path: root/FS/FS/part_export/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/part_export/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_export/ b/FS/FS/part_export/
deleted file mode 100644
index 67b48bb..0000000
--- a/FS/FS/part_export/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-package FS::part_export::globalpops_voip;
-use vars qw(@ISA %info);
-use Tie::IxHash;
-use FS::Record qw(qsearch dbh);
-use FS::part_export;
-use FS::phone_avail;
-@ISA = qw(FS::part_export);
-tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'login' => { label=>'GlobalPOPs Media Services API login' },
- 'password' => { label=>'GlobalPOPs Media Services API password' },
- 'endpointgroup' => { label=>'GlobalPOPs endpoint group number' },
- 'dry_run' => { label=>"Test mode - don't actually provision" },
-%info = (
- 'svc' => 'svc_phone',
- 'desc' => 'Provision phone numbers to GlobalPOPs VoIP',
- 'options' => \%options,
- 'notes' => <<'END'
-Requires installation of
-<a href="">Net::GlobalPOPs::MediaServicesAPI</a>
-from CPAN.
-sub rebless { shift; }
-sub get_dids {
- my $self = shift;
- my %opt = ref($_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
- my %getdids = ();
- # 'orderby' => 'npa', #but it doesn't seem to work :/
- if ( $opt{'areacode'} && $opt{'exchange'} ) { #return numbers
- %getdids = ( 'npa' => $opt{'areacode'},
- 'nxx' => $opt{'exchange'},
- );
- } elsif ( $opt{'areacode'} ) { #return city (npa-nxx-XXXX)
- %getdids = ( 'npa' => $opt{'areacode'} );
- } elsif ( $opt{'state'} ) {
- my @avail = qsearch({
- 'table' => 'phone_avail',
- 'hashref' => { 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum,
- 'countrycode' => '1', #don't hardcode me when gp goes int'l
- 'state' => $opt{'state'},
- },
- 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY npa',
- });
- return [ map $_->npa, @avail ] if @avail; #return cached area codes instead
- #otherwise, search for em
- %getdids = ( 'state' => $opt{'state'} );
- }
- my $dids = $self->gp_command('getDIDs', %getdids);
- #use Data::Dumper;
- #warn Dumper($dids);
- my $search = $dids->{'search'};
- if ( $search->{'statuscode'} == 302200 ) {
- return [];
- } elsif ( $search->{'statuscode'} != 100 ) {
- die "Error running globalpop getDIDs: ".
- $search->{'statuscode'}. ': '. $search->{'status'}; #die??
- }
- my @return = ();
- #my $latas = $search->{state}{lata};
- my %latas;
- if ( grep $search->{state}{lata}{$_}, qw(name rate_center) ) {
- %latas = map $search->{state}{lata}{$_},
- qw(name rate_center);
- } else {
- %latas = %{ $search->{state}{lata} };
- }
- foreach my $lata ( keys %latas ) {
- #warn "LATA $lata";
- #my $l = $latas{$lata};
- #$l = $l->{rate_center} if exists $l->{rate_center};
- my $lata_dids = $self->gp_command('getDIDs', %getdids, 'lata'=>$lata);
- my $lata_search = $lata_dids->{'search'};
- unless ( $lata_search->{'statuscode'} == 100 ) {
- die "Error running globalpop getDIDs: ". $lata_search->{'status'}; #die??
- }
- my $l = $lata_search->{state}{lata}{'rate_center'};
- #use Data::Dumper;
- #warn Dumper($l);
- my %rate_center;
- if ( grep $l->{$_}, qw(name friendlyname) ) {
- %rate_center = map $l->{$_},
- qw(name friendlyname);
- } else {
- %rate_center = %$l;
- }
- foreach my $rate_center ( keys %rate_center ) {
- #warn "rate center $rate_center";
- my $rc = $rate_center{$rate_center};
- $rc = $rc->{friendlyname} if exists $rc->{friendlyname};
- my @r = ();
- if ( exists($rc->{npa}) ) {
- @r = ($rc);
- } else {
- @r = map { { 'name'=>$_, %{ $rc->{$_} } }; } keys %$rc
- }
- foreach my $r (@r) {
- my @npa = ();
- if ( exists($r->{npa}{name}) ) {
- @npa = ($r->{npa})
- } else {
- @npa = map { { 'name'=>$_, %{ $r->{npa}{$_} } } } keys %{ $r->{npa} };
- }
- foreach my $npa (@npa) {
- if ( $opt{'areacode'} && $opt{'exchange'} ) { #return numbers
- #warn Dumper($npa);
- my $tn = $npa->{nxx}{tn} || $npa->{nxx}{$opt{'exchange'}}{tn};
- my @tn = ref($tn) ? @$tn : ($tn);
- #push @return, @tn;
- push @return, map {
- if ( /^\s*(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})\s*$/ ) {
- "$1-$2-$3";
- } else {
- $_;
- }
- }
- @tn;
- } elsif ( $opt{'areacode'} ) { #return city (npa-nxx-XXXX)
- if ( $npa->{nxx}{name} ) {
- @nxx = ( $npa->{nxx}{name} );
- } else {
- @nxx = keys %{ $npa->{nxx} };
- }
- push @return, map { $r->{name}. ' ('. $npa->{name}. "-$_-XXXX)"; }
- @nxx;
- } elsif ( $opt{'state'} ) { #and not other things, then return areacode
- #my $ac = $npa->{name};
- #use Data::Dumper;
- #warn Dumper($r) unless length($ac) == 3;
- push @return, $npa->{name}
- unless grep { $_ eq $npa->{name} } @return;
- } else {
- warn "WARNING: returning nothing for get_dids without known options"; #?
- }
- } #foreach my $npa
- } #foreach my $r
- } #foreach my $rate_center
- } #foreach my $lata
- if ( $opt{'areacode'} && $opt{'exchange'} ) { #return numbers
- @return = sort { $a cmp $b } @return; #string comparison actually dwiw
- } elsif ( $opt{'areacode'} ) { #return city (npa-nxx-XXXX)
- @return = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @return;
- } elsif ( $opt{'state'} ) { #and not other things, then return areacode
- #populate cache
- local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
- local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
- my $dbh = dbh;
- my $errmsg = 'WARNING: error populating phone availability cache: ';
- my $error = '';
- foreach my $return (@return) {
- my $phone_avail = new FS::phone_avail {
- 'exportnum' => $self->exportnum,
- 'countrycode' => '1', #don't hardcode me when gp goes int'l
- 'state' => $opt{'state'},
- 'npa' => $return,
- };
- $error = $phone_avail->insert();
- if ( $error ) {
- warn $errmsg.$error;
- last;
- }
- }
- if ( $error ) {
- $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
- } else {
- $dbh->commit or warn $errmsg.$dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
- }
- #end populate cache
- #@return = sort { (split(' ', $a))[0] <=> (split(' ', $b))[0] } @return;
- @return = sort { $a <=> $b } @return;
- } else {
- warn "WARNING: returning nothing for get_dids without known options"; #?
- }
- \@return;
-sub gp_command {
- my( $self, $command, @args ) = @_;
- eval "use Net::GlobalPOPs::MediaServicesAPI;";
- die $@ if $@;
- my $gp = Net::GlobalPOPs::MediaServicesAPI->new(
- 'login' => $self->option('login'),
- 'password' => $self->option('password'),
- #'debug' => $debug,
- );
- $gp->$command(@args);
-sub _export_insert {
- my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift);
- return '' if $self->option('dry_run');
- #we want to provision and catch errors now, not queue
- my $r = $self->gp_command('reserveDID',
- 'did' => $svc_phone->phonenum,
- 'minutes' => 1,
- 'endpointgroup' => $self->option('endpointgroup'),
- );
- my $rdid = $r->{did};
- if ( $rdid->{'statuscode'} != 100 ) {
- return "Error running globalpop reserveDID: ".
- $rdid->{'statuscode'}. ': '. $rdid->{'status'};
- }
- my $a = $self->gp_command('assignDID',
- 'did' => $svc_phone->phonenum,
- 'endpointgroup' => $self->option('endpointgroup'),
- #'rewrite'
- #'cnam'
- );
- my $adid = $a->{did};
- if ( $adid->{'statuscode'} != 100 ) {
- return "Error running globalpop assignDID: ".
- $adid->{'statuscode'}. ': '. $adid->{'status'};
- }
- '';
-sub _export_replace {
- my( $self, $new, $old ) = (shift, shift, shift);
- #hmm, what's to change?
- '';
-sub _export_delete {
- my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift);
- return '' if $self->option('dry_run');
- #probably okay to queue the deletion...?
- #but hell, let's do it inline anyway, who wants phone numbers hanging around
- my $r = $self->gp_command('releaseDID',
- 'did' => $svc_phone->phonenum,
- );
- my $rdid = $r->{did};
- if ( $rdid->{'statuscode'} != 100 ) {
- return "Error running globalpop releaseDID: ".
- $rdid->{'statuscode'}. ': '. $rdid->{'status'};
- }
- '';
-sub _export_suspend {
- my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift);
- #nop for now
- '';
-sub _export_unsuspend {
- my( $self, $svc_phone ) = (shift, shift);
- #nop for now
- '';
-#hmm, might forgo queueing entirely for most things, data is too much of a pita
-#sub globalpops_voip_queue {
-# my( $self, $svcnum, $method ) = (shift, shift, shift);
-# my $queue = new FS::queue {
-# 'svcnum' => $svcnum,
-# 'job' => 'FS::part_export::globalpops_voip::globalpops_voip_command',
-# };
-# $queue->insert(
-# $self->option('login'),
-# $self->option('password'),
-# $method,
-# @_,
-# );
-sub globalpops_voip_command {
- my($login, $password, $method, @args) = @_;
- eval "use Net::GlobalPOPs::MediaServicesAPI;";
- die $@ if $@;
- my $gp = new Net::GlobalPOPs
- 'login' => $login,
- 'password' => $password,
- #'debug' => 1,
- ;
- my $return = $gp->$method( @args );
- #$return->{'status'}
- #$return->{'statuscode'}
- die $return->{'status'} if $return->{'statuscode'};