path: root/rt/docs/design_docs/cli_spec
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2003-07-15 13:16:32 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2003-07-15 13:16:32 +0000
commit945721f48f74d5cfffef7c7cf3a3d6bc2521f5dd (patch)
treec874aeac27d37fce2e41d64c3347c99527f6e66d /rt/docs/design_docs/cli_spec
parent160be29a0dc62e79a4fb95d2ab8c0c7e5996760e (diff)
import of rt 3.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/docs/design_docs/cli_spec')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/rt/docs/design_docs/cli_spec b/rt/docs/design_docs/cli_spec
index 48a7f34e1..ae5f29f76 100644
--- a/rt/docs/design_docs/cli_spec
+++ b/rt/docs/design_docs/cli_spec
@@ -1,354 +1,31 @@
-Find tickets to operate on:
- --id=<tickets> Find only tickets in the range <tickets>
- synonyms:
- --limit-id, --tickets, --limit-tickets
- --limit-queue=<queue>
- --limit-status=<status>
- --limit-owner=<owner>
- --limit-priority=<priority>
- --limit-requestor=<email>
- --limit-subject=<string> (Subject contains)
- --limit-body=<string> (body contains)
- --limit-created=(before/after) <date>
- --limit-due=(before/after) <date>
- --limit-starts=(before/after) <date>
- --limit-started=(before/after) <date>
+Things the cli must do
+ create ticket
+ comment
+ reply
+ update ticket metadata
+ search for tickets
+ update a bunch of tickets.
+ list tickets
+ login/logout
- --limit-first=<int> Start on the <int>th row returned by the
- database
- --limit-rows=<int> Find only <int> rows
- --show shows a ticket history
- --history ditto
+should support multiple rt servers
- --summary default option. shows a ticket summary
- --format Optional format string. If not specified,
- uses the value of ENV{'RT_LISTING_FORMAT'}
- or an internal default
+create/edit/update should use EDITOR or take from a file or stdin
-Basic ticket editing:
+should be able to update ticket sttributes from a commandline without invoking an editor or needing to use stdin.
- --status=(open|stall|resolve|kill)
- --subject=<string>
- --owner=<owner>
- --queue=<queue>
- --time-left=<minutes>
+login/logout should store RT session cookies rather than constantly transmitting the username/password combo.
-Watcher-related editing:
+rtserver and rt username should come from env variables. but should be able to be overridden by commandline options.
- --add-requestor=<email>
- --del-requestor=<email>
- --add-cc=<email>
- --del-cc=<email>
- --add-admincc=<email>
- --del-admincc=<email>
+rt password should be able to be specified on the commandline (say from a script) or, failing that be prompted for within the application (as rt's sbin/initdb script does) ...or maybe able to be read from a stash file on disk.
-Priority related editing:
+must be able to dowaload attachments from cli.
+ it might also be cool to be able to generate session-length urls for attavhments so you can use a browser. but that's not necessary.
- --priority=<int>
- --final-priority=<int>
-Date related editing:
- --due=date
- --starts=date
- --started=date
- --contacted=date
-Ticket updates:
- --comment
- --reply | --respond
- --add-link
- --type=<DependsOn|MemberOf|RelatedTo>
- needs one of:
- --target=<ticketid>
- --base=<ticketid>
- --del-link <link-id>
- any update can take:
- --time-taken <minutes>
- Ticket updates can take:
- --source -- specify a source file to read the content from
- --edit = give me an editor to edit the message
- --no-edit = don't give me an editor to edit the message.
------ Forwarded message from deborah kaplan <> -----
-Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:43:18 -0400 (EDT)
-From: deborah kaplan <>
-To: Jesse <>
-Subject: Re: [rt-devel] RT Projects list
-Finally, here is the functional spec for the command line
-interface. This is for the user interface only; if you think
-this is right, I will add the administrative interface as well.
-Should I post to rt-devel, add to the ticket, or just modify
-based on your kibbitzing? When you are happy with it I'll start
-the code.
-RT command line interface functional specification
-Author: Deborah Kaplan (
-RT needs a CLI for various reasons. If a user is restricted to a
-dumb terminal, she needs to be able to access the RT database and
-manipulate it fully. The full functionality of both the RT
-database and the RT administrative interface should be available
-from this CLI.
-There are two possible types of CLI which I will discuss here.
-The first is a curses-style interface, which allows the user to
-move about a series of menus and choices, usually using arrow
-keys. As RT supplies a Web interface, there is no need for this
-curses-style interface to be written as part of RT. Instead, the
-RT developers should pick one tty-based Web browser (e.g. lynx,
-w3m) and make sure that all of the RT pages are easily readable
-with that tty based browser. Installation of that browser should
-be recommended in the RT installation documentation as a
-supported method of accessing RT from a tty.
-The second possible type of CLI is more minimal: a series of
-commands which can be run at a UNIX command prompt which provide
-full functionality to the RT database and administrative
-interface. There are two major benefits to this second type of
-CLI. First of all, in order to use this CLI, you need no extra
-tools (Web browsers, etc.). All that is required is a UNIX
-command line prompt and an installation of RT. Secondly, a user
-of RT who has a very specific command to run and who knows the
-appropriate CLI commands can accomplish her task much more
-quickly with a single command then she could navigating through a
-menu based interface.
-In the specification, I will describe the second type of CLI.
-This specification draws heavily on the structure of formatting
-command line options for cvs. RT faces a smaller version of the
-same kinds of problems cvs faces: we want to create a very rich
-command set without sacrificing ease-of-use.
-I am not wedded to any specific command names if they seem
-impractical; I merely am proposing the command names that seem
-reasonable to me at this moment.
-Finally, I am finding the functioning of the web UI from RT 1.
-If the functionality differs greatly in RT 2, I will need to
-modify this specification.
-There are two commands: "rt", which is the primary interface to
-the database, and "rtadmin", which is the administrative
-interface to the database.
-The format of an rt command is as follows:
- rt <command>
- <command> is one of:
- - help
- print an overview of the commands which can be run
- - print <queue> <options>
- with no options, dump to the screen a list of all open
- requests in <queue> -- the equivalent of "Display Queue" in
- the existing Web interface.
- <queue> is the name of an RT queue
- <option> is either:
- -f <filename> | --filename <filename>
- where <filename> is the name of a file (defaulting to
- ~/.rtrc) in which the options described below can be
- placed in the format "^ <long option name> <option value>
- $".
- Or a series of the following options:
- -o <owner name> | --owner <owner name>: restrict tickets
- viewed to those owned by <owner name>.
- This option can be used multiple times in one call of
- the rt command in order to produce a list which
- contains tickets owned by multiple owners. Giving the
- empty string ("") as an option to this switch will
- restrict tickets viewed to those which have no owner.
- If this switch is given with no argument, the option
- defaults to the user name of the currently running
- process.
- -r <requestor name> | --requestor <requestor name>:
- restrict tickets viewed to those requested by <requestor
- name>.
- This option can be used multiple times in one call of
- the rt command in order to produce a list which
- contains tickets requested by multiple requesters. If
- this switch is given with no arguments, it produces an
- error.
- -s <status> | --status <status>: restrict tickets viewed
- to those with the status named in <status>.
- This option can be used multiple times in one call of
- the rt command in order to produce a list which
- contains tickets with multiple statuses (statii?
- Dragon NaturallySpeaking recognizes "statuses" as a
- word). This option defaults to status "open".
- -j <subject> | --subject <subject>: restrict tickets
- viewed to those which contain <subject> as a substring in
- the subject field of the ticket.
- This command can be used multiple times in one call of
- the rt command in order to produce a list which
- contains tickets with various subject substrings. If
- the option is called with no argument, the result is
- an error.
- -h | --help: print a usage message.
- -n | --number: print out a specific ticket.
- This command can be used multiple times to produce a
- list which contains multiple tickets. If the option
- is called with no argument, the result is an error.
- This completes all of the print options which are available
- in the Web interface, except the sort options. I maintain
- that this command is already excessively complex, and that
- adding functionality which can be replicated easily by
- standard UNIX tools is unnecessary added complexity. I
- recommend that the man pages and documentation for this
- option contain an example of a command line run (e.g. of rt |
- awk) which replicates the sorting functionality provided by
- the Web interface.
- - edit <ticket> <options>
- with no options, or with no <ticket>, produces the same
- output as the --help option.
- Otherwise, edits the ticket with number <ticket> as
- indicated in the options given. All options listed below
- except for --help and --number can be used in conjunction
- with one another to change many features of the same ticket
- all at once.
- -h | --help: print usage message
- -s <status> | --status <status>: change the status to the
- status listed in <status>.
- No <status> listed, or 1 listed it does not come from
- a list of approve statuses, produces an error.
- -o <owner name> | --owner <owner name>: set to the owner
- of the ticket the owner named.
- Follows whatever convention is finally decided on for
- the requirement to steal a ticket that is owned by
- somebody else. No <owner named> listed has the user
- who is running the rt program take the ticket. If
- that user is not a valid owner, or the 1 listed does
- not come from a list of approve names, produces an
- error.
- -r <requestor name> | --requestor <requestor name>: sets
- the requestor to <requestor name>.
- Follows any conventions that the Web UI follows to
- make sure that this is a legal name. If not legal, or
- left blank, produces an error.
- -j <subject> | --subject <subject>: sets the subject of
- the ticket to <subject>.
- If the option is called with no argument, the result
- is an error.
- -n <number one> <number 2> | --number <number one>
- <number 2>: merges ticket number <number one> into ticket
- <number 2>.
- If both arguments are not provided, the result is an
- error.
- -q <queue> | --queue <queue>: set the queue to that
- named.
- If <queue> is not listed, or the 1 listed does not
- come from a list of approve queues, produces an
- error.
- -a <area> | --area <area>: set the area of the ticket to
- that named.
- If <area> is not listed, or the 1 listed does not come
- from a list of approve areas, produces an error.
- -c <time stamp> | --contact <time stamp>: sets the last
- user contact field, and produces an error if the format
- is invalid.
- If the argument is left blank, sets the last user
- contact field to now.
- -p <priority> | --priority <priority>: sets the current
- priority to the 1 listed.
- Produces an error if the argument is left blank.
- -f <priority> | --final <priority>: sets the final
- priority to the 1 listed.
- Produces an error if the arguments left blank.
- -d <date due> | --datedue <date due>: sets the due date
- to the 1 listed.
- Produces an error if the argument is left blank, or if
- the format is invalid.
- - comment <options>
- with no options, this command reads from standard input
- until it sees EOF and appends that to the ticket as a
- comment.
- -h | --help: print usage message
- -c | --comment: append as a comment. This is the default behavior.
- -r | --reply: append as a reply.
- -f <filename> | --file <filename>: can be used with
- either the comment or reply options. Instead of reading
- from standard input, read the text of the comment or
- reply from the file <filename>.
- - report <options>
- this command is a place holder for reporting functionality
- which does not yet exist. It will probably have the
- default behavior to select reports at the command line or
- choose default reports from a .rtrc file. In a future
- version, it can output graphs in some graphical format.
------ End forwarded message -----
-jesse reed vincent -- --
-70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90
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+I'm envisioning this as similar to the subversion cli, actually.