diff options
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/htetc/global.asa b/htetc/global.asa
deleted file mode 100644
index bb30608a4..000000000
--- a/htetc/global.asa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-BEGIN { eval "use Devel::AutoProfiler;"; } #only if installed...
-#BEGIN { package Devel::AutoProfiler; use vars qw(%caller_info); }
-#use Devel::AutoProfiler;
-use strict;
-use vars qw( $cgi $p );
-use Apache::ASP 2.55;
-use CGI 2.47;
-#use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
-use Date::Format;
-use Date::Parse;
-use Time::Local;
-use Time::Duration;
-use Tie::IxHash;
-use URI::Escape;
-use HTML::Entities;
-use JSON;
-use IO::Handle;
-use IO::File;
-use IO::Scalar;
-use Net::Whois::Raw qw(whois);
-if ( $] < 5.006 ) {
- eval "use Net::Whois::Raw 0.32 qw(whois)";
- die $@ if $@;
-use Text::CSV_XS;
-use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
-use Business::CreditCard;
-use String::Approx qw(amatch);
-use Chart::LinesPoints;
-use HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers 0.05;
-use FS;
-use FS::UID qw(cgisuidsetup dbh getotaker datasrc driver_name);
-use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs fields dbdef);
-use FS::Conf;
-use FS::CGI qw(header menubar popurl table itable ntable idiot eidiot
- small_custview myexit http_header);
-use FS::UI::Web;
-use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext geterror);
-use FS::Misc qw( send_email );
-use FS::Report::Table::Monthly;
-use FS::TicketSystem;
-use FS::agent;
-use FS::agent_type;
-use FS::domain_record;
-use FS::cust_bill;
-use FS::cust_bill_pay;
-use FS::cust_credit;
-use FS::cust_credit_bill;
-use FS::cust_main qw(smart_search);
-use FS::cust_main_county;
-use FS::cust_pay;
-use FS::cust_pkg;
-use FS::cust_refund;
-use FS::cust_svc;
-use FS::nas;
-use FS::part_bill_event;
-use FS::part_pkg;
-use FS::part_referral;
-use FS::part_svc;
-use FS::part_svc_router;
-use FS::part_virtual_field;
-use FS::pkg_svc;
-use FS::port;
-use FS::queue qw(joblisting);
-use FS::raddb;
-use FS::session;
-use FS::svc_acct;
-use FS::svc_acct_pop qw(popselector);
-use FS::svc_domain;
-use FS::svc_forward;
-use FS::svc_www;
-use FS::router;
-use FS::addr_block;
-use FS::svc_broadband;
-use FS::svc_external;
-use FS::type_pkgs;
-use FS::part_export;
-use FS::part_export_option;
-use FS::export_svc;
-use FS::msgcat;
-use FS::rate;
-use FS::rate_region;
-use FS::rate_prefix;
-use FS::payment_gateway;
-use FS::agent_payment_gateway;
-sub Script_OnStart {
- $Response->AddHeader('Cache-control' => 'no-cache');
-# $Response->AddHeader('Expires' => 0);
- $Response->{Expires} = -36288000;
- $cgi = new CGI;
- &cgisuidsetup($cgi);
- $p = popurl(2);
- #print $cgi->header( '-expires' => 'now' );
- #dbh->{'private_profile'} = {} if dbh->can('sprintProfile');
- dbh->{'private_profile'} = {} if UNIVERSAL::can(dbh, 'sprintProfile');
- #really should check for FS::Profiler or something
- # Devel::AutoProfiler _our_ VERSION? thanks a fucking lot
- if ( Devel::AutoProfiler->can('__recursively_fetch_subs_in_package') ) {
- #should check to see it's my special version. well, switch to FS::Profiler
- #nicked from Devel::AutoProfiler::INIT
- my %subs = Devel::AutoProfiler::__recursively_fetch_subs_in_package('main');
- SUB : while( my ($name, $ref) = each(%subs) )
- {
- #next if $name =~ /^(main::)?Apache::/;
- next unless $name =~ /FS/;
- foreach my $sub (@Devel::AutoProfiler::do_not_instrument_this_sub)
- {
- if ($name =~ /$sub/)
- {
- next SUB;
- }
- }
- next if ($Devel::AutoProfiler::do_not_instrument_this_sub{$name});
- #warn "INIT name is $name \n";
- Devel::AutoProfiler::__instrument_sub($name, $ref);
- }
- }
-sub Script_OnFlush {
- my $ref = $Response->{BinaryRef};
- #$$ref = $cgi->header( @FS::CGI::header ) . $$ref;
- #$$ref = $cgi->header() . $$ref;
- #warn "Script_OnFlush called with dbh ". dbh. "\n";
- #if ( dbh->can('sprintProfile') ) {
- if ( UNIVERSAL::can(dbh, 'sprintProfile') ) {
- #warn "dbh can sprintProfile\n";
- if ( lc($Response->{ContentType}) eq 'text/html' ) { #con
- #warn "contenttype is sprintProfile\n";
- $$ref =~ s/<\/BODY>[\s\n]*<\/HTML>[\s\n]*$//i
- or warn "can't remove";
- #$$ref .= '<PRE>'. ("\n"x96). encode_entities(dbh->sprintProfile()). '</PRE>';
- # wtf? konqueror...
- $$ref .= '<PRE>'. ("\n"x4096). encode_entities(dbh->sprintProfile()).
- "\n\n". &sprintAutoProfile(). '</PRE>';
- $$ref .= '</BODY></HTML>';
- }
- dbh->{'private_profile'} = {};
- }
-#if ( defined(@DBIx::Profile::ISA) && DBIx::Profile::db->can('sprintProfile') ) {
-#if ( defined(@DBIx::Profile::ISA) && UNIVERSAL::can('DBIx::Profile::db', 'sprintProfile') ) {
-if ( defined(@DBIx::Profile::ISA) ) {
- #warn "enabling profiling redirects";
- *CGI::redirect = sub {
- my( $self, $location) = @_;
- my $page =
- $cgi->header.
- qq!<HTML><BODY>Redirect to <A HREF="$location">$location</A>!.
- '<BR><BR><PRE>'.
- ( UNIVERSAL::can(dbh, 'sprintProfile')
- ? encode_entities(dbh->sprintProfile())
- : 'DBIx::Profile missing sprintProfile method;'.
- 'unpatched or too old?' ).
- "\n\n". &sprintAutoProfile(). '</PRE>'.
- '</BODY></HTML>';
- dbh->{'private_profile'} = {};
- return $page;
- };
-sub by_total_time
- return $a->{total_time_in_sub} <=> $b->{total_time_in_sub};
-sub sprintAutoProfile {
- my %caller_info = %Devel::AutoProfiler::caller_info;
- return unless keys %caller_info;
- %Devel::AutoProfiler::caller_info = ();
- my @keys = keys(%caller_info);
- foreach my $key (@keys)
- {
- my $href = $caller_info{$key};
- $href->{who_am_i} = $key;
- }
- my @subs = values(%caller_info);
- #my @sorted = sort by_total_time ( @subs );
- my @sorted = reverse sort by_total_time ( @subs );
- # print Dumper \@sorted;
- my @readable_info;
- foreach my $sort (@sorted)
- {
- push(@readable_info, delete($sort->{who_am_i}));
- push(@readable_info, $sort);
- }
- use Data::Dumper;
- return encode_entities(Dumper(\@readable_info));
-sub include {
- my $file = shift;
- my $shift = 0;
- if ( $file =~ m(^([^/].*)/[^/]+) ) {
- unshift @{$Response->{asp}{includes_dir}}, "./$1";
- $shift = 1;
- }
- $file =~ s(^/)(%%%FREESIDE_DOCUMENT_ROOT%%%/);
- #broken in 5.005# ${$Response->TrapInclude($file, @_)};
- my $ref = $Response->TrapInclude($file, @_);
- shift @{$Response->{asp}{includes_dir}} if $shift;
- $$ref;
-if ( defined(@DBIx::Profile::ISA) ) {
- #false laziness w/above
- *redirect = sub {
- my($location) = @_;
- ${$Response->{BinaryRef}} =
- $cgi->header.
- qq!<HTML><BODY>Redirect to <A HREF="$location">$location</A>!.
- '<BR><BR><PRE>'.
- ( UNIVERSAL::can(dbh, 'sprintProfile')
- ? encode_entities(dbh->sprintProfile())
- : 'DBIx::Profile missing sprintProfile method;'.
- 'unpatched or too old?' ).
- "\n\n". &sprintAutoProfile(). '</PRE>'.
- '</BODY></HTML>';
- dbh->{'private_profile'} = {};
- $Response->End;
- };
-} else {
- *redirect = sub {
- $Response->Redirect(@_);
- }
diff --git a/httemplate/docs/install.html b/httemplate/docs/install.html
index 02572759e..6e366cbbb 100644
--- a/httemplate/docs/install.html
+++ b/httemplate/docs/install.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Before installing, you need:
<li><a href="">Net-SSH</a>
<li><a href="">String-ShellQuote</a>
<li><a href="">Net-SCP</a>
- <li><a href="">HTML::Mason</a> (recommended, enables full functionality) or <a href="">Apache::ASP</a> (deprecated, integrated RT ticketing will not be available)
+ <li><a href="">HTML::Mason</a>
<li><a href="">Tie-IxHash</a>
<li><a href="">Time-Duration</a>
<li><a href="">HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers</a>
@@ -123,15 +123,7 @@ $ su
<li>Run a <b>separate</b> iteration of Apache[-SSL] with mod_perl enabled <b>as the freeside user</b>.
<li>Edit the <tt>Makefile</tt> and set <tt>TEMPLATE</tt> to <tt>asp</tt> or <tt>mason</tt>. Also set <tt>FREESIDE_DOCUMENT_ROOT</tt>.
<li>Run <tt> make install-docs</tt>.
- <tr>
- <th>Mason (recommended)</th><th>Apache::ASP (deprecated)</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top"><ul>
- <li>Configure Apache:
+<li>Configure Apache:
<font size="-1"><pre>
PerlModule HTML::Mason
# your freeside docuemnt root
@@ -145,33 +137,6 @@ require&nbsp;"/usr/local/etc/freeside/";
- </ul></td>
- <td valign="top"><ul>
- <li>Configure Apache:
-<font size="-1"><pre>
-PerlModule Apache::ASP
-# your freeside document root
-&lt;Files ~ (\.cgi|\.html)&gt;
-AddHandler perl-script .cgi .html
-PerlHandler Apache::ASP
-$MLDBM::RemoveTaint = 1;
-# your freeside document root
- </ul></td>
- </tr>
<li>Restrict access to this web interface - see the <a href="">Apache documentation on user authentication</a>. For example, to configure user authentication with <a href="">mod_auth</a> (flat files), add something like the following to your Apache httpd.conf file, adjusting for your actual paths:
#your freeside document root