path: root/rt/lib/RT/
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2003-07-15 13:16:32 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2003-07-15 13:16:32 +0000
commit945721f48f74d5cfffef7c7cf3a3d6bc2521f5dd (patch)
treec874aeac27d37fce2e41d64c3347c99527f6e66d /rt/lib/RT/
parent160be29a0dc62e79a4fb95d2ab8c0c7e5996760e (diff)
import of rt 3.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/lib/RT/')
1 files changed, 2055 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/lib/RT/ b/rt/lib/RT/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8a1ac803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/lib/RT/
@@ -0,0 +1,2055 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+# Major Changes:
+# - Decimated ProcessRestrictions and broke it into multiple
+# functions joined by a LUT
+# - Semi-Generic SQL stuff moved to another file
+# Known Issues: FIXME!
+# - ClearRestrictions and Reinitialization is messy and unclear. The
+# only good way to do it is to create a new RT::Tickets object.
+=head1 NAME
+ RT::Tickets - A collection of Ticket objects
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use RT::Tickets;
+ my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($CurrentUser);
+ A collection of RT::Tickets.
+=head1 METHODS
+=begin testing
+ok (require RT::Tickets);
+=end testing
+use strict;
+no warnings qw(redefine);
+use vars qw(@SORTFIELDS);
+# Configuration Tables:
+# FIELDS is a mapping of searchable Field name, to Type, and other
+# metadata.
+my %FIELDS =
+ ( Status => ['ENUM'],
+ Queue => ['ENUM' => 'Queue',],
+ Type => ['ENUM',],
+ Creator => ['ENUM' => 'User',],
+ LastUpdatedBy => ['ENUM' => 'User',],
+ Owner => ['ENUM' => 'User',],
+ EffectiveId => ['INT',],
+ id => ['INT',],
+ InitialPriority => ['INT',],
+ FinalPriority => ['INT',],
+ Priority => ['INT',],
+ TimeLeft => ['INT',],
+ TimeWorked => ['INT',],
+ MemberOf => ['LINK' => To => 'MemberOf', ],
+ DependsOn => ['LINK' => To => 'DependsOn',],
+ RefersTo => ['LINK' => To => 'RefersTo',],
+ HasMember => ['LINK' => From => 'MemberOf',],
+ DependentOn => ['LINK' => From => 'DependsOn',],
+ ReferredTo => ['LINK' => From => 'RefersTo',],
+# HasDepender => ['LINK',],
+# RelatedTo => ['LINK',],
+ Told => ['DATE' => 'Told',],
+ Starts => ['DATE' => 'Starts',],
+ Started => ['DATE' => 'Started',],
+ Due => ['DATE' => 'Due',],
+ Resolved => ['DATE' => 'Resolved',],
+ LastUpdated => ['DATE' => 'LastUpdated',],
+ Created => ['DATE' => 'Created',],
+ Subject => ['STRING',],
+ Type => ['STRING',],
+ Content => ['TRANSFIELD',],
+ ContentType => ['TRANSFIELD',],
+ Filename => ['TRANSFIELD',],
+ TransactionDate => ['TRANSDATE',],
+ Requestor => ['WATCHERFIELD' => 'Requestor',],
+ CC => ['WATCHERFIELD' => 'Cc',],
+ AdminCC => ['WATCHERFIELD' => 'AdminCC',],
+ Watcher => ['WATCHERFIELD'],
+ LinkedTo => ['LINKFIELD',],
+ CustomFieldValue =>['CUSTOMFIELD',],
+ );
+# Mapping of Field Type to Function
+my %dispatch =
+ ( ENUM => \&_EnumLimit,
+ INT => \&_IntLimit,
+ LINK => \&_LinkLimit,
+ DATE => \&_DateLimit,
+ STRING => \&_StringLimit,
+ TRANSFIELD => \&_TransLimit,
+ TRANSDATE => \&_TransDateLimit,
+ WATCHERFIELD => \&_WatcherLimit,
+ LINKFIELD => \&_LinkFieldLimit,
+ CUSTOMFIELD => \&_CustomFieldLimit,
+ );
+# Default EntryAggregator per type
+my %DefaultEA = (
+ INT => 'AND',
+ ENUM => { '=' => 'OR',
+ '!='=> 'AND'
+ },
+ DATE => 'AND',
+ STRING => { '=' => 'OR',
+ '!='=> 'AND',
+ 'LIKE'=> 'AND',
+ 'NOT LIKE' => 'AND'
+ },
+ TARGET => 'AND',
+ BASE => 'AND',
+ WATCHERFIELD => { '=' => 'OR',
+ '!='=> 'AND',
+ 'LIKE'=> 'OR',
+ 'NOT LIKE' => 'AND'
+ },
+ );
+# Helper functions for passing the above lexically scoped tables above
+# into Tickets_Overlay_SQL.
+sub FIELDS { return \%FIELDS }
+sub dispatch { return \%dispatch }
+# Bring in the clowns.
+require RT::Tickets_Overlay_SQL;
+# {{{ sub SortFields
+@SORTFIELDS = qw(id Status
+ Queue Subject
+ Owner Created Due Starts Started
+ Told
+ Resolved LastUpdated Priority TimeWorked TimeLeft);
+=head2 SortFields
+Returns the list of fields that lists of tickets can easily be sorted by
+sub SortFields {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return(@SORTFIELDS);
+# }}}
+# BEGIN SQL STUFF *********************************
+=head1 Limit Helper Routines
+These routines are the targets of a dispatch table depending on the
+type of field. They all share the same signature:
+ my ($self,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+The values in @rest should be suitable for passing directly to
+Essentially they are an expanded/broken out (and much simplified)
+version of what ProcessRestrictions used to do. They're also much
+more clearly delineated by the TYPE of field being processed.
+=head2 _EnumLimit
+Handle Fields which are limited to certain values, and potentially
+need to be looked up from another class.
+This subroutine actually handles two different kinds of fields. For
+some the user is responsible for limiting the values. (i.e. Status,
+For others, the value specified by the user will be looked by via
+specified class.
+Meta Data:
+ name of class to lookup in (Optional)
+sub _EnumLimit {
+ my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ # SQL::Statement changes != to <>. (Can we remove this now?)
+ $op = "!=" if $op eq "<>";
+ die "Invalid Operation: $op for $field"
+ unless $op eq "=" or $op eq "!=";
+ my $meta = $FIELDS{$field};
+ if (defined $meta->[1]) {
+ my $class = "RT::" . $meta->[1];
+ my $o = $class->new($sb->CurrentUser);
+ $o->Load( $value );
+ $value = $o->Id;
+ }
+ $sb->_SQLLimit( FIELD => $field,,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ @rest,
+ );
+=head2 _IntLimit
+Handle fields where the values are limited to integers. (For example,
+Priority, TimeWorked.)
+Meta Data:
+ None
+sub _IntLimit {
+ my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ die "Invalid Operator $op for $field"
+ unless $op =~ /^(=|!=|>|<|>=|<=)$/;
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(
+ FIELD => $field,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ @rest,
+ );
+=head2 _LinkLimit
+Handle fields which deal with links between tickets. (MemberOf, DependsOn)
+Meta Data:
+ 1: Direction (From,To)
+ 2: Relationship Type (MemberOf, DependsOn,RefersTo)
+sub _LinkLimit {
+ my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ die "Op must be ="
+ unless $op eq "=";
+ my $meta = $FIELDS{$field};
+ die "Incorrect Meta Data for $field"
+ unless (defined $meta->[1] and defined $meta->[2]);
+ my $LinkAlias = $sb->NewAlias ('Links');
+ $sb->_OpenParen();
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(
+ ALIAS => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD => 'Type',
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => $meta->[2],
+ @rest,
+ );
+ if ($meta->[1] eq "To") {
+ my $matchfield = ( $value =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "LocalTarget" : "Target" );
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(
+ ALIAS => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD => $matchfield,
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => $value ,
+ );
+ #If we're searching on target, join the base to
+ $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'},
+ ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias, FIELD2 => 'LocalBase');
+ } elsif ( $meta->[1] eq "From" ) {
+ my $matchfield = ( $value =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "LocalBase" : "Base" );
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(
+ ALIAS => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD => $matchfield,
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => $value ,
+ );
+ #If we're searching on base, join the target to
+ $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'},
+ ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias, FIELD2 => 'LocalTarget');
+ } else {
+ die "Invalid link direction '$meta->[1]' for $field\n";
+ }
+ $sb->_CloseParen();
+=head2 _DateLimit
+Handle date fields. (Created, LastTold..)
+Meta Data:
+ 1: type of relationship. (Probably not necessary.)
+sub _DateLimit {
+ my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ die "Invalid Date Op: $op"
+ unless $op =~ /^(=|!=|>|<|>=|<=)$/;
+ my $meta = $FIELDS{$field};
+ die "Incorrect Meta Data for $field"
+ unless (defined $meta->[1]);
+ require Time::ParseDate;
+ use POSIX 'strftime';
+ my $time = Time::ParseDate::parsedate( $value,
+ UK => $RT::DateDayBeforeMonth,
+ PREFER_PAST => $RT::AmbiguousDayInPast,
+ PREFER_FUTURE => !($RT::AmbiguousDayInPast));
+ $value = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",localtime($time));
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(
+ FIELD => $meta->[1],
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ @rest,
+ );
+=head2 _StringLimit
+Handle simple fields which are just strings. (Subject,Type)
+Meta Data:
+ None
+sub _StringLimit {
+ my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ # FIXME:
+ # Valid Operators:
+ # =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ @rest,
+ );
+=head2 _TransDateLimit
+Handle fields limiting based on Transaction Date.
+The inpupt value must be in a format parseable by Time::ParseDate
+Meta Data:
+ None
+sub _TransDateLimit {
+ my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ # See the comments for TransLimit, they apply here too
+ $sb->{_sql_transalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Transactions')
+ unless defined $sb->{_sql_transalias};
+ $sb->{_sql_trattachalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Attachments')
+ unless defined $sb->{_sql_trattachalias};
+ $sb->_OpenParen;
+ # Join Transactions To Attachments
+ $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}, FIELD1 => 'TransactionId',
+ ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'id');
+ # Join Transactions to Tickets
+ $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'}, # UGH!
+ ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'Ticket');
+ my $d = new RT::Date( $sb->CurrentUser );
+ $d->Set($value);
+ $value = $d->ISO;
+ #Search for the right field
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias},
+ FIELD => 'Created',
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ @rest
+ );
+ $sb->_CloseParen;
+=head2 _TransLimit
+Limit based on the Content of a transaction or the ContentType.
+Meta Data:
+ none
+sub _TransLimit {
+ # Content, ContentType, Filename
+ # If only this was this simple. We've got to do something
+ # complicated here:
+ #Basically, we want to make sure that the limits apply to
+ #the same attachment, rather than just another attachment
+ #for the same ticket, no matter how many clauses we lump
+ #on. We put them in TicketAliases so that they get nuked
+ #when we redo the join.
+ # In the SQL, we might have
+ # (( Content = foo ) or ( Content = bar AND Content = baz ))
+ # The AND group should share the same Alias.
+ # Actually, maybe it doesn't matter. We use the same alias and it
+ # works itself out? (er.. different.)
+ # Steal more from _ProcessRestrictions
+ # FIXME: Maybe look at the previous FooLimit call, and if it was a
+ # TransLimit and EntryAggregator == AND, reuse the Aliases?
+ # Or better - store the aliases on a per subclause basis - since
+ # those are going to be the things we want to relate to each other,
+ # anyway.
+ # maybe we should not allow certain kinds of aggregation of these
+ # clauses and do a psuedo regex instead? - the problem is getting
+ # them all into the same subclause when you have (A op B op C) - the
+ # way they get parsed in the tree they're in different subclauses.
+ my ($sb,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ $sb->{_sql_transalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Transactions')
+ unless defined $sb->{_sql_transalias};
+ $sb->{_sql_trattachalias} = $sb->NewAlias ('Attachments')
+ unless defined $sb->{_sql_trattachalias};
+ $sb->_OpenParen;
+ # Join Transactions To Attachments
+ $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias}, FIELD1 => 'TransactionId',
+ ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'id');
+ # Join Transactions to Tickets
+ $sb->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $sb->{'primary_key'}, # UGH!
+ ALIAS2 => $sb->{_sql_transalias}, FIELD2 => 'Ticket');
+ #Search for the right field
+ $sb->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $sb->{_sql_trattachalias},
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ @rest
+ );
+ $sb->_CloseParen;
+=head2 _WatcherLimit
+Handle watcher limits. (Requestor, CC, etc..)
+Meta Data:
+ 1: Field to query on
+sub _WatcherLimit {
+ my ($self,$field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ my %rest = @rest;
+ $self->_OpenParen;
+ my $groups = $self->NewAlias('Groups');
+ my $group_princs = $self->NewAlias('Principals');
+ my $groupmembers = $self->NewAlias('CachedGroupMembers');
+ my $member_princs = $self->NewAlias('Principals');
+ my $users = $self->NewAlias('Users');
+ #Find user watchers
+# my $subclause = undef;
+# my $aggregator = 'OR';
+# if ($restriction->{'OPERATOR'} =~ /!|NOT/i ){
+# $subclause = 'AndEmailIsNot';
+# $aggregator = 'AND';
+# }
+ $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $users,
+ FIELD => $rest{SUBKEY} || 'EmailAddress',
+ VALUE => $value,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ @rest,
+ );
+ # {{{ Tie to groups for tickets we care about
+ $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $groups,
+ FIELD => 'Domain',
+ VALUE => 'RT::Ticket-Role',
+ $self->Join(ALIAS1 => $groups, FIELD1 => 'Instance',
+ ALIAS2 => 'main', FIELD2 => 'id');
+ # }}}
+ # If we care about which sort of watcher
+ my $meta = $FIELDS{$field};
+ my $type = ( defined $meta->[1] ? $meta->[1] : undef );
+ if ( $type ) {
+ $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $groups,
+ FIELD => 'Type',
+ VALUE => $type,
+ }
+ $self->Join (ALIAS1 => $groups, FIELD1 => 'id',
+ ALIAS2 => $group_princs, FIELD2 => 'ObjectId');
+ $self->_SQLLimit(ALIAS => $group_princs,
+ FIELD => 'PrincipalType',
+ VALUE => 'Group',
+ $self->Join( ALIAS1 => $group_princs, FIELD1 => 'id',
+ ALIAS2 => $groupmembers, FIELD2 => 'GroupId');
+ $self->Join( ALIAS1 => $groupmembers, FIELD1 => 'MemberId',
+ ALIAS2 => $member_princs, FIELD2 => 'id');
+ $self->Join (ALIAS1 => $member_princs, FIELD1 => 'ObjectId',
+ ALIAS2 => $users, FIELD2 => 'id');
+ $self->_CloseParen;
+sub _LinkFieldLimit {
+ my $restriction;
+ my $self;
+ my $LinkAlias;
+ my %args;
+ if ($restriction->{'TYPE'}) {
+ $self->SUPER::Limit(ALIAS => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD => 'Type',
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => $restriction->{'TYPE'} );
+ }
+ #If we're trying to limit it to things that are target of
+ if ($restriction->{'TARGET'}) {
+ # If the TARGET is an integer that means that we want to look at
+ # the LocalTarget field. otherwise, we want to look at the
+ # "Target" field
+ my ($matchfield);
+ if ($restriction->{'TARGET'} =~/^(\d+)$/) {
+ $matchfield = "LocalTarget";
+ } else {
+ $matchfield = "Target";
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::Limit(ALIAS => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD => $matchfield,
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => $restriction->{'TARGET'} );
+ #If we're searching on target, join the base to
+ $self->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $self->{'primary_key'},
+ ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD2 => 'LocalBase');
+ }
+ #If we're trying to limit it to things that are base of
+ elsif ($restriction->{'BASE'}) {
+ # If we're trying to match a numeric link, we want to look at
+ # LocalBase, otherwise we want to look at "Base"
+ my ($matchfield);
+ if ($restriction->{'BASE'} =~/^(\d+)$/) {
+ $matchfield = "LocalBase";
+ } else {
+ $matchfield = "Base";
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::Limit(ALIAS => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD => $matchfield,
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => $restriction->{'BASE'} );
+ #If we're searching on base, join the target to
+ $self->Join( ALIAS1 => 'main', FIELD1 => $self->{'primary_key'},
+ ALIAS2 => $LinkAlias,
+ FIELD2 => 'LocalTarget')
+ }
+=head2 KeywordLimit
+Limit based on Keywords
+Meta Data:
+ none
+sub _CustomFieldLimit {
+ my ($self,$_field,$op,$value,@rest) = @_;
+ my %rest = @rest;
+ my $field = $rest{SUBKEY} || die "No field specified";
+ # For our sanity, we can only limit on one queue at a time
+ my $queue = undef;
+ # Ugh. This will not do well for things with underscores in them
+ use RT::CustomFields;
+ my $CF = RT::CustomFields->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+ #$CF->Load( $cfid} );
+ my $q;
+ if ($field =~ /^(.+?)\.{(.+)}$/) {
+ my $q = RT::Queue->new($self->CurrentUser);
+ $q->Load($1);
+ $field = $2;
+ $CF->LimitToQueue( $q->Id );
+ $queue = $q->Id;
+ } else {
+ $CF->LimitToGlobal;
+ }
+ $CF->FindAllRows;
+ my $cfid = 0;
+ while ( my $CustomField = $CF->Next ) {
+ if ($CustomField->Name eq $field) {
+ $cfid = $CustomField->Id;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ die "No custom field named $field found\n"
+ unless $cfid;
+# use RT::CustomFields;
+# my $CF = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+# $CF->Load( $cfid );
+ my $null_columns_ok;
+ my $TicketCFs = $self->Join( TYPE => 'left',
+ ALIAS1 => 'main',
+ FIELD1 => 'id',
+ TABLE2 => 'TicketCustomFieldValues',
+ FIELD2 => 'Ticket' );
+ $self->_OpenParen;
+ $self->_SQLLimit( ALIAS => $TicketCFs,
+ FIELD => 'Content',
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ @rest );
+ if ( $op =~ /^IS$/i
+ or ( $op eq '!=' ) ) {
+ $null_columns_ok = 1;
+ }
+ #If we're trying to find tickets where the keyword isn't somethng,
+ #also check ones where it _IS_ null
+ if ( $op eq '!=' ) {
+ $self->_SQLLimit( ALIAS => $TicketCFs,
+ FIELD => 'Content',
+ VALUE => 'NULL',
+ }
+ $self->_SQLLimit( LEFTJOIN => $TicketCFs,
+ FIELD => 'CustomField',
+ VALUE => $cfid,
+ $self->_CloseParen;
+# End Helper Functions
+# End of SQL Stuff -------------------------------------------------
+# {{{ Limit the result set based on content
+# {{{ sub Limit
+=head2 Limit
+Takes a paramhash with the fields FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE and DESCRIPTION
+Generally best called from LimitFoo methods
+sub Limit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( FIELD => undef,
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => undef,
+ DESCRIPTION => undef,
+ @_
+ );
+ $args{'DESCRIPTION'} = $self->loc(
+ "[_1] [_2] [_3]", $args{'FIELD'}, $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'}
+ ) if (!defined $args{'DESCRIPTION'}) ;
+ my $index = $self->_NextIndex;
+ #make the TicketRestrictions hash the equivalent of whatever we just passed in;
+ %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$index}} = %args;
+ $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1;
+ # If we're looking at the effective id, we don't want to append the other clause
+ # which limits us to tickets where id = effective id
+ if ($args{'FIELD'} eq 'EffectiveId') {
+ $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($args{'FIELD'} eq 'Type') {
+ $self->{'looking_at_type'} = 1;
+ }
+ return ($index);
+# }}}
+=head2 FreezeLimits
+Returns a frozen string suitable for handing back to ThawLimits.
+# {{{ sub FreezeLimits
+sub FreezeLimits {
+ my $self = shift;
+ require FreezeThaw;
+ return (FreezeThaw::freeze($self->{'TicketRestrictions'},
+ $self->{'restriction_index'}
+ ));
+# }}}
+=head2 ThawLimits
+Take a frozen Limits string generated by FreezeLimits and make this tickets
+object have that set of limits.
+# {{{ sub ThawLimits
+sub ThawLimits {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $in = shift;
+ #if we don't have $in, get outta here.
+ return undef unless ($in);
+ $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1;
+ require FreezeThaw;
+ #We don't need to die if the thaw fails.
+ eval {
+ ($self->{'TicketRestrictions'},
+ $self->{'restriction_index'}
+ ) = FreezeThaw::thaw($in);
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limit by enum or foreign key
+# {{{ sub LimitQueue
+=head2 LimitQueue
+LimitQueue takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of = or !=. (It defaults to =).
+VALUE is a queue id or Name.
+sub LimitQueue {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (VALUE => undef,
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ @_);
+ #TODO VALUE should also take queue names and queue objects
+ #TODO FIXME why are we canonicalizing to name, not id, robrt?
+ if ($args{VALUE} =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ my $queue = new RT::Queue($self->CurrentUser);
+ $queue->Load($args{'VALUE'});
+ $args{VALUE} = $queue->Name;
+ }
+ # What if they pass in an Id? Check for isNum() and convert to
+ # string.
+ #TODO check for a valid queue here
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Queue',
+ VALUE => $args{VALUE},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Queue'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{VALUE},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitStatus
+=head2 LimitStatus
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of = or !=.
+VALUE is a status.
+sub LimitStatus {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( OPERATOR => '=',
+ @_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Status',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Status'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $self->loc($args{'VALUE'})
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub IgnoreType
+=head2 IgnoreType
+If called, this search will not automatically limit the set of results found
+to tickets of type "Ticket". Tickets of other types, such as "project" and
+"approval" will be found.
+sub IgnoreType {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Instead of faking a Limit that later gets ignored, fake up the
+ # fact that we're already looking at type, so that the check in
+ # Tickets_Overlay_SQL/FromSQL goes down the right branch
+ # $self->LimitType(VALUE => '__any');
+ $self->{looking_at_type} = 1;
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitType
+=head2 LimitType
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of = or !=, it defaults to "=".
+VALUE is a string to search for in the type of the ticket.
+sub LimitType {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => undef,
+ @_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Type',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Type'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'Limit'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limit by string field
+# {{{ sub LimitSubject
+=head2 LimitSubject
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of = or !=.
+VALUE is a string to search for in the subject of the ticket.
+sub LimitSubject {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Subject',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Subject'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limit based on ticket numerical attributes
+# Things that can be > < = !=
+# {{{ sub LimitId
+=head2 LimitId
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=.
+VALUE is a ticket Id to search for
+sub LimitId {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (OPERATOR => '=',
+ @_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'id',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Id'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitPriority
+=head2 LimitPriority
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=.
+VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s priority against
+sub LimitPriority {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Priority',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Priority'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitInitialPriority
+=head2 LimitInitialPriority
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=.
+VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s initial priority against
+sub LimitInitialPriority {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'InitialPriority',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Initial Priority'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitFinalPriority
+=head2 LimitFinalPriority
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=.
+VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s final priority against
+sub LimitFinalPriority {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'FinalPriority',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Final Priority'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitTimeWorked
+=head2 LimitTimeWorked
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=.
+VALUE is a value to match the ticket's TimeWorked attribute
+sub LimitTimeWorked {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'TimeWorked',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Time worked'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitTimeLeft
+=head2 LimitTimeLeft
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, >, < or !=.
+VALUE is a value to match the ticket's TimeLeft attribute
+sub LimitTimeLeft {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'TimeLeft',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Time left'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limiting based on attachment attributes
+# {{{ sub LimitContent
+=head2 LimitContent
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=.
+VALUE is a string to search for in the body of the ticket
+sub LimitContent {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Content',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Ticket content'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitFilename
+=head2 LimitFilename
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=.
+VALUE is a string to search for in the body of the ticket
+sub LimitFilename {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Filename',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Attachment filename'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub LimitContentType
+=head2 LimitContentType
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=.
+VALUE is a content type to search ticket attachments for
+sub LimitContentType {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'ContentType',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Ticket content type'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limiting based on people
+# {{{ sub LimitOwner
+=head2 LimitOwner
+Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of = or !=.
+VALUE is a user id.
+sub LimitOwner {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( OPERATOR => '=',
+ @_);
+ my $owner = new RT::User($self->CurrentUser);
+ $owner->Load($args{'VALUE'});
+ # FIXME: check for a valid $owner
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => 'Owner',
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc('Owner'), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $owner->Name(),
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limiting watchers
+# {{{ sub LimitWatcher
+=head2 LimitWatcher
+ Takes a paramhash with the fields OPERATOR, TYPE and VALUE.
+ OPERATOR is one of =, LIKE, NOT LIKE or !=.
+ VALUE is a value to match the ticket\'s watcher email addresses against
+ TYPE is the sort of watchers you want to match against. Leave it undef if you want to search all of them
+=begin testing
+my $t1 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$t1->Create(Queue => 'general', Subject => "LimitWatchers test", Requestors => \['']);
+=end testing
+sub LimitWatcher {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => undef,
+ TYPE => undef,
+ @_);
+ #build us up a description
+ my ($watcher_type, $desc);
+ if ($args{'TYPE'}) {
+ $watcher_type = $args{'TYPE'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $watcher_type = "Watcher";
+ }
+ $self->Limit (FIELD => $watcher_type,
+ VALUE => $args{'VALUE'},
+ OPERATOR => $args{'OPERATOR'},
+ TYPE => $args{'TYPE'},
+ DESCRIPTION => join(
+ ' ', $self->loc($watcher_type), $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'},
+ ),
+ );
+sub LimitRequestor {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (@_);
+ my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
+ $RT::Logger->error("Tickets->LimitRequestor is deprecated. please rewrite call at $package - $filename: $line");
+ $self->LimitWatcher(TYPE => 'Requestor', @_);
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limiting based on links
+# {{{ LimitLinkedTo
+=head2 LimitLinkedTo
+LimitLinkedTo takes a paramhash with two fields: TYPE and TARGET
+TYPE limits the sort of relationship we want to search on
+TYPE = { RefersTo, MemberOf, DependsOn }
+TARGET is the id or URI of the TARGET of the link
+(TARGET used to be 'TICKET'. 'TICKET' is deprecated, but will be treated as TARGET
+sub LimitLinkedTo {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (
+ TICKET => undef,
+ TARGET => undef,
+ TYPE => undef,
+ @_);
+ $self->Limit(
+ FIELD => 'LinkedTo',
+ BASE => undef,
+ TARGET => ($args{'TARGET'} || $args{'TICKET'}),
+ TYPE => $args{'TYPE'},
+ DESCRIPTION => $self->loc(
+ "Tickets [_1] by [_2]", $self->loc($args{'TYPE'}), ($args{'TARGET'} || $args{'TICKET'})
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ LimitLinkedFrom
+=head2 LimitLinkedFrom
+LimitLinkedFrom takes a paramhash with two fields: TYPE and BASE
+TYPE limits the sort of relationship we want to search on
+BASE is the id or URI of the BASE of the link
+(BASE used to be 'TICKET'. 'TICKET' is deprecated, but will be treated as BASE
+sub LimitLinkedFrom {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( BASE => undef,
+ TICKET => undef,
+ TYPE => undef,
+ @_);
+ $self->Limit( FIELD => 'LinkedTo',
+ TARGET => undef,
+ BASE => ($args{'BASE'} || $args{'TICKET'}),
+ TYPE => $args{'TYPE'},
+ DESCRIPTION => $self->loc(
+ "Tickets [_1] [_2]", $self->loc($args{'TYPE'}), ($args{'BASE'} || $args{'TICKET'})
+ ),
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ LimitMemberOf
+sub LimitMemberOf {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket_id = shift;
+ $self->LimitLinkedTo ( TARGET=> "$ticket_id",
+ TYPE => 'MemberOf',
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ LimitHasMember
+sub LimitHasMember {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket_id =shift;
+ $self->LimitLinkedFrom ( BASE => "$ticket_id",
+ TYPE => 'HasMember',
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ LimitDependsOn
+sub LimitDependsOn {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket_id = shift;
+ $self->LimitLinkedTo ( TARGET => "$ticket_id",
+ TYPE => 'DependsOn',
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ LimitDependedOnBy
+sub LimitDependedOnBy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket_id = shift;
+ $self->LimitLinkedFrom ( BASE => "$ticket_id",
+ TYPE => 'DependentOn',
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ LimitRefersTo
+sub LimitRefersTo {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket_id = shift;
+ $self->LimitLinkedTo ( TARGET => "$ticket_id",
+ TYPE => 'RefersTo',
+ );
+# }}}
+# {{{ LimitReferredToBy
+sub LimitReferredToBy {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ticket_id = shift;
+ $self->LimitLinkedFrom ( BASE=> "$ticket_id",
+ TYPE => 'ReferredTo',
+ );
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ limit based on ticket date attribtes
+# {{{ sub LimitDate
+=head2 LimitDate (FIELD => 'DateField', OPERATOR => $oper, VALUE => $ISODate)
+Takes a paramhash with the fields FIELD OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of > or <
+VALUE is a date and time in ISO format in GMT
+FIELD is one of Starts, Started, Told, Created, Resolved, LastUpdated
+There are also helper functions of the form LimitFIELD that eliminate
+the need to pass in a FIELD argument.
+sub LimitDate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (
+ FIELD => undef,
+ VALUE => undef,
+ OPERATOR => undef,
+ @_);
+ #Set the description if we didn't get handed it above
+ unless ($args{'DESCRIPTION'} ) {
+ $args{'DESCRIPTION'} = $args{'FIELD'} . " " .$args{'OPERATOR'}. " ". $args{'VALUE'} . " GMT"
+ }
+ $self->Limit (%args);
+# }}}
+sub LimitCreated {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Created', @_);
+sub LimitDue {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Due', @_);
+sub LimitStarts {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Starts', @_);
+sub LimitStarted {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Started', @_);
+sub LimitResolved {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Resolved', @_);
+sub LimitTold {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'Told', @_);
+sub LimitLastUpdated {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->LimitDate( FIELD => 'LastUpdated', @_);
+# {{{ sub LimitTransactionDate
+=head2 LimitTransactionDate (OPERATOR => $oper, VALUE => $ISODate)
+Takes a paramhash with the fields FIELD OPERATOR and VALUE.
+OPERATOR is one of > or <
+VALUE is a date and time in ISO format in GMT
+sub LimitTransactionDate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (
+ FIELD => 'TransactionDate',
+ VALUE => undef,
+ OPERATOR => undef,
+ @_);
+ # <>
+ # "Kill It" - Jesse.
+ #Set the description if we didn't get handed it above
+ unless ($args{'DESCRIPTION'} ) {
+ $args{'DESCRIPTION'} = $args{'FIELD'} . " " .$args{'OPERATOR'}. " ". $args{'VALUE'} . " GMT"
+ }
+ $self->Limit (%args);
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Limit based on custom fields
+# {{{ sub LimitCustomField
+=head2 LimitCustomField
+Takes a paramhash of key/value pairs with the following keys:
+=over 4
+=item KEYWORDSELECT - KeywordSelect id
+=item OPERATOR - (for KEYWORD only - KEYWORDSELECT operator is always `=')
+=item KEYWORD - Keyword id
+sub LimitCustomField {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = ( VALUE => undef,
+ CUSTOMFIELD => undef,
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ DESCRIPTION => undef,
+ FIELD => 'CustomFieldValue',
+ @_ );
+ use RT::CustomFields;
+ my $CF = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+ $CF->Load( $args{CUSTOMFIELD} );
+ #If we are looking to compare with a null value.
+ if ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /^is$/i ) {
+ $args{'DESCRIPTION'} ||= $self->loc("Custom field [_1] has no value.", $CF->Name);
+ }
+ elsif ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /^is not$/i ) {
+ $args{'DESCRIPTION'} ||= $self->loc("Custom field [_1] has a value.", $CF->Name);
+ }
+ # if we're not looking to compare with a null value
+ else {
+ $args{'DESCRIPTION'} ||= $self->loc("Custom field [_1] [_2] [_3]", $CF->Name , $args{OPERATOR} , $args{VALUE});
+ }
+# my $index = $self->_NextIndex;
+# %{ $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$index} } = %args;
+ my $q = "";
+ if ($CF->Queue) {
+ my $qo = new RT::Queue( $self->CurrentUser );
+ $qo->load( $CF->Queue );
+ $q = $qo->Name;
+ }
+ $self->Limit( VALUE => $args{VALUE},
+ FIELD => "CF.".( $q
+ ? $q . ".{" . $CF->Name . "}"
+ : $CF->Name
+ ),
+ );
+ $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1;
+ # return ($index);
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub _NextIndex
+=head2 _NextIndex
+Keep track of the counter for the array of restrictions
+sub _NextIndex {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->{'restriction_index'}++);
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Core bits to make this a DBIx::SearchBuilder object
+# {{{ sub _Init
+sub _Init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'table'} = "Tickets";
+ $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1;
+ $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'} = 0;
+ $self->{'looking_at_type'} = 0;
+ $self->{'restriction_index'} =1;
+ $self->{'primary_key'} = "id";
+ delete $self->{'items_array'};
+ delete $self->{'item_map'};
+ $self->SUPER::_Init(@_);
+ $self->_InitSQL;
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub Count
+sub Count {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_ProcessRestrictions() if ($self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} == 1 );
+ return($self->SUPER::Count());
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub CountAll
+sub CountAll {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_ProcessRestrictions() if ($self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} == 1 );
+ return($self->SUPER::CountAll());
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub ItemsArrayRef
+=head2 ItemsArrayRef
+Returns a reference to the set of all items found in this search
+sub ItemsArrayRef {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @items;
+ unless ( $self->{'items_array'} ) {
+ my $placeholder = $self->_ItemsCounter;
+ $self->GotoFirstItem();
+ while ( my $item = $self->Next ) {
+ push ( @{ $self->{'items_array'} }, $item );
+ }
+ $self->GotoItem($placeholder);
+ }
+ return ( $self->{'items_array'} );
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub Next
+sub Next {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_ProcessRestrictions() if ($self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} == 1 );
+ my $Ticket = $self->SUPER::Next();
+ if ((defined($Ticket)) and (ref($Ticket))) {
+ #Make sure we _never_ show deleted tickets
+ #TODO we should be doing this in the where clause.
+ #but you can't do multiple clauses on the same field just yet :/
+ if ($Ticket->__Value('Status') eq 'deleted') {
+ return($self->Next());
+ }
+ # Since Ticket could be granted with more rights instead
+ # of being revoked, it's ok if queue rights allow
+ # ShowTicket. It seems need another query, but we have
+ # rights cache in Principal::HasRight.
+ elsif ($Ticket->QueueObj->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket') ||
+ $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ShowTicket')) {
+ return($Ticket);
+ }
+ #If the user doesn't have the right to show this ticket
+ else {
+ return($self->Next());
+ }
+ }
+ #if there never was any ticket
+ else {
+ return(undef);
+ }
+# }}}
+# }}}
+# {{{ Deal with storing and restoring restrictions
+# {{{ sub LoadRestrictions
+=head2 LoadRestrictions
+LoadRestrictions takes a string which can fully populate the TicketRestrictons hash.
+TODO It is not yet implemented
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub DescribeRestrictions
+=head2 DescribeRestrictions
+takes nothing.
+Returns a hash keyed by restriction id.
+Each element of the hash is currently a one element hash that contains DESCRIPTION which
+is a description of the purpose of that TicketRestriction
+sub DescribeRestrictions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($row, %listing);
+ foreach $row (keys %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}}) {
+ $listing{$row} = $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$row}{'DESCRIPTION'};
+ }
+ return (%listing);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub RestrictionValues
+=head2 RestrictionValues FIELD
+Takes a restriction field and returns a list of values this field is restricted
+sub RestrictionValues {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $field = shift;
+ map $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$_}{'VALUE'},
+ grep {
+ $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$_}{'FIELD'} eq $field
+ && $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$_}{'OPERATOR'} eq "="
+ }
+ keys %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}};
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub ClearRestrictions
+=head2 ClearRestrictions
+Removes all restrictions irretrievably
+sub ClearRestrictions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{'TicketRestrictions'};
+ $self->{'looking_at_effective_id'} = 0;
+ $self->{'looking_at_type'} = 0;
+ $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} =1;
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub DeleteRestriction
+=head2 DeleteRestriction
+Takes the row Id of a restriction (From DescribeRestrictions' output, for example.
+Removes that restriction from the session's limits.
+sub DeleteRestriction {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $row = shift;
+ delete $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$row};
+ $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 1;
+ #make the underlying easysearch object forget all its preconceptions
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub _RestrictionsToClauses
+# Convert a set of oldstyle SB Restrictions to Clauses for RQL
+sub _RestrictionsToClauses {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $row;
+ my %clause;
+ foreach $row (keys %{$self->{'TicketRestrictions'}}) {
+ my $restriction = $self->{'TicketRestrictions'}{$row};
+ #use Data::Dumper;
+ #print Dumper($restriction),"\n";
+ # We need to reimplement the subclause aggregation that SearchBuilder does.
+ # Default Subclause is ALIAS.FIELD, and default ALIAS is 'main',
+ # Then SB AND's the different Subclauses together.
+ # So, we want to group things into Subclauses, convert them to
+ # SQL, and then join them with the appropriate DefaultEA.
+ # Then join each subclause group with AND.
+ my $field = $restriction->{'FIELD'};
+ my $realfield = $field; # CustomFields fake up a fieldname, so
+ # we need to figure that out
+ # One special case
+ # Rewrite LinkedTo meta field to the real field
+ if ($field =~ /LinkedTo/) {
+ $realfield = $field = $restriction->{'TYPE'};
+ }
+ # Two special case
+ # CustomFields have a different real field
+ if ($field =~ /^CF\./) {
+ $realfield = "CF"
+ }
+ die "I don't know about $field yet"
+ unless (exists $FIELDS{$realfield} or $restriction->{CUSTOMFIELD});
+ my $type = $FIELDS{$realfield}->[0];
+ my $op = $restriction->{'OPERATOR'};
+ my $value = ( grep { defined }
+ map { $restriction->{$_} } qw(VALUE TICKET BASE TARGET))[0];
+ # this performs the moral equivalent of defined or/dor/C<//>,
+ # without the short circuiting.You need to use a 'defined or'
+ # type thing instead of just checking for truth values, because
+ # VALUE could be 0.(i.e. "false")
+ # You could also use this, but I find it less aesthetic:
+ # (although it does short circuit)
+ #( defined $restriction->{'VALUE'}? $restriction->{VALUE} :
+ # defined $restriction->{'TICKET'} ?
+ # $restriction->{TICKET} :
+ # defined $restriction->{'BASE'} ?
+ # $restriction->{BASE} :
+ # defined $restriction->{'TARGET'} ?
+ # $restriction->{TARGET} )
+ my $ea = $DefaultEA{$type};
+ if ( ref $ea ) {
+ die "Invalid operator $op for $field ($type)"
+ unless exists $ea->{$op};
+ $ea = $ea->{$op};
+ }
+ exists $clause{$realfield} or $clause{$realfield} = [];
+ # Escape Quotes
+ $field =~ s!(['"])!\\$1!g;
+ $value =~ s!(['"])!\\$1!g;
+ my $data = [ $ea, $type, $field, $op, $value ];
+ # here is where we store extra data, say if it's a keyword or
+ # something. (I.e. "TYPE SPECIFIC STUFF")
+ #print Dumper($data);
+ push @{$clause{$realfield}}, $data;
+ }
+ return \%clause;
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub _ProcessRestrictions
+=head2 _ProcessRestrictions PARAMHASH
+# The new _ProcessRestrictions is somewhat dependent on the SQL stuff,
+# but isn't quite generic enough to move into Tickets_Overlay_SQL.
+sub _ProcessRestrictions {
+ my $self = shift;
+ #Blow away ticket aliases since we'll need to regenerate them for
+ #a new search
+ delete $self->{'TicketAliases'};
+ delete $self->{'items_array'};
+ my $sql = $self->{_sql_query}; # Violating the _SQL namespace
+ if (!$sql||$self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'}) {
+ # "Restrictions to Clauses Branch\n";
+ my $clauseRef = eval { $self->_RestrictionsToClauses; };
+ if ($@) {
+ $RT::Logger->error( "RestrictionsToClauses: " . $@ );
+ $self->FromSQL("");
+ } else {
+ $sql = $self->ClausesToSQL($clauseRef);
+ $self->FromSQL($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'RecalcTicketLimits'} = 0;
+=head2 _BuildItemMap
+ # Build up a map of first/last/next/prev items, so that we can display search nav quickly
+sub _BuildItemMap {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $items = $self->ItemsArrayRef;
+ my $prev = 0 ;
+ delete $self->{'item_map'};
+ if ($items->[0]) {
+ $self->{'item_map'}->{'first'} = $items->[0]->Id;
+ while (my $item = shift @$items ) {
+ my $id = $item->Id;
+ $self->{'item_map'}->{$id}->{'defined'} = 1;
+ $self->{'item_map'}->{$id}->{prev} = $prev;
+ $self->{'item_map'}->{$id}->{next} = $items->[0]->Id if ($items->[0]);
+ $prev = $id;
+ }
+ $self->{'item_map'}->{'last'} = $prev;
+ }
+=head2 ItemMap
+Returns an a map of all items found by this search. The map is of the form
+$ItemMap->{'first'} = first ticketid found
+$ItemMap->{'last'} = last ticketid found
+$ItemMap->{$id}->{prev} = the tikcet id found before $id
+$ItemMap->{$id}->{next} = the tikcet id found after $id
+sub ItemMap {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_BuildItemMap() unless ($self->{'item_map'});
+ return ($self->{'item_map'});
+# }}}
+# }}}
+=head2 PrepForSerialization
+You don't want to serialize a big tickets object, as the {items} hash will be instantly invalid _and_ eat lots of space
+sub PrepForSerialization {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{'items'};
+ $self->RedoSearch();