path: root/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2004-12-09 09:21:43 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2004-12-09 09:21:43 +0000
commit8d4abaa99403699aa5b5f02e899d2ea33980f913 (patch)
tree08cb2a528d281f9f5861fc94b8f3657abf57b8a7 /httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
parent8127468dc459a8257ab7c15cca10801b9b2a3551 (diff)
more RT integration
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi b/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
index 9aa008969..322f0674e 100755
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main.cgi
@@ -70,239 +70,43 @@ print "This customer's signup URL: ".
"<a href=\"$signupurl?ref=$custnum\">$signupurl?ref=$custnum</a><BR><BR>";
-print '<A NAME="cust_main"></A>';
-print &itable(), '<TR>';
-print '<TD VALIGN="top">';
- print "Billing address", &ntable("#cccccc"), "<TR><TD>",
- &ntable("#cccccc",2),
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Contact&nbsp;name</TD>',
- '<TD COLSPAN=3 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->last, ', ', $cust_main->first,
- '</TD>';
-print '<TD ALIGN="right">SS#</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->ss || '&nbsp', '</TD>'
- if $conf->exists('show_ss');
-print '</TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->company,
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Address</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->address1,
- '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->address2, '</TD></TR>'
- if $cust_main->address2;
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">City</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->city,
- '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">State</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->state,
- '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">Zip</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->zip, '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Country</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->country,
- '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- my $daytime_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('daytime') || 'Day&nbsp;Phone';
- my $night_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('night') || 'Night&nbsp;Phone';
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">'. $daytime_label.
- '</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->daytime || '&nbsp', '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">'. $night_label.
- '</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->night || '&nbsp', '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->fax || '&nbsp', '</TD></TR>',
- '</TABLE>', "</TD></TR></TABLE>"
- ;
- if ( defined $cust_main->dbdef_table->column('ship_last') ) {
- my $pre = $cust_main->ship_last ? 'ship_' : '';
- print "<BR>Service address", &ntable("#cccccc"), "<TR><TD>",
- &ntable("#cccccc",2),
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Contact name</TD>',
- '<TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}last"), ', ', $cust_main->get("${pre}first"),
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}company"),
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Address</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}address1"),
- '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}address2"), '</TD></TR>'
- if $cust_main->get("${pre}address2");
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">City</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}city"),
- '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">State</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}state"),
- '</TD><TD ALIGN="right">Zip</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}zip"), '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Country</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}country"),
- '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">'. $daytime_label. '</TD>',
- '<TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}daytime") || '&nbsp', '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">'. $night_label. '</TD>'.
- '<TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}night") || '&nbsp', '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD><TD COLSPAN=5 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->get("${pre}fax") || '&nbsp', '</TD></TR>',
- '</TABLE>', "</TD></TR></TABLE>"
- ;
- }
-print '</TD>';
-print '<TD VALIGN="top">';
- print &ntable("#cccccc"), "<TR><TD>", &ntable("#cccccc",2),
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Customer&nbsp;number</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $custnum, '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- my @agents = qsearch( 'agent', {} );
- my $agent;
- unless ( scalar(@agents) == 1 ) {
- $agent = qsearchs('agent',{ 'agentnum' => $cust_main->agentnum } );
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Agent</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $agent->agentnum, ": ", $agent->agent, '</TD></TR>';
- } else {
- $agent = $agents[0];
- }
- my @referrals = qsearch( 'part_referral', {} );
- unless ( scalar(@referrals) == 1 ) {
- my $referral = qsearchs('part_referral', {
- 'refnum' => $cust_main->refnum
- } );
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Advertising&nbsp;source</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $referral->refnum, ": ", $referral->referral, '</TD></TR>';
- }
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Order taker</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->otaker, '</TD></TR>';
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Referring&nbsp;Customer</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">';
- my $referring_cust_main = '';
- if ( $cust_main->referral_custnum
- && ( $referring_cust_main =
- qsearchs('cust_main', { custnum => $cust_main->referral_custnum } )
- )
- ) {
- print '<A HREF="'. popurl(1). 'cust_main.cgi?'.
- $cust_main->referral_custnum. '">'.
- $cust_main->referral_custnum. ': '.
- ( $referring_cust_main->company
- ? $referring_cust_main->company. ' ('.
- $referring_cust_main->last. ', '. $referring_cust_main->first.
- ')'
- : $referring_cust_main->last. ', '. $referring_cust_main->first
- ).
- '</A>';
- }
- print '</TD></TR>';
- print '</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>';
-print '<BR>';
-if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) {
- my @invoicing_list = $cust_main->invoicing_list;
- print "Billing information (",
- qq!<A HREF="!, popurl(2), qq!misc/bill.cgi?$custnum">!, "Bill now</A>)",
- &ntable("#cccccc"), "<TR><TD>", &ntable("#cccccc",2),
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Tax&nbsp;exempt</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->tax ? 'yes' : 'no',
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Postal&nbsp;invoices</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- ( grep { $_ eq 'POST' } @invoicing_list ) ? 'yes' : 'no',
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Email&nbsp;invoices</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- join(', ', grep { $_ ne 'POST' } @invoicing_list ) || 'no',
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Billing&nbsp;type</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- ;
- if ( $cust_main->payby eq 'CARD' || $cust_main->payby eq 'DCRD' ) {
- my $payinfo = $cust_main->payinfo_masked;
- print 'Credit&nbsp;card&nbsp;',
- ( $cust_main->payby eq 'CARD' ? '(automatic)' : '(on-demand)' ),
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Card number</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $payinfo, '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Expiration</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->paydate, '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Name on card</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->payname, '</TD></TR>'
- ;
- } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'CHEK' || $cust_main->payby eq 'DCHK') {
- my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $cust_main->payinfo );
- print 'Electronic&nbsp;check&nbsp;',
- ( $cust_main->payby eq 'CHEK' ? '(automatic)' : '(on-demand)' ),
- '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Account number</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $account, '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">ABA/Routing code</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $aba, '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Bank name</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->payname, '</TD></TR>'
- ;
- } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'LECB' ) {
- $cust_main->payinfo =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/;
- my $payinfo = "$1-$2-$3";
- print 'Phone&nbsp;bill&nbsp;billing</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Phone number</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $payinfo, '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'BILL' ) {
- print 'Billing</TD></TR>';
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">P.O. </TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->payinfo, '</TD></TR>',
- if $cust_main->payinfo;
- print '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Expiration</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->paydate, '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Attention</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->payname, '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- } elsif ( $cust_main->payby eq 'COMP' ) {
- print 'Complimentary</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Authorized&nbsp;by</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->payinfo, '</TD></TR>',
- '<TR><TD ALIGN="right">Expiration</TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">',
- $cust_main->paydate, '</TD></TR>',
- ;
- }
- print "</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>";
-print '</TD></TR></TABLE>';
+<A NAME="cust_main"></A>
+<%= &itable() %>
+ <TD VALIGN="top">
+ <%= include('cust_main/contacts.html', $cust_main ) %>
+ </TD>
+ <TD VALIGN="top">
+ <%= include('cust_main/misc.html', $cust_main ) %>
+ <% if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) { %>
+ <BR>
+ <%= include('cust_main/billing.html', $cust_main ) %>
+ <% } %>
+ </TD>
if ( defined $cust_main->dbdef_table->column('comments')
- && $cust_main->comments =~ /[^\s\n\r]/ )
- print "<BR>Comments". &ntable("#cccccc"). "<TR><TD>".
- &ntable("#cccccc",2).
- '<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><PRE>'.
- encode_entities($cust_main->comments).
- '</PRE></TD></TR></TABLE></TABLE>';
+ && $cust_main->comments =~ /[^\s\n\r]/ ) {
+<%= ntable("#cccccc") %><TR><TD><%= ntable("#cccccc",2) %>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <PRE><%= encode_entities($cust_main->comments) %></PRE>
+ </TD>
+<% } %>
+<% if ( $conf->config('ticket_system') ) { %>
+ <BR>
+ <%= include('cust_main/tickets.html', $cust_main ) %>
+<% } %>
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
@@ -319,6 +123,15 @@ function enable_order_pkg () {
<SELECT NAME="pkgpart" onChange="enable_order_pkg()"><OPTION>Order additional package
+my @agents = qsearch( 'agent', {} );
+my $agent;
+unless ( scalar(@agents) == 1 ) {
+ $agent = qsearchs('agent',{ 'agentnum' => $cust_main->agentnum } );
+} else {
+ $agent = $agents[0];
foreach my $part_pkg (
qsearch( 'part_pkg', { 'disabled' => '' }, '',
' AND 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM type_pkgs '.
@@ -330,7 +143,7 @@ foreach my $part_pkg (
<OPTION VALUE="<%= $part_pkg->pkgpart %>"><%= $part_pkg->pkg %> - <%= $part_pkg->comment %>
<% } %>
-</SELECT><INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Order Package" disabled></FORM><BR>
+</SELECT><INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE="submit" VALUE="Order Package" disabled></FORM>
@@ -364,7 +177,7 @@ if ( $conf->config('payby-default') ne 'HIDE' ) {
print qq!<A NAME="cust_pkg">Packages</A> !,
- qq!( <A HREF="!, popurl(2), qq!edit/cust_pkg.cgi?$custnum">Order and cancel packages</A> (preserves services) )!,
+ qq!( <A HREF="!, popurl(2), qq!edit/cust_pkg.cgi?$custnum">Bulk order and cancel packages</A> (preserves services) )!,
#begin display packages