path: root/httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi
diff options
authorIvan Kohler <>2013-06-11 00:24:09 -0700
committerIvan Kohler <>2013-06-11 00:24:09 -0700
commita094dcf3aa925ae4c7d22f3f6c93c2ecdd513d41 (patch)
treec24b478ffc7b19bce7b1e3be3c96aaca48342647 /httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi
parent91893b441b4281d0384dbb783e67383d0ea5ead2 (diff)
multi-currency, RT#21565
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 334 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi b/httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi
index ef9bc2299..89f16158f 100755
--- a/httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/edit/part_pkg.cgi
@@ -1,331 +1,330 @@
-<% include( 'elements/edit.html',
- 'post_url' => popurl(1).'process/part_pkg.cgi',
- 'name' => "Package definition",
- 'table' => 'part_pkg',
- 'agent_virt' => 1,
- 'agent_null_right' => $edit_global,
- 'agent_clone_extra_sql' => $agent_clone_extra_sql,
- #'viewall_dir' => 'browse',
- 'viewall_url' => $p.'browse/part_pkg.cgi',
- 'html_init' => include('/elements/init_overlib.html').
- $javascript,
- 'html_bottom' => $html_bottom,
- 'body_etc' =>
- 'onLoad="agent_changed(document.edit_topform.agentnum)"',
- 'begin_callback' => $begin_callback,
- 'end_callback' => $end_callback,
- 'new_hashref_callback' => $new_hashref_callback,
- 'new_object_callback' => $new_object_callback,
- 'new_callback' => $new_callback,
- 'clone_callback' => $clone_callback,
- 'edit_callback' => $edit_callback,
- 'error_callback' => $error_callback,
- 'field_callback' => $field_callback,
- 'onsubmit' => 'confirm_submit',
- 'labels' => {
- 'pkgpart' => 'Package Definition',
- 'pkg' => 'Package',
- %locale_field_labels,
- 'comment' => 'Comment (customer-hidden)',
- 'classnum' => 'Package class',
- 'addon_classnum' => 'Restrict additional orders to package class',
- 'promo_code' => 'Promotional code',
- 'freq' => 'Recurring fee frequency',
- 'setuptax' => 'Setup fee tax exempt',
- 'recurtax' => 'Recurring fee tax exempt',
- 'taxclass' => 'Tax class',
- 'taxproduct_select'=> 'Tax products',
- 'plan' => 'Price plan',
- 'disabled' => 'Disable new orders',
- 'disable_line_item_date_ranges' => 'Disable line item date ranges',
- 'setup_cost' => 'Setup cost',
- 'recur_cost' => 'Recur cost',
- 'pay_weight' => 'Payment weight',
- 'credit_weight' => 'Credit weight',
- 'agentnum' => 'Agent',
- 'setup_fee' => 'Setup fee',
- 'setup_show_zero' => 'Show zero setup',
- 'recur_fee' => 'Recurring fee',
- 'recur_show_zero' => 'Show zero recurring',
- ( map { ( "setup_fee_$_" => "Setup fee $_",
- "recur_fee_$_" => "Recurring fee $_",
- );
- }
- $conf->config('currencies')
- ),
- 'discountnum' => 'Offer discounts for longer terms',
- 'bill_dst_pkgpart' => 'Include line item(s) from package',
- 'svc_dst_pkgpart' => 'Include services of package',
- 'supp_dst_pkgpart' => 'Include complete package',
- 'report_option' => 'Report classes',
- 'fcc_ds0s' => 'Voice-grade equivalents',
- 'fcc_voip_class' => 'Category',
- },
- 'fields' => [
- { field=>'clone', type=>'hidden',
- curr_value_callback =>
- sub { shift->param('clone') },
- },
- { field=>'pkgnum', type=>'hidden',
- curr_value_callback =>
- sub { shift->param('pkgnum') },
- },
- { field=>'custom', type=>'hidden' },
- { field=>'family_pkgpart', type=>'hidden' },
- { field=>'successor', type=>'hidden' },
- { type => 'columnstart' },
- { field => 'pkg',
- type => 'text',
- size => 40, #32
- maxlength => 50,
- },
- #@locale_fields,
- {field=>'comment', type=>'text', size=>40 }, #32
- { field => 'agentnum',
- type => 'select-agent',
- disable_empty => ! $acl_edit_global,
- empty_label => '(global)',
- onchange => 'agent_changed',
- },
- {field=>'classnum', type=>'select-pkg_class' },
- ( $conf->exists('pkg-addon_classnum')
- ? ( { field=>'addon_classnum',
- type =>'select-pkg_class',
- }
- )
- : ()
- ),
- {field=>'disabled', type=>$disabled_type, value=>'Y'},
- {field=>'disable_line_item_date_ranges', type=>$disabled_type, value=>'Y'},
- { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- value => 'Pricing', #better name?
- },
- { field => 'plan',
- type => 'selectlayers-select',
- options => [ keys %plan_labels ],
- labels => \%plan_labels,
- onchange => 'aux_planchanged(what);',
- },
- { field => 'setup_fee',
- type => 'money',
- onchange => 'setup_changed',
- },
- { field => 'setup_show_zero',
- type => 'checkbox',
- value => 'Y',
- disabled => sub { $setup_show_zero_disabled },
- },
- ( map { +{ field => "setup_fee_$_",
- type => 'text',
- prefix=> currency_symbol($_, SYM_HTML),
- size => 8,
- }
- }
- sort $conf->config('currencies')
- ),
- { field => 'freq',
- type => 'part_pkg_freq',
- onchange => 'freq_changed',
- },
- { field => 'recur_fee',
- type => 'money',
- disabled => sub { $recur_disabled },
- onchange => 'recur_changed',
- },
- { field => 'recur_show_zero',
- type => 'checkbox',
- value => 'Y',
- disabled => sub { $recur_show_zero_disabled },
- },
- ( map { +{ field => "recur_fee_$_",
- type => 'text',
- prefix=> currency_symbol($_, SYM_HTML),
- size => 8,
- }
- }
- sort $conf->config('currencies')
- ),
- #price plan
- #setup fee
- #recurring frequency
- #recurring fee (auto-disable)
- { type => 'columnnext' },
- {type=>'justtitle', value=>'Taxation' },
- {field=>'setuptax', type=>'checkbox', value=>'Y'},
- {field=>'recurtax', type=>'checkbox', value=>'Y'},
- {field=>'taxclass', type=>'select-taxclass' },
- { field => 'taxproductnums',
- type => 'hidden',
- value => join(',', @taxproductnums),
- },
- { field => 'taxproduct_select',
- type => 'selectlayers',
- options => [ '(default)', @taxproductnums ],
- curr_value => '(default)',
- labels => { ( '(default)' => '(default)' ),
- map {($_=>$usage_class{$_})}
- @taxproductnums
- },
- layer_fields => \%taxproduct_fields,
- layer_values_callback => $taxproduct_values,
- layers_only => !$taxproducts,
- cell_style => ( !$taxproducts
- ? 'display:none'
- : ''
- ),
- },
- { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- value => 'Promotions', #better name?
- },
- { field=>'promo_code', type=>'text', size=>15 },
- { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- value => 'Cost tracking', #better name?
- },
- { field=>'setup_cost', type=>'money', },
- { field=>'recur_cost', type=>'money', },
- { type => 'columnnext' },
- { field => 'agent_type',
- type => 'select-agent_types',
- disabled => ! $acl_edit_global,
- curr_value_callback => sub {
- my($cgi, $object, $field) = @_;
- #in the other callbacks..? hmm.
- \@agent_type;
- },
- },
- { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- value => 'Line-item revenue recogition', #better name?
- },
- { field=>'pay_weight', type=>'text', size=>6 },
- { field=>'credit_weight', type=>'text', size=>6 },
- ( $conf->exists('cust_pkg-show_fcc_voice_grade_equivalent')
- ? (
- { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- value => 'FCC Form 477 information',
- },
- { field=>'fcc_voip_class',
- type=>'select-voip_class',
- },
- { field=>'fcc_ds0s', type=>'text', size=>6 },
- )
- : ()
- ),
- { type => 'columnend' },
- { 'type' => $report_option ? 'tablebreak-tr-title'
- : 'hidden',
- 'value' => 'Optional report classes',
- 'field' => 'census_title',
- },
- { 'field' => 'report_option',
- 'type' => $report_option ? 'select-table'
- : 'hidden',
- 'table' => 'part_pkg_report_option',
- 'name_col' => 'name',
- 'hashref' => { 'disabled' => '' },
- 'multiple' => 1,
- },
- { 'type' => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- 'value' => 'Term discounts',
- },
- { 'field' => 'discountnum',
- 'type' => 'select-table',
- 'table' => 'discount',
- 'name_col' => 'name',
- 'hashref' => { %$discountnum_hashref },
- #'extra_sql' => 'AND (months IS NOT NULL OR months != 0)',
- 'empty_label'=> 'Select discount',
- 'm2_label' => 'Offer discounts for longer terms',
- 'm2m_method' => 'part_pkg_discount',
- 'm2m_dstcol' => 'discountnum',
- 'm2_error_callback' => $discount_error_callback,
- },
- { 'type' => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- 'value' => 'Supplemental packages',
- 'colspan' => '4',
- },
- { 'field' => 'supp_dst_pkgpart',
- 'type' => 'select-part_pkg',
- 'm2_label' => 'Include complete package',
- 'm2m_method' => 'supp_part_pkg_link',
- 'm2m_dstcol' => 'dst_pkgpart',
- 'm2_error_callback' =>
- &{$m2_error_callback_maker}('supp'),
- },
- { 'type' => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- 'value' => 'Pricing add-ons',
- 'colspan' => 4,
- },
- { 'field' => 'bill_dst_pkgpart',
- 'type' => 'select-part_pkg',
- 'extra_sql' => sub { $pkgpart
- ? "AND pkgpart != $pkgpart"
- : ''
- },
- 'm2_label' => 'Include line item(s) from package',
- 'm2m_method' => 'bill_part_pkg_link',
- 'm2m_dstcol' => 'dst_pkgpart',
- 'm2_error_callback' =>
- &{$m2_error_callback_maker}('bill'),
- 'm2_fields' => [ { 'field' => 'hidden',
- 'type' => 'checkbox',
- 'value' => 'Y',
- 'curr_value' => '',
- 'label' => 'Bundle',
- },
- ],
- },
- { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- value => 'Services',
- },
- { type => 'pkg_svc', },
- { 'field' => 'svc_dst_pkgpart',
- 'label' => 'Also include services from package: ',
- 'type' => 'select-part_pkg',
- 'extra_sql' => sub { $pkgpart
- ? "AND pkgpart != $pkgpart"
- : ''
- },
- 'm2_label' => 'Include services of package: ',
- 'm2m_method' => 'svc_part_pkg_link',
- 'm2m_dstcol' => 'dst_pkgpart',
- 'm2_error_callback' =>
- &{$m2_error_callback_maker}('svc'),
- },
- { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
- value => 'Price plan options',
- },
- ],
- )
+<& elements/edit.html,
+ 'post_url' => popurl(1).'process/part_pkg.cgi',
+ 'name' => "Package definition",
+ 'table' => 'part_pkg',
+ 'agent_virt' => 1,
+ 'agent_null_right' => $edit_global,
+ 'agent_clone_extra_sql' => $agent_clone_extra_sql,
+ #'viewall_dir' => 'browse',
+ 'viewall_url' => $p.'browse/part_pkg.cgi',
+ 'html_init' => include('/elements/init_overlib.html').
+ $javascript,
+ 'html_bottom' => $html_bottom,
+ 'body_etc' =>
+ 'onLoad="agent_changed(document.edit_topform.agentnum);
+ aux_planchanged(document.edit_topform.plan)"',
+ 'begin_callback' => $begin_callback,
+ 'end_callback' => $end_callback,
+ 'new_hashref_callback' => $new_hashref_callback,
+ 'new_object_callback' => $new_object_callback,
+ 'new_callback' => $new_callback,
+ 'clone_callback' => $clone_callback,
+ 'edit_callback' => $edit_callback,
+ 'error_callback' => $error_callback,
+ 'field_callback' => $field_callback,
+ 'onsubmit' => 'confirm_submit',
+ 'labels' => {
+ 'pkgpart' => 'Package Definition',
+ 'pkg' => 'Package',
+ %locale_field_labels,
+ 'comment' => 'Comment (customer-hidden)',
+ 'classnum' => 'Package class',
+ 'addon_classnum' => 'Restrict additional orders to package class',
+ 'promo_code' => 'Promotional code',
+ 'freq' => 'Recurring fee frequency',
+ 'setuptax' => 'Setup fee tax exempt',
+ 'recurtax' => 'Recurring fee tax exempt',
+ 'taxclass' => 'Tax class',
+ 'taxproduct_select'=> 'Tax products',
+ 'plan' => 'Price plan',
+ 'disabled' => 'Disable new orders',
+ 'disable_line_item_date_ranges' => 'Disable line item date ranges',
+ 'setup_cost' => 'Setup cost',
+ 'recur_cost' => 'Recur cost',
+ 'pay_weight' => 'Payment weight',
+ 'credit_weight' => 'Credit weight',
+ 'agentnum' => 'Agent',
+ 'setup_fee' => 'Setup fee',
+ 'setup_show_zero' => 'Show zero setup',
+ 'recur_fee' => 'Recurring fee',
+ 'recur_show_zero' => 'Show zero recurring',
+ ( map { ( "setup_fee_$_" => "Setup fee $_",
+ "recur_fee_$_" => "Recurring fee $_",
+ );
+ }
+ $conf->config('currencies')
+ ),
+ 'discountnum' => 'Offer discounts for longer terms',
+ 'bill_dst_pkgpart' => 'Include line item(s) from package',
+ 'svc_dst_pkgpart' => 'Include services of package',
+ 'supp_dst_pkgpart' => 'Include complete package',
+ 'report_option' => 'Report classes',
+ 'fcc_ds0s' => 'Voice-grade equivalents',
+ 'fcc_voip_class' => 'Category',
+ },
+ 'fields' => [
+ { field=>'clone', type=>'hidden',
+ curr_value_callback =>
+ sub { shift->param('clone') },
+ },
+ { field=>'pkgnum', type=>'hidden',
+ curr_value_callback =>
+ sub { shift->param('pkgnum') },
+ },
+ { field=>'custom', type=>'hidden' },
+ { field=>'family_pkgpart', type=>'hidden' },
+ { field=>'successor', type=>'hidden' },
+ { type => 'columnstart' },
+ { field => 'pkg',
+ type => 'text',
+ size => 40, #32
+ maxlength => 50,
+ },
+ #@locale_fields,
+ {field=>'comment', type=>'text', size=>40 }, #32
+ { field => 'agentnum',
+ type => 'select-agent',
+ disable_empty => ! $acl_edit_global,
+ empty_label => '(global)',
+ onchange => 'agent_changed',
+ },
+ {field=>'classnum', type=>'select-pkg_class' },
+ ( $conf->exists('pkg-addon_classnum')
+ ? ( { field=>'addon_classnum',
+ type =>'select-pkg_class',
+ }
+ )
+ : ()
+ ),
+ {field=>'disabled', type=>$disabled_type, value=>'Y'},
+ {field=>'disable_line_item_date_ranges', type=>$disabled_type, value=>'Y'},
+ { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ value => 'Pricing', #better name?
+ },
+ { field => 'plan',
+ type => 'selectlayers-select',
+ options => [ keys %plan_labels ],
+ labels => \%plan_labels,
+ onchange => 'aux_planchanged(what);',
+ },
+ { field => 'setup_fee',
+ type => 'money',
+ onchange => 'setup_changed',
+ },
+ { field => 'setup_show_zero',
+ type => 'checkbox',
+ value => 'Y',
+ disabled => sub { $setup_show_zero_disabled },
+ },
+ ( map { +{ field => "setup_fee_$_",
+ type => 'text',
+ prefix=> currency_symbol($_, SYM_HTML),
+ size => 8,
+ }
+ }
+ sort $conf->config('currencies')
+ ),
+ { field => 'freq',
+ type => 'part_pkg_freq',
+ onchange => 'freq_changed',
+ },
+ { field => 'recur_fee',
+ type => 'money',
+ disabled => sub { $recur_disabled },
+ onchange => 'recur_changed',
+ },
+ { field => 'recur_show_zero',
+ type => 'checkbox',
+ value => 'Y',
+ disabled => sub { $recur_show_zero_disabled },
+ },
+ ( map { +{ field => "recur_fee_$_",
+ type => 'text',
+ prefix=> currency_symbol($_, SYM_HTML),
+ size => 8,
+ }
+ }
+ sort $conf->config('currencies')
+ ),
+ #price plan
+ #setup fee
+ #recurring frequency
+ #recurring fee (auto-disable)
+ { type => 'columnnext' },
+ {type=>'justtitle', value=>'Taxation' },
+ {field=>'setuptax', type=>'checkbox', value=>'Y'},
+ {field=>'recurtax', type=>'checkbox', value=>'Y'},
+ {field=>'taxclass', type=>'select-taxclass' },
+ { field => 'taxproductnums',
+ type => 'hidden',
+ value => join(',', @taxproductnums),
+ },
+ { field => 'taxproduct_select',
+ type => 'selectlayers',
+ options => [ '(default)', @taxproductnums ],
+ curr_value => '(default)',
+ labels => { ( '(default)' => '(default)' ),
+ map {($_=>$usage_class{$_})}
+ @taxproductnums
+ },
+ layer_fields => \%taxproduct_fields,
+ layer_values_callback => $taxproduct_values,
+ layers_only => !$taxproducts,
+ cell_style => ( !$taxproducts
+ ? 'display:none'
+ : ''
+ ),
+ },
+ { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ value => 'Promotions', #better name?
+ },
+ { field=>'promo_code', type=>'text', size=>15 },
+ { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ value => 'Cost tracking', #better name?
+ },
+ { field=>'setup_cost', type=>'money', },
+ { field=>'recur_cost', type=>'money', },
+ { type => 'columnnext' },
+ { field => 'agent_type',
+ type => 'select-agent_types',
+ disabled => ! $acl_edit_global,
+ curr_value_callback => sub {
+ my($cgi, $object, $field) = @_;
+ #in the other callbacks..? hmm.
+ \@agent_type;
+ },
+ },
+ { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ value => 'Line-item revenue recogition', #better name?
+ },
+ { field=>'pay_weight', type=>'text', size=>6 },
+ { field=>'credit_weight', type=>'text', size=>6 },
+ ( $conf->exists('cust_pkg-show_fcc_voice_grade_equivalent')
+ ? (
+ { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ value => 'FCC Form 477 information',
+ },
+ { field=>'fcc_voip_class',
+ type=>'select-voip_class',
+ },
+ { field=>'fcc_ds0s', type=>'text', size=>6 },
+ )
+ : ()
+ ),
+ { type => 'columnend' },
+ { 'type' => $report_option ? 'tablebreak-tr-title'
+ : 'hidden',
+ 'value' => 'Optional report classes',
+ 'field' => 'census_title',
+ },
+ { 'field' => 'report_option',
+ 'type' => $report_option ? 'select-table'
+ : 'hidden',
+ 'table' => 'part_pkg_report_option',
+ 'name_col' => 'name',
+ 'hashref' => { 'disabled' => '' },
+ 'multiple' => 1,
+ },
+ { 'type' => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ 'value' => 'Term discounts',
+ },
+ { 'field' => 'discountnum',
+ 'type' => 'select-table',
+ 'table' => 'discount',
+ 'name_col' => 'name',
+ 'hashref' => { %$discountnum_hashref },
+ #'extra_sql' => 'AND (months IS NOT NULL OR months != 0)',
+ 'empty_label'=> 'Select discount',
+ 'm2_label' => 'Offer discounts for longer terms',
+ 'm2m_method' => 'part_pkg_discount',
+ 'm2m_dstcol' => 'discountnum',
+ 'm2_error_callback' => $discount_error_callback,
+ },
+ { 'type' => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ 'value' => 'Supplemental packages',
+ 'colspan' => '4',
+ },
+ { 'field' => 'supp_dst_pkgpart',
+ 'type' => 'select-part_pkg',
+ 'm2_label' => 'Include complete package',
+ 'm2m_method' => 'supp_part_pkg_link',
+ 'm2m_dstcol' => 'dst_pkgpart',
+ 'm2_error_callback' =>
+ &{$m2_error_callback_maker}('supp'),
+ },
+ { 'type' => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ 'value' => 'Pricing add-ons',
+ 'colspan' => 4,
+ },
+ { 'field' => 'bill_dst_pkgpart',
+ 'type' => 'select-part_pkg',
+ 'extra_sql' => sub { $pkgpart
+ ? "AND pkgpart != $pkgpart"
+ : ''
+ },
+ 'm2_label' => 'Include line item(s) from package',
+ 'm2m_method' => 'bill_part_pkg_link',
+ 'm2m_dstcol' => 'dst_pkgpart',
+ 'm2_error_callback' =>
+ &{$m2_error_callback_maker}('bill'),
+ 'm2_fields' => [ { 'field' => 'hidden',
+ 'type' => 'checkbox',
+ 'value' => 'Y',
+ 'curr_value' => '',
+ 'label' => 'Bundle',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ value => 'Services',
+ },
+ { type => 'pkg_svc', },
+ { 'field' => 'svc_dst_pkgpart',
+ 'label' => 'Also include services from package: ',
+ 'type' => 'select-part_pkg',
+ 'extra_sql' => sub { $pkgpart
+ ? "AND pkgpart != $pkgpart"
+ : ''
+ },
+ 'm2_label' => 'Include services of package: ',
+ 'm2m_method' => 'svc_part_pkg_link',
+ 'm2m_dstcol' => 'dst_pkgpart',
+ 'm2_error_callback' =>
+ &{$m2_error_callback_maker}('svc'),
+ },
+ { type => 'tablebreak-tr-title',
+ value => 'Price plan options',
+ },
+ ],
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
@@ -757,16 +756,28 @@ my $javascript = <<'END';
function aux_planchanged(what) { //?
- alert('called!');
var plan = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
- var table = document.getElementById('TableNumber7') // XXX NOT ROBUST
+ var term_table = document.getElementById('TableNumber7') // XXX NOT ROBUST
if ( plan == 'flat' || plan == 'prorate' || plan == 'subscription' ) {
- //table.disabled = false;
- = '';
+ //term_table.disabled = false;
+ = '';
} else {
- //table.disabled = true;
- = 'hidden';
+ //term_table.disabled = true;
+ = 'hidden';
+ }
+ var currency_regex = /^(setup|recur)_fee_[A-Z]{3}$/;
+ var form = what.form
+ for ( var i=0; i < form.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( currency_regex.test(form[i].name) ) {
+ if ( plan == 'currency_fixed' ) {
+ form[i].disabled = false;
+ } else {
+ form[i].disabled = true;
+ }
+ }
@@ -940,6 +951,7 @@ my $html_bottom = sub {
labels => \%plan_labels,
curr_value => $object->plan,
layer_callback => $layer_callback,
+ onchange => 'aux_planchanged(what);',
my $return =