path: root/FS/FS/part_export/
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Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/part_export/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 616 deletions
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index 76f0059..0000000
--- a/FS/FS/part_export/
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-package FS::part_export::domreg_opensrs;
-use vars qw(@ISA %info %options $conf $me $DEBUG);
-use Tie::IxHash;
-use DateTime;
-use FS::Record qw(qsearchs qsearch);
-use FS::Conf;
-use FS::part_export::null;
-use FS::svc_domain;
-use FS::part_pkg;
-=head1 NAME
-FS::part_export::domreg_opensrs - Register or transfer domains with Tucows OpenSRS
-This module handles registering and transferring domains using a registration service provider (RSP) account
-at Tucows OpenSRS, an ICANN-approved domain registrar.
-As a part_export, this module can be designated for use with svc_domain services. When the svc_domain object
-is inserted into the Freeside database, registration or transferring of the domain may be initiated, depending
-on the setting of the svc_domain's action field.
-=over 4
-=item N - Register the domain
-=item M - Transfer the domain
-=item I - Ignore the domain for registration purposes
-This export uses Net::OpenSRS. Registration and transfer attempts will fail unless Net::OpenSRS is installed
-and LWP::UserAgent is able to make HTTPS posts. You can turn on debugging messages and use the OpenSRS test
-gateway when setting up this export.
-@ISA = qw(FS::part_export::null);
-$me = '[' . __PACKAGE__ . ']';
-$DEBUG = 0;
-my @tldlist = qw/com net org biz info name mobi at be ca cc ch cn de dk es eu fr it mx nl tv uk us/;
-tie %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
- 'username' => { label => 'Reseller user name at OpenSRS',
- },
- 'privatekey' => { label => 'Private key',
- },
- 'password' => { label => 'Password for management account',
- },
- 'masterdomain' => { label => 'Master domain at OpenSRS',
- },
- 'wait_for_pay' => { label => 'Do not provision until payment is received',
- type => 'checkbox',
- default => '0',
- },
- 'debug_level' => { label => 'Net::OpenSRS debug level',
- type => 'select',
- options => [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ],
- default => 0 },
-# 'register' => { label => 'Use for registration',
-# type => 'checkbox',
-# default => '1' },
-# 'transfer' => { label => 'Use for transfer',
-# type => 'checkbox',
-# default => '1' },
- 'tlds' => { label => 'Use this export for these top-level domains (TLDs)',
- type => 'select',
- multi => 1,
- size => scalar(@tldlist),
- options => [ @tldlist ],
- default => 'com net org' },
-%info = (
- 'svc' => 'svc_domain',
- 'desc' => 'Domain registration via Tucows OpenSRS',
- 'options' => \%options,
- 'notes' => <<'END'
-Registers and transfers domains via the <a href="">Tucows OpenSRS</a> registrar (using <a href="">Net::OpenSRS</a>).
-All of the Net::OpenSRS restrictions apply:
- <LI>You must have a reseller account with Tucows.
- <LI>You must add the public IP address of the Freeside server to the 'Script API allow' list in the OpenSRS web interface.
- <LI>You must generate an API access key in the OpenSRS web interface and enter it below.
- <LI>All domains are managed using the same user name and password, but you can create sub-accounts for clients.
- <LI>The user name must be the same as your OpenSRS reseller ID.
- <LI>You must enter a master domain that all other domains are associated with. That domain must be registered through your OpenSRS account.
-Some top-level domains offered by OpenSRS have additional business rules not supported by this export. These TLDs cannot be registered or transfered with this export.
-<BR><BR>Use these buttons for some useful presets:
- <LI>
- <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="OpenSRS Live System (" onClick='
- document.dummy.machine.value = "";
- this.form.machine.value = "";
- '>
- <LI>
- <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="OpenSRS Test System (" onClick='
- document.dummy.machine.value = "";
- this.form.machine.value = "";
- '>
-install_callback FS::UID sub {
- $conf = new FS::Conf;
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item format_tel
-Reformats a phone number according to registry rules. Currently Freeside stores phone numbers
-in NANPA format and the registry prefers "+CCC.NPANPXNNNN"
-sub format_tel {
- my $tel = shift;
- #if ($tel =~ /^(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})( x(\d+))?$/) {
- if ($tel =~ /^(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})$/) {
- $tel = "+1.$1$2$3";
-# if $tel .= "$4" if $4;
- }
- return $tel;
-=item gen_contact_info
-Generates contact data for the domain based on the customer data.
-Currently relies on Net::OpenSRS to format the telephone number for OpenSRS.
-sub gen_contact_info
- my ($co)=@_;
- my @invoicing_list = $co->invoicing_list_emailonly;
- if ( $conf->exists('emailinvoiceautoalways')
- || $conf->exists('emailinvoiceauto') && ! @invoicing_list
- || ( $conf->exists('emailinvoiceonly') && ! @invoicing_list ) ) {
- push @invoicing_list, $co->all_emails;
- }
- my $email = ($conf->exists('business-onlinepayment-email-override'))
- ? $conf->config('business-onlinepayment-email-override')
- : $invoicing_list[0];
- my $c = {
- firstname => $co->first,
- lastname => $co->last,
- company => $co->company,
- address => $co->address1,
- city => $co->city(),
- state => $co->state(),
- zip => $co->zip(),
- country => uc($co->country()),
- email => $email,
- #phone => format_tel($co->daytime()),
- phone => $co->daytime() || $co->night,
- };
- return $c;
-=item validate_contact_info
-Attempts to validate contact data for the domain based on OpenSRS rules.
-Returns undef if the contact data is acceptable, an error message if the contact
-data lacks one or more required fields.
-sub validate_contact_info {
- my $c = shift;
- my %fields = (
- firstname => "first name",
- lastname => "last name",
- address => "street address",
- city => "city",
- state => "state",
- zip => "ZIP/postal code",
- country => "country",
- email => "email address",
- phone => "phone number",
- );
- my @err = ();
- foreach (keys %fields) {
- if (!defined($c->{$_}) || !$c->{$_}) {
- push @err, $fields{$_};
- }
- }
- if (scalar(@err) > 0) {
- return "Contact information needs: " . join(', ', @err);
- }
- undef;
-=item testmode
-Returns the Net::OpenSRS-required test mode string based on whether the export
-is configured to use the live or the test gateway.
-sub testmode {
- my $self = shift;
- return 'live' if $self->machine eq "";
- return 'test' if $self->machine eq "";
- undef;
-=item _export_insert
-Attempts to "export" the domain, i.e. register or transfer it if the user selected
-that option when editing the domain.
-Returns an error message on failure or undef on success.
-May also return an error message if it cannot load the required Perl module Net::OpenSRS,
-or if the domain is not registerable, or if insufficient data is provided in the customer
-record to generate the required contact information to register or transfer the domain.
-sub _export_insert {
- my( $self, $svc_domain ) = ( shift, shift );
- return if $svc_domain->action eq 'I'; # Ignoring registration, just doing DNS
- if ($svc_domain->action eq 'N') {
- return $self->register( $svc_domain );
- } elsif ($svc_domain->action eq 'M') {
- return $self->transfer( $svc_domain );
- }
- return "Unknown domain action " . $svc_domain->action;
-sub _export_insert_on_payment {
- my( $self, $svc_domain ) = ( shift, shift );
- warn "$me:_export_insert_on_payment called\n" if $DEBUG;
- return '' unless $self->option('wait_for_pay');
- my $queue = new FS::queue {
- 'svcnum' => $svc_domain->svcnum,
- 'job' => 'FS::part_export::domreg_opensrs::renew_through',
- };
- $queue->insert( $self, $svc_domain ); #_export_insert with 'R' action?
-## Domain registration exports do nothing on replace. Mainly because we haven't decided what they should do.
-#sub _export_replace {
-# my( $self, $new, $old ) = (shift, shift, shift);
-# return '';
-## Domain registration exports do nothing on delete. You're just removing the domain from Freeside, not the registry
-#sub _export_delete {
-# my( $self, $svc_domain ) = ( shift, shift );
-# return '';
-=item is_supported_domain
-Return undef if the domain name uses a TLD or SLD that is supported by this registrar.
-Otherwise return an error message explaining what's wrong.
-sub is_supported_domain {
- my $self = shift;
- my $svc_domain = shift;
- # Get the TLD of the new domain
- my @bits = split /\./, $svc_domain->domain;
- return "Can't register subdomains: " . $svc_domain->domain if scalar(@bits) != 2;
- my $tld = pop @bits;
- # See if it's one this export supports
- my @tlds = split /\s+/, $self->option('tlds');
- @tlds = map { s/\.//; $_ } @tlds;
- return "Can't register top-level domain $tld, restricted to: " . $self->option('tlds') if ! grep { $_ eq $tld } @tlds;
- return undef;
-=item get_srs
-sub get_srs {
- my $self = shift;
- my $srs = Net::OpenSRS->new();
- $srs->debug_level( $self->option('debug_level') ); # Output should be in the Apache error log
- $srs->environment( $self->testmode() );
- $srs->set_key( $self->option('privatekey') );
- $srs->set_manage_auth( $self->option('username'), $self->option('password') );
- return $srs;
-=item get_status
-Returns a reference to a hashref containing information on the domain's status. The keys
-defined depend on the status.
-'unregistered' means the domain is not registered.
-Otherwise, if the domain is in an asynchronous operation such as a transfer, returns the state
-of that operation.
-Otherwise returns a value indicating if the domain can be managed through our reseller account.
-sub get_status {
- my ( $self, $svc_domain ) = @_;
- my $rslt = {};
- eval "use Net::OpenSRS;";
- return $@ if $@;
- my $srs = $self->get_srs;
- if ($srs->is_available( $svc_domain->domain )) {
- $rslt->{'unregistered'} = 1;
- } else {
- $rslt = $srs->check_transfer( $svc_domain->domain );
- if (defined($rslt->{'reason'})) {
- my $rv = $srs->make_request(
- {
- action => 'belongs_to_rsp',
- object => 'domain',
- attributes => {
- domain => $svc_domain->domain
- }
- }
- );
- if ($rv) {
- $self->_set_response;
- if ( $rv->{attributes}->{'domain_expdate'} ) {
- $rslt->{'expdate'} = $rv->{attributes}->{'domain_expdate'};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $rslt; # Success
-=item register
-Attempts to register the domain through the reseller account associated with this export.
-Like most export functions, returns an error message on failure or undef on success.
-sub register {
- my ( $self, $svc_domain, $years ) = @_;
- $years = 1 unless $years; #default to 1 year since we don't seem to pass it
- return "Net::OpenSRS does not support period other than 1 year" if $years != 1;
- eval "use Net::OpenSRS;";
- return $@ if $@;
- my $err = $self->is_supported_domain( $svc_domain );
- return $err if $err;
- my $cust_main = $svc_domain->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main;
- my $c = gen_contact_info($cust_main);
- $err = validate_contact_info($c);
- return $err if $err;
- my $srs = $self->get_srs;
-# cookie not required for registration
-# my $cookie = $srs->get_cookie( $self->option('masterdomain') );
-# if (!$cookie) {
-# return "Unable to get cookie at OpenSRS: " . $srs->last_response();
-# }
-# return "Domain registration not enabled" if !$self->option('register');
- return $srs->last_response() if !$srs->register_domain( $svc_domain->domain, $c);
- return ''; # Should only get here if register succeeded
-=item transfer
-Attempts to transfer the domain into the reseller account associated with this export.
-Like most export functions, returns an error message on failure or undef on success.
-sub transfer {
- my ( $self, $svc_domain ) = @_;
- eval "use Net::OpenSRS;";
- return $@ if $@;
- my $err = $self->is_supported_domain( $svc_domain );
- return $err if $err;
- my $cust_main = $svc_domain->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main;
- my $c = gen_contact_info($cust_main);
- $err = validate_contact_info($c);
- return $err if $err;
- my $srs = $self->get_srs;
- my $cookie = $srs->get_cookie( $self->option('masterdomain') );
- if (!$cookie) {
- return "Unable to get cookie at OpenSRS: " . $srs->last_response();
- }
-# return "Domain transfer not enabled" if !$self->option('transfer');
- return $srs->last_response() if !$srs->transfer_domain( $svc_domain->domain, $c);
- return ''; # Should only get here if transfer succeeded
-=item renew
-Attempts to renew the domain for the specified number of years.
-Like most export functions, returns an error message on failure or undef on success.
-sub renew {
- my ( $self, $svc_domain, $years ) = @_;
- eval "use Net::OpenSRS;";
- return $@ if $@;
- my $err = $self->is_supported_domain( $svc_domain );
- return $err if $err;
- my $srs = $self->get_srs;
- my $cookie = $srs->get_cookie( $self->option('masterdomain') );
- if (!$cookie) {
- return "Unable to get cookie at OpenSRS: " . $srs->last_response();
- }
-# return "Domain renewal not enabled" if !$self->option('renew');
- return $srs->last_response() if !$srs->renew_domain( $svc_domain->domain, $years );
- return ''; # Should only get here if renewal succeeded
-=item renew_through [ EPOCH_DATE ]
-Attempts to renew the domain through the specified date. If no date is
-provided it is gleaned from the associated cust_pkg bill date
-Like some export functions, dies on failure or returns undef on success.
-It is always called from the queue.
-sub renew_through {
- my ( $self, $svc_domain, $date ) = @_;
- warn "$me: renew_through called\n" if $DEBUG;
- eval "use Net::OpenSRS;";
- die $@ if $@;
- unless ( $date ) {
- my $cust_pkg = $svc_domain->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
- die "Can't renew: no date specified and domain is not in a package."
- unless $cust_pkg;
- $date = $cust_pkg->bill;
- }
- my $err = $self->is_supported_domain( $svc_domain );
- die $err if $err;
- warn "$me: checking status\n" if $DEBUG;
- my $rv = $self->get_status($svc_domain);
- die "Domain ". $svc_domain->domain. " is not renewable"
- unless $rv->{expdate};
- die "Can't parse expiration date for ". $svc_domain->domain
- unless $rv->{expdate} =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/;
- my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$minute,$second) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
- my $exp = DateTime->new( year => $year,
- month => $month,
- day => $day,
- hour => $hour,
- minute => $minute,
- second => $second,
- time_zone => 'America/New_York',#timezone of opensrs
- );
- my $bill = DateTime->
- from_epoch( 'epoch' => $date,
- 'time_zone' => DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' ),
- );
- my $years = 0;
- while ( DateTime->compare( $bill, $exp ) > 0 ) {
- $years++;
- $exp->add( 'years' => 1 );
- die "Can't renew ". $svc_domain->domain. " for more than 10 years."
- if $years > 10; #no infinite loop
- }
- return '' unless $years;
- warn "$me: renewing ". $svc_domain->domain. " for $years years\n" if $DEBUG;
- my $srs = $self->get_srs;
- $rv = $srs->make_request(
- {
- action => 'renew',
- object => 'domain',
- attributes => {
- domain => $svc_domain->domain,
- auto_renew => 0,
- handle => 'process',
- period => $years,
- currentexpirationyear => $year,
- }
- }
- );
- die $rv->{response_text} unless $rv->{is_success};
- return ''; # Should only get here if renewal succeeded
-=item revoke
-Attempts to revoke the domain registration. Only succeeds if invoked during the OpenSRS
-grace period immediately after registration.
-Like most export functions, returns an error message on failure or undef on success.
-sub revoke {
- my ( $self, $svc_domain ) = @_;
- eval "use Net::OpenSRS;";
- return $@ if $@;
- my $err = $self->is_supported_domain( $svc_domain );
- return $err if $err;
- my $srs = $self->get_srs;
- my $cookie = $srs->get_cookie( $self->option('masterdomain') );
- if (!$cookie) {
- return "Unable to get cookie at OpenSRS: " . $srs->last_response();
- }
-# return "Domain registration revocation not enabled" if !$self->option('revoke');
- return $srs->last_response() if !$srs->revoke_domain( $svc_domain->domain);
- return ''; # Should only get here if transfer succeeded
-=item registrar
-Should return a full-blown object representing OpenSRS, but current just returns a hashref
-containing the registrar name.
-sub registrar {
- return {
- name => 'OpenSRS',
- };
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Net::OpenSRS>, L<FS::part_export_option>, L<FS::export_svc>, L<FS::svc_domain>,
-L<FS::Record>, schema.html from the base documentation.