path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 552 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29ca9a872..000000000
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-package FS::Setup;
-use strict;
-use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK );
-use Exporter;
-#use Tie::DxHash;
-use Tie::IxHash;
-use FS::UID qw( dbh driver_name );
-use FS::Record;
-use FS::svc_domain;
-$FS::svc_domain::whois_hack = 1;
-$FS::svc_domain::whois_hack = 1;
-@ISA = qw( Exporter );
-@EXPORT_OK = qw( create_initial_data );
-=head1 NAME
-FS::Setup - Database setup
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use FS::Setup;
-Currently this module simply provides a place to store common subroutines for
-database setup.
-=over 4
-sub create_initial_data {
- my %opt = @_;
- my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
- local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
- $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
- populate_locales();
- populate_duplock();
- #initial_data data
- populate_initial_data(%opt);
- populate_access();
- populate_msgcat();
- if ( $oldAutoCommit ) {
- dbh->commit or die dbh->errstr;
- }
-sub populate_locales {
- use Locale::Country;
- use FS::cust_main_county;
- #cust_main_county
- foreach my $country ( sort map uc($_), all_country_codes ) {
- _add_country($country);
- }
-sub populate_addl_locales {
- my %addl = (
- 'US' => {
- 'FM' => 'Federated States of Micronesia',
- 'MH' => 'Marshall Islands',
- 'PW' => 'Palau',
- 'AA' => "Armed Forces Americas (except Canada)",
- 'AE' => "Armed Forces Europe / Canada / Middle East / Africa",
- 'AP' => "Armed Forces Pacific",
- },
- );
- foreach my $country ( keys %addl ) {
- foreach my $state ( keys %{ $addl{$country} } ) {
- # $longname = $addl{$country}{$state};
- _add_locale( 'country'=>$country, 'state'=>$state);
- }
- }
-sub _add_country {
- use Locale::SubCountry;
- my( $country ) = shift;
- my $subcountry = eval { new Locale::SubCountry($country) };
- my @states = $subcountry ? $subcountry->all_codes : undef;
- if ( !scalar(@states) || ( scalar(@states)==1 && !defined($states[0]) ) ) {
- _add_locale( 'country'=>$country );
- } else {
- if ( $states[0] =~ /^(\d+|\w)$/ ) {
- @states = map $subcountry->full_name($_), @states
- }
- foreach my $state ( @states ) {
- _add_locale( 'country'=>$country, 'state'=>$state);
- }
- }
-sub _add_locale {
- my $cust_main_county = new FS::cust_main_county( { 'tax'=>0, @_ });
- my $error = $cust_main_county->insert;
- die $error if $error;
-sub populate_duplock {
- return unless driver_name =~ /^mysql/i;
- my $sth = dbh->prepare(
- "INSERT INTO duplicate_lock ( lockname ) VALUES ( 'svc_acct' )"
- ) or die dbh->errstr;
- $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
-sub populate_initial_data {
- my %opt = @_;
- my $data = initial_data(%opt);
- foreach my $table ( keys %$data ) {
- #warn "popuilating $table\n";
- my $class = "FS::$table";
- eval "use $class;";
- die $@ if $@;
- $class->_populate_initial_data(%opt)
- if $class->can('_populate_initial_data');
- my @records = @{ $data->{$table} };
- foreach my $record ( @records ) {
- my $args = delete($record->{'_insert_args'}) || [];
- my $object = $class->new( $record );
- my $error = $object->insert( @$args );
- die "error inserting record into $table: $error\n"
- if $error;
- #my $pkey = $object->primary_key;
- #my $pkeyvalue = $object->$pkey();
- #warn " inserted $pkeyvalue\n";
- }
- }
-sub initial_data {
- my %opt = @_;
- #tie my %hash, 'Tie::DxHash',
- tie my %hash, 'Tie::IxHash',
- #bootstrap user
- 'access_user' => [
- { 'username' => 'fs_bootstrap',
- '_password' => 'changeme', #will trigger warning if you try to enable
- 'last' => 'User',
- 'first' => 'Bootstrap',
- 'disabled' => 'Y',
- },
- ],
- #superuser group
- 'access_group' => [
- { 'groupname' => 'Superuser' },
- ],
- #reason types
- 'reason_type' => [],
-#XXX need default new-style billing events
-# #billing events
-# 'part_bill_event' => [
-# { 'payby' => 'CARD',
-# 'event' => 'Batch card',
-# 'seconds' => 0,
-# 'eventcode' => '$cust_bill->batch_card(%options);',
-# 'weight' => 40,
-# 'plan' => 'batch-card',
-# },
-# { 'payby' => 'BILL',
-# 'event' => 'Send invoice',
-# 'seconds' => 0,
-# 'eventcode' => '$cust_bill->send();',
-# 'weight' => 50,
-# 'plan' => 'send',
-# },
-# { 'payby' => 'DCRD',
-# 'event' => 'Send invoice',
-# 'seconds' => 0,
-# 'eventcode' => '$cust_bill->send();',
-# 'weight' => 50,
-# 'plan' => 'send',
-# },
-# { 'payby' => 'DCHK',
-# 'event' => 'Send invoice',
-# 'seconds' => 0,
-# 'eventcode' => '$cust_bill->send();',
-# 'weight' => 50,
-# 'plan' => 'send',
-# },
-# { 'payby' => 'DCLN',
-# 'event' => 'Suspend',
-# 'seconds' => 0,
-# 'eventcode' => '$cust_bill->suspend();',
-# 'weight' => 40,
-# 'plan' => 'suspend',
-# },
-# #{ 'payby' => 'DCLN',
-# # 'event' => 'Retriable',
-# # 'seconds' => 0,
-# # 'eventcode' => '$cust_bill_event->retriable();',
-# # 'weight' => 60,
-# # 'plan' => 'retriable',
-# #},
-# ],
- #you must create a service definition. An example of a service definition
- #would be a dial-up account or a domain. First, it is necessary to create a
- #domain definition. Click on View/Edit service definitions and Add a new
- #service definition with Table svc_domain (and no modifiers).
- 'part_svc' => [
- { 'svc' => 'Domain',
- 'svcdb' => 'svc_domain',
- }
- ],
- #Now that you have created your first service, you must create a package
- #including this service which you can sell to customers. Zero, one, or many
- #services are bundled into a package. Click on View/Edit package
- #definitions and Add a new package definition which includes quantity 1 of
- #the svc_domain service you created above.
- 'part_pkg' => [
- { 'pkg' => 'System Domain',
- 'comment' => '(NOT FOR CUSTOMERS)',
- 'freq' => '0',
- 'plan' => 'flat',
- '_insert_args' => [
- 'pkg_svc' => { 1 => 1 }, # XXX
- 'primary_svc' => 1, #XXX
- 'options' => {
- 'setup_fee' => '0',
- 'recur_fee' => '0',
- },
- ],
- },
- ],
- #After you create your first package, then you must define who is able to
- #sell that package by creating an agent type. An example of an agent type
- #would be an internal sales representitive which sells regular and
- #promotional packages, as opposed to an external sales representitive
- #which would only sell regular packages of services. Click on View/Edit
- #agent types and Add a new agent type.
- 'agent_type' => [
- { 'atype' => 'Internal' },
- ],
- #Allow this agent type to sell the package you created above.
- 'type_pkgs' => [
- { 'typenum' => 1, #XXX
- 'pkgpart' => 1, #XXX
- },
- ],
- #After creating a new agent type, you must create an agent. Click on
- #View/Edit agents and Add a new agent.
- 'agent' => [
- { 'agent' => 'Internal',
- 'typenum' => 1, # XXX
- },
- ],
- #Set up at least one Advertising source. Advertising sources will help you
- #keep track of how effective your advertising is, tracking where customers
- #heard of your service offerings. You must create at least one advertising
- #source. If you do not wish to use the referral functionality, simply
- #create a single advertising source only. Click on View/Edit advertising
- #sources and Add a new advertising source.
- 'part_referral' => [
- { 'referral' => 'Internal', },
- ],
- #Click on New Customer and create a new customer for your system accounts
- #with billing type Complimentary. Leave the First package dropdown set to
- #(none).
- 'cust_main' => [
- { 'agentnum' => 1, #XXX
- 'refnum' => 1, #XXX
- 'first' => 'System',
- 'last' => 'Accounts',
- 'address1' => '1234 System Lane',
- 'city' => 'Systemtown',
- 'state' => 'CA',
- 'zip' => '54321',
- 'country' => 'US',
- 'payby' => 'COMP',
- 'payinfo' => 'system', #or something
- 'paydate' => '1/2037',
- },
- ],
- #From the Customer View screen of the newly created customer, order the
- #package you defined above.
- 'cust_pkg' => [
- { 'custnum' => 1, #XXX
- 'pkgpart' => 1, #XXX
- },
- ],
- #From the Package View screen of the newly created package, choose
- #(Provision) to add the customer's service for this new package.
- #Add your own domain.
- 'svc_domain' => [
- { 'domain' => $opt{'domain'},
- 'pkgnum' => 1, #XXX
- 'svcpart' => 1, #XXX
- 'action' => 'N', #pseudo-field
- },
- ],
- #Go back to View/Edit service definitions on the main menu, and Add a new
- #service definition with Table svc_acct. Select your domain in the domsvc
- #Modifier. Set Fixed to define a service locked-in to this domain, or
- #Default to define a service which may select from among this domain and
- #the customer's domains.
- #not yet....
- #usage classes
- 'usage_class' => [],
- #phone types
- 'phone_type' => [],
- ;
- \%hash;
-sub populate_access {
- use FS::AccessRight;
- use FS::access_right;
- foreach my $rightname ( FS::AccessRight->default_superuser_rights ) {
- my $access_right = new FS::access_right {
- 'righttype' => 'FS::access_group',
- 'rightobjnum' => 1, #$supergroup->groupnum,
- 'rightname' => $rightname,
- };
- my $ar_error = $access_right->insert;
- die $ar_error if $ar_error;
- }
- #foreach my $agent ( qsearch('agent', {} ) ) {
- my $access_groupagent = new FS::access_groupagent {
- 'groupnum' => 1, #$supergroup->groupnum,
- 'agentnum' => 1, #$agent->agentnum,
- };
- my $aga_error = $access_groupagent->insert;
- die $aga_error if $aga_error;
- #}
-sub populate_msgcat {
- use FS::Record qw(qsearch);
- use FS::msgcat;
- foreach my $del_msgcat ( qsearch('msgcat', {}) ) {
- my $error = $del_msgcat->delete;
- die $error if $error;
- }
- my %messages = msgcat_messages();
- foreach my $msgcode ( keys %messages ) {
- foreach my $locale ( keys %{$messages{$msgcode}} ) {
- my $msgcat = new FS::msgcat( {
- 'msgcode' => $msgcode,
- 'locale' => $locale,
- 'msg' => $messages{$msgcode}{$locale},
- });
- my $error = $msgcat->insert;
- die $error if $error;
- }
- }
-sub msgcat_messages {
- # 'msgcode' => {
- # 'en_US' => 'Message',
- # },
- (
- 'passwords_dont_match' => {
- 'en_US' => "Passwords don't match",
- },
- 'invalid_card' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Invalid credit card number',
- },
- 'unknown_card_type' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Unknown card type',
- },
- 'not_a' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Not a ',
- },
- 'empty_password' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Empty password',
- },
- 'no_access_number_selected' => {
- 'en_US' => 'No access number selected',
- },
- 'illegal_text' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal (text)',
- #'en_US' => 'Only letters, numbers, spaces, and the following punctuation symbols are permitted: ! @ # $ % & ( ) - + ; : \' " , . ? / in field',
- },
- 'illegal_or_empty_text' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal or empty (text)',
- #'en_US' => 'Only letters, numbers, spaces, and the following punctuation symbols are permitted: ! @ # $ % & ( ) - + ; : \' " , . ? / in required field',
- },
- 'illegal_username' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal username',
- },
- 'illegal_password' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal password (',
- },
- 'illegal_password_characters' => {
- 'en_US' => ' characters)',
- },
- 'username_in_use' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Username in use',
- },
- 'phonenum_in_use' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Phone number in use',
- },
- 'illegal_email_invoice_address' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal email invoice address',
- },
- 'illegal_name' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal (name)',
- #'en_US' => 'Only letters, numbers, spaces and the following punctuation symbols are permitted: , . - \' in field',
- },
- 'illegal_phone' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal (phone)',
- #'en_US' => '',
- },
- 'illegal_zip' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Illegal (zip)',
- #'en_US' => '',
- },
- 'expired_card' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Expired card',
- },
- 'daytime' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Day Phone',
- },
- 'night' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Night Phone',
- },
- 'svc_external-id' => {
- 'en_US' => 'External ID',
- },
- 'svc_external-title' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Title',
- },
- 'stateid' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Driver\'s License',
- },
- 'stateid_state' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Driver\'s License State',
- },
- 'invalid_domain' => {
- 'en_US' => 'Invalid domain',
- },
- );
-=head1 BUGS
-=head1 SEE ALSO