path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
authorjeff <jeff>2010-05-13 05:43:22 +0000
committerjeff <jeff>2010-05-13 05:43:22 +0000
commit0bdb687a64bc8340f9835bc0659be93166cbeb09 (patch)
tree8d308cc932f05d8fb832c87ee392e514fd80b46c /FS/FS/
parenta087f56c114ee266707275f1a5f2a94b60232865 (diff)
cope with poor tax liability report performance by allowing queuing of reports RT#8274
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 9920aa6..87f2014 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ use FS::part_pkg_taxproduct;
use FS::cust_main;
use FS::Misc qw( csv_from_fixed );
+#i'd like to dump these
+use FS::CGI qw(rooturl popurl);
+use URI::Escape;
@ISA = qw( FS::Record );
$DEBUG = 0;
@@ -1757,12 +1761,273 @@ sub browse_queries {
return ($query, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tax_rate $extra_sql");
+=item queue_liability_report PARAMS
+Launches a tax liability report.
+sub queue_liability_report {
+ my $cgi = shift;
+ my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
+ my $agentnum = $cgi->param('agentnum');
+ $agentnum =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? $agentnum = $1 : $agentnum = '';
+ my $job = new FS::queue { job => 'FS::tax_rate::generate_liability_report' };
+ $job->insert(
+ 'beginning' => $beginning,
+ 'ending' => $ending,
+ 'agentnum' => $agentnum,
+ 'p' => popurl(2),
+ 'rooturl' => rooturl,
+ );
+=item generate_liability_report PARAMS
+Generates a tax liability report. Provide a hash including desired
+agentnum, beginning, and ending
+sub generate_liability_report {
+ my %args = @_;
+ #let us open the temp file early
+ my $dir = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.'. $FS::UID::datasrc;
+ my $report = new File::Temp( TEMPLATE => '',
+ DIR => $dir,
+ UNLINK => 0, # not so temp
+ ) or die "can't open report file: $!\n";
+ my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+ my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
+ my $join_cust = "
+ JOIN cust_bill USING ( invnum )
+ LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum )
+ ";
+ my $join_loc =
+ "LEFT JOIN cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location USING ( billpkgnum )";
+ my $join_tax_loc = "LEFT JOIN tax_rate_location USING ( taxratelocationnum )";
+ my $addl_from = " $join_cust $join_loc $join_tax_loc ";
+ my $where = "WHERE _date >= $args{beginning} AND _date <= $args{ending} ";
+ my $agentname = '';
+ if ( $args{agentnum} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
+ my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $1 } );
+ die "agent not found" unless $agent;
+ $agentname = $agent->agent;
+ $where .= ' AND cust_main.agentnum = '. $agent->agentnum;
+ }
+ # my ( $location_sql, @location_param ) = FS::cust_pkg->location_sql;
+ # $where .= " AND $location_sql";
+ #my @taxparam = ( 'itemdesc', @location_param );
+ # now something along the lines of geocode matching ?
+ #$where .= FS::cust_pkg->_location_sql_where('cust_tax_location');;
+ my @taxparam = ( 'itemdesc', 'tax_rate_location.state', 'tax_rate_location.county', '', 'cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location.locationtaxid' );
+ my $select = 'DISTINCT itemdesc,locationtaxid,tax_rate_location.state,tax_rate_location.county,';
+ #false laziness w/FS::Report::Table::Monthly (sub should probably be moved up
+ #to FS::Report or FS::Record or who the fuck knows where)
+ my $scalar_sql = sub {
+ my( $r, $param, $sql ) = @_;
+ my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
+ $sth->execute( map $r->$_(), @$param )
+ or die "Unexpected error executing statement $sql: ". $sth->errstr;
+ $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] || 0;
+ };
+ my $tax = 0;
+ my $credit = 0;
+ my %taxes = ();
+ my %basetaxes = ();
+ foreach my $t (qsearch({ table => 'cust_bill_pkg',
+ select => $select,
+ hashref => { pkgpart => 0 },
+ addl_from => $addl_from,
+ extra_sql => $where,
+ })
+ )
+ {
+ my @params = map { my $f = $_; $f =~ s/.*\.//; $f } @taxparam;
+ my $label = join('~', map { $t->$_ } @params);
+ $label = 'Tax'. $label if $label =~ /^~/;
+ unless ( exists( $taxes{$label} ) ) {
+ my ($baselabel, @trash) = split /~/, $label;
+ $taxes{$label}->{'label'} = join(', ', split(/~/, $label) );
+ $taxes{$label}->{'url_param'} =
+ join(';', map { "$_=". uri_escape($t->$_) } @params);
+ my $taxwhere = "FROM cust_bill_pkg $addl_from $where AND payby != 'COMP' ".
+ "AND ". join( ' AND ', map { "( $_ = ? OR ? = '' AND $_ IS NULL)" } @taxparam );
+ my $sql = "SELECT SUM(cust_bill_pkg.setup+cust_bill_pkg.recur) ".
+ " $taxwhere AND cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0";
+ my $x = &{$scalar_sql}($t, [ map { $_, $_ } @params ], $sql );
+ $tax += $x;
+ $taxes{$label}->{'tax'} += $x;
+ my $creditfrom = " JOIN cust_credit_bill_pkg USING (billpkgnum,billpkgtaxratelocationnum) ";
+ my $creditwhere = "FROM cust_bill_pkg $addl_from $creditfrom $where ".
+ "AND payby != 'COMP' ".
+ "AND ". join( ' AND ', map { "( $_ = ? OR ? = '' AND $_ IS NULL)" } @taxparam );
+ $sql = "SELECT SUM(cust_credit_bill_pkg.amount) ".
+ " $creditwhere AND cust_bill_pkg.pkgnum = 0";
+ my $y = &{$scalar_sql}($t, [ map { $_, $_ } @params ], $sql );
+ $credit += $y;
+ $taxes{$label}->{'credit'} += $y;
+ unless ( exists( $taxes{$baselabel} ) ) {
+ $basetaxes{$baselabel}->{'label'} = $baselabel;
+ $basetaxes{$baselabel}->{'url_param'} = "itemdesc=$baselabel";
+ $basetaxes{$baselabel}->{'base'} = 1;
+ }
+ $basetaxes{$baselabel}->{'tax'} += $x;
+ $basetaxes{$baselabel}->{'credit'} += $y;
+ }
+ # calculate customer-exemption for this tax
+ # calculate package-exemption for this tax
+ # calculate monthly exemption (texas tax) for this tax
+ # count up all the cust_tax_exempt_pkg records associated with
+ # the actual line items.
+ }
+ #ordering
+ my @taxes = ();
+ foreach my $tax ( sort { $a cmp $b } keys %taxes ) {
+ my ($base, @trash) = split '~', $tax;
+ my $basetax = delete( $basetaxes{$base} );
+ if ($basetax) {
+ if ( $basetax->{tax} == $taxes{$tax}->{tax} ) {
+ $taxes{$tax}->{base} = 1;
+ } else {
+ push @taxes, $basetax;
+ }
+ }
+ push @taxes, $taxes{$tax};
+ }
+ push @taxes, {
+ 'label' => 'Total',
+ 'url_param' => '',
+ 'tax' => $tax,
+ 'credit' => $credit,
+ 'base' => 1,
+ };
+ my $dateagentlink = "begin=$args{beginning};end=$args{ending}";
+ $dateagentlink .= ';agentnum='. $args{agentnum}
+ if length($agentname);
+ my $baselink = $args{p}. "search/cust_bill_pkg.cgi?$dateagentlink";
+ print $report <<EOF;
+ <% include("/elements/header.html", "$agentname Tax Report - ".
+ ( $args{beginning}
+ ? time2str('%h %o %Y ', $args{beginning} )
+ : ''
+ ).
+ 'through '.
+ ( $args{ending} == 4294967295
+ ? 'now'
+ : time2str('%h %o %Y', $args{ending} )
+ )
+ )
+ %>
+ <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
+ <TR>
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Tax collected</TH>
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TH>
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"></TH>
+ <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Tax credited</TH>
+ </TR>
+ my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
+ my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
+ my $bgcolor = '';
+ foreach my $tax ( @taxes ) {
+ if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
+ $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
+ } else {
+ $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
+ }
+ my $link = '';
+ if ( $tax->{'label'} ne 'Total' ) {
+ $link = ';'. $tax->{'url_param'};
+ }
+ print $report <<EOF;
+ <TR>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% '$bgcolor' %>"><% '$tax->{label}' %></TD>
+ <% $tax->{base} ? qq!<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor"></TD>! : '' %>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% '$bgcolor' %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% '$baselink$link' %>;istax=1"><% '$money_char' %><% sprintf('%.2f', $tax->{'tax'} ) %></A>
+ </TD>
+ <% !($tax->{base}) ? qq!<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor"></TD>! : '' %>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% '$bgcolor' %>"></TD>
+ <% $tax->{base} ? qq!<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor"></TD>! : '' %>
+ <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% '$bgcolor' %>" ALIGN="right">
+ <A HREF="<% '$baselink$link' %>;istax=1;iscredit=rate"><% '$money_char' %><% sprintf('%.2f', $tax->{'credit'} ) %></A>
+ </TD>
+ <% !($tax->{base}) ? qq!<TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="$bgcolor"></TD>! : '' %>
+ </TR>
+ }
+ print $report <<EOF;
+ </TABLE>
+ </BODY>
+ </HTML>
+ my $reportname = $report->filename;
+ close $report;
+ my $dropstring = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.'. $FS::UID::datasrc. '/report.';
+ $reportname =~ s/^$dropstring//;
+ my $reporturl = $args{rooturl}. "/misc/queued_report?report=$reportname";
+ die "<a href=$reporturl>view</a>\n";
=head1 BUGS
Mixing automatic and manual editing works poorly at present.
+ Tax liability calculations take too long and arguably don't belong here.
+ Tax liability report generation not entirely safe (escaped).
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<FS::Record>, L<FS::cust_main>, L<FS::cust_bill>, schema.html from the base