@ISA = qw(FS::part_pkg::flat);
+%info = (
+ 'name' => 'Base charge plus a per-domain metered rate from a configurable SQL query',
+ 'shortname' => 'Bulk (per-domain from SQL query)',
+ 'fields' => {
+ 'setup_fee' => { 'name' => 'Setup fee for this package',
+ 'default' => 0,
+ },
+ 'recur_fee' => { 'name' => 'Base recurring fee for this package',
+ 'default' => 0,
+ },
+ 'unused_credit' => { 'name' => 'Credit the customer for the unused portion'.
+ ' of service at cancellation',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox',
+ },
+ 'recur_included' => { 'name' => 'Units included',
+ 'default' => 0,
+ },
+ 'recur_unit_charge' => { 'name' => 'Additional charge per unit',
+ 'default' => 0,
+ },
+ 'datasrc' => { 'name' => 'DBI data source',
+ 'default' => '',
+ },
+ 'db_username' => { 'name' => 'Database username',
+ 'default' => '',
+ },
+ 'db_password' => { 'name' => 'Database username',
+ 'default' => '',
+ },
+ 'query' => { 'name' => 'SQL query',
+ 'default' => '',
+ },
+ },
+ 'fieldorder' => [qw( setup_fee recur_fee unused_credit recur_included recur_unit_charge datasrc db_username db_password query )],
+ # 'setup' => 'what.setup_fee.value',
+ # 'recur' => '\'my $dbh = DBI->connect(\"\' + what.datasrc.value + \'\", \"\' + what.db_username.value + \'\") or die $DBI::errstr; \'',
+ #'recur' => '\'my $dbh = DBI->connect(\"\' + what.datasrc.value + \'\", \"\' + what.db_username.value + \'\", \"\' + what.db_password.value + \'\" ) or die $DBI::errstr; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(\"\' + what.query.value + \'\") or die $dbh->errstr; my $units = 0; foreach my $cust_svc ( grep { $_->part_svc->svcdb eq \"svc_domain\" } $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) { my $domain = $cust_svc->svc_x->domain; $sth->execute($domain) or die $sth->errstr; $units += $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; } $units -= \' + what.recur_included.value + \'; $units = 0 if $units < 0; \' + what.recur_fee.value + \' + $units * \' + what.recur_unit_charge.value + \';\'',
+ #'recur' => '\'my $dbh = DBI->connect("\' + what.datasrc.value + \'", "\' + what.db_username.value + \'", "\' what.db_password.value + \'" ) or die $DBI::errstr; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("\' + what.query.value + \'") or die $dbh->errstr; my $units = 0; foreach my $cust_svc ( grep { $_->part_svc->svcdb eq "svc_domain" } $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) { my $domain = $cust_svc->svc_x->domain; $sth->execute($domain) or die $sth->errstr; $units += $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; } $units -= \' + what.recur_included.value + \'; $units = 0 if $units < 0; \' + what.recur_fee.value + \' + $units * \' + what.recur_unit_charge + \';\'',
+ 'weight' => '56',
+sub calc_recur {
+ my($self, $cust_pkg ) = @_;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( map { $self->option($_) }
+ qw( datasrc db_username db_password )
+ )
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $self->option('query') )
+ or die $dbh->errstr;
+ my $units = 0;
+ foreach my $cust_svc (
+ grep { $_->part_svc->svcdb eq "svc_domain" } $cust_pkg->cust_svc
+ ) {
+ my $domain = $cust_svc->svc_x->domain;
+ $sth->execute($domain) or die $sth->errstr;
+ $units += $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
+ }
+ $units -= $self->option('recur_included');
+ $units = 0 if $units < 0;
+ $self->option('recur_fee') + $units * $self->option('recur_unit_charge');
+sub can_discount { 0; }
+sub is_free_options {
+ qw( setup_fee recur_fee recur_unit_charge );
+sub base_recur {
+ my($self, $cust_pkg) = @_;
+ $self->option('recur_fee');