path: root/conf/quotation_html
diff options
authorIvan Kohler <>2012-07-03 18:51:51 -0700
committerIvan Kohler <>2012-07-03 18:51:51 -0700
commit81978af92ecdaaefeff5156d9ab3b4f99586df1c (patch)
tree19a4e6bbcc6648c506c48e304418001294ed7485 /conf/quotation_html
parent7abce2207dbee012fd442940dc42070f45ef8a16 (diff)
quotations, RT#16996
Diffstat (limited to 'conf/quotation_html')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/conf/quotation_html b/conf/quotation_html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dfb94434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conf/quotation_html
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
+.invoice { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10pt }
+.invoice_header { font-size: 10pt }
+.invoice_headerright TH { border-top: 2px solid #000000; border-bottom: 2px solid #000000 }
+.invoice_headerright TD { font-size: 10pt; empty-cells: show }
+.invoice_summary TH { border-bottom: 2px solid #000000 }
+.invoice_summary TD { font-size: 10pt; empty-cells: show }
+.invoice_longtable table { cellspacing: none }
+.invoice_longtable TH { border-top: 2px solid #000000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; padding-left: none; padding-right: none; font-size: 10pt }
+.invoice_desc TD { border-top: 2px solid #000000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt }
+.invoice_desc_more TD { font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt }
+.invoice_extdesc TD { font-size: 8pt }
+.invoice_totaldesc TD { font-size: 10pt; empty-cells: show }
+.allcaps { text-transform:uppercase }
+<table class="invoice" bgcolor="#ffffff" WIDTH=625 CELLSPACING=8><tr><td>
+ <table class="invoice_header" width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td><img src="<%= $cid ? "cid:$cid" : "cust_bill-logo.cgi?invnum=$invnum;template=$template" %>"></td>
+ <td align="left"><%= $returnaddress %></td>
+ <td align="right">
+ <table CLASS="invoice_headerright" cellspacing=0>
+ <tr>
+ <td align="center">
+ <%= emt('Quotation date') %><BR>
+ <B><%= $date %></B>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <%= emt('Quotation #') %><BR>
+ <B><%= $quotationnum %></B>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center">
+ <%= $custnum ? emt('Customer #') : $prospectnum ? emt('Prospect #') : '' %><BR>
+ <B><%= $custnum || $prospectnum %></B>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>&nbsp;</th>
+ <th colspan=3 align="center" class="allcaps">
+ <FONT SIZE="+3"><%= substr(emt($notice_name),0,1) %></FONT><FONT SIZE="+2"><%= substr(emt($notice_name),1) %></FONT>
+ </th>
+ <th>&nbsp;</th>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ </td>
+ <td align="left">
+ <b><%= $name %></b><BR>
+ <%= join('<BR>', grep length($_), $company,
+ $address1,
+ $address2,
+ "$city,&nbsp;$state&nbsp;&nbsp;$zip",
+ $country,
+ )
+ %>
+ </td>
+ <%= $ship_enable ? ('<td align="left">'.
+ join('<BR>',grep length($_), '<b>'.emt('Service Address').'</b>',
+ $ship_company,
+ $ship_address1,
+ $ship_address2,
+ "$ship_city,&nbsp;$ship_state&nbsp;$ship_zip",
+ $ship_country,
+ ' ',
+ ' ',
+ ).
+ '</td><tr><td></td><td></td>'
+ )
+ : ''
+ %>
+ <td align="right">
+ <%=
+ if($barcode_cid) {
+ $OUT .= qq! <img src="cid:$barcode_cid"><br> !;
+ }
+ elsif($barcode_img) {
+ $OUT .= qq! <img src="cust_bill-barcode.cgi?invnum=$invnum;template=$template"><br> !;
+ }
+ %>
+ <%= $terms ? emt('Terms') . ": $terms" : '' %><BR>
+ <%= $po_line %>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <%= $summary %>
+ <%=
+ my $notfirst = 0;
+ my $columncount = $unitprices ? 5 : 3;
+ foreach my $section ( grep { !$summary || $_->{description} ne $finance_section } @sections ) {
+ if ($section->{'pretotal'} && !$summary) {
+ $OUT .= '</table>' if $notfirst;
+ $OUT .=
+ '<table width="100%"><tr><td>'.
+ '<p align="right"><b><font size="+1">'.
+ uc(substr($section->{'pretotal'},0,1)).
+ '</font><font size="+0">'. uc(substr($section->{'pretotal'},1)).
+ '</font></b>'.
+ '<p>'.
+ '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ unless ($section->{'summarized'}) {
+ $OUT .= '</table>' if ( $notfirst || $section->{'pretotal'} && !$summary );
+ $OUT .= '<table><tr><td>';
+ my $sectionhead = $section->{'description'} || emt('Charges');
+ $OUT .=
+ '<p class="allcaps"><b><font size="+1">'. substr($sectionhead,0,1).
+ '</font><font size="+0">'. substr($sectionhead,1).
+ '</font></b>'.
+ '<p>'.
+ '</td></tr></table>';
+ $OUT .=
+ '<table class="invoice_longtable" CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%">'.
+ '<tr>';
+ if ($section->{header_generator}) {
+ my $header = &{$section->{header_generator}}();
+ $OUT .= $header;
+ $columncount = scalar(my @array = split /<\/th><th/i, $header);
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<th align="center">' . emt('Ref') . '</th>'.
+ '<th align="left">' . emt('Description') . '</th>'.
+ ( $unitprices
+ ? '<th align="left">' . emt('Unit Price') . '</th>'.
+ '<th align="left">' . emt('Quantity') . '</th>'
+ : '' ).
+ '<th align="right">' . emt('Amount') . '</th>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</tr>';
+ my $lastref = 0;
+ foreach my $line (
+ grep { ( scalar(@sections) > 1
+ ? $section->{'description'} eq $_->{'section'}->{'description'}
+ : 1
+ ) }
+ @detail_items )
+ {
+ $OUT .=
+ '<tr class="invoice_desc';
+ if ( $section->{description_generator} ) {
+ $OUT .= &{$section->{description_generator}}($line);
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= ( ($line->{'ref'} && $line->{'ref'} ne $lastref) ? '' : '_more' ).
+ '">'.
+ '<td align="center">'.
+ ( $line->{'ref'} ne $lastref ? $line->{'ref'} : '' ). '</td>'.
+ '<td align="left">'. $line->{'description'}. '</td>'.
+ ( $unitprices
+ ? '<td align="left">'. $line->{'unit_amount'}. '</td>'.
+ '<td align="left">'. $line->{'quantity'}. '</td>'
+ : ''
+ ).
+ '<td align="right">'. $line->{'amount'}. '</td>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</tr>';
+ $lastref = $line->{'ref'};
+ if ( @{$line->{'ext_description'} } ) {
+ unless ( $section->{description_generator} ) {
+ $OUT .= '<tr class="invoice_extdesc"><td></td><td';
+ $OUT .= $unitprices ? ' colspan=3' : '';
+ $OUT .= '><table width="100%">';
+ }
+ foreach my $ext_desc ( @{$line->{'ext_description'} } ) {
+ $OUT .=
+ '<tr class="invoice_extdesc">'.
+ ( $section->{'description_generator'} ? '<td></td>' : '' ).
+ '<td align="left" '.
+ ( $ext_desc =~ /<\/?TD>/i ? '' : 'colspan=99' ). '>'.
+ '&nbsp;&nbsp;'. $ext_desc.
+ '</td>'.
+ '</tr>'
+ }
+ unless ( $section->{description_generator} ) {
+ $OUT .= '</table></td><td></td>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($section->{'description'} || $multisection and !$section->{no_subtotal}) {
+ my $style = 'border-top: 3px solid #000000;'.
+ 'border-bottom: 3px solid #000000;';
+ $OUT .=
+ '<tr class="invoice_totaldesc">'.
+ qq(<td style="$style">&nbsp;</td>);
+ if ($section->{total_generator}) {
+ $OUT .= &{$section->{total_generator}}($section);
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq(<td align="left" style="$style").
+ ( $unitprices ? ' colspan=3>' : '>' ).
+ $section->{'description'}. ' ' . emt('Total') . '</td>'.
+ qq(<td align="right" style="$style">).
+ $section->{'subtotal'}. '</td>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($section->{'posttotal'}) {
+ $OUT .= '<tr><td align="right" colspan='. $columncount. '>';
+ $OUT .=
+ '<p><font size="+1">'. $section->{'posttotal'}.
+ '</font>'.
+ '<p>';
+ $OUT .= '</td></tr>';
+ }
+ $notfirst++;
+ }
+ my $style = 'border-top: 3px solid #000000;';
+ my $linenum = 0;
+ foreach my $line ( @total_items ) {
+ $style .= 'border-bottom: 3px solid #000000;'
+ if ++$linenum == scalar(@total_items) - ( $balance_due_below_line ? 1 : 0 );
+ $OUT .=
+ '<tr class="invoice_totaldesc">';
+ if ($section->{total_line_generator}) {
+ $OUT .= &{$section->{total_line_generator}}($line);
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= qq(<td style="$style">&nbsp;</td>).
+ qq(<td align="left" style="$style" colspan=").
+ ( $columncount - 2 ). '">'.
+ $line->{'total_item'}. '</td>'.
+ qq(<td align="right" style="$style">).
+ $line->{'total_amount'}. '</td>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</tr>';
+ $style='';
+ }
+ %>
+ </table>
+ <br><br>
+<%= length($summary)
+ ? ''
+ : ( $smallernotes
+ ? '<FONT SIZE="-1">'.$notes.'</FONT>'
+ : $notes
+ )
+ <hr NOSHADE SIZE=2 COLOR="#000000">
+ <p align="center" <%= $smallerfooter ? 'STYLE="font-size:75%;"' : '' %>><%= $footer %>