path: root/rt/bin
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2003-07-15 13:16:32 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2003-07-15 13:16:32 +0000
commit945721f48f74d5cfffef7c7cf3a3d6bc2521f5dd (patch)
treec874aeac27d37fce2e41d64c3347c99527f6e66d /rt/bin
parent160be29a0dc62e79a4fb95d2ab8c0c7e5996760e (diff)
import of rt 3.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/bin')
14 files changed, 4093 insertions, 857 deletions
diff --git a/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi b/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi
index e8a4e128f..431eccbd3 100755
--- a/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi
+++ b/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi
@@ -1,221 +1,54 @@
-# $Header: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi,v 1.1 2002-08-12 06:17:07 ivan Exp $
-# RT is (c) 1996-2001 Jesse Vincent (;
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
use strict;
-$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # or whatever you need
-$ENV{'CDPATH'} = '' if defined $ENV{'CDPATH'};
-$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if defined $ENV{'SHELL'};
-$ENV{'ENV'} = '' if defined $ENV{'ENV'};
-$ENV{'IFS'} = '' if defined $ENV{'IFS'};
+use File::Basename;
+require ('/opt/rt3/bin/');
+my $h = &RT::Interface::Web::NewCGIHandler();
-# We really don't want apache to try to eat all vm
-# see
-package RT::Mason;
-#use CGI qw(-private_tempfiles); # pull in CGI with the private tempfiles
- #option predefined
-use HTML::Mason; # brings in subpackages: Parser, Interp, etc.
-use vars qw($VERSION %session $Nobody $SystemUser $cgi);
-# List of modules that you want to use from components (see Admin
-# manual for details)
-#Clean up our that the session files aren't world readable, writable or executable
-use lib "!!RT_LIB_PATH!!";
-use lib "!!RT_ETC_PATH!!";
-#This drags in RT's
-use config;
-use Carp;
- package HTML::Mason::Commands;
- use vars qw(%session $ContentType);
- use RT;
- use RT::Ticket;
- use RT::Tickets;
- use RT::Transaction;
- use RT::Transactions;
- use RT::User;
- use RT::Users;
- use RT::CurrentUser;
- use RT::Template;
- use RT::Templates;
- use RT::Queue;
- use RT::Queues;
- use RT::ScripAction;
- use RT::ScripActions;
- use RT::ScripCondition;
- use RT::ScripConditions;
- use RT::Scrip;
- use RT::Scrips;
- use RT::Group;
- use RT::Groups;
- use RT::Keyword;
- use RT::Keywords;
- use RT::ObjectKeyword;
- use RT::ObjectKeywords;
- use RT::KeywordSelect;
- use RT::KeywordSelects;
- use RT::GroupMember;
- use RT::GroupMembers;
- use RT::Watcher;
- use RT::Watchers;
- use RT::Handle;
- use RT::Interface::Web;
- use MIME::Entity;
- use CGI::Cookie;
- use Date::Parse;
- use HTML::Entities;
- use Text::Wrapper;
- #TODO: make this use DBI
- use Apache::Session::File;
- use CGI::Fast;
- # set the page's content type.
- # In this case, just save it to a variable that we can pull later;
- sub SetContentType {
- $ContentType = shift;
- }
- sub CGIObject {
- return $RT::Mason::cgi;
- }
-my ($output, $parser, $interp);
-if ($HTML::Mason::VERSION < 1.0902) {
- require HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;
- $parser = &RT::Interface::Web::NewParser(allow_globals => [%session]);
- $interp = &RT::Interface::Web::NewInterp(parser=>$parser,
- allow_recursive_autohandlers => 1,
- out_method => \$output);
-else {
- $interp = &RT::Interface::Web::NewInterp(
- allow_globals => [%session],
- default_escape_flags => 'h',
- out_method => \$output);
-# Die if WebSessionDir doesn't exist or we can't write to it
-stat ($RT::MasonSessionDir);
-die "Can't read and write $RT::MasonSessionDir"
- unless (( -d _ ) and ( -r _ ) and ( -w _ ));
+# Enter CGI::Fast mode, which should also work as a vanilla CGI script.
+require CGI::Fast;
# Response loop
-while ($RT::Mason::cgi = new CGI::Fast) {
- $HTML::Mason::Commands::ContentType = 'text/html';
- # This routine comes from
- my (%args, $cookie);
- foreach my $key ( $cgi->param ) {
- foreach my $value ( $cgi->param($key) ) {
- if (exists($args{$key})) {
- if (ref($args{$key})) {
- $args{$key} = [@{$args{$key}}, $value];
- } else {
- $args{$key} = [$args{$key}, $value];
- }
- } else {
- $args{$key} = $value;
- }
- }
- }
- my $comp = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
- if ($comp =~ /^(.*)$/) { # untaint the path info. apache should
- # never hand us a bogus path.
- # We should be more careful here.
- $comp = $1;
- }
- if ($comp =~ /\/$/) {
- $comp .= "index.html";
- }
- #This is all largely cut and pasted from mason's
- # {{{ Cookies
- my %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie();
- eval {
- my $session_id = undef;
- #Get the session id and untaint it
- if ($cookies{'AF_SID'} && $cookies{'AF_SID'}->value() =~ /^(.*)$/) {
- $session_id = $1;
- }
- tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::File',
- $session_id,
- { Directory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- LockDirectory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- } ;
- };
- if ( $@ ) {
- # If the session is invalid, create a new session.
- if ( $@ =~ m#^Object does not exist in the data store# ) {
- tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::File', undef,
- { Directory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- LockDirectory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- };
- undef $cookies{'AF_SID'};
- }
- else {
- die "$@ \nProbably means that RT Couldn't write to session directory '$RT::MasonSessionDir'. Check that this directory's permissions are correct.";
- }
+while ( my $cgi = CGI::Fast->new ) {
+ # the whole point of fastcgi requires the env to get reset here..
+ # So we must squash it again
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
+ $ENV{'CDPATH'} = '' if defined $ENV{'CDPATH'};
+ $ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if defined $ENV{'SHELL'};
+ $ENV{'ENV'} = '' if defined $ENV{'ENV'};
+ $ENV{'IFS'} = '' if defined $ENV{'IFS'};
+ unless ($h->interp->comp_exists($cgi->path_info)) {
+ $cgi->path_info($cgi->path_info . "/index.html");
- if ( !$cookies{'AF_SID'} ) {
- $cookie = new CGI::Cookie
- (-name=>'AF_SID',
- -value=>$HTML::Mason::Commands::session{_session_id},
- -path => '/',);
- } else {
- $cookie = undef;
- }
- # }}}
- $output = '';
- eval {
- my $status = $interp->exec($comp, %args);
- };
- if ($@) {
- $output = "<PRE>$@</PRE>";
- }
- print "Content-Type: $HTML::Mason::Commands::ContentType\r\n";
- print "Set-Cookie: $cookie\r\n" if ($cookie);
- print "\r\n";
- print $output;
- untie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session;
+ $h->handle_cgi_object($cgi);
+ # _should_ always be tied
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e932bfc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+require ('@RT_BIN_PATH@/');
+my $h = &RT::Interface::Web::NewCGIHandler();
+# Enter CGI::Fast mode, which should also work as a vanilla CGI script.
+require CGI::Fast;
+# Response loop
+while ( my $cgi = CGI::Fast->new ) {
+ # the whole point of fastcgi requires the env to get reset here..
+ # So we must squash it again
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
+ $ENV{'CDPATH'} = '' if defined $ENV{'CDPATH'};
+ $ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if defined $ENV{'SHELL'};
+ $ENV{'ENV'} = '' if defined $ENV{'ENV'};
+ $ENV{'IFS'} = '' if defined $ENV{'IFS'};
+ unless ($h->interp->comp_exists($cgi->path_info)) {
+ $cgi->path_info($cgi->path_info . "/index.html");
+ }
+ $h->handle_cgi_object($cgi);
+ # _should_ always be tied
diff --git a/rt/bin/mason_handler.scgi b/rt/bin/mason_handler.scgi
index b9846c898..8e1135c2f 100755
--- a/rt/bin/mason_handler.scgi
+++ b/rt/bin/mason_handler.scgi
@@ -1,193 +1,41 @@
-#!!!PERL!! -w
-#!/usr/bin/speedy -- -t600 -M8
-# $Header: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/bin/mason_handler.scgi,v 1.1 2002-08-12 06:17:07 ivan Exp $
-# RT is (c) 1996-2001 Jesse Vincent (;
-# Contains code derived from mason.cgi
-# mason.cgi is Copyright December 2000 Joshua Kronengold (,
-# All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
use strict;
-# {{{ Clean out the environment a little bit
-$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # or whatever you need
-$ENV{'CDPATH'} = '' if defined $ENV{'CDPATH'};
-$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if defined $ENV{'SHELL'};
-$ENV{'ENV'} = '' if defined $ENV{'ENV'};
-$ENV{'IFS'} = '' if defined $ENV{'IFS'};
-# }}}
-package RT::Mason;
-use HTML::Mason; # brings in subpackages: Parser, Interp, etc.
-use vars qw($VERSION %session $Nobody $SystemUser);
-# List of modules that you want to use from components (see Admin
-# manual for details)
-use lib "!!RT_LIB_PATH!!";
-use lib "!!RT_ETC_PATH!!";
-#This drags in RT's
-use config;
-use Carp;
-use HTML::Mason::FakeApache;
-use CGI;
-# {{{ Set up CGI environment and grab CGI params:
+require ('/opt/rt3/bin/');
-my $r=new HTML::Mason::FakeApache;
+my $h = &RT::Interface::Web::NewCGIHandler();
-$|=1; # set output to non-buffered.
+require CGI;
-my %cgi;
-CGI::ReadParse(\%cgi); # %cgi is now a tied hash containing our params.
-my $q=$cgi{CGI}; # $q now contains the object tied to %cgi.
-# }}}
-# {{{ require what we need
- package HTML::Mason::Commands;
- use vars qw(%session);
- use RT::Ticket;
- use RT::Tickets;
- use RT::Transaction;
- use RT::Transactions;
- use RT::User;
- use RT::Users;
- use RT::CurrentUser;
- use RT::Template;
- use RT::Templates;
- use RT::Queue;
- use RT::Queues;
- use RT::ScripAction;
- use RT::ScripActions;
- use RT::ScripCondition;
- use RT::ScripConditions;
- use RT::Scrip;
- use RT::Scrips;
- use RT::Group;
- use RT::Groups;
- use RT::Keyword;
- use RT::Keywords;
- use RT::ObjectKeyword;
- use RT::ObjectKeywords;
- use RT::KeywordSelect;
- use RT::KeywordSelects;
- use RT::GroupMember;
- use RT::GroupMembers;
- use RT::Watcher;
- use RT::Watchers;
- use RT::Handle;
- use RT::Interface::Web;
- use MIME::Entity;
- use CGI::Cookie;
- use Date::Parse;
- use HTML::Entities;
- use Apache::Session::File;
+my $cgi = CGI->new;
+unless ($h->interp->comp_exists($cgi->path_info)) {
+ $cgi->path_info($cgi->path_info . "/index.html");
-# }}}
-# {{{ RT Database setup
- $RT::Handle = new RT::Handle;
- $RT::Handle->Connect;
- use RT::CurrentUser;
- #RT's system user is a genuine database user. its id lives here
- $RT::SystemUser = new RT::CurrentUser();
- $RT::SystemUser->LoadByName('RT_System');
- #RT's "nobody user" is a genuine database user. its ID lives here.
- $RT::Nobody = new RT::CurrentUser();
- $RT::Nobody->LoadByName('Nobody');
-# }}}
-# {{{ Deal with cookies
-my %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie();
-eval {
- tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::File',
- ( $cookies{'AF_SID'} ? $cookies{'AF_SID'}->value() : undef );
-if ( $@ ) {
- # If the session is invalid, create a new session.
- if ( $@ =~ m#^Object does not exist in the data store# ) {
- tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::File', undef;
- undef $cookies{'AF_SID'};
- }
-if ( !$cookies{'AF_SID'} ) {
- my $cookie = new CGI::Cookie(
- -name=>'AF_SID',
- -value=>$HTML::Mason::Commands::session{_session_id},
- -path => '/');
- print 'Set-Cookie: '. $cookie."\r\n";
-# }}}
-my $path=$ENV{PATH_INFO} || "/"; $path=~s/\'/\\\'/g;
-my $type=`/usr/bin/file '$RT::MasonComponentRoot/$path'`;
-# {{{ if it's a text file, handle it with mason.
-if($type=~/text|directory/) {
- my ($out, %mason_params);
- my $parser = RT::Interface::Web::NewParser(allow_globals=>[qw($r)]);
- $mason_params{parser}=$parser;
- $r->content_type('text/html');
- # (get cookies line) ...
- $r->access_hash('headers_in','Cookie',$ENV{HTTP_COOKIE});
- $r->{'args@'}=[];
- $mason_params{out_method}=\$out;
- my $interp = RT::Interface::Web::NewInterp(%mason_params);
- $interp->set_global(r=>$r);
- $interp->exec($path,%cgi);
- $r->send_http_header();
- print $out;
-# }}}
-# {{{ if it's not a text file, just stream it out.
-else { # file is binary, damn it
- my $mime_type;
- if ( $mime_type=
- eval{ use MIME::Types;
- my($type,$encoding)=MIME::Types::by_suffix($path);
- $type; }) {
- print $q->header($mime_type);
- $path=~s/[\|\>\<\&]//g;
- open F,"$RT::MasonComponentRoot/$path" or
- die "couldn't open $path -- $!";
- print while <F>;
- close F;
- } else {
- die "couldn't resolve type of non-text file (!@; $type) -- install Mime::Types\n";
- }
- }
-# }}}
-untie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session;
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37d8380c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+use strict;
+require ('@RT_BIN_PATH@/');
+my $h = &RT::Interface::Web::NewCGIHandler();
+require CGI;
+my $cgi = CGI->new;
+unless ($h->interp->comp_exists($cgi->path_info)) {
+ $cgi->path_info($cgi->path_info . "/index.html");
diff --git a/rt/bin/mason_handler.svc b/rt/bin/mason_handler.svc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6d83784c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/mason_handler.svc
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+=head1 NAME
+mason_handler.svc - Win32 IIS Service handler for RT
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ perl mason_handler.svc --install # install as service
+ perl mason_handler.svc --deinstall # deinstall this service
+ perl mason_handler.svc --help # show this help
+ perl mason_handler.svc # launch handler from command line
+This script manages a stand-alone FastCGI server, and populates the necessary
+registry settings to run it with Microsoft IIS Server 4.0 or above.
+Before running it, you need to install the B<FCGI> module from CPAN, as well as
+B<Win32::Daemon> from L<> if you want to install
+itself as a service.
+This script will automatically create a virtual directory under the IIS root;
+its name is taken from C<$WebPath> in the F<> file. Additionally,
+please install the ISAPI binary from L<> and set
+up an ISAPI Script Map that maps F<.html> files to F<isapi_fcgi.dll>.
+Once the service is launched (either via C<net start RTFastCGI> or by running
+C<perl mason_handler.svc>), a FCGI server will start and bind to port C<8284>
+(mnemonics: the ASCII value of C<R> and C<T>); the ISAPI handler's C<BindPath>
+registry setting will also be automatically populated.
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+require (dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
+use Cwd;
+use File::Spec;
+use Win32;
+use Win32::Process;
+use Win32::Service;
+use Win32::TieRegistry;
+my $ProcessObj;
+ my $runsvc = sub {
+ Win32::Process::Create(
+ $ProcessObj, $^X, "$^X $0 --run", 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, "."
+ ) or do {
+ die Win32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );
+ };
+ chdir File::Basename::dirname($0);
+ my $path = Cwd::cwd();
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ $path =~ s|bin$|share\\html|;
+ $Win32::TieRegistry::Registry->{
+ 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\\'.
+ 'W3SVC\Parameters\Virtual Roots\\'
+ }->{$RT::WebPath || '/'} = "$path,,205";
+ $Win32::TieRegistry::Registry->{
+ }->{'BindPath'} = $ENV{'FCGI_SOCKET_PATH'};
+ Win32::Service::StartService(Win32::NodeName, 'W3SVC');
+ };
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '--deinstall') {
+ chdir File::Basename::dirname($0);
+ my $path = Cwd::cwd();
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ require Win32::Daemon;
+ Win32::Daemon::DeleteService('RTFastCGI');
+ warn "Service 'RTFastCGI' successfully deleted.\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--install') {
+ chdir File::Basename::dirname($0);
+ my $path = Cwd::cwd();
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ require Win32::Daemon;
+ Win32::Daemon::DeleteService('RTFastCGI');
+ my $rv = Win32::Daemon::CreateService( {
+ machine => '',
+ name => 'RTFastCGI',
+ display => 'RT FastCGI Handler',
+ path => $^X,
+ user => '',
+ pwd => $path,
+ description => 'Enables port 8284 as the RT FastCGI handler.',
+ parameters => File::Spec->catfile(
+ $path, File::Basename::basename($0)
+ ) . ' --service',
+ } );
+ if ($rv) {
+ warn "Service 'RTFastCGI' successfully created.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Failed to add service: " . Win32::FormatMessage(
+ Win32::Daemon::GetLastError()
+ ) . "\n";
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--service') {
+ require Win32::Daemon;
+ my $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_START_PENDING();
+ Win32::Daemon::StartService() or die $^E;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ my $State = Win32::Daemon::State();
+ last if $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOPPED();
+ if ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_START_PENDING() ) {
+ $runsvc->();
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING() );
+ $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING();
+ }
+ elsif ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING() ) {
+ $ProcessObj->Resume;
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING() );
+ $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING();
+ }
+ elsif ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOP_PENDING() ) {
+ $ProcessObj->Kill(0);
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOPPED() );
+ $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOPPED();
+ }
+ elsif ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING() ) {
+ my $Message = Win32::Daemon::QueryLastMessage(1);
+ if ( $Message == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE() ) {
+ Win32::Daemon::State( $PrevState );
+ }
+ elsif ( $Message == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN() ) {
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOP_PENDING(), 15000 );
+ }
+ elsif ( $Message != Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTROL_NONE() ) {
+ Win32::Daemon::State( $PrevState );
+ }
+ }
+ Win32::Sleep( 1000 );
+ }
+ Win32::Daemon::StopService();
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--help') {
+ system("perldoc $0");
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] ne '--run') {
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $ProcessObj->Kill(0) if $ProcessObj };
+ $runsvc->();
+ warn "RT FastCGI Handler launched. Press [Enter] to terminate...\n";
+ <STDIN>;
+ exit;
+ }
+warn "Begin listening on $ENV{'FCGI_SOCKET_PATH'}\n";
+require CGI::Fast;
+my $h = &RT::Interface::Web::NewCGIHandler();
+# Response loop
+while( my $cgi = CGI::Fast->new ) {
+ my $comp = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
+ $comp = $1 if ($comp =~ /^(.*)$/);
+ $comp =~ s|^$RT::WebPath\b||i;
+ $comp .= "index.html" if ($comp =~ /\/$/);
+ $comp =~ s/.pl$/.html/g;
+ warn "Serving $comp\n";
+ $h->handle_cgi($comp);
+ # _should_ always be tied
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2002 by Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<>
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc12c0ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+=head1 NAME
+mason_handler.svc - Win32 IIS Service handler for RT
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ perl mason_handler.svc --install # install as service
+ perl mason_handler.svc --deinstall # deinstall this service
+ perl mason_handler.svc --help # show this help
+ perl mason_handler.svc # launch handler from command line
+This script manages a stand-alone FastCGI server, and populates the necessary
+registry settings to run it with Microsoft IIS Server 4.0 or above.
+Before running it, you need to install the B<FCGI> module from CPAN, as well as
+B<Win32::Daemon> from L<> if you want to install
+itself as a service.
+This script will automatically create a virtual directory under the IIS root;
+its name is taken from C<$WebPath> in the F<> file. Additionally,
+please install the ISAPI binary from L<> and set
+up an ISAPI Script Map that maps F<.html> files to F<isapi_fcgi.dll>.
+Once the service is launched (either via C<net start RTFastCGI> or by running
+C<perl mason_handler.svc>), a FCGI server will start and bind to port C<8284>
+(mnemonics: the ASCII value of C<R> and C<T>); the ISAPI handler's C<BindPath>
+registry setting will also be automatically populated.
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+require (dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
+use Cwd;
+use File::Spec;
+use Win32;
+use Win32::Process;
+use Win32::Service;
+use Win32::TieRegistry;
+my $ProcessObj;
+ my $runsvc = sub {
+ Win32::Process::Create(
+ $ProcessObj, $^X, "$^X $0 --run", 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, "."
+ ) or do {
+ die Win32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );
+ };
+ chdir File::Basename::dirname($0);
+ my $path = Cwd::cwd();
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ $path =~ s|bin$|share\\html|;
+ $Win32::TieRegistry::Registry->{
+ 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\\'.
+ 'W3SVC\Parameters\Virtual Roots\\'
+ }->{$RT::WebPath || '/'} = "$path,,205";
+ $Win32::TieRegistry::Registry->{
+ }->{'BindPath'} = $ENV{'FCGI_SOCKET_PATH'};
+ Win32::Service::StartService(Win32::NodeName, 'W3SVC');
+ };
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '--deinstall') {
+ chdir File::Basename::dirname($0);
+ my $path = Cwd::cwd();
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ require Win32::Daemon;
+ Win32::Daemon::DeleteService('RTFastCGI');
+ warn "Service 'RTFastCGI' successfully deleted.\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--install') {
+ chdir File::Basename::dirname($0);
+ my $path = Cwd::cwd();
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ require Win32::Daemon;
+ Win32::Daemon::DeleteService('RTFastCGI');
+ my $rv = Win32::Daemon::CreateService( {
+ machine => '',
+ name => 'RTFastCGI',
+ display => 'RT FastCGI Handler',
+ path => $^X,
+ user => '',
+ pwd => $path,
+ description => 'Enables port 8284 as the RT FastCGI handler.',
+ parameters => File::Spec->catfile(
+ $path, File::Basename::basename($0)
+ ) . ' --service',
+ } );
+ if ($rv) {
+ warn "Service 'RTFastCGI' successfully created.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Failed to add service: " . Win32::FormatMessage(
+ Win32::Daemon::GetLastError()
+ ) . "\n";
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--service') {
+ require Win32::Daemon;
+ my $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_START_PENDING();
+ Win32::Daemon::StartService() or die $^E;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ my $State = Win32::Daemon::State();
+ last if $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOPPED();
+ if ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_START_PENDING() ) {
+ $runsvc->();
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING() );
+ $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING();
+ }
+ elsif ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING() ) {
+ $ProcessObj->Resume;
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING() );
+ $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING();
+ }
+ elsif ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOP_PENDING() ) {
+ $ProcessObj->Kill(0);
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOPPED() );
+ $PrevState = Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOPPED();
+ }
+ elsif ( $State == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_RUNNING() ) {
+ my $Message = Win32::Daemon::QueryLastMessage(1);
+ if ( $Message == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE() ) {
+ Win32::Daemon::State( $PrevState );
+ }
+ elsif ( $Message == Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN() ) {
+ Win32::Daemon::State( Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_STOP_PENDING(), 15000 );
+ }
+ elsif ( $Message != Win32::Daemon::SERVICE_CONTROL_NONE() ) {
+ Win32::Daemon::State( $PrevState );
+ }
+ }
+ Win32::Sleep( 1000 );
+ }
+ Win32::Daemon::StopService();
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--help') {
+ system("perldoc $0");
+ exit;
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[0] ne '--run') {
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { $ProcessObj->Kill(0) if $ProcessObj };
+ $runsvc->();
+ warn "RT FastCGI Handler launched. Press [Enter] to terminate...\n";
+ <STDIN>;
+ exit;
+ }
+warn "Begin listening on $ENV{'FCGI_SOCKET_PATH'}\n";
+require CGI::Fast;
+my $h = &RT::Interface::Web::NewCGIHandler();
+# Response loop
+while( my $cgi = CGI::Fast->new ) {
+ my $comp = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
+ $comp = $1 if ($comp =~ /^(.*)$/);
+ $comp =~ s|^$RT::WebPath\b||i;
+ $comp .= "index.html" if ($comp =~ /\/$/);
+ $comp =~ s/.pl$/.html/g;
+ warn "Serving $comp\n";
+ $h->handle_cgi($comp);
+ # _should_ always be tied
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2002 by Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<>
diff --git a/rt/bin/rt-commit-handler b/rt/bin/rt-commit-handler
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29e443ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/rt-commit-handler
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+# {{{ Docs
+# -*-Perl-*-
+#ident "@(#)ccvs/contrib:$Name: $:$Id: rt-commit-handler,v 1.1 2003-07-15 13:16:15 ivan Exp $"
+# Perl filter to handle the log messages from the checkin of files in multiple
+# directories. This script will group the lists of files by log message, and
+# send one piece of mail per unique message, no matter how many files are
+# committed.
+=head1 NAME rt-commit-handler
+=head1 USAGE
+=head2 Regular use
+Stick the following in in CVSROOT/commitinfo
+ ALL /opt/rt3/bin/rt-commit-handler --record-last-dir
+Stick the following in CVSROOT/loginfo
+ ALL /opt/rt3/bin/rt-commit-handler --cvs-root /pathtocvs/root --rt %{Vvts}
+=head2 Invocation (advanced use)
+rt-commit-handler --cvs-root /path/to/cvs/root [-d] [-D] [-r] [-M module] \
+ [[-m mailto] ...] [[-R replyto] ...] [-f logfile]
+ -d - turn on debugging
+ -m mailto - send mail to "mailto" (multiple)
+ -R replyto - set the "Reply-To:" to "replyto" (multiple)
+ -M modulename - set module name to "modulename"
+ -f logfile - write commit messages to logfile too
+ -D - generate diff commands
+ --rt - invoke RT commit handler
+ --cvs-root - specify your CVS root
+ --record-last-dir - Record the last directory with changes in
+ pre-commit (commitinfo) mode
+# }}}
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Text::Wrap;
+use Digest::MD5;
+use MIME::Entity;
+use lib ("/opt/rt3/lib", "/opt/rt3/local/lib");
+use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
+use vars
+#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
+#Load etc/ and drop privs
+#Drop setgid permissions
+# {{{ Variable setup
+$TMPDIR = '/tmp';
+$FILE_PREFIX = $TMPDIR . '/#cvs.';
+# The root of your CVS install. we should get this from some smarter place.
+# It needs a trailing /
+$LASTDIR_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "lastdir";
+$HASH_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "hash";
+$VERSION_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "version";
+$MESSAGE_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "message";
+$MAIL_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "mail";
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$MAILTO = '';
+my @files = ();
+my (@log_lines);
+my $do_diff = 0;
+my $id = getpgrp(); # note, you *must* use a shell which does setpgrp()
+$LOGIN = getpwuid($<);
+# }}}
+die "User could not be found" unless ($LOGIN);
+# {{{ parse command line arguments (file list is seen as one arg)
+while ( my $arg = shift @ARGV ) {
+ if ( $arg eq '-d' ) {
+ $DEBUG = 1;
+ warn "Debug turned on...\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg =~ /^--record-last-dir$/i ) {
+ record_last_dir( $id, $ARGV[0] );
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-m' ) {
+ $MAILTO .= ", " if $MAILTO;
+ $MAILTO .= shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '--rt' ) {
+ $RT_HANDLER = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-R' ) {
+ $REPLYTO .= ", " if $REPLYTO;
+ $REPLYTO .= shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-M' ) {
+ die ("too many '-M' args\n") if $MODULE_NAME;
+ $MODULE_NAME = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '--cvs-root' ) {
+ $CVS_ROOT = shift @ARGV;
+ $CVS_ROOT .= "/" unless ( $CVS_ROOT =~ /\/$/ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-f' ) {
+ die ("too many '-f' args\n") if $COMMITLOG;
+ $COMMITLOG = shift @ARGV;
+ # This is a disgusting hack to untaint $COMMITLOG if we're running from
+ # setgid cvs.
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-D' ) {
+ $do_diff = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ @files = split ( ' ', $arg );
+ last;
+ }
+# }}}
+# for now, the first "file" is the repository directory being committed,
+# relative to the $CVSROOT location
+my $dir = shift @files;
+# XXX there are some ugly assumptions in here about module names and
+# XXX directories relative to the $CVSROOT location -- really should
+# XXX read $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/modules, but that's not so easy to do, since
+# XXX we have to parse it backwards.
+# XXX For now we set the `module' name to the top-level directory name.
+unless ($MODULE_NAME) {
+ ($MODULE_NAME) = split ( '/', $dir, 2 );
+if ($DEBUG) {
+ warn "module - ", $MODULE_NAME, "\n";
+ warn "dir - ", $dir, "\n";
+ warn "files - ", join ( " ", @files ), "\n";
+ warn "id - ", $id, "\n";
+# {{{ Check for a new directory or an import command.
+# files[0] - "-"
+# files[1] - "New"
+# files[2] - "directory"
+# files[0] - "-"
+# files[1] - "Imported"
+# files[2] - "sources"
+if ( $files[0] eq "-" ) {
+ #we just don't care about New Directory notes
+ unless ( $files[1] eq "New" && $files[2] eq "directory" ) {
+ my @text = ();
+ push @text, build_header();
+ push @text, "";
+ while ( my $line = <STDIN> ) {
+ chop $line; # Drop the newline
+ push @text, $line;
+ }
+ append_logfile( $COMMITLOG, @text ) if ($COMMITLOG);
+ mail_notification( $id, @text );
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# }}}
+# {{{ Collect just the log message from stdin.
+while ( my $line = <STDIN> ) {
+ chop $line; # strip the newline
+ last if ( $line =~ /^Log Message:$/ );
+while ( my $line = <STDIN> ) {
+ chop $line; # strip the newline
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//; # strip trailing white space
+ push @log_lines, $line;
+my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
+foreach my $line (@log_lines) {
+ $md5->add( $line . "\n" );
+my $hash = $md5->hexdigest();
+warn "hash = $hash\n" if ($DEBUG);
+if ( !-e "$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash" ) {
+ append_logfile( "$HASH_FILE.$id", $hash );
+ write_file( "$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash", @log_lines );
+# }}}
+# Spit out the information gathered in this pass.
+append_logfile( "$VERSION_FILE.$id.$hash", $dir . '/', @files );
+# {{{ Check whether this is the last directory. If not, quit.
+warn "Checking current dir against last dir $LASTDIR_FILE.$id\n" if ($DEBUG);
+my @last_dir = read_file("$LASTDIR_FILE.$id");
+unless ($CVS_ROOT) {
+ die "No cvs root specified with --cvs-root. Can't continue.";
+if ( $last_dir[0] ne $CVS_ROOT . $dir ) {
+ warn "Current directory $CVS_ROOT$dir is not last directory $last_dir[0].\n"
+ if ($DEBUG);
+ exit 0;
+# }}}
+# {{{ End Of Commits!
+# This is it. The commits are all finished. Lump everything together
+# into a single message, fire a copy off to the mailing list, and drop
+# it on the end of the Changes file.
+# Produce the final compilation of the log messages
+my @hashes = read_file("$HASH_FILE.$id");
+my (@text);
+push @text, build_header();
+push @text, "";
+my ( @added_files, @modified_files, @removed_files );
+foreach my $hash (@hashes) {
+ # In case we're running setgid, make sure the hash file hasn't been hacked.
+ $hash =~ m/([a-z0-9]*)/ || die "*** Hacking attempt detected\n";
+ $hash = $1;
+ my @files = read_file("$VERSION_FILE.$id.$hash");
+ my @log_lines = read_file("$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash");
+ my $working_on_dir; # gets set as we iterate through the files.
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ #If we've entered a new directory, make a note of that and remove the trailing /
+ if ( $file =~ s'\/$'' ) {
+ $working_on_dir = $file;
+ next;
+ }
+ my @file_entry = ( split ( ',', $file, 4 ), $working_on_dir );
+ # file_entry looks like ths:
+ # 0 1 2 3 4
+ # Old rev : new rev : tag: file :directory
+ my $entry = {};
+ $entry->{'old'} = $file_entry[0];
+ $entry->{'new'} = $file_entry[1];
+ $entry->{'tag'} = $file_entry[2];
+ $entry->{'file'} = $file_entry[3];
+ $entry->{'dir'} = $file_entry[4];
+ if ( $file_entry[0] eq 'NONE' ) {
+ $entry->{'old'} = '0';
+ push @added_files, $entry;
+ }
+ elsif ( $file_entry[1] eq 'NONE' ) {
+ $entry->{'new'} = '0';
+ push @removed_files, $entry;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @modified_files, $entry;
+ }
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ start building up the body
+# Strip leading and trailing blank lines from the log message. Also
+# compress multiple blank lines in the body of the message down to a
+# single blank line.
+my $blank = 1;
+@log_lines = map {
+ my $wasblank = $blank;
+ $blank = $_ eq '';
+ $blank && $wasblank ? () : $_;
+} @log_lines;
+pop @log_lines if $blank;
+@modified_files = order_and_summarize_diffs(@modified_files);
+@added_files = order_and_summarize_diffs(@added_files);
+@removed_files = order_and_summarize_diffs(@removed_files);
+push @text, "Modified Files:", format_lists(@modified_files)
+ if (@modified_files);
+push @text, "Added Files:", format_lists(@added_files) if (@added_files);
+push @text, "Removed Files:", format_lists(@removed_files) if (@removed_files);
+push @text, "", "Log Message", @log_lines if (@log_lines);
+push @text, "";
+if ($RT_HANDLER) {
+ rt_handler(
+ @log_lines, "\n",
+ loc("To generate a diff of this commit:\n"), "\n",
+ format_diffs( @modified_files, @added_files, @removed_files )
+ );
+if ($COMMITLOG) {
+ append_logfile( $COMMITLOG, @text );
+if ($do_diff) {
+ push @text, "";
+ push @text, loc("To generate a diff of this commit:");
+ push @text, format_diffs( @modified_files, @added_files, @removed_files );
+ push @text, "";
+# }}}
+# {{{ Mail out the notification.
+mail_notification( $id, @text );
+# }}}
+# {{{ clean up
+unless ($DEBUG) {
+ $hash = untaint($hash);
+ $id = untaint($id);
+ unlink "$VERSION_FILE.$id.$hash";
+ unlink "$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash";
+ unlink "$MAIL_FILE.$id";
+ unlink "$LASTDIR_FILE.$id";
+ unlink "$HASH_FILE.$id";
+# }}}
+exit 0;
+# {{{ Subroutines
+# {{{ append_logfile
+sub append_logfile {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my (@lines) = @_;
+ $filename = untaint($filename);
+ open( FILE, ">>$filename" )
+ || die ("Cannot open file $filename for append.\n");
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ print FILE $line . "\n";
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+# }}}
+# {{{ write_file
+sub write_file {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my (@lines) = @_;
+ $filename = untaint($filename);
+ open( FILE, ">$filename" )
+ || die ("Cannot open file $filename for write.\n");
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ print FILE $line . "\n";
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+# }}}
+# {{{ read_file
+sub read_file {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my (@lines);
+ open( FILE, "<$filename" )
+ || die ("Cannot open file $filename for read.\n");
+ while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
+ chop $line;
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ return (@lines);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub format_lists
+sub format_lists {
+ my @items = (@_);
+ my $files = "";
+ map {
+ $_->{'files'} && ( $files .= ' ' . join ( ' ', @{ $_->{'files'} } ) );
+ } @items;
+ my @lines = wrap( "\t", "\t\t", $files );
+ return (@lines);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub format_diffs
+sub format_diffs {
+ my @items = (@_);
+ my @lines;
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ next unless ( $item->{'files'} );
+ push ( @lines,
+ "cvs diff -r"
+ . $item->{'old'} . " -r"
+ . $item->{'new'} . " "
+ . join ( " ", @{ $item->{'files'} } ) . "\n" );
+ }
+ @lines = fill( "\t", "\t\t", @lines );
+ return (@lines);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub order_and_summarize_diffs {
+# takes an array of file items
+# returns a sorted array of fileset items, which are like file items, except they can have an array of files, rather than
+# a singleton file.
+sub order_and_summarize_diffs {
+ my @files = (@_);
+ # Sort by tag, dir, file.
+ @files = sort {
+ $a->{'tag'} cmp $b->{'tag'}
+ || $a->{'dir'} cmp $b->{'dir'}
+ || $a->{'file'} cmp $b->{'file'};
+ } @files;
+ # Combine adjacent rows that are the same modulo the file name.
+ my @items = (undef);
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ if ( $#items == -1 #if it's empty
+ || ( !defined $items[-1]->{'old'}
+ || $items[-1]->{'old'} ne $file->{'old'} )
+ || ( !defined $items[-1]->{'new'}
+ || $items[-1]->{'new'} ne $file->{'new'} )
+ || ( !defined $items[-1]->{'tag'}
+ || $items[-1]->{'tag'} ne $file->{'tag'} ) )
+ {
+ push ( @items, $file );
+ }
+ push ( @{ $items[-1]->{'files'} },
+ $file->{'dir'} . "/" . $file->{'file'} );
+ }
+ return (@items);
+# }}}
+# {{{ build_header
+sub build_header {
+ my $now = gmtime;
+ my $header =
+ sprintf( "Module Name:\t%s\nCommitted By:\t%s\nDate:\t\t%s %s %s",
+ $MODULE_NAME, $LOGIN, substr( $now, 0, 19 ), "UTC",
+ substr( $now, 20, 4 ) );
+ return ($header);
+# }}}
+# {{{ mail_notification
+sub mail_notification {
+ my $id = shift;
+ my (@text) = @_;
+ write_file( "$MAIL_FILE.$id", "From: " . $LOGIN,
+ "Subject: CVS commit: " . $MODULE_NAME, "To: " . $MAILTO,
+ "Reply-To: " . $REPLYTO, "", "", @text );
+ my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(
+ From => $LOGIN,
+ To => $MAILTO,
+ Subject => "CVS commit: " . $MODULE_NAME,
+ 'Reply-To' => $REPLYTO,
+ Data => join ( "\n", @text )
+ );
+ if ( $RT::MailCommand eq 'sendmailpipe' ) {
+ open( MAIL, "|$RT::SendmailPath $RT::SendmailArguments" )
+ || die "Couldn't send mail: " . $@ . "\n";
+ print MAIL $entity->as_string;
+ close(MAIL);
+ }
+ else {
+ $entity->send( $RT::MailCommand, $RT::MailParams );
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub record_last_dir
+sub record_last_dir {
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $dir = shift;
+ # make a note of this directory. later, we'll use this to
+ # figure out if we've gone through the whole commit,
+ # for something that is a bad mockery of attomic commits.
+ warn "about to write $dir to $LASTDIR_FILE.$id" if ($DEBUG);
+ write_file( "$LASTDIR_FILE.$id", $dir );
+# }}}
+# {{{ Get the RT stuff set up
+# {{{ sub rt_handler
+sub rt_handler {
+ my (@LogMessage) = (@_);
+ #Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
+ RT::Init;
+ require RT::Ticket;
+ #Get the current user all loaded
+ my $CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
+ if ( !$CurrentUser->Id ) {
+ print
+loc("No valid RT user found. RT cvs handler disengaged. Please consult your RT administrator.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ my (@commands) = find_commands( \@LogMessage );
+ my ( @tickets, @errors );
+ # Get the list of tickets we're working with out of commands
+ grep { $_ =~ /^RT-Ticket:\s*(.*?)$/i && push ( @tickets, $1 ) } @commands;
+ my $message = new MIME::Entity;
+ $message->build(
+ From => $CurrentUser->EmailAddress,
+ Subject => 'CVS Commit',
+ Data => \@LogMessage
+ );
+ # {{{ comment or correspond, as needed
+ foreach my $ticket (@tickets) {
+ my $TicketObj = RT::Ticket->new($CurrentUser);
+ $TicketObj->Load($ticket);
+ my ( $id, $msg );
+ unless ( $TicketObj->Id ) {
+ push ( @errors,
+"Couldn't load ticket #$ticket. Not adding commit log to ticket history.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $LogMessage[0] =~ /^(comment|private)$/ ) {
+ ( $id, $msg ) = $TicketObj->Comment( MIMEObj => $message );
+ }
+ else {
+ ( $id, $msg ) = $TicketObj->Correspond( MIMEObj => $message );
+ }
+ push ( @errors, ">> Log message",
+ "Ticket #" . $TicketObj->Id . ": " . $msg );
+ }
+ # }}}
+ my ($reply) = ActOnPseudoHeaders( $CurrentUser, @commands );
+ print "$reply\n" if ($reply);
+ print join ( "\n", @errors );
+ print "\n";
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub find_commands
+sub find_commands {
+ my $lines = shift;
+ my (@pseudoheaders);
+ while ( my $line = shift @{$lines} ) {
+ next if $line =~ /^\s*?$/;
+ if ( $line =~ /^RT-/i ) {
+ push ( @pseudoheaders, $line );
+ }
+ #If we find a line that's not a command, get out.
+ else {
+ unshift ( @{$lines}, $line );
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return (@pseudoheaders);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub ActOnPseudoHeaders
+=item ActOnPseudoHeaders $PseudoHeaders
+Takes a string of pseudo-headers, iterates through them and does what they tell it to.
+sub ActOnPseudoHeaders {
+ my $CurrentUser = shift;
+ my (@actions) = (@_);
+ my $ResultsMessage = '';
+ my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new($CurrentUser);
+ foreach my $action (@actions) {
+ my ($val);
+ my $msg = '';
+ $ResultsMessage .= ">>> $action\n";
+ if ( $action =~ /^RT-(.*?):\s*(.*)$/i ) {
+ my $command = $1;
+ my $args = $2;
+ if ( $command =~ /^ticket$/i ) {
+ $val = $Ticket->Load($args);
+ unless ($val) {
+ $ResultsMessage .=
+ loc("ERROR: Couldn't load ticket '[_1]': [_2].\n", $1, $msg);
+ . loc("Aborting to avoid unintended ticket modifications.\n")
+ . loc("The following commands were not proccessed:\n\n")
+ . join ( "\n", @actions );
+ return ($ResultsMessage);
+ }
+ $ResultsMessage .= loc("Ticket [_1] loaded\n", $Ticket->Id);
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ( $Ticket->Id ) {
+ $ResultsMessage .= loc("No Ticket specified. Aborting ticket ")
+ . loc("modifications\n\n")
+ . loc("The following commands were not proccessed:\n\n")
+ . join ( "\n", @actions );
+ return ($ResultsMessage);
+ }
+ # Deal with the basics
+ if ( $command =~ /^(Subject|Owner|Status|Queue)$/i ) {
+ my $method = 'Set' . ucfirst( lc($1) );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->$method($args);
+ }
+ # Deal with the dates
+ elsif ( $command =~ /^(due|starts|started|resolved)$/i ) {
+ my $method = 'Set' . ucfirst( lc($1) );
+ my $date = new RT::Date($CurrentUser);
+ $date->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $args );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->$method( $date->ISO );
+ }
+ # Deal with the watchers
+ elsif ( $command =~ /^(requestor|requestors|cc|admincc)$/i ) {
+ my $operator = "+";
+ my ($type);
+ if ( $args =~ /^(\+|\-)(.*)$/ ) {
+ $operator = $1;
+ $args = $2;
+ }
+ $type = 'Requestor' if ( $command =~ /^requestor/i );
+ $type = 'Cc' if ( $command =~ /^cc/i );
+ $type = 'AdminCc' if ( $command =~ /^admincc/i );
+ my $user = RT::User->new($CurrentUser);
+ $user->Load($args);
+ if ($operator eq '+') {
+ ($val, $msg) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $type,
+ PrincipalId => $user->PrincipalId);
+ } elsif ($operator eq '-') {
+ ($val, $msg) = $Ticket->DeleteWatcher( Type => $type,
+ PrincipalId => $user->PrincipalId);
+ }
+ }
+ $ResultsMessage .= $msg . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return ($ResultsMessage);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub untaint
+sub untaint {
+ my $val = shift;
+ if ( $val =~ /^([-\#\/\w.]+)$/ ) {
+ $val = $1; # $data now untainted
+ }
+ else {
+ die loc("Bad data in [_1]", $val); # log this somewhere
+ }
+ return ($val);
+# }}}
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ rt-commit-handler is a rewritten version of the NetBSD commit handler,
+ which was placed in the public domain by Charles Hannum. It bore the following
+ authors statement:
+ Contributed by David Hampton <>
+ Hacked greatly by Greg A. Woods <>
+ Rewritten by Charles M. Hannum <>
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02b01abff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+#!@PERL@ -w
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+# {{{ Docs
+# -*-Perl-*-
+#ident "@(#)ccvs/contrib:$Name: $:$Id:,v 1.1 2003-07-15 13:16:15 ivan Exp $"
+# Perl filter to handle the log messages from the checkin of files in multiple
+# directories. This script will group the lists of files by log message, and
+# send one piece of mail per unique message, no matter how many files are
+# committed.
+=head1 NAME rt-commit-handler
+=head1 USAGE
+=head2 Regular use
+Stick the following in in CVSROOT/commitinfo
+ ALL @RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-commit-handler --record-last-dir
+Stick the following in CVSROOT/loginfo
+ ALL @RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-commit-handler --cvs-root /pathtocvs/root --rt %{Vvts}
+=head2 Invocation (advanced use)
+rt-commit-handler --cvs-root /path/to/cvs/root [-d] [-D] [-r] [-M module] \
+ [[-m mailto] ...] [[-R replyto] ...] [-f logfile]
+ -d - turn on debugging
+ -m mailto - send mail to "mailto" (multiple)
+ -R replyto - set the "Reply-To:" to "replyto" (multiple)
+ -M modulename - set module name to "modulename"
+ -f logfile - write commit messages to logfile too
+ -D - generate diff commands
+ --rt - invoke RT commit handler
+ --cvs-root - specify your CVS root
+ --record-last-dir - Record the last directory with changes in
+ pre-commit (commitinfo) mode
+# }}}
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Text::Wrap;
+use Digest::MD5;
+use MIME::Entity;
+use lib ("@RT_LIB_PATH@", "@LOCAL_LIB_PATH@");
+use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
+use vars
+#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
+#Load etc/ and drop privs
+#Drop setgid permissions
+# {{{ Variable setup
+$TMPDIR = '/tmp';
+$FILE_PREFIX = $TMPDIR . '/#cvs.';
+# The root of your CVS install. we should get this from some smarter place.
+# It needs a trailing /
+$LASTDIR_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "lastdir";
+$HASH_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "hash";
+$VERSION_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "version";
+$MESSAGE_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "message";
+$MAIL_FILE = $FILE_PREFIX . "mail";
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$MAILTO = '';
+my @files = ();
+my (@log_lines);
+my $do_diff = 0;
+my $id = getpgrp(); # note, you *must* use a shell which does setpgrp()
+$LOGIN = getpwuid($<);
+# }}}
+die "User could not be found" unless ($LOGIN);
+# {{{ parse command line arguments (file list is seen as one arg)
+while ( my $arg = shift @ARGV ) {
+ if ( $arg eq '-d' ) {
+ $DEBUG = 1;
+ warn "Debug turned on...\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg =~ /^--record-last-dir$/i ) {
+ record_last_dir( $id, $ARGV[0] );
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-m' ) {
+ $MAILTO .= ", " if $MAILTO;
+ $MAILTO .= shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '--rt' ) {
+ $RT_HANDLER = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-R' ) {
+ $REPLYTO .= ", " if $REPLYTO;
+ $REPLYTO .= shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-M' ) {
+ die ("too many '-M' args\n") if $MODULE_NAME;
+ $MODULE_NAME = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '--cvs-root' ) {
+ $CVS_ROOT = shift @ARGV;
+ $CVS_ROOT .= "/" unless ( $CVS_ROOT =~ /\/$/ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-f' ) {
+ die ("too many '-f' args\n") if $COMMITLOG;
+ $COMMITLOG = shift @ARGV;
+ # This is a disgusting hack to untaint $COMMITLOG if we're running from
+ # setgid cvs.
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '-D' ) {
+ $do_diff = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ @files = split ( ' ', $arg );
+ last;
+ }
+# }}}
+# for now, the first "file" is the repository directory being committed,
+# relative to the $CVSROOT location
+my $dir = shift @files;
+# XXX there are some ugly assumptions in here about module names and
+# XXX directories relative to the $CVSROOT location -- really should
+# XXX read $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/modules, but that's not so easy to do, since
+# XXX we have to parse it backwards.
+# XXX For now we set the `module' name to the top-level directory name.
+unless ($MODULE_NAME) {
+ ($MODULE_NAME) = split ( '/', $dir, 2 );
+if ($DEBUG) {
+ warn "module - ", $MODULE_NAME, "\n";
+ warn "dir - ", $dir, "\n";
+ warn "files - ", join ( " ", @files ), "\n";
+ warn "id - ", $id, "\n";
+# {{{ Check for a new directory or an import command.
+# files[0] - "-"
+# files[1] - "New"
+# files[2] - "directory"
+# files[0] - "-"
+# files[1] - "Imported"
+# files[2] - "sources"
+if ( $files[0] eq "-" ) {
+ #we just don't care about New Directory notes
+ unless ( $files[1] eq "New" && $files[2] eq "directory" ) {
+ my @text = ();
+ push @text, build_header();
+ push @text, "";
+ while ( my $line = <STDIN> ) {
+ chop $line; # Drop the newline
+ push @text, $line;
+ }
+ append_logfile( $COMMITLOG, @text ) if ($COMMITLOG);
+ mail_notification( $id, @text );
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# }}}
+# {{{ Collect just the log message from stdin.
+while ( my $line = <STDIN> ) {
+ chop $line; # strip the newline
+ last if ( $line =~ /^Log Message:$/ );
+while ( my $line = <STDIN> ) {
+ chop $line; # strip the newline
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//; # strip trailing white space
+ push @log_lines, $line;
+my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
+foreach my $line (@log_lines) {
+ $md5->add( $line . "\n" );
+my $hash = $md5->hexdigest();
+warn "hash = $hash\n" if ($DEBUG);
+if ( !-e "$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash" ) {
+ append_logfile( "$HASH_FILE.$id", $hash );
+ write_file( "$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash", @log_lines );
+# }}}
+# Spit out the information gathered in this pass.
+append_logfile( "$VERSION_FILE.$id.$hash", $dir . '/', @files );
+# {{{ Check whether this is the last directory. If not, quit.
+warn "Checking current dir against last dir $LASTDIR_FILE.$id\n" if ($DEBUG);
+my @last_dir = read_file("$LASTDIR_FILE.$id");
+unless ($CVS_ROOT) {
+ die "No cvs root specified with --cvs-root. Can't continue.";
+if ( $last_dir[0] ne $CVS_ROOT . $dir ) {
+ warn "Current directory $CVS_ROOT$dir is not last directory $last_dir[0].\n"
+ if ($DEBUG);
+ exit 0;
+# }}}
+# {{{ End Of Commits!
+# This is it. The commits are all finished. Lump everything together
+# into a single message, fire a copy off to the mailing list, and drop
+# it on the end of the Changes file.
+# Produce the final compilation of the log messages
+my @hashes = read_file("$HASH_FILE.$id");
+my (@text);
+push @text, build_header();
+push @text, "";
+my ( @added_files, @modified_files, @removed_files );
+foreach my $hash (@hashes) {
+ # In case we're running setgid, make sure the hash file hasn't been hacked.
+ $hash =~ m/([a-z0-9]*)/ || die "*** Hacking attempt detected\n";
+ $hash = $1;
+ my @files = read_file("$VERSION_FILE.$id.$hash");
+ my @log_lines = read_file("$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash");
+ my $working_on_dir; # gets set as we iterate through the files.
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ #If we've entered a new directory, make a note of that and remove the trailing /
+ if ( $file =~ s'\/$'' ) {
+ $working_on_dir = $file;
+ next;
+ }
+ my @file_entry = ( split ( ',', $file, 4 ), $working_on_dir );
+ # file_entry looks like ths:
+ # 0 1 2 3 4
+ # Old rev : new rev : tag: file :directory
+ my $entry = {};
+ $entry->{'old'} = $file_entry[0];
+ $entry->{'new'} = $file_entry[1];
+ $entry->{'tag'} = $file_entry[2];
+ $entry->{'file'} = $file_entry[3];
+ $entry->{'dir'} = $file_entry[4];
+ if ( $file_entry[0] eq 'NONE' ) {
+ $entry->{'old'} = '0';
+ push @added_files, $entry;
+ }
+ elsif ( $file_entry[1] eq 'NONE' ) {
+ $entry->{'new'} = '0';
+ push @removed_files, $entry;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @modified_files, $entry;
+ }
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ start building up the body
+# Strip leading and trailing blank lines from the log message. Also
+# compress multiple blank lines in the body of the message down to a
+# single blank line.
+my $blank = 1;
+@log_lines = map {
+ my $wasblank = $blank;
+ $blank = $_ eq '';
+ $blank && $wasblank ? () : $_;
+} @log_lines;
+pop @log_lines if $blank;
+@modified_files = order_and_summarize_diffs(@modified_files);
+@added_files = order_and_summarize_diffs(@added_files);
+@removed_files = order_and_summarize_diffs(@removed_files);
+push @text, "Modified Files:", format_lists(@modified_files)
+ if (@modified_files);
+push @text, "Added Files:", format_lists(@added_files) if (@added_files);
+push @text, "Removed Files:", format_lists(@removed_files) if (@removed_files);
+push @text, "", "Log Message", @log_lines if (@log_lines);
+push @text, "";
+if ($RT_HANDLER) {
+ rt_handler(
+ @log_lines, "\n",
+ loc("To generate a diff of this commit:\n"), "\n",
+ format_diffs( @modified_files, @added_files, @removed_files )
+ );
+if ($COMMITLOG) {
+ append_logfile( $COMMITLOG, @text );
+if ($do_diff) {
+ push @text, "";
+ push @text, loc("To generate a diff of this commit:");
+ push @text, format_diffs( @modified_files, @added_files, @removed_files );
+ push @text, "";
+# }}}
+# {{{ Mail out the notification.
+mail_notification( $id, @text );
+# }}}
+# {{{ clean up
+unless ($DEBUG) {
+ $hash = untaint($hash);
+ $id = untaint($id);
+ unlink "$VERSION_FILE.$id.$hash";
+ unlink "$MESSAGE_FILE.$id.$hash";
+ unlink "$MAIL_FILE.$id";
+ unlink "$LASTDIR_FILE.$id";
+ unlink "$HASH_FILE.$id";
+# }}}
+exit 0;
+# {{{ Subroutines
+# {{{ append_logfile
+sub append_logfile {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my (@lines) = @_;
+ $filename = untaint($filename);
+ open( FILE, ">>$filename" )
+ || die ("Cannot open file $filename for append.\n");
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ print FILE $line . "\n";
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+# }}}
+# {{{ write_file
+sub write_file {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my (@lines) = @_;
+ $filename = untaint($filename);
+ open( FILE, ">$filename" )
+ || die ("Cannot open file $filename for write.\n");
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ print FILE $line . "\n";
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+# }}}
+# {{{ read_file
+sub read_file {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my (@lines);
+ open( FILE, "<$filename" )
+ || die ("Cannot open file $filename for read.\n");
+ while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
+ chop $line;
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ return (@lines);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub format_lists
+sub format_lists {
+ my @items = (@_);
+ my $files = "";
+ map {
+ $_->{'files'} && ( $files .= ' ' . join ( ' ', @{ $_->{'files'} } ) );
+ } @items;
+ my @lines = wrap( "\t", "\t\t", $files );
+ return (@lines);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub format_diffs
+sub format_diffs {
+ my @items = (@_);
+ my @lines;
+ foreach my $item (@items) {
+ next unless ( $item->{'files'} );
+ push ( @lines,
+ "cvs diff -r"
+ . $item->{'old'} . " -r"
+ . $item->{'new'} . " "
+ . join ( " ", @{ $item->{'files'} } ) . "\n" );
+ }
+ @lines = fill( "\t", "\t\t", @lines );
+ return (@lines);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub order_and_summarize_diffs {
+# takes an array of file items
+# returns a sorted array of fileset items, which are like file items, except they can have an array of files, rather than
+# a singleton file.
+sub order_and_summarize_diffs {
+ my @files = (@_);
+ # Sort by tag, dir, file.
+ @files = sort {
+ $a->{'tag'} cmp $b->{'tag'}
+ || $a->{'dir'} cmp $b->{'dir'}
+ || $a->{'file'} cmp $b->{'file'};
+ } @files;
+ # Combine adjacent rows that are the same modulo the file name.
+ my @items = (undef);
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ if ( $#items == -1 #if it's empty
+ || ( !defined $items[-1]->{'old'}
+ || $items[-1]->{'old'} ne $file->{'old'} )
+ || ( !defined $items[-1]->{'new'}
+ || $items[-1]->{'new'} ne $file->{'new'} )
+ || ( !defined $items[-1]->{'tag'}
+ || $items[-1]->{'tag'} ne $file->{'tag'} ) )
+ {
+ push ( @items, $file );
+ }
+ push ( @{ $items[-1]->{'files'} },
+ $file->{'dir'} . "/" . $file->{'file'} );
+ }
+ return (@items);
+# }}}
+# {{{ build_header
+sub build_header {
+ my $now = gmtime;
+ my $header =
+ sprintf( "Module Name:\t%s\nCommitted By:\t%s\nDate:\t\t%s %s %s",
+ $MODULE_NAME, $LOGIN, substr( $now, 0, 19 ), "UTC",
+ substr( $now, 20, 4 ) );
+ return ($header);
+# }}}
+# {{{ mail_notification
+sub mail_notification {
+ my $id = shift;
+ my (@text) = @_;
+ write_file( "$MAIL_FILE.$id", "From: " . $LOGIN,
+ "Subject: CVS commit: " . $MODULE_NAME, "To: " . $MAILTO,
+ "Reply-To: " . $REPLYTO, "", "", @text );
+ my $entity = MIME::Entity->build(
+ From => $LOGIN,
+ To => $MAILTO,
+ Subject => "CVS commit: " . $MODULE_NAME,
+ 'Reply-To' => $REPLYTO,
+ Data => join ( "\n", @text )
+ );
+ if ( $RT::MailCommand eq 'sendmailpipe' ) {
+ open( MAIL, "|$RT::SendmailPath $RT::SendmailArguments" )
+ || die "Couldn't send mail: " . $@ . "\n";
+ print MAIL $entity->as_string;
+ close(MAIL);
+ }
+ else {
+ $entity->send( $RT::MailCommand, $RT::MailParams );
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub record_last_dir
+sub record_last_dir {
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $dir = shift;
+ # make a note of this directory. later, we'll use this to
+ # figure out if we've gone through the whole commit,
+ # for something that is a bad mockery of attomic commits.
+ warn "about to write $dir to $LASTDIR_FILE.$id" if ($DEBUG);
+ write_file( "$LASTDIR_FILE.$id", $dir );
+# }}}
+# {{{ Get the RT stuff set up
+# {{{ sub rt_handler
+sub rt_handler {
+ my (@LogMessage) = (@_);
+ #Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
+ RT::Init;
+ require RT::Ticket;
+ #Get the current user all loaded
+ my $CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
+ if ( !$CurrentUser->Id ) {
+ print
+loc("No valid RT user found. RT cvs handler disengaged. Please consult your RT administrator.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ my (@commands) = find_commands( \@LogMessage );
+ my ( @tickets, @errors );
+ # Get the list of tickets we're working with out of commands
+ grep { $_ =~ /^RT-Ticket:\s*(.*?)$/i && push ( @tickets, $1 ) } @commands;
+ my $message = new MIME::Entity;
+ $message->build(
+ From => $CurrentUser->EmailAddress,
+ Subject => 'CVS Commit',
+ Data => \@LogMessage
+ );
+ # {{{ comment or correspond, as needed
+ foreach my $ticket (@tickets) {
+ my $TicketObj = RT::Ticket->new($CurrentUser);
+ $TicketObj->Load($ticket);
+ my ( $id, $msg );
+ unless ( $TicketObj->Id ) {
+ push ( @errors,
+"Couldn't load ticket #$ticket. Not adding commit log to ticket history.\n"
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $LogMessage[0] =~ /^(comment|private)$/ ) {
+ ( $id, $msg ) = $TicketObj->Comment( MIMEObj => $message );
+ }
+ else {
+ ( $id, $msg ) = $TicketObj->Correspond( MIMEObj => $message );
+ }
+ push ( @errors, ">> Log message",
+ "Ticket #" . $TicketObj->Id . ": " . $msg );
+ }
+ # }}}
+ my ($reply) = ActOnPseudoHeaders( $CurrentUser, @commands );
+ print "$reply\n" if ($reply);
+ print join ( "\n", @errors );
+ print "\n";
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub find_commands
+sub find_commands {
+ my $lines = shift;
+ my (@pseudoheaders);
+ while ( my $line = shift @{$lines} ) {
+ next if $line =~ /^\s*?$/;
+ if ( $line =~ /^RT-/i ) {
+ push ( @pseudoheaders, $line );
+ }
+ #If we find a line that's not a command, get out.
+ else {
+ unshift ( @{$lines}, $line );
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return (@pseudoheaders);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub ActOnPseudoHeaders
+=item ActOnPseudoHeaders $PseudoHeaders
+Takes a string of pseudo-headers, iterates through them and does what they tell it to.
+sub ActOnPseudoHeaders {
+ my $CurrentUser = shift;
+ my (@actions) = (@_);
+ my $ResultsMessage = '';
+ my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new($CurrentUser);
+ foreach my $action (@actions) {
+ my ($val);
+ my $msg = '';
+ $ResultsMessage .= ">>> $action\n";
+ if ( $action =~ /^RT-(.*?):\s*(.*)$/i ) {
+ my $command = $1;
+ my $args = $2;
+ if ( $command =~ /^ticket$/i ) {
+ $val = $Ticket->Load($args);
+ unless ($val) {
+ $ResultsMessage .=
+ loc("ERROR: Couldn't load ticket '[_1]': [_2].\n", $1, $msg);
+ . loc("Aborting to avoid unintended ticket modifications.\n")
+ . loc("The following commands were not proccessed:\n\n")
+ . join ( "\n", @actions );
+ return ($ResultsMessage);
+ }
+ $ResultsMessage .= loc("Ticket [_1] loaded\n", $Ticket->Id);
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ( $Ticket->Id ) {
+ $ResultsMessage .= loc("No Ticket specified. Aborting ticket ")
+ . loc("modifications\n\n")
+ . loc("The following commands were not proccessed:\n\n")
+ . join ( "\n", @actions );
+ return ($ResultsMessage);
+ }
+ # Deal with the basics
+ if ( $command =~ /^(Subject|Owner|Status|Queue)$/i ) {
+ my $method = 'Set' . ucfirst( lc($1) );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->$method($args);
+ }
+ # Deal with the dates
+ elsif ( $command =~ /^(due|starts|started|resolved)$/i ) {
+ my $method = 'Set' . ucfirst( lc($1) );
+ my $date = new RT::Date($CurrentUser);
+ $date->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $args );
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $Ticket->$method( $date->ISO );
+ }
+ # Deal with the watchers
+ elsif ( $command =~ /^(requestor|requestors|cc|admincc)$/i ) {
+ my $operator = "+";
+ my ($type);
+ if ( $args =~ /^(\+|\-)(.*)$/ ) {
+ $operator = $1;
+ $args = $2;
+ }
+ $type = 'Requestor' if ( $command =~ /^requestor/i );
+ $type = 'Cc' if ( $command =~ /^cc/i );
+ $type = 'AdminCc' if ( $command =~ /^admincc/i );
+ my $user = RT::User->new($CurrentUser);
+ $user->Load($args);
+ if ($operator eq '+') {
+ ($val, $msg) = $Ticket->AddWatcher( Type => $type,
+ PrincipalId => $user->PrincipalId);
+ } elsif ($operator eq '-') {
+ ($val, $msg) = $Ticket->DeleteWatcher( Type => $type,
+ PrincipalId => $user->PrincipalId);
+ }
+ }
+ $ResultsMessage .= $msg . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return ($ResultsMessage);
+# }}}
+# {{{ sub untaint
+sub untaint {
+ my $val = shift;
+ if ( $val =~ /^([-\#\/\w.]+)$/ ) {
+ $val = $1; # $data now untainted
+ }
+ else {
+ die loc("Bad data in [_1]", $val); # log this somewhere
+ }
+ return ($val);
+# }}}
+=head1 AUTHOR
+ rt-commit-handler is a rewritten version of the NetBSD commit handler,
+ which was placed in the public domain by Charles Hannum. It bore the following
+ authors statement:
+ Contributed by David Hampton <>
+ Hacked greatly by Greg A. Woods <>
+ Rewritten by Charles M. Hannum <>
diff --git a/rt/bin/rt-crontool b/rt/bin/rt-crontool
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ede874a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/rt-crontool
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use lib ("/opt/rt3/lib", "/opt/rt3/local/lib");
+package RT;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
+use RT::Tickets;
+use RT::Template;
+#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
+# Load the config file
+#Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
+#Drop setgid permissions
+#Get the current user all loaded
+my $CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
+unless ( $CurrentUser->Id ) {
+ print loc("No RT user found. Please consult your RT administrator.\n");
+ exit(1);
+my ( $search, $condition, $action, $search_arg, $condition_arg, $action_arg,
+ $template_id, $help, $verbose );
+GetOptions( "search=s" => \$search,
+ "search-arg=s" => \$search_arg,
+ "condition=s" => \$condition,
+ "condition-arg=s" => \$condition_arg,
+ "action-arg=s" => \$action_arg,
+ "action=s" => \$action,
+ "template-id=s" => \$template_id,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "verbose|v" => \$verbose );
+help() if $help;
+# We _must_ have a search object
+load_module($action) if ($action);
+load_module($condition) if ($condition);
+# load template if specified
+my $template_obj;
+if ($template_id) {
+ $template_obj = RT::Template->new($RT::Nobody);
+ $template_obj->LoadById($template_id);
+#At the appointed time:
+#find a bunch of tickets
+my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($CurrentUser);
+my $search = $search->new( TicketsObj => $tickets, Argument => $search_arg );
+# TicketsFound is an RT::Tickets object
+my $tickets = $search->TicketsObj;
+#for each ticket we've found
+while ( my $ticket = $tickets->Next() ) {
+ print "\n" . $ticket->Id() . ": " if ($verbose);
+ # perform some more advanced check
+ if ($condition) {
+ my $condition_obj = $condition->new( TicketObj => $ticket,
+ Argument => $condition_arg );
+ # if the condition doesn't apply, get out of here
+ next unless ( $condition_obj->IsApplicable );
+ print loc("Condition matches...") if ($verbose);
+ }
+ #prepare our action
+ my $action_obj = $action->new( TicketObj => $ticket,
+ TemplateObj => $template_obj,
+ Argument => $action_arg );
+ #if our preparation, move onto the next ticket
+ next unless ( $action_obj->Prepare );
+ print loc("Action prepared...") if ($verbose);
+ #commit our action.
+ next unless ( $action_obj->Commit );
+ print loc("Action committed.") if ($verbose);
+# {{{ load_module
+=head2 load_module
+Loads a perl module, dying nicely if it can't find it.
+sub load_module {
+ my $modname = shift;
+ eval "require $modname";
+ if ($@) {
+ die loc( "Failed to load module [_1]. ([_2])", $modname, $@ );
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ loc
+=head2 loc LIST
+Localize this string, with the current user's currentuser object
+sub loc {
+ $CurrentUser->loc(@_);
+# }}}
+sub help {
+ print loc( "[_1] is a tool to act on tickets from an external scheduling tool, such as cron.", $0 )
+ . "\n";
+ print loc("It takes several arguments:") . "\n\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Specify the search module you want to use", "--search" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - An argument to pass to [_2]", "--search-argument", "--search" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Specify the condition module you want to use", "--condition" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - An argument to pass to [_2]", "--condition-argument", "--condition" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Specify the action module you want to use", "--action" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - An argument to pass to [_2]", "--action-argument", "--action" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Output status updates to STDOUT", "--verbose" ) . "\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print loc("Security:")."\n";
+ print loc("This tool allows the user to run arbitrary perl modules from within RT.")." ".
+ loc("If this tool were setgid, a hostile local user could use this tool to gain administrative access to RT.")." ".
+ loc("It is incredibly important that nonprivileged users not be allowed to run this tool."). " " .
+ loc("It is suggested that you create a non-privileged unix user with the correct group membership and RT access to run this tool.")."\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print loc("Example:");
+ print "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "The following command will find all active tickets in the queue 'general' and set their priority to 99 if they haven't been touched in 4 hours:"
+ )
+ . "\n\n";
+ print " sbin/cron_shim \\\n";
+ print
+ " --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue --search-arg general \\\n";
+ print
+ " --condition RT::Condition::UntouchedInHours --condition-arg 4 \\\n";
+ print " --action RT::Action::SetPriority --action-arg 99 \\\n";
+ print " --verbose\n";
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73b80aa90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use lib ("@RT_LIB_PATH@", "@LOCAL_LIB_PATH@");
+package RT;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent loc);
+use RT::Tickets;
+use RT::Template;
+#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
+# Load the config file
+#Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
+#Drop setgid permissions
+#Get the current user all loaded
+my $CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
+unless ( $CurrentUser->Id ) {
+ print loc("No RT user found. Please consult your RT administrator.\n");
+ exit(1);
+my ( $search, $condition, $action, $search_arg, $condition_arg, $action_arg,
+ $template_id, $help, $verbose );
+GetOptions( "search=s" => \$search,
+ "search-arg=s" => \$search_arg,
+ "condition=s" => \$condition,
+ "condition-arg=s" => \$condition_arg,
+ "action-arg=s" => \$action_arg,
+ "action=s" => \$action,
+ "template-id=s" => \$template_id,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "verbose|v" => \$verbose );
+help() if $help;
+# We _must_ have a search object
+load_module($action) if ($action);
+load_module($condition) if ($condition);
+# load template if specified
+my $template_obj;
+if ($template_id) {
+ $template_obj = RT::Template->new($RT::Nobody);
+ $template_obj->LoadById($template_id);
+#At the appointed time:
+#find a bunch of tickets
+my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($CurrentUser);
+my $search = $search->new( TicketsObj => $tickets, Argument => $search_arg );
+# TicketsFound is an RT::Tickets object
+my $tickets = $search->TicketsObj;
+#for each ticket we've found
+while ( my $ticket = $tickets->Next() ) {
+ print "\n" . $ticket->Id() . ": " if ($verbose);
+ # perform some more advanced check
+ if ($condition) {
+ my $condition_obj = $condition->new( TicketObj => $ticket,
+ Argument => $condition_arg );
+ # if the condition doesn't apply, get out of here
+ next unless ( $condition_obj->IsApplicable );
+ print loc("Condition matches...") if ($verbose);
+ }
+ #prepare our action
+ my $action_obj = $action->new( TicketObj => $ticket,
+ TemplateObj => $template_obj,
+ Argument => $action_arg );
+ #if our preparation, move onto the next ticket
+ next unless ( $action_obj->Prepare );
+ print loc("Action prepared...") if ($verbose);
+ #commit our action.
+ next unless ( $action_obj->Commit );
+ print loc("Action committed.") if ($verbose);
+# {{{ load_module
+=head2 load_module
+Loads a perl module, dying nicely if it can't find it.
+sub load_module {
+ my $modname = shift;
+ eval "require $modname";
+ if ($@) {
+ die loc( "Failed to load module [_1]. ([_2])", $modname, $@ );
+ }
+# }}}
+# {{{ loc
+=head2 loc LIST
+Localize this string, with the current user's currentuser object
+sub loc {
+ $CurrentUser->loc(@_);
+# }}}
+sub help {
+ print loc( "[_1] is a tool to act on tickets from an external scheduling tool, such as cron.", $0 )
+ . "\n";
+ print loc("It takes several arguments:") . "\n\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Specify the search module you want to use", "--search" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - An argument to pass to [_2]", "--search-argument", "--search" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Specify the condition module you want to use", "--condition" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - An argument to pass to [_2]", "--condition-argument", "--condition" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Specify the action module you want to use", "--action" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - An argument to pass to [_2]", "--action-argument", "--action" )
+ . "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "[_1] - Output status updates to STDOUT", "--verbose" ) . "\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print loc("Security:")."\n";
+ print loc("This tool allows the user to run arbitrary perl modules from within RT.")." ".
+ loc("If this tool were setgid, a hostile local user could use this tool to gain administrative access to RT.")." ".
+ loc("It is incredibly important that nonprivileged users not be allowed to run this tool."). " " .
+ loc("It is suggested that you create a non-privileged unix user with the correct group membership and RT access to run this tool.")."\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print loc("Example:");
+ print "\n";
+ print " "
+ . loc( "The following command will find all active tickets in the queue 'general' and set their priority to 99 if they haven't been touched in 4 hours:"
+ )
+ . "\n\n";
+ print " sbin/cron_shim \\\n";
+ print
+ " --search RT::Search::ActiveTicketsInQueue --search-arg general \\\n";
+ print
+ " --condition RT::Condition::UntouchedInHours --condition-arg 4 \\\n";
+ print " --action RT::Action::SetPriority --action-arg 99 \\\n";
+ print " --verbose\n";
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/rt/bin/rt-mailgate b/rt/bin/rt-mailgate
index e6f0d95c5..b30443638 100755
--- a/rt/bin/rt-mailgate
+++ b/rt/bin/rt-mailgate
@@ -1,367 +1,587 @@
-#!!!PERL!! -w
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+=head1 NAME
+rt-mailgate - Mail interface to RT3.
+=begin testing
+use RT::I18N;
+# {{{ Test new ticket creation by root who is privileged and superuser
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rt\
+Subject: This is a test of new ticket creation
+close (MAIL);
+use RT::Tickets;
+my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+my $tick = $tickets->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($tick,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject eq 'This is a test of new ticket creation', "Created the ticket");
-# $Header: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/bin/rt-mailgate,v 1.1 2002-08-12 06:17:07 ivan Exp $
-# (c) 1996-2001 Jesse Vincent <>
-# This software is redistributable under the terms of the GNU GPL
+# }}}
-package RT;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION $Handle $Nobody $SystemUser);
-use lib "!!RT_LIB_PATH!!";
-use lib "!!RT_ETC_PATH!!";
-use RT::Interface::Email qw(CleanEnv LoadConfig DBConnect
- GetCurrentUser
- GetMessageContent
- CheckForLoops
- CheckForSuspiciousSender
- CheckForAutoGenerated
- ParseMIMEEntityFromSTDIN
- ParseTicketId
- MailError
- ParseCcAddressesFromHead
- ParseSenderAddressFromHead
- ParseErrorsToAddressFromHead
- );
-#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
-#Load etc/ and drop privs
-#Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
-#Drop setgid permissions
-use RT::Ticket;
-use RT::Queue;
-use MIME::Parser;
-use File::Temp;
-use Mail::Address;
-#Set some sensible defaults
-my $Queue = 1;
-my $time = time;
-my $Action = "correspond";
-my ($Verbose, $ReturnTid, $Debug);
-my ($From, $TicketId, $Subject,$SquelchReplies);
-# using --owner-from-extension, this will let you set ticket owner on create
-my $AssignTicketTo = undef;
-my ($status, $msg);
-# {{{ parse commandline
-while (my $flag = shift @ARGV) {
- if (($flag eq '-v') or ($flag eq '--verbose')) {
- $Verbose = 1;
- }
- if (($flag eq '-t') or ($flag eq '--ticketid')) {
- $ReturnTid = 1;
- }
- if (($flag eq '-d') or ($flag eq '--debug')) {
- $RT::Logger->debug("Debug mode enabled\n");
- $Debug = 1;
- }
- if (($flag eq '-q') or ($flag eq '--queue')) {
- $Queue = shift @ARGV;
- }
- if ($flag eq '--ticket-id-from-extension') {
- $TicketId = $ENV{'EXTENSION'};
- }
- if ($flag eq '--queue-from-extension') {
- $Queue = $ENV{'EXTENSION'};
- }
- if ($flag eq '--owner-from-extension') {
- $AssignTicketTo = $ENV{'EXTENSION'};
- }
- if (($flag eq '-a') or ($flag eq '--action')) {
- $Action = shift @ARGV;
- }
+# {{{This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist\
+To: rt\
+Subject: This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
+$tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id' ,OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+$tick = $tickets->First();
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject ne 'This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user', "failed to create the new ticket from an unprivileged account");
+my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id == 0, " user does not exist and was not created by failed ticket submission");
# }}}
-# get the current mime entity from stdin
-my ($entity, $head) = ParseMIMEEntityFromSTDIN();
+# {{{ now everybody can create tickets. can a random unkown user create tickets?
-#Get someone to send runtime errors to;
-my $ErrorsTo = ParseErrorsToAddressFromHead($head);
+my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $g->Id, "Found 'everybody'");
-#Get us a current user object.
-my $CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser($head, $entity, $ErrorsTo);
+my ($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to create tickets - $msg");
-# We've already performed a warning and sent the mail off to somewhere safe ($RTOwner).
-# this is _exceedingly_ unlikely but we don't want to keep going if we don't have a current user
+sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
-unless ($CurrentUser->Id) {
- exit(1);
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist\
+To: rt\
+Subject: This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user
-my $MessageId = $head->get('Message-Id') ||
- "<no-message-id-".time.rand(2000)."\@.$RT::Organization>";
+close (MAIL);
-#Pull apart the subject line
-$Subject = $head->get('Subject') || "[no subject]";
-chomp $Subject;
-# Get the ticket ID unless it's already set
-$TicketId = ParseTicketId($Subject) unless ($TicketId);
+$tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id' ,OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+$tick = $tickets->First();
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject eq 'This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user', "failed to create the new ticket from an unprivileged account");
+my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id != 0, " user does not exist and was created by ticket submission");
-#Set up a queue object
-my $QueueObj = RT::Queue->new($CurrentUser);
-unless ($QueueObj->id ) {
+# }}}
- MailError(To => $RT::OwnerEmail,
- Subject => "RT Bounce: $Subject",
- Explanation => "RT couldn't find the queue: $Queue",
- MIMEObj => $entity);
+# {{{ can another random reply to a ticket without being granted privs? answer should be no.
-# {{{ Lets check for mail loops of various sorts.
-my $IsAutoGenerated = CheckForAutoGenerated($head);
+#($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+#ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to create tickets - $msg");
+#sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
-my $IsSuspiciousSender = CheckForSuspiciousSender($head);
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-2\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a reply as an unknown user
-my $IsALoop = CheckForLoops($head);
+close (MAIL);
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id == 0, " user does not exist and was not created by ticket correspondence submission");
+# }}}
+# {{{ can another random reply to a ticket after being granted privs? answer should be yes
-#If the message is autogenerated, we need to know, so we can not
-# send mail to the sender
-if ($IsSuspiciousSender || $IsAutoGenerated || $IsALoop) {
- $SquelchReplies = 1;
- $ErrorsTo = $RT::OwnerEmail;
- #TODO: Is what we want to do here really
- # "Make the requestor cease to get mail from RT"?
- # This might wreak havoc with vacation-mailing users.
- # Maybe have a "disabled for bouncing" state that gets
- # turned off when we get a legit incoming message
+($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'ReplyToTicket');
+ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to reply to tickets - $msg");
+sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-2\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a reply as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
-# {{{ Warn someone if it's a loop
-# Warn someone if it's a loop, before we drop it on the ground
-if ($IsALoop) {
- $RT::Logger->crit("RT Received mail ($MessageId) from itself.");
- #Should we mail it to RTOwner?
- if ($RT::LoopsToRTOwner) {
- MailError(To => $RT::OwnerEmail,
- Subject => "RT Bounce: $Subject",
- Explanation => "RT thinks this message may be a bounce",
- MIMEObj => $entity);
- #Do we actually want to store it?
- exit unless ($RT::StoreLoops);
- }
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id != 0, " user exists and was created by ticket correspondence submission");
# }}}
+# {{{ can another random comment on a ticket without being granted privs? answer should be no.
- #Don't let the user stuff the RT-Squelch-Replies-To header.
- if ($head->get('RT-Squelch-Replies-To')) {
- $head->add('RT-Relocated-Squelch-Replies-To',
- $head->get('RT-Squelch-Replies-To'));
- $head->delete('RT-Squelch-Replies-To')
- }
+#($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+#ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to create tickets - $msg");
+#sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
-if ($SquelchReplies) {
- ## TODO: This is a hack. It should be some other way to
- ## indicate that the transaction should be "silent".
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action comment"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-3\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a comment as an unknown user
- my ($Sender, $junk) = ParseSenderAddressFromHead($head);
- $head->add('RT-Squelch-Replies-To', $Sender);
+close (MAIL);
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id == 0, " user does not exist and was not created by ticket comment submission");
# }}}
+# {{{ can another random reply to a ticket after being granted privs? answer should be yes
-# {{{ If we require that the sender be found in an external DB and they're not
-# forward this message to RTOwner
+($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CommentOnTicket');
+ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to reply to tickets - $msg");
+sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action comment"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-3\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a comment as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
-if ($RT::LookupSenderInExternalDatabase &&
- $RT::SenderMustExistInExternalDatabase ) {
- MailError(To => $RT::OwnerEmail,
- Subject => "RT Bounce: $Subject",
- Explanation => "RT couldn't find requestor via its external database lookup",
- MIMEObj => $entity);
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id != 0, " user exists and was created by ticket comment submission");
# }}}
-# {{{ elsif we don't have a ticket Id, we're creating a new ticket
-elsif (!defined($TicketId)) {
- # {{{ Create a new ticket
- if ($Action =~ /correspond/) {
- # open a new ticket
- my @Requestors = ($CurrentUser->id);
- my @Cc;
- if ($RT::ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs) {
- @Cc = ParseCcAddressesFromHead(Head => $head,
- CurrentUser => $CurrentUser,
- QueueObj => $QueueObj );
- }
- my $Ticket = new RT::Ticket($CurrentUser);
- my ($id, $Transaction, $ErrStr) =
- $Ticket->Create ( Queue => $Queue,
- Subject => $Subject,
- Owner => $AssignTicketTo,
- Requestor => \@Requestors,
- Cc => \@Cc,
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- if ($id == 0 ) {
- MailError( To => $ErrorsTo,
- Subject => "Ticket creation failed",
- Explanation => $ErrStr,
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- $RT::Logger->error("Create failed: $id / $Transaction / $ErrStr ");
- }
- }
- # }}}
- else {
- #TODO Return an error message
- MailError( To => $ErrorsTo,
- Subject => "No ticket id specified",
- Explanation => "$Action aliases require a TicketId to work on",
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- $RT::Logger->crit("$Action aliases require a TicketId to work on ".
- "(from ".$CurrentUser->UserObj->EmailAddress.") ".
- $MessageId);
- }
+# {{{ Testing preservation of binary attachments
+# Get a binary blob (Best Practical logo)
+# Create a mime entity with an attachment
+use MIME::Entity;
+my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'root@localhost',
+ To => 'rt@localhost',
+ Subject => 'binary attachment test',
+ Data => ['This is a test of a binary attachment']);
+# currently in lib/t/autogen
+$entity->attach(Path => '../../../html/NoAuth/images/spacer.gif',
+ Type => 'image/gif',
+ Encoding => 'base64');
+# Create a ticket with a binary attachment
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+close (MAIL);
+my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+ $tick = $tickets->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($tick,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject eq 'binary attachment test', "Created the ticket - ".$tick->Id);
+my $file = `cat ../../../html/NoAuth/images/spacer.gif`;
+ok ($file, "Read in the logo image");
+ use Digest::MD5;
+warn "for the raw file the content is ".Digest::MD5::md5_base64($file);
+# Verify that the binary attachment is valid in the database
+my $attachments = RT::Attachments->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$attachments->Limit(FIELD => 'ContentType', VALUE => 'image/gif');
+ok ($attachments->Count == 1, 'Found only one gif in the database');
+my $attachment = $attachments->First;
+my $acontent = $attachment->Content;
+ warn "coming from the database, the content is ".Digest::MD5::md5_base64($acontent);
+is( $acontent, $file, 'The attachment isn\'t screwed up in the database.');
+# Log in as root
+use Getopt::Long;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+# Grab the binary attachment via the web ui
+my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+my $full_url = "http://localhost/Ticket/Attachment/".$attachment->TransactionId."/".$attachment->id."/spacer.gif?&user=root&pass=password";
+my $r = $ua->get( $full_url);
+# Verify that the downloaded attachment is the same as what we uploaded.
+is($file, $r->content, 'The attachment isn\'t screwed up in download');
# }}}
-# {{{ If we've got a ticket ID, update the ticket
-else {
- # If the action is comment, add a comment.
- if ($Action =~ /comment/i){
- my $Ticket = new RT::Ticket($CurrentUser);
- $Ticket->Load($TicketId);
- unless ($Ticket->Id) {
- MailError( To => $ErrorsTo,
- Subject => "Comment not recorded",
- Explanation => "Could not find a ticket with id $TicketId",
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- #Return an error message saying that Ticket "#foo" wasn't found.
- }
- ($status, $msg) = $Ticket->Comment(MIMEObj=>$entity);
- unless ($status) {
- #Warn the sender that we couldn't actually submit the comment.
- MailError( To => $ErrorsTo,
- Subject => "Comment not recorded",
- Explanation => $msg,
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- }
- }
- # If the message is correspondence, add it to the ticket
- elsif ($Action =~ /correspond/i) {
- my $Ticket = RT::Ticket->new($CurrentUser);
- $Ticket->Load($TicketId);
- #TODO: Check for error conditions
- ($status, $msg) = $Ticket->Correspond(MIMEObj => $entity);
- unless ($status) {
- #Return mail to the sender with an error
- MailError( To => $ErrorsTo,
- Subject => "Correspondence not recorded",
- Explanation => $msg,
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- }
- }
- else {
- #Return mail to the sender with an error
- MailError( To => $ErrorsTo,
- Subject => "RT Configuration error",
- Explanation => "'$Action' not a recognized action.".
- " Your RT administrator has misconfigured ".
- "the mail aliases which invoke RT" ,
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- $RT::Logger->crit("$Action type unknown for $MessageId");
- }
+# {{{ Simple I18N testing
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rtemail\
+Subject: This is a test of I18N ticket creation
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+2 accented lines
+close (MAIL);
+my $unitickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$unitickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$unitickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+my $unitick = $unitickets->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($unitick,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($unitick->Id, "found ticket ".$unitick->Id);
+ok ($unitick->Subject eq 'This is a test of I18N ticket creation', "Created the ticket - ". $unitick->Subject);
+my $unistring = "\303\241\303\251\303\255\303\263\303\272";
+is ($unitick->Transactions->First->Content, $unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Content, "Content is ". $unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Content);
+ok($unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Content =~ /$unistring/i, $unitick->Id." appears to be unicode ". $unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Id);
+# supposedly I18N fails on the second message sent in.
+ok(open(MAIL, "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rtemail\
+Subject: This is a test of I18N ticket creation
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+2 accented lines
+close (MAIL);
+my $tickets2 = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets2->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets2->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+my $tick2 = $tickets2->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($tick2,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($tick2->Id, "found ticket ".$tick2->Id);
+ok ($tick2->Subject eq 'This is a test of I18N ticket creation', "Created the ticket");
+my $unistring = "\303\241\303\251\303\255\303\263\303\272";
+ok ($tick2->Transactions->First->Content =~ $unistring, "It appears to be unicode - ".$tick2->Transactions->First->Content);
# }}}
+($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->RevokeRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+ok ($val, $msg);
+=end testing
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use constant EX_TEMPFAIL => 75;
+my %opts;
+GetOptions( \%opts, "queue=s", "action=s", "url=s", "jar=s", "help", "debug", "extension=s" );
+if ( $opts{help} ) {
+ require Pod::Usage;
+ import Pod::Usage;
+ pod2usage("RT Mail Gateway\n");
+ exit 1; # Don't want to succeed if this is really an email!
+for (qw(url)) {
+ die "$0 invoked improperly\n\nNo $_ provided to mail gateway!\n" unless $opts{$_};
+undef $/;
+my $message = <>;
+my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+$ua->cookie_jar( { file => $opts{jar} } );
+my %args = (
+ queue => $opts{queue},
+ action => $opts{action},
+ message => $message,
+ SessionType => 'REST', # Surpress login box
+if ($opts{'extension'}) {
+ $args{$opts{'extension'}} = $ENV{'EXTENSION'};
+# Set up cookie here.
+my $full_url = $opts{'url'}. "/REST/1.0/NoAuth/mail-gateway";
+warn "Connecting to $full_url" if $opts{'debug'};
+my $r = $ua->post( $full_url, {%args} );
+my $content = $r->content;
+warn $content if ($opts{debug});
+if ( $content !~ /^(ok|not ok)/ ) {
+ # It's not the server's fault if the mail is bogus. We just want to know that
+ # *something* came out of the server.
+ die <<EOF
+RT server error.
+The RT server which handled your email did not behave as expected. It
+sub check_failure {
+ my $r = shift;
+ return if $r->is_success();
+ # This ordinarily oughtn't to be able to happen, suggests a bug in RT.
+ # So only load these heavy modules when they're needed.
+ require HTML::TreeBuilder;
+ require HTML::FormatText;
+ my $error = $r->error_as_HTML;
+ my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new->parse($error);
+ $tree->eof;
+ # It'll be a cold day in hell before RT sends out bounces in HTML
+ my $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new( leftmargin => 0,
+ rightmargin => 50 );
+ warn $formatter->format($tree);
+ warn "This is $0 exiting because of an undefined server error" if ($opts{debug});
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ rt-mailgate --help : this text
+Usual invocation (from MTA):
+ rt-mailgate --action (correspond|comment) --queue queuename
+ --url http://your.rt.server/
+ [ --extension (queue|action|ticket)
+See C<man rt-mailgate> for more.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 3
+=item C<--action>
+Specifies whether this is a correspondence or comment address.
+=item C<--queue>
+Reflects which queue this address handles.
+=item C<--url>
+The location of the web server for your RT instance.
+=item C<--extension> OPTIONAL
+Some MTAs will route mail sent to user-foo@host or user+foo@host to user@host
+and present "foo" in the environment variable $EXTENSION. By specifying
+the value "queue" for this parameter, the queue this message should be
+submitted to will be set to the value of $EXTENSION. By specifying
+"ticket", $EXTENSION will be interpreted as the id of the ticket this message
+is related to. "action" will allow the user to specify either "comment" or
+"correspond" in the address extension.
+The RT mail gateway is the primary mechanism for communicating with RT
+via email. This program simply directs the email to the RT web server,
+which handles filing correspondence and sending out any required mail.
+It is designed to be run as part of the mail delivery process, either
+called directly by the MTA or C<procmail>, or in a F<.forward> or
+=head1 SETUP
+Much of the set up of the mail gateway depends on your MTA and mail
+routing configuration. However, you will need first of all to create an
+RT user for the mail gateway and assign it a password; this helps to
+ensure that mail coming into the web server did originate from the
+Next, you need to route mail to C<rt-mailgate> for the queues you're
+monitoring. For instance, if you're using F</etc/aliases> and you have a
+"bugs" queue, you will want something like this:
+ bugs: "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue bugs --action correspond
+ --url"
+ bugs-comment: "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue bugs --action comment
+ --url"
+Note that you don't have to run your RT server on your mail server, as
+the mail gateway will happily relay to a different machine.
+By default, the mail gateway will accept mail from anyone. However,
+there are situations in which you will want to authenticate users
+before allowing them to communicate with the system. You can do this
+via a plug-in mechanism in the RT configuration.
+You can set the array C<@RT::MailPlugins> to be a list of plugins. The
+default plugin, if this is not given, is C<Auth::MailFrom> - that is,
+authentication of the person is done based on the C<From> header of the
+email. If you have additional filters or authentication mechanisms, you
+can list them here and they will be called in order:
+ @RT::MailPlugins = (
+ "Filter::SpamAssassin",
+ "Auth::LDAP",
+ # ...
+ );
+See the documentation for any additional plugins you have.
+You may also put Perl subroutines into the C<@RT::MailPlugins> array, if
+they behave as described below.
+What's actually going on in the above is that C<@RT::MailPlugins> is a
+list of Perl modules; RT prepends C<RT::Interface::Email::> to the name,
+to form a package name, and then C<use>'s this module. The module is
+expected to provide a C<GetCurrentUser> subroutine, which takes a hash of
+several parameters:
+=over 4
+=item Message
+A C<MIME::Entity> object representing the email
+=item CurrentUser
+An C<RT::CurrentUser> object
+=item AuthStat
+The authentication level returned from the previous plugin.
+=item Ticket [OPTIONAL]
+The ticket under discussion
+=item Queue [OPTIONAL]
+If we don't already have a ticket id, we need to know which queue we're talking about
+=item Action
-# Everything below this line is a helper sub. most of them will eventually
-# move to Interface::Email
+The action being performed. At the moment, it's one of "comment" or "correspond"
-#When we call die, trap it and log->crit with the value of the die.
-$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
- unless ($^S || !defined $^S ) {
- $RT::Logger->crit("$_[0]");
- MailError( To => $ErrorsTo,
- Bcc => $RT::OwnerEmail,
- Subject => "RT Critical error. Message not recorded!",
- Explanation => "$_[0]",
- MIMEObj => $entity
- );
- exit(-1);
- }
- else {
- #Get out of here if we're in an eval
- die $_[0];
- }
+=back 4
+It returns two values, the new C<RT::CurrentUser> object, and the new
+authentication level. The authentication level can be zero, not allowed
+to communicate with RT at all, (a "permission denied" error is mailed to
+the correspondent) or one, which is the normal mode of operation.
+Additionally, if C<-1> is returned, then the processing of the plug-ins
+stops immediately and the message is ignored.
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..304fcbcd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+#!@PERL@ -w
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+=head1 NAME
+rt-mailgate - Mail interface to RT3.
+=begin testing
+use RT::I18N;
+# {{{ Test new ticket creation by root who is privileged and superuser
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rt\
+Subject: This is a test of new ticket creation
+close (MAIL);
+use RT::Tickets;
+my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+my $tick = $tickets->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($tick,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject eq 'This is a test of new ticket creation', "Created the ticket");
+# }}}
+# {{{This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist\
+To: rt\
+Subject: This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
+$tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id' ,OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+$tick = $tickets->First();
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject ne 'This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user', "failed to create the new ticket from an unprivileged account");
+my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id == 0, " user does not exist and was not created by failed ticket submission");
+# }}}
+# {{{ now everybody can create tickets. can a random unkown user create tickets?
+my $g = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $g->Id, "Found 'everybody'");
+my ($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to create tickets - $msg");
+sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist\
+To: rt\
+Subject: This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
+$tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id' ,OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+$tick = $tickets->First();
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject eq 'This is a test of new ticket creation as an unknown user', "failed to create the new ticket from an unprivileged account");
+my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id != 0, " user does not exist and was created by ticket submission");
+# }}}
+# {{{ can another random reply to a ticket without being granted privs? answer should be no.
+#($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+#ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to create tickets - $msg");
+#sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-2\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a reply as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id == 0, " user does not exist and was not created by ticket correspondence submission");
+# }}}
+# {{{ can another random reply to a ticket after being granted privs? answer should be yes
+($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'ReplyToTicket');
+ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to reply to tickets - $msg");
+sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-2\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a reply as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id != 0, " user exists and was created by ticket correspondence submission");
+# }}}
+# {{{ can another random comment on a ticket without being granted privs? answer should be no.
+#($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+#ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to create tickets - $msg");
+#sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action comment"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-3\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a comment as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id == 0, " user does not exist and was not created by ticket comment submission");
+# }}}
+# {{{ can another random reply to a ticket after being granted privs? answer should be yes
+($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'CommentOnTicket');
+ok ($val, "Granted everybody the right to reply to tickets - $msg");
+sleep(60); # gotta sleep so the remote process' ACL cache times out
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action comment"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: doesnotexist-3\
+To: rt\
+Subject: [ #@{[$tick->Id]}] This is a test of a comment as an unknown user
+close (MAIL);
+$u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ok( $u->Id != 0, " user exists and was created by ticket comment submission");
+# }}}
+# {{{ Testing preservation of binary attachments
+# Get a binary blob (Best Practical logo)
+# Create a mime entity with an attachment
+use MIME::Entity;
+my $entity = MIME::Entity->build( From => 'root@localhost',
+ To => 'rt@localhost',
+ Subject => 'binary attachment test',
+ Data => ['This is a test of a binary attachment']);
+# currently in lib/t/autogen
+$entity->attach(Path => '../../../html/NoAuth/images/spacer.gif',
+ Type => 'image/gif',
+ Encoding => 'base64');
+# Create a ticket with a binary attachment
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+close (MAIL);
+my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+ $tick = $tickets->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($tick,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($tick->Id, "found ticket ".$tick->Id);
+ok ($tick->Subject eq 'binary attachment test', "Created the ticket - ".$tick->Id);
+my $file = `cat ../../../html/NoAuth/images/spacer.gif`;
+ok ($file, "Read in the logo image");
+ use Digest::MD5;
+warn "for the raw file the content is ".Digest::MD5::md5_base64($file);
+# Verify that the binary attachment is valid in the database
+my $attachments = RT::Attachments->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$attachments->Limit(FIELD => 'ContentType', VALUE => 'image/gif');
+ok ($attachments->Count == 1, 'Found only one gif in the database');
+my $attachment = $attachments->First;
+my $acontent = $attachment->Content;
+ warn "coming from the database, the content is ".Digest::MD5::md5_base64($acontent);
+is( $acontent, $file, 'The attachment isn\'t screwed up in the database.');
+# Log in as root
+use Getopt::Long;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+# Grab the binary attachment via the web ui
+my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+my $full_url = "http://localhost/Ticket/Attachment/".$attachment->TransactionId."/".$attachment->id."/spacer.gif?&user=root&pass=password";
+my $r = $ua->get( $full_url);
+# Verify that the downloaded attachment is the same as what we uploaded.
+is($file, $r->content, 'The attachment isn\'t screwed up in download');
+# }}}
+# {{{ Simple I18N testing
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rtemail\
+Subject: This is a test of I18N ticket creation
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+2 accented lines
+close (MAIL);
+my $unitickets = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$unitickets->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$unitickets->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+my $unitick = $unitickets->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($unitick,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($unitick->Id, "found ticket ".$unitick->Id);
+ok ($unitick->Subject eq 'This is a test of I18N ticket creation', "Created the ticket - ". $unitick->Subject);
+my $unistring = "\303\241\303\251\303\255\303\263\303\272";
+is ($unitick->Transactions->First->Content, $unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Content, "Content is ". $unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Content);
+ok($unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Content =~ /$unistring/i, $unitick->Id." appears to be unicode ". $unitick->Transactions->First->Attachments->First->Id);
+# supposedly I18N fails on the second message sent in.
+ok(open(MAIL, "|@RT_BIN_PATH@/rt-mailgate --url http://localhost/ --queue general --action correspond"), "Opened the mailgate - $@");
+print MAIL <<EOF;
+From: root\@localhost
+To: rtemail\
+Subject: This is a test of I18N ticket creation
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
+2 accented lines
+close (MAIL);
+my $tickets2 = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$tickets2->OrderBy(FIELD => 'id', ORDER => 'DESC');
+$tickets2->Limit(FIELD => 'id', OPERATOR => '>', VALUE => '0');
+my $tick2 = $tickets2->First();
+ok (UNIVERSAL::isa($tick2,'RT::Ticket'));
+ok ($tick2->Id, "found ticket ".$tick2->Id);
+ok ($tick2->Subject eq 'This is a test of I18N ticket creation', "Created the ticket");
+my $unistring = "\303\241\303\251\303\255\303\263\303\272";
+ok ($tick2->Transactions->First->Content =~ $unistring, "It appears to be unicode - ".$tick2->Transactions->First->Content);
+# }}}
+($val,$msg) = $g->PrincipalObj->RevokeRight(Right => 'CreateTicket');
+ok ($val, $msg);
+=end testing
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use constant EX_TEMPFAIL => 75;
+my %opts;
+GetOptions( \%opts, "queue=s", "action=s", "url=s", "jar=s", "help", "debug", "extension=s" );
+if ( $opts{help} ) {
+ require Pod::Usage;
+ import Pod::Usage;
+ pod2usage("RT Mail Gateway\n");
+ exit 1; # Don't want to succeed if this is really an email!
+for (qw(url)) {
+ die "$0 invoked improperly\n\nNo $_ provided to mail gateway!\n" unless $opts{$_};
+undef $/;
+my $message = <>;
+my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+$ua->cookie_jar( { file => $opts{jar} } );
+my %args = (
+ queue => $opts{queue},
+ action => $opts{action},
+ message => $message,
+ SessionType => 'REST', # Surpress login box
+if ($opts{'extension'}) {
+ $args{$opts{'extension'}} = $ENV{'EXTENSION'};
+# Set up cookie here.
+my $full_url = $opts{'url'}. "/REST/1.0/NoAuth/mail-gateway";
+warn "Connecting to $full_url" if $opts{'debug'};
+my $r = $ua->post( $full_url, {%args} );
+my $content = $r->content;
+warn $content if ($opts{debug});
+if ( $content !~ /^(ok|not ok)/ ) {
+ # It's not the server's fault if the mail is bogus. We just want to know that
+ # *something* came out of the server.
+ die <<EOF
+RT server error.
+The RT server which handled your email did not behave as expected. It
+sub check_failure {
+ my $r = shift;
+ return if $r->is_success();
+ # This ordinarily oughtn't to be able to happen, suggests a bug in RT.
+ # So only load these heavy modules when they're needed.
+ require HTML::TreeBuilder;
+ require HTML::FormatText;
+ my $error = $r->error_as_HTML;
+ my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new->parse($error);
+ $tree->eof;
+ # It'll be a cold day in hell before RT sends out bounces in HTML
+ my $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new( leftmargin => 0,
+ rightmargin => 50 );
+ warn $formatter->format($tree);
+ warn "This is $0 exiting because of an undefined server error" if ($opts{debug});
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ rt-mailgate --help : this text
+Usual invocation (from MTA):
+ rt-mailgate --action (correspond|comment) --queue queuename
+ --url http://your.rt.server/
+ [ --extension (queue|action|ticket)
+See C<man rt-mailgate> for more.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 3
+=item C<--action>
+Specifies whether this is a correspondence or comment address.
+=item C<--queue>
+Reflects which queue this address handles.
+=item C<--url>
+The location of the web server for your RT instance.
+=item C<--extension> OPTIONAL
+Some MTAs will route mail sent to user-foo@host or user+foo@host to user@host
+and present "foo" in the environment variable $EXTENSION. By specifying
+the value "queue" for this parameter, the queue this message should be
+submitted to will be set to the value of $EXTENSION. By specifying
+"ticket", $EXTENSION will be interpreted as the id of the ticket this message
+is related to. "action" will allow the user to specify either "comment" or
+"correspond" in the address extension.
+The RT mail gateway is the primary mechanism for communicating with RT
+via email. This program simply directs the email to the RT web server,
+which handles filing correspondence and sending out any required mail.
+It is designed to be run as part of the mail delivery process, either
+called directly by the MTA or C<procmail>, or in a F<.forward> or
+=head1 SETUP
+Much of the set up of the mail gateway depends on your MTA and mail
+routing configuration. However, you will need first of all to create an
+RT user for the mail gateway and assign it a password; this helps to
+ensure that mail coming into the web server did originate from the
+Next, you need to route mail to C<rt-mailgate> for the queues you're
+monitoring. For instance, if you're using F</etc/aliases> and you have a
+"bugs" queue, you will want something like this:
+ bugs: "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue bugs --action correspond
+ --url"
+ bugs-comment: "|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue bugs --action comment
+ --url"
+Note that you don't have to run your RT server on your mail server, as
+the mail gateway will happily relay to a different machine.
+By default, the mail gateway will accept mail from anyone. However,
+there are situations in which you will want to authenticate users
+before allowing them to communicate with the system. You can do this
+via a plug-in mechanism in the RT configuration.
+You can set the array C<@RT::MailPlugins> to be a list of plugins. The
+default plugin, if this is not given, is C<Auth::MailFrom> - that is,
+authentication of the person is done based on the C<From> header of the
+email. If you have additional filters or authentication mechanisms, you
+can list them here and they will be called in order:
+ @RT::MailPlugins = (
+ "Filter::SpamAssassin",
+ "Auth::LDAP",
+ # ...
+ );
+See the documentation for any additional plugins you have.
+You may also put Perl subroutines into the C<@RT::MailPlugins> array, if
+they behave as described below.
+What's actually going on in the above is that C<@RT::MailPlugins> is a
+list of Perl modules; RT prepends C<RT::Interface::Email::> to the name,
+to form a package name, and then C<use>'s this module. The module is
+expected to provide a C<GetCurrentUser> subroutine, which takes a hash of
+several parameters:
+=over 4
+=item Message
+A C<MIME::Entity> object representing the email
+=item CurrentUser
+An C<RT::CurrentUser> object
+=item AuthStat
+The authentication level returned from the previous plugin.
+=item Ticket [OPTIONAL]
+The ticket under discussion
+=item Queue [OPTIONAL]
+If we don't already have a ticket id, we need to know which queue we're talking about
+=item Action
+The action being performed. At the moment, it's one of "comment" or "correspond"
+=back 4
+It returns two values, the new C<RT::CurrentUser> object, and the new
+authentication level. The authentication level can be zero, not allowed
+to communicate with RT at all, (a "permission denied" error is mailed to
+the correspondent) or one, which is the normal mode of operation.
+Additionally, if C<-1> is returned, then the processing of the plug-ins
+stops immediately and the message is ignored.
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
index 6e1ae06de..21cb83f5e 100755
--- a/rt/bin/
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -1,177 +1,125 @@
-# $Header: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/bin/Attic/,v 1.1 2002-08-12 06:17:07 ivan Exp $
-# RT is (c) 1996-2000 Jesse Vincent (;
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
use strict;
-$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # or whatever you need
-$ENV{'CDPATH'} = '' if defined $ENV{'CDPATH'};
-$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if defined $ENV{'SHELL'};
-$ENV{'ENV'} = '' if defined $ENV{'ENV'};
-$ENV{'IFS'} = '' if defined $ENV{'IFS'};
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # or whatever you need
+ $ENV{'CDPATH'} = '' if defined $ENV{'CDPATH'};
+ $ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if defined $ENV{'SHELL'};
+ $ENV{'ENV'} = '' if defined $ENV{'ENV'};
+ $ENV{'IFS'} = '' if defined $ENV{'IFS'};
-# We really don't want apache to try to eat all vm
-# see
+use lib ("/opt/rt3/local/lib", "/opt/rt3/lib");
+use RT;
package RT::Mason;
-use CGI qw(-private_tempfiles); #bring this in before mason, to make sure we
- #set private_tempfiles
-use HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler (args_method => 'CGI');
-use HTML::Mason; # brings in subpackages: Parser, Interp, etc.
-use vars qw($VERSION %session $Nobody $SystemUser $r $m);
+use CGI qw(-private_tempfiles); #bring this in before mason, to make sure we
+ #set private_tempfiles
-# List of modules that you want to use from components (see Admin
-# manual for details)
-#Clean up our that the session files aren't world readable, writable or executable
+ if ($CGI::MOD_PERL) {
+ require HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;
+ }
+ else {
+ require HTML::Mason::CGIHandler;
+ }
+use HTML::Mason; # brings in subpackages: Parser, Interp, etc.
+use vars qw($Nobody $SystemUser $r);
-use lib "!!RT_LIB_PATH!!";
-use lib "!!RT_ETC_PATH!!";
+#This drags in RT's
-#This drags in RT's
-use config;
use Carp;
- package HTML::Mason::Commands;
- use vars qw(%session $m);
- use RT;
- use RT::Ticket;
- use RT::Tickets;
- use RT::Transaction;
- use RT::Transactions;
- use RT::User;
- use RT::Users;
- use RT::CurrentUser;
- use RT::Template;
- use RT::Templates;
- use RT::Queue;
- use RT::Queues;
- use RT::ScripAction;
- use RT::ScripActions;
- use RT::ScripCondition;
- use RT::ScripConditions;
- use RT::Scrip;
- use RT::Scrips;
- use RT::Group;
- use RT::Groups;
- use RT::Keyword;
- use RT::Keywords;
- use RT::ObjectKeyword;
- use RT::ObjectKeywords;
- use RT::KeywordSelect;
- use RT::KeywordSelects;
- use RT::GroupMember;
- use RT::GroupMembers;
- use RT::Watcher;
- use RT::Watchers;
- use RT::Handle;
- use RT::Interface::Web;
- use MIME::Entity;
- use Text::Wrapper;
- use Apache::Cookie;
- use Date::Parse;
- use HTML::Entities;
- #TODO: make this use DBI
- use Apache::Session::File;
- # Set this page's content type to whatever we are called with
- sub SetContentType {
- my $type = shift;
- $RT::Mason::r->content_type($type);
- }
- sub CGIObject {
- $m->cgi_object();
- }
- }
-my ($parser, $interp, $ah);
-if ($HTML::Mason::VERSION < 1.0902) {
- $parser = &RT::Interface::Web::NewParser(allow_globals => [%session]);
- $interp = &RT::Interface::Web::NewInterp(parser=>$parser,
- allow_recursive_autohandlers => 1,
- );
- $ah = &RT::Interface::Web::NewApacheHandler($interp);
-} else {
- $ah = &RT::Interface::Web::NewMason11ApacheHandler();
+ package HTML::Mason::Commands;
+ use vars qw(%session);
+ use RT::Tickets;
+ use RT::Transactions;
+ use RT::Users;
+ use RT::CurrentUser;
+ use RT::Templates;
+ use RT::Queues;
+ use RT::ScripActions;
+ use RT::ScripConditions;
+ use RT::Scrips;
+ use RT::Groups;
+ use RT::GroupMembers;
+ use RT::CustomFields;
+ use RT::CustomFieldValues;
+ use RT::TicketCustomFieldValues;
+ use RT::Interface::Web;
+ use MIME::Entity;
+ use Text::Wrapper;
+ use CGI::Cookie;
+ use Time::ParseDate;
+ use HTML::Entities;
-# Activate the following if running httpd as root (the normal case).
-# Resets ownership of all files created by Mason at startup.
-chown (Apache->server->uid, Apache->server->gid,
- [$RT::MasonSessionDir]);
-chown (Apache->server->uid, Apache->server->gid,
- $ah->interp->files_written);
-# Die if WebSessionDir doesn't exist or we can't write to it
-stat ($RT::MasonSessionDir);
-die "Can't read and write $RT::MasonSessionDir"
- unless (( -d _ ) and ( -r _ ) and ( -w _ ));
+# Activate the following if running httpd as root (the normal case).
+# Resets ownership of all files created by Mason at startup.
+# Note that mysql uses DB for sessions, so there's no need to do this.
+unless ($RT::DatabaseType =~ /(mysql|Pg)/) {
+ # Clean up our umask to protect session files
+ umask(0077);
+if ( $CGI::MOD_PERL) {
+ chown( Apache->server->uid, Apache->server->gid, [$RT::MasonSessionDir] )
+ if Apache->server->can('uid');
+ }
+ # Die if WebSessionDir doesn't exist or we can't write to it
+ stat($RT::MasonSessionDir);
+ die "Can't read and write $RT::MasonSessionDir"
+ unless ( ( -d _ ) and ( -r _ ) and ( -w _ ) );
+my $ah = &RT::Interface::Web::NewApacheHandler() if $CGI::MOD_PERL;
sub handler {
($r) = @_;
# We don't need to handle non-text items
- return -1 if defined($r->content_type) && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|io;
- #This is all largely cut and pasted from mason's
- my %cookies = Apache::Cookie::parse($r->header_in('Cookie'));
- eval {
- tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::File',
- ( $cookies{'AF_SID'} ? $cookies{'AF_SID'}->value() : undef ),
- { Directory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- LockDirectory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- } ;
- };
- if ( $@ ) {
- # If the session is invalid, create a new session.
- if ( $@ =~ m#^Object does not exist in the data store# ) {
- tie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session, 'Apache::Session::File', undef,
- { Directory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- LockDirectory => $RT::MasonSessionDir,
- };
- undef $cookies{'AF_SID'};
- }
- else {
- die "RT Couldn't write to session directory '$RT::MasonSessionDir'. Check that this directory's permissions are correct.";
- }
- }
- if ( !$cookies{'AF_SID'} ) {
- my $cookie = new Apache::Cookie
- ($r,
- -name=>'AF_SID',
- -value=>$HTML::Mason::Commands::session{_session_id},
- -path => '/',);
- $cookie->bake;
+ return -1 if defined( $r->content_type ) && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|io;
- }
+ my %session;
my $status = $ah->handle_request($r);
- untie %HTML::Mason::Commands::session;
+ undef (%session);
+ $RT::Logger->crit("Transaction not committed. Usually indicates a software fault. Data loss may have occurred") if $RT::Handle->TransactionDepth;
return $status;
- }
diff --git a/rt/bin/ b/rt/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12aad85b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Jesse Vincent <>
+# (Except where explictly superceded by other copyright notices)
+# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+# from
+# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# Unless otherwise specified, all modifications, corrections or
+# extensions to this work which alter its source code become the
+# property of Best Practical Solutions, LLC when submitted for
+# inclusion in the work.
+use strict;
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # or whatever you need
+ $ENV{'CDPATH'} = '' if defined $ENV{'CDPATH'};
+ $ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if defined $ENV{'SHELL'};
+ $ENV{'ENV'} = '' if defined $ENV{'ENV'};
+ $ENV{'IFS'} = '' if defined $ENV{'IFS'};
+use lib ("@LOCAL_LIB_PATH@", "@RT_LIB_PATH@");
+use RT;
+package RT::Mason;
+use CGI qw(-private_tempfiles); #bring this in before mason, to make sure we
+ #set private_tempfiles
+ if ($CGI::MOD_PERL) {
+ require HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler;
+ }
+ else {
+ require HTML::Mason::CGIHandler;
+ }
+use HTML::Mason; # brings in subpackages: Parser, Interp, etc.
+use vars qw($Nobody $SystemUser $r);
+#This drags in RT's
+use Carp;
+ package HTML::Mason::Commands;
+ use vars qw(%session);
+ use RT::Tickets;
+ use RT::Transactions;
+ use RT::Users;
+ use RT::CurrentUser;
+ use RT::Templates;
+ use RT::Queues;
+ use RT::ScripActions;
+ use RT::ScripConditions;
+ use RT::Scrips;
+ use RT::Groups;
+ use RT::GroupMembers;
+ use RT::CustomFields;
+ use RT::CustomFieldValues;
+ use RT::TicketCustomFieldValues;
+ use RT::Interface::Web;
+ use MIME::Entity;
+ use Text::Wrapper;
+ use CGI::Cookie;
+ use Time::ParseDate;
+ use HTML::Entities;
+# Activate the following if running httpd as root (the normal case).
+# Resets ownership of all files created by Mason at startup.
+# Note that mysql uses DB for sessions, so there's no need to do this.
+unless ($RT::DatabaseType =~ /(mysql|Pg)/) {
+ # Clean up our umask to protect session files
+ umask(0077);
+if ( $CGI::MOD_PERL) {
+ chown( Apache->server->uid, Apache->server->gid, [$RT::MasonSessionDir] )
+ if Apache->server->can('uid');
+ }
+ # Die if WebSessionDir doesn't exist or we can't write to it
+ stat($RT::MasonSessionDir);
+ die "Can't read and write $RT::MasonSessionDir"
+ unless ( ( -d _ ) and ( -r _ ) and ( -w _ ) );
+my $ah = &RT::Interface::Web::NewApacheHandler() if $CGI::MOD_PERL;
+sub handler {
+ ($r) = @_;
+ RT::Init();
+ # We don't need to handle non-text items
+ return -1 if defined( $r->content_type ) && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|io;
+ my %session;
+ my $status = $ah->handle_request($r);
+ undef (%session);
+ $RT::Logger->crit("Transaction not committed. Usually indicates a software fault. Data loss may have occurred") if $RT::Handle->TransactionDepth;
+ return $status;