path: root/rt/docs
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authorIvan Kohler <>2012-06-07 00:56:06 -0700
committerIvan Kohler <>2012-06-07 00:56:06 -0700
commit43a06151e47d2c59b833cbd8c26d97865ee850b6 (patch)
tree42c51d94e7fa265461b508d061562be204ccc2c1 /rt/docs
parent6587f6ba7d047ddc1686c080090afe7d53365bd4 (diff)
starting to work...
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34 files changed, 0 insertions, 3681 deletions
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-Questions about docs should be sent to the RT Documentation Team (
-which is led by Meri.
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-Security tips for running RT3
-0 Protect your RT installation by making it only accessible via SSL
-1 Be sure to change the password for the root user of RT. The default password is "password". This can be changed via the RT web interface at: Preferences > About me
-2 Be sure to protect your file if it contains database credentials or other sensitive information. This file only needs to be readable by RT and your web server. One way to accomplish this is to make the file readable only by root and the group that RT runs as, and then make sure your web server is a member of that group. Advanced configuration may be required if other users have the ability to run CGIs or access the server where RT is running. Otherwise, those users may have access to become RT superusers.
-3 Be sure to protect your database. If it does not need to talk to the world, then don't allow it to listen for remote connections. With MySQL this can be accomplished via "skip-networking". If you use your database for other things and must allow remote connections, be sure to use a strong, hard to guess password for RT.
-4 Apache, lighttpd, and most other web servers support name based virtual hosts. When possible, configure RT as a name based virtual host to raise the bar against DNS rebinding attacks. Note: If when you visit you see RT, it means you are not likely getting this additional protection.
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-=head1 External custom fields
-=head2 Description
-C<External custom fields> is extension to custom fields that allow
-you to define CF with a dynamic list of values. Loading values into
-this custom fields requires writing a little Perl code to fetch the
-data from the external source; the code that we added to RT 3.7
-allows it to load data from arbitrary external sources.
-=head2 Introduction into writing source of values
-For each type of data source that you want, you'll need to put a file
-in F</opt/rt3/local/lib/RT/CustomFieldValues/> (or equivilent if you
-installed RT someplace other than F</opt/rt3>). To get a sense of the
-code that you'll need to write, take a look at the code in
-L</opt/rt3/lib/RT/CustomFieldValues/> for a simple example
-which just uses RT's API to pull in a list of RT's groups.
-Running C<perldoc /opt/rt3/lib/RT/CustomFieldValues/> will
-show you the documentation for the API that needs to be fulfilled, by
-copying and editing the C<Groups> example is probably a fine place to
-Later in this doc we'll describe the example a little bit more.
-=head2 Configuration
-After the custom code is written, you need to tell RT about its
-existence by adding something like following to your
-Set(@CustomFieldValuesSources, "RT::CustomFieldValues::MySource");
-The value in quotes should be the name of the class that you created.
-Stop and start your web server to enable any config changes. Open the web interface with
-as an administrative user (such as root) create new custom field. In order to use
-a custom source of values, you should select a custom field type
-that lets users pick values from a list, for example it could be C<Select *>
-or a type with autocompletion. It shouldn't be C<Enter one value> type
-as this type doesn't allow user to choose values. Other types that
-don't have a defined list of values are also unacceptable.
-Save the changes, now you have ability to select a "source" for values.
-Choose the class you wrote from the list and save changes.
-=head2 How to write custom source
-You have to implement a subclass of L<RT::CustomFieldValues::External>.
-There are two main methods you want to override:
-=over 4
-=item SourceDescription
-This method should return a string describing the data source; this is
-the identifier which the adimistrator will see in the dropdown in the web
-interface. See L</Configuration>.
-=item ExternalValues
-This method should return an array reference of hash references. The
-hash references should contain keys for C<name>, C<description>, and
-C<sortorder>. C<name> is most important one. The others are optional
-Here's a simple static example:
- package RT::CustomFieldValues::MySource;
- # define class inheritance
- use base qw(RT::CustomFieldValues::External);
- # admin friendly description, the default valuse is the name of the class
- sub SourceDescription {
- return 'My Source';
- }
- # actual values provider method
- sub ExternalValues {
- # return reference to array ([])
- return [
- # each element of the array is a reference to hash that describe a value
- # possible keys are name, description and sortorder
- { name => 'value1', description => 'external value', sortorder => 1 },
- { name => 'value2', description => 'another external value', sortorder => 2 },
- # values without description are also valid, the default description is empty string
- { name => 'value3', sortorder => 3 },
- # you can skip sortorder too, but note that the default sortorder is 0 (zero)
- { name => 'value3' },
- ];
- }
- 1; # don't forget to return some true value
-That's all. Install and configure your class as described in the L</Configuration> section.
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--- --------------------------------------- --
--- RT 3.3 Schema redesign v7: 2004-11-08 --
--- --------------------------------------- --
-TABLE CustomFields (
- Name varchar(200) NULL ,
- Type varchar(200) NULL , -- Changed: see MaxValues below
- MaxValues integer, -- New: 1 = Single, 0 = Multiple
- Pattern varchar(255) NULL , -- New: regex to validate against
- Repeated int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , -- New: repeated table entry
- LookupType varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- New: "RT::Queue-RT::Ticket"
- Description varchar(255) NULL ,
- SortOrder integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , -- only used on "pick CF" screen
--- This table replaces the "Queue" field in CustomFields
-TABLE ObjectCustomFields (
- CustomField int NOT NULL , -- CustomField ID
- ObjectId integer NOT NULL, -- Final id of toplevel parent, or
- -- the object itself if ParentType
- -- is empty; 0 means global as usual
- SortOrder integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , -- this is used to sort the CFs
--- This table replaces TicketCustomFieldValues
-TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues (
- CustomField int NOT NULL ,
- ObjectType varchar(255) NOT NULL, -- Final target of the Object
- ObjectId int NOT NULL , -- New: replaces the "Ticket" field
- SortOrder integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , -- New: for Repeated fields
- Content varchar(255) NULL ,
- LargeContent LONGTEXT NULL, -- New: data longer than 255 bytes
- ContentType varchar(80) NULL, -- New: MIME type of LargeContent
- ContentEncoding varchar(80) NULL , -- New: for binary LargeContent
- Disabled int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , -- New: whether this is deleted
-TABLE Transactions (
- ObjectType varchar(255) NULL, -- Final target of the Object
- ObjectId integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , -- New: replaces the "Ticket" field
- TimeTaken integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ,
- Type varchar(20) NULL ,
- Field varchar(40) NULL ,
- OldValue varchar(255) NULL ,
- NewValue varchar(255) NULL ,
- ReferenceType varchar(255) NULL, -- NeW: Currently "RT::OCFV" only
- OldReference integer NULL , -- New: Id of ReferenceType
- NewReference integer NULL , -- New: Id of ReferenceType
- Data varchar(255) NULL ,
--- vim: filetype=mysql shiftwidth=4 expandtab
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-Conditional Automated Request Shuffler
-Initial Design. <> 9 Nov 99
-#Try to find out what queue the incoming ticket is in
-#Try to find out the default action for this invocation
-#Read the ticket from STDIN
-#Obtain the actor
-#Obtain the serial # if we have one
-#If the ticket has a ticket-id
- #if this is a 'comment'
- #add the current mime objects as a 'comment'
- #if this is 'correspondence'
- #add the current mime object as 'correspondence'
-#if this ticket does not yet have a ticket id
- #For now:
- #Create a new ticket
- #In the distant future
- #load the regexp table matching this queue
- #check the message agains the regexp table, ordered by precedence
- #when we get a match
- #get the ruleset for that regexp from the actions table
- #evaluate the ruleset in order of precedence.
- #if we get an 'exit' stop proccesing ALL rulesets
-wpw #if we get a 'forward,' forward it to 'value'.
- #if we get a 'create,' create a request in 'value'
- #elseif we get a 'map', add this as additional correspondence on ticket 'value'
- #if we get an 'associate', associate the ticket number returned from the
- 'create' or 'map' with the master ticket from 'value'
- #if we get a 'reply',
- #load the reply template with id 'value'
- #replace strings in the template
- #send the template
-Desc varchar(120),
-Regexp varchar(80),
-Precedence int,
-MatchField varchar(20), #Can be a headername or 'any' all header names
- #end in :
-Rule int,
-Action varchar(20), # Create, Forward, Squelch, Owner, Area, Associate
-Value varchar(20), #queue or email address
-Desc varchar(120)
-CREATE TABLE Autoreplies {
-Content text
-); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/TransactionTypes.txt b/rt/docs/design_docs/TransactionTypes.txt
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-This is some loose scrabbling made by TobiX, they might eventually be relevant
-for 2.1.
-INTERFACES, in general
-- provide the user (client?) with a list of possible actions (methods).
-- let the user execute those actions (methods).
-- Return information to the user/client.
-There are two kind of actions/methods:
-- Information retrieval
-- Transactions
-For the first, I think the best thing is to just provide a lot of
-methods for it in the libraries, and let it be an Interface Design
-Issue what to show and how to show it.
-For the second, I think we can win in the long run on having a
-generalized methods for
-- listing transaction types.
-- creating & committing transactions.
-..with the possibility of just deploying new custom-developed modules
-when new transaction types are needed.
-RT->Config->Get('TransactionTypes') ...and...
- - global object which contains all TransactionTypes
- - used by all UIs to create menues of possible (user) actions (one TransactionType is a user action)
-The UIs should call sth like
-$Ticket->AddTransaction($TransactionName), which should be equivalent
-with i.e. $Ticket->Correspond when $TransactionName is 'Correspond'
-(AUTOLOAD should call the do-sub if exists
-The RT::Ticket::AddTransaction will create a new transaction of the
-right TransactionClass (maybe via a sub
-RT::TransactionTypes::NewTransaction). Then $Transaction->do is
-TransactionType->do initializes a new object of the right TransactionClass, and
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/acls b/rt/docs/design_docs/acls
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-Does principal baz have right foo for object bar
-What rights does user baz have for object bar
-# {{{ Which principals have right foo for object bar
-if ($args{'ObjectType'} eq 'Ticket') {
- $or_check_ticket_roles = " OR ( Groups.Domain = 'TicketRole' AND Groups.Instance = '".$args{'ObjectId'}."') ";
- # If we're looking at ticket rights, we also want to look at the associated queue rights.
- # this is a little bit hacky, but basically, now that we've done the ticket roles magic, we load the queue object
- # and ask all the rest of our questions about the queue.
- my $tick = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $tick->Load($args{'ObjectId'});
- $args{'ObjectType'} = 'Queue';
- $args{'ObjectId'} = $tick->QueueObj->Id();
-if ($args{'ObjectType'} eq 'Queue') {
- $or_check_roles = " OR ( ( (Groups.Domain = 'QueueRole' AND Groups.Instance = '".$args{'ObjectId'}."') $or_check_ticket_roles )
- AND Groups.Type = ACL.PrincipalType AND Groups.Id = Principals.ObjectId AND Principals.PrincipalType = 'Group') ";
-if (defined $args{'ObjectType'} ) {
- $or_look_at_object_rights = " OR (ACL.ObjectType = '".$args{'ObjectType'}."' AND ACL.ObjectId = '".$args{'ObjectId'}."') ";
-my $query = "SELECT Users.* from ACL, Groups, Users, Principals, Principals UserPrinc, CachedGroupMembers WHERE
- = UserPrinc.ObjectId AND UserPrinc.PrincipalType = 'User' AND
- Principals.Id = CachedGroupMembers.GroupId AND
- CachedGroupMembers.MemberId = UserPrinc.ObjectId AND
- UserPrinc.PrincipalType = 'User' AND
- (ACL.RightName = 'SuperUser' OR ACL.RightName = '$right') AND
- (ACL.ObjectType = 'System' $or_look_at_object_rights) AND
- (
- (ACL.PrincipalId = Principals.Id AND
- Principals.ObjectId = Groups.Id AND
- ACL.PrincipalType = 'Group' AND
- (Groups.Domain = 'SystemInternal' OR Groups.Domain = 'UserDefined' OR Groups.Domain = 'ACLEquivalence')
- )
- $or_check_roles
- )";
-# }}}
-What objects does principal baz have right foo for
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-Notification on "your request approved by"
-Notification on "your request approved by all approvers"
-Notification on "your request denied by"
-Reject ticket on rejection of any approval
-"Ticket N is pending your approval"
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-===Create-Ticket: approval
- { my $name = "HR";
- my $groups = RT::Groups->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $groups->LimitToUserDefinedGroups();
- $groups->Limit(FIELD => 'Name', OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => "$name");
- $groups->WithMember($TransactionObj->CreatorObj->Id);
- my $groupid = $groups->First->Id;
- my $adminccs = RT::Users->new($RT::SystemUser);
- $adminccs->WhoHaveRight(Right => 'AdminGroup', IncludeSystemRights => undef, IncludeSuperusers => 0, IncludeSubgroupMembers => 0, Object => $groups->First);
- my @admins;
- while (my $admin = $adminccs->Next) {
- push (@admins, $admin->Name);
- }
- }
- Queue: ___Approvals
- Type: approval
- AdminCcs: {join (", ",@admins) }
- Depended-On-By: TOP
- Refers-To: TOP
- Due: {time + 86400}
- Content-Type: text/plain
- Content: Your approval is requested for the ticket {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Id}: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
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-find all tickets where:
- CF Foo
- Has values (talk or read) AND
- Has values (bar and baz) AND
- doesn't have values (bing or bong)
-LimitCustomFieldValues {
- my %args = ( CustomField => undef,
- ClauseId => 'CustomFields',
- OPERATOR => undef,
- VALUES => undef,
- @_) ;
- unless ( $self->{'TicketAliases'}{$args{'ClauseId'}}{'CustomField'} ) {
- $self->{'TicketAliases'}{$args{'ClauseId'}}{'CustomField'} = $self->NewAlias('CustomFields');
- $self->Join(TABLE1 =>$self->{'TicketAliases'}{$args{'ClauseId'}}{'CustomField' },
- FIELD1 => 'QueueId',
- TABLE2 => 'main', FIELD2 => 'QueueId');
- if ($args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /!=|IS/i) {
- }
- else {
- }
- # {{{ if it's a keyword
- elsif ( $TYPES{ $restriction->{'FIELD'} } eq 'CUSTOMFIELD' ) {
- my $null_columns_ok;
- my $TicketCFs = $self->Join( TYPE => 'left',
- ALIAS1 => 'main',
- FIELD1 => 'id',
- TABLE2 => 'TicketCustomFieldValues',
- FIELD2 => 'Ticket' );
- foreach my $value ( @{ $restriction->{'VALUES'} } ) {
- $self->SUPER::Limit( ALIAS => $TicketCFs,
- FIELD => 'Content',
- OPERATOR => $restriction->{'OPERATOR'},
- VALUE => $value,
- QUOTEVALUE => $restriction->{'QUOTEVALUE'},
- }
- if ( ( $restriction->{'OPERATOR'} =~ /^IS$/i ) or ( $restriction->{'OPERATOR'} eq '!=' ) ) {
- $null_columns_ok = 1;
- }
- #If we're trying to find tickets where the keyword isn't somethng, also check ones where it _IS_ null
- if ( $restriction->{'OPERATOR'} eq '!=' ) {
- $self->SUPER::Limit( ALIAS => $TicketCFs,
- FIELD => 'Content',
- VALUE => 'NULL',
- }
- $self->SUPER::Limit( LEFTJOIN => $TicketCFs,
- FIELD => 'CustomField',
- VALUE => $restriction->{'CUSTOMFIELD'},
- }
- # }}}
- }
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-Things the cli must do
- create ticket
- comment
- reply
- update ticket metadata
- search for tickets
- update a bunch of tickets.
- list tickets
- login/logout
-should support multiple rt servers
-create/edit/update should use EDITOR or take from a file or stdin
-should be able to update ticket sttributes from a commandline without invoking an editor or needing to use stdin.
-login/logout should store RT session cookies rather than constantly transmitting the username/password combo.
-rtserver and rt username should come from env variables. but should be able to be overridden by commandline options.
-rt password should be able to be specified on the commandline (say from a script) or, failing that be prompted for within the application (as rt's sbin/initdb script does) ...or maybe able to be read from a stash file on disk.
-must be able to dowaload attachments from cli.
- it might also be cool to be able to generate session-length urls for attavhments so you can use a browser. but that's not necessary.
-I'm envisioning this as similar to the subversion cli, actually.
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-jesse@FSCK.COM: ok. anyone here
- interested in having RT as a bug tracker integrated with CVS? ()
-marc: in principle, sure. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: want to write up your
- ideal of how such a beast would work? ()
-alex_c: what sort of integration are you thinking of, Jesse? ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: well, that's what I want
- to know, alex. lots of people want their bug trackers tied to their
- version control. I want to know what people want it to _do_ ;) ()
-alex_c: weird. :) ()
-marc: similarly to what the debian bts does.
- you put a magic string ("rt-closes#123") and it causes the bug in rt to
- be closed (or appended with a different magic string) with the commit
- message. also nice would be if rt would then generate links to a
- webcvs server. ()
-jhawk: Hrmm. cvs front-end that strips 'em out?
- Perhaps with RT: lines instead of CVS: lines in the commit
- interaction? ()
-marc: the magic string goes in the commit
- message, that is. no, use one of the magic post-commit scripts. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: well, there's also the
- pre-commit script to lock out commits wihtout a ticket id ()
-jhawk: Personally, I don't want to force special
- magic strings to the bug-tracking system, some of which may be
- confidential, to appear in the cvs logs. ()
-marc: I could see wanting that on a release
- branch. ()
-jhawk: I also think it would be cool to supply
- template stuff for you to edit. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: I'm not sure cvs can be
- made to do that. can it? (generate templates) ()
-jhawk: It would be reasonable, in my model, to
- turn some kinds of RT: lines into things that fell in the commit
- message, but not all kinds. ()
-marc: I don't quite see jhawk's objection. ()
-ghudson: In my observation, locking out commits
- without a ticket ID is usually an impediment to development, and leads
- to developers having the one bug which all commits cite. ()
-jhawk: If you had a CVS frontend, it could geneate
- the template and feed it to 'cvs commit -m' ()
-ghudson: CVS can generate templates and verify
- that they have been filled in. ()
-jhawk: What Greg says sounds cool; greg, what do
- you mean? marc: one sec. ()
-marc: I think assuming a frontend is a terrible
- idea. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: greg: agreed. but people
- seem to want it. the idea would be only for a locked down release
- branch. ()
-jhawk: marc: So, I might want to close an open
- ticket as part of a commit message without that showing up in the
- coommit message. Or to insert a splufty long comment into a ticket
- while I do the commit but not close or really change the state, and
- that comment might want to ramble a lot but not include that ramble in
- the commit message. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: well, then arguably, you
- might want to not use the commit message for that update, but instead
- just go straight to the bts ()
-marc: I think the idea is to force you to
- mention the ticket closing in the commit message. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: but yeah, state changing
- and 'update messages' are separate concepts that should both be
- supported. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: part of the idea is to
- drag the commit message into the BTS ()
-jhawk: Err, I think it quite frequent that I want
- to put separate info in both the commit message and the ticket system,
- and entering them at the same time seems cool. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: ok. noted. I'll see if
- that's doable, when i get around to this. ()
-marc: so I think you want a custom front-end,
- but I don't think what you want is what jesse is talking about. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: the thing that would be
- really cool that scare the pants off me is tracking which branches bugs
- exist in / are fixed in ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: what jhawk wants should
- be doable, now that I understand his reqts. ()
-marc: that would require the bts to understand
- branches in some fundamental way. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: yes. see above, about
- the pants. ()
-sly: uh oh, not more people losing their pants... ..
-ghudson: RT needs to know the names of branches
- and their structure (so that you can tell it "fixed in foo" and it
- knows that the bug is still fixed in anything that branches off of foo,
- but not necessarily in other new branches), but nothing more than that.
-jhawk: So, note that what I'm describing is how
- I'd like the UI to be, from a generic architectural level, and not
- really thinking terribly specific. Greg, can you explain the CVS
- template thing? ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: and it needs to know
- exactly "when" a branch happens. because "fixed in foo" won't fix
- something that branched off foo yesterday ()
-marc: jesse was talking about integrating rt
- with cvs. building a new developent+repository+bts from scratch would
- be a problem with larger scope :-) ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: marc: was that in
- response to jhawk? ()
-ghudson: CVS and templates: "rcsinfo" lets you
- specify a template for log messages, and "commitinfo" lets you check
- them. ()
-ghudson: Er, sorry, my bad.
- s/commitinfo/verifymsg/ ()
-marc: with cvs, if you have the revision number
- of the fix (which you should). you can use the branch version number to
- get a date and see when the branch happened relative to the fix. ()
-marc: jesse: yes. ()
-jesse@FSCK.COM: Ok. would people
- consider "integration with CVS" to be subpar or incomplete if it didn't
- deal with tracking branches? ()
-marc: incomplete relative to an ideal, but not
- subpar, as it would still be useful. ()
-allbery@CS.CMU.EDU: CVS's branch
- support sucks so much that failure to work with it is hardly a bug ()
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-Group ACLs
- the rights:
- CreatePersonalGroup
- CreateGroup
- AdminGroup
- * Update group metadata and access control list
- AdminGroupMembers
- * Add ad delete members of this group
- ModifyOwnMembership
- * Join and quit this group
- the primitives:
-=item HasRight { Right => 'somerightname', ObjectType => 'Group', ObjectId => 'GroupId'
- Returns true if this user has the right 'somerightname' for
-the group with id 'Id'
-=item RightsForObject { ObjectType => 'Group', ObjectId =>'GroupId' }
-=item WhoHaveRight { Right =>'somerightname', ObjectType => 'Group', ObjectId => 'GroupId' }
- Finds all users who have the right 'somerightname' for the group
-in question.
- If a user has "AdminGroupMembers" globally and we ask about
- group 23, that user should be found.
-Users must be able to delegate individual rights
- * Is it that users can delegate any and all rights but it's
- only rights they _have_ which actually grant rights.
-rights must not be redelegated
-users must be able to create groups to which rights can be delegated.
-Only users who have the "delegate rights" right can delegate rights.
-When a user's right to do something is revoked, the delegation must
-be revoked
- * For any delegated ACL check, the delegator's right must be
- checked immediately after the delegatee's right.
- If a user has had a right delegated by multiple parties,
- this may mean that we need to actually loop through and check
- a bunch of possible delegations. Or can we craft a "has delegated
- right" ACL check.
-ACL 1 Group Q has the right to Frob ObjectI.
-ACL 2 User A has the right "DelegateRights"
-Group Q has the member Group S
-Group S has the member Group R
-Group S has the member Group T
-Group R has the member user A
-Group T has the member user A
-User A delegates to Group P the right to Frob ObjectI
- New ACL rule:
- ACL 3: Group P has the right to Frob ObjectI
- as delegated from ACL1 by User A
-In the case where ACL1 is revoked:
- find all acls which are delegated from ACL1.
- Delete them
-In the case where User A is removed from group R
- Get the list of all groups that A was in by way of group R before the removal
- Get the list of all groups that A is in _after_ the removal.
- Find all the ACEs granted to each group that A is no longer in.
- For each ACE in that list, find all the rights that A has delegated.
- Whack them.
-In the case where Group S is removed from group Q
- Get a list of all groups that S was in by way of Q before the removal
- Call this list O.
- For each user X who's a member of S (directly or indirectly):
- Get a list of all groups that X is in after removal.
- For each group in O that X is no longer a member of:
- Find all ACEs granted to O
- For each ACE, look up all the delegations that X has made.
- For each delegation
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/evil_plans b/rt/docs/design_docs/evil_plans
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@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Current planned 2.2 feature list. subject to change.
-Web UI
-Should New "Tools" top level menu
-Should "This week in RT" at a glance.
-Nice "RT Stats" overview.
-Nice recent and favorite items
-per-user configuration
-Must Saveable user preferences.
- The ideal implementation would be "saveable user metadata",
- including things like "Alternate Email Addresses". To
- do this right, not all user metadata would be directly
- editable by the user who has "ModifySelf" it may be that
- this is a "system" datastore that gets accessed by various
- functions, some of which the user has access to modify and
- some of which only the system does.
- API: Set field "FOO" to value "BAR" for user BAZ
- What values does field "FOO" have for user BAZ?
- Clear all values of "FOO" for user BAZ
- What users have value "BAR" for field "FOO"
- Example usages:
- What users have the alternative email address matching
- ""
- What custom searches does user BAZ have defined?
- What is baz's default queue?
- Actually, I feel a little sketchy about Alternative Email
- Addresses in there. I'm not quite sure why yet.
- The same would really be useful for queues. Damn it. I think
- I want a registry.
-Must Ability to define search result format.
-should Saveable user searches.
-nice Sharable searches.
-must Include more Conditions; at least those contributed so far
- that make sense in my grand scheme of things
-should The name should change to something that people don't think is
- spelled wrong. ("I will not invent words\n" x 1000)
-nice Scrips could apply to a list of queues, rather than just one queue or
- all of them.
-Custom fields
-Nice Date custom fields
-Nice Some way to order and group custom fields.
-Nice Default values
-Nice Required values
-Nice Make custom fields apply to an enumerated list of queues,
- rather than just one.
-Web infrastructure
-Should Better FSSTD conformance:
- bins in /bin
- admin tools in /sbin (does this include rtadmin?)
- ephemeral data in /var
- rename config file
- force local RT search path?
-Mail gateway
-must Integrate gpg-authenticated command-by-mail mode
-should Use apache logging, if available
-should Use syslog, if available.
-should Mail user new password, as an Action, so it can be invoked either
- as a scripaction or from the web ui.
-Web Services Framework
-Should Expose an API to create a ticket by HTTP posting an XML document.
-Should Provide an RSS feed to display tickets matching certain criteria
-Nice Allow ticket updates via the web ui
-Nice Export full ticket metadata and history as XML
-Note: I currently favor the REST philosophy that GET and POST to specific,
- defined URLs provides everything one needs to build comprehensive
- web services without the massive added complexity of a SOAP or XML-RPC
- framework. Sadly, the world doesn't agree with me
-Wish New ACL primitives for:
- List all users who have right "FOO" on object "BAR"
- List all rights user "BAZ" has for object "BAR"
- List all objects for which user "BAR" has right "FOO"
-For the near future:
- Use case:
- Jesse wants to get notified of all tickets in queue 'RT Bugs'
- with a severity of 'critical' and also have a requestor whcih matches ''.
- I'm not sure this is the best idea.
- Site admins define a number of subscriptions and can sign up individual
- users, groups or metagroups to get mail on that subscription.
- Basically, an admin would define "On Condition, notify as comment with
- template _template_"
- There would be a new table called "subscriptions"(?) that would have
- the structure:
- id
- ScripId
- PrincipalType ENUM: User, Group, Owner, Requestors, AdminCcs, Ccs
- PrincipalId -- UserId or GroupId. For Owner, Requestors, AdminCcs, Ccs, it doesn't really make a lick of difference.
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/gnupg_details_on_output_formats b/rt/docs/design_docs/gnupg_details_on_output_formats
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--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/gnupg_details_on_output_formats
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-*NOTE* This file is a copy of doc/DETAILS file that comes
-with gnupg-1.9.94 distribution.
-Format of colon listings
-First an example:
-$ gpg --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys \
- --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint
-uid:f::::::::Werner Koch <>:
-uid:f::::::::Werner Koch <>:
-The double --with-fingerprint prints the fingerprint for the subkeys
-too, --fixed-list-mode is themodern listing way printing dates in
-seconds since Epoch and does not merge the first userID with the pub
- 1. Field: Type of record
- pub = public key
- crt = X.509 certificate
- crs = X.509 certificate and private key available
- sub = subkey (secondary key)
- sec = secret key
- ssb = secret subkey (secondary key)
- uid = user id (only field 10 is used).
- uat = user attribute (same as user id except for field 10).
- sig = signature
- rev = revocation signature
- fpr = fingerprint: (fingerprint is in field 10)
- pkd = public key data (special field format, see below)
- grp = reserved for gpgsm
- rvk = revocation key
- tru = trust database information
- spk = signature subpacket
- 2. Field: A letter describing the calculated trust. This is a single
- letter, but be prepared that additional information may follow
- in some future versions. (not used for secret keys)
- o = Unknown (this key is new to the system)
- i = The key is invalid (e.g. due to a missing self-signature)
- d = The key has been disabled
- (deprecated - use the 'D' in field 12 instead)
- r = The key has been revoked
- e = The key has expired
- - = Unknown trust (i.e. no value assigned)
- q = Undefined trust
- '-' and 'q' may safely be treated as the same
- value for most purposes
- n = Don't trust this key at all
- m = There is marginal trust in this key
- f = The key is fully trusted
- u = The key is ultimately trusted. This often means
- that the secret key is available, but any key may
- be marked as ultimately trusted.
- 3. Field: length of key in bits.
- 4. Field: Algorithm: 1 = RSA
- 16 = Elgamal (encrypt only)
- 17 = DSA (sometimes called DH, sign only)
- 20 = Elgamal (sign and encrypt - don't use them!)
- (for other id's see include/cipher.h)
- 5. Field: KeyID
- 6. Field: Creation Date (in UTC). For UID and UAT records, this is the
- self-signature date. Note that the dae is usally printed
- in seconds since epoch, however, we are migrating to an ISO
- 8601 format (e.g. "19660205T091500"). This is currently
- only relevant for X.509, A simple way to detect the format
- is be scannning for the 'T'.
- 7. Field: Key or user ID/user attribute expiration date or empty if none.
- 8. Field: Used for serial number in crt records (used to be the Local-ID).
- For UID and UAT records, this is a hash of the user ID contents
- used to represent that exact user ID. For trust signatures,
- this is the trust depth seperated by the trust value by a
- space.
- 9. Field: Ownertrust (primary public keys only)
- This is a single letter, but be prepared that additional
- information may follow in some future versions. For trust
- signatures with a regular expression, this is the regular
- expression value, quoted as in field 10.
-10. Field: User-ID. The value is quoted like a C string to avoid
- control characters (the colon is quoted "\x3a").
- This is not used with --fixed-list-mode in gpg.
- A UAT record puts the attribute subpacket count here, a
- space, and then the total attribute subpacket size.
- In gpgsm the issuer name comes here
- An FPR record stores the fingerprint here.
- The fingerprint of an revocation key is stored here.
-11. Field: Signature class. This is a 2 digit hexnumber followed by
- either the letter 'x' for an exportable signature or the
- letter 'l' for a local-only signature.
- The class byte of an revocation key is also given here,
- 'x' and 'l' ist used the same way.
-12. Field: Key capabilities:
- e = encrypt
- s = sign
- c = certify
- a = authentication
- A key may have any combination of them in any order. In
- addition to these letters, the primary key has uppercase
- versions of the letters to denote the _usable_
- capabilities of the entire key, and a potential letter 'D'
- to indicate a disabled key.
-13. Field: Used in FPR records for S/MIME keys to store the fingerprint of
- the issuer certificate. This is useful to build the
- certificate path based on certificates stored in the local
- keyDB; it is only filled if the issue certificate is
- available. The advantage of using this value is that it is
- guaranteed to have been been build by the same lookup
- algorithm as gpgsm uses.
- For "uid" recods this lists the preferences n the sameway the
- -edit menu does.
- For "sig" records, this is the fingerprint of the key that
- issued the signature. Note that this is only filled in if
- the signature verified correctly. Note also that for
- various technical reasons, this fingerprint is only
- available if --no-sig-cache is used.
-14. Field Flag field used in the --edit menu output:
-15. Field Used in sec/sbb to print the serial number of a token
- (internal protect mode 1002) or a '#' if that key is a
- simple stub (internal protect mode 1001)
-All dates are displayed in the format yyyy-mm-dd unless you use the
-option --fixed-list-mode in which case they are displayed as seconds
-since Epoch. More fields may be added later, so parsers should be
-prepared for this. When parsing a number the parser should stop at the
-first non-number character so that additional information can later be
-If field 1 has the tag "pkd", a listing looks like this:
-pkd:0:1024:B665B1435F4C2 .... FF26ABB:
- ! ! !-- the value
- ! !------ for information number of bits in the value
- !--------- index (eg. DSA goes from 0 to 3: p,q,g,y)
-The "tru" trust database records have the fields:
- 2: Reason for staleness of trust. If this field is empty, then the
- trustdb is not stale. This field may have multiple flags in it:
- o: Trustdb is old
- t: Trustdb was built with a different trust model than the one we
- are using now.
- 3: Trust model:
- 0: Classic trust model, as used in PGP 2.x.
- 1: PGP trust model, as used in PGP 6 and later. This is the same
- as the classic trust model, except for the addition of trust
- signatures.
- GnuPG before version 1.4 used the classic trust model by default.
- GnuPG 1.4 and later uses the PGP trust model by default.
- 4: Date trustdb was created in seconds since 1/1/1970.
- 5: Date trustdb will expire in seconds since 1/1/1970.
-The "spk" signature subpacket records have the fields:
- 2: Subpacket number as per RFC-2440 and later.
- 3: Flags in hex. Currently the only two bits assigned are 1, to
- indicate that the subpacket came from the hashed part of the
- signature, and 2, to indicate the subpacket was marked critical.
- 4: Length of the subpacket. Note that this is the length of the
- subpacket, and not the length of field 5 below. Due to the need
- for %-encoding, the length of field 5 may be up to 3x this value.
- 5: The subpacket data. Printable ASCII is shown as ASCII, but other
- values are rendered as %XX where XX is the hex value for the byte.
-Format of the "--status-fd" output
-Every line is prefixed with "[GNUPG:] ", followed by a keyword with
-the type of the status line and a some arguments depending on the
-type (maybe none); an application should always be prepared to see
-more arguments in future versions.
- May be issued right before a signature verification starts. This
- is useful to define a context for parsing ERROR status
- messages. No arguments are currently defined.
- GOODSIG <long keyid> <username>
- The signature with the keyid is good. For each signature only
- one of the three codes GOODSIG, BADSIG or ERRSIG will be
- emitted and they may be used as a marker for a new signature.
- The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and %XX
- escaped.
- EXPSIG <long keyid> <username>
- The signature with the keyid is good, but the signature is
- expired. The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and
- %XX escaped.
- EXPKEYSIG <long keyid> <username>
- The signature with the keyid is good, but the signature was
- made by an expired key. The username is the primary one
- encoded in UTF-8 and %XX escaped.
- REVKEYSIG <long keyid> <username>
- The signature with the keyid is good, but the signature was
- made by a revoked key. The username is the primary one
- encoded in UTF-8 and %XX escaped.
- BADSIG <long keyid> <username>
- The signature with the keyid has not been verified okay.
- The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and %XX
- escaped.
- ERRSIG <long keyid> <pubkey_algo> <hash_algo> \
- <sig_class> <timestamp> <rc>
- It was not possible to check the signature. This may be
- caused by a missing public key or an unsupported algorithm.
- A RC of 4 indicates unknown algorithm, a 9 indicates a missing
- public key. The other fields give more information about
- this signature. sig_class is a 2 byte hex-value.
- Note, that TIMESTAMP may either be a number with seconds since
- epoch or an ISO 8601 string which can be detected by the
- presence of the letter 'T' inside.
- VALIDSIG <fingerprint in hex> <sig_creation_date> <sig-timestamp>
- <expire-timestamp> <sig-version> <reserved> <pubkey-algo>
- <hash-algo> <sig-class> <primary-key-fpr>
- The signature with the keyid is good. This is the same as
- GOODSIG but has the fingerprint as the argument. Both status
- lines are emitted for a good signature. All arguments here
- are on one long line. sig-timestamp is the signature creation
- time in seconds after the epoch. expire-timestamp is the
- signature expiration time in seconds after the epoch (zero
- means "does not expire"). sig-version, pubkey-algo, hash-algo,
- and sig-class (a 2-byte hex value) are all straight from the
- signature packet. PRIMARY-KEY-FPR is the fingerprint of the
- primary key or identical to the first argument. This is
- useful to get back to the primary key without running gpg
- again for this purpose.
- Note, that *-TIMESTAMP may either be a number with seconds
- since epoch or an ISO 8601 string which can be detected by the
- presence of the letter 'T' inside.
- SIG_ID <radix64_string> <sig_creation_date> <sig-timestamp>
- This is emitted only for signatures of class 0 or 1 which
- have been verified okay. The string is a signature id
- and may be used in applications to detect replay attacks
- of signed messages. Note that only DLP algorithms give
- unique ids - others may yield duplicated ones when they
- have been created in the same second.
- Note, that SIG-TIMESTAMP may either be a number with seconds
- since epoch or an ISO 8601 string which can be detected by the
- presence of the letter 'T' inside.
- ENC_TO <long keyid> <keytype> <keylength>
- The message is encrypted to this keyid.
- keytype is the numerical value of the public key algorithm,
- keylength is the length of the key or 0 if it is not known
- (which is currently always the case).
- NODATA <what>
- No data has been found. Codes for what are:
- 1 - No armored data.
- 2 - Expected a packet but did not found one.
- 3 - Invalid packet found, this may indicate a non OpenPGP
- message.
- 4 - signature expected but not found
- You may see more than one of these status lines.
- Unexpected data has been encountered
- 0 - not further specified 1
- TRUST_UNDEFINED <error token>
- TRUST_NEVER <error token>
- For good signatures one of these status lines are emitted
- to indicate how trustworthy the signature is. The error token
- values are currently only emiited by gpgsm.
- PKA_TRUST_GOOD <mailbox>
- PKA_TRUST_BAD <mailbox>
- Depending on the outcome of the PKA check one of the above
- status codes is emitted in addition to a TRUST_* status.
- Without PKA info available or
- This is deprecated in favor of KEYEXPIRED.
- KEYEXPIRED <expire-timestamp>
- The key has expired. expire-timestamp is the expiration time
- in seconds after the epoch.
- Note, that TIMESTAMP may either be a number with seconds since
- epoch or an ISO 8601 string which can be detected by the
- presence of the letter 'T' inside.
- The used key has been revoked by its owner. No arguments yet.
- The ASCII armor is corrupted. No arguments yet.
- The IDEA algorithms has been used in the data. A
- program might want to fallback to another program to handle
- the data if GnuPG failed. This status message used to be emitted
- also for RSA but this has been dropped after the RSA patent expired.
- However we can't change the name of the message.
- NEED_PASSPHRASE <long main keyid> <long keyid> <keytype> <keylength>
- Issued whenever a passphrase is needed.
- keytype is the numerical value of the public key algorithm
- or 0 if this is not applicable, keylength is the length
- of the key or 0 if it is not known (this is currently always the case).
- NEED_PASSPHRASE_SYM <cipher_algo> <s2k_mode> <s2k_hash>
- Issued whenever a passphrase for symmetric encryption is needed.
- NEED_PASSPHRASE_PIN <card_type> <chvno> [<serialno>]
- Issued whenever a PIN is requested to unlock a card.
- No passphrase was supplied. An application which encounters this
- message may want to stop parsing immediately because the next message
- will probably be a BAD_PASSPHRASE. However, if the application
- is a wrapper around the key edit menu functionality it might not
- make sense to stop parsing but simply ignoring the following
- BAD_PASSPHRASE <long keyid>
- The supplied passphrase was wrong or not given. In the latter case
- you may have seen a MISSING_PASSPHRASE.
- The supplied passphrase was good and the secret key material
- is therefore usable.
- The symmetric decryption failed - one reason could be a wrong
- passphrase for a symmetrical encrypted message.
- The decryption process succeeded. This means, that either the
- correct secret key has been used or the correct passphrase
- for a conventional encrypted message was given. The program
- itself may return an errorcode because it may not be possible to
- verify a signature for some reasons.
- NO_PUBKEY <long keyid>
- NO_SECKEY <long keyid>
- The key is not available
- IMPORT_CHECK <long keyid> <fingerprint> <user ID>
- This status is emitted in interactive mode right before
- the "import.okay" prompt.
- IMPORTED <long keyid> <username>
- The keyid and name of the signature just imported
- IMPORT_OK <reason> [<fingerprint>]
- The key with the primary key's FINGERPRINT has been imported.
- Reason flags:
- 0 := Not actually changed
- 1 := Entirely new key.
- 2 := New user IDs
- 4 := New signatures
- 8 := New subkeys
- 16 := Contains private key.
- The flags may be ORed.
- IMPORT_PROBLEM <reason> [<fingerprint>]
- Issued for each import failure. Reason codes are:
- 0 := "No specific reason given".
- 1 := "Invalid Certificate".
- 2 := "Issuer Certificate missing".
- 3 := "Certificate Chain too long".
- 4 := "Error storing certificate".
- IMPORT_RES <count> <no_user_id> <imported> <imported_rsa> <unchanged>
- <n_uids> <n_subk> <n_sigs> <n_revoc> <sec_read> <sec_imported> <sec_dups> <not_imported>
- Final statistics on import process (this is one long line)
- FILE_START <what> <filename>
- Start processing a file <filename>. <what> indicates the performed
- operation:
- 1 - verify
- 2 - encrypt
- 3 - decrypt
- Marks the end of a file processing which has been started
- Mark the start and end of the actual decryption process. These
- are also emitted when in --list-only mode.
- BEGIN_ENCRYPTION <mdc_method> <sym_algo>
- Mark the start and end of the actual encryption process.
- Mark the start of the actual signing process. This may be used
- as an indication that all requested secret keys are ready for
- use.
- DELETE_PROBLEM reason_code
- Deleting a key failed. Reason codes are:
- 1 - No such key
- 2 - Must delete secret key first
- 3 - Ambigious specification
- PROGRESS what char cur total
- Used by the primegen and Public key functions to indicate progress.
- "char" is the character displayed with no --status-fd enabled, with
- the linefeed replaced by an 'X'. "cur" is the current amount
- done and "total" is amount to be done; a "total" of 0 indicates that
- the total amount is not known. 100/100 may be used to detect the
- end of operation.
- Well known values for WHAT:
- "pk_dsa" - DSA key generation
- "pk_elg" - Elgamal key generation
- "primegen" - Prime generation
- "need_entropy" - Waiting for new entropy in the RNG
- "file:XXX" - processing file XXX
- (note that current gpg versions leave out the
- "file:" prefix).
- "tick" - generic tick without any special meaning - useful
- for letting clients know that the server is
- still working.
- "starting_agent" - A gpg-agent was started because it is not
- running as a daemon.
- SIG_CREATED <type> <pubkey algo> <hash algo> <class> <timestamp> <key fpr>
- A signature has been created using these parameters.
- type: 'D' = detached
- 'C' = cleartext
- 'S' = standard
- (only the first character should be checked)
- class: 2 hex digits with the signature class
- Note, that TIMESTAMP may either be a number with seconds since
- epoch or an ISO 8601 string which can be detected by the
- presence of the letter 'T' inside.
- KEY_CREATED <type> <fingerprint> [<handle>]
- A key has been created
- type: 'B' = primary and subkey
- 'P' = primary
- 'S' = subkey
- The fingerprint is one of the primary key for type B and P and
- the one of the subkey for S. Handle is an arbitrary
- non-whitespace string used to match key parameters from batch
- key creation run.
- KEY_NOT_CREATED [<handle>]
- The key from batch run has not been created due to errors.
- SESSION_KEY <algo>:<hexdigits>
- The session key used to decrypt the message. This message will
- only be emitted when the special option --show-session-key
- is used. The format is suitable to be passed to the option
- --override-session-key
- NOTATION_DATA <string>
- name and string are %XX escaped; the data may be splitted
- among several notation_data lines.
- USERID_HINT <long main keyid> <string>
- Give a hint about the user ID for a certain keyID.
- POLICY_URL <string>
- string is %XX escaped
- Issued by pipemode.
- INV_RECP <reason> <requested_recipient>
- Issued for each unusable recipient. The reasons codes
- currently in use are:
- 0 := "No specific reason given".
- 1 := "Not Found"
- 2 := "Ambigious specification"
- 3 := "Wrong key usage"
- 4 := "Key revoked"
- 5 := "Key expired"
- 6 := "No CRL known"
- 7 := "CRL too old"
- 8 := "Policy mismatch"
- 9 := "Not a secret key"
- 10 := "Key not trusted"
- Note that this status is also used for gpgsm's SIGNER command
- where it relates to signer's of course.
- NO_RECP <reserved>
- Issued when no recipients are usable.
- ALREADY_SIGNED <long-keyid>
- Warning: This is experimental and might be removed at any time.
- TRUNCATED <maxno>
- The output was truncated to MAXNO items. This status code is issued
- for certain external requests
- ERROR <error location> <error code>
- This is a generic error status message, it might be followed
- by error location specific data. <error token> and
- <error_location> should not contain a space. The error code
- is a either a string commencing with a letter or such string
- prefix with a numerical error code and an underscore; e.g.:
- "151011327_EOF"
- ATTRIBUTE <fpr> <octets> <type> <index> <count>
- <timestamp> <expiredate> <flags>
- This is one long line issued for each attribute subpacket when
- an attribute packet is seen during key listing. <fpr> is the
- fingerprint of the key. <octets> is the length of the
- attribute subpacket. <type> is the attribute type
- (1==image). <index>/<count> indicates that this is the Nth
- indexed subpacket of count total subpackets in this attribute
- packet. <timestamp> and <expiredate> are from the
- self-signature on the attribute packet. If the attribute
- packet does not have a valid self-signature, then the
- timestamp is 0. <flags> are a bitwise OR of:
- 0x01 = this attribute packet is a primary uid
- 0x02 = this attribute packet is revoked
- 0x04 = this attribute packet is expired
- CARDCTRL <what> [<serialno>]
- This is used to control smartcard operations.
- Defined values for WHAT are:
- 1 = Request insertion of a card. Serialnumber may be given
- to request a specific card.
- 2 = Request removal of a card.
- 3 = Card with serialnumber detected
- 4 = No card available.
- 5 = No card reader available
- PLAINTEXT <format> <timestamp> <filename>
- This indicates the format of the plaintext that is about to be
- written. The format is a 1 byte hex code that shows the
- format of the plaintext: 62 ('b') is binary data, 74 ('t') is
- text data with no character set specified, and 75 ('u') is
- text data encoded in the UTF-8 character set. The timestamp
- is in seconds since the epoch. If a filename is available it
- gets printed as the third argument, percent-escaped as usual.
- This indicates the length of the plaintext that is about to be
- written. Note that if the plaintext packet has partial length
- encoding it is not possible to know the length ahead of time.
- In that case, this status tag does not appear.
- SIG_SUBPACKET <type> <flags> <len> <data>
- This indicates that a signature subpacket was seen. The
- format is the same as the "spk" record above.
- SC_OP_FAILURE [<code>]
- An operation on a smartcard definitely failed. Currently
- there is no indication of the actual error code, but
- application should be prepared to later accept more arguments.
- Defined values for CODE are:
- 0 - unspecified error (identically to a missing CODE)
- 1 - canceled
- 2 - bad PIN
- A smart card operaion succeeded. This status is only printed
- for certain operation and is mostly useful to check whether a
- PIN change really worked.
- BACKUP_KEY_CREATED fingerprint fname
- A backup key named FNAME has been created for the key with
-Format of the "--attribute-fd" output
-When --attribute-fd is set, during key listings (--list-keys,
---list-secret-keys) GnuPG dumps each attribute packet to the file
-descriptor specified. --attribute-fd is intended for use with
---status-fd as part of the required information is carried on the
-ATTRIBUTE status tag (see above).
-The contents of the attribute data is specified by 2440bis, but for
-convenience, here is the Photo ID format, as it is currently the only
-attribute defined:
- Byte 0-1: The length of the image header. Due to a historical
- accident (i.e. oops!) back in the NAI PGP days, this is
- a little-endian number. Currently 16 (0x10 0x00).
- Byte 2: The image header version. Currently 0x01.
- Byte 3: Encoding format. 0x01 == JPEG.
- Byte 4-15: Reserved, and currently unused.
- All other data after this header is raw image (JPEG) data.
-Format of the "--list-config" output
---list-config outputs information about the GnuPG configuration for
-the benefit of frontends or other programs that call GnuPG. There are
-several list-config items, all colon delimited like the rest of the
---with-colons output. The first field is always "cfg" to indicate
-configuration information. The second field is one of (with
-version: the third field contains the version of GnuPG.
- cfg:version:1.3.5
-pubkey: the third field contains the public key algorithmdcaiphers
- this version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The
- algorithm numbers are as specified in RFC-2440.
- cfg:pubkey:1;2;3;16;17
-cipher: the third field contains the symmetric ciphers this version of
- GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The cipher numbers
- are as specified in RFC-2440.
- cfg:cipher:2;3;4;7;8;9;10
-digest: the third field contains the digest (hash) algorithms this
- version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The
- digest numbers are as specified in RFC-2440.
- cfg:digest:1;2;3;8;9;10
-compress: the third field contains the compression algorithms this
- version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The
- algorithm numbers are as specified in RFC-2440.
- cfg:compress:0;1;2;3
-group: the third field contains the name of the group, and the fourth
- field contains the values that the group expands to, separated
- by semicolons.
-For example, a group of:
- group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti
-would result in:
- cfg:group:mynames:patti;joe;0x12345678;paige
-Key generation
- Key generation shows progress by printing different characters to
- stderr:
- "." Last 10 Miller-Rabin tests failed
- "+" Miller-Rabin test succeeded
- "!" Reloading the pool with fresh prime numbers
- "^" Checking a new value for the generator
- "<" Size of one factor decreased
- ">" Size of one factor increased
- The prime number for Elgamal is generated this way:
- 1) Make a prime number q of 160, 200, 240 bits (depending on the keysize)
- 2) Select the length of the other prime factors to be at least the size
- of q and calculate the number of prime factors needed
- 3) Make a pool of prime numbers, each of the length determined in step 2
- 4) Get a new permutation out of the pool or continue with step 3
- if we have tested all permutations.
- 5) Calculate a candidate prime p = 2 * q * p[1] * ... * p[n] + 1
- 6) Check that this prime has the correct length (this may change q if
- it seems not to be possible to make a prime of the desired length)
- 7) Check whether this is a prime using trial divisions and the
- Miller-Rabin test.
- 8) Continue with step 4 if we did not find a prime in step 7.
- 9) Find a generator for that prime.
- This algorithm is based on Lim and Lee's suggestion from the
- Crypto '97 proceedings p. 260.
-Unattended key generation
-This feature allows unattended generation of keys controlled by a
-parameter file. To use this feature, you use --gen-key together with
---batch and feed the parameters either from stdin or from a file given
-on the commandline.
-The format of this file is as follows:
- o Text only, line length is limited to about 1000 chars.
- o You must use UTF-8 encoding to specify non-ascii characters.
- o Empty lines are ignored.
- o Leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
- o A hash sign as the first non white space character indicates a comment line.
- o Control statements are indicated by a leading percent sign, the
- arguments are separated by white space from the keyword.
- o Parameters are specified by a keyword, followed by a colon. Arguments
- are separated by white space.
- o The first parameter must be "Key-Type", control statements
- may be placed anywhere.
- o Key generation takes place when either the end of the parameter file
- is reached, the next "Key-Type" parameter is encountered or at the
- control statement "%commit"
- o Control statements:
- %echo <text>
- Print <text>.
- %dry-run
- Suppress actual key generation (useful for syntax checking).
- %commit
- Perform the key generation. An implicit commit is done
- at the next "Key-Type" parameter.
- %pubring <filename>
- %secring <filename>
- Do not write the key to the default or commandline given
- keyring but to <filename>. This must be given before the first
- commit to take place, duplicate specification of the same filename
- is ignored, the last filename before a commit is used.
- The filename is used until a new filename is used (at commit points)
- and all keys are written to that file. If a new filename is given,
- this file is created (and overwrites an existing one).
- Both control statements must be given.
- o The order of the parameters does not matter except for "Key-Type"
- which must be the first parameter. The parameters are only for the
- generated keyblock and parameters from previous key generations are not
- used. Some syntactically checks may be performed.
- The currently defined parameters are:
- Key-Type: <algo-number>|<algo-string>
- Starts a new parameter block by giving the type of the
- primary key. The algorithm must be capable of signing.
- This is a required parameter.
- Key-Length: <length-in-bits>
- Length of the key in bits. Default is 1024.
- Key-Usage: <usage-list>
- Space or comma delimited list of key usage, allowed values are
- "encrypt", "sign", and "auth". This is used to generate the
- key flags. Please make sure that the algorithm is capable of
- this usage. Note that OpenPGP requires that all primary keys
- are capable of certification, so no matter what usage is given
- here, the "cert" flag will be on. If no Key-Usage is
- specified, all the allowed usages for that particular
- algorithm are used.
- Subkey-Type: <algo-number>|<algo-string>
- This generates a secondary key. Currently only one subkey
- can be handled.
- Subkey-Length: <length-in-bits>
- Length of the subkey in bits. Default is 1024.
- Subkey-Usage: <usage-list>
- Similar to Key-Usage.
- Passphrase: <string>
- If you want to specify a passphrase for the secret key,
- enter it here. Default is not to use any passphrase.
- Name-Real: <string>
- Name-Comment: <string>
- Name-Email: <string>
- The 3 parts of a key. Remember to use UTF-8 here.
- If you don't give any of them, no user ID is created.
- Expire-Date: <iso-date>|(<number>[d|w|m|y])
- Set the expiration date for the key (and the subkey). It
- may either be entered in ISO date format (2000-08-15) or as
- number of days, weeks, month or years. Without a letter days
- are assumed.
- Preferences: <string>
- Set the cipher, hash, and compression preference values for
- this key. This expects the same type of string as "setpref"
- in the --edit menu.
- Revoker: <algo>:<fpr> [sensitive]
- Add a designated revoker to the generated key. Algo is the
- public key algorithm of the designated revoker (i.e. RSA=1,
- DSA=17, etc.) Fpr is the fingerprint of the designated
- revoker. The optional "sensitive" flag marks the designated
- revoker as sensitive information. Only v4 keys may be
- designated revokers.
- Handle: <string>
- This is an optional parameter only used with the status lines
- KEY_CREATED and KEY_NOT_CREATED. STRING may be up to 100
- characters and should not contain spaces. It is useful for
- batch key generation to associate a key parameter block with a
- status line.
- Keyserver: <string>
- This is an optional parameter that specifies the preferred
- keyserver URL for the key.
-Here is an example:
-$ cat >foo <<EOF
- %echo Generating a standard key
- Key-Type: DSA
- Key-Length: 1024
- Subkey-Type: ELG-E
- Subkey-Length: 1024
- Name-Real: Joe Tester
- Name-Comment: with stupid passphrase
- Name-Email:
- Expire-Date: 0
- Passphrase: abc
- %pubring
- %secring foo.sec
- # Do a commit here, so that we can later print "done" :-)
- %commit
- %echo done
-$ gpg --batch --gen-key foo
- [...]
-$ gpg --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring ./foo.sec \
- --keyring ./ --list-secret-keys
-sec 1024D/915A878D 2000-03-09 Joe Tester (with stupid passphrase) <>
-ssb 1024g/8F70E2C0 2000-03-09
-Layout of the TrustDB
-The TrustDB is built from fixed length records, where the first byte
-describes the record type. All numeric values are stored in network
-byte order. The length of each record is 40 bytes. The first record of
-the DB is always of type 1 and this is the only record of this type.
-FIXME: The layout changed, document it here.
- Record type 0:
- --------------
- Unused record, can be reused for any purpose.
- Record type 1:
- --------------
- Version information for this TrustDB. This is always the first
- record of the DB and the only one with type 1.
- 1 byte value 1
- 3 bytes 'gpg' magic value
- 1 byte Version of the TrustDB (2)
- 1 byte marginals needed
- 1 byte completes needed
- 1 byte max_cert_depth
- The three items are used to check whether the cached
- validity value from the dir record can be used.
- 1 u32 locked flags [not used]
- 1 u32 timestamp of trustdb creation
- 1 u32 timestamp of last modification which may affect the validity
- of keys in the trustdb. This value is checked against the
- validity timestamp in the dir records.
- 1 u32 timestamp of last validation [currently not used]
- (Used to keep track of the time, when this TrustDB was checked
- against the pubring)
- 1 u32 record number of keyhashtable [currently not used]
- 1 u32 first free record
- 1 u32 record number of shadow directory hash table [currently not used]
- It does not make sense to combine this table with the key table
- because the keyid is not in every case a part of the fingerprint.
- 1 u32 record number of the trusthashtbale
- Record type 2: (directory record)
- --------------
- Informations about a public key certificate.
- These are static values which are never changed without user interaction.
- 1 byte value 2
- 1 byte reserved
- 1 u32 LID . (This is simply the record number of this record.)
- 1 u32 List of key-records (the first one is the primary key)
- 1 u32 List of uid-records
- 1 u32 cache record
- 1 byte ownertrust
- 1 byte dirflag
- 1 byte maximum validity of all the user ids
- 1 u32 time of last validity check.
- 1 u32 Must check when this time has been reached.
- (0 = no check required)
- Record type 3: (key record)
- --------------
- Informations about a primary public key.
- (This is mainly used to lookup a trust record)
- 1 byte value 3
- 1 byte reserved
- 1 u32 LID
- 1 u32 next - next key record
- 7 bytes reserved
- 1 byte keyflags
- 1 byte pubkey algorithm
- 1 byte length of the fingerprint (in bytes)
- 20 bytes fingerprint of the public key
- (This is the value we use to identify a key)
- Record type 4: (uid record)
- --------------
- Informations about a userid
- We do not store the userid but the hash value of the userid because that
- is sufficient.
- 1 byte value 4
- 1 byte reserved
- 1 u32 LID points to the directory record.
- 1 u32 next next userid
- 1 u32 pointer to preference record
- 1 u32 siglist list of valid signatures
- 1 byte uidflags
- 1 byte validity of the key calculated over this user id
- 20 bytes ripemd160 hash of the username.
- Record type 5: (pref record)
- --------------
- This record type is not anymore used.
- 1 byte value 5
- 1 byte reserved
- 1 u32 LID; points to the directory record (and not to the uid record!).
- (or 0 for standard preference record)
- 1 u32 next
- 30 byte preference data
- Record type 6 (sigrec)
- -------------
- Used to keep track of key signatures. Self-signatures are not
- stored. If a public key is not in the DB, the signature points to
- a shadow dir record, which in turn has a list of records which
- might be interested in this key (and the signature record here
- is one).
- 1 byte value 6
- 1 byte reserved
- 1 u32 LID points back to the dir record
- 1 u32 next next sigrec of this uid or 0 to indicate the
- last sigrec.
- 6 times
- 1 u32 Local_id of signatures dir or shadow dir record
- 1 byte Flag: Bit 0 = checked: Bit 1 is valid (we have a real
- directory record for this)
- 1 = valid is set (but may be revoked)
- Record type 8: (shadow directory record)
- --------------
- This record is used to reserve a LID for a public key. We
- need this to create the sig records of other keys, even if we
- do not yet have the public key of the signature.
- This record (the record number to be more precise) will be reused
- as the dir record when we import the real public key.
- 1 byte value 8
- 1 byte reserved
- 1 u32 LID (This is simply the record number of this record.)
- 2 u32 keyid
- 1 byte pubkey algorithm
- 3 byte reserved
- 1 u32 hintlist A list of records which have references to
- this key. This is used for fast access to
- signature records which are not yet checked.
- Note, that this is only a hint and the actual records
- may not anymore hold signature records for that key
- but that the code cares about this.
- 18 byte reserved
- Record Type 10 (hash table)
- --------------
- Due to the fact that we use fingerprints to lookup keys, we can
- implement quick access by some simple hash methods, and avoid
- the overhead of gdbm. A property of fingerprints is that they can be
- used directly as hash values. (They can be considered as strong
- random numbers.)
- What we use is a dynamic multilevel architecture, which combines
- hashtables, record lists, and linked lists.
- This record is a hashtable of 256 entries; a special property
- is that all these records are stored consecutively to make one
- big table. The hash value is simple the 1st, 2nd, ... byte of
- the fingerprint (depending on the indirection level).
- When used to hash shadow directory records, a different table is used
- and indexed by the keyid.
- 1 byte value 10
- 1 byte reserved
- n u32 recnum; n depends on the record length:
- n = (reclen-2)/4 which yields 9 for the current record length
- of 40 bytes.
- the total number of such record which makes up the table is:
- m = (256+n-1) / n
- which is 29 for a record length of 40.
- To look up a key we use the first byte of the fingerprint to get
- the recnum from this hashtable and look up the addressed record:
- - If this record is another hashtable, we use 2nd byte
- to index this hash table and so on.
- - if this record is a hashlist, we walk all entries
- until we found one a matching one.
- - if this record is a key record, we compare the
- fingerprint and to decide whether it is the requested key;
- Record type 11 (hash list)
- --------------
- see hash table for an explanation.
- This is also used for other purposes.
- 1 byte value 11
- 1 byte reserved
- 1 u32 next next hash list record
- n times n = (reclen-5)/5
- 1 u32 recnum
- For the current record length of 40, n is 7
- Record type 254 (free record)
- ---------------
- All these records form a linked list of unused records.
- 1 byte value 254
- 1 byte reserved (0)
- 1 u32 next_free
-Packet Headers
-GNUPG uses PGP 2 packet headers and also understands OpenPGP packet header.
-There is one enhancement used with the old style packet headers:
- CTB bits 10, the "packet-length length bits", have values listed in
- the following table:
- 00 - 1-byte packet-length field
- 01 - 2-byte packet-length field
- 10 - 4-byte packet-length field
- 11 - no packet length supplied, unknown packet length
- As indicated in this table, depending on the packet-length length
- bits, the remaining 1, 2, 4, or 0 bytes of the packet structure field
- are a "packet-length field". The packet-length field is a whole
- number field. The value of the packet-length field is defined to be
- the value of the whole number field.
- A value of 11 is currently used in one place: on compressed data.
- That is, a compressed data block currently looks like <A3 01 . . .>,
- where <A3>, binary 10 1000 11, is an indefinite-length packet. The
- proper interpretation is "until the end of the enclosing structure",
- although it should never appear outermost (where the enclosing
- structure is a file).
-+ This will be changed with another version, where the new meaning of
-+ the value 11 (see below) will also take place.
-+ A value of 11 for other packets enables a special length encoding,
-+ which is used in case, where the length of the following packet can
-+ not be determined prior to writing the packet; especially this will
-+ be used if large amounts of data are processed in filter mode.
-+ It works like this: After the CTB (with a length field of 11) a
-+ marker field is used, which gives the length of the following datablock.
-+ This is a simple 2 byte field (MSB first) containing the amount of data
-+ following this field, not including this length field. After this datablock
-+ another length field follows, which gives the size of the next datablock.
-+ A value of 0 indicates the end of the packet. The maximum size of a
-+ data block is limited to 65534, thereby reserving a value of 0xffff for
-+ future extensions. These length markers must be inserted into the data
-+ stream just before writing the data out.
-+ This 2 byte field is large enough, because the application must buffer
-+ this amount of data to prepend the length marker before writing it out.
-+ Data block sizes larger than about 32k doesn't make any sense. Note
-+ that this may also be used for compressed data streams, but we must use
-+ another packet version to tell the application that it can not assume,
-+ that this is the last packet.
-GNU extensions to the S2K algorithm
-S2K mode 101 is used to identify these extensions.
-After the hash algorithm the 3 bytes "GNU" are used to make
-clear that these are extensions for GNU, the next bytes gives the
-GNU protection mode - 1000. Defined modes are:
- 1001 - do not store the secret part at all
- 1002 - a stub to access smartcards (not used in 1.2.x)
-NOTE: This is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
-This mode can be used to perform multiple operations with one call to
-gpg. It comes handy in cases where you have to verify a lot of
-signatures. Currently we support only detached signatures. This mode
-is a kludge to avoid running gpg n daemon mode and using Unix Domain
-Sockets to pass the data to it. There is no easy portable way to do
-this under Windows, so we use plain old pipes which do work well under
-Windows. Because there is no way to signal multiple EOFs in a pipe we
-have to embed control commands in the data stream: We distinguish
-between a data state and a control state. Initially the system is in
-data state but it won't accept any data. Instead it waits for
-transition to control state which is done by sending a single '@'
-character. While in control state the control command os expected and
-this command is just a single byte after which the system falls back
-to data state (but does not necesary accept data now). The simplest
-control command is a '@' which just inserts this character into the
-data stream.
-Here is the format we use for detached signatures:
-"@<" - Begin of new stream
-"@B" - Detached signature follows.
- This emits a control packet (1,'B')
-"@t" - Signed text follows.
- This emits the control packet (2, 'B')
-"@." - End of operation. The final control packet forces signature
- verification
-"@>" - End of stream
-Other Notes
- * For packet version 3 we calculate the keyids this way:
- RSA := low 64 bits of n
- ELGAMAL := build a v3 pubkey packet (with CTB 0x99) and calculate
- a rmd160 hash value from it. This is used as the
- fingerprint and the low 64 bits are the keyid.
- * Revocation certificates consist only of the signature packet;
- "import" knows how to handle this. The rationale behind it is
- to keep them small.
-Keyserver Message Format
-The keyserver may be contacted by a Unix Domain socket or via TCP.
-The format of a request is:
-"Content-length:" digits
-Where command-tag is
-GET <user-name>
-DELETE <user-name>
-The format of a response is:
-"GNUPG/1.0" status-code status-text
-"Content-length:" digits
-followed by <digits> bytes of data
-Status codes are:
- o 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process
- o 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood,
- and accepted
- o 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be
- fulfilled
- o 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently
- valid request
-Documentation on HKP (the http keyserver protocol):
-A minimalistic HTTP server on port 11371 recognizes a GET for /pks/lookup.
-The standard http URL encoded query parameters are this (always key=value):
-- op=index (like pgp -kv), op=vindex (like pgp -kvv) and op=get (like
- pgp -kxa)
-- search=<stringlist>. This is a list of words that must occur in the key.
- The words are delimited with space, points, @ and so on. The delimiters
- are not searched for and the order of the words doesn't matter (but see
- next option).
-- exact=on. This switch tells the hkp server to only report exact matching
- keys back. In this case the order and the "delimiters" are important.
-- fingerprint=on. Also reports the fingerprints when used with 'index' or
- 'vindex'
-The keyserver also recognizes http-POSTs to /pks/add. Use this to upload
-A better way to do this would be a request like:
- /pks/lookup/<gnupg_formatierte_user_id>?op=<operation>
-This can be implemented using Hurd's translator mechanism.
-However, I think the whole key server stuff has to be re-thought;
-I have some ideas and probably create a white paper.
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/groups_notes b/rt/docs/design_docs/groups_notes
deleted file mode 100644
index 234fd37fe..000000000
--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/groups_notes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-CREATE TABLE Prinicpals (
- id int auto_increment
- PrincipalType VARCHAR(16) not_null,
- PrincipalId int # foreign key to Users or Groups, depending
- id int auto_increment,
- Domain varchar(255),
- Instance varchar(16),
- Name varchar(255),
- Description varchar(255),
- Principal integer NULL , #Foreign key to principals
- RightName varchar(25) NULL ,
- RightDomain varchar(25) NULL ,
- RightInstance integer NULL ,
-CREATE TABLE GroupMembers (
- id int auto_increment,
- Group int, # foreign key to Principals
- Member int # foreign key to Principals
-create table GroupMembersCache (
- id int auto_increment,
- Group int, # foreign key to Principals
- Member int, # foreign key to Principals
- Via int, #foreign key to g_m_u
-insert into principals values ('bubbles);
-insert into principals values ('fubar');
-insert into principals values ('sheeri');
-insert into principals values ('sgw');
-insert into principals values ('staff');
-insert into principals values ('sysadmin');
-insert into principals values ('senior admin');
-insert into group_members values(1, 'staff', 'bubbles');
-insert into group_members values(2, 'sysadmin', 'sheeri');
-insert into group_members values(3,'senior admin', 'sgw');
-insert into group_members values(4,'senior admin', 'fubar');
-insert into group_members values(5, 'sysadmin', 'senior admin')
-Domain Queues
-Instance <queueid#>
-Name AdminCc, Cc
-Domain Tickets
-Instance <#n>
-Name Owner, Requestor, Cc, AdminCc
- Has members: /Queues/whatever queue the ticket has/Cc
- Has members: /Queues/whatever queue the ticket has/AdminCc
-Domain Users
-Instance <userid>
-Domain System
-Name Admins, AdminManagers
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/link-definitions.txt b/rt/docs/design_docs/link-definitions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e109744cf..000000000
--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/link-definitions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-For 2.0, those Linking actions should be supported:
-1. DependentOn; TobiX-style.
- BASE is dependent on TARGET.
- ...meaning that TARGET has to be resolved before BASE (really) is
- resolved.
- According to TobiX, those "weird action" makes sense:
- ...when the link and/or TARGET is created, the BASE might be stalled.
- Alternatively, this should be very trivial to request through the UIs.
- ...when the TARGET is resolved, BASE will be reopened if it's stalled.
- An alternative to those "weird actions" is to have some run-time logic that
- takes care of this; i.e. letting the search interface handle "please hide
- all requests with unresolved dependencies"
- TobiX will need to make dependency links into Bugzilla.
- Dependency links should be made when more work to BASE should be done
- after the TARGET is resolved and/or BASE can't be resolved before TARGET is
- resolved.
- Dependency links are often 1:1, but n:n links makes sense; one ticket can
- depend on several others, several tickets can depend on one ticket, etc.
- Loops don't make sense at all, but the system above won't break if it
- encounter loops.
- Dependency links is more for workflow than anything else. When a new
- TARGET is created, some of the work might be passed over to another
- department/person ... but _not_ the responsibility for the communication
- with the external requestor.
-2. MemberOf link (grouping)
- BASE is a member of TARGET.
- TobiX-style "weird actions":
- ...when TARGET is beeing replied to, all BASE requestors should get the
- reply.
- ...when TARGET is resolved, all BASE tickets should be resolved (unless
- they have other unresolved Dependencies/MemberOf links).
- ...when all BASEs to one TARGET are resolved, TARGET should be resolved.
- The alternative is to let the user choose "reply to all" and "resolve all"
- through the user interfaces.
- MemberOf should be used when BASE ticket states more or less the same as
- the TARGET ticket, and we do want to give a reply to all requestors, but we
- don't want to merge them (Individual tickets from individual external
- requestors should be respected as separate entities). If BASE tickets from
- more than one external requestor is linked to a TARGET ticket, we denote
- the TARGET ticket as a "Group ticket". This is only a documentation
- definition, you won't find any references to "Group tickets" in the source.
- I think the proper etiquette should be to clearly state in a reply to a
- group ticket that the mail is going to several persons, and that the
- requestor should reply back if they feel their Ticket hasn't got the
- attention it deserves. The user documentation should reflect this.
- MemberOf links can also be used to hand away the work flow. The person in
- charge of the TARGET ticket will also be in charge of the BASE tickets and
- the communication with the end user.
- If a work task needs to be splitted into two subtasks, MemberOf might also be
- used.
- 1:n links makes more sense, but n:n can also work in some cases.
- The reply stuff might break seriously upon loops. Recursement might be
- handy for splitting a work task into subtasks (making a hierarchical tree
- of the worktasks).
-3. Merge (connecting)
- BASE is the same as TARGET.
- ...the system should somehow merge together transactions for both tickets.
- ...BASE should be more or less deleted, only the TARGET should apply.
- ...actions done toward BASE should be redirected to TARGET.
- I think MergeLinks should be used when two tickets accidentally has
- appeared twice in the system, and/or there is no reason to keep the two
- tickets separately. It might be that it's the same requestor (i.e.
- clicking the "send" button twice in a web environment) or that we don't
- care much about giving the requestor individual follow-up (typically
- "internal" requestors, etc.)
- Based on user feedback, merged tickets will be displayed as the same ticket
-within RT's user interfaces. but the original tickets' transactions will be
-kept separated in the database. this may require some magic.
-4. RefersTo / No Action link (linking)
- BASE is somewhat related to TARGET
- No special actions will be taken.
- Loops might maybe make sense
-BASE and TARGET are usually Tickets within one RT instance, but it
-might also point to external RT instances, other DB systems, etc.
-In future revisions, it should be very easy to set up site-specific link action types.
-We should also consider to include more linking actions in the box.
-An example stolen from John Rouillard. Eventually the [comments] should be
-removed, and the text modified to fit the planned 2.0 link actions:
- ticket problem
- 1 can't connect to hosts with netscape
- 2 ping is broken
- 3 Can't send email: error no space on spool/mqueue
- You have the above in the queue. You realize that DNS is down. Spawn
- a ticket
- 4 DNS is down
- mergelink 1 and 2 to it [I would rather say "make a MemberOf link _or_ a
- dependency link from 1 and 2 to 4" --TobiX] (if you choose to stall 1 and
- 2 automatically feel free, its just a shell script change) [well, you
- might choose dependency instead of MemberOf --TobiX]. The person working
- on 3 has come to the conclusion that outgoing mail is backing up because
- of the DNS failure. She has cleared space by copying the mail queue to
- another disk, but can't really get email working till DNS is up. So she
- creates a Dependency linkon ticket 4 stalling ticket 3.
- We finally get DNS working and resolve ticket 3. What happens? Tickets 1
- and 2 are resolved and email is sent to requestors notifying them of the
- resolution [This is the default behaviour for 2.0 MemberOf-linked tickets.
- Remember that if we send Replies to "Group Tickets" (that is, the target
- of several "MemberOf" links) --TobiX]. Ticket 4 [should be 3? --TobiX] is
- reopened and the person working on it starts flushing the mail queue and
- the moved mailq by hand.
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/realflow.txt b/rt/docs/design_docs/realflow.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3717e273b..000000000
--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/realflow.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-- I have a MonitoredQueue that sets tickets to "Monitored"
- if its subject matches /monitored/.
-- I want to have a kind of Ticket that are 'Monitored'.
-- I want all monitored tickets, when they are overdue for
- 14 days, to:
- - send notification to manager
- - mark as stalled
-- I want all monitored tickets, when they are overdue for
- 28 days, to:
- - mark as rejected
-- I want to query all tickets that are monitored as such
-- I want to modify 14 => 15 and have it affect all existing
- tickets that are monitored
-- I want to add a new "overdue for 27 days, add a 'ultimatum'
- correspondence to it" rule for all monitored tickets.
-- I want to add a new "overdue for 27 days, add a 'ultimatum'
- correspondence to it" rule for all _new_ monitored tickets
- without affecting existing ones.
-- The user of OrderRequest queue needs to fill a numeric "CF",
- called "Price".
-- On creation, it needs to create following approvals:
- - "Manager" approval if CF.Price is > 1000
- - "President" approval if CF.Price is > 2000
-- When all of "M", "P" are resolved (if any, or if there were none
- to begin with), Create a new approval, "Finance".
-- If any approvals above is rejected, reject the original ticket.
-- If "Finance" is resolved, resolve original ticket.
-- If "Finance" is rejected, create an approval for "CEO".
-- If "CEO" is resolved, resolve the original ticket.
-- If "CEO" is rejected, reject the original ticket.
-[RuleAction CreateTicketWithRuleset]
- -> ReleaseMyLockOnRuleset $ruleset
- -> UnlessLockOnRuleset $ruleset
- # i.e. if no active tickets still have a lock on it
- -> ForceCreateTicketWithRuleset $ruleset
-[Queue OrderRequest]
- -> Condition: OnCreate
- Action: AddTicketRuleSet "PurchaseApproval"
- # Triggers immediately
-[RuleSet: PurchaseApproval]
- -> Condition: OnCreate
- Condition: CF.Price > 1000
- Action: CreateTicketWithRuleset "ManagerApproval"
- -> Condition: OnCreate
- Condition: CF.Price > 2000
- Action: CreateTicketWithRuleset "PresidentApproval"
- -> Condition: OnCreate
- Action: CreateTicketWithRuleset "FinanceApproval"
- -> Condition: OnReject
- Action: DeleteTree
-[RuleSet: ManagerApproval]
- -> Condition: OnCreate
- Action: Prohibit Ruleset "FinanceApproval"
- -> Condition: OnResolve
- Action: CreateTicketWithRuleset "FinanceApproval"
- -> Condition: OnReject
- Action: RejectTicket TOP
-[RuleSet: PresidentApproval]
- -> Condition: OnCreate
- Action: Prohibit CreateTicketWithRuleset "FinanceApproval"
- -> Condition: OnResolve
- Action: CreateTicketWithRuleset "FinanceApproval"
- -> Condition: OnReject
- Action: RejectTicket TOP
-[RuleSet: FinanceApproval]
- -> Condition: OnCreate
- Action: Prohibit RuleSet "CEOApproval"
- -> Condition: OnResolve
- Action: ResolveTicket TOP
- -> Condition: OnReject
- Action: CreateTicketWithRuleset "CEOApproval"
-[RuleSet: CEOApproval]
- -> Condition: OnResolve
- Action: ResolveTicket TOP
- -> Condition: OnReject
- Action: RejectTicket TOP
-Prohibit Ticket Operation:
- Ruleset CEOApproval
- ,--------.
-[TOP] --> [M] --> [F]
- ` `-> [P] -'
- `
- `-> [X] --> [Y]
-[TOP] => [Approval]
- -> Queue: B
- -> Rule: yyy
- -> Workflow: W
- -> Stage: Approval
- -> Rule: xxx
-isa_ok( $Approval->Type, 'RT::Ticket' );
-is( $Approval->Workflow->Name, 'W' );
-is( $Approval->Stage->Name, 'Approval' );
-[Queue: A]
- -> Workflow: W
-[Workflow: W]
- -> Stage: TOP
- -> Stage: Approval
- -> Stage: SUCCESS
- -> Stage: FAIL
-[Stage: TOP]
- -> Rule: OnCreate RunStage Approval
-ok( TicketA->Rules->HasEntry($ApprovalRule) )
-ok( TicketB->Rules->HasEntry($ApprovalRule) )
-[Rule: Approval]
- -> Rule: OnResolve RunStage SUCCESS
- -> Rule: OnReject RunStage FAIL
-[Stage: SUCCESS]
- -> Rule: OnCreate SetStatus('resolved') TOP
-[Stage: FAIL]
- -> Rule: OnCreate SetStatus('rejected') TOP
- - Rule FOO: OnAnything {
- CreateTicketIfNotBlocked StageFOO
- AddLink DependedOnBy TOP to Stage1
- AssignRule DoStage2 to Stage1
- AssignRule DoStage3 to Stage1
- }
- - Rule BAR: OnAnything {
- CreateTicketIfNotBlocked StageBAR
- DoSomethingBizzare
- }
- ,==> [Stage0] ==>.
- , .
-[TOP] ==> [Stage1] ==> [Stage3]
- ` '
- `==> [Stage2] ==>'
- $self->Ticket->Queues->Scrips->Apply
- $self->Ticket->Queues->Scrips->Apply
- ->Scrips->Apply
- $self->Ticket->Queues->Scrips->Apply
- ->Stages->Scrips->Apply
- - Rule:
- OnCreate:
- RunRule FOO
- - Rule:
- OnWhatever:
- RunRule FOO
-[TOP] => [Stage1] => [Stage2] => [END]
- `- => [Stage3] => [END]
- ` -> [Stage4]
- ->
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/recursive_group_membership_algorithm b/rt/docs/design_docs/recursive_group_membership_algorithm
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index 250b9ad0d..000000000
--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/recursive_group_membership_algorithm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-Group A has members 1, 2, 3
- Cached members 1 is a member of A via ""
- 2 is a member of A via ""
- 3 is a member of A via ""
-Group B has members A, 4, 5
- Cached members: 4 is a member of B via "" $1
- 5 is a member of B via "" $2
- A is a member of B via "" $3
- 1 is a member of B via "$3" $4
- 2 is a member of B via "$3" $5
- 3 is a member of B via "$3" $6
-Group C has members A, B, 6
- 6 is a member of C via "" $7
- A is a member of C via "" $8
- 1 is a member of C via $8 $9
- 2 is a member of C via $8 $10
- 3 is a member of C via $8 $11
- B is a member of C via "" $12
- 4 is a member of C via $12 $13
- 5 is a member of C via $12 $14
- A is a member of C via $12 $15
- 1 is a member of C via $15 $16
- 2 is a member of C via $15 $17
- 3 is a member of C via $15 $18
-Group D has members A, C
- A is a member of D via "" $19
- 1 is a member of D via $19 $20
- 2 is a member of D via $19 $21
- 3 is a member of D via $19 $22
- C is a member of D via "" $23
- 6 is a member of D via $23 $24
- A is a member of D via $23 $25
- 1 is a member of D via $25 $26
- 2 is a member of D via $25 $27
- 3 is a member of D via $25 $28
- B is a member of D via $23 $29
- 4 is a member of D via $29 $30
- 5 is a member of D via $29 $31
- A is a member of D via $29 $32
- 1 is a member of D via $32 $33
- 2 is a member of D via $32 $34
- 3 is a member of D via $32 $35
-Adding a new user, 7, to group A.
- Add the user to group A in the groups table.
- Find all entries for group A in the cache table.
- For each entry in that list:
- Add "7 is a member of $entry->top via $entry->id"
-Deleting a user, 7, from group A:
- Remove the user from group A in the groups table.
- find all entries in the cache table where the principal id is user 7 and
- the parent id is A. (requires a self join)
- nuke them
- Alternatively:
- find all entries for A in the cache table.
- For each one, find the child whose id is 7.
- Nuke it
-Adding a group, B to group D.
- Add group B as a member of D in the groups table.
- In the cache table:
- $id = Add group B as a member of D via ""
- For each member of group B (4, 5, A):
- $sid= 4 is a member of D via $id
- $sid= 5 is a member of D via $id
- $sid= A is a member of D via $id
- if the member is a group itself, recurse down:
- 1 is a member of D via $sid
- 2 is a member of D via $sid
- 3 is a member of D via $sid
- Find all places where D is a member of $foo.
- Repeat the above procedure, substituting $foo for D
- and making $id D's id.
-Removing B as a member of D:
- Remove B as a member of D in the groups table.
- Find all references to D in the pseudogroups table.
- Find all children of D which are B:
- Recurse down with the following algorithm:
- If it's a user, delete it.
- If it's a group, recurse through each member,
- deleting its children and then deleting the
- group itself.
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/rql_parser_machine.graphviz b/rt/docs/design_docs/rql_parser_machine.graphviz
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/rql_parser_machine.graphviz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* GraphViz graph representing the state diagram of the RQL parser.
-/* XXX: It's not up to date anymore, we should delete it or update.
-digraph G {
- OP -> VALUE;
- Blue lines represent added complexity of q[IN (x,y,z)] support.
- The only place that the "blue tree" can be entered is at IN, and
- exited at PAREN.
- KEYWORD -> IN [color=blue];
- IN -> PAREN [color=blue];
- PAREN -> VALUE [color=blue];
- VALUE -> COMMA [color=blue];
- COMMA -> VALUE [color=blue];
- VALUE -> PAREN [color=blue];
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/rt-mvc b/rt/docs/design_docs/rt-mvc
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- Never write an init block for a page that just views/edits pages
- No style embedded in view/edit pages
- Validation / Error display and re-editing.
- For a given object's fields:
- print a label for the field
- print the current values for the field
- print an edit widget for create
- print an edit widget for update
- for a given form buttons for "perform the action" "don't perform the main action"
-Edit widgets
- text input
- hidden
- fixed enum as { dropdown, select multiple, sleect single, radio}
- checkbox fixed enum
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/ruleset-workflow.txt b/rt/docs/design_docs/ruleset-workflow.txt
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--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/ruleset-workflow.txt
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@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# For an online version, see
-_*This is a design document for a work in progress.
-It describes features that do not exist today and may never exist*_
-== Text Description
-* The user of PurchaseOrder queue fill in a numeric "CF", called "Price".
-* On creation, it needs to create following approvals:
-** "ManagerApproval" if CF.Price is > 1000
-** "PresidentApproval" if CF.Price is > 2000
-* When all of "M", "P" are resolved (or if there were none to begin with), Create "FinanceApproval".
-* If any approvals above is rejected, reject the original ticket.
-* If "FinanceApproval" is resolved, resolve original ticket.
-* If "FinanceApproval" is rejected, create an approval for "CEOApproval".
-* If "CEOApproval" is resolved, resolve the original ticket.
-* If "CEOApproval" is rejected, reject the original ticket.
-== ASCII Diagram
- ,----------. ,---------------------->[DONE]
- | \ / ^
- [TOP]-+-?---->[M]---->[F] |
- | | / \ |
- `-?->[P]-+-' `-(!)->[C]-----------------'
- | | |
- | | `-(!)---------->[FAIL]
- | | ^
- `-(!)----------------------------------'
-== Objects
-Note that "Scrips" are now called "Rules".
-=== RuleAction "AquireMyLocks"
- FOREACH $Scrip IN $TicketObj->Scrips
- WHERE $Scrip.Action.Type == "TryCreateTicketWithRuleset"
- DO LockRuleset $Scrip.Action.Argument
-=== RuleAction "TryCreateTicketWithRuleset"
- DO ReleaseMyLockOnRuleset $Argument
- UNLESS RulesetLocked $Argument
- DO CreateTicketWithRuleset $Argument
-=== RuleAction "CreateTicketWithRuleset"
- GIVEN $Ticket AS CreateTicket(@OtherArguments)
- DO SetTicketRuleSet $Argument
- DO RunTicketRuleSet $Argument
-=== GlobalRule "AquireLocks"
-* AppliesTo: All Objects
-* Condition: OnCreate
-* Action: AquireMyLocks
-=== Queue "PurchaseOrder"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnCreate
-** Action: SetTicketRuleSet "PurchaseFlow"
-** Action: RunTicketRuleSet "PurchaseFlow"
-=== RuleSet "PurchaseFlow"
-* Rule (implicitly run by AcquireMyLocks):
-** Condition: OnCreate
-** Action: LockRuleSet "ManagerApproval"
-** Action: LockRuleSet "PresidentApproval"
-** Action: LockRuleSet "FinanceApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnCreate
-** Condition: CF.Price > 1000
-** Action: TryCreateTicketWithRuleset "ManagerApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnCreate
-** Condition: CF.Price > 2000
-** Action: TryCreateTicketWithRuleset "PresidentApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnCreate
-** Condition: "Finance" is not blocked
-** Action: TryCreateTicketWithRuleset "FinanceApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnReject
-** Action: DeleteTree
-=== RuleSet: "ManagerApproval"
-* Rule (implicitly run by AcquireMyLocks):
-** Condition: OnCreate
-** Action: LockRuleSet "FinanceApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnResolve
-** Action: TryCreateTicketWithRuleset "FinanceApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnReject
-** Action: RejectTicket "PurchaseFlow"
-=== RuleSet: "PresidentApproval"
-* Rule (implicitly run by AcquireMyLocks):
-** Condition: OnCreate
-** Action: LockRuleSet "FinanceApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnResolve
-** Action: TryCreateTicketWithRuleset "FinanceApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnReject
-** Action: RejectTicket "PurchaseFlow"
-=== RuleSet: "FinanceApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnResolve
-** Action: ResolveTicket "PurchaseFlow"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnReject
-** Action: ForceCreateTicketWithRuleset "CEOApproval"
-=== RuleSet: "CEOApproval"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnResolve
-** Action: ResolveTicket "PurchaseFlow"
-* Rule:
-** Condition: OnReject
-** Action: RejectTicket "PurchaseFlow"
-== Another Text Description
-* I have a MonitoredQueue that sets tickets to "Monitored" if its subject matches /monitored/.
-* I want to have a kind of Ticket that are 'Monitored'.
-* I want all monitored tickets, when they are overdue for 14 days, to:
-** Send notification to manager
-** Mark as stalled
-* I want all monitored tickets, when they are overdue for 28 days, to:
-** Mark as rejected
-* I want to query all tickets that are monitored as such
-* I want to modify 14 => 15 and have it affect all existing tickets that are monitored
-* I want to add a new "overdue for 27 days, add a 'ultimatum' correspondence to it" rule
-** For all monitored tickets.
-* I want to add a new "overdue for 27 days, add a 'ultimatum' correspondence to it" rule
-** For all _new_ monitored tickets.
-** Without affecting existing ones.
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/subscription-definitions.txt b/rt/docs/design_docs/subscription-definitions.txt
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--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/subscription-definitions.txt
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-RT Actions:
- EmailOwnerAsComment
- Send mail to the ticket owner from the queue's comment address
- EmailOwnerOrAdminWatchersAsComment
- Send mail to the ticket owner, or if there is no owner, the ticket's admin watchers
- from the queue's comment addresses
- EmailAdminWatchersAsComment
- Send mail to the ticket's adminstrative watchers from the queue's comment address
- EmailOwner
- Send mail to the ticket owner from the queue's correspond address
- EmailOwnerOrAdminWatchers
- Send mail to the ticket owner, or if there is no owner, the ticket's admin watchers
- from the queue's correspond addresses
- EmailAdminWatchers
- Send mail to the ticket's adminstrative watchers from the queue's correspond address
- EmailWatchers
- Send mail to the ticket watchers from the queue's correspond address
- AutoReply
- Sendmail to the requestor from the queue's correspond address.
-RT Conditions:
- OnCreate
- OnEachTransaction
- OnComment
- OnCorrespond
-What is an Action?
-...some piece of code that can do something whenever a transaction is done.
-The actions shipped with RT sends email and can handle some logic that makes
-sense for some instances. site-specific modules can be dropped in to
-perform special actions.
-What can an Action do?
-- decide whether it's applicable or not
-- prepare
-- commit
-- describe itself
-...and if it's a subclass of SendEmail, you can also override a lot.
-Currently the schema.mysql contains a list of the basic subscription-related
-actions that will be bundled with RT.
-What is a Scrip?
-'s an entry in the database that tells that an action is to be
-performed with a certain template and argument. Template and argument
-doesn't make sense in all contexts. A scrip can be limited to transaction
-types; the current implementation allows a comma-separated list (though for
-a "cleaner" schema design, it should be a separate table for this?). It has
-a name and a description.
-What is a ScripScope?
- indication of what queues the different Scrips applies to. It should
-be easy to remove/insert ScripScope objects by the admin tools.
-What is a Watcher?
-'s a request for beeing kept updated on a ticket and/or a queue
-and/or whatever. It is to be used by the Actions. Watcher items can
-easily be enabled/disabled through the `Quiet' attribute. `Type' might
-indicate what emails the watcher wants to get and how to get them.
-The Bcc/Cc watchers should be handled by the NotifyWatchers action which is
-run regardless of the Scrips.
-What is a Template?
-...A template is a text template that is to be used for outgoing email -
-or for different use for different actions. One template can be used by
-several Scrips.
-How does the system determinate whom to send mail to?
-The ScripScope table in the DB should indicate whether a Scrip is relevant
-for a queue or not /* TobiX thinks that this might eventually be extended to
-keywords, tickets, etc, and not only Queues */ ... the Scope table should
-indicate whether the Scrip is relevant for a given transaction type ... then
-the given Action should determinate whether it applies or not, and finally
-the Action has to find out (via the Watchers table) whom it applies to, and
-how to contact them ... and the Template tells how the mails that are sent
-out should look like.
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/ticket_templates b/rt/docs/design_docs/ticket_templates
deleted file mode 100644
index 7850edf73..000000000
--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/ticket_templates
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-===Create-Ticket: foo
- Subject: APPROVE <%TOP-Subject%>
- Status: status
- Queue: <%TOP-Queue%>
- Owner: <%TOP-Owner%>
- Depends-on: <%TOP-Id%>
- Child-of: <%TOP-Id%>
- Refers-to: <%TOP-Id%>
- Content-Type: text/plain
- Content: This is content
-===Create-Ticket: bar
-Subject: <%foo-Subject%>
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/users b/rt/docs/design_docs/users
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-RT2 makes everybody a user. some sites won't like this. there
-should be away to make an "anonymous" user who the mailgate makes
-the requestor for all mailed in tickets. it would then set the
-ticket 'requestor' watcher's alternate email address to the real
-requestor's email.
-additionally, eventually, users will need to be deleted. RT doesn't
-want any user deleted. Instead, there will be a flag in the user's
-entry in the users table called 'Disabled.' Disabled users will
-not be able to be granted rights.
- The process of disabling a user should remove their acls and
-should force the giving away of their tickets or reject the disabling.
diff --git a/rt/docs/extending_clickable_links.pod b/rt/docs/extending_clickable_links.pod
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--- a/rt/docs/extending_clickable_links.pod
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@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-=head1 MakeClicky extension
-=head2 Description
-I<MakeClicky> detects various formats of data in headers and email
-messages, and extends them with supporting links.
-=head2 Configuration
-You can configure clicky actions from RT config with @Active_MakeClicky
-option. It's ordered of the actions you want to apply.
-By default, RT provides two actions:
-=over 4
-=item httpurl
-Detects http:// and https:// URLs and adds '[Open URL]' link after the URL.
-=item httpurl_overwrite
-Also detects URLs as 'httpurl' format, but replace URL with link
-and *adds spaces* into text if it's longer then 30 chars. This allow
-browser to wrap long URLs and avoid horizontal scrolling.
-RTIR is shipped with several actions you can use: 'ip', 'ipdecimal',
-'email', 'domain' and 'RIPE'.
-=head2 Order of clicky actions
-Order of actions is important in situations when you use actions that
-could match the same block of a text, in this case only the first matching
-action from the list would be applied. For example ot makes no sense to
-use C<httpurl> and C<httpurl_overwrite> at the same time as both actions
-always match the same piece of a text.
-=head2 How it works
-Each action consists of regular expression and function that do text replace.
-When you open history of a ticket RT search in the text with the regular expresion
-for matches. If some piece of the text matches it calls the function with the match
-as argument, then replace matched text with string returned by the function. So
-in two words this feature works like 'Search and Replace' with an active replacer.
-Text of tickets is plain, but actions could generate arbitrary HTML.
-=head2 Writing custom MakeClicky actions
-To extend the list of actions with your own types of data, use the callback. Create
-file F<local/html/Callbacks/MyCallbacks/Elements/MakeClicky/Default>.
-It will be provided with arguments:
-=over 4
-=item types
-An array reference of hash references. Modify this array
-reference to add your own types; the first matching type will be
-used. Each hashref should contain:
-=over 4
-=item name
-The name of the data format; this is used in the
-configuration file to enable the format.
-=item regex
-A regular expression to match against.
-=item action
-The name of the action to run (see "actions", below)
-=item actions
-A hash reference of 'actions'. Modify this hash reference to change or add
-action types. Values are subroutine references which will get called when needed.
-They should return the modified string. Note that subroutine B<must escape> HTML.
-=item handler
-A subroutine reference; modify it only if you have to. This can be used
-to add pre- or post-processing around all actions.
-=head2 Actions' arguments
-A hash is passed to action with two keys that always exist:
-=over 4
-=item value - full match of the regular expression, this block of text will be
-replaced with action's result.
-=item all_matches - array with all matches including groups defined in the
-regular expression, for example if your regexp is C<qr{ticket\s+#(\d+)}> then
-the first element will be full match ("ticket #XXX") the same as in 'value' key,
-but the second one element of the array will be id of a ticket (XXX), so you
-can avoid parsing value in the action. Only eight groups of your regexps are
-passed to actions.
-=head2 Custom MakeClicky action example
-Create a new file F</opt/rt3/local/html/Callbacks/MyCallbacks/Elements/MakeClicky/Default>
-with the content:
- <%ARGS>
- $types => []
- $actions => {}
- </%ARGS>
- <%INIT>
- my $web_path = RT->Config->Get('WebPath');
- # action that takes ticket ID as argument and returns link to the ticket
- $actions->{'link_ticket'} = sub {
- my %args = @_;
- my $id = $args{'all_matches'}[1];
- return qq{<a href="$web_path/Ticket/Display.html?id=$id">$args{value}</a>};
- };
- # add action to the list
- push @$types, {
- # name, that should be used in config to activate action
- name => 'short_ticket_link',
- # regular expression that matches text 'ticket #xxx'
- regex => qr{ticket\s+#(\d+)}i,
- # name of the action that should be applied
- action => 'link_ticket',
- };
- </%INIT>
-That's all. Add C<short_ticket_link> to C<@Active_MakeClicky> option in your C<>.
-Restart your server and create test ticket with 'ticket #1' text.
-=head2 Notes for custom clicky actions writers
-Note that an action B<must escape> illegal HTML characters with entities and/or
-arguments in URLs.
-Complex (slow) regular expressions could slow down RT as conversion is run each
-time user open a ticket.
-Try to match the shortest expression you need with your regular expression otherwise another action could miss its chance to match.
-Precalculate values, use closures for functions.
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-This topic is described better in `perldoc lib/RT/Crypt/`.
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-=head1 Perl::Critic
-RT ships a .perlcriticrc which can be used by running perlcritic from
-the root of the rt tarball. It disables or turns on flags for a few
-policies. Reasoning for those changes can be found in the .perlcriticrc
-file itself.
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-Currently, RT is not very greatly supported on windows,
-But we can really run RT now, though very basicly.
-Scary instructions( tested on windows xp ):
-1. Install stawberry perl 5.10 or later
-2. Install Bundle::libwin32
-3. Install all cpan modules in vessel except
-If you have vessel, you can run the following cmd to install:
-perl bin\shipwright-builder --skip-test --noclean --make dmake --skip cpan-Module-Signature,cpan-GnuPG-Interface,cpan-GD,cpan-IO-Tty,perl,freetype,expat,fontconfig,ncurses,readline,gnupg,libjpeg,zlib,libpng,libgd,RT
-( If you install the modules to other place, e.g. with --install-base C:\test,
-remember to add C:/test/lib/perl5 to PERL5LIB env )
-Else, you can install them( the list is extracted from vessel ) by CPAN:
-$ perl -MCPAN -e "notest install Module::Build ExtUtils::MakeMaker Devel::Symdump Pod::Coverage Test::Pod::Coverage Regexp::Common Test::Portability::Files Pod::Readme Sub::Uplevel Test::Exception Tree::Simple URI::Escape Text::WikiFormat Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy Class::MethodMaker Devel::StackTrace Class::ReturnValue Carp::Assert Carp::Assert::More HTTP::Server::Simple Test::LongString HTML::Tagset HTML::Entities IO::Uncompress::Base Compress::Raw::Zlib IO::Uncompress::Gunzip Compress::Zlib Encode LWP::UserAgent WWW::Mechanize Test::WWW::Mechanize Text::Template HTML::TreeBuilder GD::Text Tree::DAG_Node Array::Compare Test::Warn Test::Tester Test::NoWarnings Class::Accessor Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast Text::vFile::asData Data::ICal Time::ParseDate Class::Data::Inheritable Exception::Class Params::Validate Class::Container Digest::SHA1 Error Cache::Cache HTML::Mason Test::More GD::Graph DBI XML::NamespaceSupport XML::SAX XML::Simple Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry Test::HTTP::Server::Simple Params::Util Class::Inspector File::ShareDir DBD::SQLite Clone Want DBIx::SearchBuilder PerlIO::eol Module::Refresh Text::Wrapper Log::Dispatch Log::Dispatch::Perl HTML::RewriteAttributes String::ShellQuote Email::Address FCGI Test::Deep Module::Versions::Report Text::Reform Text::Autoformat Text::Quoted Class::Singleton DateTime::TimeZone List::MoreUtils DateTime::Locale DateTime Calendar::Simple Apache::Session Term::ReadKey Hook::LexWrap HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason Net::Server IPC::Run3 DBD::mysql CSS::Squish HTML::Scrubber Expect Expect::Simple Test::Expect Locale::Maketext::Lexicon Font::AFM Pod::Escapes Pod::Simple HTML::FormatText Test::Pod MIME::Types CGI::Fast UNIVERSAL::require version DBD::Pg Date::Format Mail::Mailer IO::Stringy File::Temp MIME::Entity Test::Manifest XML::Parser DateTime::Format::W3CDTF DateTime::Format::Mail XML::RSS Time::Piece Test::MockTime"
-4. configure RT on unix box with inplace layout, copy the configured RT to the
-windows place you want, e.g. C:\RT
-5. cd to C:\RT, you can run RT now by the cmd:
-perl bin\standalone_httpd 8080
diff --git a/rt/docs/queue_subject_tag.pod b/rt/docs/queue_subject_tag.pod
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-This text is about 'Subject Tag' property of a queue. This
-property allows you to use different tags in subjects of
-RT's notifications, by default it's rtname option from
-the config file as it's been for a long time, now you can
-use different values for different queues.
-=head2 Setting subject tag
-Open RT's web UI, goto -E<gt> Configuration -E<gt> Queues
--E<gt> select a queue -E<gt> set 'subject tag' -E<gt>
-save changes.
-=head2 Using tag in templates
-Usually you don't need to add some code into templates to
-make subject tags work. A tag will be added in the
-beginning of subject right before sending email out.
-If you want to subjects to be "prefix [tag] real subject" like
-in default autoreply then you can use the following code in
-templates to place subject tag whenever you want in a template:
- [{ $Ticket->QueueObj->SubjectTag || $rtname } #{$Ticket->id()}]
-B<Note> that in the extension from the CPAN Tag method have
-been used when in 3.8 and newer it's SubjectTag, so you have to upgrade
-your templates. Read L</UPGRADING> below.
-=head1 This functionality vs. RT-Extension-BrandedQueues
-RT-Extension-BrandedQueues is extension that's available from
-the CPAN for older versions of RT. Starting from RT 3.8 it's
-been integrated into RT core. If you are B<UPGRADING> from
-older version and were using extension from the CPAN then you
-MUST read L</UPGRADING> below.
-=head2 For everyone who is upgrading
-You need to modify any of your email templates which use
-the $rtname variable. To edit your templates, log into RT
-as your administrative user, then click:
-Configuration -> Global -> Templates -> <Some template name>
-For example, RT's default "Autoreply" includes this line:
- "There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been
- assigned an ID of [{$rtname} #{$Ticket->id()}]."
-Change this line to read:
- "There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been
- assigned an ID of [{ $Ticket->QueueObj->SubjectTag || $rtname } #{$Ticket->id()}]."
-=head2 For users of RT-Extension-BrandedQueues
-1) You MUST uninstall RT-Extension-BrandedQueues before upgrade
-or use clean new dir for installation and reinstall your local
-customizations. The latter way is recommended as there are many
-changes in RT 3.8 and several extensions have been integrated
-into core.
-2) We expect that you have backup of your RT DB around during upgrade.
-3) After upgrade run perl script 'etc/upgrade/3.8-branded-queues-extension'.
-This script will convert data in the DB into new format.
-4) In templates where you were using Tag method (for example
-C<< $Ticket-E<gt>QueueObj-E<gt>Tag >>) replace it with
-C<< $Ticket-E<gt>QueueObj-E<gt>SubjectTag >>.
-L</"Using tag in templates">
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-digraph g {
-graph [
-rankdir = "RL",
- concentrate = true,
-ratio = auto
-node [
-fontsize = "18",
-shape = record, fontsize = 18
-edge [
-"Records" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "(Any RT::Record)" ];
-"Records" -> "Principals" [label = "Creator -> id"];
-"ACL" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"ACL" -> "Principals" [label="PrincipalId -> id"];
-"ACL" -> "Principals" [label="DelegatedBy -> id"];
-"ACL" -> "ACL" [label="DelegatedFrom -> id"];
-"Attachments" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Attachments" -> "Transactions" [label="TransactionId -> id"];
-"Attachments" -> "Attachments" [label="Parent -> id"];
-"CachedGroupMemers" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"CachedGroupMemers" -> "Groups" [label="GroupId -> id", weight=2];
-"CachedGroupMemers" -> "Principals" [label="MemberId -> id"];
-"CachedGroupMemers" -> "CachedGroupMemers" [label="Via -> id"];
-"CachedGroupMemers" -> "Groups" [label="ImmediateParentId -> id"];
-"CustomFields" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"CustomFieldValues" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"CustomFieldValues" -> "CustomFields" [label="CustomField -> id"];
-"GroupMembers" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"GroupMembers" -> "Groups" [label="GroupId -> id", weight=2];
-"GroupMembers" -> "Principals" [label="MemberId -> id", weight = 2];
-"Groups" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Groups" -> "Principals" [label=" -> id"];
-"Links" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Links" -> "Tickets" [label="LocalBase => id (usually)", style="dotted"];
-"Links" -> "Tickets" [label="LocalTarget => id (usually)", style="dotted"];
-"Principals" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Attributes" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Attributes" -> "Records" [label="ObjectId -> id"];
-"Queues" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"ScripActions" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"ScripConditions" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Scrips" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Scrips" -> "ScripConditions" [label="ScripCondition -> id"];
-"Scrips" -> "ScripActions" [label="ScripAction -> id"];
-"Scrips" -> "Templates" [label="Template -> id"];
-"Scrips" -> "Queues" [label="Queue -> id"];
-"Templates" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Templates" -> "Queues" [label ="Queue -> id" ];
-"ObjectCustomFields" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"ObjectCustomFields" -> "CustomFields" [label="CustomField -> id"];
-"ObjectCustomFields" -> "Records" [label="ObjectId -> id"];
-"ObjectCustomFieldValues" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"ObjectCustomFieldValues" -> "CustomFields" [label="CustomField -> id"];
-"ObjectCustomFieldValues" -> "Records" [label="ObjectId -> id"];
-"Tickets" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Tickets" -> "Tickets" [label="EffectiveId -> id"];
-"Tickets" -> "Principals" [label="Owner -> id"];
-"Queues" -> "Tickets" [style="invis"];
-"Tickets" -> "Queues" [label="Queue -> id"];
-"Transactions" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Transactions" -> "Records" [label="ObjectId -> id"];
-"Users" [shape = record, fontsize = 18, label = "<col0> \N " ];
-"Users" -> "Principals" [label="id -> id"];
diff --git a/rt/docs/templates.pod b/rt/docs/templates.pod
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-=head1 Templates
-Each template is split into two sections. A block of headers and a body. These
-sections are separated by a blank line.
-Templates are processed by the L<Text::Template> module. This module
-allows you to embed arbitrary Perl code into your templates. Text wrapped
-in curly braces, C<{...}> is interpreted as Perl. See L<Text::Template>
-for more information.
-=head2 Headers
-Your template may specify arbitrary email headers. Each header is a name, a
-colon, then a value. So, for example, to specify a subject, you can use:
- Subject: Thanks for your bug report.
-=head3 Special Headers
-=item Content-Type: text/html
-The special header "Content-Type: text/html" tells RT that the template should
-be parsed as HTML. RT will automatically make the outgoing message multipart.
-That way, recipients who can read only plaintext email will receive something
-readable, while users with clients which can display HTML will receive the full
-experience. Please be aware that HTML support in mail clients varies greatly,
-much more so than different web browsers.
-We welcome contributions of HTML-ization of builtin templates.
-=head2 Variables
-The variables that your templates may use include:
-=over 4
-=item C<$Transaction>
-The transaction object.
-=item C<$rtname>
-The value of the "rtname" config variable.
-=item C<$Ticket>
-The ticket object. This is only set during a ticket transaction.
-=item C<$Requestor>
-This is not an object, but the name of the first requestor on the ticket.
-If this is not what you need, inspect C<< $Ticket->Requestors >>.
-=item C<loc("text")>
-A localization function. See L<Locale::Maketext>.
diff --git a/rt/docs/timezones_in_charts.pod b/rt/docs/timezones_in_charts.pod
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-=head1 INTRO
-Every date in RT's DB is stored in UTC format. This affects charts
-grouped by time periods (Annually, Monthly, etc.). To produce
-charts that are in a specific timezone we have to use database specific
-functions to convert time. Each DB has very different requirements.
-This code is experimental and you can turn it on and off using
-boolean option $ChartsTimezonesInDB in the RT config.
-=head2 mysql
-Time can not just be converted using numeric time shift as this
-shift value depends on daylight saving time properties of the time zone.
-mysql since 4.1.3 supports named timezones, but you have to fill
-special tables with up to date data. On modern systems it's Usually
-very easy:
- mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql
-mysql's doc recommends to restart server. Read more about timezones
-in mysql in the following document
- .
-=head2 PostgreSQL
-PostgreSQL database uses your operating system's functions to convert
-timezones. You don't need to do anything in particular except making
-sure that the data in F</usr/share/zoneinfo> is up to date. On some
-systems this means upgrading a system package.
-=head3 Note for users of Pg 7.2 and older or users upgraded from those
-You should be sure that timestamps in RT DB have no TZ set. TIMESTAMP
-column type in PostgreSQL prior to Pg 7.3 has timezone info by default.
-In newer versions it's not the case anymore. If your RT database has
-this embedded timezone info, you need to alter the columns before
-enabling this feature.
-=head2 Other databases
-There is no implementation for other DBs, yet.
-=head2 PostgreSQL
-We use timestamp type for all datetime fields. It either has timezone
-info or not, by default since Pg 7.3 it has no timezone. Conversion is
-kinda tricky:
- timezone('Europe/Moscow', timezone('UTC', column_without_tz_info))
- timezone('to_tz', timezone('from_tz', column_without_tz_info))
-This function flips HAS_TZ flag on the argument. First call makes
-no conversion, but flips HAS_TZ flag. So next call flips it back
-and does actual conversion.
-=head2 mysql
-Once timezone information is loaded into tables on the server,
-we have all the same set of named timezones in the system
-and DateTime (DateTime project has copy of the TZ data in a module).
-CONVERT_TZ(TS, from, to) exists since mysql 4.1.3. Note that it
-takes timestamp, so supports limitted range (usuall 1970-2038).
-=head2 Oracle
-Look at FROM_TZ function.
-=head2 SQLite
-As far as I can see has no support.
diff --git a/rt/docs/using_forms_widgets.pod b/rt/docs/using_forms_widgets.pod
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-=head1 Using widgets F<html/Widgets/Form*>
-This widgets was implemented to address several common issues in handling
-request arguments and allow developers to avoid reinventing the wheel.
-=head2 General info
-Each component shows widget by default and has two methods: Process and
-InputOnly. The first one method process arguments and return new value
-of a parametr. The second one is helper that shows only form elements
-with minimum of required text labels.
-So you show a widget with:
- <& /Widgets/Form/Integer,
- Name => 'NameOfInputElement',
- Description => 'Input integer',
- &>
-You can show only C<input> box using:
- <& /Widgets/Form/Integer:InputOnly,
- Name => 'NameOfInputElement',
- &>
-In such a simple case you even can avoid processing. Yeah, most probably
-you want to check if value is really integer, but these widgets don't
-do validation for you, but they are more about fetching values from
-hash of arguments, showing these values to user and preserving state
-of value between form reloads (see below).
-=head2 Processing
-Processing is required when you use L<extended features|/Extendent features>,
-such as Default, Multiple or Alternative.
-To process arguments of a request you have to do the following:
- $ARGS{'NameOfInputElement'} = $m->comp(
- '/Widgets/Form/Integer:Process',
- Arguments => \%ARGS,
- Name => 'NameOfInputElement',
- );
-The method returns processed value in canonical form. For different widgets
-a canonical form is different and depends on activated features, so you must
-always activate the same features during showing a widget and processing
-=head2 Extendent features
-=head3 Default value
-If C<Default> argument is true then widgets expect that there is some
-default value for argument if user fills nothing. 'Nothing' in each
-widget is different, for example in select box it's special option
-which is always the first one, in integer box string '' means empty
-value, but boolean box uses radio buttons in this case with three
-options: Yes, No and Default.
-Each widget that supports C<Default> feature as well has C<DefaultLabel> and
-C<DefaultValue> arguments.
-=head4 Processing and showing with activated Default feature
-When this option is activated then C<Process> method returns undef
-value if user selected default value. So for integer box it's empty
-string and so on.
-As well when you show a widget you should pass undef as C<CurrentValue>
-to inform widget that the current value is default one.
-As all methods of a widget are consistent in this behaviour so you
-shouldn't care much about that, but this allows you to implement
-custom actions if processing returned undef, for example delete user's
-preference record instead of updating it (default value may change later to).
-=head4 C<DefaultValue> when C<Default> is not active
-DefaultValue argument is still actual in the Process method even if
-C<Default> is not true. This argument defines intial value. If value
-of a key in Arguments is not defined then it's treated as intial state
-and the method returns default value.
-=head3 Multiple and Alternative
-These options are only supported by the select widget.
-TODO: Add more info
-=head2 Implementation details
-=head3 Boolean widget
-This widget a little bit tricky. When you use Default option then
-things are simple and you see three radio buttons, but in other
-case we use a checkbox. But as you know browsers don't pass unchecked
-boxes to server, so arguments of a request has no entry for them.
-In the latter case it's hard to figure out case when user unselected
-value. Imagine form with a checkbox, you want show it checked by
-default and as well form is reloadable (like Reply forms that have
-"Add Another File" buttons). User uncheck the box and then upload
-file, in this case you want to show user's choice instead of default,
-but browser doesn't send any value and you can not figure out if
-it's initial state or page reload. To solve this problem we use magic
-hidden input field with the same name as the box and value equal to
-zero (0). Mason folds arguments with the same name into array refs, so
-we get 0 if box is unchecked and [0, 1] if box is checked. An array
-reference is true value and 0 is defined value so we know that it's
-not initial state and avoid switching back to default. As well this
-trick works good in a case when you want show a link to a page and
-define default choice for some boolean argument, you don't need
-to set argument twice, you just set it to true value (for ex. 1) and
-things just work.