path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 950 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7402ee..0000000
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,950 +0,0 @@
-package FS::cdr;
-use strict;
-use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG $me );
-use Exporter;
-use Tie::IxHash;
-use Date::Parse;
-use Date::Format;
-use Time::Local;
-use FS::UID qw( dbh );
-use FS::Conf;
-use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
-use FS::cdr_type;
-use FS::cdr_calltype;
-use FS::cdr_carrier;
-use FS::cdr_batch;
-use FS::cdr_termination;
-@ISA = qw(FS::Record);
-@EXPORT_OK = qw( _cdr_date_parser_maker _cdr_min_parser_maker );
-$DEBUG = 0;
-$me = '[FS::cdr]';
-=head1 NAME
-FS::cdr - Object methods for cdr records
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use FS::cdr;
- $record = new FS::cdr \%hash;
- $record = new FS::cdr { 'column' => 'value' };
- $error = $record->insert;
- $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);
- $error = $record->delete;
- $error = $record->check;
-An FS::cdr object represents an Call Data Record, typically from a telephony
-system or provider of some sort. FS::cdr inherits from FS::Record. The
-following fields are currently supported:
-=over 4
-=item acctid - primary key
-=item calldate - Call timestamp (SQL timestamp)
-=item clid - Caller*ID with text
-=item src - Caller*ID number / Source number
-=item dst - Destination extension
-=item dcontext - Destination context
-=item channel - Channel used
-=item dstchannel - Destination channel if appropriate
-=item lastapp - Last application if appropriate
-=item lastdata - Last application data
-=item startdate - Start of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-=item answerdate - Answer time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-=item enddate - End time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-=item duration - Total time in system, in seconds
-=item billsec - Total time call is up, in seconds
-=item disposition - What happened to the call: ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY
-=item amaflags - What flags to use: BILL, IGNORE etc, specified on a per channel basis like accountcode.
- #ignore the "omit" and "documentation" AMAs??
- #AMA = Automated Message Accounting.
- #default: Sets the system default.
- #omit: Do not record calls.
- #billing: Mark the entry for billing
- #documentation: Mark the entry for documentation.
-=item accountcode - CDR account number to use: account
-=item uniqueid - Unique channel identifier (Unitel/RSLCOM Event ID)
-=item userfield - CDR user-defined field
-=item cdr_type - CDR type - see L<FS::cdr_type> (Usage = 1, S&E = 7, OC&C = 8)
-=item charged_party - Service number to be billed
-=item upstream_currency - Wholesale currency from upstream
-=item upstream_price - Wholesale price from upstream
-=item upstream_rateplanid - Upstream rate plan ID
-=item rated_price - Rated (or re-rated) price
-=item distance - km (need units field?)
-=item islocal - Local - 1, Non Local = 0
-=item calltypenum - Type of call - see L<FS::cdr_calltype>
-=item description - Description (cdr_type 7&8 only) (used for cust_bill_pkg.itemdesc)
-=item quantity - Number of items (cdr_type 7&8 only)
-=item carrierid - Upstream Carrier ID (see L<FS::cdr_carrier>)
-#Telstra =1, Optus = 2, RSL COM = 3
-=item upstream_rateid - Upstream Rate ID
-=item svcnum - Link to customer service (see L<FS::cust_svc>)
-=item freesidestatus - NULL, done (or something)
-=item freesiderewritestatus - NULL, done (or something)
-=item cdrbatch
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item new HASHREF
-Creates a new CDR. To add the CDR to the database, see L<"insert">.
-Note that this stores the hash reference, not a distinct copy of the hash it
-points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I<hash> method.
-# the new method can be inherited from FS::Record, if a table method is defined
-sub table { 'cdr'; }
-sub table_info {
- {
- 'fields' => {
-#XXX fill in some (more) nice names
- #'acctid' => '',
- 'calldate' => 'Call date',
- 'clid' => 'Caller ID',
- 'src' => 'Source',
- 'dst' => 'Destination',
- 'dcontext' => 'Dest. context',
- 'channel' => 'Channel',
- 'dstchannel' => 'Destination channel',
- #'lastapp' => '',
- #'lastdata' => '',
- 'startdate' => 'Start date',
- 'answerdate' => 'Answer date',
- 'enddate' => 'End date',
- 'duration' => 'Duration',
- 'billsec' => 'Billable seconds',
- 'disposition' => 'Disposition',
- 'amaflags' => 'AMA flags',
- 'accountcode' => 'Account code',
- #'uniqueid' => '',
- 'userfield' => 'User field',
- #'cdrtypenum' => '',
- 'charged_party' => 'Charged party',
- #'upstream_currency' => '',
- 'upstream_price' => 'Upstream price',
- #'upstream_rateplanid' => '',
- #'ratedetailnum' => '',
- 'rated_price' => 'Rated price',
- #'distance' => '',
- #'islocal' => '',
- #'calltypenum' => '',
- #'description' => '',
- #'quantity' => '',
- 'carrierid' => 'Carrier ID',
- #'upstream_rateid' => '',
- 'svcnum' => 'Freeside service',
- 'freesidestatus' => 'Freeside status',
- 'freesiderewritestatus' => 'Freeside rewrite status',
- 'cdrbatch' => 'Legacy batch',
- 'cdrbatchnum' => 'Batch',
- },
- };
-=item insert
-Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error,
-otherwise returns false.
-# the insert method can be inherited from FS::Record
-=item delete
-Delete this record from the database.
-# the delete method can be inherited from FS::Record
-=item replace OLD_RECORD
-Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error,
-returns the error, otherwise returns false.
-# the replace method can be inherited from FS::Record
-=item check
-Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid CDR. If there is
-an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert
-and replace methods.
-Note: Unlike most types of records, we don't want to "reject" a CDR and we want
-to process them as quickly as possible, so we allow the database to check most
-of the data.
-sub check {
- my $self = shift;
-# we don't want to "reject" a CDR like other sorts of input...
-# my $error =
-# $self->ut_numbern('acctid')
-## || $self->ut_('calldate')
-# || $self->ut_text('clid')
-# || $self->ut_text('src')
-# || $self->ut_text('dst')
-# || $self->ut_text('dcontext')
-# || $self->ut_text('channel')
-# || $self->ut_text('dstchannel')
-# || $self->ut_text('lastapp')
-# || $self->ut_text('lastdata')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('startdate')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('answerdate')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('enddate')
-# || $self->ut_number('duration')
-# || $self->ut_number('billsec')
-# || $self->ut_text('disposition')
-# || $self->ut_number('amaflags')
-# || $self->ut_text('accountcode')
-# || $self->ut_text('uniqueid')
-# || $self->ut_text('userfield')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('cdrtypenum')
-# || $self->ut_textn('charged_party')
-## || $self->ut_n('upstream_currency')
-## || $self->ut_n('upstream_price')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('upstream_rateplanid')
-## || $self->ut_n('distance')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('islocal')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('calltypenum')
-# || $self->ut_textn('description')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('quantity')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('carrierid')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('upstream_rateid')
-# || $self->ut_numbern('svcnum')
-# || $self->ut_textn('freesidestatus')
-# || $self->ut_textn('freesiderewritestatus')
-# ;
-# return $error if $error;
- for my $f ( grep { $self->$_ =~ /\D/ } qw(startdate answerdate enddate)){
- $self->$f( str2time($self->$f) );
- }
- $self->calldate( $self->startdate_sql )
- if !$self->calldate && $self->startdate;
- #was just for $format eq 'taqua' but can't see the harm... add something to
- #disable if it becomes a problem
- if ( $self->duration eq '' && $self->enddate && $self->startdate ) {
- $self->duration( $self->enddate - $self->startdate );
- }
- if ( $self->billsec eq '' && $self->enddate && $self->answerdate ) {
- $self->billsec( $self->enddate - $self->answerdate );
- }
- $self->set_charged_party;
- #check the foreign keys even?
- #do we want to outright *reject* the CDR?
- my $error =
- $self->ut_numbern('acctid')
- #add a config option to turn these back on if someone needs 'em
- #
- # #Usage = 1, S&E = 7, OC&C = 8
- # || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('cdrtypenum', 'cdr_type', 'cdrtypenum' )
- #
- # #the big list in appendix 2
- # || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('calltypenum', 'cdr_calltype', 'calltypenum' )
- #
- # # Telstra =1, Optus = 2, RSL COM = 3
- # || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('carrierid', 'cdr_carrier', 'carrierid' )
- ;
- return $error if $error;
- $self->SUPER::check;
-=item is_tollfree [ COLUMN ]
-Returns true when the cdr represents a toll free number and false otherwise.
-By default, inspects the dst field, but an optional column name can be passed
-to inspect other field.
-sub is_tollfree {
- my $self = shift;
- my $field = scalar(@_) ? shift : 'dst';
- ( $self->$field() =~ /^(\+?1)?8(8|([02-7])\3)/ ) ? 1 : 0;
-=item set_charged_party
-If the charged_party field is already set, does nothing. Otherwise:
-If the cdr-charged_party-accountcode config option is enabled, sets the
-charged_party to the accountcode.
-Otherwise sets the charged_party normally: to the src field in most cases,
-or to the dst field if it is a toll free number.
-sub set_charged_party {
- my $self = shift;
- my $conf = new FS::Conf;
- unless ( $self->charged_party ) {
- if ( $conf->exists('cdr-charged_party-accountcode') && $self->accountcode ){
- my $charged_party = $self->accountcode;
- $charged_party =~ s/^0+//
- if $conf->exists('cdr-charged_party-accountcode-trim_leading_0s');
- $self->charged_party( $charged_party );
- } elsif ( $conf->exists('cdr-charged_party-field') ) {
- my $field = $conf->config('cdr-charged_party-field');
- $self->charged_party( $self->$field() );
- } else {
- if ( $self->is_tollfree ) {
- $self->charged_party($self->dst);
- } else {
- $self->charged_party($self->src);
- }
- }
- }
-# my $prefix = $conf->config('cdr-charged_party-truncate_prefix');
-# my $prefix_len = length($prefix);
-# my $trunc_len = $conf->config('cdr-charged_party-truncate_length');
-# $self->charged_party( substr($self->charged_party, 0, $trunc_len) )
-# if $prefix_len && $trunc_len
-# && substr($self->charged_party, 0, $prefix_len) eq $prefix;
-=item set_status_and_rated_price STATUS [ RATED_PRICE [ SVCNUM ] ]
-Sets the status to the provided string. If there is an error, returns the
-error, otherwise returns false.
-sub set_status_and_rated_price {
- my($self, $status, $rated_price, $svcnum, %opt) = @_;
- if($opt{'inbound'}) {
- my $term = qsearchs('cdr_termination', {
- acctid => $self->acctid,
- termpart => 1 # inbound
- });
- my $error;
- if($term) {
- warn "replacing existing cdr status (".$self->acctid.")\n" if $term;
- $error = $term->delete;
- return $error if $error;
- }
- $term = FS::cdr_termination->new({
- acctid => $self->acctid,
- termpart => 1,
- rated_price => $rated_price,
- status => $status,
- svcnum => $svcnum,
- });
- return $term->insert;
- }
- else {
- $self->freesidestatus($status);
- $self->rated_price($rated_price);
- $self->svcnum($svcnum) if $svcnum;
- return $self->replace();
- }
-=item calldate_unix
-Parses the calldate in SQL string format and returns a UNIX timestamp.
-sub calldate_unix {
- str2time(shift->calldate);
-=item startdate_sql
-Parses the startdate in UNIX timestamp format and returns a string in SQL
-sub startdate_sql {
- my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(shift->startdate);
- $mon++;
- $year += 1900;
- "$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec";
-=item cdr_carrier
-Returns the FS::cdr_carrier object associated with this CDR, or false if no
-carrierid is defined.
-my %carrier_cache = ();
-sub cdr_carrier {
- my $self = shift;
- return '' unless $self->carrierid;
- $carrier_cache{$self->carrierid} ||=
- qsearchs('cdr_carrier', { 'carrierid' => $self->carrierid } );
-=item carriername
-Returns the carrier name (see L<FS::cdr_carrier>), or the empty string if
-no FS::cdr_carrier object is assocated with this CDR.
-sub carriername {
- my $self = shift;
- my $cdr_carrier = $self->cdr_carrier;
- $cdr_carrier ? $cdr_carrier->carriername : '';
-=item cdr_calltype
-Returns the FS::cdr_calltype object associated with this CDR, or false if no
-calltypenum is defined.
-my %calltype_cache = ();
-sub cdr_calltype {
- my $self = shift;
- return '' unless $self->calltypenum;
- $calltype_cache{$self->calltypenum} ||=
- qsearchs('cdr_calltype', { 'calltypenum' => $self->calltypenum } );
-=item calltypename
-Returns the call type name (see L<FS::cdr_calltype>), or the empty string if
-no FS::cdr_calltype object is assocated with this CDR.
-sub calltypename {
- my $self = shift;
- my $cdr_calltype = $self->cdr_calltype;
- $cdr_calltype ? $cdr_calltype->calltypename : '';
-=item downstream_csv [ OPTION => VALUE, ... ]
-my %export_names = (
- 'simple' => {
- 'name' => 'Simple',
- 'invoice_header' => "Date,Time,Name,Destination,Duration,Price",
- },
- 'simple2' => {
- 'name' => 'Simple with source',
- 'invoice_header' => "Date,Time,Called From,Destination,Duration,Price",
- #"Date,Time,Name,Called From,Destination,Duration,Price",
- },
- 'default' => {
- 'name' => 'Default',
- 'invoice_header' => 'Date,Time,Number,Destination,Duration,Price',
- },
- 'source_default' => {
- 'name' => 'Default with source',
- 'invoice_header' => 'Caller,Date,Time,Number,Destination,Duration,Price',
- },
- 'accountcode_default' => {
- 'name' => 'Default plus accountcode',
- 'invoice_header' => 'Date,Time,Account,Number,Destination,Duration,Price',
- },
-my %export_formats = ();
-sub export_formats {
- #my $self = shift;
- return %export_formats if keys %export_formats;
- my $conf = new FS::Conf;
- my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y';
- # This is now smarter, and shows the call duration in the
- # largest units that accurately reflect the granularity.
- my $duration_sub = sub {
- my($cdr, %opt) = @_;
- my $sec = $opt{seconds} || $cdr->billsec;
- if ( length($opt{granularity}) &&
- $opt{granularity} == 0 ) { #per call
- return '1 call';
- }
- elsif ( $opt{granularity} == 60 ) {#full minutes
- return sprintf("%.0fm",$sec/60);
- }
- else { #anything else
- return sprintf("%dm %ds", $sec/60, $sec%60);
- }
- };
- %export_formats = (
- 'simple' => [
- sub { time2str($date_format, shift->calldate_unix ) }, #DATE
- sub { time2str('%r', shift->calldate_unix ) }, #TIME
- 'userfield', #USER
- $duration_sub, #DURATION
- #sub { sprintf('%.3f', shift->upstream_price ) }, #PRICE
- sub { my($cdr, %opt) = @_; $opt{money_char}. $opt{charge}; }, #PRICE
- ],
- 'simple2' => [
- sub { time2str($date_format, shift->calldate_unix ) }, #DATE
- sub { time2str('%r', shift->calldate_unix ) }, #TIME
- #'userfield', #USER
- 'src', #called from
- $duration_sub, #DURATION
- #sub { sprintf('%.3f', shift->upstream_price ) }, #PRICE
- sub { my($cdr, %opt) = @_; $opt{money_char}. $opt{charge}; }, #PRICE
- ],
- 'default' => [
- sub { time2str($date_format, shift->calldate_unix ) },
- # #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $cdr->calldate_unix ),
- sub { time2str('%r', shift->calldate_unix ) },
- # time2str("%c", $cdr->calldate_unix), #XXX this should probably be a config option dropdown so they can select US vs- rest of world dates or whatnot
- #DEST ("Number")
- sub { my($cdr, %opt) = @_; $opt{pretty_dst} || $cdr->dst; },
- #REGIONNAME ("Destination")
- sub { my($cdr, %opt) = @_; $opt{dst_regionname}; },
- $duration_sub,
- sub { my($cdr, %opt) = @_; $opt{money_char}. $opt{charge}; },
- ],
- );
- $export_formats{'source_default'} = [ 'src', @{ $export_formats{'default'} }, ];
- $export_formats{'accountcode_default'} =
- [ @{ $export_formats{'default'} }[0,1],
- 'accountcode',
- @{ $export_formats{'default'} }[2..5],
- ];
- %export_formats
-sub downstream_csv {
- my( $self, %opt ) = @_;
- my $format = $opt{'format'};
- my %formats = $self->export_formats;
- return "Unknown format $format" unless exists $formats{$format};
- #my $conf = new FS::Conf;
- #$opt{'money_char'} ||= $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
- $opt{'money_char'} ||= FS::Conf->new->config('money_char') || '$';
- eval "use Text::CSV_XS;";
- die $@ if $@;
- my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS;
- my @columns =
- map {
- ref($_) ? &{$_}($self, %opt) : $self->$_();
- }
- @{ $formats{$format} };
- my $status = $csv->combine(@columns);
- die "FS::CDR: error combining ". $csv->error_input(). "into downstream CSV"
- unless $status;
- $csv->string;
-=over 4
-=item invoice_formats
-Returns an ordered list of key value pairs containing invoice format names
-as keys (for use with part_pkg::voip_cdr) and "pretty" format names as values.
-sub invoice_formats {
- map { ($_ => $export_names{$_}->{'name'}) }
- grep { $export_names{$_}->{'invoice_header'} }
- keys %export_names;
-=item invoice_header FORMAT
-Returns a scalar containing the CSV column header for invoice format FORMAT.
-sub invoice_header {
- my $format = shift;
- $export_names{$format}->{'invoice_header'};
-=item import_formats
-Returns an ordered list of key value pairs containing import format names
-as keys (for use with batch_import) and "pretty" format names as values.
-#false laziness w/part_pkg & part_export
-my %cdr_info;
-foreach my $INC ( @INC ) {
- warn "globbing $INC/FS/cdr/*.pm\n" if $DEBUG;
- foreach my $file ( glob("$INC/FS/cdr/*.pm") ) {
- warn "attempting to load CDR format info from $file\n" if $DEBUG;
- $file =~ /\/(\w+)\.pm$/ or do {
- warn "unrecognized file in $INC/FS/cdr/: $file\n";
- next;
- };
- my $mod = $1;
- my $info = eval "use FS::cdr::$mod; ".
- "\\%FS::cdr::$mod\::info;";
- if ( $@ ) {
- die "error using FS::cdr::$mod (skipping): $@\n" if $@;
- next;
- }
- unless ( keys %$info ) {
- warn "no %info hash found in FS::cdr::$mod, skipping\n";
- next;
- }
- warn "got CDR format info from FS::cdr::$mod: $info\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ( exists($info->{'disabled'}) && $info->{'disabled'} ) {
- warn "skipping disabled CDR format FS::cdr::$mod" if $DEBUG;
- next;
- }
- $cdr_info{$mod} = $info;
- }
-tie my %import_formats, 'Tie::IxHash',
- map { $_ => $cdr_info{$_}->{'name'} }
- sort { $cdr_info{$a}->{'weight'} <=> $cdr_info{$b}->{'weight'} }
- grep { exists($cdr_info{$_}->{'import_fields'}) }
- keys %cdr_info;
-sub import_formats {
- %import_formats;
-sub _cdr_min_parser_maker {
- my $field = shift;
- my @fields = ref($field) ? @$field : ($field);
- @fields = qw( billsec duration ) unless scalar(@fields) && $fields[0];
- return sub {
- my( $cdr, $min ) = @_;
- my $sec = eval { _cdr_min_parse($min) };
- die "error parsing seconds for @fields from $min minutes: $@\n" if $@;
- $cdr->$_($sec) foreach @fields;
- };
-sub _cdr_min_parse {
- my $min = shift;
- sprintf('%.0f', $min * 60 );
-sub _cdr_date_parser_maker {
- my $field = shift;
- my %options = @_;
- my @fields = ref($field) ? @$field : ($field);
- return sub {
- my( $cdr, $datestring ) = @_;
- my $unixdate = eval { _cdr_date_parse($datestring, %options) };
- die "error parsing date for @fields from $datestring: $@\n" if $@;
- $cdr->$_($unixdate) foreach @fields;
- };
-sub _cdr_date_parse {
- my $date = shift;
- my %options = @_;
- return '' unless length($date); #that's okay, it becomes NULL
- return '' if $date eq 'NA'; #sansay
- if ( $date =~ /^([a-z]{3})\s+([a-z]{3})\s+(\d{1,2})\s+(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s+(\d{4})$/i && $7 > 1970 ) {
- my $time = str2time($date);
- return $time if $time > 100000; #just in case
- }
- my($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec);
- #$date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})[\-\/]\(\d{1,2})[\-\/](\d{1,2})\s+(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*$/
- #taqua #2007-10-31 08:57:24.113000000
- if ( $date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\D+(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})(\D|$)/ ) {
- ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
- } elsif ( $date =~ /^\s*(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{4})\s+(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})(?:\D(\d{1,2}))?(\D|$)/ ) {
- # 8/26/2010 12:20:01
- # optionally without seconds
- ($mon, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $sec) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
- $sec = 0 if !defined($sec);
- } elsif ( $date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d+\.\d+)(\D|$)/ ) {
- # broadsoft: 20081223201938.314
- ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
- } elsif ( $date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})\d+(\D|$)/ ) {
- # Taqua OM: 20050422203450943
- ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
- } elsif ( $date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/ ) {
- # WIP: 20100329121420
- ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
- } elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z$/) {
- # Telos
- ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
- $options{gmt} = 1;
- } else {
- die "unparsable date: $date"; #maybe we shouldn't die...
- }
- return '' if ( $year == 1900 || $year == 1970 ) && $mon == 1 && $day == 1
- && $hour == 0 && $min == 0 && $sec == 0;
- if ($options{gmt}) {
- timegm($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon-1, $year);
- } else {
- timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon-1, $year);
- }
-=item batch_import HASHREF
-Imports CDR records. Available options are:
-=over 4
-=item file
-=item format
-=item params
-Hash reference of preset fields, typically cdrbatch
-=item empty_ok
-Set true to prevent throwing an error on empty imports
-my %import_options = (
- 'table' => 'cdr',
- 'batch_keycol' => 'cdrbatchnum',
- 'batch_table' => 'cdr_batch',
- 'batch_namecol' => 'cdrbatch',
- 'formats' => { map { $_ => $cdr_info{$_}->{'import_fields'}; }
- keys %cdr_info
- },
- #drop the || 'csv' to allow auto xls for csv types?
- 'format_types' => { map { $_ => ( lc($cdr_info{$_}->{'type'}) || 'csv' ); }
- keys %cdr_info
- },
- 'format_headers' => { map { $_ => ( $cdr_info{$_}->{'header'} || 0 ); }
- keys %cdr_info
- },
- 'format_sep_chars' => { map { $_ => $cdr_info{$_}->{'sep_char'}; }
- keys %cdr_info
- },
- 'format_fixedlength_formats' =>
- { map { $_ => $cdr_info{$_}->{'fixedlength_format'}; }
- keys %cdr_info
- },
- 'format_xml_formats' =>
- { map { $_ => $cdr_info{$_}->{'xml_format'}; }
- keys %cdr_info
- },
- 'format_row_callbacks' => { map { $_ => $cdr_info{$_}->{'row_callback'}; }
- keys %cdr_info
- },
-sub _import_options {
- \%import_options;
-sub batch_import {
- my $opt = shift;
- my $iopt = _import_options;
- $opt->{$_} = $iopt->{$_} foreach keys %$iopt;
- FS::Record::batch_import( $opt );
-=item process_batch_import
-sub process_batch_import {
- my $job = shift;
- my $opt = _import_options;
-# $opt->{'params'} = [ 'format', 'cdrbatch' ];
- FS::Record::process_batch_import( $job, $opt, @_ );
-# if ( $format eq 'simple' ) { #should be a callback or opt in FS::cdr::simple
-# @columns = map { s/^ +//; $_; } @columns;
-# }
-# _ upgrade_data
-# Used by FS::Upgrade to migrate to a new database.
-sub _upgrade_data {
- my ($class, %opts) = @_;
- warn "$me upgrading $class\n" if $DEBUG;
- my $sth = dbh->prepare(
- 'SELECT DISTINCT(cdrbatch) FROM cdr WHERE cdrbatch IS NOT NULL'
- ) or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
- my %cdrbatchnum = ();
- while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
- my $cdr_batch = qsearchs( 'cdr_batch', { 'cdrbatch' => $row->[0] } );
- unless ( $cdr_batch ) {
- $cdr_batch = new FS::cdr_batch { 'cdrbatch' => $row->[0] };
- my $error = $cdr_batch->insert;
- die $error if $error;
- }
- $cdrbatchnum{$row->[0]} = $cdr_batch->cdrbatchnum;
- }
- $sth = dbh->prepare('UPDATE cdr SET cdrbatch = NULL, cdrbatchnum = ? WHERE cdrbatch IS NOT NULL AND cdrbatch = ?') or die dbh->errstr;
- foreach my $cdrbatch (keys %cdrbatchnum) {
- $sth->execute($cdrbatchnum{$cdrbatch}, $cdrbatch) or die $sth->errstr;
- }
-=head1 BUGS
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<FS::Record>, schema.html from the base documentation.