path: root/FS/FS/part_export/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/part_export/')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_export/ b/FS/FS/part_export/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..646c5ff71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/part_export/
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+package FS::part_export::shellcommands;
+use vars qw(@ISA %info);
+use Tie::IxHash;
+use String::ShellQuote;
+use FS::part_export;
+@ISA = qw(FS::part_export);
+tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
+ 'user' => { label=>'Remote username', default=>'root' },
+ 'useradd' => { label=>'Insert command',
+ default=>'useradd -c $finger -d $dir -m -s $shell -u $uid -p $crypt_password $username'
+ #default=>'cp -pr /etc/skel $dir; chown -R $uid.$gid $dir'
+ },
+ 'useradd_stdin' => { label=>'Insert command STDIN',
+ type =>'textarea',
+ default=>'',
+ },
+ 'userdel' => { label=>'Delete command',
+ default=>'userdel -r $username',
+ #default=>'rm -rf $dir',
+ },
+ 'userdel_stdin' => { label=>'Delete command STDIN',
+ type =>'textarea',
+ default=>'',
+ },
+ 'usermod' => { label=>'Modify command',
+ default=>'usermod -c $new_finger -d $new_dir -m -l $new_username -s $new_shell -u $new_uid -g $new_gid -p $new_crypt_password $old_username',
+ #default=>'[ -d $old_dir ] && mv $old_dir $new_dir || ( '.
+ # 'chmod u+t $old_dir; mkdir $new_dir; cd $old_dir; '.
+ # 'find . -depth -print | cpio -pdm $new_dir; '.
+ # 'chmod u-t $new_dir; chown -R $uid.$gid $new_dir; '.
+ # 'rm -rf $old_dir'.
+ #')'
+ },
+ 'usermod_stdin' => { label=>'Modify command STDIN',
+ type =>'textarea',
+ default=>'',
+ },
+ 'usermod_pwonly' => { label=>'Disallow username, domain, uid, gid, and dir changes', #and RADIUS group changes',
+ type =>'checkbox',
+ },
+ 'usermod_nousername' => { label=>'Disallow just username changes',
+ type =>'checkbox',
+ },
+ 'suspend' => { label=>'Suspension command',
+ default=>'usermod -L $username',
+ },
+ 'suspend_stdin' => { label=>'Suspension command STDIN',
+ default=>'',
+ },
+ 'unsuspend' => { label=>'Unsuspension command',
+ default=>'usermod -U $username',
+ },
+ 'unsuspend_stdin' => { label=>'Unsuspension command STDIN',
+ default=>'',
+ },
+ 'crypt' => { label => 'Default password encryption',
+ type=>'select', options=>[qw(crypt md5)],
+ default => 'crypt',
+ },
+%info = (
+ 'svc' => 'svc_acct',
+ 'desc' =>
+ 'Real-time export via remote SSH (i.e. useradd, userdel, etc.)',
+ 'options' => \%options,
+ 'nodomain' => 'Y',
+ 'notes' => <<'END'
+Run remote commands via SSH. Usernames are considered unique (also see
+shellcommands_withdomain). You probably want this if the commands you are
+running will not accept a domain as a parameter. You will need to
+<a href="../docs/ssh.html">setup SSH for unattended operation</a>.
+<BR><BR>Use these buttons for some useful presets:
+ <LI>
+ <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Linux" onClick='
+ this.form.useradd.value = "useradd -c $finger -d $dir -m -s $shell -u $uid -p $crypt_password $username";
+ this.form.useradd_stdin.value = "";
+ this.form.userdel.value = "userdel -r $username";
+ this.form.userdel_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.usermod.value = "usermod -c $new_finger -d $new_dir -m -l $new_username -s $new_shell -u $new_uid -g $new_gid -p $new_crypt_password $old_username";
+ this.form.usermod_stdin.value = "";
+ this.form.suspend.value = "usermod -L $username";
+ this.form.suspend_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.unsuspend.value = "usermod -U $username";
+ this.form.unsuspend_stdin.value="";
+ '>
+ <LI>
+ <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="FreeBSD before 4.10 / 5.3" onClick='
+ this.form.useradd.value = "lockf /etc/passwd.lock pw useradd $username -d $dir -m -s $shell -u $uid -c $finger -h 0";
+ this.form.useradd_stdin.value = "$_password\n";
+ this.form.userdel.value = "lockf /etc/passwd.lock pw userdel $username -r"; this.form.userdel_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.usermod.value = "lockf /etc/passwd.lock pw usermod $old_username -d $new_dir -m -l $new_username -s $new_shell -u $new_uid -g $new_gid -c $new_finger -h 0";
+ this.form.usermod_stdin.value = "$new__password\n"; this.form.suspend.value = "lockf /etc/passwd.lock pw lock $username";
+ this.form.suspend_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.unsuspend.value = "lockf /etc/passwd.lock pw unlock $username"; this.form.unsuspend_stdin.value="";
+ '>
+ Note: On FreeBSD versions before 5.3 and 4.10 (4.10 is after 4.9, not
+ 4.1!), due to deficient locking in pw(1), you must disable the chpass(1),
+ chsh(1), chfn(1), passwd(1), and vipw(1) commands, or replace them with
+ wrappers that prepend "lockf /etc/passwd.lock". Alternatively, apply the
+ patch in
+ <A HREF="">FreeBSD PR#23501</A>
+ and use the "FreeBSD 4.10 / 5.3 or later" button below.
+ <LI>
+ <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="FreeBSD 4.10 / 5.3 or later" onClick='
+ this.form.useradd.value = "pw useradd $username -d $dir -m -s $shell -u $uid -g $gid -c $finger -h 0";
+ this.form.useradd_stdin.value = "$_password\n";
+ this.form.userdel.value = "pw userdel $username -r";
+ this.form.userdel_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.usermod.value = "pw usermod $old_username -d $new_dir -m -l $new_username -s $new_shell -u $new_uid -g $new_gid -c $new_finger -h 0";
+ this.form.usermod_stdin.value = "$new__password\n";
+ this.form.suspend.value = "pw lock $username";
+ this.form.suspend_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.unsuspend.value = "pw unlock $username";
+ this.form.unsuspend_stdin.value="";
+ '>
+ <LI>
+ <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="NetBSD/OpenBSD" onClick='
+ this.form.useradd.value = "useradd -c $finger -d $dir -m -s $shell -u $uid -p $crypt_password $username";
+ this.form.useradd_stdin.value = "";
+ this.form.userdel.value = "userdel -r $username";
+ this.form.userdel_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.usermod.value = "usermod -c $new_finger -d $new_dir -m -l $new_username -s $new_shell -u $new_uid -g $new_gid -p $new_crypt_password $old_username";
+ this.form.usermod_stdin.value = "";
+ this.form.suspend.value = "";
+ this.form.suspend_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.unsuspend.value = "";
+ this.form.unsuspend_stdin.value="";
+ '>
+ <LI>
+ <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Just maintain directories (use with sysvshell or bsdshell)" onClick='
+ this.form.useradd.value = "cp -pr /etc/skel $dir; chown -R $uid.$gid $dir"; this.form.useradd_stdin.value = "";
+ this.form.usermod.value = "[ -d $old_dir ] && mv $old_dir $new_dir || ( chmod u+t $old_dir; mkdir $new_dir; cd $old_dir; find . -depth -print | cpio -pdm $new_dir; chmod u-t $new_dir; chown -R $new_uid.$new_gid $new_dir; rm -rf $old_dir )";
+ this.form.usermod_stdin.value = "";
+ this.form.userdel.value = "rm -rf $dir";
+ this.form.userdel_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.suspend.value = "";
+ this.form.suspend_stdin.value="";
+ this.form.unsuspend.value = "";
+ this.form.unsuspend_stdin.value="";
+ '>
+The following variables are available for interpolation (prefixed with new_ or
+old_ for replace operations):
+ <LI><code>$username</code>
+ <LI><code>$_password</code>
+ <LI><code>$quoted_password</code> - unencrypted password, already quoted for the shell (do not add additional quotes)
+ <LI><code>$crypt_password</code> - encrypted password, already quoted for the shell (do not add additional quotes)
+ <LI><code>$uid</code>
+ <LI><code>$gid</code>
+ <LI><code>$finger</code> - GECOS, already quoted for the shell (do not add additional quotes)
+ <LI><code>$first</code> - First name of GECOS, already quoted for the shell (do not add additional quotes)
+ <LI><code>$last</code> - Last name of GECOS, already quoted for the shell (do not add additional quotes)
+ <LI><code>$dir</code> - home directory
+ <LI><code>$shell</code>
+ <LI><code>$quota</code>
+ <LI><code>@radius_groups</code>
+ <LI>All other fields in <a href="../docs/schema.html#svc_acct">svc_acct</a> are also available.
+sub rebless { shift; }
+sub _export_insert {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ $self->_export_command('useradd', @_);
+sub _export_delete {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ $self->_export_command('userdel', @_);
+sub _export_suspend {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ $self->_export_command_or_super('suspend', @_);
+sub _export_unsuspend {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ $self->_export_command_or_super('unsuspend', @_);
+sub _export_command_or_super {
+ my($self, $action) = (shift, shift);
+ if ( $self->option($action) =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ my $method = "SUPER::_export_$action";
+ $self->$method(@_);
+ } else {
+ $self->_export_command($action, @_);
+ }
+sub _export_command {
+ my ( $self, $action, $svc_acct) = (shift, shift, shift);
+ my $command = $self->option($action);
+ return '' if $command =~ /^\s*$/;
+ my $stdin = $self->option($action."_stdin");
+ no strict 'vars';
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ${$_} = $svc_acct->getfield($_) foreach $svc_acct->fields;
+ my $count = 1;
+ foreach my $acct_snarf ( $svc_acct->acct_snarf ) {
+ ${"snarf_$_$count"} = shell_quote( $acct_snarf->get($_) )
+ foreach qw( machine username _password );
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ my $cust_pkg = $svc_acct->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
+ if ( $cust_pkg ) {
+ $email = ( grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ } $cust_pkg->cust_main->invoicing_list )[0];
+ } else {
+ $email = '';
+ }
+ $finger =~ /^(.*)\s+(\S+)$/ or $finger =~ /^((.*))$/;
+ ($first, $last ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ $first = shell_quote $first;
+ $last = shell_quote $last;
+ $finger = shell_quote $finger;
+ $quoted_password = shell_quote $_password;
+ $domain = $svc_acct->domain;
+ $crypt_password =
+ shell_quote( $svc_acct->crypt_password( $self->option('crypt') ) );
+ @radius_groups = $svc_acct->radius_groups;
+ $self->shellcommands_queue( $svc_acct->svcnum,
+ user => $self->option('user')||'root',
+ host => $self->machine,
+ command => eval(qq("$command")),
+ stdin_string => eval(qq("$stdin")),
+ );
+sub _export_replace {
+ my($self, $new, $old ) = (shift, shift, shift);
+ my $command = $self->option('usermod');
+ my $stdin = $self->option('usermod_stdin');
+ no strict 'vars';
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ${"old_$_"} = $old->getfield($_) foreach $old->fields;
+ ${"new_$_"} = $new->getfield($_) foreach $new->fields;
+ }
+ $new_finger =~ /^(.*)\s+(\S+)$/ or $finger =~ /^((.*))$/;
+ ($new_first, $new_last ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ $new_first = shell_quote $new_first;
+ $new_last = shell_quote $new_last;
+ $new_finger = shell_quote $new_finger;
+ $quoted_new__password = shell_quote $new__password; #old, wrong?
+ $new_quoted_password = shell_quote $new__password; #new, better?
+ $old_domain = $old->domain;
+ $new_domain = $new->domain;
+ $new_crypt_password =
+ shell_quote( $new->crypt_password( $self->option('crypt') ) );
+ @old_radius_groups = $old->radius_groups;
+ @new_radius_groups = $new->radius_groups;
+ my $error = '';
+ if ( $self->option('usermod_pwonly') || $self->option('usermod_nousername') ){
+ if ( $old_username ne $new_username ) {
+ $error ||= "can't change username";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $self->option('usermod_pwonly') ) {
+ if ( $old_domain ne $new_domain ) {
+ $error ||= "can't change domain";
+ }
+ if ( $old_uid != $new_uid ) {
+ $error ||= "can't change uid";
+ }
+ if ( $old_gid != $new_gid ) {
+ $error ||= "can't change gid";
+ }
+ if ( $old_dir ne $new_dir ) {
+ $error ||= "can't change dir";
+ }
+ #if ( join("\n", sort @old_radius_groups) ne
+ # join("\n", sort @new_radius_groups) ) {
+ # $error ||= "can't change RADIUS groups";
+ #}
+ }
+ return $error. ' ('. $self->exporttype. ' to '. $self->machine. ')'
+ if $error;
+ $self->shellcommands_queue( $new->svcnum,
+ user => $self->option('user')||'root',
+ host => $self->machine,
+ command => eval(qq("$command")),
+ stdin_string => eval(qq("$stdin")),
+ );
+#a good idea to queue anything that could fail or take any time
+sub shellcommands_queue {
+ my( $self, $svcnum ) = (shift, shift);
+ my $queue = new FS::queue {
+ 'svcnum' => $svcnum,
+ 'job' => "FS::part_export::shellcommands::ssh_cmd",
+ };
+ $queue->insert( @_ );
+sub ssh_cmd { #subroutine, not method
+ use Net::SSH '0.08';
+ &Net::SSH::ssh_cmd( { @_ } );
+#sub shellcommands_insert { #subroutine, not method
+#sub shellcommands_replace { #subroutine, not method
+#sub shellcommands_delete { #subroutine, not method