path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
authorivan <ivan>2008-06-17 03:35:56 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2008-06-17 03:35:56 +0000
commit7153190ee1bfeb6d3ad9e6da270a41a949333a7e (patch)
tree4f3f13115ed182e1d219c136f559eb2fa04a1183 /FS/FS/
parent97c8cbe1a7645ecce1192a1c3c20807e428f907c (diff)
finish adding a feature to easily list all email addresses for an agent & send them email
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 1f6eece..936f94a 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use IPC::Run3; # for do_print... should just use IPC::Run i guess
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
-@EXPORT_OK = qw( send_email send_fax
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( generate_email send_email send_fax
states_hash counties state_label
generate_ps generate_pdf do_print
@@ -40,29 +40,173 @@ but are collected here to elimiate code duplication.
=over 4
+=item generate_email OPTION => VALUE ...
+=item from
+Sender address, required
+=item to
+Recipient address, required
+=item subject
+email subject, required
+=item html_body
+Email body (HTML alternative). Arrayref of lines, or scalar.
+Will be placed inside an HTML <BODY> tag.
+=item text_body
+Email body (Text alternative). Arrayref of lines, or scalar.
+Returns an argument list to be passsed to L<send_email>.
+#false laziness w/FS::cust_bill::generate_email
+use MIME::Entity;
+use HTML::Entities;
+sub generate_email {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $me = '[FS::Misc::generate_email]';
+ my %return = (
+ 'from' => $args{'from'},
+ 'to' => $args{'to'},
+ 'subject' => $args{'subject'},
+ );
+ #if (ref($args{'to'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # $return{'to'} = $args{'to'};
+ #} else {
+ # $return{'to'} = [ grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ }
+ # $self->cust_main->invoicing_list
+ # ];
+ #}
+ warn "$me creating HTML/text multipart message"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ $return{'nobody'} = 1;
+ my $alternative = build MIME::Entity
+ 'Type' => 'multipart/alternative',
+ 'Encoding' => '7bit',
+ 'Disposition' => 'inline'
+ ;
+ my $data;
+ if ( ref($args{'text_body'}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $data = $args{'text_body'};
+ } else {
+ $data = [ split(/\n/, $args{'text_body'}) ];
+ }
+ $alternative->attach(
+ 'Type' => 'text/plain',
+ #'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
+ 'Encoding' => '7bit',
+ 'Data' => $data,
+ 'Disposition' => 'inline',
+ );
+ my @html_data;
+ if ( ref($args{'html_body'}) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ @html_data = @{ $args{'html_body'} };
+ } else {
+ @html_data = split(/\n/, $args{'html_body'});
+ }
+ $alternative->attach(
+ 'Type' => 'text/html',
+ 'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
+ 'Data' => [ '<html>',
+ ' <head>',
+ ' <title>',
+ ' '. encode_entities($return{'subject'}),
+ ' </title>',
+ ' </head>',
+ ' <body bgcolor="#e8e8e8">',
+ @html_data,
+ ' </body>',
+ '</html>',
+ ],
+ 'Disposition' => 'inline',
+ #'Filename' => 'invoice.pdf',
+ );
+ #no other attachment:
+ # multipart/related
+ # multipart/alternative
+ # text/plain
+ # text/html
+ $return{'content-type'} = 'multipart/related';
+ $return{'mimeparts'} = [ $alternative ];
+ $return{'type'} = 'multipart/alternative'; #Content-Type of first part...
+ #$return{'disposition'} = 'inline';
+ %return;
=item send_email OPTION => VALUE ...
-I<from> - (required)
+=over 4
+=item from
+=item to
+(required) comma-separated scalar or arrayref of recipients
+=item subject
-I<to> - (required) comma-separated scalar or arrayref of recipients
-I<subject> - (required)
+=item content-type
-I<content-type> - (optional) MIME type for the body
+(optional) MIME type for the body
-I<body> - (required unless I<nobody> is true) arrayref of body text lines
+=item body
-I<mimeparts> - (optional, but required if I<nobody> is true) arrayref of MIME::Entity->build PARAMHASH refs or MIME::Entity objects. These will be passed as arguments to MIME::Entity->attach().
+(required unless I<nobody> is true) arrayref of body text lines
-I<nobody> - (optional) when set true, send_email will ignore the I<body> option and simply construct a message with the given I<mimeparts>. In this case,
+=item mimeparts
+(optional, but required if I<nobody> is true) arrayref of MIME::Entity->build PARAMHASH refs or MIME::Entity objects. These will be passed as arguments to MIME::Entity->attach().
+=item nobody
+(optional) when set true, send_email will ignore the I<body> option and simply construct a message with the given I<mimeparts>. In this case,
I<content-type>, if specified, overrides the default "multipart/mixed" for the outermost MIME container.
-I<content-encoding> - (optional) when using nobody, optional top-level MIME
+=item content-encoding
+(optional) when using nobody, optional top-level MIME
encoding which, if specified, overrides the default "7bit".
-I<type> - (optional) type parameter for multipart/related messages
+=item type
+(optional) type parameter for multipart/related messages