path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2006-12-14 06:00:46 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2006-12-14 06:00:46 +0000
commitdcdf657e77ec7b46dc69e19a849a9c133123db7c (patch)
treecfbe516c1113dbe86af59ab9288eccc8c71f96ab /FS/FS/
parentbd368448838fb00212fa34d70e467cf4c8e12206 (diff)
encryption fixes from huntsberg & jayce
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1790c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+package FS::payinfo_Mixin;
+use strict;
+use Business::CreditCard;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::payinfo_Mixin - Mixin class for records in tables that contain payinfo.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+package FS::some_table;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw( FS::payinfo_Mixin FS::Record );
+This is a mixin class for records that contain payinfo.
+This class handles the following functions for payinfo...
+Payment Mask (Generation and Storage)
+Data Validation (parent checks need to be sure to call this)
+Encryption - In the Future (Pull from
+Bad Card Stuff - In the Future (Integrate Banned Pay)
+Currency - In the Future
+=head1 fields
+=over 4
+=item payby
+The following payment types (payby) are supported:
+For Customers (cust_main):
+'CARD' (credit card - automatic), 'DCRD' (credit card - on-demand),
+'CHEK' (electronic check - automatic), 'DCHK' (electronic check - on-demand),
+'LECB' (Phone bill billing), 'BILL' (billing), 'COMP' (free), or
+'PREPAY' (special billing type: applies a credit - see L<FS::prepay_credit> and sets billing type to I<BILL>)
+For Refunds (cust_refund):
+'CARD' (credit cards), 'CHEK' (electronic check/ACH),
+'LECB' (Phone bill billing), 'BILL' (billing), 'CASH' (cash),
+'WEST' (Western Union), 'MCRD' (Manual credit card), 'CBAK' Chargeback, or 'COMP' (free),
+For Payments (cust_pay):
+'CARD' (credit cards), 'CHEK' (electronic check/ACH),
+'LECB' (phone bill billing), 'BILL' (billing), 'PREP' (prepaid card),
+'CASH' (cash), 'WEST' (Western Union), or 'MCRD' (Manual credit card)
+'COMP' (free) is depricated as a payment type in cust_pay
+sub payby {
+ my($self,$payby) = @_;
+ if ( defined($payby) ) {
+ $self->setfield('payby', $payby);
+ }
+ return $self->getfield('payby')
+=item payinfo
+Payment information (payinfo) can be one of the following types:
+Card Number, P.O., comp issuer (4-8 lowercase alphanumerics; think username) or prepayment identifier (see L<FS::prepay_credit>)
+sub payinfo {
+ my($self,$payinfo) = @_;
+ if ( defined($payinfo) ) {
+ $self->setfield('payinfo', $payinfo); # This is okay since we are the 'setter'
+ $self->paymask($self->mask_payinfo());
+ } else {
+ $payinfo = $self->getfield('payinfo'); # This is okay since we are the 'getter'
+ return $payinfo;
+ }
+=item paycvv
+Card Verification Value, "CVV2" (also known as CVC2 or CID), the 3 or 4 digit number on the back (or front, for American Express) of the credit card
+sub paycvv {
+ my($self,$paycvv) = @_;
+ # This is only allowed in cust_main... Even then it really shouldn't be stored...
+ if ($self->table eq 'cust_main') {
+ if ( defined($paycvv) ) {
+ $self->setfield('paycvv', $paycvv); # This is okay since we are the 'setter'
+ } else {
+ $paycvv = $self->getfield('paycvv'); # This is okay since we are the 'getter'
+ return $paycvv;
+ }
+ } else {
+# warn "This doesn't work for other tables besides cust_main
+ }
+=item paymask
+sub paymask {
+ my($self,$paymask)=@_;
+ if ($paymask ne '') {
+ # I hate this little bit of magic... I don't expect it to cause a problem, but who knows...
+ # If the payinfo is passed in masked then ignore it and set it based on the payinfo
+ # The only guy that should call this in this way is... $self->payinfo
+ $self->setfield('paymask', $self->mask_payinfo());
+ } else {
+ $paymask=$self->getfield('paymask');
+ if (!defined($paymask) || $paymask eq '') {
+ # Generate it if it's blank - Note that we're not going to set it - just generate
+ $paymask = $self->mask_payinfo();
+ }
+ }
+ return $paymask;
+=item mask_payinfo()
+This method converts the payment info (credit card, bank account, etc.) into a masked string.
+sub mask_payinfo {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $paymask;
+ my $payinfo = $self->payinfo;
+ my $payby = $self->payby;
+ # Check to see if it's encrypted...
+ if ($self->is_encrypted($payinfo)) {
+ $paymask = 'N/A';
+ } else {
+ # if not, mask it...
+ if ($payby eq 'CARD' || $payby eq 'DCRD' || $payby eq 'MCRD') { # Credit Cards (Show first and last four)
+ $paymask = substr($payinfo,0,4). 'x'x(length($payinfo)-8). substr($payinfo,(length($payinfo)-4));
+ } elsif ($payby eq 'CHEK' ||
+ $payby eq 'DCHK' ) { # Checks (Show last 2 @ bank)
+ my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo );
+ $paymask = 'x'x(length($account)-2). substr($account,(length($account)-2))."@".$aba;
+ } else { # Tie up loose ends
+ $paymask = $payinfo;
+ }
+ }
+ return $paymask;
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item payinfo_check
+For Customers (cust_main):
+'CARD' (credit card - automatic), 'DCRD' (credit card - on-demand),
+'CHEK' (electronic check - automatic), 'DCHK' (electronic check - on-demand),
+'LECB' (Phone bill billing), 'BILL' (billing), 'COMP' (free), or
+'PREPAY' (special billing type: applies a credit - see L<FS::prepay_credit> and sets billing type to I<BILL>)
+For Refunds (cust_refund):
+'CARD' (credit cards), 'CHEK' (electronic check/ACH),
+'LECB' (Phone bill billing), 'BILL' (billing), 'CASH' (cash),
+'WEST' (Western Union), 'MCRD' (Manual credit card), 'CBAK' (Chargeback), or 'COMP' (free)
+For Payments (cust_pay):
+'CARD' (credit cards), 'CHEK' (electronic check/ACH),
+'LECB' (phone bill billing), 'BILL' (billing), 'PREP' (prepaid card),
+'CASH' (cash), 'WEST' (Western Union), or 'MCRD' (Manual credit card)
+'COMP' (free) is depricated as a payment type in cust_pay
+sub payinfo_check {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Make sure it's a valid payby
+ or return "Illegal payby (overall payinfo_check)";
+ $self->payby($1);
+ # Okay some aren't valid depending on table
+ if ($self->table eq 'cust_main') {
+ if ($self->payby =~ /^(CASH|WEST|MCRD|PREP|CBAK)$/) {
+ return "Illegal payby (cust_main)";
+ }
+ } elsif ($self->table eq 'cust_refund') {
+ if ($self->payby =~ /^(DCRD|DCHK|PREPAY|PREP)$/) {
+ return "Illegal payby (cust_refund)";
+ }
+ } elsif ($self->table eq 'cust_pay') {
+ if ($self->payby =~ /^(DCRD|DCHK|PREPAY|CBAK)$/) {
+ return "Illegal payby (cust_pay)";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $self->payby eq 'CARD' ) {
+ my $payinfo = $self->payinfo;
+ $payinfo =~ s/\D//g;
+ $self->payinfo($payinfo);
+ if ( $self->payinfo ) {
+ $self->payinfo =~ /^(\d{13,16})$/
+ or return "Illegal (mistyped?) credit card number (payinfo)";
+ $self->payinfo($1);
+ Business::CreditCard::validate($self->payinfo) or return "Illegal credit card number";
+ return "Unknown card type" if Business::CreditCard::cardtype($self->payinfo) eq "Unknown";
+ } else {
+ $self->payinfo('N/A');
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $error = $self->ut_textn('payinfo');
+ return $error if $error;
+ }
+=head1 BUGS
+Have to add the future items...
+=head1 SEE ALSO