path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 1709 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0026d5d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -0,0 +1,1709 @@
+package FS::Record;
+use strict;
+use vars qw( $dbdef_file $dbdef $setup_hack $AUTOLOAD @ISA @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG
+ $me %dbdef_cache %virtual_fields_cache );
+use subs qw(reload_dbdef);
+use Exporter;
+use Carp qw(carp cluck croak confess);
+use File::CounterFile;
+use Locale::Country;
+use DBI qw(:sql_types);
+use DBIx::DBSchema 0.23;
+use FS::UID qw(dbh getotaker datasrc driver_name);
+use FS::SearchCache;
+use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext);
+use FS::part_virtual_field;
+use Tie::IxHash;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(dbh fields hfields qsearch qsearchs dbdef jsearch);
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$me = '[FS::Record]';
+#ask FS::UID to run this stuff for us later
+$FS::UID::callback{'FS::Record'} = sub {
+ $File::CounterFile::DEFAULT_DIR = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/counters.". datasrc;
+ $dbdef_file = "/usr/local/etc/freeside/dbdef.". datasrc;
+ &reload_dbdef unless $setup_hack; #$setup_hack needed now?
+=head1 NAME
+FS::Record - Database record objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use FS::Record;
+ use FS::Record qw(dbh fields qsearch qsearchs dbdef);
+ $record = new FS::Record 'table', \%hash;
+ $record = new FS::Record 'table', { 'column' => 'value', ... };
+ $record = qsearchs FS::Record 'table', \%hash;
+ $record = qsearchs FS::Record 'table', { 'column' => 'value', ... };
+ @records = qsearch FS::Record 'table', \%hash;
+ @records = qsearch FS::Record 'table', { 'column' => 'value', ... };
+ $table = $record->table;
+ $dbdef_table = $record->dbdef_table;
+ $value = $record->get('column');
+ $value = $record->getfield('column');
+ $value = $record->column;
+ $record->set( 'column' => 'value' );
+ $record->setfield( 'column' => 'value' );
+ $record->column('value');
+ %hash = $record->hash;
+ $hashref = $record->hashref;
+ $error = $record->insert;
+ $error = $record->delete;
+ $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);
+ # external use deprecated - handled by the database (at least for Pg, mysql)
+ $value = $record->unique('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_float('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_number('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_numbern('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_money('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_text('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_textn('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_alpha('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_alphan('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_phonen('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_anything('column');
+ $error = $record->ut_name('column');
+ $dbdef = reload_dbdef;
+ $dbdef = reload_dbdef "/non/standard/filename";
+ $dbdef = dbdef;
+ $quoted_value = _quote($value,'table','field');
+ #deprecated
+ $fields = hfields('table');
+ if ( $fields->{Field} ) { # etc.
+ @fields = fields 'table'; #as a subroutine
+ @fields = $record->fields; #as a method call
+(Mostly) object-oriented interface to database records. Records are currently
+implemented on top of DBI. FS::Record is intended as a base class for
+table-specific classes to inherit from, i.e. FS::cust_main.
+=over 4
+=item new [ TABLE, ] HASHREF
+Creates a new record. It doesn't store it in the database, though. See
+L<"insert"> for that.
+Note that the object stores this hash reference, not a distinct copy of the
+hash it points to. You can ask the object for a copy with the I<hash>
+TABLE can only be omitted when a dervived class overrides the table method.
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless ($self, $class);
+ unless ( defined ( $self->table ) ) {
+ $self->{'Table'} = shift;
+ carp "warning: FS::Record::new called with table name ". $self->{'Table'};
+ }
+ $self->{'Hash'} = shift;
+ foreach my $field ( grep !defined($self->{'Hash'}{$_}), $self->fields ) {
+ $self->{'Hash'}{$field}='';
+ }
+ $self->_rebless if $self->can('_rebless');
+ $self->{'modified'} = 0;
+ $self->_cache($self->{'Hash'}, shift) if $self->can('_cache') && @_;
+ $self;
+sub new_or_cached {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless ($self, $class);
+ $self->{'Table'} = shift unless defined ( $self->table );
+ my $hashref = $self->{'Hash'} = shift;
+ my $cache = shift;
+ if ( defined( $cache->cache->{$hashref->{$cache->key}} ) ) {
+ my $obj = $cache->cache->{$hashref->{$cache->key}};
+ $obj->_cache($hashref, $cache) if $obj->can('_cache');
+ $obj;
+ } else {
+ $cache->cache->{$hashref->{$cache->key}} = $self->new($hashref, $cache);
+ }
+sub create {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless ($self, $class);
+ if ( defined $self->table ) {
+ cluck "create constructor is deprecated, use new!";
+ $self->new(@_);
+ } else {
+ croak "FS::Record::create called (not from a subclass)!";
+ }
+Searches the database for all records matching (at least) the key/value pairs
+in HASHREF. Returns all the records found as `FS::TABLE' objects if that
+module is loaded (i.e. via `use FS::cust_main;'), otherwise returns FS::Record
+###oops, argh, FS::Record::new only lets us create database fields.
+#Normal behaviour if SELECT is not specified is `*', as in
+#C<SELECT * FROM table WHERE ...>. However, there is an experimental new
+#feature where you can specify SELECT - remember, the objects returned,
+#although blessed into the appropriate `FS::TABLE' package, will only have the
+#fields you specify. This might have unwanted results if you then go calling
+#regular FS::TABLE methods
+#on it.
+sub qsearch {
+ my($stable, $record, $select, $extra_sql, $cache ) = @_;
+ #$stable =~ /^([\w\_]+)$/ or die "Illegal table: $table";
+ #for jsearch
+ $stable =~ /^([\w\s\(\)\.\,\=]+)$/ or die "Illegal table: $stable";
+ $stable = $1;
+ $select ||= '*';
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $table = $cache ? $cache->table : $stable;
+ my $dbdef_table = $dbdef->table($table)
+ or die "No schema for table $table found - ".
+ "do you need to create it or run dbdef-create?";
+ my $pkey = $dbdef_table->primary_key;
+ my @real_fields = grep exists($record->{$_}), real_fields($table);
+ my @virtual_fields;
+ if ( eval 'scalar(@FS::'. $table. '::ISA);' ) {
+ @virtual_fields = grep exists($record->{$_}), "FS::$table"->virtual_fields;
+ } else {
+ cluck "warning: FS::$table not loaded; virtual fields not searchable";
+ @virtual_fields = ();
+ }
+ my $statement = "SELECT $select FROM $stable";
+ if ( @real_fields or @virtual_fields ) {
+ $statement .= ' WHERE '. join(' AND ',
+ ( map {
+ my $op = '=';
+ my $column = $_;
+ if ( ref($record->{$_}) ) {
+ $op = $record->{$_}{'op'} if $record->{$_}{'op'};
+ #$op = 'LIKE' if $op =~ /^ILIKE$/i && driver_name ne 'Pg';
+ if ( uc($op) eq 'ILIKE' ) {
+ $op = 'LIKE';
+ $record->{$_}{'value'} = lc($record->{$_}{'value'});
+ $column = "LOWER($_)";
+ }
+ $record->{$_} = $record->{$_}{'value'}
+ }
+ if ( ! defined( $record->{$_} ) || $record->{$_} eq '' ) {
+ if ( $op eq '=' ) {
+ if ( driver_name eq 'Pg' ) {
+ my $type = $dbdef->table($table)->column($column)->type;
+ if ( $type =~ /(int|serial)/i ) {
+ qq-( $column IS NULL )-;
+ } else {
+ qq-( $column IS NULL OR $column = '' )-;
+ }
+ } else {
+ qq-( $column IS NULL OR $column = "" )-;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $op eq '!=' ) {
+ if ( driver_name eq 'Pg' ) {
+ my $type = $dbdef->table($table)->column($column)->type;
+ if ( $type =~ /(int|serial)/i ) {
+ qq-( $column IS NOT NULL )-;
+ } else {
+ qq-( $column IS NOT NULL AND $column != '' )-;
+ }
+ } else {
+ qq-( $column IS NOT NULL AND $column != "" )-;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( driver_name eq 'Pg' ) {
+ qq-( $column $op '' )-;
+ } else {
+ qq-( $column $op "" )-;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ "$column $op ?";
+ }
+ } @real_fields ),
+ ( map {
+ my $op = '=';
+ my $column = $_;
+ if ( ref($record->{$_}) ) {
+ $op = $record->{$_}{'op'} if $record->{$_}{'op'};
+ if ( uc($op) eq 'ILIKE' ) {
+ $op = 'LIKE';
+ $record->{$_}{'value'} = lc($record->{$_}{'value'});
+ $column = "LOWER($_)";
+ }
+ $record->{$_} = $record->{$_}{'value'};
+ }
+ # ... EXISTS ( SELECT name, value FROM part_virtual_field
+ # JOIN virtual_field
+ # ON part_virtual_field.vfieldpart = virtual_field.vfieldpart
+ # WHERE recnum = svc_acct.svcnum
+ # AND (name, value) = ('egad', 'brain') )
+ my $value = $record->{$_};
+ my $subq;
+ $subq = ($value ? 'EXISTS ' : 'NOT EXISTS ') .
+ "( SELECT, virtual_field.value ".
+ "FROM part_virtual_field JOIN virtual_field ".
+ "ON part_virtual_field.vfieldpart = virtual_field.vfieldpart ".
+ "WHERE virtual_field.recnum = ${table}.${pkey} ".
+ "AND = '${column}'".
+ ($value ?
+ " AND virtual_field.value ${op} '${value}'"
+ : "") . ")";
+ $subq;
+ } @virtual_fields ) );
+ }
+ $statement .= " $extra_sql" if defined($extra_sql);
+ warn "[debug]$me $statement\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement)
+ or croak "$dbh->errstr doing $statement";
+ my $bind = 1;
+ foreach my $field (
+ grep defined( $record->{$_} ) && $record->{$_} ne '', @real_fields
+ ) {
+ if ( $record->{$field} =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/
+ && $dbdef->table($table)->column($field)->type =~ /(int|serial)/i
+ ) {
+ $sth->bind_param($bind++, $record->{$field}, { TYPE => SQL_INTEGER } );
+ } else {
+ $sth->bind_param($bind++, $record->{$field}, { TYPE => SQL_VARCHAR } );
+ }
+ }
+# $sth->execute( map $record->{$_},
+# grep defined( $record->{$_} ) && $record->{$_} ne '', @fields
+# ) or croak "Error executing \"$statement\": ". $sth->errstr;
+ $sth->execute or croak "Error executing \"$statement\": ". $sth->errstr;
+ if ( eval 'scalar(@FS::'. $table. '::ISA);' ) {
+ @virtual_fields = "FS::$table"->virtual_fields;
+ } else {
+ cluck "warning: FS::$table not loaded; virtual fields not returned either";
+ @virtual_fields = ();
+ }
+ my %result;
+ tie %result, "Tie::IxHash";
+ my @stuff = @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ) };
+ if($pkey) {
+ %result = map { $_->{$pkey}, $_ } @stuff;
+ } else {
+ @result{@stuff} = @stuff;
+ }
+ $sth->finish;
+ if ( keys(%result) and @virtual_fields ) {
+ $statement =
+ "SELECT virtual_field.recnum,, ".
+ "virtual_field.value ".
+ "FROM part_virtual_field JOIN virtual_field USING (vfieldpart) ".
+ "WHERE part_virtual_field.dbtable = '$table' AND ".
+ "virtual_field.recnum IN (".
+ join(',', keys(%result)). ") AND IN ('".
+ join(q!', '!, @virtual_fields) . "')";
+ warn "[debug]$me $statement\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or croak "$dbh->errstr doing $statement";
+ $sth->execute or croak "Error executing \"$statement\": ". $sth->errstr;
+ foreach (@{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}) }) {
+ my $recnum = $_->{recnum};
+ my $name = $_->{name};
+ my $value = $_->{value};
+ if (exists($result{$recnum})) {
+ $result{$recnum}->{$name} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( eval 'scalar(@FS::'. $table. '::ISA);' ) {
+ if ( eval 'FS::'. $table. '->can(\'new\')' eq \&new ) {
+ #derivied class didn't override new method, so this optimization is safe
+ if ( $cache ) {
+ map {
+ new_or_cached( "FS::$table", { %{$_} }, $cache )
+ } values(%result);
+ } else {
+ map {
+ new( "FS::$table", { %{$_} } )
+ } values(%result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "untested code (class FS::$table uses custom new method)";
+ map {
+ eval 'FS::'. $table. '->new( { %{$_} } )';
+ } values(%result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cluck "warning: FS::$table not loaded; returning FS::Record objects";
+ map {
+ FS::Record->new( $table, { %{$_} } );
+ } values(%result);
+ }
+Experimental JOINed search method. Using this method, you can execute a
+single SELECT spanning multiple tables, and cache the results for subsequent
+method calls. Interface will almost definately change in an incompatible
+sub jsearch {
+ my($table, $record, $select, $extra_sql, $ptable, $pkey ) = @_;
+ my $cache = FS::SearchCache->new( $ptable, $pkey );
+ my %saw;
+ ( $cache,
+ grep { !$saw{$_->getfield($pkey)}++ }
+ qsearch($table, $record, $select, $extra_sql, $cache )
+ );
+=item qsearchs TABLE, HASHREF
+Same as qsearch, except that if more than one record matches, it B<carp>s but
+returns the first. If this happens, you either made a logic error in asking
+for a single item, or your data is corrupted.
+sub qsearchs { # $result_record = &FS::Record:qsearchs('table',\%hash);
+ my $table = $_[0];
+ my(@result) = qsearch(@_);
+ carp "warning: Multiple records in scalar search ($table)"
+ if scalar(@result) > 1;
+ #should warn more vehemently if the search was on a primary key?
+ scalar(@result) ? ($result[0]) : ();
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item table
+Returns the table name.
+sub table {
+# cluck "warning: FS::Record::table deprecated; supply one in subclass!";
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self -> {'Table'};
+=item dbdef_table
+Returns the DBIx::DBSchema::Table object for the table.
+sub dbdef_table {
+ my($self)=@_;
+ my($table)=$self->table;
+ $dbdef->table($table);
+=item get, getfield COLUMN
+Returns the value of the column/field/key COLUMN.
+sub get {
+ my($self,$field) = @_;
+ # to avoid "Use of unitialized value" errors
+ if ( defined ( $self->{Hash}->{$field} ) ) {
+ $self->{Hash}->{$field};
+ } else {
+ '';
+ }
+sub getfield {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->get(@_);
+=item set, setfield COLUMN, VALUE
+Sets the value of the column/field/key COLUMN to VALUE. Returns VALUE.
+sub set {
+ my($self,$field,$value) = @_;
+ $self->{'modified'} = 1;
+ $self->{'Hash'}->{$field} = $value;
+sub setfield {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->set(@_);
+$record->column is a synonym for $record->get('column');
+$record->column('value') is a synonym for $record->set('column','value');
+# readable/safe
+ my($self,$value)=@_;
+ my($field)=$AUTOLOAD;
+ $field =~ s/.*://;
+ if ( defined($value) ) {
+ confess "errant AUTOLOAD $field for $self (arg $value)"
+ unless ref($self) && $self->can('setfield');
+ $self->setfield($field,$value);
+ } else {
+ confess "errant AUTOLOAD $field for $self (no args)"
+ unless ref($self) && $self->can('getfield');
+ $self->getfield($field);
+ }
+# efficient
+#sub AUTOLOAD {
+# my $field = $AUTOLOAD;
+# $field =~ s/.*://;
+# if ( defined($_[1]) ) {
+# $_[0]->setfield($field, $_[1]);
+# } else {
+# $_[0]->getfield($field);
+# }
+=item hash
+Returns a list of the column/value pairs, usually for assigning to a new hash.
+To make a distinct duplicate of an FS::Record object, you can do:
+ $new = new FS::Record ( $old->table, { $old->hash } );
+sub hash {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ confess $self. ' -> hash: Hash attribute is undefined'
+ unless defined($self->{'Hash'});
+ %{ $self->{'Hash'} };
+=item hashref
+Returns a reference to the column/value hash. This may be deprecated in the
+future; if there's a reason you can't just use the autoloaded or get/set
+methods, speak up.
+sub hashref {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ $self->{'Hash'};
+=item modified
+Returns true if any of this object's values have been modified with set (or via
+an autoloaded method). Doesn't yet recognize when you retreive a hashref and
+modify that.
+sub modified {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'modified'};
+=item insert
+Inserts this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error,
+otherwise returns false.
+sub insert {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $error = $self->check;
+ return $error if $error;
+ #single-field unique keys are given a value if false
+ foreach ( $self->dbdef_table->unique->singles ) {
+ $self->unique($_) unless $self->getfield($_);
+ }
+ #and also the primary key, if the database isn't going to
+ my $primary_key = $self->dbdef_table->primary_key;
+ my $db_seq = 0;
+ if ( $primary_key ) {
+ my $col = $self->dbdef_table->column($primary_key);
+ $db_seq =
+ uc($col->type) eq 'SERIAL'
+ || ( driver_name eq 'Pg'
+ && defined($col->default)
+ && $col->default =~ /^nextval\(/i
+ )
+ || ( driver_name eq 'mysql'
+ && defined($col->local)
+ && $col->local =~ /AUTO_INCREMENT/i
+ );
+ $self->unique($primary_key) unless $self->getfield($primary_key) || $db_seq;
+ }
+ my $table = $self->table;
+ #false laziness w/delete
+ my @real_fields =
+ grep defined($self->getfield($_)) && $self->getfield($_) ne "",
+ real_fields($table)
+ ;
+ my @values = map { _quote( $self->getfield($_), $table, $_) } @real_fields;
+ #eslaf
+ my $statement = "INSERT INTO $table ( ".
+ join( ', ', @real_fields ).
+ ") VALUES (".
+ join( ', ', @values ).
+ ")"
+ ;
+ warn "[debug]$me $statement\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+ my $sth = dbh->prepare($statement) or return dbh->errstr;
+ local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ $sth->execute or return $sth->errstr;
+ my $insertid = '';
+ if ( $db_seq ) { # get inserted id from the database, if applicable
+ warn "[debug]$me retreiving sequence from database\n" if $DEBUG;
+ if ( driver_name eq 'Pg' ) {
+ my $oid = $sth->{'pg_oid_status'};
+ my $i_sql = "SELECT $primary_key FROM $table WHERE oid = ?";
+ my $i_sth = dbh->prepare($i_sql) or do {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return dbh->errstr;
+ };
+ $i_sth->execute($oid) or do {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return $i_sth->errstr;
+ };
+ $insertid = $i_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
+ } elsif ( driver_name eq 'mysql' ) {
+ $insertid = dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
+ # work around mysql_insertid being null some of the time, ala RT :/
+ unless ( $insertid ) {
+ warn "WARNING: DBD::mysql didn't return mysql_insertid; ".
+ my $i_sql = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()";
+ my $i_sth = dbh->prepare($i_sql) or do {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return dbh->errstr;
+ };
+ $i_sth->execute or do {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return $i_sth->errstr;
+ };
+ $insertid = $i_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return "don't know how to retreive inserted ids from ". driver_name.
+ ", try using counterfiles (maybe run dbdef-create?)";
+ }
+ $self->setfield($primary_key, $insertid);
+ }
+ my @virtual_fields =
+ grep defined($self->getfield($_)) && $self->getfield($_) ne "",
+ $self->virtual_fields;
+ if (@virtual_fields) {
+ my %v_values = map { $_, $self->getfield($_) } @virtual_fields;
+ my $vfieldpart = $self->vfieldpart_hashref;
+ my $v_statement = "INSERT INTO virtual_field(recnum, vfieldpart, value) ".
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
+ my $v_sth = dbh->prepare($v_statement) or do {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return dbh->errstr;
+ };
+ foreach (keys(%v_values)) {
+ $v_sth->execute($self->getfield($primary_key),
+ $vfieldpart->{$_},
+ $v_values{$_})
+ or do {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return $v_sth->errstr;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ my $h_sth;
+ if ( defined $dbdef->table('h_'. $table) ) {
+ my $h_statement = $self->_h_statement('insert');
+ warn "[debug]$me $h_statement\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ $h_sth = dbh->prepare($h_statement) or do {
+ dbh->rollback if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ return dbh->errstr;
+ };
+ } else {
+ $h_sth = '';
+ }
+ $h_sth->execute or return $h_sth->errstr if $h_sth;
+ dbh->commit or croak dbh->errstr if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ '';
+=item add
+Depriciated (use insert instead).
+sub add {
+ cluck "warning: FS::Record::add deprecated!";
+ insert @_; #call method in this scope
+=item delete
+Delete this record from the database. If there is an error, returns the error,
+otherwise returns false.
+sub delete {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $statement = "DELETE FROM ". $self->table. " WHERE ". join(' AND ',
+ map {
+ $self->getfield($_) eq ''
+ #? "( $_ IS NULL OR $_ = \"\" )"
+ ? ( driver_name eq 'Pg'
+ ? "$_ IS NULL"
+ : "( $_ IS NULL OR $_ = \"\" )"
+ )
+ : "$_ = ". _quote($self->getfield($_),$self->table,$_)
+ } ( $self->dbdef_table->primary_key )
+ ? ( $self->dbdef_table->primary_key)
+ : real_fields($self->table)
+ );
+ warn "[debug]$me $statement\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+ my $sth = dbh->prepare($statement) or return dbh->errstr;
+ my $h_sth;
+ if ( defined $dbdef->table('h_'. $self->table) ) {
+ my $h_statement = $self->_h_statement('delete');
+ warn "[debug]$me $h_statement\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ $h_sth = dbh->prepare($h_statement) or return dbh->errstr;
+ } else {
+ $h_sth = '';
+ }
+ my $primary_key = $self->dbdef_table->primary_key;
+ my $v_sth;
+ my @del_vfields;
+ my $vfp = $self->vfieldpart_hashref;
+ foreach($self->virtual_fields) {
+ next if $self->getfield($_) eq '';
+ unless(@del_vfields) {
+ my $st = "DELETE FROM virtual_field WHERE recnum = ? AND vfieldpart = ?";
+ $v_sth = dbh->prepare($st) or return dbh->errstr;
+ }
+ push @del_vfields, $_;
+ }
+ local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ my $rc = $sth->execute or return $sth->errstr;
+ #not portable #return "Record not found, statement:\n$statement" if $rc eq "0E0";
+ $h_sth->execute or return $h_sth->errstr if $h_sth;
+ $v_sth->execute($self->getfield($primary_key), $vfp->{$_})
+ or return $v_sth->errstr
+ foreach (@del_vfields);
+ dbh->commit or croak dbh->errstr if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ #no need to needlessly destoy the data either (causes problems actually)
+ #undef $self; #no need to keep object!
+ '';
+=item del
+Depriciated (use delete instead).
+sub del {
+ cluck "warning: FS::Record::del deprecated!";
+ &delete(@_); #call method in this scope
+=item replace OLD_RECORD
+Replace the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error,
+returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub replace {
+ my $new = shift;
+ my $old;
+ if ( @_ ) {
+ $old = shift;
+ } else {
+ warn "[debug]$me replace called with no arguments; autoloading old record\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ my $primary_key = $new->dbdef_table->primary_key;
+ if ( $primary_key ) {
+ $old = qsearchs($new->table, { $primary_key => $new->$primary_key() } )
+ or croak "can't find ". $new->table. ".$primary_key ".
+ $new->$primary_key();
+ } else {
+ croak $new->table. " has no primary key; pass old record as argument";
+ }
+ }
+ warn "[debug]$me $new ->replace $old\n" if $DEBUG;
+ return "Records not in same table!" unless $new->table eq $old->table;
+ my $primary_key = $old->dbdef_table->primary_key;
+ return "Can't change $primary_key"
+ if $primary_key
+ && ( $old->getfield($primary_key) ne $new->getfield($primary_key) );
+ my $error = $new->check;
+ return $error if $error;
+ #my @diff = grep $new->getfield($_) ne $old->getfield($_), $old->fields;
+ my %diff = map { ($new->getfield($_) ne $old->getfield($_))
+ ? ($_, $new->getfield($_)) : () } $old->fields;
+ unless ( keys(%diff) ) {
+ carp "[warning]$me $new -> replace $old: records identical";
+ return '';
+ }
+ my $statement = "UPDATE ". $old->table. " SET ". join(', ',
+ map {
+ "$_ = ". _quote($new->getfield($_),$old->table,$_)
+ } real_fields($old->table)
+ ). ' WHERE '.
+ join(' AND ',
+ map {
+ $old->getfield($_) eq ''
+ #? "( $_ IS NULL OR $_ = \"\" )"
+ ? ( driver_name eq 'Pg'
+ ? "( $_ IS NULL OR $_ = '' )"
+ : "( $_ IS NULL OR $_ = \"\" )"
+ )
+ : "$_ = ". _quote($old->getfield($_),$old->table,$_)
+ } ( $primary_key ? ( $primary_key ) : real_fields($old->table) )
+ )
+ ;
+ warn "[debug]$me $statement\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
+ my $sth = dbh->prepare($statement) or return dbh->errstr;
+ my $h_old_sth;
+ if ( defined $dbdef->table('h_'. $old->table) ) {
+ my $h_old_statement = $old->_h_statement('replace_old');
+ warn "[debug]$me $h_old_statement\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ $h_old_sth = dbh->prepare($h_old_statement) or return dbh->errstr;
+ } else {
+ $h_old_sth = '';
+ }
+ my $h_new_sth;
+ if ( defined $dbdef->table('h_'. $new->table) ) {
+ my $h_new_statement = $new->_h_statement('replace_new');
+ warn "[debug]$me $h_new_statement\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ $h_new_sth = dbh->prepare($h_new_statement) or return dbh->errstr;
+ } else {
+ $h_new_sth = '';
+ }
+ # For virtual fields we have three cases with different SQL
+ # statements: add, replace, delete
+ my $v_add_sth;
+ my $v_rep_sth;
+ my $v_del_sth;
+ my (@add_vfields, @rep_vfields, @del_vfields);
+ my $vfp = $old->vfieldpart_hashref;
+ foreach(grep { exists($diff{$_}) } $new->virtual_fields) {
+ if($diff{$_} eq '') {
+ # Delete
+ unless(@del_vfields) {
+ my $st = "DELETE FROM virtual_field WHERE recnum = ? ".
+ "AND vfieldpart = ?";
+ warn "[debug]$me $st\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ $v_del_sth = dbh->prepare($st) or return dbh->errstr;
+ }
+ push @del_vfields, $_;
+ } elsif($old->getfield($_) eq '') {
+ # Add
+ unless(@add_vfields) {
+ my $st = "INSERT INTO virtual_field (value, recnum, vfieldpart) ".
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
+ warn "[debug]$me $st\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ $v_add_sth = dbh->prepare($st) or return dbh->errstr;
+ }
+ push @add_vfields, $_;
+ } else {
+ # Replace
+ unless(@rep_vfields) {
+ my $st = "UPDATE virtual_field SET value = ? ".
+ "WHERE recnum = ? AND vfieldpart = ?";
+ warn "[debug]$me $st\n" if $DEBUG > 2;
+ $v_rep_sth = dbh->prepare($st) or return dbh->errstr;
+ }
+ push @rep_vfields, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ my $rc = $sth->execute or return $sth->errstr;
+ #not portable #return "Record not found (or records identical)." if $rc eq "0E0";
+ $h_old_sth->execute or return $h_old_sth->errstr if $h_old_sth;
+ $h_new_sth->execute or return $h_new_sth->errstr if $h_new_sth;
+ $v_del_sth->execute($old->getfield($primary_key),
+ $vfp->{$_})
+ or return $v_del_sth->errstr
+ foreach(@del_vfields);
+ $v_add_sth->execute($new->getfield($_),
+ $old->getfield($primary_key),
+ $vfp->{$_})
+ or return $v_add_sth->errstr
+ foreach(@add_vfields);
+ $v_rep_sth->execute($new->getfield($_),
+ $old->getfield($primary_key),
+ $vfp->{$_})
+ or return $v_rep_sth->errstr
+ foreach(@rep_vfields);
+ dbh->commit or croak dbh->errstr if $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ '';
+=item rep
+Depriciated (use replace instead).
+sub rep {
+ cluck "warning: FS::Record::rep deprecated!";
+ replace @_; #call method in this scope
+=item check
+Checks virtual fields (using check_blocks). Subclasses should still provide
+a check method to validate real fields, foreign keys, etc., and call this
+method via $self->SUPER::check.
+(FIXME: Should this method try to make sure that it I<is> being called from
+a subclass's check method, to keep the current semantics as far as possible?)
+sub check {
+ #confess "FS::Record::check not implemented; supply one in subclass!";
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $field ($self->virtual_fields) {
+ for ($self->getfield($field)) {
+ # See notes on check_block in FS::part_virtual_field.
+ eval $self->pvf($field)->check_block;
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ #this is bad, probably want to follow the stack backtrace up and see
+ #wtf happened
+ my $err = "Fatal error checking $field for $self";
+ cluck "$err: $@";
+ return "$err (see log for backtrace): $@";
+ }
+ $self->setfield($field, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ '';
+sub _h_statement {
+ my( $self, $action ) = @_;
+ my @fields =
+ grep defined($self->getfield($_)) && $self->getfield($_) ne "",
+ real_fields($self->table);
+ ;
+ my @values = map { _quote( $self->getfield($_), $self->table, $_) } @fields;
+ "INSERT INTO h_". $self->table. " ( ".
+ join(', ', qw(history_date history_user history_action), @fields ).
+ ") VALUES (".
+ join(', ', time, dbh->quote(getotaker()), dbh->quote($action), @values).
+ ")"
+ ;
+=item unique COLUMN
+B<Warning>: External use is B<deprecated>.
+Replaces COLUMN in record with a unique number, using counters in the
+filesystem. Used by the B<insert> method on single-field unique columns
+(see L<DBIx::DBSchema::Table>) and also as a fallback for primary keys
+that aren't SERIAL (Pg) or AUTO_INCREMENT (mysql).
+Returns the new value.
+sub unique {
+ my($self,$field) = @_;
+ my($table)=$self->table;
+ croak "Unique called on field $field, but it is ",
+ $self->getfield($field),
+ ", not null!"
+ if $self->getfield($field);
+ #warn "table $table is tainted" if is_tainted($table);
+ #warn "field $field is tainted" if is_tainted($field);
+ my($counter) = new File::CounterFile "$table.$field",0;
+# hack for web demo
+# getotaker() =~ /^([\w\-]{1,16})$/ or die "Illegal CGI REMOTE_USER!";
+# my($user)=$1;
+# my($counter) = new File::CounterFile "$user/$table.$field",0;
+# endhack
+ my $index = $counter->inc;
+ $index = $counter->inc while qsearchs($table, { $field=>$index } );
+ $index =~ /^(\d*)$/;
+ $index=$1;
+ $self->setfield($field,$index);
+=item ut_float COLUMN
+Check/untaint floating point numeric data: 1.1, 1, 1.1e10, 1e10. May not be
+null. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_float {
+ my($self,$field)=@_ ;
+ ($self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)$/ ||
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\d+)$/ ||
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\d+\.\d+e\d+)$/ ||
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\d+e\d+)$/)
+ or return "Illegal or empty (float) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_snumber COLUMN
+Check/untaint signed numeric data (whole numbers). May not be null. If there
+is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_snumber {
+ my($self, $field) = @_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(-?)\s*(\d+)$/
+ or return "Illegal or empty (numeric) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field, "$1$2");
+ '';
+=item ut_number COLUMN
+Check/untaint simple numeric data (whole numbers). May not be null. If there
+is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_number {
+ my($self,$field)=@_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\d+)$/
+ or return "Illegal or empty (numeric) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_numbern COLUMN
+Check/untaint simple numeric data (whole numbers). May be null. If there is
+an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_numbern {
+ my($self,$field)=@_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\d*)$/
+ or return "Illegal (numeric) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_money COLUMN
+Check/untaint monetary numbers. May be negative. Set to 0 if null. If there
+is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_money {
+ my($self,$field)=@_;
+ $self->setfield($field, 0) if $self->getfield($field) eq '';
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\-)? ?(\d*)(\.\d{2})?$/
+ or return "Illegal (money) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ #$self->setfield($field, "$1$2$3" || 0);
+ $self->setfield($field, ( ($1||''). ($2||''). ($3||'') ) || 0);
+ '';
+=item ut_text COLUMN
+Check/untaint text. Alphanumerics, spaces, and the following punctuation
+symbols are currently permitted: ! @ # $ % & ( ) - + ; : ' " , . ? / =
+May not be null. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns
+sub ut_text {
+ my($self,$field)=@_;
+ #warn "msgcat ". \&msgcat. "\n";
+ #warn "notexist ". \&notexist. "\n";
+ #warn "AUTOLOAD ". \&AUTOLOAD. "\n";
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^([\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=]+)$/
+ or return gettext('illegal_or_empty_text'). " $field: ".
+ $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_textn COLUMN
+Check/untaint text. Alphanumerics, spaces, and the following punctuation
+symbols are currently permitted: ! @ # $ % & ( ) - + ; : ' " , . ? /
+May be null. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_textn {
+ my($self,$field)=@_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^([\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=]*)$/
+ or return gettext('illegal_text'). " $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_alpha COLUMN
+Check/untaint alphanumeric strings (no spaces). May not be null. If there is
+an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_alpha {
+ my($self,$field)=@_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\w+)$/
+ or return "Illegal or empty (alphanumeric) $field: ".
+ $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_alpha COLUMN
+Check/untaint alphanumeric strings (no spaces). May be null. If there is an
+error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+sub ut_alphan {
+ my($self,$field)=@_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\w*)$/
+ or return "Illegal (alphanumeric) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_phonen COLUMN [ COUNTRY ]
+Check/untaint phone numbers. May be null. If there is an error, returns
+the error, otherwise returns false.
+Takes an optional two-letter ISO country code; without it or with unsupported
+countries, ut_phonen simply calls ut_alphan.
+sub ut_phonen {
+ my( $self, $field, $country ) = @_;
+ return $self->ut_alphan($field) unless defined $country;
+ my $phonen = $self->getfield($field);
+ if ( $phonen eq '' ) {
+ $self->setfield($field,'');
+ } elsif ( $country eq 'US' || $country eq 'CA' ) {
+ $phonen =~ s/\D//g;
+ $phonen =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d*)$/
+ or return gettext('illegal_phone'). " $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $phonen = "$1-$2-$3";
+ $phonen .= " x$4" if $4;
+ $self->setfield($field,$phonen);
+ } else {
+ warn "warning: don't know how to check phone numbers for country $country";
+ return $self->ut_textn($field);
+ }
+ '';
+=item ut_ip COLUMN
+Check/untaint ip addresses. IPv4 only for now.
+sub ut_ip {
+ my( $self, $field ) = @_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/
+ or return "Illegal (IP address) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ for ( $1, $2, $3, $4 ) { return "Illegal (IP address) $field" if $_ > 255; }
+ $self->setfield($field, "$1.$2.$3.$4");
+ '';
+=item ut_ipn COLUMN
+Check/untaint ip addresses. IPv4 only for now. May be null.
+sub ut_ipn {
+ my( $self, $field ) = @_;
+ if ( $self->getfield($field) =~ /^()$/ ) {
+ $self->setfield($field,'');
+ '';
+ } else {
+ $self->ut_ip($field);
+ }
+=item ut_domain COLUMN
+Check/untaint host and domain names.
+sub ut_domain {
+ my( $self, $field ) = @_;
+ #$self->getfield($field) =~/^(\w+\.)*\w+$/
+ $self->getfield($field) =~/^(([\w\-]+\.)*\w+)$/
+ or return "Illegal (domain) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_name COLUMN
+Check/untaint proper names; allows alphanumerics, spaces and the following
+punctuation: , . - '
+May not be null.
+sub ut_name {
+ my( $self, $field ) = @_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^([\w \,\.\-\']+)$/
+ or return gettext('illegal_name'). " $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+=item ut_zip COLUMN
+Check/untaint zip codes.
+sub ut_zip {
+ my( $self, $field, $country ) = @_;
+ if ( $country eq 'US' ) {
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /\s*(\d{5}(\-\d{4})?)\s*$/
+ or return gettext('illegal_zip'). " $field for country $country: ".
+ $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ } else {
+ if ( $self->getfield($field) =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
+ $self->setfield($field,'');
+ } else {
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^\s*(\w[\w\-\s]{2,8}\w)\s*$/
+ or return gettext('illegal_zip'). " $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ }
+ }
+ '';
+=item ut_country COLUMN
+Check/untaint country codes. Country names are changed to codes, if possible -
+see L<Locale::Country>.
+sub ut_country {
+ my( $self, $field ) = @_;
+ unless ( $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\w\w)$/ ) {
+ if ( $self->getfield($field) =~ /^([\w \,\.\(\)\']+)$/
+ && country2code($1) ) {
+ $self->setfield($field,uc(country2code($1)));
+ }
+ }
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(\w\w)$/
+ or return "Illegal (country) $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,uc($1));
+ '';
+=item ut_anything COLUMN
+Untaints arbitrary data. Be careful.
+sub ut_anything {
+ my( $self, $field ) = @_;
+ $self->getfield($field) =~ /^(.*)$/s
+ or return "Illegal $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+ $self->setfield($field,$1);
+ '';
+Check/untaint a column, supplying all possible choices, like the "enum" type.
+sub ut_enum {
+ my( $self, $field, $choices ) = @_;
+ foreach my $choice ( @$choices ) {
+ if ( $self->getfield($field) eq $choice ) {
+ $self->setfield($choice);
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ return "Illegal (enum) field $field: ". $self->getfield($field);
+Check/untaint a foreign column key. Call a regular ut_ method (like ut_number)
+on the column first.
+sub ut_foreign_key {
+ my( $self, $field, $table, $foreign ) = @_;
+ qsearchs($table, { $foreign => $self->getfield($field) })
+ or return "Can't find $field ". $self->getfield($field).
+ " in $table.$foreign";
+ '';
+Like ut_foreign_key, except the null value is also allowed.
+sub ut_foreign_keyn {
+ my( $self, $field, $table, $foreign ) = @_;
+ $self->getfield($field)
+ ? $self->ut_foreign_key($field, $table, $foreign)
+ : '';
+=item virtual_fields [ TABLE ]
+Returns a list of virtual fields defined for the table. This should not
+be exported, and should only be called as an instance or class method.
+sub virtual_fields {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table;
+ $table = $self->table or confess "virtual_fields called on non-table";
+ confess "Unknown table $table" unless $dbdef->table($table);
+ return () unless $self->dbdef->table('part_virtual_field');
+ unless ( $virtual_fields_cache{$table} ) {
+ my $query = 'SELECT name from part_virtual_field ' .
+ "WHERE dbtable = '$table'";
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $result = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($query);
+ confess $dbh->errstr if $dbh->err;
+ $virtual_fields_cache{$table} = $result;
+ }
+ @{$virtual_fields_cache{$table}};
+=item fields [ TABLE ]
+This is a wrapper for real_fields and virtual_fields. Code that called
+fields before should probably continue to call fields.
+sub fields {
+ my $something = shift;
+ my $table;
+ if($something->isa('FS::Record')) {
+ $table = $something->table;
+ } else {
+ $table = $something;
+ $something = "FS::$table";
+ }
+ return (real_fields($table), $something->virtual_fields());
+=item pvf FIELD_NAME
+Returns the FS::part_virtual_field object corresponding to a field in the
+record (specified by FIELD_NAME).
+sub pvf {
+ my ($self, $name) = (shift, shift);
+ if(grep /^$name$/, $self->virtual_fields) {
+ return qsearchs('part_virtual_field', { dbtable => $self->table,
+ name => $name } );
+ }
+ ''
+=over 4
+=item real_fields [ TABLE ]
+Returns a list of the real columns in the specified table. Called only by
+fields() and other subroutines elsewhere in FS::Record.
+sub real_fields {
+ my $table = shift;
+ my($table_obj) = $dbdef->table($table);
+ confess "Unknown table $table" unless $table_obj;
+ $table_obj->columns;
+=item reload_dbdef([FILENAME])
+Load a database definition (see L<DBIx::DBSchema>), optionally from a
+non-default filename. This command is executed at startup unless
+I<$FS::Record::setup_hack> is true. Returns a DBIx::DBSchema object.
+sub reload_dbdef {
+ my $file = shift || $dbdef_file;
+ unless ( exists $dbdef_cache{$file} ) {
+ warn "[debug]$me loading dbdef for $file\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $dbdef_cache{$file} = DBIx::DBSchema->load( $file )
+ or die "can't load database schema from $file";
+ } else {
+ warn "[debug]$me re-using cached dbdef for $file\n" if $DEBUG;
+ }
+ $dbdef = $dbdef_cache{$file};
+=item dbdef
+Returns the current database definition. See L<DBIx::DBSchema>.
+sub dbdef { $dbdef; }
+=item _quote VALUE, TABLE, COLUMN
+This is an internal function used to construct SQL statements. It returns
+VALUE DBI-quoted (see L<DBI/"quote">) unless VALUE is a number and the column
+type (see L<DBIx::DBSchema::Column>) does not end in `char' or `binary'.
+sub _quote {
+ my($value, $table, $column) = @_;
+ my $column_obj = $dbdef->table($table)->column($column);
+ my $column_type = $column_obj->type;
+ if ( $value eq '' && $column_type =~ /^int/ ) {
+ if ( $column_obj->null ) {
+ 'NULL';
+ } else {
+ cluck "WARNING: Attempting to set non-null integer $table.$column null; ".
+ "using 0 instead";
+ 0;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $value =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/ &&
+ ! $column_type =~ /(char|binary|text)$/i ) {
+ $value;
+ } else {
+ dbh->quote($value);
+ }
+=item vfieldpart_hashref TABLE
+Returns a hashref of virtual field names and vfieldparts applicable to the given
+sub vfieldpart_hashref {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->table;
+ return {} unless $self->dbdef->table('part_virtual_field');
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $statement = "SELECT vfieldpart, name FROM part_virtual_field WHERE ".
+ "dbtable = '$table'";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);
+ $sth->execute or croak "Execution of '$statement' failed: ".$dbh->errstr;
+ return { map { $_->{name}, $_->{vfieldpart} }
+ @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref({})} };
+=item hfields TABLE
+This is deprecated. Don't use it.
+It returns a hash-type list with the fields of this record's table set true.
+sub hfields {
+ carp "warning: hfields is deprecated";
+ my($table)=@_;
+ my(%hash);
+ foreach (fields($table)) {
+ $hash{$_}=1;
+ }
+ \%hash;
+sub _dump {
+ my($self)=@_;
+ join("\n", map {
+ "$_: ". $self->getfield($_). "|"
+ } (fields($self->table)) );
+sub DESTROY { return; }
+#sub DESTROY {
+# my $self = shift;
+# #use Carp qw(cluck);
+# #cluck "DESTROYING $self";
+# warn "DESTROYING $self";
+#sub is_tainted {
+# return ! eval { join('',@_), kill 0; 1; };
+# }
+=head1 BUGS
+This module should probably be renamed, since much of the functionality is
+of general use. It is not completely unlike Adapter::DBI (see below).
+Exported qsearch and qsearchs should be deprecated in favor of method calls
+(against an FS::Record object like the old search and searchs that qsearch
+and qsearchs were on top of.)
+The whole fields / hfields mess should be removed.
+The various WHERE clauses should be subroutined.
+table string should be deprecated in favor of DBIx::DBSchema::Table.
+No doubt we could benefit from a Tied hash. Documenting how exists / defined
+true maps to the database (and WHERE clauses) would also help.
+The ut_ methods should ask the dbdef for a default length.
+ut_sqltype (like ut_varchar) should all be defined
+A fallback check method should be provided which uses the dbdef.
+The ut_money method assumes money has two decimal digits.
+The Pg money kludge in the new method only strips `$'.
+The ut_phonen method only checks US-style phone numbers.
+The _quote function should probably use ut_float instead of a regex.
+All the subroutines probably should be methods, here or elsewhere.
+Probably should borrow/use some dbdef methods where appropriate (like sub
+As of 1.14, DBI fetchall_hashref( {} ) doesn't set fetchrow_hashref NAME_lc,
+or allow it to be set. Working around it is ugly any way around - DBI should
+be fixed. (only affects RDBMS which return uppercase column names)
+ut_zip should take an optional country like ut_phone.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<DBIx::DBSchema>, L<FS::UID>, L<DBI>
+Adapter::DBI from Ch. 11 of Advanced Perl Programming by Sriram Srinivasan.