diff options
8 files changed, 808 insertions, 516 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 23ef9d37a..473c7be13 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -4755,6 +4755,35 @@ and customer address. Include units.',
'type' => 'checkbox',
+ {
+ 'key' => 'cdr-prerate',
+ 'section' => 'telephony',
+ 'description' => 'Experimental feature to rate CDRs immediately, rather than waiting until invoice generation time. Can reduce invoice generation time when processing lots of CDRs. Currently works with "VoIP/telco CDR rating (standard)" price plans using "Phone numbers (svc_phone.phonenum)" CDR service matching, without any included minutes.',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox',
+ },
+ {
+ 'key' => 'cdr-prerate-cdrtypenums',
+ 'section' => 'telephony',
+ 'description' => 'When using cdr-prerate to rate CDRs immediately, limit processing to these CDR types.',
+ 'type' => 'select-sub',
+ 'multiple' => 1,
+ 'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
+ require FS::cdr_type;
+ map { $_->cdrtypenum => $_->cdrtypename }
+ FS::Record::qsearch( 'cdr_type',
+ {} #{ 'disabled' => '' }
+ );
+ },
+ 'option_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
+ require FS::cdr_type;
+ my $cdr_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
+ 'cdr_type', { 'cdrtypenum'=>shift } );
+ $cdr_type ? $cdr_type->cdrtypename : '';
+ },
+ },
{ key => "apacheroot", section => "deprecated", description => "<b>DEPRECATED</b>", type => "text" },
{ key => "apachemachine", section => "deprecated", description => "<b>DEPRECATED</b>", type => "text" },
{ key => "apachemachines", section => "deprecated", description => "<b>DEPRECATED</b>", type => "text" },
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index e3626aef1..5ab7a27f4 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -1801,11 +1801,12 @@ sub tables_hashref {
'part_svc' => {
'columns' => [
- 'svcpart', 'serial', '', '', '', '',
- 'svc', 'varchar', '', $char_d, '', '',
- 'svcdb', 'varchar', '', $char_d, '', '',
- 'disabled', 'char', 'NULL', 1, '', '',
- 'preserve', 'char', 'NULL', 1, '', '',
+ 'svcpart', 'serial', '', '', '', '',
+ 'svc', 'varchar', '', $char_d, '', '',
+ 'svcdb', 'varchar', '', $char_d, '', '',
+ 'disabled', 'char', 'NULL', 1, '', '',
+ 'preserve', 'char', 'NULL', 1, '', '',
+ #'no_selfservice', 'char', 'NULL', 1, '', '',
'primary_key' => 'svcpart',
'unique' => [],
@@ -2984,9 +2985,15 @@ sub tables_hashref {
'charged_party', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, '', '',
# how it was rated internally...
- 'rated_price', 'decimal', 'NULL', '10,4', '', '',
- 'rated_seconds', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
- 'rated_minutes', 'double precision', 'NULL', '', '', '',
+ 'rated_pretty_dst', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, '', '',
+ 'rated_regionname', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, '', '',
+ 'rated_price', 'decimal', 'NULL', '10,4', '', '',
+ 'rated_seconds', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
+ 'rated_minutes', 'double precision', 'NULL', '', '', '',
+ 'rated_granularity', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
+ 'rated_ratedetailnum', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
+ 'rated_classnum', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
+ 'rated_ratename', 'varchar', 'NULL', $char_d, '', '',
'carrierid', 'int', 'NULL', '', '', '',
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index d7a4fbdc3..0fc16587f 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ use FS::cdr_calltype;
use FS::cdr_carrier;
use FS::cdr_batch;
use FS::cdr_termination;
+use FS::rate;
+use FS::rate_prefix;
+use FS::rate_detail;
@ISA = qw(FS::Record);
@EXPORT_OK = qw( _cdr_date_parser_maker _cdr_min_parser_maker );
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ following fields are currently supported:
=item svcnum - Link to customer service (see L<FS::cust_svc>)
-=item freesidestatus - NULL, processing-tiered, done
+=item freesidestatus - NULL, processing-tiered, rated, done
=item freesiderewritestatus - NULL, done, skipped
@@ -392,13 +395,29 @@ sub set_charged_party {
-=item set_status_and_rated_price STATUS [ RATED_PRICE [ SVCNUM ] ]
+=item set_status STATUS
Sets the status to the provided string. If there is an error, returns the
error, otherwise returns false.
+sub set_status {
+ my($self, $status) = @_;
+ $self->freesidestatus($status);
+ $self->replace;
+=item set_status_and_rated_price STATUS RATED_PRICE [ SVCNUM [ OPTION => VALUE ... ] ]
+Sets the status and rated price.
+Available options are: inbound, rated_seconds, rated_minutes, rated_classnum, rated_ratename
+If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
sub set_status_and_rated_price {
my($self, $status, $rated_price, $svcnum, %opt) = @_;
@@ -426,14 +445,428 @@ sub set_status_and_rated_price {
- $self->rated_seconds($opt{rated_seconds}) if exists($opt{rated_seconds});
- $self->rated_minutes($opt{rated_minutes}) if exists($opt{rated_minutes});
+ $self->$_($opt{$_})
+ foreach grep exists($opt{$_}), map "rated_$_",
+ qw( pretty_dst regionname seconds minutes granularity
+ ratedetailnum classnum ratename );
$self->svcnum($svcnum) if $svcnum;
return $self->replace();
+=item rate [ OPTION => VALUE ... ]
+Rates this CDR according and sets the status to 'rated'.
+Available options are: part_pkg, svcnum, single_price_included_minutes, region_group, region_group_included_minutes.
+part_pkg is required.
+If svcnum is specified, will also associate this CDR with the specified svcnum.
+single_price_included_minutes is requried for single_price price plans
+(otherwise unused/ignored). It should be set to a scalar reference of the
+number of included minutes and will be decremented by the rated minutes of this
+region_group_included_minutes is required for prefix price plans which have
+included minutes (otherwise unused/ignored). It should be set to a scalar
+reference of the number of included minutes and will be decremented by the
+rated minutes of this CDR.
+region_group_included_minutes_hashref is required for prefix price plans which
+have included minues (otehrwise unused/ignored). It should be set to an empty
+hashref at the start of a month's rating and then preserved across CDRs.
+sub rate {
+ my( $self, %opt ) = @_;
+ my $part_pkg = $opt{'part_pkg'} or return "No part_pkg specified";
+ if ( $DEBUG > 1 ) {
+ warn "rating CDR $self\n".
+ join('', map { " $_ => ". $self->{$_}. "\n" } keys %$self );
+ }
+ my $rating_method = $part_pkg->option_cacheable('rating_method') || 'prefix';
+ my $method = "rate_$rating_method";
+ $self->$method(%opt);
+our %interval_cache = (); # for timed rates
+sub rate_prefix {
+ my( $self, %opt ) = @_;
+ my $part_pkg = $opt{'part_pkg'} or return "No part_pkg specified";
+ my $da_rewrote = 0;
+ # this will result in those CDRs being marked as done... is that
+ # what we want?
+ my @dirass = ();
+ if ( $part_pkg->option_cacheable('411_rewrite') ) {
+ my $dirass = $part_pkg->option_cacheable('411_rewrite');
+ $dirass =~ s/\s//g;
+ @dirass = split(',', $dirass);
+ }
+ if ( length($self->dst) && grep { $self->dst eq $_ } @dirass ) {
+ $self->dst('411');
+ $da_rewrote = 1;
+ }
+ my $reason = $part_pkg->check_chargable( $self,
+ 'da_rewrote' => $da_rewrote,
+ );
+ if ( $reason ) {
+ warn "not charging for CDR ($reason)\n" if $DEBUG;
+ return $self->set_status_and_rated_price( 'rated',
+ 0,
+ $opt{'svcnum'},
+ );
+ }
+ ###
+ # look up rate details based on called station id
+ # (or calling station id for toll free calls)
+ ###
+ my( $to_or_from, $number );
+ if ( $self->is_tollfree && ! $part_pkg->option_cacheable('disable_tollfree') )
+ { #tollfree call
+ $to_or_from = 'from';
+ $number = $self->src;
+ } else { #regular call
+ $to_or_from = 'to';
+ $number = $self->dst;
+ }
+ warn "parsing call $to_or_from $number\n" if $DEBUG;
+ #remove non-phone# stuff and whitespace
+ $number =~ s/\s//g;
+# my $proto = '';
+# $dest =~ s/^(\w+):// and $proto = $1; #sip:
+# my $siphost = '';
+# $dest =~ s/\@(.*)$// and $siphost = $1; # @,
+ #determine the country code
+ my $intl = $part_pkg->option_cacheable('international_prefix') || '011';
+ my $countrycode = '';
+ if ( $number =~ /^$intl(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
+ || $number =~ /^\+(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
+ )
+ {
+ my( $three, $two, $one, $u1, $u2, $rest ) = ( $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 );
+ #first look for 1 digit country code
+ if ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $one } ) ) {
+ $countrycode = $one;
+ $number = $u1.$u2.$rest;
+ } elsif ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $two } ) ) { #or 2
+ $countrycode = $two;
+ $number = $u2.$rest;
+ } else { #3 digit country code
+ $countrycode = $three;
+ $number = $rest;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $domestic_prefix = $part_pkg->option_cacheable('domestic_prefix');
+ $countrycode = length($domestic_prefix) ? $domestic_prefix : '1';
+ $number =~ s/^$countrycode//;# if length($number) > 10;
+ }
+ warn "rating call $to_or_from +$countrycode $number\n" if $DEBUG;
+ my $pretty_dst = "+$countrycode $number";
+ #asterisks here causes inserting the detail to barf, so:
+ $pretty_dst =~ s/\*//g;
+ my $eff_ratenum = $self->is_tollfree('accountcode')
+ ? $part_pkg->option_cacheable('accountcode_tollfree_ratenum')
+ : '';
+ my $ratename = '';
+ my $intrastate_ratenum = $part_pkg->option_cacheable('intrastate_ratenum');
+ if ( $intrastate_ratenum && !$self->is_tollfree ) {
+ $ratename = 'Interstate'; #until proven otherwise
+ # this is relatively easy only because:
+ # -assume all numbers are valid NANP numbers NOT in a fully-qualified format
+ # -disregard toll-free
+ # -disregard private or unknown numbers
+ # -there is exactly one record in rate_prefix for a given NPANXX
+ # -default to interstate if we can't find one or both of the prefixes
+ my $dstprefix = $self->dst;
+ $dstprefix =~ /^(\d{6})/;
+ $dstprefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => '1',
+ 'npa' => $1,
+ }) || '';
+ my $srcprefix = $self->src;
+ $srcprefix =~ /^(\d{6})/;
+ $srcprefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => '1',
+ 'npa' => $1,
+ }) || '';
+ if ($srcprefix && $dstprefix
+ && $srcprefix->state && $dstprefix->state
+ && $srcprefix->state eq $dstprefix->state) {
+ $eff_ratenum = $intrastate_ratenum;
+ $ratename = 'Intrastate'; # XXX possibly just use the ratename?
+ }
+ }
+ $eff_ratenum ||= $part_pkg->option_cacheable('ratenum');
+ my $rate = qsearchs('rate', { 'ratenum' => $eff_ratenum })
+ or die "ratenum $eff_ratenum not found!";
+ my @ltime = localtime($self->startdate);
+ my $weektime = $ltime[0] +
+ $ltime[1]*60 + #minutes
+ $ltime[2]*3600 + #hours
+ $ltime[6]*86400; #days since sunday
+ # if there's no timed rate_detail for this time/region combination,
+ # dest_detail returns the default. There may still be a timed rate
+ # that applies after the starttime of the call, so be careful...
+ my $rate_detail = $rate->dest_detail({ 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
+ 'phonenum' => $number,
+ 'weektime' => $weektime,
+ 'cdrtypenum' => $self->cdrtypenum,
+ });
+ unless ( $rate_detail ) {
+ if ( $part_pkg->option_cacheable('ignore_unrateable') ) {
+ if ( $part_pkg->option_cacheable('ignore_unrateable') == 2 ) {
+ # mark the CDR as unrateable
+ return $self->set_status_and_rated_price(
+ 'failed',
+ '',
+ $opt{'svcnum'},
+ );
+ } elsif ( $part_pkg->option_cacheable('ignore_unrateable') == 1 ) {
+ # warn and continue
+ warn "no rate_detail found for CDR.acctid: ". $self->acctid.
+ "; skipping\n";
+ return '';
+ } else {
+ die "unknown ignore_unrateable, pkgpart ". $part_pkg->pkgpart;
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "FATAL: no rate_detail found in ".
+ $rate->ratenum. ":". $rate->ratename. " rate plan ".
+ "for +$countrycode $number (CDR acctid ". $self->acctid. "); ".
+ "add a rate or set ignore_unrateable flag on the package def\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $rate_region = $rate_detail->dest_region;
+ my $regionnum = $rate_region->regionnum;
+ warn " found rate for regionnum $regionnum ".
+ "and rate detail $rate_detail\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ if ( !exists($interval_cache{$regionnum}) ) {
+ my @intervals = (
+ sort { $a->stime <=> $b->stime }
+ map { my $r = $_->rate_time; $r ? $r->intervals : () }
+ $rate->rate_detail
+ );
+ $interval_cache{$regionnum} = \@intervals;
+ warn " cached ".scalar(@intervals)." interval(s)\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ }
+ ###
+ # find the price and add detail to the invoice
+ ###
+ # About this section:
+ # We don't round _anything_ (except granularizing)
+ # until the final $charge = sprintf("%.2f"...).
+ my $seconds_left = $part_pkg->option_cacheable('use_duration')
+ ? $self->duration
+ : $self->billsec;
+ # charge for the first (conn_sec) seconds
+ my $seconds = min($seconds_left, $rate_detail->conn_sec);
+ $seconds_left -= $seconds;
+ $weektime += $seconds;
+ my $charge = $rate_detail->conn_charge;
+ my $etime;
+ while($seconds_left) {
+ my $ratetimenum = $rate_detail->ratetimenum; # may be empty
+ # find the end of the current rate interval
+ if(@{ $interval_cache{$regionnum} } == 0) {
+ # There are no timed rates in this group, so just stay
+ # in the default rate_detail for the entire duration.
+ # Set an "end" of 1 past the end of the current call.
+ $etime = $weektime + $seconds_left + 1;
+ }
+ elsif($ratetimenum) {
+ # This is a timed rate, so go to the etime of this interval.
+ # If it's followed by another timed rate, the stime of that
+ # interval should match the etime of this one.
+ my $interval = $rate_detail->rate_time->contains($weektime);
+ $etime = $interval->etime;
+ }
+ else {
+ # This is a default rate, so use the stime of the next
+ # interval in the sequence.
+ my $next_int = first { $_->stime > $weektime }
+ @{ $interval_cache{$regionnum} };
+ if ($next_int) {
+ $etime = $next_int->stime;
+ }
+ else {
+ # weektime is near the end of the week, so decrement
+ # it by a full week and use the stime of the first
+ # interval.
+ $weektime -= (3600*24*7);
+ $etime = $interval_cache{$regionnum}->[0]->stime;
+ }
+ }
+ my $charge_sec = min($seconds_left, $etime - $weektime);
+ $seconds_left -= $charge_sec;
+ my $included_min = $opt{'region_group_included_min_hashref'} || {};
+ $included_min->{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} = $rate_detail->min_included
+ unless exists $included_min->{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum};
+ my $granularity = $rate_detail->sec_granularity;
+ my $minutes;
+ if ( $granularity ) { # charge per minute
+ # Round up to the nearest $granularity
+ if ( $charge_sec and $charge_sec % $granularity ) {
+ $charge_sec += $granularity - ($charge_sec % $granularity);
+ }
+ $minutes = $charge_sec / 60; #don't round this
+ }
+ else { # per call
+ $minutes = 1;
+ $seconds_left = 0;
+ }
+ $seconds += $charge_sec;
+ my $region_group = ($part_pkg->option_cacheable('min_included') || 0) > 0;
+ ${$opt{region_group_included_min}} -= $minutes
+ if $region_group && $rate_detail->region_group;
+ $included_min->{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} -= $minutes;
+ if (
+ $included_min->{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} <= 0
+ && ( ${$opt{region_group_included_min}} <= 0
+ || ! $rate_detail->region_group
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ #should preserve (display?) this
+ my $charge_min = 0 - $included_min->{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum};
+ $included_min->{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} = 0;
+ $charge += ($rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min); #still not rounded
+ } elsif ( ${$opt{region_group_included_min}} > 0
+ && $region_group
+ && $rate_detail->region_group
+ )
+ {
+ $included_min->{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} = 0
+ }
+ # choose next rate_detail
+ $rate_detail = $rate->dest_detail({ 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
+ 'phonenum' => $number,
+ 'weektime' => $etime,
+ 'cdrtypenum' => $self->cdrtypenum })
+ if($seconds_left);
+ # we have now moved forward to $etime
+ $weektime = $etime;
+ } #while $seconds_left
+ # this is why we need regionnum/rate_region....
+ warn " (rate region $rate_region)\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $self->set_status_and_rated_price(
+ 'rated',
+ sprintf('%.2f', $charge + 0.000001), # NOW round it.
+ $opt{'svcnum'},
+ 'rated_pretty_dst' => $pretty_dst,
+ 'rated_regionname' => $rate_region->regionname,
+ 'rated_seconds' => $seconds,
+ 'rated_granularity' => $rate_detail->sec_granularity, #$granularity
+ 'rated_ratedetailnum' => $rate_detail->ratedetailnum,
+ 'rated_classnum' => $rate_detail->classnum, #rated_ratedetailnum?
+ 'rated_ratename' => $ratename, #not rate_detail - Intrastate/Interstate
+ );
+sub rate_upstream_simple {
+ my( $self, %opt ) = @_;
+ $self->set_status_and_rated_price( 'rated',
+ sprintf('%.3f', $self->upstream_price),
+ $opt{'svcnum'},
+ );
+sub rate_single_price {
+ my( $self, %opt ) = @_;
+ my $part_pkg = $opt{'part_pkg'} or return "No part_pkg specified";
+ # a little false laziness w/abov
+ # $rate_detail = new FS::rate_detail({sec_granularity => ... }) ?
+ my $granularity = length($part_pkg->option_cacheable('sec_granularity'))
+ ? $part_pkg->option_cacheable('sec_granularity')
+ : 60;
+ my $seconds = $part_pkg->option_cacheable('use_duration')
+ ? $self->duration
+ : $self->billsec;
+ $seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity )
+ if $seconds # don't granular-ize 0 billsec calls (bills them)
+ && $granularity # 0 is per call
+ && $seconds % $granularity;
+ my $minutes = $granularity ? ($seconds / 60) : 1;
+ my $charge_min = $minutes;
+ ${$opt{single_price_included_min}} -= $minutes;
+ if ( ${$opt{single_price_included_min}} > 0 ) {
+ $charge_min = 0;
+ } else {
+ $charge_min = 0 - ${$opt{single_price_included_min}};
+ ${$opt{single_price_included_min}} = 0;
+ }
+ my $charge =
+ sprintf('%.4f', ( $part_pkg->option_cacheable('min_charge') * $charge_min )
+ + 0.0000000001 ); #so 1.00005 rounds to 1.0001
+ $self->set_status_and_rated_price( 'rated',
+ $charge,
+ $opt{'svcnum'},
+ );
=item cdr_termination [ TERMPART ]
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 182356b3b..968dcdf79 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -323,6 +323,19 @@ sub option {
$obj ? $obj->$valuecol() : '';
+=item option_cacheable OPTIONNAME
+Same as the option method, but may cache and return a cached value.
+Good for use within loops; otherwise, probably avoid.
+sub option_cacheable {
+ my( $self, $name ) = @_;
+ return $self->{option_cache}{$name} if exists $self->{option_cache}{$name};
+ $self->{option_cache}{$name} = $self->option($name,1);
sub option_table {
my $self = shift;
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_pkg/ b/FS/FS/part_pkg/
index df1f2ccf1..bd0e9065b 100644
--- a/FS/FS/part_pkg/
+++ b/FS/FS/part_pkg/
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ use Text::CSV_XS;
use FS::Conf;
use FS::Record qw(qsearchs qsearch);
use FS::cdr;
-use FS::rate;
-use FS::rate_prefix;
-use FS::rate_detail;
+#use FS::rate;
+#use FS::rate_prefix;
+#use FS::rate_detail;
$DEBUG = 0;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ tie my %unrateable_opts, 'Tie::IxHash',
'type' => 'checkbox',
- #XXX also have option for an external db
+ #XXX also have option for an external db? these days we suck them into ours
# 'cdr_location' => { 'name' => 'CDR database location'
# 'type' => 'select',
# 'select_options' => \%cdr_location,
@@ -335,27 +335,14 @@ sub calc_usage {
if $self->recur_temporality eq 'preceding'
&& ( $last_bill eq '' || $last_bill == 0 );
- my $ratenum = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('ratenum');
- my $spool_cdr = $cust_pkg->cust_main->spool_cdr;
- my %included_min = (); #region groups w/prefix rating
- my $included_min = $self->option('min_included', 1) || 0; #single price rating
my $charges = 0;
-# my $downstream_cdr = '';
+ my $included_min = $self->option('min_included', 1) || 0; #single price rating
my $cdr_svc_method = $self->option('cdr_svc_method',1)||'svc_phone.phonenum';
my $rating_method = $self->option('rating_method') || 'prefix';
- my $intl = $self->option('international_prefix') || '011';
- my $domestic_prefix = $self->option('domestic_prefix');
- my $disable_tollfree = $self->option('disable_tollfree');
- my $ignore_unrateable = $self->option('ignore_unrateable', 'Hush!');
- my $use_duration = $self->option('use_duration');
- my $region_group = ($rating_method eq 'prefix' && ($self->option('min_included',1) || 0) > 0);
- my $region_group_included_min = $region_group ? $self->option('min_included') : 0;
+ my $region_group_included_min = $self->option('min_included',1) || 0;
+ my %region_group_included_min = ();
my $output_format = $self->option('output_format', 'Hush!')
|| ( $rating_method eq 'upstream_simple'
@@ -363,17 +350,7 @@ sub calc_usage {
: 'default'
- my @dirass = ();
- if ( $self->option('411_rewrite') ) {
- my $dirass = $self->option('411_rewrite');
- $dirass =~ s/\s//g;
- @dirass = split(',', $dirass);
- }
- my %interval_cache = (); # for timed rates
- #for check_chargable, so we don't keep looking up options inside the loop
- my %opt_cache = ();
+ my $use_duration = $self->option('use_duration');
my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS;
@@ -398,6 +375,7 @@ sub calc_usage {
else {
$svc_x = $cust_svc->svc_x;
my %options = (
'disable_src' => $self->option('disable_src'),
'default_prefix' => $self->option('default_prefix'),
@@ -409,451 +387,117 @@ sub calc_usage {
my @invoice_details_sort;
+ #first rate any outstanding CDRs not yet rated
foreach my $cdr (
$svc_x->get_cdrs( %options )
) {
- if ( $DEBUG > 1 ) {
- warn "rating CDR $cdr\n".
- join('', map { " $_ => ". $cdr->{$_}. "\n" } keys %$cdr );
- }
- my $rate_detail;
- my( $rate_region, $regionnum );
- my $rate;
- my $pretty_destnum;
- my $charge = '';
- my $seconds = '';
- my $weektime = '';
- my $regionname = '';
- my $ratename = '';
- my $classnum = '';
- my $countrycode;
- my $number;
+ my $error = $cdr->rate(
+ 'part_pkg' => $self,
+ 'svcnum' => $svc_x->svcnum,
+ 'single_price_included_min' => \$included_min,
+ 'region_group_included_min' => \$region_group_included_min,
+ 'region_group_included_min_hashref' => \%region_group_included_min,
+ );
+ die $error if $error; #??
+ } # $cdr
+ #then add details to invoices & get a total
+ $options{'status'} = 'rated';
+ foreach my $cdr (
+ $svc_x->get_cdrs( %options )
+ ) {
+ my $classnum = '';
my @call_details = ();
if ( $rating_method eq 'prefix' ) {
- my $da_rewrote = 0;
- # this will result in those CDRs being marked as done... is that
- # what we want?
- if ( length($cdr->dst) && grep { $cdr->dst eq $_ } @dirass ){
- $cdr->dst('411');
- $da_rewrote = 1;
+ $classnum = $cdr->rated_classnum;
+ unless ( $self->sum_usage ) {
+ @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv(
+ 'format' => $output_format,
+ 'granularity' => $cdr->rated_granularity,
+ 'seconds' =>($use_duration ? $cdr->duration : $cdr->billsec),
+ 'charge' => $cdr->rated_price,
+ 'pretty_dst' => $cdr->rated_pretty_dst,
+ 'dst_regionname' => $cdr->rated_regionname,
+ ));
- my $reason = $self->check_chargable( $cdr,
- 'da_rewrote' => $da_rewrote,
- 'option_cache' => \%opt_cache,
- );
- if ( $reason ) {
- warn "not charging for CDR ($reason)\n" if $DEBUG;
- $charge = 0;
- # this will result in those CDRs being marked as done... is that
- # what we want?
- } else {
- ###
- # look up rate details based on called station id
- # (or calling station id for toll free calls)
- ###
- my( $to_or_from );
- if ( $cdr->is_tollfree && ! $disable_tollfree )
- { #tollfree call
- $to_or_from = 'from';
- $number = $cdr->src;
- } else { #regular call
- $to_or_from = 'to';
- $number = $cdr->dst;
- }
- warn "parsing call $to_or_from $number\n" if $DEBUG;
- #remove non-phone# stuff and whitespace
- $number =~ s/\s//g;
-# my $proto = '';
-# $dest =~ s/^(\w+):// and $proto = $1; #sip:
-# my $siphost = '';
-# $dest =~ s/\@(.*)$// and $siphost = $1; # @,
- #determine the country code
- $countrycode = '';
- if ( $number =~ /^$intl(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
- || $number =~ /^\+(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
- )
- {
- my( $three, $two, $one, $u1, $u2, $rest ) = ( $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 );
- #first look for 1 digit country code
- if ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $one } ) ) {
- $countrycode = $one;
- $number = $u1.$u2.$rest;
- } elsif ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $two } ) ) { #or 2
- $countrycode = $two;
- $number = $u2.$rest;
- } else { #3 digit country code
- $countrycode = $three;
- $number = $rest;
- }
- } else {
- $countrycode = length($domestic_prefix) ? $domestic_prefix : '1';
- $number =~ s/^$countrycode//;# if length($number) > 10;
- }
- warn "rating call $to_or_from +$countrycode $number\n" if $DEBUG;
- $pretty_destnum = "+$countrycode $number";
- #asterisks here causes inserting the detail to barf, so:
- $pretty_destnum =~ s/\*//g;
- my $eff_ratenum = $cdr->is_tollfree('accountcode')
- ? $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('accountcode_tollfree_ratenum')
- : '';
- my $intrastate_ratenum = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('intrastate_ratenum');
- if ( $intrastate_ratenum && !$cdr->is_tollfree ) {
- $ratename = 'Interstate'; #until proven otherwise
- # this is relatively easy only because:
- # -assume all numbers are valid NANP numbers NOT in a fully-qualified format
- # -disregard toll-free
- # -disregard private or unknown numbers
- # -there is exactly one record in rate_prefix for a given NPANXX
- # -default to interstate if we can't find one or both of the prefixes
- my $dstprefix = $cdr->dst;
- $dstprefix =~ /^(\d{6})/;
- $dstprefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => '1',
- 'npa' => $1,
- }) || '';
- my $srcprefix = $cdr->src;
- $srcprefix =~ /^(\d{6})/;
- $srcprefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => '1',
- 'npa' => $1,
- }) || '';
- if ($srcprefix && $dstprefix
- && $srcprefix->state && $dstprefix->state
- && $srcprefix->state eq $dstprefix->state) {
- $eff_ratenum = $intrastate_ratenum;
- $ratename = 'Intrastate'; # XXX possibly just use the ratename?
- }
- }
- $eff_ratenum ||= $ratenum;
- $rate = qsearchs('rate', { 'ratenum' => $eff_ratenum })
- or die "ratenum $eff_ratenum not found!";
- my @ltime = localtime($cdr->startdate);
- $weektime = $ltime[0] +
- $ltime[1]*60 + #minutes
- $ltime[2]*3600 + #hours
- $ltime[6]*86400; #days since sunday
- # if there's no timed rate_detail for this time/region combination,
- # dest_detail returns the default. There may still be a timed rate
- # that applies after the starttime of the call, so be careful...
- $rate_detail = $rate->dest_detail({ 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
- 'phonenum' => $number,
- 'weektime' => $weektime,
- 'cdrtypenum' => $cdr->cdrtypenum,
- });
- if ( $rate_detail ) {
- $rate_region = $rate_detail->dest_region;
- $regionnum = $rate_region->regionnum;
- $regionname = $rate_region->regionname;
- warn " found rate for regionnum $regionnum ".
- "and rate detail $rate_detail\n"
- if $DEBUG;
- if ( !exists($interval_cache{$regionnum}) ) {
- my @intervals = (
- sort { $a->stime <=> $b->stime }
- map { my $r = $_->rate_time; $r ? $r->intervals : () }
- $rate->rate_detail
- );
- $interval_cache{$regionnum} = \@intervals;
- warn " cached ".scalar(@intervals)." interval(s)\n"
- if $DEBUG;
- }
- } elsif ( $ignore_unrateable ) {
- $rate_region = '';
- $regionnum = '';
- #code below will throw a warning & skip
- } else {
- die "FATAL: no rate_detail found in ".
- $rate->ratenum. ":". $rate->ratename. " rate plan ".
- "for +$countrycode $number (CDR acctid ". $cdr->acctid. "); ".
- "add a rate or set ignore_unrateable flag on the package def\n";
- }
- }
} elsif ( $rating_method eq 'upstream_simple' ) {
- #XXX $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $cdr->upstream_price);
- $charge = sprintf('%.3f', $cdr->upstream_price);
- $charges += $charge;
- warn "Incrementing \$charges by $charge. Now $charges\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $classnum = $cdr->calltypenum; #? meaningful these days?
- @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => $output_format,
- 'charge' => $charge,
- )
- );
- $classnum = $cdr->calltypenum;
+ @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv(
+ 'format' => $output_format,
+ 'charge' => $cdr->rated_price,
+ ));
} elsif ( $rating_method eq 'single_price' ) {
- # a little false laziness w/below
- # $rate_detail = new FS::rate_detail({sec_granularity => ... }) ?
- my $granularity = length($self->option('sec_granularity'))
- ? $self->option('sec_granularity')
+ my $granularity = length($self->option_cacheable('sec_granularity'))
+ ? $self->option_cacheable('sec_granularity')
: 60;
- $seconds = $use_duration ? $cdr->duration : $cdr->billsec;
- $seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity )
- if $seconds # don't granular-ize 0 billsec calls (bills them)
- && $granularity # 0 is per call
- && $seconds % $granularity;
- my $minutes = $granularity ? ($seconds / 60) : 1;
- my $charge_min = $minutes;
- $included_min -= $minutes;
- if ( $included_min > 0 ) {
- $charge_min = 0;
- } else {
- $charge_min = 0 - $included_min;
- $included_min = 0;
- }
- $charge = sprintf('%.4f', ( $self->option('min_charge') * $charge_min )
- + 0.0000000001 ); #so 1.00005 rounds to 1.0001
- warn "Incrementing \$charges by $charge. Now $charges\n" if $DEBUG;
- $charges += $charge;
- @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => $output_format,
- 'charge' => $charge,
- 'seconds' => ($use_duration ?
- $cdr->duration :
- $cdr->billsec),
- 'granularity' => $granularity,
- )
- );
+ @call_details = ($cdr->downstream_csv(
+ 'format' => $output_format,
+ 'charge' => $cdr->rated_price,
+ 'seconds' => ($use_duration ? $cdr->duration : $cdr->billsec),
+ 'granularity' => $granularity,
+ ));
} else {
die "don't know how to rate CDRs using method: $rating_method\n";
- ###
- # find the price and add detail to the invoice
- ###
- # if $rate_detail is not found, skip this CDR... i.e.
- # don't add it to invoice, don't set its status to done,
- # don't call downstream_csv or something on it...
- # but DO emit a warning...
- #if ( ! $rate_detail && ! scalar(@call_details) ) {}
- if ( ! $rate_detail && $charge eq '' ) {
- if ( $ignore_unrateable == 2 ) {
- # mark the CDR as unrateable
- my $error = $cdr->set_status_and_rated_price(
- 'failed',
- '',
- $cust_svc->svcnum
- );
- die $error if $error;
- }
- elsif ( $ignore_unrateable == 1 ) {
- # warn and continue
- warn "no rate_detail found for CDR.acctid: ". $cdr->acctid.
- "; skipping\n"
- } #if $ignore_unrateable
- } else { # there *is* a rate_detail (or call_details), proceed...
- # About this section:
- # We don't round _anything_ (except granularizing)
- # until the final $charge = sprintf("%.2f"...).
- unless ( @call_details || ( $charge ne '' && $charge == 0 ) ) {
- my $seconds_left = $use_duration ? $cdr->duration : $cdr->billsec;
- # charge for the first (conn_sec) seconds
- $seconds = min($seconds_left, $rate_detail->conn_sec);
- $seconds_left -= $seconds;
- $weektime += $seconds;
- $charge = $rate_detail->conn_charge;
- my $etime;
- while($seconds_left) {
- my $ratetimenum = $rate_detail->ratetimenum; # may be empty
- # find the end of the current rate interval
- if(@{ $interval_cache{$regionnum} } == 0) {
- # There are no timed rates in this group, so just stay
- # in the default rate_detail for the entire duration.
- # Set an "end" of 1 past the end of the current call.
- $etime = $weektime + $seconds_left + 1;
- }
- elsif($ratetimenum) {
- # This is a timed rate, so go to the etime of this interval.
- # If it's followed by another timed rate, the stime of that
- # interval should match the etime of this one.
- my $interval = $rate_detail->rate_time->contains($weektime);
- $etime = $interval->etime;
- }
- else {
- # This is a default rate, so use the stime of the next
- # interval in the sequence.
- my $next_int = first { $_->stime > $weektime }
- @{ $interval_cache{$regionnum} };
- if ($next_int) {
- $etime = $next_int->stime;
- }
- else {
- # weektime is near the end of the week, so decrement
- # it by a full week and use the stime of the first
- # interval.
- $weektime -= (3600*24*7);
- $etime = $interval_cache{$regionnum}->[0]->stime;
- }
- }
- my $charge_sec = min($seconds_left, $etime - $weektime);
- $seconds_left -= $charge_sec;
- $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} = $rate_detail->min_included
- unless exists $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum};
- my $granularity = $rate_detail->sec_granularity;
- my $minutes;
- if ( $granularity ) { # charge per minute
- # Round up to the nearest $granularity
- if ( $charge_sec and $charge_sec % $granularity ) {
- $charge_sec += $granularity - ($charge_sec % $granularity);
- }
- $minutes = $charge_sec / 60; #don't round this
- }
- else { # per call
- $minutes = 1;
- $seconds_left = 0;
- }
- $seconds += $charge_sec;
- $region_group_included_min -= $minutes
- if $region_group && $rate_detail->region_group;
- $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} -= $minutes;
- if ( ($region_group_included_min <= 0 || !$rate_detail->region_group)
- && $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} <= 0 ) {
- my $charge_min = 0 - $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum}; #XXX should preserve
- #(display?) this
- $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} = 0;
- $charge += ($rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min); #still not rounded
- }
- elsif( $region_group_included_min > 0 && $region_group
- && $rate_detail->region_group ) {
- $included_min{$regionnum}{$ratetimenum} = 0
- }
- # choose next rate_detail
- $rate_detail = $rate->dest_detail({ 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
- 'phonenum' => $number,
- 'weektime' => $etime,
- 'cdrtypenum' => $cdr->cdrtypenum })
- if($seconds_left);
- # we have now moved forward to $etime
- $weektime = $etime;
- } #while $seconds_left
- # this is why we need regionnum/rate_region....
- warn " (rate region $rate_region)\n" if $DEBUG;
- $classnum = $rate_detail->classnum;
- $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $charge + 0.000001); # NOW round it.
- warn "Incrementing \$charges by $charge. Now $charges\n" if $DEBUG;
- $charges += $charge;
- if ( !$self->sum_usage ) {
- @call_details = (
- $cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => $output_format,
- 'granularity' => $rate_detail->sec_granularity,
- 'seconds' => ($use_duration ?
- $cdr->duration :
- $cdr->billsec),
- 'charge' => $charge,
- 'pretty_dst' => $pretty_destnum,
- 'dst_regionname' => $regionname,
- )
- );
- }
- } #if(there is a rate_detail)
- #if ( $charge > 0 ) {
- # generate a detail record for every call; filter out $charge = 0
- # later.
- my $call_details;
- my $phonenum = $svc_x->phonenum;
- if ( scalar(@call_details) == 1 ) {
- $call_details =
- { format => 'C',
- detail => $call_details[0],
- amount => $charge,
- classnum => $classnum,
- phonenum => $phonenum,
- accountcode => $cdr->accountcode,
- startdate => $cdr->startdate,
- duration => $seconds,
- regionname => $regionname,
- };
- } else { #only used for $rating_method eq 'upstream' now
- # and for sum_ formats
- $csv->combine(@call_details);
- $call_details =
- { format => 'C',
- detail => $csv->string,
- amount => $charge,
- classnum => $classnum,
- phonenum => $phonenum,
- accountcode => $cdr->accountcode,
- startdate => $cdr->startdate,
- duration => $seconds,
- regionname => $regionname,
- };
- }
- $call_details->{'ratename'} = $ratename;
- push @invoice_details_sort, [ $call_details, $cdr->calldate_unix ];
- #} $charge > 0
- # if the customer flag is on, call "downstream_csv" or something
- # like it to export the call downstream!
- # XXX price plan option to pick format, or something...
- #$downstream_cdr .= $cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => 'XXX format' )
- # if $spool_cdr;
+ $charges += $cdr->rated_price;
+ #if ( $cdr->rated_price > 0 ) {
+ # generate a detail record for every call; filter out
+ # $cdr->rated_price == 0 # later.
+ my $call_details;
+ my $phonenum = $svc_x->phonenum;
+ if ( scalar(@call_details) == 1 ) {
+ $call_details =
+ { format => 'C',
+ detail => $call_details[0],
+ amount => $cdr->rated_price,
+ classnum => $classnum,
+ phonenum => $phonenum,
+ accountcode => $cdr->accountcode,
+ startdate => $cdr->startdate,
+ duration => $cdr->rated_seconds,
+ regionname => $cdr->rated_regionname,
+ };
+ } else { #only used for $rating_method eq 'upstream' now
+ # and for sum_ formats
+ $csv->combine(@call_details);
+ $call_details =
+ { format => 'C',
+ detail => $csv->string,
+ amount => $cdr->rated_price,
+ classnum => $classnum,
+ phonenum => $phonenum,
+ accountcode => $cdr->accountcode,
+ startdate => $cdr->startdate,
+ duration => $cdr->rated_seconds,
+ regionname => $cdr->rated_regionname,
+ };
+ }
+ $call_details->{'ratename'} = $cdr->rated_ratename;
- my $error = $cdr->set_status_and_rated_price( 'done',
- $charge,
- $cust_svc->svcnum,
- );
- die $error if $error;
+ push @invoice_details_sort, [ $call_details, $cdr->calldate_unix ];
+ #} $charge > 0
- }
+ my $error = $cdr->set_status('done');
+ die $error if $error; #??
- } # $cdr
+ }
if ( !$self->sum_usage ) {
#sort them
@@ -881,82 +525,59 @@ sub calc_usage {
sub check_chargable {
my( $self, $cdr, %flags ) = @_;
- #should have some better way of checking these options from a hash
- #or something
- my @opt = qw(
- use_amaflags
- use_carrierid
- use_cdrtypenum
- ignore_cdrtypenum
- disposition_in
- ignore_disposition
- skip_dst_prefix
- skip_dcontext
- skip_dstchannel_prefix
- skip_src_length_more noskip_src_length_accountcode_tollfree
- skip_dst_length_less noskip_dst_length_accountcode_tollfree
- skip_lastapp
- skip_max_callers
- );
- foreach my $opt (grep !exists($flags{option_cache}->{$_}), @opt ) {
- $flags{option_cache}->{$opt} = $self->option($opt, 1);
- }
- my %opt = %{ $flags{option_cache} };
return 'amaflags != 2'
- if $opt{'use_amaflags'} && $cdr->amaflags != 2;
+ if $self->option_cacheable('use_amaflags') && $cdr->amaflags != 2;
- return "disposition NOT IN ( $opt{'disposition_in'} )"
- if $opt{'disposition_in'} =~ /\S/
- && !grep { $cdr->disposition eq $_ } split(/\s*,\s*/, $opt{'disposition_in'});
+ return "disposition NOT IN ( $self->option_cacheable('disposition_in') )"
+ if $self->option_cacheable('disposition_in') =~ /\S/
+ && !grep { $cdr->disposition eq $_ } split(/\s*,\s*/, $self->option_cacheable('disposition_in'));
- return "disposition IN ( $opt{'ignore_disposition'} )"
- if $opt{'ignore_disposition'} =~ /\S/
- && grep { $cdr->disposition eq $_ } split(/\s*,\s*/, $opt{'ignore_disposition'});
+ return "disposition IN ( $self->option_cacheable('ignore_disposition') )"
+ if $self->option_cacheable('ignore_disposition') =~ /\S/
+ && grep { $cdr->disposition eq $_ } split(/\s*,\s*/, $self->option_cacheable('ignore_disposition'));
- foreach(split(/\s*,\s*/, $opt{'skip_dst_prefix'})) {
+ foreach(split(/\s*,\s*/, $self->option_cacheable('skip_dst_prefix'))) {
return "dst starts with '$_'"
if length($_) && substr($cdr->dst,0,length($_)) eq $_;
- return "carrierid != $opt{'use_carrierid'}"
- if length($opt{'use_carrierid'})
- && $cdr->carrierid ne $opt{'use_carrierid'} #ne otherwise 0 matches ''
+ return "carrierid != $self->option_cacheable('use_carrierid')"
+ if length($self->option_cacheable('use_carrierid'))
+ && $cdr->carrierid ne $self->option_cacheable('use_carrierid') #ne otherwise 0 matches ''
&& ! $flags{'da_rewrote'};
# unlike everything else, use_cdrtypenum is applied in FS::svc_x::get_cdrs.
- return "cdrtypenum != $opt{'use_cdrtypenum'}"
- if length($opt{'use_cdrtypenum'})
- && $cdr->cdrtypenum ne $opt{'use_cdrtypenum'}; #ne otherwise 0 matches ''
+ return "cdrtypenum != $self->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum')"
+ if length($self->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum'))
+ && $cdr->cdrtypenum ne $self->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum'); #ne otherwise 0 matches ''
- return "cdrtypenum == $opt{'ignore_cdrtypenum'}"
- if length($opt{'ignore_cdrtypenum'})
- && $cdr->cdrtypenum eq $opt{'ignore_cdrtypenum'}; #eq otherwise 0 matches ''
+ return "cdrtypenum == $self->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum')"
+ if length($self->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum'))
+ && $cdr->cdrtypenum eq $self->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum'); #eq otherwise 0 matches ''
- return "dcontext IN ( $opt{'skip_dcontext'} )"
- if $opt{'skip_dcontext'} =~ /\S/
- && grep { $cdr->dcontext eq $_ } split(/\s*,\s*/, $opt{'skip_dcontext'});
+ return "dcontext IN ( $self->option_cacheable('skip_dcontext') )"
+ if $self->option_cacheable('skip_dcontext') =~ /\S/
+ && grep { $cdr->dcontext eq $_ } split(/\s*,\s*/, $self->option_cacheable('skip_dcontext'));
- my $len_prefix = length($opt{'skip_dstchannel_prefix'});
- return "dstchannel starts with $opt{'skip_dstchannel_prefix'}"
+ my $len_prefix = length($self->option_cacheable('skip_dstchannel_prefix'));
+ return "dstchannel starts with $self->option_cacheable('skip_dstchannel_prefix')"
if $len_prefix
- && substr($cdr->dstchannel,0,$len_prefix) eq $opt{'skip_dstchannel_prefix'};
+ && substr($cdr->dstchannel,0,$len_prefix) eq $self->option_cacheable('skip_dstchannel_prefix');
- my $dst_length = $opt{'skip_dst_length_less'};
+ my $dst_length = $self->option_cacheable('skip_dst_length_less');
return "destination less than $dst_length digits"
if $dst_length && length($cdr->dst) < $dst_length
- && ! ( $opt{'noskip_dst_length_accountcode_tollfree'}
+ && ! ( $self->option_cacheable('noskip_dst_length_accountcode_tollfree')
&& $cdr->is_tollfree('accountcode')
- return "lastapp is $opt{'skip_lastapp'}"
- if length($opt{'skip_lastapp'}) && $cdr->lastapp eq $opt{'skip_lastapp'};
+ return "lastapp is $self->option_cacheable('skip_lastapp')"
+ if length($self->option_cacheable('skip_lastapp')) && $cdr->lastapp eq $self->option_cacheable('skip_lastapp');
- my $src_length = $opt{'skip_src_length_more'};
+ my $src_length = $self->option_cacheable('skip_src_length_more');
if ( $src_length ) {
- if ( $opt{'noskip_src_length_accountcode_tollfree'} ) {
+ if ( $self->option_cacheable('noskip_src_length_accountcode_tollfree') ) {
if ( $cdr->is_tollfree('accountcode') ) {
return "source less than or equal to $src_length digits"
@@ -973,10 +594,10 @@ sub check_chargable {
- return "max_callers <= $opt{skip_max_callers}"
- if length($opt{'skip_max_callers'})
+ return "max_callers <= ". $self->option_cacheable('skip_max_callers')
+ if length($self->option_cacheable('skip_max_callers'))
and length($cdr->max_callers)
- and $cdr->max_callers <= $opt{'skip_max_callers'};
+ and $cdr->max_callers <= $self->option_cacheable('skip_max_callers');
#all right then, rate it
diff --git a/FS/bin/freeside-cdrrated b/FS/bin/freeside-cdrrated
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..131b56a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/bin/freeside-cdrrated
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use FS::Daemon ':all'; #daemonize1 drop_root daemonize2 myexit logfile sig*
+use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup );
+use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
+use FS::cdr;
+use FS::svc_phone;
+use FS::part_pkg;
+my $user = shift or die &usage;
+logfile( "%%%FREESIDE_LOG%%%/cdrrated-log.". $FS::UID::datasrc );
+our $conf = new FS::Conf;
+die "not running; cdr-prerate conf option is off\n"
+ unless _shouldrun();
+my $extra_sql = '';
+my @cdrtypenums = $conf->config('cdr-prerate-cdrtypenums');
+if ( @cdrtypenums ) {
+ $extra_sql .= ' AND cdrtypenum IN ('. join(',', @cdrtypenums ). ')';
+our %svcnum = ();
+our %pkgpart = ();
+our %part_pkg = ();
+#some false laziness w/freeside-cdrrewrited
+while (1) {
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $cdr (
+ qsearch( {
+ 'table' => 'cdr',
+ 'hashref' => { 'freesidestatus' => '' },
+ 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql.
+ ' LIMIT 1024'. #arbitrary, but don't eat too much memory
+ } )
+ ) {
+ $found = 1;
+ #find the matching service - some weird false laziness w/svc_phone::get_cdrs
+ #in charged_party or src
+ #hmm... edge case; get_cdrs rating will match a src if a charged_party is
+ # present #but doesn't match a service...
+ my $number = $cdr->charged_party || $cdr->src;
+ #technically default_prefix. phonenum or phonenum (or default_prefix without the + . phonenum)
+ #but for now we're just assuming default_prefix is +1
+ my $prefix = '+1'; #$options{'default_prefix'};
+ $number = substr($number, length($prefix))
+ if $prefix eq substr($number, 0, length($prefix));
+ if ( $prefix && $prefix =~ /^\+(\d+)$/ ) {
+ $prefix = $1;
+ $number = substr($number, length($prefix))
+ if $prefix eq substr($number, 0, length($prefix));
+ }
+ unless ( $svcnum{$number} ) {
+ #only phone number matching supported right now
+ my $svc_phone = qsearchs('svc_phone', { 'phonenum' => $number } );
+ unless ( $svc_phone ) {
+ #XXX set freesideratestatus or something so we don't keep retrying?
+ next;
+ }
+ $svcnum{$number} = $svc_phone->svcnum;
+ my $cust_pkg = $svc_phone->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
+ unless ( $cust_pkg ) {
+ #XXX unlinked svc_phone?
+ # warn and also set freesideratestatus or somesuch?
+ next;
+ }
+ #get the package, search through the part_pkg and linked for a voip_cdr def w/matching cdrtypenum (or no use_cdrtypenum)
+ my @part_pkg =
+ grep { $_->plan eq 'voip_cdr'
+ && ( ! length($_->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum'))
+ || $_->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum')
+ eq $cdr->cdrtypenum #eq otherwise 0 matches ''
+ )
+ && ( ! length($_->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum'))
+ || $_->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum')
+ ne $cdr->cdrtypenum #ne otherwise 0 matches ''
+ )
+ }
+ $cust_pkg->part_pkg->self_and_bill_linked;
+ if ( ! @part_pkg ) {
+ #XXX no package for this CDR
+ # warn and also set freesideratestatus or somesuch?
+ # or at least warn
+ next;
+ } elsif ( scalar(@part_pkg) > 1 ) {
+ warn "multiple package could rate CDR ". $cdr->acctid. "\n";
+ # and also set freesideratestatus or somesuch?
+ next;
+ }
+ $pkgpart{$number} = $part_pkg[0]->pkgpart;
+ $part_pkg{ $part_pkg[0]->pkgpart } ||= $part_pkg[0];
+ }
+ #unless ( $part_pkg{$pkgpart{$number}} ) {
+ #}
+ #XXX if $part_pkg->option('min_included') then we can't prerate this CDR
+ my $error = $cdr->rate(
+ 'part_pkg' => $part_pkg{ $pkgpart{$number} },
+ 'svcnum' => $svcnum{ $number },
+ );
+ if ( $error ) {
+ #XXX ???
+ warn $error;
+ sleep 30;
+ }
+ last if sigterm() || sigint();
+ }
+ myexit() if sigterm() || sigint();
+ sleep 5 unless $found;
+sub _shouldrun {
+ $conf->exists('cdr-prerate');
+sub usage {
+ die "Usage:\n\n freeside-cdrrewrited user\n";
+=head1 NAME
+freeside-cdrrated - Real-time daemon for CDR rating
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ freeside-cdrrated
+Runs continuously, searches for CDRs and which can be pre-rated, and rates them.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+cdr-prerate configuration setting
diff --git a/httemplate/search/report_cdr.html b/httemplate/search/report_cdr.html
index f305ed913..e3418a7d4 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/report_cdr.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/report_cdr.html
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
<SELECT NAME="freesidestatus">
+ <OPTION VALUE="rated">prerated
<OPTION VALUE="done">processed</OPTION>
<OPTION VALUE="failed">skipped</OPTION>
diff --git a/init.d/freeside-init b/init.d/freeside-init
index 0589cebe8..9d8530739 100644
--- a/init.d/freeside-init
+++ b/init.d/freeside-init
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ case "$1" in
freeside-cdrd $QUEUED_USER
echo "done."
+ echo -n "Starting freeside-cdrrated: "
+ freeside-cdrrated $QUEUED_USER
+ echo "done."
echo -n "Starting freeside-selfservice-server to $MACHINE: "
freeside-selfservice-server $SELFSERVICE_USER $MACHINE
@@ -112,6 +116,12 @@ case "$1" in
echo "done."
+ if [ -e /var/run/ ]; then
+ echo -n "Stopping freeside-cdrrated: "
+ kill `cat /var/run/`
+ echo "done."
+ fi
if [ -e /var/run/freeside-selfservice-server.$ ]
echo -n "Stopping (old) freeside-selfservice-server: "