path: root/FS
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2008-10-06 15:28:14 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2008-10-06 15:28:14 +0000
commitcf99c427a62bc9bf870032d75d55dbe851acd8d7 (patch)
treec54b8490a18321ec449088ba9a47e1f66f37f14e /FS
parentbafa349aaa4a961a2684dee3e3f2699f60f00b61 (diff)
add initial netcentrex CDR format
Diffstat (limited to 'FS')
2 files changed, 788 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 5848f9bbe..79a687e7f 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -635,7 +635,11 @@ sub batch_import {
if ( $type eq 'csv' ) {
eval "use Text::CSV_XS;";
die $@ if $@;
- $parser = new Text::CSV_XS;
+ my %attr = ();
+ foreach ( grep exists($info->{$_}), qw( sep_char ) ) {
+ $attr{$_} = $info->{$_};
+ }
+ $parser = new Text::CSV_XS \%attr;
} elsif ( $type eq 'fixedlength' ) {
eval "use Parse::FixedLength;";
die $@ if $@;
diff --git a/FS/FS/cdr/ b/FS/FS/cdr/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ccc3df83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/cdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+package FS::cdr::netcentrex;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA %info);
+use FS::cdr qw(_cdr_date_parser_maker);
+@ISA = qw(FS::cdr);
+#close enough
+#my %disposition = (
+# 16 => 'ANSWERED',
+# 17 => 'BUSY',
+# 18 => 'NO USER RESPONSE',
+# 19 => 'NO ANSWER',
+# 156 => '??' #???
+%info = (
+ 'name' => 'NetCentrex',
+ 'weight' => 150,
+ 'type' => 'csv',
+ 'sep_char' => ';',
+ 'import_fields' => [
+ '', #00 SU Identifier
+ '', #01 SU IP Address
+ '', #02 Conference ID
+ '', #03 Call ID
+ '', #04 Leg number (all 0)
+ _cdr_date_parser_maker('startdate'), #05 Authorize timestamp
+ _cdr_date_parser_maker('answerdate'), #06 Start timestamp
+ 'billsec', #'duration', #07 Duration
+ _e164_parser_maker('src'), #08 Caller
+ _e164_parser_maker('dst'), #09 Callee
+ 'channel', #10 Source IP
+ 'dstchannel', #11 Destination IP
+ 'userfield', #12 selector Tag
+ '', #13 *service Tag
+ '', #14 *announcement Tag
+ '', #15 *route Table Tag
+ '', #16 vTrunkGroup Tag
+ '', #17 vTrunk Tag XXX ? another userfield?
+ '', #18 *termination Tag
+ '', #19 *location group Tag
+ '', #20 *GK Originating IP
+ '', #21 *GK Terminating IP
+ '', #22 *GK Originating Domain
+ '', #23 *GK Terminating Domain
+ '', #24 Malicious Call (all 0)
+ '', #25 Service (all 0)
+ 'disposition', #26 Termination Cause 16/17/18/156
+ '', #27 Simulation Call (all 0) supposedly don't bill 1
+ '', #28 Type (all C)
+ _cdr_date_parser_maker('enddate'), #29 ReleaseTimeStamp
+ #seems empty from here in sampes...
+ '', #30
+ '', #31
+ '', #32
+ '', #33
+ '', #34
+ '', #35
+ '', #36
+ '', #37
+ '', #38
+ '', #39
+ '', #40
+ '', #41
+ '', #42
+ '', #43
+ '', #44
+ '', #45
+ '', #46
+ '', #47
+ '', #48
+ '', #49
+ '', #50
+ # * empty
+ ],
+sub _e164_parser_maker {
+ my $field = shift;
+ return sub {
+ my( $cdr, $e164 ) = @_;
+ eval { $cdr->$field( _e164_parse($e164) ); };
+ die "error parsing e164 for $field from $e164: $@\n" if $@;
+ };
+my %e164_types = (
+ '000000' => '',
+ '100005' => '',
+ '100009' => '',
+ '100012' => '',
+ '100014' => '',
+ '100015' => '',
+ '100016' => '',
+ '300000' => '',
+sub _e164_parse {
+ my $e164 = shift;
+ $e164 =~ s/^e164://;
+ my ($type, $number);
+ if ( $e164 =~ /^O(\d+)$/ ) {
+ $type = ''; #?
+ $number = $1;
+ } elsif ( $e164 =~ /^(\d{6})(\d+)$/ ) {
+ $type = $1;
+ $number = $2;
+ } else {
+ $type = '';
+ $number = $e164; #unparsable...
+ }
+ #$type...?
+ $number;
+ calldate - Call timestamp (SQL timestamp)
+ clid - Caller*ID with text
+ src - Caller*ID number / Source number
+ dst - Destination extension
+ dcontext - Destination context
+ channel - Channel used
+ dstchannel - Destination channel if appropriate
+ lastapp - Last application if appropriate
+ lastdata - Last application data
+ startdate - Start of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
+ answerdate - Answer time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
+ enddate - End time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
+ duration - Total time in system, in seconds
+ billsec - Total time call is up, in seconds
+ disposition - What happened to the call: ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY
+ amaflags - What flags to use: BILL, IGNORE etc, specified on a per
+ channel basis like accountcode.
+ accountcode - CDR account number to use: account
+ uniqueid - Unique channel identifier (Unitel/RSLCOM Event ID)
+ userfield - CDR user-defined field
+ cdr_type - CDR type - see FS::cdr_type (Usage = 1, S&E = 7, OC&C = 8)
+ charged_party - Service number to be billed
+ upstream_currency - Wholesale currency from upstream
+ upstream_price - Wholesale price from upstream
+ upstream_rateplanid - Upstream rate plan ID
+ rated_price - Rated (or re-rated) price
+ distance - km (need units field?)
+ islocal - Local - 1, Non Local = 0
+ calltypenum - Type of call - see FS::cdr_calltype
+ description - Description (cdr_type 7&8 only) (used for
+ cust_bill_pkg.itemdesc)
+ quantity - Number of items (cdr_type 7&8 only)
+ carrierid - Upstream Carrier ID (see FS::cdr_carrier)
+ upstream_rateid - Upstream Rate ID
+ svcnum - Link to customer service (see FS::cust_svc)
+ freesidestatus - NULL, done (or something)
+ cdrbatch
+No. Field Type/Length Format / Remarks Description Example
+00 SU Identifier String This field is never empty. SU Identifier (as defined by su- su01
+ <= 16 chars core.ini/[SU]/SUInstance key at SU
+ initialization).
+ By default, the SUInstance is set to
+ a string that represents the SU
+ private IP address.
+01 SU IP address String ipv4:xx.xx.xx.xx<:port> SU IP address (and ASM port) as ipv4: 2518
+ <= 26 chars provided by su-
+ This field is never empty.
+ crouting.ini/[crRouting]/localASMa
+ ddress key.
+02 Conference ID String When [CDR_FIELDS] Unique call session identifier Advised format
+ <= 64 chars ReadlIDFormat is set to 1 in provided by the SU, as received in (ReadlIDFormat=1):
+ ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini (advised call initiation message (H.225 910a4b12 cd67d93f
+ format): conferenceID field in Setup or 4300abd2 cc10a0a0
+ ARQ).
+ 4x4 bytes as an hexadecimal RealIDFormat=0:
+ string; double words are
+ space-separated
+ ReadlIDFormat is set to 0 in
+ ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini:
+ 16xdecimal notation of a 1-
+ byte number (0..255), dot-
+ separated.
+ This field is never empty.
+03 Call ID String When [CDR_FIELDS] Call identifier provided by the ASM Advised format
+ <= 64 chars ReadlIDFormat is set to 1 in in the SU (it can be the CallID or (ReadlIDFormat=1):
+ ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini (advised the RealCallID according to what is 910a4b12 cd67d93f
+ format): set in the ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini 4300abd2 cc10a0a0
+ UseRealCallID field). It is received
+ 4x4 bytes as an hexadecimal RealIDFormat=0:
+ in call initiation message (H.225
+ string; double words are
+ callID field in Setup or ARQ).
+ space-separated
+ ReadlIDFormat is set to 0 in
+ ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini:
+ 16xdecimal notation of a 1-
+ byte number (0..255), dot-
+ separated.
+ This field may be empty if no
+ H.225 callID is present in
+ ARQ.
+04 Leg number Integer Always set to 0 when the call Call attempt index, starting at 0. 0
+ ~ 1 char is not deflected. Incremented whenever a call leg
+ to a new destination is created.
+ This field is never empty.
+ A single call without any call
+ forward service will only have 1
+ CDR line, whose Leg number is set
+ to 0.
+ If a call is redirected (on
+ CFU/CFB/CNFR), it will generate a
+ second CDR line, leg number 1.
+ The leg number is then
+ incremented on each subsequent
+ redirection.
+05 Authorize Long It can have two formats as Authorize date and time of the call 1039189431
+ timestamp 10 chars given in the ncx-cdr- leg => enable to have a date and
+ wrapper.ini by the time if a call is not connected.
+ TimestampFormat field. UTC.
+ If TimestampFormat is set to This is the ARQ or SETUP or
+ 0, the result string INVITE reception timestamp for
+ corresponds to the "epoch" the first call leg. For next tickets,
+ time, the number of elapsed this is the call deflection processing
+ seconds since 1970/01/01 start time. Thus, this value may
+ 00:00:00 (UTC) vary in tickets related to a
+ complete call.
+ If TimestampFormat is set to
+ 1, the result string is 20 chars
+ in length (format: YYYY-MM-
+ NOTE: if you choose
+ TimestampFormat = 0 you
+ can have the tenth of second
+ (UseTenthOfSecond = 1) or
+ the micro second
+ (UseMicroSecond = 1)
+ NOTE: you can hide
+ timestamp equal to 0 (or
+ 1970/01/01 00:00:00) with
+ the key HideNullTimestamp
+ set to 1.
+ This field is never empty.
+06 Start timestamp Long It can have two formats as Starting date and time of the call 1039189431
+ 10 chars given in the ncx-cdr- leg. UTC.
+ wrapper.ini by the
+ This is the CONNECT or OK (after
+ TimestampFormat field.
+ INVITE) reception timestamp. It is
+ If TimestampFormat is set to set to the same value for all tickets
+ 0, the result string related to a call.
+ corresponds to the "epoch"
+ time, the number of elapsed
+ seconds since 1970/01/01
+ 00:00:00 (UTC)
+ If TimestampFormat is set to
+ 1, the result string is 20 chars
+ in length (format: YYYY-MM-
+ 0 (or 1970/01/01 00:00:00)
+ means the connection was not
+ established for this call leg.
+ NOTE: if you choose
+ TimestampFormat = 0 you
+ can have the tenth of second
+ (UseTenthOfSecond = 1) or
+ the micro second
+ (UseMicroSecond = 1)
+ NOTE: you can hide
+ timestamp equal to 0 (or
+ 1970/01/01 00:00:00) with
+ the key HideNullTimestamp
+ set to 1.
+ This field may be empty if the
+ call is not connected.
+07 Duration Long In seconds (0 means the Duration of the call leg (in 6
+ <= 10 chars connection was not seconds), after the connection was
+ established for this call leg). established.
+ NOTE: you can have the tenth Set to 0 for SIP NOTIFICATION
+ of second (UseTenthOfSecond and SIP MESSAGE reports.
+ = 1) or the micro second
+ (UseMicroSecond = 1)
+ This field is never empty.
+08 Caller String e164:[number] or h323:[alias] Main Source Alias in pivot format e164:0010033575
+ or email:[alias] (provided by the ASM)
+ <= 128 chars
+ This field may be empty if the If pivot format cannot be
+ Caller pivot alias cannot be computed then the main source
+ computed. alias is presented in originating
+ format and the "O" char is inserted
+ See Use Cases section for
+ at the beginning of the alias or
+ possible cases.
+ number.
+ NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+09 Callee String e164:[number] or h323:[alias] E.164 Called Party Number alias or e164:0010033762
+ or email:[alias] H323 destination ID in pivot
+ <= 128 chars
+ format (provided by the ASM)
+ This field may be empty if the
+ Callee pivot alias cannot be If pivot format cannot be
+ computed. computed then the originating
+ format is presented and the "O"
+ char is inserted at the beginning of
+ the alias or number.
+ NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+10 Source IP String ipv4:xx.xx.xx.xx<:port> If ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini/useFullIP = ipv4:
+ 0:
+ <= 26 chars This field may be empty if the
+ Source IP cannot be retrieved Source IP address of the caller, as
+ in IP message mode. used for IP filtering (thus, may be
+ either Packet IP address or
+ CallSignalAddress, depending on
+ su-
+ crouting.ini/[defaultH323Parameter
+ s]/ipFiltering key
+ It can also be changed by the
+ selector "extended actions"
+ parameter. See "selector extended
+ actions" dedicated documentation
+ for further information.
+ If ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini/useFullIP =
+ 1:
+ Source IP packet address for the
+ call leg
+11 Destination IP String ipv4:xx.xx.xx.xx<:port> If ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini/useFullIP = ipv4:
+ 0:
+ <= 26 chars This field may be empty if
+ destination IP cannot be Destination IP signaling address
+ resolved. for the call leg
+ If ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini/useFullIP =
+ 1:
+ Destination IP packet address for
+ the call leg
+ NOTE: Can be different from the
+ signaling address when routing
+ through a proxy group. This field
+ refers to the proxy IP address.
+ Otherwise IP signaling address and
+ IP packet address are the same.
+12 selector Tag String This field is empty for non Extensible tag. See extension tag in=33231412345,vp=165,si
+ <= 199 chars Business Services managed format below. =123 tz=Europe/Berlin,
+ sources and for Sites with no
+ Selector Tag placed on the selector
+ PSTN ranges allocated.
+ for this call
+ See [ref: 2] and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2 2
+ information.
+13 service Tag Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Service Tag placed on the selector
+ string or on the vTrunkGroup for this call.
+ See [ref: 2] and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2
+ information.
+14 announcement Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Announcement Tag placed on the
+ Tag string selector, routeTable or
+ vTrunkGroup for this call.
+ See [ref: 2]and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2
+ information.
+15 route Table Tag Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Route table Tag placed on the
+ string route table for this call.
+ See [ref: 2] and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2 2
+ information.
+16 vTrunkGroup Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. vTrunkGroupTag placed on the
+ Tag string vTrunkGroup for this call.
+ See [ref: 2] and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2
+ information.
+17 vTrunk Tag String This field is empty for non Extensible tag. See extension tag in=33156341289,vp=4232,s
+ <= 199 chars Business Services managed format below. i=132,tz=Europe/Paris
+ destinations and for Sites with
+ vTrunk Tag placed on the vTrunk
+ no PSTN ranges allocated.
+ for this call.
+ See [ref: 2] and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2 2
+ information.
+18 termination Tag Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Termination Tag placed on the
+ string Termination for this call.
+ See [ref: 2] and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2 2
+ information.
+19 location group Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. location group Tag placed on the
+ Tag string selector for this call.
+ See [ref: 2] and [ref: 3] for further
+ 2 2
+ information.
+20 GK Originating Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Parameter provided by the ASM in
+ IP string the SU (reserved for future usage).
+21 GK Terminating Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Parameter provided by the ASM in
+ IP string the SU (reserved for future usage).
+22 GK Originating Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Parameter provided by the ASM in
+ Domain string the SU (reserved for future usage).
+23 GK Terminating Full alphanumeric This field is empty for now. Parameter provided by the ASM in
+ Domain string the SU (reserved for future usage).
+24 Malicious Call Boolean 0/1 Indicate if a call is malicious or 0
+ not. All calls to a specific called
+ 1 char
+ party will be tagged as malicious
+ when the malicious feature has
+ been activated.
+25 Service Long 0..31 Bit mask for activated services for 6: at least one
+ <= 3 chars this call. TECHNOLOGY and one
+ This field is never empty.
+ REMOVE service objects
+ This is a combination between the
+ have been used during
+ following values:
+ routing process
+ 1: if at least one CLIR service
+ 10: at least one BASIC-
+ object has been used during
+ routing process
+ service objects have been
+ 2: if at least one REMOVE service used during routing process
+ object has been used during
+ routing process
+ 4: if at least one TECHNOLOGY
+ service object has been used
+ during routing process
+ 8: if at least one BASIC-XACTION
+ service object has been used
+ during routing process
+ 16: if at least one SUBSTITUTION
+ service object has been used
+ during routing process
+ This is independent from the su-
+ crouting.ini configuration file and
+ in particular from the SPE
+ activation.
+26 Termination Long Causes in the range [1-127] Cause of the call termination. 16
+ Cause <= 3 chars are standard Q.850 causes
+ Causes >= 128 are specific
+ Comverse extension causes.
+ See [ref. 5] for possible values
+ and meanings.
+ This field is never empty.
+27 Simulation Call Boolean 0/1 Indicates if a call is a simulation 0
+ 1 char call or not.
+ This field is never empty.
+ Simulation calls can only be
+ generated through the Telnet
+ interface (tests and diagnostic
+ only).
+28 Type One character Optional field depending on Type of CDR: C
+ the UseType entry in ncx-cdr-
+ 1 char - Call ('C'): for INVITE and SETUP
+ wrapper.ini. If set to 1, a
+ value in this field will be - Notification ('N') for SIP
+ always printed: 'C' by default. NOTIFICATION
+ 'C', 'N' or 'M'. - Message ('M') for SIP MESSAGE
+ This field is never empty.
+29 ReleaseTimeSta Long Optional field depending of Release date of the leg. 1039189431
+ mp 10 chars the UseReleaseTimeStamp
+ entry in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini.
+ It can have two formats as
+ given in the ncx-cdr-
+ wrapper.ini by the
+ TimestampFormat field.
+ If TimestampFormat is set to
+ 0, the result string
+ corresponds to the "epoch"
+ time, the number of elapsed
+ seconds since 1970/01/01
+ 00:00:00 (UTC)
+ If TimestampFormat is set to
+ 1, the result string is 20 chars
+ in length (format: YYYY-MM-
+ NOTE: if you choose
+ TimestampFormat = 0 you
+ can have the tenth of second
+ (UseTenthOfSecond = 1) or
+ the micro second
+ (UseMicroSecond = 1)
+ NOTE: you can hide
+ timestamp equal to 0 (or
+ 1970/01/01 00:00:00) with
+ the key HideNullTimestamp
+ set to 1.
+ This field is empty when no
+ CRR message is received and
+ therefore it will be empty for
+ the CDR describing presence
+ message (SIP NOTIFY and SIP
+ MESSAGE). It is also empty
+ when the CDR is closed by the
+ AMU (e.g. if the SU is
+ detected as DOWN).
+ In all other cases, this field is
+ never empty
+30 cgIdentity Tag Full alphanumeric Optional: this field is filled if Extensible tag for Calling Party. pu=33231345123,pr=23
+ string usecgidentitytag is set to 1 in See extension tag format below.
+ <= 132 chars ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini.
+ This field is empty for non
+ Business Services/class V
+ managed sources.
+ The content of this field differs
+ between BS and MyCall
+ solutions.
+31 cdIdentity Tag Full alphanumeric Optional: this field is filled if Extensible tag for Called Party. See pr=1111,bi=ADMIN
+ string usecdidentitytag is set to 1 in extension tag format below.
+ <= 132 chars ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini
+ This field is empty for non
+ Business Services/class V
+ managed destinations.
+ The content of this field differs
+ between BS and MyCall
+ solutions.
+32 Originating String Optional: this field is filled if E.164 Main Source alias or H323 e164:0010033575
+ Caller <= 128 chars useoriginatingcaller is set to 1 source ID in originating format (as
+ in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini received from the network)
+ e164:[number] or h323:[alias] The Main Source alias is computed
+ or email:[alias] according to su-core.ini
+ configuration.
+ NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+33 Originating String Optional: this field is filled if E.164 Main Destination alias or e164:0010033762
+ Callee <= 128 chars useoriginatingcallee is set to 1 H323 destination ID in originating
+ in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini format (as received from the
+ network)
+ e164:[number] or h323:[alias]
+ or email:[alias] The Main Destination alias is
+ computed according to su-core.ini
+ configuration.
+ NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+34 Terminating String Optional: this field is filled if E.164 Calling Party Number alias or e164:0010033575
+ Caller <= 128 chars useterminatingcaller is set to 1 H323 source ID in terminating
+ in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini format (as provided to the
+ network).
+ e164:[number] or h323:[alias]
+ or email:[alias] NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+35 Terminating String Optional: this field is filled if E.164 Called Party Number alias or e164:0010033762
+ Callee <= 128 chars useterminatingcallee is set to H323 destination ID in terminating
+ 1 in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini. format (as provided to the
+ network).
+ e164:[number] or h323:[alias]
+ or email:[alias] NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+ This field may be empty if no
+ terminating destination aliases
+ can be computed by the CRE
+ (missing vtrunk transformation
+ or unable to found a vtrunk
+ for whatever routing reason),
+ or if the pivot to terminating
+ destination alias
+ transformation leads to an
+ empty alias.
+36 Network Long Optional: this field is filled if For H.323 the network timestamp 1039189431
+ Timestamp 10 chars usenetworkcompletiontimesta is measured at the first Progress or
+ mp is set to 1 in ncx-cdr- ALERT or CONNECT received by
+ wrapper.ini. the CCS for direct call.
+ For redirected call, the network
+ It can have two formats as
+ timestamp is measured by the
+ given in the ncx-cdr-
+ CCS at the redirection decision
+ wrapper.ini by the
+ point,
+ TimestampFormat field.
+ NOTE: For H.323 calls, the tcp-ack
+ If TimestampFormat is set to
+ of the outgoing TCP connection is
+ 0, the result string
+ not considered in the measure of
+ corresponds to the "epoch"
+ network timestamp
+ time, the number of elapsed
+ seconds since 1970/01/01 For SIP the network timestamp is
+ 00:00:00 (UTC) measured at the first SESSION
+ If TimestampFormat is set to
+ received by the CCS for direct call.
+ 1, the result string is 20 chars
+ in length (format: YYYY-MM- The network timestamp is
+ DD HH:MM:SS) measured at the redirection
+ decision point for redirected call.
+ NOTE: if you choose
+ TimestampFormat = 0 you
+ can have the tenth of second
+ (UseTenthOfSecond = 1) or
+ the micro second
+ (UseMicroSecond = 1)
+ NOTE: you can hide
+ timestamp equal to 0 (or
+ 1970/01/01 00:00:00) with
+ the key HideNullTimestamp
+ set to 1.
+ This field may be empty if the
+ callee does not answer.
+37 Targeted Integer Optional: this field is filled if Provides information on the 12
+ adaptor UseTargetedAdaptors is set to adaptor that has been used: "1"
+ <= 2 chars
+ 1 in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini. for adaptor1, "2" for adaptor2 and
+ "12" for adaptor1 and adaptor2
+ "1", "2" or "12"
+ See the amu-core.ini file section
+ for further details on adaptors
+ definition.
+38 Adaptor1 errors String Optional: this field is filled if Report errors on adaptor1 at the cra,crr
+ UseAdaptor1Errors is set to 1 adaptor API level.
+ <= 15 chars
+ in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini.
+ "nca" (error on the new call
+ authorize)
+ "cra" (error on the call re-
+ authorize)
+ "ncr" (error on the new call
+ report)
+ "crr" (error on the call release
+ report)
+ When several errors occurred,
+ comma separated notation will
+ be used.
+ Empty when no error has
+ been detected.
+39 Source signaling String Optional: this field is filled in Source IP signaling address for the ipv4:
+ IP only if useFullIP is set to 1 in call leg.
+ <= 26 chars
+ the ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini file.
+ It can be changed by the selector
+ ipv4:xx.xx.xx.xx<:port> "extended actions" parameter. See
+ "selector extended actions"
+ This field may be empty if the
+ dedicated documentation for
+ Source IP cannot be retrieved
+ further information.
+ in IP message mode.
+40 Destination String Optional: this fields is filled in Destination IP signaling address ipv4:
+ signaling IP only if useFullIP is set to 1 in for the call leg
+ <= 26 chars
+ ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini file.
+ ipv4:xx.xx.xx.xx<:port>, can
+ be empty if destination IP
+ cannot be resolved.
+41 Source point Unsigned integer Optional: this field is filled in SS7 point code, node identifier 1234
+ code only if usePC is set to 1 in the
+ <= 5 chars
+ ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini file.
+ SIP: FROM header [TG-TEL]:
+ PC is Encoded in the trunk-
+ group part of a "tel" URI
+ extension (see also RFC
+ 3966).
+ H.323: H.225/circuitInfo:
+ Encoded in an
+ sourceCircuitID.cic.pointCode.
+42 Destination point Unsigned integer Optional: this field is filled in SS7 point code, node identifier 1234
+ code only if usePC is set to 1 in the
+ <= 5 chars
+ ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini file.
+ SIP: TO header [TG-TEL]: PC
+ is encoded in the trunk-group
+ part of a "tel" URI extension
+ (see also RFC 3966).
+ H.323: H.225/circuitInfo:
+ Encoded in a
+ destinationCircuitID.cic.pointC
+ ode.
+43 Origination tag Full alphanumeric Optional: this field is filled in Origination tag placed on the crr=...,poi=...
+ string only if useOriginationTag is origination for this call.
+ set to 1 in the ncx-cdr-
+ wrapper.ini file.
+44 Proxy group tag Full alphanumeric Optional: this field is filled in Proxy group Tag placed on the
+ string only if useProxyGroupTag is proxy group for this call.
+ set to 1 in the ncx-cdr-
+ wrapper.ini file.
+ This field is empty for now.
+45 Advice of Charge String Optional: this field only is filled AOC received. rend=10.2,unit=EURO
+ in if UseAoc is set to 1 in ncx-
+ <= 50 chars cdr-wrapper.ini file. Available with CCS 3.8.4.
+ This field may be empty if
+ AOC service is not used or if
+ no AOC value is available.
+ <aocType>=<amount>,unit=
+ <string> with:
+ 1. <aocType> (max length:
+ 7 chars):
+ Received AOC-D: 'rduring'
+ Received AOC-E, 'rend'
+ Other AOC types are not yet
+ supported by the su-core and
+ therefore are ignored.
+ 2. <amount> (max length:
+ 14 chars):
+ The amount is decoded from
+ the received AOC-D or AOC-E.
+ This value is mandatory in an
+ AOC.
+ 3. unit=<string> (max length:
+ 15 chars):
+ The unit string is the decoded
+ unit value in the received
+ AOC-D or AOC-E. This value is
+ mandatory in an AOC.
+46 Routing Context String Optional Routing context of the leg. basic
+ <= 5 chars 3 possible values: For IMS calls, routing context has
+ the value "orig" or "term".
+ - basic Otherwise, it is set to "basic".
+ - orig
+ Dependencies:
+ - term
+ - amu-core-4.8.0
+ - adaptor-generic-cdr-
+ 1.8.0
+ - ncx-cdr-wrapper-1.8.0
+47 Originating String Optional: this field is filled if E164 Main Source alias or H323 e164:33762
+ Original Caller <= 128 chars useoriginatingoriginalcaller is source ID in originating format (as
+ set to 1 in ncx-cdr- received from the network) of the
+ wrapper.ini. original caller.
+ e164:[number] or h323:[alias] The main source alias is computed
+ or email:[alias] according to su-core.ini
+ configuration.
+ NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+ Dependencies:
+ - amu-core-4.10.0
+ - adaptor-generic-cdr-
+ 1.10.0
+ - ncx-cdr-wrapper-1.10.0
+48 Pivot Original String Optional: this field is filled if E164 Main Source alias or H323 E164:0010033762
+ Caller <= 128 chars usepivotoriginalcaller is set to source ID in pivot format (as
+ 1 in ncx-cdr-wrapper.ini. received from the network) of the
+ original caller
+ e164:[number] or h323:[alias]
+ or email:[alias] They are sent if present by SU if
+ su-
+ crouting.ini/[compatibility]/aliasRe
+ porting is 5_0_0 or greater
+ NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+ Dependencies:
+ - amu-core-4.10.0
+ - adaptor-generic-cdr-
+ 1.10.0
+ - ncx-cdr-wrapper-1.10.0
+49 Terminating String Optional: this field is filled if E164 Main Source alias or H323 E164:0010033762
+ Original Caller <= 128 chars useterminatingoriginalcaller is source ID in terminating format (as
+ set to 1 in ncx-cdr- received from the network) of the
+ wrapper.ini. original caller.
+ e164:[number] or h323:[alias] They are sent if present by SU if
+ or email:[alias] su-
+ crouting.ini/[compatibility]/aliasRe
+ porting is 5_0_0 or greater
+ NOTE: the phone-context and
+ trunk-context are set if present.
+ Dependencies:
+ - amu-core-4.10.0
+ - adaptor-generic-cdr-
+ 1.10.0
+ - ncx-cdr-wrapper-1.10.0
+50 Pivotclir Boolean Optional: this field is filled if Pivot CLIR calculated with caller clir=0
+ UsePivotClir is set to 1 in ncx- information.
+ 6 chars cdr-wrapper.ini.
+ Dependencies:
+ 0 means that Calling Line
+ Identification is showed. - amu-core-4.12.0
+ 1 means that Calling Line - adaptor-generic-cdr-
+ Identification is hidden. 1.12.0
+ - ncx-cdr-wrapper-1.12.0