path: root/httemplate/config/config-view.cgi
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2009-05-02 00:02:07 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2009-05-02 00:02:07 +0000
commitb19bf30f0d745d20e5e4f0a8e47ce16a04b02dd9 (patch)
tree5c277c7bb3fb4a3d9a55d42335696d6649989d67 /httemplate/config/config-view.cgi
parent0609e18c044c8cf749b58dbae951fdacdb87f159 (diff)
finish up useful agent stuff on the config editor: adding, deleting overrides too. also add a confirmation to override deletion from the agent browse page. RT#5218
Diffstat (limited to 'httemplate/config/config-view.cgi')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/config/config-view.cgi b/httemplate/config/config-view.cgi
index bb6a3ca0b..aca37f2ad 100644
--- a/httemplate/config/config-view.cgi
+++ b/httemplate/config/config-view.cgi
@@ -58,7 +58,22 @@ Click on a configuration value to change it.
% #$height =
% }
-% my @agents = $page_agent ? ( $page_agent ) : ( '', @all_agents );
+% my @agents = ();
+% my @add_agents = ();
+% if ( $page_agent ) {
+% @agents = ( $page_agent );
+% } else {
+% @agents = ( '' );
+% if ( $i->per_agent ) {
+% foreach my $agent (@all_agents) {
+% if ( defined(_config_agentonly($conf, $i->key, $agent->agentnum)) ) {
+% push @agents, $agent;
+% } else {
+% push @add_agents, $agent;
+% }
+% }
+% }
+% }
% foreach my $agent ( @agents ) {
% my $agentnum = $agent ? $agent->agentnum : '';
@@ -81,6 +96,10 @@ Click on a configuration value to change it.
# if $cgi->param('showagent')?
%>: <% $i->description %>
+% if ( $agent && $cgi->param('showagent') ) {
+ (<A HREF="javascript:areyousure('delete this agent override', 'config-delete.cgi?confnum=<% _config_agentonly($conf, $i->key, $agent->agentnum)->confnum %>;redirect=config_view')">delete agent override</A>)
+% }
<td><table border=0>
@@ -190,25 +209,81 @@ Click on a configuration value to change it.
% } # foreach my $agentnum
+% if ( @add_agents ) {
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <FORM>
+ Add <b><% $i->key %></b> override for
+ <% include('/elements/select-agent.html',
+ 'agents' => \@add_agents,
+ 'empty_label' => 'Select agent',
+ 'onchange' => "agent_changed",
+ 'id' => 'agent_'. $i->key,
+ )
+ %>
+ agent
+% my $agent_el = "document.getElementById('agent_". $i->key. "')";
+ <INPUT TYPE = "button"
+ VALUE = "Add"
+ ID = "add_<% $i->key %>"
+ onClick = "<%
+ include('/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
+ 'action' =>
+ 'config.cgi?key='. $i->key.
+ ";agentnum=' + ".
+ "$agent_el.options[$agent_el.selectedIndex].value".
+ " + '",
+ 'width' => $width,
+ 'height' => $height,
+ 'actionlabel' => 'Enter configuration value',
+ )
+ %>"
+ >
+ </FORM>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+% } #if @add_agents
% } # foreach my $i
% } # foreach my $nav_section
+<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+ function agent_changed(what) {
+ var key =; // trim agent_
+ var button = document.getElementById('add_'+key);
+ if ( what.selectedIndex > 0 ) {
+ button.disabled = false;
+ } else {
+ button.disabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function areyousure(what, href) {
+ if ( confirm("Are you sure you want to " + what + "?") == true )
+ window.location.href = href;
+ }
#should probably be a Conf method. what else would need to use it?
-#not even us, apparantly...
-# defined( _config_agentonly($conf, $i->key, $_->agentnum) )
-#sub _config_agentonly {
-# my($self,$name,$agentnum)=@_;
-# my $hashref = { 'name' => $name };
-# $hashref->{agentnum} = $agentnum;
-# local $FS::Record::conf = undef; # XXX evil hack prevents recursion
-# FS::Record::qsearchs('conf', $hashref);
+sub _config_agentonly {
+ my($self,$name,$agentnum)=@_;
+ my $hashref = { 'name' => $name };
+ $hashref->{agentnum} = $agentnum;
+ local $FS::Record::conf = undef; # XXX evil hack prevents recursion
+ FS::Record::qsearchs('conf', $hashref);