path: root/etc
diff options
authorivan <ivan>1998-03-23 07:46:02 +0000
committerivan <ivan>1998-03-23 07:46:02 +0000
commit982a174dd0dc4b6f56d3008fa45835dfcdd6869a (patch)
tree03b40e08797c2014136f473c5ec98a3585e679f4 /etc
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'etc')
2 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/etc/acp_logfile-parse b/etc/acp_logfile-parse
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5e258991b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/acp_logfile-parse
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+#require "";
+# Compute SLIP/PPP log times
+# Arguments -a Process entire file with totals
+# -t Process only totals
+# -f File to be processed if not current
+# -d processing start date (default is entire file)
+# -l to return all totals for dayuse
+# -w name of tmp work file for dayuse
+# user names
+require "";
+$space=' ';
+unless (@ARGV[0]) {
+ print "Missing Arguments\n";
+ print "-a - entire file\n";
+ print "-t - totals only\n";
+ print "-f - file name to be processed\n";
+ print "-d - processing start date (yymmdd)\n";
+ print "-l - return totals for dayuse\n";
+ print "-w - tmp work file for dayuse\n";
+ exit;
+} # end if test for missing arguments
+$infile = "/usr/annex/acp_logfile";
+$tmpfile = "/tmp/ppp";
+$n = $#ARGV;
+$start_yymmdd = "";
+for ($i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++) {
+ if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-a") {
+ $allflag = "true";
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-t") {
+ $totalflag = "true";
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-f") {
+ $i++;
+ $infile = $ARGV[$i];
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-d") {
+ $i++;
+ $start_yymmdd = $ARGV[$i];
+ } #end start yymmdd
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-l") {
+ $logflag = "true";
+ $totalflag = "true";
+ } # end log
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-w") {
+ $i++;
+ $tmpfile = $ARGV[$i];
+ } # end tmp file
+ else {
+ ($arg_user,$arg_yymmdd) = split (/:/, $ARGV[$i]);
+ $ip_user_date {$arg_user} = $ARGV[$i];
+ $userflag = "true";
+ } # end else
+ } # end for 1 = 1 to n
+open (IN,$infile)
+ || die "Can't open acp_logfile";
+NEXTUSER: while (<IN>) {
+ chop;
+ ($add,$ether,$port,$date,$time,$type,$action,$user) = split(/:/);
+ if ($logflag) {
+ $start_yymmdd = '';
+ if ($ip_user_date{$user}) {
+ ($ip_user, $start_yymmdd) =
+ split (/:/, $ip_user_date{$user});
+ } # end get date
+ } # end log flag
+ if ($start_yymmdd) {
+ if ($date < $start_yymmdd) {
+ next NEXTUSER;
+ } #end date compare
+ } #end if date
+ if ($userflag){
+ if (!$ip_user_date{$user}) {
+ next NEXTUSER;
+ } # end user test
+ } # end by user or all
+ if (($totalflag) ||
+ ($allflag) ||
+ ($ip_user_date{$user})) {
+ if (($type eq 'ppp') || ($type eq 'slip')) {
+ if ($action eq 'login') {
+ $login{$user} = "$time:$date";
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq 'logout') {
+ if (!$login{$user}) {
+ $login{$user} = "010101:$date";
+ } #end pad user if carry over
+ ($stime,$sdate) = split(':',$login{$user});
+ $start = &annex2sec($stime);
+ $end = &annex2sec($time);
+ #If we went through midnight, add a day;
+ if ($end < $start) {$end += 86400;}
+ $timeon = $end - $start;
+ $elapsed{$user} += $timeon;
+ if (!$totalflag) {
+ print (&fmt_user($user),
+ ' ', &fmt_date($sdate), ' In: ',
+ &fmt_time($stime),' Out: ',
+ &fmt_time($time),
+ ' Elapsed: ', &fmt_sec($timeon), "\n");
+ } # end total test
+ } #end elsif action
+ } # type = ppp of slip
+ } # check arguments
+close IN;
+if ($logflag) {
+ open (TMPPPP, ">$tmpfile")
+ || die "Can't open ppp tmp file";
+ foreach $user ( sort((keys(%elapsed))) ) {
+ $log_time = &fmt_sec($elapsed{$user});
+ $tmp = join (':',
+ $user,
+ $log_time);
+ print (TMPPPP "$tmp\n");
+ }
+ close (TMPPPP);
+ else {
+ print "\n\nTotal Time On For Period:\n";
+ print "-------------------------\n";
+ foreach $user ( sort((keys(%elapsed))) ) {
+ print (&fmt_user($user), " ",&fmt_sec($elapsed{$user}), "\n");
+ }
+ }
+#--------------- Subroutines Start Here ----------------
+sub annex2sec {
+ local($time) = @_;
+ return( &time2sec( &break_annex($time) ) );
+sub fmt_date {
+ local($date) = @_;
+ return( substr($date,2,2).'/'.substr($date,4,2).'/'.substr($date,0,2) );
+sub fmt_time {
+ local($time) = @_;
+ local($s,$m,$h) = &break_annex($time);
+ return ("$h:$m:$s");
+sub break_annex {
+ local($time) = @_;
+ local($h,$m,$s);
+ $h=substr($time,0,2);
+ $m=substr($time,2,2);
+ $s=substr($time,4,2);
+ return ($s,$m,$h);
+sub fmt_sec {
+ local(@t) = &sec2time(@_);
+ @t[2] += (@t[3]*24);
+ foreach $a (@t) {
+ if ($a < 10) {$a = "0$a";}
+ }
+ return ("@t[2]:@t[1]:@t[0]");
+sub fmt_user {
+ local($user) = @_;
+ return( $user.substr($space,0,8 - length($user) ).' ' );
diff --git a/etc/example-direct-cardin b/etc/example-direct-cardin
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1a4097221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/example-direct-cardin
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# THIS IS FROM CYBERCASH (is there a newer version?)
+$paymentserverhost = 'localhost';
+$paymentserverport = 8000;
+$paymentserversecret = 'two-turntables';
+use CCLib qw(sendmserver);
+# first lets fake up some data
+# use time of day and pid to give me my pretend
+# order number
+# you obviously need to get real data from somewhere...
+$oid = "test$$"; #fake order number.
+$amount = 'usd 42.42';
+$ramount = 'usd 24.24';
+$pan = '4111111111111111';
+$name = 'John Q. Doe';
+$addr = '17 Richard Rd.';
+$city = 'Ivyland';
+$state = 'PA';
+$zip = '18974';
+$country = 'USA';
+$exp = '7/97';
+%result = &sendmserver('mauthcapture',
+ 'Order-ID', $oid,
+ 'Amount', $amount,
+ 'Card-Number', $pan,
+ 'Card-Name', $name,
+ 'Card-Address', $addr,
+ 'Card-City', $city,
+ 'Card-State', $state,
+ 'Card-Zip', $zip,
+ 'Card-Country', $country,
+ 'Card-Exp', $exp);
+# just dump results to stdout.
+# you should process them...
+# to allow results to affect operation of your fulfillment...
+foreach (keys(%result)) {
+ print " $_ ==> $result{$_}\n";
+print "\n";
+%result = &sendmserver('return',
+ 'Order-ID', $oid,
+ 'Return-Amount',$ramount,
+ 'Amount',$amount,
+ );
+foreach (keys(%result)) {
+ print " $_ ==> $result{$_}\n";