diff options
authorivan <ivan>2007-10-29 10:31:31 +0000
committerivan <ivan>2007-10-29 10:31:31 +0000
commit804a4999a84b827ac4ec3fa34158e097da31ade3 (patch)
parentb91bcdff200acb281c58c4ba5ef8482b335ecdbc (diff)
mysql me 1.9 more times
5 files changed, 233 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 467ddfe0c..06f2c4636 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ use String::Approx qw(amatch);
use Business::CreditCard 0.28;
use Locale::Country;
use Data::Dumper;
-use FS::UID qw( getotaker dbh );
+use FS::UID qw( getotaker dbh driver_name );
use FS::Record qw( qsearchs qsearch dbdef );
use FS::Misc qw( send_email generate_ps do_print );
use FS::Msgcat qw(gettext);
@@ -2890,6 +2890,8 @@ sub realtime_bop {
$options{'description'} ||= 'Internet services';
+ return $self->fake_bop($method, $amount, %options) if $options{'fake'};
eval "use Business::OnlinePayment";
die $@ if $@;
@@ -3215,7 +3217,7 @@ sub realtime_bop {
'custnum' => $self->custnum,
'invnum' => $options{'invnum'},
'paid' => $amount,
- '_date' => '',
+ '_date' => '',
'payby' => $method2payby{$method},
'payinfo' => $payinfo,
'paybatch' => $paybatch,
@@ -3312,6 +3314,76 @@ sub realtime_bop {
+=item fake_bop
+sub fake_bop {
+ my( $self, $method, $amount, %options ) = @_;
+ if ( $options{'fake_failure'} ) {
+ return "Error: No error; test failure requested with fake_failure";
+ }
+ my %method2payby = (
+ 'CC' => 'CARD',
+ 'ECHECK' => 'CHEK',
+ 'LEC' => 'LECB',
+ );
+ #my $paybatch = '';
+ #if ( $payment_gateway ) { # agent override
+ # $paybatch = $payment_gateway->gatewaynum. '-';
+ #}
+ #
+ #$paybatch .= "$processor:". $transaction->authorization;
+ #
+ #$paybatch .= ':'. $transaction->order_number
+ # if $transaction->can('order_number')
+ # && length($transaction->order_number);
+ my $paybatch = 'FakeProcessor:54:32';
+ my $cust_pay = new FS::cust_pay ( {
+ 'custnum' => $self->custnum,
+ 'invnum' => $options{'invnum'},
+ 'paid' => $amount,
+ '_date' => '',
+ 'payby' => $method2payby{$method},
+ #'payinfo' => $payinfo,
+ 'payinfo' => '4111111111111111',
+ 'paybatch' => $paybatch,
+ #'paydate' => $paydate,
+ 'paydate' => '2012-05-01',
+ } );
+ $cust_pay->payunique( $options{payunique} ) if length($options{payunique});
+ my $error = $cust_pay->insert($options{'manual'} ? ( 'manual' => 1 ) : () );
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $cust_pay->invnum(''); #try again with no specific invnum
+ my $error2 = $cust_pay->insert( $options{'manual'} ?
+ ( 'manual' => 1 ) : ()
+ );
+ if ( $error2 ) {
+ # gah, even with transactions.
+ my $e = 'WARNING: Card/ACH debited but database not updated - '.
+ "error inserting (fake!) payment: $error2".
+ " (previously tried insert with invnum #$options{'invnum'}" .
+ ": $error )";
+ warn $e;
+ return $e;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $options{'paynum_ref'} ) {
+ ${ $options{'paynum_ref'} } = $cust_pay->paynum;
+ }
+ return ''; #no error
=item default_payment_gateway
@@ -5852,9 +5924,20 @@ sub _agent_plandata {
#yuck. this whole thing needs to be reconciled better with 1.9's idea of
#agent-specific Conf
+ use FS::part_event::Condition;
my $agentnum = $self->agentnum;
+ my $regexp = '';
+ if ( driver_name =~ /^Pg/i ) {
+ $regexp = '~';
+ } elsif ( driver_name =~ /^mysql/i ) {
+ $regexp = 'REGEXP';
+ } else {
+ die "don't know how to use regular expressions in ". driver_name. " databases";
+ }
my $part_event_option =
'select' => 'part_event_option.*',
@@ -5864,7 +5947,7 @@ sub _agent_plandata {
LEFT JOIN part_event_option AS peo_agentnum
ON ( part_event.eventpart = peo_agentnum.eventpart
AND peo_agentnum.optionname = 'agentnum'
- AND peo_agentnum.optionvalue ~ '(^|,)}. $agentnum. q{(,|$)'
+ AND peo_agentnum.optionvalue }. $regexp. q{ '(^|,)}. $agentnum. q{(,|$)'
LEFT JOIN part_event_option AS peo_cust_bill_age
ON ( part_event.eventpart = peo_cust_bill_age.eventpart
@@ -5882,13 +5965,8 @@ sub _agent_plandata {
CASE WHEN peo_cust_bill_age.optionname != 'cust_bill_age'
- REPLACE( peo_cust_bill_age.optionvalue,
- 'm',
- 'mon'
- )::interval
- )
+ ELSE ". FS::part_event::Condition->age2seconds_sql('peo_cust_bill_age.optionvalue').
+ " END
, part_event.weight".
" LIMIT 1"
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_event/ b/FS/FS/part_event/
index 3c0904c6c..2b71fbb77 100644
--- a/FS/FS/part_event/
+++ b/FS/FS/part_event/
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package FS::part_event::Condition;
use strict;
use base qw( FS::part_event_condition );
+use FS::UID qw( driver_name );
=head1 NAME
FS::part_event::Condition - Base class for event conditions
@@ -249,10 +251,11 @@ sub option_label {
-=item condition_sql_option
+=item condition_sql_option OPTION
This is a class method that returns an SQL fragment for retreiving a condition
option. It is primarily intended for use in B<condition_sql>.
sub condition_sql_option {
@@ -267,6 +270,134 @@ sub condition_sql_option {
+=item condition_sql_option_age_from OPTION FROM_TIMESTAMP
+This is a class method that returns an SQL fragment that will retreive a
+condition option, parse it from a frequency (such as "1d", "1w" or "12m"),
+and subtract that interval from the supplied timestamp. It is primarily
+intended for use in B<condition_sql>.
+sub condition_sql_option_age_from {
+ my( $class, $option, $from ) = @_;
+ my $value = $class->condition_sql_option($option);
+# my $str2time = str2time_sql;
+ if ( driver_name =~ /^Pg/i ) {
+ #can we do better with Pg now that we have $from? yes we can, bob
+ "( $from - EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM REPLACE( $value, 'm', 'mon')::interval ) )";
+ } elsif ( driver_name =~ /^mysql/i ) {
+ #hmm... is there a way we can save $value? we're just an expression, hmm
+ #we might be able to do something like "AS ${option}_value" except we get
+ #used in more complicated expressions and we need some sort of unique
+ #identifer passed down too... yow
+ "CASE WHEN $value IS NULL OR $value = ''
+ THEN $from
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%m'
+ FROM_UNIXTIME($from) - INTERVAL REPLACE( $value, 'm', '' ) MONTH
+ )
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%y'
+ FROM_UNIXTIME($from) - INTERVAL REPLACE( $value, 'y', '' ) YEAR
+ )
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%w'
+ FROM_UNIXTIME($from) - INTERVAL REPLACE( $value, 'w', '' ) WEEK
+ )
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%d'
+ FROM_UNIXTIME($from) - INTERVAL REPLACE( $value, 'd', '' ) DAY
+ )
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%h'
+ FROM_UNIXTIME($from) - INTERVAL REPLACE( $value, 'h', '' ) HOUR
+ )
+ "
+ } else {
+ die "FATAL: don't know how to subtract frequencies from dates for ".
+ driver_name. " databases";
+ }
+=item condition_sql_option_age OPTION
+This is a class method that returns an SQL fragment for retreiving a condition
+option, and additionaly parsing it from a frequency (such as "1d", "1w" or
+"12m") into an approximate number of seconds.
+Note that since months vary in length, the results of this method should B<not>
+be used in computations (use condition_sql_option_age_from for that). They are
+useful for for ordering and comparison to other ages.
+This method is primarily intended for use in B<order_sql>.
+sub condition_sql_option_age {
+ my( $class, $option ) = @_;
+ $class->age2seconds_sql( $class->condition_sql_option($option) );
+=item age2seconds_sql
+Class method returns an SQL fragment for parsing an arbitrary frequeny (such
+as "1d", "1w", "12m", "2y" or "12h") into an approximate number of seconds.
+Approximate meaning: months are considered to be 30 days, years to be
+365.25 days. Otherwise the numbers of seconds returned is exact.
+sub age2seconds_sql {
+ my( $class, $value ) = @_;
+ if ( driver_name =~ /^Pg/i ) {
+ "EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM REPLACE( $value, 'm', 'mon')::interval )";
+ } elsif ( driver_name =~ /^mysql/i ) {
+ #hmm... is there a way we can save $value? we're just an expression, hmm
+ #we might be able to do something like "AS ${option}_age" except we get
+ #used in more complicated expressions and we need some sort of unique
+ #identifer passed down too... yow
+ # 2592000 = 30d "1 month"
+ # 31557600 = 365.25d "1 year"
+ "CASE WHEN $value IS NULL OR $value = ''
+ THEN 0
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%m'
+ THEN REPLACE( $value, 'm', '' ) * 2592000
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%y'
+ THEN REPLACE( $value, 'y', '' ) * 31557600
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%w'
+ THEN REPLACE( $value, 'w', '' ) * 604800
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%d'
+ THEN REPLACE( $value, 'd', '' ) * 86400
+ WHEN $value LIKE '%h'
+ THEN REPLACE( $value, 'h', '' ) * 3600
+ "
+ } else {
+ die "FATAL: don't know how to approximate frequencies for ". driver_name.
+ " databases";
+ }
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/ b/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/
index 94f231ec1..ec3624a6d 100644
--- a/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/
+++ b/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/
@@ -56,26 +56,20 @@ sub condition {
sub condition_sql {
my( $class, $table, %opt ) = @_;
- my $time = $opt{'time'};
- my $over = $class->condition_sql_option('balance');
- my $age = $class->condition_sql_option('age');
- my $age_sql =
- "$time - EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM REPLACE( $age, 'm', 'mon')::interval )";
+ my $over = $class->condition_sql_option('balance');
+ my $age = $class->condition_sql_option_age_from('age', $opt{'time'});
- my $balance_sql = FS::cust_main->balance_date_sql( $age_sql );
+ my $balance_sql = FS::cust_main->balance_date_sql( $age );
"$balance_sql > $over";
sub order_sql {
- my( $class ) = @_;
- my $age = $class->condition_sql_option('age');
- "EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM REPLACE( $age, 'm', 'mon')::interval )";
+ shift->condition_sql_option_age('age');
+use FS::UID qw( driver_name );
sub order_sql_weight {
diff --git a/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/ b/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/
index 9af6bdd4b..5c1e46869 100644
--- a/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/
+++ b/FS/FS/part_event/Condition/
@@ -59,21 +59,13 @@ sub condition {
sub condition_sql {
my( $class, $table, %opt ) = @_;
- my $time = $opt{'time'};
- my $age = $class->condition_sql_option('age');
- my $age_sql =
- "$time - EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM REPLACE( $age, 'm', 'mon')::interval )";
- "cust_bill._date <= $age_sql";
+ my $age = $class->condition_sql_option_age_from('age', $opt{'time'} );
+ "cust_bill._date <= $age";
sub order_sql {
- my( $class ) = @_;
- my $age = $class->condition_sql_option('age');
- "EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM REPLACE( $age, 'm', 'mon')::interval )";
+ shift->condition_sql_option_age('age');
sub order_sql_weight {
diff --git a/httemplate/search/cdr.html b/httemplate/search/cdr.html
index 61d41f8d0..9426c33c3 100644
--- a/httemplate/search/cdr.html
+++ b/httemplate/search/cdr.html
@@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ if ( $cgi->param('freesidestatus') eq 'NULL' ) {
# dates
+my $str2time_sql = str2time_sql;
my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
push @search,
-my @dsearch = ( "extract(epoch from calldate) >= $beginning ",
- "extract(epoch from calldate) <= $ending"
+my @dsearch = ( "$str2time calldate) >= $beginning ",
+ "$str2time calldate) <= $ending"
push @search, @dsearch;
push @qsearch, @search;