path: root/rt/bin
diff options
authorcvs2git <cvs2git>2002-08-12 06:17:10 +0000
committercvs2git <cvs2git>2002-08-12 06:17:10 +0000
commit160be29a0dc62e79a4fb95d2ab8c0c7e5996760e (patch)
tree94ebadb17321b138fd7bfd9a5c379eec97c5d328 /rt/bin
parent3ef62a0570055da710328937e7f65dbb2c027c62 (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'BESTPRACTICAL'.
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/bin')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1114 deletions
diff --git a/rt/bin/initacls.Oracle b/rt/bin/initacls.Oracle
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d05f45e1..000000000
--- a/rt/bin/initacls.Oracle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-echo "PORT = $PORT"
-export PATH
-echo "Please enter ${DATABASEADMIN}'s password for the SID ${DATABASENAME} to create an rt user";
diff --git a/rt/bin/initacls.Pg b/rt/bin/initacls.Pg
deleted file mode 100755
index 82e32de74..000000000
--- a/rt/bin/initacls.Pg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-export PATH
-echo "Enter the postgres administrator's database password to create a new user for rt"
-if [ "fnord$PORT" != "fnord" ]; then
- PORT="-p $PORT"
-if [ "fnord$HOSTNAME" != "fnord" ]; then
diff --git a/rt/bin/initacls.mysql b/rt/bin/initacls.mysql
deleted file mode 100755
index 17e63f837..000000000
--- a/rt/bin/initacls.mysql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-export PATH
-echo "Enter the mysql administrator's database password to create a new user for RT"
-$BINDIR/mysql --host=${HOSTNAME} --port=${PORT} --user=${DATABASEADMIN} -p${DBAPASSWD} mysql < $DATABASEACLS
-echo "Enter the mysql administrator's database password to nondestructively reload the database"
-$BINDIR/mysqladmin --host=${HOSTNAME} --port=${PORT} --user=${DATABASEADMIN} -p${DBAPASSWD} reload
diff --git a/rt/bin/rtadmin b/rt/bin/rtadmin
deleted file mode 100644
index 25ba1b06a..000000000
--- a/rt/bin/rtadmin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1040 +0,0 @@
-#!!!PERL!! -w
-# $Header: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/bin/Attic/rtadmin,v 1.1 2002-08-12 06:17:07 ivan Exp $
-# RT is (c) 1996-2001 Jesse Vincent <>
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
-use lib "!!RT_LIB_PATH!!";
-use lib "!!RT_ETC_PATH!!";
-use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv LoadConfig DBConnect
- GetCurrentUser GetMessageContent);
-#Clean out all the nasties from the environment
-#Load etc/ and drop privs
-#Connect to the database and get RT::SystemUser and RT::Nobody loaded
-#Drop setgid permissions
-#Get the current user all loaded
-my $CurrentUser = GetCurrentUser();
-unless ($CurrentUser->Id) {
- print "No RT user found. Please consult your RT administrator.\n";
- exit(1);
-# {{{ Help
-sub Help {
- # {{{ help_acl
-my $help_acl ="
- Access control
- --grant-right <right>
- --revoke-right <right>
- --userid <user>
- --groupid <group>
- --list-rights";
-# }}}
- # {{{ help_keyword_sel
-my $help_keyword_sel = "
- Keyword Selections
- --add-keyword-select
- --modify-keyword-select <name>
- --ks-name <name>
- --ks-keyword <keyword>
- --ks-single
- --ks-multiple
- --ks-depth <int>
- --disable-keyword-select <name>";
-# }}}
- # {{{ help_scrip
-my $help_scrip = "
- Scrips
- --create-scrip
- --scrip-condition <condition name or id>
- --scrip-action <action name or id>
- --scrip-template <template name or id>
- --delete-scrip <id>
- --list-scrips";
-# }}}
- # {{{ help_template
-my $help_template = "
- Templates
- --delete-template [<id>|<name>]
- --display-template [<id>|<name>]
- --create-template
- --modify-template [<id>|<name>]
- Flags for --create-template and --modify-template
- --template-name
- --template-description
- --template-edit-content
- --list-templates";
-# }}}
-print <<EOF;
-USAGE: rtadmin --user <userid> [Userflags]
- rtadmin --list-users
- rtadmin --queue <queueid> [Queueflags]
- rtadmin --list-queues
- rtadmin --group [groupflags]
- rtadmin --list-groups
- rtadmin --system [SystemFlags]
- rtadmin --keyword [keywordflags]
-User configuration for --user <userid>
- --disable
- --create
- --display
- Core Attributes
- --userid
- --gecos
- --password
- --emailaddress
- --privileged
- --comments
- --signature
- --organization
- Names
- --realname
- --nickname
- Auth and external info
- --externalcontactinfoid
- --contactinfosystem
- --externalauthid
- --authsystem
- Phone numbers
- --pagerphone
- --workphone
- --mobilemphone
- --homephone
- Paper address
- --address1
- --address2
- --city
- --state
- --zip
- --country
- --freeformcontactqinfo
-Group Configuration for --group <groupid>
- --create
- --delete
- --display
- --name <new name>
- --description <new description>
- --add-member <userid>
- --delete-member <userid>
- --list-members
-Queue Configuration for --queue <queueid>
- --create
- --disable
- --display
- --name <name>
- --correspondaddress <email address>
- --commentaddress <email address>
- --initialpriority <int>
- --finalpriority <int>
- --defaultduein <days>
- --add-cc <email address>
- --delete-cc <email address>
- --add-admincc <email address>
- --delete-admincc <email address>
- --list-watchers
-System configuration for --system
-Keyword configuration for --keyword <fully qualified name>
- --list-children
- --create-child <name>
- --disable
- --name <new name>
- --description <new description>
-# }}}
-# {{{ PickMode
-sub PickMode {
- my ($user,$group, $queue, $system, $keyword, $listusers,
- $listgroups, $listqueues, $help);
- GetOptions ('help|h|usage' => \$help,
- 'user=s' => \$user,
- 'queue=s' => \$queue,
- 'group=s' => \$group,
- 'system' => \$system,
- 'keyword=s', => \$keyword,
- 'list-users' => \$listusers,
- 'list-queues' => \$listqueues,
- 'list-groups' => \$listgroups,
- );
- if ($user) { AdminUser($user) }
- elsif ($group) { AdminGroup($group) }
- elsif ($queue) { AdminQueue($queue) }
- elsif ($system) { AdminSystem($system) }
- elsif ($keyword) { AdminKeywords($keyword) }
- elsif ($listusers) { ListUsers() }
- elsif ($listgroups) { ListGroups() }
- elsif ($listqueues) { ListQueues() }
- elsif ($help) { Help()}
- else {
- print "No command found\n";
- }
- exit(0);
-# }}}
-# {{{ AdminUser
-sub AdminUser {
- my $user=shift;
- my %args;
- GetOptions(\%args,
- 'create', 'disable|delete', 'display',
- 'Name=s', 'Gecos=s', 'Password=s',
- 'EmailAddress=s', 'Privileged=s', 'Comments=s', 'Signature=s',
- 'Organization=s', 'RealName=s', 'NickName=s',
- 'ExternalContactInfoId=s', 'ContactInfoSystem=s',
- 'ExternalAuthId=s', 'AuthSystem=s',
- 'HomePhone=s', 'WorkPhone=s', 'MobilePhone=s', 'PagerPhone=s',
- 'Address1=s', 'Address2=s', 'City=s', 'State=s', 'Zip=s',
- 'Country=s', 'FreeformContactInfo=s');
- my $user_obj = new RT::User($CurrentUser);
- #Create the user if we need to
- if ($args{'create'}) {
- my ($status, $msg) =
- $user_obj->Create( Name => ($args{'Name'} || $user),
- Gecos => $args{'Gecos'},
- Password => $args{'Password'},
- EmailAddress => $args{'EmailAddress'},
- Privileged => $args{'Privileged'},
- Comments => $args{'Comments'},
- Signature => $args{'Signature'},
- Organization => $args{'Organization'},
- RealName => $args{'RealName'},
- NickName => $args{'NickName'},
- ExternalContactInfoId => $args{'ExternalContactInfoId'},
- ContactInfoSystem => $args{'ContactInfoSystem'},
- ExternalAuthId => $args{'ExternalAuthId'},
- AuthSystem => $args{'AuthSystem'},
- HomePhone => $args{'HomePhone'},
- WorkPhone => $args{'WorkPhone'},
- MobilePhone => $args{'MobilePhone'},
- PagerPhone => $args{'PagerPhone'},
- Address1 => $args{'Address1'},
- Address2 => $args{'Address2'},
- City => $args{'City'},
- State => $args{'State'},
- Zip => $args{'Zip'},
- FreeformContactInfo => $args{'FreeformContactInfo'}
- );
- print "$msg\n";
- return();
- }
- else {
- #Load the user
- $user_obj->Load($user);
- unless ($user_obj->id) {
- print "User '$user' not found\n";
- return();
- }
- #modify the user if we need to
- my @attributes = ('Name', 'Gecos',
- 'EmailAddress', 'Privileged', 'Comments', 'Signature',
- 'Organization', 'RealName', 'NickName',
- 'ExternalContactInfoId', 'ContactInfoSystem',
- 'ExternalAuthId', 'AuthSystem',
- 'HomePhone', 'WorkPhone', 'MobilePhone', 'PagerPhone',
- 'Address1', 'Address2', 'City', 'State', 'Zip',
- 'Country', 'FreeformContactInfo');
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- if ( (exists ($args{"$attrib"})) and
- ($user_obj->$attrib() ne $args{"$attrib"})) {
- my $method = "Set$attrib";
- my ($val, $msg) = $user_obj->$method($args{"$attrib"});
- print "User ".$user_obj->Name. " $attrib: $msg\n";
- }
- }
- if (exists ($args{'Password'})) {
- my ($code, $msg);
- ($code, $msg) = $user_obj->SetPassword($args{'Password'});
- print "User ". $user_obj->Name. ' Password: '. $msg . "\n";
- }
- #Check if we need to display the user
- if ($args{'display'}) {
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- next if ($attrib eq 'Password'); #Can't see the password
- printf("%22.22s %-64s\n",$attrib, ($user_obj->$attrib()||'(undefined)'));
- }
- }
- #Check if we need to delete the user
- if ($args{'disable'}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $user_obj->SetDisabled(1);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- }
-# }}}
-# {{{ AdminQueue
-sub AdminQueue {
- my $queue=shift;
- my %args;
- GetOptions(\%args,
- 'create', 'disable|delete', 'display',
- 'Name=s', 'CorrespondAddress=s', 'Description=s',
- 'CommentAddress=s', 'InitialPriority=n', 'FinalPriority=n',
- 'DefaultDueIn=n',
- 'add-cc=s@', 'add-admincc=s@',
- 'delete-cc=s@', 'delete-admincc=s@',
- 'list-watchers', 'create-template'
- );
- use RT::Queue;
- my $queue_obj = new RT::Queue($CurrentUser);
- #Create the queue if we need to
- if ($args{'create'}) {
- my ($status, $msg) =
- $queue_obj->Create(
- Name => ($args{'Name'} || $queue) ,
- CorrespondAddress => $args{'CorrespondAddress'},
- Description => $args{'Description'},
- CommentAddress => $args{'CommentAddress'},
- InitialPriority => $args{'InitialPriority'},
- FinalPriority => $args{'FinalPriority'},
- DefaultDueIn => $args{'DefaultDueIn'}
- );
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- else {
- #Load the queue
- $queue_obj->Load($queue);
- unless ($queue_obj->id) {
- print "Queue '$queue' not found\n";
- return();
- }
- #modify if we need to
- my @attributes = qw(Name CorrespondAddress Description
- CommentAddress InitialPriority FinalPriority
- DefaultDueIn
- );
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- if ( (exists ($args{"$attrib"})) and
- ($queue_obj->$attrib() ne $args{"$attrib"})) {
- my $method = "Set$attrib";
- my ($val, $msg) = $queue_obj->$method($args{"$attrib"});
- print "Queue ".$queue_obj->Name. " $attrib: $msg\n";
- }
- }
- #Check if we need to display the queue
- if ($args{'display'}) {
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- printf("%22.22s %-64s\n",$attrib, ($queue_obj->$attrib()||'(undefined)'));
- }
- }
- foreach my $person (@{$args{'add-cc'}}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $queue_obj->AddCc(Email => $person);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- foreach my $person (@{$args{'add-admincc'}}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $queue_obj->AddAdminCc(Email => $person);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- foreach my $person (@{$args{'delete-cc'}}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $queue_obj->DeleteCc($person);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- foreach my $person (@{$args{'delete-admincc'}}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $queue_obj->DeleteAdminCc($person);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- if ($args{'list-watchers'}) {
- require RT::Watchers;
- my $watchers = new RT::Watchers($CurrentUser);
- $watchers->LimitToQueue($queue_obj->id);
- while (my $watcher = $watchers->Next()) {
- printf("%10s %-60s\n",
- $watcher->Type, $watcher->Email );
- }
- }
- AdminTemplates($queue_obj->Id());
- AdminScrips($queue_obj->Id());
- AdminRights($queue_obj->Id());
- AdminKeywordSelects($queue_obj->Id());
- #Check if we need to delete the queue
- if ($args{'disable'}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $queue_obj->SetDisabled(1);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- }
-# }}}
-# {{{ AdminKeywords
-sub AdminKeywords {
- my $keyword = shift;
- my %args;
- GetOptions(\%args, 'list-children', 'create-child=s', 'disable|delete', 'Name=s', 'Description=s');
- use RT::Keyword;
- my $key_obj = new RT::Keyword($CurrentUser);
- my $key_id;
- #If we're dealing with the root of the keyword list
- if ($keyword eq '/') {
- $key_id=0;
- }
- else {
- my ($val, $msg) = $key_obj->LoadByPath( $keyword );
- unless ($val) {
- print $msg ."\n";
- }
- $key_id = $key_obj->Id();
- }
- if ($args{'create-child'}) {
- my $child = new RT::Keyword($CurrentUser);
- my ($val, $msg) = $child->Create( Parent => $key_id,
- Name => $args{'create-child'},
- );
- print $msg ."\n";
- }
- elsif ($args{'list-children'}) {
- my $keywords;
- if ($key_obj->id) {
- $keywords = $key_obj->Children();
- }
- #If we didn't actually have a keyword object, we need to create our own Keywords object.
- else {
- $keywords = new RT::Keywords($CurrentUser);
- $keywords->LimitToParent(0);
- }
- while (my $key=$keywords->Next) {
- print $key->Name;
- if ($key->Description) {
- print " (" . $key->Description .")";
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- #Else we wanna do some modification.
- else {
- #If we didn't load a keyword, get out
- return(undef) unless ($key_obj->Id);
- my @attributes = qw( Name Description );
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- if ( (exists ($args{"$attrib"})) and
- ($key_obj->$attrib() ne $args{"$attrib"})) {
- my $method = "Set$attrib";
- my ($val, $msg) = $key_obj->$method($args{"$attrib"});
- print "Keyword ".$key_obj->Name. " $attrib: $msg\n"; }
- }
- if ($args{'disable'}) {
- $key_obj->SetDisabled(1);
- }
- }
-# }}}
-# {{{ AdminKeywordSelects
-sub AdminKeywordSelects {
- my $queue = shift;
- # O for queue means global
- my %args;
- GetOptions(\%args, 'add-keyword-select','disable-keyword-select|delete-keyword-select=s',
- 'modify-keyword-select=s',
- 'keyword-select-Keyword|ks-keyword=s',
- 'keyword-select-Single|ks-single',
- 'keyword-select-Multiple|ks-multiple',
- 'keyword-select-Depth|ks-depth=i',
- 'keyword-select-Name|ks-name=s'
- );
- # sanitize single vs multiple.
- if ($args{'keyword-select-Multiple'}) {
- $args{'keyword-select-Single'} = 0;
- }
- use RT::KeywordSelect;
- my $keysel_obj = new RT::KeywordSelect($CurrentUser);
- if ($args{'add-keyword-select'}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $keysel_obj->Create( Keyword => $args{'keyword-select-Keyword'},
- Depth => $args{'keyword-select-Depth'},
- Single => $args{'keyword-select-Single'},
- Name => $args{'keyword-select-Name'},
- ObjectType => 'Ticket',
- ObjectField => 'Queue',
- ObjectValue => $queue);
- print $msg ."\n";
- }
- elsif ($args{'modify-keyword-select'}) {
- $keysel_obj->LoadByName(Name => $args{'modify-keyword-select'},
- Queue => $queue
- );
- unless ($keysel_obj->Id()) {
- print "Keyword select not found\n";
- return();
- }
- my @attributes = qw( Name Keyword Single Depth );
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- if ( (exists ($args{"keyword-select-$attrib"})) and
- ($keysel_obj->$attrib() ne $args{"keyword-select-$attrib"})) {
- my $method = "Set$attrib";
- my ($val, $msg) = $keysel_obj->$method($args{"keyword-select-$attrib"});
- print "Keyword select ".$keysel_obj->Name. " $attrib: $msg\n"; }
- }
- }
- elsif ($args{'disable-keyword-select'}) {
- $keysel_obj->LoadByName(Name => $args{'disable-keyword-select'},
- Queue => $queue);
- $keysel_obj->SetDisabled(1);
- }
-# }}}
-# {{{ AdminGroup
-sub AdminGroup {
- my $group = shift;
- my (%args);
- GetOptions(\%args,
- 'create', 'delete', 'display',
- 'Name=s', 'Description=s',
- 'add-member=s@', 'delete-member=s@',
- 'list-members'
- );
- use RT::Group;
- my $group_obj = new RT::Group($CurrentUser);
- unless ($group) {
- print "Group not specified.\n";
- return();
- }
- #Create the group if we need to
- if ($args{'create'}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $group_obj->Create( Name => ($args{'Name'} || $group),
- Description => $args{'Description'} );
- print $msg ."\n";
- }
- #otherwise we load it
- else {
- $group_obj->Load($group);
- }
- #If we have no group object, get the hell out
- unless ($group_obj->Id) {
- print "Group not found.\n";
- }
- if ($args{'delete'}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $group_obj->Delete();
- print $msg ."\n";
- return();
- }
- #modify if we need to
- my @attributes = qw(Name Description
- );
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- if ( (exists ($args{"$attrib"})) and
- ($group_obj->$attrib() ne $args{"$attrib"})) {
- my $method = "Set$attrib";
- my ($val, $msg) = $group_obj->$method($args{"$attrib"});
- print "Group ".$group_obj->Name. " $attrib: $msg\n";
- }
- }
- foreach my $user (@{$args{'add-member'}}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $group_obj->AddMember($user);
- print $msg. "\n";
- }
- foreach my $user (@{$args{'delete-member'}}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $group_obj->DeleteMember($user);
- print $msg ."\n";
- }
- if ($args{'list-members'}) {
- my $members = $group_obj->MembersObj();
- while (my $member = $members->Next()) {
- print $member->UserObj->Name() ."\n";
- }
- }
-# }}}
-# {{{ AdminSystem
-sub AdminSystem {
- print "In AdminSystem\n";
- AdminTemplates(0);
- AdminScrips(0);
- AdminRights(0);
- AdminKeywordSelects(0);
-# }}}
-# {{{ sub AdminTemplates
-sub AdminTemplates {
- my $queue = shift;
- #Queue = 0 means 'global';
- my %args;
- GetOptions(\%args, 'list-templates', 'create-template','modify-template=s',
- 'delete-template=s', 'display-template=s',
- 'template-Name=s', 'template-Description=s',
- 'template-edit-content!');
- # {{{ List templates
- if ($args{'list-templates'}) {
- print "Templates for $queue\n";
- require RT::Templates;
- my $templates = new RT::Templates($CurrentUser);
- if ($queue != 0) {
- $templates->LimitToQueue($queue);
- }
- else {
- $templates->LimitToGlobal();
- }
- while (my $template = $templates->Next) {
- print $template->Id.": ".$template->Name." - " . $template->Description ."\n";
- }
- }
- # }}}
- require RT::Template;
- my $template = new RT::Template($CurrentUser);
- if ($args{'delete-template'}) {
- $template->Load($args{'delete-template'});
- unless ($template->id) {
- print "Couldn't load template";
- return(undef);
- }
- my ($val, $msg) = $template->Delete();
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- elsif ($args{'create-template'}) {
- #TODO edit the template content
- my $content;
- my $linesref = GetMessageContent(CurrentUser => $CurrentUser,
- Edit => 1);
- $content = join("\n", @{$linesref});
- my ($val, $msg) = $template->Create(Name => $args{'template-Name'},
- Description => $args{'template-Description'},
- Content => $content,
- Queue => $queue);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- elsif ($args{'modify-template'}) {
- $template->Load($args{'modify-template'});
- unless ($template->Id()) {
- print "Template not found\n";
- return();
- }
- my @attributes = qw( Name Description );
- foreach my $attrib (@attributes) {
- if ( (exists ($args{"template-$attrib"})) and
- ($template->$attrib() ne $args{"template-$attrib"})) {
- my $method = "Set$attrib";
- my $val = $template->$method($args{"template-$attrib"});
- }
- }
- if ($args{'template-edit-content'}) {
- my $linesref = GetMessageContent(CurrentUser => $CurrentUser,
- Content => $template->Content,
- Edit => 1);
- my $content = join("\n", @{$linesref});
- my ($val) = $template->SetContent($content);
- print $val."\n";
- }
- }
- if ($args{'display-template'}) {
- $template->Load($args{'display-template'});
- print $template->Name . "\n". $template->Description ."\n". $template->Content."\n";
- }
-# }}}
-# {{{ sub AdminScrips
-sub AdminScrips {
- my $queue = shift;
- #Queue = 0 means 'global';
- my %args;
- GetOptions(\%args, 'list-scrips', 'create-scrip','modify-scrip=s',
- 'scrip-action=s', 'scrip-template=s', 'scrip-condition=s',
- 'delete-scrip=s');
- # {{{ List entries
- if ($args{'list-scrips'}) {
- print "Scrips for $queue\n";
- require RT::Scrips;
- my $scrips = new RT::Scrips($CurrentUser);
- if ($queue != 0) {
- $scrips->LimitToQueue($queue);
- }
- else {
- $scrips->LimitToGlobal();
- }
- while (my $scrip = $scrips->Next) {
- print $scrip->Id.": If ".
- $scrip->ConditionObj->Name." then " .
- $scrip->ActionObj->Name." with template " .
- $scrip->TemplateObj->Name."\n";
- }
- }
- # }}}
- require RT::Scrip;
- my $scrip = new RT::Scrip($CurrentUser);
- if ($args{'delete-scrip'}) {
- $scrip->Load($args{'delete-scrip'});
- unless ($scrip->id) {
- print "Couldn't load scrip";
- return(undef);
- }
- my ($val, $msg) = $scrip->Delete();
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- elsif ($args{'create-scrip'}) {
- my ($val, $msg) = $scrip->Create( ScripAction => $args{'scrip-action'},
- ScripCondition => $args{'scrip-condition'},
- Template => $args{'scrip-template'},
- Queue => $queue);
- print "$msg\n";
- }
-# }}}
-# {{{ sub AdminRights
-sub AdminRights {
- my $queue = shift;
- #Queue = 0 means 'global';
- my ($scope, $appliesto);
- if ($queue == 0) {
- $scope = 'System';
- $appliesto = 0;
- }
- else {
- $scope = 'Queue';
- $appliesto = $queue;
- }
- my %args;
- GetOptions(\%args,
- 'grant-right|add-right|new-right|create-right=s@',
- 'revoke-right|del-right|delete-right=s@',
- 'list-rights', 'userid=s@', 'groupid=s@',
- );
- # {{{ List entries
- if ($args{'list-rights'}) {
- require RT::ACL;
- my $acl = new RT::ACL($CurrentUser);
- if ($queue != 0) {
- $acl->LimitToQueue($queue);
- }
- else {
- $acl->LimitToSystem();
- }
- while (my $ace = $acl->Next) {
- print $ace->RightScope;
- #Print the queue name if we have it.
- print " " . $ace->AppliesToObj->Name if (defined $ace->AppliesToObj);
- print ": ". $ace->PrincipalType . " " .$ace->PrincipalObj->Name .
- " has right " . $ace->RightName ."\n";
- }
- }
- # }}}
- require RT::ACE;
- # {{{ Build up an array of principals
- my (@principals);
- my $i = 0;
- foreach my $group (@{$args{'groupid'}}) {
- my $princ = new RT::Group($CurrentUser);
- $princ->Load("$group");
- if ($princ->id) {
- $principals[$i]->{'type'} = 'Group';
- $principals[$i]->{'id'} = $princ->id();
- $i++;
- }
- else {
- print "Could not find group $group\n";
- }
- }
- foreach my $user (@{$args{'userid'}}) {
- my $princ = new RT::User($CurrentUser);
- $princ->Load("$user");
- if ($princ->id) {
- $principals[$i]->{'type'} = 'User';
- $principals[$i]->{'id'} = $princ->id();
- $i++;
- }
- else {
- print "Could not find user $user.\n";
- }
- }
- # }}}
- foreach my $principal (@principals) {
- # {{{ Delete rights that need deleting
- foreach my $right (@{$args{'revoke-right'}}) {
- my $ace = new RT::ACE($CurrentUser);
- $RT::Logger->debug("Trying to delete a right: $right \n");
- my ($val, $msg) = $ace->LoadByValues( RightName => $right,
- RightScope => $scope,
- PrincipalType => $principal->{'type'},
- PrincipalId => $principal->{'id'},
- RightAppliesTo => $appliesto);
- unless ($val) {
- print "Right $right not found for" . $principal->{'type'} . " " .
- $principal->{'id'} . " in scope $scope ($appliesto)\n";
- next;
- }
- my ($delval, $delmsg) =$ace->Delete;
- print "$delmsg\n";
- }
- # }}}
- # {{{ grant rights that need granting
- foreach my $right (@{$args{'grant-right'}}) {
- my $ace = new RT::ACE($CurrentUser);
- my ($val, $msg) = $ace->Create(RightName => $right,
- PrincipalType => $principal->{'type'},
- PrincipalId => $principal->{'id'},
- RightScope => $scope,
- RightAppliesTo => $appliesto);
- print $msg . "\n";
- }
- # }}}
- }
-# }}}
-sub ListUsers {
- require RT::Users;
- my $users = new RT::Users($CurrentUser);
- $users->UnLimit();
- while (my $user = $users->Next()) {
- printf ("%16s %-16s\n",$user->Name(), $user->EmailAddress());
- }
-sub ListQueues {
- require RT::Queues;
- my $queues = new RT::Queues($CurrentUser);
- $queues->UnLimit();
- while (my $queue = $queues->Next()) {
- printf ("%16s %-16s\n",$queue->Name(), $queue->Description());
- }
-sub ListGroups {
- require RT::Groups;
- my $groups = new RT::Groups($CurrentUser);
- $groups->UnLimit();
- while (my $group = $groups->Next()) {
- printf ("%16s %-16s\n",$group->Name(), $group->Description());
- }