path: root/FS/FS/
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authorMark Wells <>2014-02-18 22:04:12 -0800
committerMark Wells <>2014-02-18 22:04:24 -0800
commit30e2dfd524a3f52445cbca6bc2cd1962dce7eb04 (patch)
tree2f54d7d1e316d4e0ab3137848e46ea8dfceb4a37 /FS/FS/
parent3c7fd3e7d40f2c946b2fcf63c63d595c82fcae22 (diff)
non-package fees, phase 1, #25899
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67da245d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+package FS::part_fee;
+use strict;
+use base qw( FS::o2m_Common FS::Record );
+use vars qw( $DEBUG );
+use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
+$DEBUG = 1;
+=head1 NAME
+FS::part_fee - Object methods for part_fee records
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use FS::part_fee;
+ $record = new FS::part_fee \%hash;
+ $record = new FS::part_fee { 'column' => 'value' };
+ $error = $record->insert;
+ $error = $new_record->replace($old_record);
+ $error = $record->delete;
+ $error = $record->check;
+An FS::part_fee object represents the definition of a fee
+Fees are like packages, but instead of being ordered and then billed on a
+cycle, they are created by the operation of events and added to a single
+invoice. The fee definition specifies the fee's description, how the amount
+is calculated (a flat fee or a percentage of the customer's balance), and
+how to classify the fee for tax and reporting purposes.
+FS::part_fee inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently
+=over 4
+=item feepart - primary key
+=item comment - a description of the fee for employee use, not shown on
+the invoice
+=item disabled - 'Y' if the fee is disabled
+=item classnum - the L<FS::pkg_class> that the fee belongs to, for reporting
+=item taxable - 'Y' if this fee should be considered a taxable sale.
+Currently, taxable fees will be treated like they exist at the customer's
+default service location.
+=item taxclass - the tax class the fee belongs to, as a string, for the
+internal tax system
+=item taxproductnum - the tax product family the fee belongs to, for the
+external tax system in use, if any
+=item pay_weight - Weight (relative to credit_weight and other package/fee
+definitions) that controls payment application to specific line items.
+=item credit_weight - Weight that controls credit application to specific
+line items.
+=item agentnum - the agent (L<FS::agent>) who uses this fee definition.
+=item amount - the flat fee to charge, as a decimal amount
+=item percent - the percentage of the base to charge (out of 100). If both
+this and "amount" are specified, the fee will be the sum of the two.
+=item basis - the method for calculating the base: currently one of "charged",
+"owed", or null.
+=item minimum - the minimum fee that should be charged
+=item maximum - the maximum fee that should be charged
+=item limit_credit - 'Y' to set the maximum fee at the customer's credit
+balance, if any.
+=item setuprecur - whether the fee should be classified as 'setup' or
+'recur', for reporting purposes.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item new HASHREF
+Creates a new fee definition. To add the record to the database, see
+sub table { 'part_fee'; }
+=item insert
+Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error,
+otherwise returns false.
+=item delete
+Delete this record from the database.
+=item replace OLD_RECORD
+Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error,
+returns the error, otherwise returns false.
+=item check
+Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid example. If there is
+an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert
+and replace methods.
+sub check {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $error =
+ $self->ut_numbern('feepart')
+ || $self->ut_textn('comment')
+ || $self->ut_flag('disabled')
+ || $self->ut_foreign_keyn('classnum', 'pkg_class', 'classnum')
+ || $self->ut_flag('taxable')
+ || $self->ut_textn('taxclass')
+ || $self->ut_numbern('taxproductnum')
+ || $self->ut_floatn('pay_weight')
+ || $self->ut_floatn('credit_weight')
+ || $self->ut_agentnum_acl('agentnum',
+ [ 'Edit global package definitions' ])
+ || $self->ut_moneyn('amount')
+ || $self->ut_floatn('percent')
+ || $self->ut_moneyn('minimum')
+ || $self->ut_moneyn('maximum')
+ || $self->ut_flag('limit_credit')
+ || $self->ut_enum('basis', [ '', 'charged', 'owed' ])
+ || $self->ut_enum('setuprecur', [ 'setup', 'recur' ])
+ ;
+ return $error if $error;
+ return "For a percentage fee, the basis must be set"
+ if $self->get('percent') > 0 and $self->get('basis') eq '';
+ if ( ! $self->get('percent') and ! $self->get('limit_credit') ) {
+ # then it makes no sense to apply minimum/maximum
+ $self->set('minimum', '');
+ $self->set('maximum', '');
+ }
+ if ( $self->get('limit_credit') ) {
+ $self->set('maximum', '');
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::check;
+=item explanation
+Returns a string describing how this fee is calculated.
+sub explanation {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # XXX customer currency
+ my $money_char = FS::Conf->new->config('money_char') || '$';
+ my $money = $money_char . '%.2f';
+ my $percent = '%.1f%%';
+ my $string;
+ if ( $self->amount > 0 ) {
+ $string = sprintf($money, $self->amount);
+ }
+ if ( $self->percent > 0 ) {
+ if ( $string ) {
+ $string .= " plus ";
+ }
+ $string .= sprintf($percent, $self->percent);
+ $string .= ' of the ';
+ if ( $self->basis eq 'charged' ) {
+ $string .= 'invoice amount';
+ } elsif ( $self->basis('owed') ) {
+ $string .= 'unpaid invoice balance';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $self->minimum or $self->maximum or $self->limit_credit ) {
+ $string .= "\nbut";
+ if ( $self->minimum ) {
+ $string .= ' at least '.sprintf($money, $self->minimum);
+ }
+ if ( $self->maximum ) {
+ $string .= ' and' if $self->minimum;
+ $string .= ' at most '.sprintf($money, $self->maximum);
+ }
+ if ( $self->limit_credit ) {
+ if ( $self->maximum ) {
+ $string .= ", or the customer's credit balance, whichever is less.";
+ } else {
+ $string .= ' and' if $self->minimum;
+ $string .= " not more than the customer's credit balance";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $string;
+=item lineitem INVOICE
+Given INVOICE (an L<FS::cust_bill>), returns an L<FS::cust_bill_pkg> object
+representing the invoice line item for the fee, with linked
+L<FS::cust_bill_pkg_fee> record(s) allocating the fee to the invoice or
+its line items, as appropriate.
+sub lineitem {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cust_bill = shift;
+ my $amount = 0 + $self->get('amount');
+ my $total_base; # sum of base line items
+ my @items; # base line items (cust_bill_pkg records)
+ my @item_base; # charged/owed of that item (sequential w/ @items)
+ my @item_fee; # fee amount of that item (sequential w/ @items)
+ my @cust_bill_pkg_fee; # link record
+ warn "Calculating fee: ".$self->itemdesc." on ".
+ ($cust_bill->invnum ? "invoice #".$cust_bill->invnum : "current invoice").
+ "\n" if $DEBUG;
+ if ( $self->percent > 0 and $self->basis ne '' ) {
+ warn $self->percent . "% of amount ".$self->basis.")\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ # $total_base: the total charged/owed on the invoice
+ # %item_base: billpkgnum => fraction of base amount
+ if ( $cust_bill->invnum ) {
+ my $basis = $self->basis;
+ $total_base = $cust_bill->$basis; # "charged", "owed"
+ # calculate the fee on an already-inserted past invoice. This may have
+ # payments or credits, so if basis = owed, we need to consider those.
+ my $basis_sql = $basis.'_sql';
+ my $sql = 'SELECT ' . FS::cust_bill_pkg->$basis_sql .
+ ' FROM cust_bill_pkg WHERE billpkgnum = ?';
+ @items = $cust_bill->cust_bill_pkg;
+ @item_base = map { FS::Record->scalar_sql($sql, $_->billpkgnum) }
+ @items;
+ } else {
+ # the fee applies to _this_ invoice. It has no payments or credits, so
+ # "charged" and "owed" basis are both just the invoice amount, and
+ # the line item amounts (setup + recur)
+ $total_base = $cust_bill->charged;
+ @items = @{ $cust_bill->get('cust_bill_pkg') };
+ @item_base = map { $_->setup + $_->recur }
+ @items;
+ }
+ $amount += $total_base * $self->percent / 100;
+ }
+ if ( $self->minimum ne '' and $amount < $self->minimum ) {
+ warn "Applying mininum fee\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $amount = $self->minimum;
+ }
+ my $maximum = $self->maximum;
+ if ( $self->limit_credit ) {
+ my $balance = $cust_bill->cust_main;
+ if ( $balance >= 0 ) {
+ $maximum = 0;
+ } elsif ( -1 * $balance < $maximum ) {
+ $maximum = -1 * $balance;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $maximum ne '' and $amount > $maximum ) {
+ warn "Applying maximum fee\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $amount = $maximum;
+ }
+ # at this point, if the fee is zero, return nothing
+ return if $amount < 0.005;
+ $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $amount);
+ my $cust_bill_pkg = FS::cust_bill_pkg->new({
+ feepart => $self->feepart,
+ pkgnum => 0,
+ # no sdate/edate, right?
+ setup => 0,
+ recur => 0,
+ });
+ $cust_bill_pkg->set( $self->setuprecur, $amount );
+ if ( $self->classnum ) {
+ my $pkg_category = $self->pkg_class->pkg_category;
+ $cust_bill_pkg->set('section' => $pkg_category->categoryname)
+ if $pkg_category;
+ }
+ # if this is a percentage fee and has line item fractions,
+ # adjust them to be proportional and to add up correctly.
+ if ( @item_base ) {
+ my $cents = $amount * 100;
+ # not necessarily the same as percent
+ my $multiplier = $amount / $total_base;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@items); $i++) {
+ my $fee = sprintf('%.2f', $item_base[$i] * $multiplier);
+ $item_fee[$i] = $fee;
+ $cents -= $fee * 100;
+ }
+ # correct rounding error
+ while ($cents >= 0.5 or $cents < -0.5) {
+ foreach my $fee (@item_fee) {
+ if ( $cents >= 0.5 ) {
+ $fee += 0.01;
+ $cents--;
+ } elsif ( $cents < -0.5 ) {
+ $fee -= 0.01;
+ $cents++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # and add them to the cust_bill_pkg
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@items); $i++) {
+ if ( $item_fee[$i] > 0 ) {
+ push @cust_bill_pkg_fee, FS::cust_bill_pkg_fee->new({
+ cust_bill_pkg => $cust_bill_pkg,
+ base_invnum => $cust_bill->invnum,
+ amount => $item_fee[$i],
+ base_cust_bill_pkg => $items[$i], # late resolve
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ } else { # if !@item_base
+ # then this isn't a proportional fee, so it just applies to the
+ # entire invoice.
+ # (if it's the current invoice, $cust_bill->invnum is null and that
+ # will be fixed later)
+ push @cust_bill_pkg_fee, FS::cust_bill_pkg_fee->new({
+ cust_bill_pkg => $cust_bill_pkg,
+ base_invnum => $cust_bill->invnum,
+ amount => $amount,
+ });
+ }
+ # cust_bill_pkg::insert will handle this
+ $cust_bill_pkg->set('cust_bill_pkg_fee', \@cust_bill_pkg_fee);
+ # avoid misbehavior by usage() and some other things
+ $cust_bill_pkg->set('details', []);
+ return $cust_bill_pkg;
+=item itemdesc_locale LOCALE
+Returns a customer-viewable description of this fee for the given locale,
+from the part_fee_msgcat table. If the locale is empty or no localized fee
+description exists, returns part_fee.itemdesc.
+sub itemdesc_locale {
+ my ( $self, $locale ) = @_;
+ return $self->itemdesc unless $locale;
+ my $part_fee_msgcat = qsearchs('part_fee_msgcat', {
+ feepart => $self->feepart,
+ locale => $locale,
+ }) or return $self->itemdesc;
+ $part_fee_msgcat->itemdesc;
+=item tax_rates DATA_PROVIDER, GEOCODE
+Returns the external taxes (L<FS::tax_rate> objects) that apply to this
+fee, in the location specified by GEOCODE.
+sub tax_rates {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($vendor, $geocode) = @_;
+ return unless $self->taxproductnum;
+ my $taxproduct = FS::part_pkg_taxproduct->by_key($self->taxproductnum);
+ # cch stuff
+ my @taxclassnums = map { $_->taxclassnum }
+ $taxproduct->part_pkg_taxrate($geocode);
+ return unless @taxclassnums;
+ warn "Found taxclassnum values of ". join(',', @taxclassnums) ."\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ my $extra_sql = "AND taxclassnum IN (". join(',', @taxclassnums) . ")";
+ my @taxes = qsearch({ 'table' => 'tax_rate',
+ 'hashref' => { 'geocode' => $geocode,
+ 'data_vendor' => $vendor },
+ 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql,
+ });
+ warn "Found taxes ". join(',', map {$_->taxnum} @taxes) ."\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ return @taxes;
+sub part_pkg_taxoverride {} # we don't do overrides here
+sub has_taxproduct {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->taxproductnum ? 1 : 0);
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO